The Tao of Steve (2000) Poster

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The little black book of Taoism
Shiva-1131 August 2000
The Tao of Steve: Casanova. Lothario. Stud. Whatever the moniker, everyone knows the type: a guy with stunning looks, a killer smile, lines that don't sound like come-ons, a silky smooth demeanor, an athletic build, whose only problem is deciding which women's numbers to cull from his rolodex. Why women gravitate towards these men is no big mystery. Why they are drawn to the Dexes of the world is.

Dex doesn't even cut it as "the average guy": an overweight, unkempt slacker, he teaches kindergarten, thinks pot is the breakfast of champions, spouts Taoist philosophy and sleeps around enough to be a mattress tester. His life creed is based upon the Steves: Austin, McGarret, McQueen… men who epitomized cool, weren't afraid to get roughed up, never pursued women and for whom things always worked out. His entire belief system is thrown into disarray when he meets Syd, a bright, headstrong opera set designer, with a flair with life and a sixth sense for B.S.. Suddenly Dex finds himself in the role of pursuer.

Good "relationship movies" are rare. Rarer still is finding one that approaches the subject from a male's perspective that isn't steeped in machismo and reeking of testosterone. Almost unheard of is to find the selfsame movie with a hilarious comedic tilt. Unlike "High Fidelity", the recent pre-midlife crisis movie which only skimmed the surface of relationships (but was a brilliant movie nonetheless), or "Autumn in New York" the shameless Rogue-sees-the-light-tear-jerker, "The Tao of Steve" is the thinking man's "About Last Night" - the intangible mixed with the right amount of brashness.

"Tao's" success is twofold: it boasts a tight, witty script - how many romantic comedies can you think of that are peppered with quotations from Lao Tzu? - and true to life characters. The "hero" is largely biographical, based on a friend of the director's who contributed heavily to the script. The Dexes of the world refuse to ascribe to the accepted maxim of relationships - men chase women get accepted/rejected, repeat if necessary. By adopting a calculated aloofness (not to be confused with jerks - we'll ignore the whole "Bad Boy Syndrome" discussion) they engender mystery and curiosity. Although it sounds ridiculous it actually works - I know two guys who could have been the model for Dex (I don't think there would be a strong reverse correlation however, as men generally don't understand signals- we're a bit thick that way…). Psychology and writing aside, the actors definitely bring the story to life.

Ottawa born Donal Logue, pulled a DeNiro, gaining 45-pounds for the role of Dex - now that's dedication to the craft. Having seen Logue previously only in bit parts - he has over thirty to his credit - I didn't think he could handle a lead. He quickly dismisses any doubts with his impeccable timing, both dramatic and comedic, which garnered him the Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival. Logue creates a likable cad whose deviousness we both admire and despise, making his epiphany that much more enjoyable. Greer Goodman (in her first screen role) is an admirable foil as Syd, the woman who cuts through Dex's smokescreen and smashes his carefully cloistered world.

If you've grown tired of all that Hollywood has to offer, or more appropriately, what it fails to deliver, this may be the movie for you.
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Entertaining, Insightful, Funny, Moving
pluto-1120 August 2001
Entertaining, Insightful, Funny, Moving.

This film was a delight to see. Immediately after viewing the DVD I ran the director's commentary that was nearly as entertaining to listen to as the film was! All of the participants in the commentary (including the director, writer, and both leads) were intelligent, amusing, and and very entertaining: I wanted to invite them all over for dinner and play poker and talk philosophy (and of course, the Tao of Steve) until dawn. I take that back, after viewing the stunning photography of the film, I want them to invite *me* to dinner in Sante Fe! I did have to stop the film to look up solipsistic, though <g>.

