The Smurfs (2011) Poster


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Seriously, why all the negativity?
andreas-jacobsson18 August 2011
Please people, some objectivity... A movie that does not conform to your personal tastes need not automatically be rated 1 or 2, a rating which I'd take to mean that it is just about the worst kind of crap you have ever laid eyes on (unless of course you really think it is in which case I'd recommend you to "broaden your cinematic horizons", but most people tend to exaggerate their opinions based on their emotional bias).

This is a children's movie, plain and simple, although admittedly a mediocre one in comparison to some of the truly great children's movies. As such there are certainly things about this movie that could have been handled in a more satisfying manner. One positive thing I can mention is the fact that it does not try to be anything but what it is.

Now, I may of course be wrong... It has been a very long time since I were in a position to give any accurate recommendations to the age group targeted by this movie. However, I must admit that what is left of the child within did find parts of it rather entertaining! :)
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Not awful... but not good
neji10725 July 2011
Thank goodness The Smurfs was not the god-awful trainwreck everyone made it out to be, or else I would have wasted thirty minutes in line to see another failed cartoon adaptation.

I won't say it's good, but it was surprisingly not bad. Of course, The Smurfs does not exactly have enough substance to hold a full-grown adult's attention for all of its 86 minutes, but it is a surefire hit with the kids. The linear and simple plot follows a small group of Smurfs that get accidentally sucked into a portal to the human world while trying to escape the evil wizard Gargamel (Hank Azaria). The little blue people quickly enlist the help of married couple Patrick (Neil Patrick Harris) and Grace (Jayma Mays) to protect them from Gargamel, who plans to harvest the Smurfs' essence for magical power, and to re-create a portal that only happens once in a blue moon…

The movie includes some emotional subplots with Papa Smurf and Patrick, who feels he is unready to start his own family; though it all becomes pretty unnecessary in the face of the Smurfs' main goal to return home. Humor, again, mainly appeals to the kids, sporting sight gag after sight gag, but every once in a while there's a clever reference thrown in for the older folks in the audience. Hank Azaria gives about the most cartoonish performance as any villain could, resulting in an upsetting mix of interest and annoyance. On the other hand, where it is used the CGI is incredibly high-quality (i.e. the Smurfs, Gargamel's cat, etc.), and the special effects are designed more specifically for 3-D viewing than in most movies as of late.

I know some people have proclaimed this film to be a bastardization of a childhood cartoon favorite, but I argue that it isn't. The film is very aware of its origins with Peyo and respects that fact. They actually pay direct homage to the creator towards the end of the story. An exact imitation of the cartoon series this movie is not, but it is a fun and well-intentioned take on the story.

The Smurfs is mildly entertaining, at its best, but it is written with the right spirit and is in no way an injustice against the original series. It offers a nostalgic throwback (with a modern twist) for the adults and an amusing show for the little ones. For the ones in between, I advise avoiding this movie.
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Smurfed Away My Money
Fields20130 July 2011
What was I thinking? I knew this movie was going to be bad, but yet I felt compelled to go see it for myself. I was never really a big fan of the Smurfs cartoon but yet I remember I wanted that Smurfs Atari game so bad. Later I found out that it was horrible but I'm sure I would have loved it as a kid. Why did I go see this?

It's not completely terrible. Hank Azaria did a very good job playing Gargamel and I could actually see the cartoon counterpart that he was based on. I didn't see this in 3D but I can imagine it would be pretty entertaining to watch in that format. I just didn't pay for the 3D because I didn't want to pay more for a bad film, and I had been suffering with headaches lately. I didn't want to make it worse.

With that being said, the film centers around the Smurfs escaping from Gargamel who found them in their village. In some weird way, they come across this portal they knew nothing about until that time, and they are forced to go into this portal in order to escape from Gargamel and his CG cat Azriel. There, the Smurfs stumble upon New York City where they find the care of Doogie Houser and his cute, pregnant wife. They must find a way back home while being hunted by Gargamel on the streets of New York, and Doogie is trying to not to get fired from his cosmetics job.

One of my biggest problems is that I never felt connected to the Smurfs. The only ones that I really knew was Papa Smurf (who can ever forget Papa Smurf anyway), Smurfette and Clumsy Smurf who the only reason why I knew him is because they always reference how clumsy he is, gets left behind, and I knew that he was going to be the hero by the end of it all. Movie 101: If a character in your film is the underdog, he will always prevail in the end. This film is no exception.

