First Snow (2006) Poster


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Empty Fate
Vantec25 November 2007
Judging from other reviews and comments, missing Guy Pearce's performance in 'Memento' helps appreciate 'First Snow'. Here he impressively fleshes out the script's thin characterization of Jimmy Stark, a traveling salesman and life-long huckster who becomes convinced his impending death was foretold by a roadside psychic. The chance encounter sets into motion events he torments himself and those around him to control, thrashing from one catastrophe to another uncertain of their significance. Ultimately everything matters, major and minor, past and present cleverly interlocking for a final resolution. It's a solid and memorable portrayal of a man simultaneously forced to face both his past and his fate.

As good as it is though it's trumped by J.K. Simmons' terrific and too-short portrayal of Vacaro, the middle-aged nomad living out a solitary existence with an old pickup and camper to show for his unique 'gift'. Here the film wonderfully avoids the usual dead Hollywood clichés (humourously contrasted and lampooned at one point) for a resigned true psychic who wants little more than to go fishing. Without histrionics or gesture Simmons is utterly convincing and engrossing throughout.

If only the same can be said of the sum. With two such strong performances focused on the universal question of fate vs. self-determination it's hard to put a finger on why the film never gels. The plot offers up enough clever and well though-out twists, events unfold naturally without reliance on astronomical coincidences to guide them, supporting characters are serviceable and the cinematography fine, yet the viewer is held at a disinterested distance. Part of the blame rests on the rushed and unsatisfying ending, some of it on where the film does rely on clichés to carry sub-plots - the usual romantic candle-lit tub scene for example to develop Jimmy's relationship with his live-in girlfriend. Only when Pearce and Simmons are on screen together did I care about the characters and those scenes were short.

Pearce and Simmons tack points on an otherwise promising but mid-pack film. 7/10.
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Deserves better recognition
Leofwine_draca2 March 2015
FIRST SNOW is a relatively low budget vehicle for star Guy Pearce, attempting to plough the same sort of furrow as his superlative MEMENTO. The simplistic storyline sees the star given news of his impending death by a trailer-park psychic, at which point his life begins to unravel as he attempts to do all he can to avert impending disaster.

The story in this one is straightforward enough, but it's more of a mood piece than anything. The small town photography is excellent and there's a cast of eccentrics and seasoned professionals who help to bring the story to life; Shea Wigham, William Fichtner, and J.K. Simmons are the stand-outs here. Pearce is excellent, as he always has been, and the director builds a genuine sense of foreboding as the narrative heads for its inevitable conclusion. My only real fault is that the twist ending is way, way too obvious.
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Solidly Indifferent.
jadflack-2213024 August 2017
Intriguing but ultimately uneven film that has it's best moments when Guy Pearce and J K Simmons are on screen together. It does not work so much when they are not, which is the bigger part of the film of course.It is a bitty film and the biggest element against the film is the fact that, you don't care enough for Pearce's character.Not a bad film just very average.
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First Snow interesting, but somewhat disappointing
michael725200312 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I found First Snow to be a disappointing film. I saw a few trailers for the movie and perhaps I was anticipating something far greater than the end result. I'm not saying the movies plot wasn't interesting. It did holdmy attention; It had great scenes and the whole concept of a person knowing he was going to die at a certain time is a suspenseful way to deliver a story. I think maybe it could have been told differently. It started off with a guy (a real hustler) stranded in a New Mexico service station waiting for his car to be fixed. He accidentally (or was it fate) stumbled upon a fortune teller who told him bad things were going to happen to him. The main character (Guy Pearce) laughed it off, but then a few of his other predictions that seemed way out there came true. This caused a lot of upset and for the next few weeks of the story, Guy Pearce slowly unraveled. It finally came to light (after another visit to the fortune teller) that he would meet his tragic end upon the "First Snow". Hence, the name. The remainder of the movie became a pathetic attempt for him to find out why he was going to die, including becoming suspicious of a life long friend that he betrayed, who had just recently gotten out of prison.
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This road you're on... you put yourself on this road... on this exact night. Who chose this? A man makes his destiny, right?
lastliberal28 August 2008
Is it destiny or did you make it happen? Are you going to die regardless of what you do to avoid it, or do you make decisions that result in your death? This neo noir with Guy Pearce (Momento, The Proposition, L.A. Confidential) was well written and exciting from start to finish.