I want to see more where this came from and so will you if you choose to view this wonderful film!
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AKA, The Diet of Steve
ferguson-628 August 2000
This movie is that extremely rare blend of "guy movie" and "chick flick". Every guy can relate to this and most women will enjoy the (twisted) love story. Dex is the ultimate slacker - part time worker, pot smoker, over-eater and heavy drinker. His life is based on emulating the coolness of Steve McGarrett (Hawaii 5-0), Steve Austin (6 Million Dollar Man) and the ultimate in coolness, Steve McQueen. Hence, the Tao of Steve. Dex has claimed for his own a part of Zen philosophy which has made him remarkably successful in seducing women. Syd changes everything. She is an independent, career minded, drum spanking, beautiful woman that doesn't appear to fall for Dex's charms. The chase is on. Dex pulls out all stops, until his past catches reaches up and grabs him. Syd and Dex have a strange relationship that never allows either to fully define the boundaries. There is an obvious attraction, but Syd's contempt for Dex and his methods always throws up the road block. Of course, Dex does some soul searching after a health scare (that seems out of place in the movie) and the somewhat predictable ending,nonetheless brings a smile to our faces. Donal Logue give a brilliant performance as Dex, and Greer Goodman is enchanting as Syd. Greer is the sister of the movie's director, Jenniphr Goodman, and also shared in the writing credits. Take note of the soundtrack as it adds a layer to the script, which itself is loaded with great lines. Go see this movie. And it will work as a date movie.
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What Men Want; Logue is fantastically funny
george.schmidt28 April 2004
THE TAO OF STEVE (2000) ***1/2 Donal Logue, Greer Goodman, Kimo Wills, Ayelet Kanelson, David Aaron Baker, Nina Jaroslaw, John Hines, Selby Craig, Craig D. Lafayette. (Dir: Jennipher Goodman)

Donal Logue. The name may not ring any bells but you've seen him before in countless tv shows (including `The X-Files' as an arrogant fellow agent of Scully's and Mulder's) and films (one of Tom Cruise's fellow agents in `Jerry Maguire' and in this summer's blockbuster `The Patriot' as a racist who sees the error of his ways on the battlefield), but his biggest claim to fame seems to be as the greasy, bespectacled chatterbox philosophizing taxi hack, Jimmy The Cabdriver, in a series of promos for MTV in the '90s. Well all that's about to change in this> starmaking role in a devilishly funny and accurate look at the relationship war between men and women.

Logue, who pulls a De Niro by gaining nearly a hundred pounds, stars as Dex, a self-deprecating part-time kindergarten teacher who attends his ten year college reunion in the dusty oasis of Santa Fe, New Mexico where he is told by stunned classmates at his jarringly gone-to-pot visage that he was like Elvis. `Yeah, well now I'm Fat Elvis,' he says with a hip shake and a smirk. It is here the journey begins into Dex's eventual chipping away at the wall of sardonic intelligence he's built since attending the university. Dex has a certain acquired charm that he attributes to his own quasi-philosophy, the film's title, referring to the ultimate in guy coolness as being a Steve (as in McGarrett - the Jack Lord character of `Hawaii Five-O', Austin, `The Six Million Dollar Man' and McQueen, the coolest actor of all time, or any suave icon down the pike: James Bond, James Dean, et al.) - and the opposite being Stu - and the certain guidelines in wooing the opposite sex wrapping up with his ultimate kwon, `We persue that which retreats from us.'

At the reunion he bumps into Syd (Goodman, the stunningly attractive sister of the filmmaker), a fellow alumni who turns out to be one of Dex's apparent number of sexual conquests in which he later learns he cannot recall her at all. She is equally self-effacing, smart and opinionated and naturally proves to be the ultimate love of the loveless (`I love my dog') Dex. Here the plot sets into motion the inevitable formula of two people so right for each other yet both guarded, Syd for her share of heartbreaks and Dex for his chronic lying and seductive charisma like some sort of catnip for women including the wife of one of his pals, who he's engaged in a hot affair.Logue makes Dex sympathetic, funny, pathetic, infuriating, likable and ultimately an original character the likes haven't been seen since John Cusack's hey dey in the Eighties and the characters of the 90's indie comedy, `Kicking and Screaming' about arrested development and lifelong search for the perfect love. Dex is an enigma and the joke is that Dex realizes how unsavory he has become which also is the underlying angst he knows all to well: someone with so much potential only wasted by his own hand.

Goodman and her sister both excel in portraying women who are smarter than men think and provide the true anchor in a freely funny comedy that also examines one's own frailites and insecurites on a truly appealing level. Co-written by the sisters and Duncan North, the real-life model of Dex, the dialogue rings true in a brilliant string of set ups for Dex to pontificate before he deflates himself in recourse.