The film is basically sloppy writing through and through, especially in the ending. The film could have ended easily by having the adults handle all the work but we couldn't have a Smurfs climax without having them be the center of it. So they basically just have the adults just stand around somewhere as the Smurfs get their butts kicked by Gargamel.

It's a kid's film and this film knows it. The kids will eat this up despite probably never seeing the cartoons. It wasn't the worst film I've seen but certainly not the greatest of kid's films. It was directed by Raja Gosnell. I should have stayed far away. Smurf you, Raja.
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Let's put it this way: My 5 year old walked out
drew_atreides30 July 2011
Took my 5 year old son to see this one at a Saturday Matinée.

I can't remember the last time i saw a more un-engaging kids flick.

My kid was noticeably bored from the word go, but i'll give him credit he was a trooper through the first half. I've seen him get restless before in the theatre, this one he was more or less falling asleep.

When we got to the scene where Gargamel peed in the restaurant i was ready to check out, but i would brave it if my son was having a good time.

Wonder of wonders, at that point he turned to me and said "Dad, i have to go to the bathroom, but when we're done there can we not come back into the theatre and just go home?"

Tells you all you need to know about this one.

Don't waste your time or your money.
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No matter how others think, I loved it!!!!
inkylotus18 August 2011
Maybe I am biased, as I am a super fan of smurfs, but I still want to give my nod for this movie for three reasons: VERY GOOD 3D: At some point, both I and my friend felt that we are really in the scene. We never really felt this way from other 3D movies even we paid up to view the effect. And they have made efforts even to the final credits. They are enjoying playing around 3Ds. I enjoy it too!

VERY TOUCHING STORY: I cannot disclose much here, but i was in my tears towards the end of the story. Several good points about how we should treat life, treat the people around us and treat ourselves have been mentioned. To some extent, this movie is probably more suitable for grown-ups who are trapped by the modern life and got lost from what they really want.

JUST VERY SMURF: if you are like me, grown up with the company of the SMURFs, the connection is there. They are alive now on the screen!

Of course some parts need to be improved, so I am looking forward to the SMURF 2 in 2013.
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It's a kids movie, people, not Shakespeare.
chris737731 July 2011
I took my 6 yr old daughter to see The Smurfs and she loved it. She laughed and she giggled. The thought Gargamel was especially entertaining and I have to agree. Hank Azaria does a wonderful job as the villain. She wasn't frightened in the least at any time. I'd say the movie was at least for the 6 yr old crowd and older. I just don't believe anyone younger would be interested in the movie.

To the adults who are saying this movie is crap, a waste of time, boring, idiotic, etc....I say CHILL OUT. It's a kids movie...end of story. Good lord. I only went because my little girl wanted to see it. If you go to it expecting an Oscar contender then you have other issues you need to deal with. Seriously.
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Hollywood, stop raping our childhood classics!
t_atzmueller2 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Clever producers and marketers have known it ever since: when in doubt, take some beloved children's comic-, cartoon- or toy-franchise and put them into a 'hip' contemporary setting (that's NYC or Los Angeles to you and me). This has worked many times before, having produced such monumental box-office hits like "Masters of the Universe", "The Neverending Story 3" and the record-breaking "Howard the Duck". Not to forget that epic events when Jason went to New York or when Mr. Bean went to Los Angeles. To paraphrase a currently fashionable comedian: all those films were "WINNING" … and so is "The Smurfs".

Hollywood, we understand that a buck means more than anything to you but please – pretty please – stop raping our childhood classics. Mr. Spielberg, if you happen to read this, please: "LEAVE TINTIN ALONE!" So as to not let this review degenerate into a complete rant: the acting was alright (for your average children's TV-show ala Sesame Street) and Frank Azaria, well, let's just say that I liked his various voices in "The Simpsons". The real problem is the Smurfs themselves, who seem soul- and lifeless as, almost as if they had been created by a computer.

How would I grade this calculated, corporate train-wreck? Well, I'll give it a finger but it certainly isn't the 'thumbs-up' one. Save a few bucks, rent the Hanna-Barbera "Smurfs"-series or treat yourself with the original, "The Smurfs and the Magic Flute".