Pearce made a perfect sleazy salesman and Piper Perabo (Coyote Ugly) has shown she can do a good dramatic role. I thought she was really good.

The story keeps you guessing until the very end. Did things happen because they were destined to happen, or did he choose to be in that place in that time.
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Rubbish ending......was it destined to be?
cmoyton15 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So frustrating to watch this intriguing movie peter out with such a whimper. Original it may not have been however First Snow is an interesting take on the well worn themes of fate and paranoia. I was not put off by the shifty salesman character (Jimmy Starks)portrayed by Guy Pearce ( with his best Travolta Pulp Fiction style hairdo).At first he appears cocky and confident but he has shady past written all over.Time to play catch up.

The style and tone of the movie to me was more David Lynch than the Coen brothers - the snowy mountainous backdrop did have a touch of Fargo however. Starks life changes after receiving a reading which reveals that he is on borrowed time. As events spiral out of control Jimmys paranoia forces his hand into continually making incorrect assumptions and wrong decisions When he eventually comes to terms with his destiny he tries to make amends by tying up loose ends It is worth noting that much of this involves money whether it be his life insurance policy, the juke box machine contract to the former colleague he sacked or the hard cash to compensate the former friend who he sent to prison.

And the ending - aaaagh. His on parole former friend appeared so unobtrusively menacing on the phone but in reality.... The unbearably overlong showdown between Stark and the on parole jail bird was a bit of an anticlimax complete with hackneyed dialogue, followed by a rushed conclusion with "what might have been" footage and a radio news broadcast denouement. Very disappointing.
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Trailer Park Kreskin
ferguson-67 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. Being a fan of "Children of Men", I was very anxious for writer/director Mark Fergus' directorial debut ... especially when I found out it starred Guy Pearce and was a psychological thriller. While an interesting idea, the execution prevents this one from really becoming the gem it should be.

Pearce is very solid as the salesman-cum-con man whose perspective on life changes drastically after a chance reading by a road side psychic, subtley played by J.K. Simmons. With his confidence shot and his emotions unraveling, Pearce does a nice job of capturing the fear and uncertainty of a man facing the abyss.

Piper Perabo and William Fichtner are OK in their support roles, but neither character is especially well written. Also, in what should have been the climax of the film, Pearce's character comes face to face with his past (in the form of life long friend, Vincent). This scene just doesn't pack the necessary punch that the film was building towards.

Still despite these weaknesses, the film is better than many and is at least somewhat thought-provoking. We can't help but hope for even better future projects for Mark Fergus.
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Looks nice, but goes nowhere
jfgibson7321 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
From the look of the reviews here on IMDb, this movie obviously has its fans. I really didn't care for it at all, and I have been trying to think why some people find it so well done, and some find it completely boring. It is definitely well filmed. It looks good and establishes a consistent tone. So fans of indie drama will recognize some of what they like about those kinds of films. The flip side is that because the movie takes the time to show the little details and develop a mood, there will be those who find it too slow. I think the subject matter is also one of things that divides people about this movie. In the story, the main character meets a quirky mystic who predicts he will die soon. So you get some themes of fate and destiny, along with a little mysticism. Personally, I didn't find any of that interesting. I also thought that there wasn't much story to it: once he finds out he may die soon, it becomes a character study. Except nothing really memorable or interesting happens. I like Guy Pearce a lot, and I thought he did a good job with who the character was at the beginning. I would actually like to see Guy get to play another character like this, because I think he could really let loose with a slimy, self centered, Daniel Cleaver type of role. But it just felt like it didn't go anywhere. SPOILER: at the end of the movie, Guy's character avoids the death that we think is coming, and drives off. We are then told he died in a car accident off screen. So some viewers are sure to see that as a cheat. I liked Piper Perabo, but she didn't really get more than a couple minutes screen time. I really disliked the guy who played the fortune teller. I thought he was the worst thing about this movie. For me, he was just really goofy, and it makes it even more annoying that so many reviewers praise his hokey act as Oscar worthy. So, to sum up, it was nice to look at, but I only give it a four.
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Sporadically interesting
JohnDeSando10 April 2007
"Fate rules the affairs of mankind with no recognizable order." Seneca

Guy Pearce confirmed his cult status with his tortured Leonard of Memento. Writing notes to himself because of his serious short term memory loss, he pursues a putative killer of his wife. Now in First Snow Pearce as Jimmy Starks pursues another threat, his imminent death disclosed by a fortune teller. The theme of fate versus determinism-- Can anyone alter his destiny?-- is provocatively introduced but only partially developed beyond plot demands for someone avoiding death.