One of the best films (and comedies) of this year (or any). And remember that name: Donal Logue.
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A film that's excellent before its audience.
=G=20 March 2001
"The Tao of Steve" tells of a fat slob of a guy who seems to have unusually good fortune in bedding chicks thanks to his Taoist philosophy. Although the flick smells like a young indie, it is fresh, creative, and unique enough to take on a seemingly endless parade of second rate romantic comedies sans the 24 carat glamour and other trappings of Hollywood. "The Tao..." is a great watch for anyone interested in what independent films are about and an enjoyable watch for most. Kudos to the Goodmans.
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Slick film shows emotional honesty wins over coolness...
cmmayo-116 October 2002
The first time I saw the Tao of Steve, I was beginning a relationship with a woman. I have just celebrated a 2nd anniversary with this same woman and I have also just viewed the Tao of Steve again. On my first viewing, I was let down by the movie. At that point, the underlying sentiment of the movie seemed too obvious and predictable to me. I was in the midst of wooing a woman and I am also a person that can associate with the main character--overweight, overeducated, and under-achieving. I felt like I was watching a chick flick disguised as an Indie-style vindication of post-modern coolness... Well, time has passed and I have seen the light at the end of the tunnel. (Remember how Altered States ended with a "love is the only thing worth living/fighting for" bullcrap? I feel differently now about that movie as well.) I think a lot of guys like Donal's character use their intelligence and understanding of "coolness" in their social life when it really only functions in poker game banter and party small talk. All the philosophy in the world won't make you feel loved. Relationship with God not withstanding, I feel like this movie serves as a signpost for people like myself. And therefore, it is a successful piece of contemplation wrapped in the banter of your favorite drinking buddy.
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Good movie for Sunday night
Emiller37519 July 2004
Dex, the leading male character, has told Syd that he's falling in love with her, and she asks why he doesn't stop seeing other women. He responds, "Why? So I can bask in the warmth of your annihilating contempt?" The story of this film meanders much like its good-for-nothing hero, Dex, as we follow him through a slacker routine that allows him to do virtually nothing but pick up women and play games with his male friends.

He believes that he has the key to life in the "Tao of Steve," which is essentially a guide to fooling women into having sex with a fat loser--himself. He exclaims, "Why does the American Slacker get so little respect?" The clever dialog and the sweetness of Dex's discovery that he actually loves Syd and doesn't really want to be a professional cad all his life makes the movie worth watching.

Also fun is the truth in the "Tao of Steve" with its three edicts: 1) suppress your desire--and your agenda of getting her into bed 2) be excellent in her presence and 3) retreat. It's true that going into a relationship with nothing else in mind but sleeping with a woman is a huge mistake, and Dex recognizes the wisdom of being cool rather than needy, but then he uses it the wrong way (or the right way, depending on your perspective). We watch him explain his philosophy, use it to manipulate women, and then have to violate it as he finally figures out that while the "Tao of Steve" may get him women, it won't get him the one woman he really wants.
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Dex is just bitter because he's never been in love.
lastliberal9 August 2008
I had this movie on my radar, but somehow it fell off. I stumbled upon it again and was delighted.

Slacker, stoner, act like you want nothing or no one and you'll never be disappointed. Don't chase after women, and you'll get them.

The non-studly types have to have some kind of a formula. Dex (Donal Logue) has Chinese philosophy to guide him and it appears to be working. He is getting laid regularly from a beautiful woman (Ayelet Kaznelson), who happens to be married. No problems with commitment there.

Everything appear to be working for Dex until he meets a woman (Greer Goodman) who is not falling for his line and is definitely not interested in him. The philosophy he uses to catch women is catching him and he is falling in love. Now, there will be pain and loss Logue is outstanding in the role of the slacker and is incredibly funny when he is laying out his philosophy. Goodman is spot on as the object of desire for Dex. It was a funny, romantic movie that will be worth watching again.
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incredibly literate truthful funny script supported by great acting
mikel weisser16 May 2002
no wonder this thing snagged donal logue top acting honors at the 2000 sundance festival, but i don't know what the better script could've been. this thing has it all: guy talk, girl talk, echoes and resonance, love and respect for all its characters, wit, poignancy, politics, uplift, a tremendous depth and breath of literary allusion, and a substantial dose of digestible philosophy from some of the greatest minds of world thought. seriously, this may be the first movie to quote Kirkegaard and george jetson in the same scene and make them both look wise. it's a movie about love, about wisdom, about fun, but mostly it's about learning real values and gaining all the rest through learning to be the best person you can be. that's a big load for such a funny film, but this one handles it all and then some. this doesn't mention the beautiful sets, the music (original, appropriate, and inventive, though probably the film's weakest suit)the cute kids and the celebration of contemporary gentle-souled hipster lifestyles. AND it's only 82 minutes long, you can almost fit it in on a lunch break but it will last you far longer than that. thanks so much to Greer and Jenniphr Goodman for their script and direction. from all us steve wannabes, but actual duncan north's of the world, thank you!
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Entertaining, until the ending
seamus-713 August 2000
This is a very clever movie about male psychology, a topic that doesn't get much attention in the movies aside from the most primal, storybook ways.