I'll be seeing you next year for the Hollywood remake of "Asterix the Gaul". I'll let you in on a secret: Asterix and Obelix go through a mystical time-gate and end up in New York, where they'll be playing Guitar Hero ™ with a former child-star – and it's in 3D! But all that's top-secret inside information. Now excuse me, I'll have to go and pass water over the grave of Peyo.
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Great family film that will having kids and adults laughing
lesleyharris3015 August 2011
The Smurfs is a fun and enjoyable family film,the animation and the humor is both terrific,it will have both kids and adults laughing,especially with the terrific acting of Neil Patrick Harris as Patrick Winslow and The Simpsons Hank Azaria as Gargamel,Gargamel was a terrific character in the film especially with his cat Azrael,unlike the cartoon series were Gargamel is nothing more than a bad guy.

Six Smurfs,Papa,Clumsy,Brainy,Grouchy,Gutsy and Smurfette (voiced by Katy Perry),get lost in New York after they go through a portal that leads them to New York City while trying to escape Gargamel and his cat Azrael after Clumsy Smurf leads them to Smurf village,as the group of six are stuck,they live with a couple,Patrick Winslow (Neil Patrick Harris),who isn't one bit happy with the Smurfs living with them, and Grace Winslow (Jayma Mays) who finds the little blue creatures adorable,and the Smurfs wont be able to get back to the Village and escape Gargamel until a Blue Moon,which is very unlikely.
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Everyone involved should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
Valmont742 August 2011
I know film makers never set out to make an awful movie. In their heart they start the production with the hopes the final product will be a good one. But after seeing this, I wonder what they really had hoped for. Even during pre-production someone, a producer with some ounce of talent, should have hit the breaks on this one. In the end they all must have realised what a huge pile of toxic waste this is.

If you're going to make an animated Smurf movie, then do so and let it be animated in it's own Smurf world. Don't involve real humans, animals, locations etc.

The final product stink and everyone involved should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
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The Smurfs walks a fine line between cynical exploitation of nostalgia and embracing the heartwarming virtues of the iconic creatures themselves
tavm2 August 2011
"I hated this trip less than expected" Probably not a direct quote from Grouchy Smurf but it'll do for my summary of the movie itself. 30 years ago, when I was thirteen, I still watched Saturday morning cartoons and "Smurfs" was one I remember in particular seeing every week for that season and maybe the next. So when I heard about this film version, I dreaded the result. Well, while I could see some of the cynicism on the part of some of the story of them going to New York and all the trappings that entailed, overall this was a silly (though also pretty amusing) and poignant tribute to those little blue creatures to the point of some of the writers having the Neil Patrick Harris character acknowledging creator Peyo and the country of origin, Belgium. And at least having some classic '80s rock songs like the Run-DMC with Steven Tyler version of "Walk This Way" and AC/DC's "Back in Black" removes the taste of having that annoying Smurfs theme song (as even acknowledged by a homeless man humming the tune) constantly being run throughout the movie. And adding Jayma Mays and Sofia Vegara and having Hank Azaria as the villainous Gargamel add some charm. So on that note, The Smurfs was a somewhat pleasant time-waster.
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La La La La La, this film is a piece of junk.
afijamesy2k26 July 2011
The Smurfs 1/2 Star

Of all the bad movies based on cartoon series and comic strips, this has got to be the worst I've ever seen, the story is simple, the smurfs try to get away from gargamel when all of sudden they get time traveled to what you believe New York City of all places then they meet a man played by an embarrassed Neil Patrick Harris who has so good in Clara's heart and TV shows like doogie houser m.d. and how I Met you mother and some other woman to protect the smurfs or else gargamel will turn them into gold for what reason. Now the smurfs I Remember from the cartoon was funny, amazing and had a good heart, this one is just absolutely nasty, truly dreadful and truly, absolutely unnecessary.