The expectations for a thematically heavy duty, time challenged thriller like Christopher Nolan's Memento are not always in Mike Fergus's First Snow, a semi-entertaining thriller slow in many parts and hardly challenging other than seeing Pearce put his indie-strange stamp on a mediocre knockoff of his most famous role. Here he displays his usual taut physical and mental persona but without any puzzling character depths other than selling old Wurlitzer juke boxes and flooring while touting shoulder-length hair and attitude incommensurate with the nowhere character he inhabits.

The New Mexico setting is just right for the new-age ambiance of the occult and existentialism. This region has had its cult status confirmed with the many UFO sightings and the starkly haunting work of Georgia O'Keefe. Chris Martinez's minimalist score punctuates the spare emotional landscape.

Jimmy's palm reader, Vacaro (a wonderfully weary J.K. Simmons), says, "I saw no more roads, no more tomorrows. But you're safe until the first snow." The script doesn't allow Jimmy to go too far beyond disbelief at this prophecy into whether or not one can be happy knowing the future. Try he will to alter that future but without intellectual resolution for the audience.

More promising is the redemption motif in which he must face a recently- released-from-prison former business partner, who went up the river because of Jimmy's testimony and who may now wish to exact his due. How Jimmy faces this prophetic return is not well enough dissected, but it remains an energetic coda to an otherwise sporadically interesting study of personal responsibility and fate.
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I actually agree with some other reviewers here... An unusually moody and gripping Thriller, but unfortunately with a somewhat weaker ending than it should have had...
lathe-of-heaven15 July 2014
Basically, without going into a lot of detail covered by many here already, you get a pretty good idea just from the review summaries for this film that many found it really well done, moody, and a great concept, BUT... unfortunately I felt that it was ultimately watered down by the ending chosen by the film makers (or possibly yet ANOTHER stupid studio interference...)

So, without entering any Spoiler territory, if you can excuse or overlook the completely OBVIOUS and somewhat ham-handed ending, and just sit back and enjoy the rest of the film, it actually is quite good and intriguing, and you probably will like it for the most part. And, Guy Pearce's acting is superb...

But... I REALLY would have given my left nut (the smaller of the two) if they had just left the ending far more ambiguous and moody, just like the rest of this excellent film. I basically gave it about 2 stars less than I would have normally for a film of this overall quality; specifically because of the poor way in which I feel that they handled the ending...

(I undress further, oh, excuse me... I mean, ADDRESS this further in a much more detailed SPOILER laden thread here in the discussion section for this film below...)
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Hitting the exit
Prismark1012 August 2017
First Snow is a slow, moody, slightly tedious and bland film which brings nothing new to the genre. It does deliver some good acting performances.

Jimmy Starks (Guy Pearce) is a sleazy but slick salesman who in the past has avoided jail time for money laundering. His old friend Vincent (Shea Whigham) was not so lucky and did end up in jail.

When his car breaks down in a small town in New Mexico, slightly bored Jimmy visits a fortune teller operating from a RV. The seer Vacaro (JK Simmons) tells him something shocking that Jimmy has a stark future which will end once the first snows of winter falls.