Great writing and some truly hilarious moments mark this film throughout. But the ending gets sappy and predictable and more appropriate for the type of movie that would star Robin Williams these days.
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Missed opportunity
mrhonorama27 August 2000
A clever premise -- overweight lothario with a formula for getting women meets his match -- is wasted when the screenplay falls back on typical gimmicks that it seemingly is trying to subvert.

Part of the problem is we never get to see the lead character, Dex, ever utilize his Tao and see how it fits in his life. Another big problem is the overly glib dialogue that manages to sound neither realistic nor stagy, just forced (except for Logue, who is nifty). And I could have done without the big pop culture scene where the guys hum TV themes around the poker table.

But the flaw that sinks the movie is the central relationship between Dex and Sid. At no point in time is there any reason to believe that she would be attracted to him. And the movie engages in the typical things are hunky dory/contrived rift, to keep Dex and Sid from getting together, until much later in the movie.

Finally, there is one scene where Sid appears to be totally falling for Dex when she drops a bombshell on him, and the audience. The nature of this revelation, and her spin on it, is such that it is impossible to believe that: a) she could have even a shred of romantic feeling for him; and, b) being a superficially intelligent human being, she may have wanted to deal with problem a lot earlier. But that would not have been convenient to the screenplay, and throughout the movie Sid makes a lot of snap decisions that may be a sign of multiple personalities.
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don't harsh the mellow.
luckystrike621 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Some have complained that this film doesn't say anything serious about Taoism; others have complained about its dialogue being watered-down from what could have been a super-verbose "Dinner w/ Andre." Sorry - this from a film student who abhors "my dinner w/ andre" - thank God this film ended up as eminently watchable as it was. I avoided seeing it for a long time because I feared exactly the opposite. Firstly, the central observation this film makes about human nature is so spot-on -- namely, that every relationship is comprised of someone chasing and someone being chased -- that almost no direction it could have taken from there would have undermined the essential honesty of it. But framing, as it did, a story of boy meets girl, forgets he slept with her in college, strikes out, becomes desperate, finally gets her back by going against every rule in the book, the story becomes a smart, no-nonsense telling of a quintessential human drama that resonates realistically on so many levels. People have said it's a chick movie; it's not. It's a movie for guys who fear intimacy, its essential message being that a relationship of real value can never be condensed from the vaporous nuance of gamesmanship, slyness, intellect or skill. But at the same time, it demonstrates very realistically how all the above can combine to get the average guy laid far more than he deserves. So not only is it valuable on both these levels, it leaves you nodding your head so many times, mumbling, "that's so f*ing true," that by the end you're pretty much ready to write your own Tao of Steve -- a better one -- and isn't that kind of inspiration the loftiest goal of any good and truthful work of art?
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Hasn't everyone met this guy?
notlehs19 September 2000
I know every one of you out there, know or are this guy. The one who gets the girls even though looking at him, you wouldn't think it could happen.

This movie will strike a cord with you.

But let's not leave out the fact that it is one of the funniest movies of 2000. From start to finish it has laughs, and loves, and up and downs. It is a solid movie.

It does have a few flaws but nothing to get into a snit about. It needs a wide release however. I don't understand how the big movie companies can widely release complete garbage, ie Autumn in New York ( bleah! I feel like I need to bathe after just typing the name of that horrible waste of film.), and not release this. This is a 75 million dollar money maker if you release it on 3000 screens.


To everyone else:

Go see it at your independent art house theatre. Do NOT waste your money on BAIT, or THE WATCHER, or THE CELL.