The Acting is in this one is either horrible, waste of talent, (what the hell is katy perry doing in this piece of junk, truly terrible), the screenplay is simply a big mess, the CGI effects are horrible, the 3D is trash, the musical score is full of crap and everything else is truly stupid and here are some things that I Truly hated about this movie

That one smurf would shake his ass, one smurf would fall into the toilet after he blew his bubble, that the smurfs would also look at a Sony electronic billboard and guess who release this movie,You guess it Columbia pictures, the makers of this film and the same ones who did two dreadfully bad films like Leonard Part 6 and Ishtar in 1987 (87 was a really bad year for Columbia pictures except for la bamba) the makers of this piece of truly dreadful trash oaught to be ashamed of themselves, shame on them and shame on this movie.

and who is owned by Columbia Pictures, you guess it Sony. Kids might like this, because they haven't seen the original cartoons.

Peyo, Don Messick, Hanna-Barbera and others are rolling in their graves as we speak.

This is the worst movie of the year and one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

A Pure absolute dead zone.

They outta to be ashamed of themselves.
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Another blast by Roja Gosnell
UniqueParticle18 March 2019
I like this fun kids movie; not sure why so many others didn't. Sure it's different from the original show, but it's sweet, adventurous, goofy ridiculousness & well voice acted.

I tend to appreciate some films better than most - since I was little I've always seen things differently, I'm an oddball & that's ok! Regardless of any of that this is a decent family flick!
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An Enjoyable Fantasy
sddavis6310 August 2011
I was never really into The Smurfs and so had very low expectations about this movie, but my 7 year old daughter wanted to see it, so off we went to a vacation trip to the theatre in Norfolk, Virginia. All I can say is that I was pleasantly surprised. It's a movie that will appeal to kids most of all obviously, but still I found it an amusing fantasy with likable characters - both Smurfs and humans. On the human side, Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays were likable enough as Patrick and Grace - the couple who take in a group of Smurfs who are transported to New York City in a strange vortex that opens during a blue moon as they sought to escape from the evil wizard Gargamel (a pretty funny performance from Hank Azaria.) While likable, it's fair to say that Harris and Mays had little of what might be called "chemistry" - but that really isn't all that important in a movie directed to kids. On the Smurf side, everybody was fun and there were several pretty well known voices involved, including Jonathon Winters as Papa Smurf and Katy Perry as Smurfette, and it's fair to say that Anton Yelchin was successful in turning Clumsy Smurf into a truly lovable little character.

I would say that the "Battle of Belvedere" which was the final conflict between the Smurfs and Gargamel (with Patrick also involved) went on perhaps a bit too long, and there were maybe a few too many scenes in which Gargamel and his cats chased the Smurfs around, but overall this is a kids movie, and to me it seemed as if it was pretty well done. The 3-D effects were also pretty impressive. Going in with low expectations let me experience a pleasant surprise. (7/10)
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A total disaster
nicknaseef172 August 2011
The words above say it all, this film was a total disaster in every way. When I went to go see it with my young cousins I figured they would enjoy it and it might provide a few laughs for an older audience, I didn't laugh once. Even my three cousins (all under 8) didn't laugh. My 7 year old cousins even uttered the words, "That was stupid." as we walked out of the theater. I was very much inclined to agree with him, it was totally pathetic. Although I must admit that it was what I was expecting, but the children wanted to see it so I went, bit mistake. Save your cash people, don't go see this movie. In fact, don't even wait for the's not even worth your dollar at redbox.
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A well-recorded movie, all in all
dejan-puskas20 August 2011
I have to say I was amazed when I first heard there would be a movie about this ever-so-popular cartoon.

Some people may complain about how bad this title is, but I don't share their opinions for one simple reason : time.

Time passes, as it always had and always will and we have to adapt to a few things. Back in time when the original cartoons on Smurfs aired, not all kids stayed home and watched this ( very much unlike today, where kids do almost nothing but play games and watch movies, but I'm going off-topic here ). We have to face it: no movie based on a cartoon ever worked as good as it's original did, because of the simple fact about its length: cartoons are basically 30min long, and movies are at least hour and a half, during which time one can lose focus, interest or at worst, a few nerves. I will not rate it excellent because it has its flaws, basically poor story-work, but I won't explain it further as I have no intention on spoiling out what happens. The plot itself could have been better, but I reckon it's not a total loss, considering that this is a movie based on a cartoon; the animations are great: one could barely see a difference between smurfs from actual humans. As for the cast and crew, I can't say anything bad about them, since they: 1. Are not the main characters of the story (human does not equal smurf) 2. Played out the characters just fine

In one sentence, my review on the title would be: Unbrushed diamond. (it shines, but it can shine better)
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One Long Advertisement for Sony Products
natrc200313 August 2011
Some films ought to come with a warning, as in: WARNING: THIS FILM EXISTS FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN TO SELL (X COMPANY)'s PRODUCT.