Jimmy has to learn to accept his fate but there are many incidents that could spell his end, yet we always think that Jimmy has brought it upon himself.
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Getting the most out of a simple plot.
rmack2730 April 2007
As soon as i read the cast for this movie i knew i would enjoy it. Pearce Perabo and Fitchner all give fine performances. At first glance you may think the plot line is cliché and overly simplistic, and you may be right, but it is the way the story is told, the setting, and the great performance from Guy Pearce that will really suck you in and have you thinking about this movie for long after it is over. This is the kind of movie that is good for multiple viewings. Even though i've only seen it once, im sure you would pick up more bits and pieces form watching it a second time around. I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys physchological thrillers that make you think. This is not for action junkies that can't enjoy a movie unless it layed out in front of them.
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The Hand Of Fate
valis194917 March 2009
FIRST SNOW involves a trade off. The action is slow, but there is a fairly compelling narrative. The story involves a brash young salesman who engages the services of a truck stop fortune teller, and finds that his life is nearly over. He's safe only until the first snow. Jimmy, played by Guy Pearce, must plan a course of action to determine the veracity of the prediction, and then act on his finding. FIRST SNOW creates a visual mood, and takes its' own sweet time to unfold. The film is a psychological thriller with the feel of a noirish foreign film. The two writers on this project collaborated on the far superior film, CHILDREN OF MEN, but FIRST SNOW makes a clever attempt to resolve the following conundrum. Our fate lies on whatever road we decide to take, yet nothing makes the gods laugh harder than when Man attempts to control his destiny. Guy Pearce's MEMENTO is a much better examination of the effect of predetermined events, but FIRST SNOW is certainly worth a look.
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Extraordinarily average.
Manfrombelmonty15 January 2008
What can I say...not much to this one at all. Pretty dull and uninteresting.

The actors performances are just OK. The only one that shines in any way is Simmons, but he only has, maybe 3 scenes. I understand that by keeping his screen time to a minimum he retains the mysterious psychic aura he has, but I can't help but feel his talent was wasted. No one else rose above mediocre.

The story itself seems like it may be intriguing at the beginning, but then just doesn't go anywhere. There wasn't a single scene in the movie that impressed me or made me feel like I had just seen something special. The cinematography was fairly bland...I mean desert in a washed out sort of sepia...not very inspiring.

The story of his childhood pal back outta prison seemed only partially thought out and didn't really add anything to the story, other than making an average 'Twilight Zone' script into a full length feature.

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The open road
jotix10011 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Jimmy Starks, a flooring salesman, stops at a desolate roadside garage because of car trouble. Since his car will not be fixed for a while, he decides to get a reading with Vacaro, the fortune teller that works out of his van in the parking area. During the session, the seer, an older man, experiences a shock, which Jimmy interprets as a bad omen. He presses Vacaro to tell him more. The reply is that he will be fine until the first snow. When Jimmy presses for more, Vacaro gives back the money, having nothing else to tell him.

Shaken by the experience, Jimmy goes home to try to make sense about the predictions. This man gives the impression he can be ruthless when it comes to work. We witness as he fires a young man, Enrique, a decision he will later regret. Visiting his doctor he is told of a faulty heart valve, that, while not life threatening, it is something not to be taken lightly. A few things keep getting in his way so he decides to go back to Vacaro.

Jimmy is obviously under a strain that is exacerbated by the knowledge that his childhood friend Vincent went to jail for three years. Vincent's going to prison because Jimmy gave him away so he could save himself. Everything comes to a head when he finds out Jimmy is on parole. The guilt he has been carrying in his heart and the feeling of doom based on Vacaro's predictions, are enough for him to think his end is probably near.

The film marks the debut of Mark Fergus as director. Mr. Fergus co-wrote the screenplay with Hawk Ostby. The film is a strange combination of a thriller with dramatic overtones. The idea that Jimmy's life will end soon, and the reality of the prediction of the fortune teller makes an engrossing drama. The atmosphere has been perfectly achieved in the Eric Allan Edwards' cinematography.

"First Snow" owes a great deal to Guy Pearson, a charismatic actor that exudes intelligence and doubt in equal measurements. Mr. Pearce has an angular face with a structure the camera loves. Some of his choices have not paid well, but one can only hope he gets involved in projects such as this because he shines as the troubled man at the center of the story. J. K. Simmons, an excellent character actor is on hand to give one of his satisfying performances. On the other hand, Piper Perabo and William Fichtner don not have much to do in the movie. Or Shea Whitman who plays Vincent, a pivotal figure in the story is only seen briefly in a role not well developed in our humble opinion.
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The past comes back when you see no tomorrow?
OJT18 February 2014
A traveling flooring-salesman, Jimmy Starks, which rather would sell nostalgia in a Wurlitzer jukebox, is stranded in a godforsaken place in this film by director Mark Fergus. First time director fop this writer. Well, when he waits for his car do be fixed, he goes to a fortune teller, just to kill time. The fortune teller gets a shock when he discovers something in his future. Starks wants to know more, but is forced to leave. Soon he understands the fortune teller wasn't a con man. A trip to the doctor tells that his hart has a problem.

That's the start of this interesting film, which right off starts to creep under your skin. But the film doesn't all the way hold up the great tension and excitement is promises at the beginning. Fine acting by Guy Pearce (playing Starks), J.K. Simmons (the fortune teller), Piper Persbo (Deirdre) and William Fichtner (Ed Jacomoi) helps bringing this forward. A great cast, well directed. Pearce once again plays a fine role, and here maybe one of his best ever.

The title is not telling very much in beforehand, except that it puts the film into a genre of these cold, bleak mysteries. But it has some significance, of course. The film has certain similarities with "The machinist" which has a similar ways of paranoia, and it also has a tad of a Hitchcocky feel. The bleak colors are also a similarity here, as is the the great acting.

The film is slow and poetic, which the late autumn and early winter adds to, but the film still holds both some lingering excitement and the fear of the unexpected around next corner. Though at the same take the film makes you think of this an everyday story. As such a quality film, and still holding in to a deeper meaning for those who inhale it. For others it will be too slow, artful and even boring. A good film, though it didn't really touch into my heart, like I though from the opening.
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A very good movie
Vindelander21 October 2019
You can't go wrong with Guy Pearce and J K Simmons as the lead characters. Interesting film which is ultimately a story of redemption. Good screenwriting and direction and moves along at a good pace.

Once you've seen Pearce in Memento it's difficult to be critical of him in any film but this performance reflects well on him.
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if you only knew
kairingler7 July 2013
never heard of Guy Pearce before I think he did a remarkable job given for someone I never heard of.. this movie has a very interesting premise. you go to a fortune teller to get you're future told to you, and then you get hit with the hammer over the head, you're only gonna be safe up until a certain time, then all bets are off. what would you do , and how would you go about trying to alter the course of what god has in store for you, this is what attracted me to the movie once I understood what was going on. I liked all of the plot twists and the scenery in the picture was also very nice. our main character tries to do several things to try an alter the almost certain outcome, and it's sorta like a psychological thriller in his journey to overcome what has been presented to him by the fortune teller. pretty darn good movie I will watch again soon.
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Paranoia and phone calls .........
merklekranz6 December 2008
"First Snow" has an intriguing beginning. A traveling salesman has his fortune told by an old man, who's predictions turn out to be amazingly correct. From this point on the movie plays out like a bloated "Twilight Zone" episode. I mean nothing but car trips, phone calls and paranoia. William Fichtner gives his usual interesting performance, but Guy Pierce is anything but a sympathetic character, disregarding other people's well being for the sake of his own paranoia. The ending is especially weak, with absolutely no payoff for the long suffering audience. Do yourself a big favor and avoid this one. Not recommended. - MERK
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Hypnotically beautiful, yet inscrutable
Phil_Chester28 October 2018
At times hypnotically beautiful, at others inscrutable. This is certainly one of those "good in parts" films. Highlights include Guy Pearce's performance, with some lovely nuances and "moments", as well as the always-brilliant JK Simmons. Lowlights are the glacial pace and non-sequitur/blind alley storyline. Difficult to recommend, but impossible to dismiss, a film that sits squarely in the middle of the love/hate spectrum.
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melancholy and haunting,but worth watching
disdressed1228 December 2009
if i could use two words to describe this film,i would have to say it is melancholy and haunting.that's the mood that pervades the film.Guy Pierce once again proves he s real talent in this film.he plays a shady,slimy kind of guy.not a criminal,but just someone who's a b.s. artist.but then he meets someone that changes things.beyond that,you'll have to watch the movie.the title is actually quite relevant and self explanatory,which is nice.i don't see myself watching this movie again anytime soon as i just found it too bleak.but it was definitely worth watching once,mostly for the performance of Guy Pierce.for me,First Snow is a 6/10
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utterly boring
mooseymoo-127 March 2007
This film without doubt is one of the worst I have seen. It was so boring that I simply could not wait for it to end. I talked my girlfriend into watching it after this site had good reviews and after even 30 mins in she looked at me as if to say "your nuts" The scenery was as boring as the film with nothing but driving around in the car looking at the wind blowing bits of bush around. The acting was un-inspiring and the film was simply a waste of what have been a good idea into a waste of a dvdr.