It's already bad enough that product placement has become ubiquitous in films and television. It's hard to remember a film or television show that hasn't, in one form or another, served as an advertising platform for one product or another.

And of course much of children's television programming has long centered around selling one toy or another.

In this case, however, the Evil Corporation behind this film took it to a new level : the entire film is itself product placement for pretty much the entire panoply of the company's products. Even worse, a number of essential plot points hinge upon the company's products. At another point, the film takes a 'time out' as it were to incorporate a longish sequence whose only purpose is to push the company's products. (Although there were a number of other corporations' products in the film as well -- no doubt these companies have cross-marketing agreements in place).

To top it off? I was forced to pay in order for my family to watch this company's hour-and-a-half advertisement. And an entirely mediocre film for all that (see the other reviews for why this film is so bad).

Well, that's the last time I'll take my kids to a film from this company, that's certain.

If corporations insist on flooding their films with advertisements, how can they insist we pay for them? This film is an excellent argument for film piracy.
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I Liked It
Muppetman102920 October 2013
I think it's just okay. The plot is nothing new. I mean we've seen it before in Thor & Enchanted, but it's not too bad. Is there anything bad about this. Well, duh! Neil Patrick Harris is pretentious and bland, and some of the humor is bad(Ex. Gargamel Pee Joke). But there is some good stuff about it. The lesson is good. I guess you grow to like Papa, Clumsy,& Grace. There is some funny stuff in this. I kind of agree with Gargamel was pretty funny. I laughed hard during the lord of the rings joke. The CGI is nice. I like the voice acting, with one exception. What the heck is George Lopez doing in this movie? Johnathan Winters was perfectly cast as Papa. Fred Armisen did a good Brainy. Anton Yelchin & Katy Perry already have a Smurf voice. George Lopez is just distracting. Is it great, no. Is it awful, not that much. Is it harmless, yeah. It's better than the chipmunk movies. You can show it to your kids to shut them up and you may get some laughs out of it. Just rent a Pixar movie instead, even if you like it like me.
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Some things shouldn't exist on movies
gedard131 July 2011
The Smurfs is other example that not everything is made for exist in movies. Like Garfield and Alvin and the Chipmunks, Smurfs lost all his substances that made it a great show but not a good movie.

The 3D is bad, don't waste your money. Is like Cars 2, the 3D doesn't give anything to the movie.

The story is a mixed up between the show and (you guessed it) the real world. But it don't delivers well, it has the same jokes of almost every cartoon movie. Example... New creatures come and make a mess in the life of an human. We have seen that in Alvin, Garfield, Mr. Poppers penguins, etc......

The voices, well it was good to hear Katy Perry like Smurfette but I don't see a movie only for that.

The acting is bad... Hank Azaria as Gargamel is lame, bored and plain. Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays and Sofia Vergara should stay in TV Shows (HIMYM, GLEE and Modern Family) and avoid this type of movies.

Overall, Don't waste your money. Is boring, lame and sadly overrated(Katy Perry)
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It was good
chloebetts3 August 2021
I think the story was creative. Also I love Neil Patrick Harrison. Overall a good family movie.
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Insulted My Intelligence
rhettness1 January 2012
Watched this with a bunch of kids on New Years Eve, and it was just so agonizing to suffer through. The attempts at humor didn't even bring a smile to our faces. As an adult, I have low expectations, but even the 8 year old said "am I supposed to be laughing?"

It's smurftastically, smurfing, horrible. The jokes bludgeon your intelligence, forcing you to try, with grimaces, to feel entertained and amused.

The concept had potential. Cute blue people. Real world. Peril. But it never went anywhere.

I want my buck back from Redbox.
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Smurf it with the whole family.
Quietb-11 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The little blue Smurfs are transported through a vortex from their hidden forest to New York City. They are pursued by their wizard enemy and his cat.

Take the kids and be prepared to answer a lot of questions. "What's a vortex?"

They meet up with the Neal Patrick Harris character and his pregnant wife. Be prepared to explain the "ultrasound" picture of their unborn baby.

The movie explains why there is only one girl smurf, a smurfette, but expect the question where is the next generation of Smurfs coming from to do the sequel?

Be prepared to explain why the "state of the art" digital projection goes way out of focus on panned motion scenes. That is also the answer to the "why does 3D give me a headache?" question.

Good clean fun for the entire family. Be prepared to smurf the song as you smurf out of the theater.

Based on the box office results, we haven't seen the last of this blue man group.
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A kids movie, i just walked out
masterkratos66625 July 2011
the movie is : noisy, have a bad jokes ,made ​​a stupid script, and some performances worthy of the Razzies, if you are a child of 10 years maybe enjoy it, actually thought I was going to be a good movie but " it's crap".

when I win the ticket to the premiere yesterday thought it was a decent movie at least, but it was stupid of which I ran out of film, if you have children leave them in the room, disgusting movie. all the characters are ridiculous and have nothing to do with the series of 80 's, the humor is stupid and totally unnecessary, the 3D was disgusting in conclusion is a crappy movie 1 / 10
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A Great Kids movie
cgrill88 August 2011
We took our 2 kids to see this with varied expectations after reading various reviews. There are SO many nods to the old show, and their creation, Smurfette's creation, I did not have an issue with the plot at all. Yeah take the old He Man plot and insert Smurfs, except, the Smurfs did a much better job with this than He Man ever did. They didn't use the word "Smurf" for just censorship, they used it as their verbs also. (Hey, transformers used "Slag" in Beast Wars.. what's the difference people, and Beast Wars was TV!?) At the intro we even see a glimpse of the nearby Kingdom where William and PeeWee came from, but the story doesn't go in that direction, obviously. The plot is simple, the violence is minimal, any real cursing is non-existent. So thus many people will hate this movie. No smurfs are killed, there is no blood, nothing gets blown up...well, something does now that I reflect on that. It's a fun little movie with many dry smurf jokes. Loved Grouchy's new love interest, hilarious. My 6 year old girl absolutely LOVED this movie. My 3 year old had an issue with the Smurfs not being in every scene...with his attention span. My wife and I even enjoyed it for what it was as well. No one else could have been picked to be the perfect Gargamel. Azrael was spot on and still my favorite character. So if you have the pitter patter of little feet or little blue feet take them to see this little treat, nothing tasteless here. The "chamber pot" scene was even funny. They "sort of" leave a possibility of a sequel, so bring in the "Lone Smurf" for the sequel! Almost gave it a 7/10, but changed my mind because we haven't seen a movie we could take our kids without being embarrassed about them seeing in a LONG time, plus I'm an old Smurf fan. Not much meat here, but a good clean kids movie you'll see in a LONG time. There may never be another movie made like this one, and the Smurfs look very realistic. Did we 3D? Absolutely... not!
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They're smurfs, not cats.
BloomingtonAdam31 July 2011
I don't even know what that means! The good news is, it doesn't make a difference. This movie is not out to change the world. If you are looking for award winning acting, you won't find it. If you want a snappy script, you'll have to look elsewhere. On the other hand, if you grew up with the Smurfs like I did, this is not a bad movie.

Hank Azaria was amazing as Gargamel, down to the evil voice. I had to actually remind myself at one point that it was him. The makeup was really good and he really had the character down. I wasn't totally impressed with the voice casting. They really could have done better. Actually, the casting overall was weak. I think they just went with some hot names to get people to see this. It didn't kill the movie, but it didn't help it.

All in all, it's not a bad little diversion. Keeping in mind I've sat through most of the Ernest movies, the pee wee movies, and even some bad martian flicks in the 90s. It's best to walk in with the bar set low so you're not disappointed. I did that, and I enjoyed the 2D version. It may not appeal to younger viewers not acquainted with the Smurfs as there are a fair amount of jokes that only work if you are familiar with them, like Smurfette's dress. Even the scene with Azrael and the cage that falls on her are to give you clues as to what makes them what they were in the cartoon.

If you have an afternoon to kill and a few extra bucks you could do worse. Just enjoy it for what it is and you'll do OK.
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