Guy Pierce should have stuck to neighbours as at least he washed his hair. All he done was talk on his phone but yet sold nothing as a salesman. He would have been sacked weeks before. His girlfriend (once in Coyote Ugly) should have remained dancing on the bar as at least she looked hot in that.

The guy who played Vincent (those who watched know) was so annoying with his phone calls that any normal person would have drove to his house and hit him with a bit of 4 by 2.

I do not on this earth know what anyone liked about it. I actually want people to watch this to suffer the torture I went through.
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Amazingly Original Screenplay
Hint5237 April 2007
First Snow is a movie of which the plot can be outlined in a minute. A man (Pearce) is stuck in a little town on the side of the highway where the only attraction is the psychic (Simmons). He spits out some normal predictions, then freaks out and says he doesn't see a future for Pearce's character. Pearce laughs it off, but after all the other predictions come true, he goes back to the same guy. He says this time: "You will be safe until the first snow"

Of course, the clichéd plot line would be that he goes paranoid beyond belief, which for part of it is like this, but the film sets up multiple possibilities of his death that keep you intrigued. The film could have many alternate endings because of all the other ways he could die that are set up in the movie.

But the ending is perfect. The last shot of the film is the best I've ever seen except for Glory and maybe The Shawshank Redepmtion. I also feel J.K. Simmons and William Fichtner both gave performances worthy of a Best Supporting Actor Nomination, more Fichtner than Simmons, but since it is April it's doubtful they'll stand a chance in Oscar season. The screenplay is top notch and Oscar-Worthy as well.

But the movie fall short of a 10/10 because it no suspense is built. For this kind of film, suspense is necessary. But everything else is really good in this movie. But you should still see this movie, especially if you're into fate or destiny related movies
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Nifty bit of noir is quite good...
MrGKB7 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
...though much like "Red Road," it's not so much a thriller as it is a psychodrama, another confirmation that DVD packaging is inherently deceptive. Regardless, this sophomore effort from scripter Hawk Ostby and director/scripter Mark Fergus, the team that went on to bring us "Children of Men" and "Iron Man" (who'da thunk?), is a remarkable bit of entertainment. With excellent work from Guy "Ravenous" Pearce as a grungy salesman at whom the fickle finger of Fate has abruptly pointed, and a fine ensemble cast of support, particularly J.K. "Spider-Man" Simmons as the pointing finger, "First Snow" sports value that far exceeds its no-doubt limited budget. Fine, evocative cinematography by Eric Alan "My Own Private Idaho" Edwards, complemented by Cliff "Solaris" Martinez' moody score and fine costuming, set and production design, not to mention careful editing by Jay "The Pledge" Cassidy, all go a long way toward establishing the noir-ish tone and direction of the film. Some may not be happy with (or just confused by) the somewhat ambiguous ending, but in toto "First Snow" clicks on all counts. Recommended, especially to fans of Pearce, who by and large has an excellent knack for picking quality films to do.
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An overblown Twilight Zone episode
blurnieghey16 August 2021
To sum it up, this movie is little more than an hour and forty-one-minute episode of The Twilight Zone and, if you are one of the folks gushing about this thing, I invite you to seek out old episodes of that show and you'll be able to gush every 30 minutes instead of every hour and forty-one minutes. That aside, this isn't a horrible movie. It is unoriginal and goes on far too long with a predictable ending, but it is well-done for what it is and better than most of the crap Hollywood has been churning out over the last few decades. I'd have called a flick like this a "sleeper" back in the day but standards have gotten so low at this point, it's almost top shelf, which is sad. Worth watching if you have time to kill but nothing to get excited about.
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