Go SEE THIS. It is good.
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obnoxiously bad
Robbo-72 September 2001
My girlfriend and I reluctantly rented this clunker last night. We'd both kept hearing "good" to "great" things about it, but I made the mistake of not checking IMDB first. Reading the comments now, I know I'd have happily skipped it. She fell asleep within 20 minutes, while I watched the whole mess from beginning to end. Bad acting, bad fake fat, bad dialogue, b.s. "philosophy," unbelievable situations and coincidences, all wrapped up with a lame, 100% Hollywood ending. Oh, and HORRIBLE music. Almost everyone in the film is a two-dimensional (at best) caricature, and an uninteresting one to boot. The kind of "normal guys" you see on "Friends" or some other bad vehicle, but never in real life (at least not in mine, thankfully).

Having just seen "Swingers" again the night before, it was hard not to compare these two renditions of how the mating/dating game is played from the male side. But, of course, there's no comparison: Swingers, after another late night at the diner, still clears the fence with ease -- Steve, or Dex, or whatever, rips a bong-hit and strikes out. Booo.
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Slight and relying heavily on the "cool" factor but still an enjoyable little film if it catches you in the right mood
bob the moo6 February 2006
Dex is a ladies man who has a Zen-like art of seduction under his belt. So despite the fact that his belt has expanded since his best days in high school, he generally still has that going for him even if he has generally underachieved in everything else. Basing his rules around the approach of Steve (Steve being the embodiment of American male cool) Dex has managed to get into more beds than his looks really should have allowed him to and generally he is happy despite being a slacker in his late twenties. When he meets Syd though he finds himself feeling a bit more than normal (which is nothing) and genuinely liking her as a friend. Will she make him look again at his approach to life?

The title should at least give you some idea of the type of film this is going to be because it manages to sound cool and interesting and a bit hip without really doing a lot – which pretty much sums up the appeal of this as a film. The story is essentially quite a nice romance but it is set in a post-modern word of slackers who have relaxed jobs, relaxed morals, relaxed approaches to life, relaxed houses and generally just shoot the breeze about nothing. I suppose it will depend a bit on your age but, as some in his late twenties (at least, at the time of writing I am) I suppose I am target audience and I must admit it quite won me over. The story doesn't really go to any depth and, at the end of the day it does just what you expect it to do in terms of how it ends but it manages to get passed all this by having the same relaxed attitude of the characters.

I'm sure it was not as easy to put together as it appeared but the film moves nicely along with a lot of pop culture references, slacker humour and a touch of genuine humanity in the romance. It wasn't the most convincing story or scenario but I was so happy to just buy into the cool nature of the world within the film that I forgave it perhaps a bit too easily for this. The direction helps because it all looks sunny and chilled, while the use of music is cool without being too obvious. The cast also help and, in particular, sterling work from Logue who manages to take a fat, sexist womaniser and make him into a character who has those characteristics but still managed to make me like him and care where his story went. Goodman gave a good performance and, like Logue, she came over very natural (probably helped by being the writer). Although these two carry the majority of the film the support cast are still pretty good and enjoyably fill in the film and match the mood.

Overall a chilled and enjoyable little comedy that drew me in despite being slight and not having that much to it. Probably best watched by older members of the slacker generation or those that have grown up but still look back affectionately, this is quite fun and quite charming even if these qualities are covering up a multitude of sins in the background.
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Donal Logue is sexy and that's great acting
SnoopyStyle26 May 2014
Dex (Donal Logue) is a chubby aimless kindergarten teacher in his 30s. Yet he gets lots of women with his philosophy, and Buddhism & Taoism. He shows no desire for the women which tricks them to desire him more. He falls for Syd (Greer Goodman) at his 10 year college reunion. Only none of his tricks work on her. She challenges him to be better.

Donal Logue convinces me of this ladies man character. He is charming, delightful, and even sexy. Syd calling him up on his stuff is brilliant. I do wish that the movie has a bigger actress to play Syd. In the end, it is the performance of Donal Logue which wins me over like the countless women he sleeps with.
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Let me say this about Steve
Quinoa198416 September 2000
I feel that while there were some good parts about the film, mainly that it was sweet and sometimes funny, I found it was somewhat overated. I think that the Dex character (played with maybe just a tad of credibility by Donal Logue) was actually a little dumb when it came to romance. Dex is a character who believes the best way to get a girl into bed is to make her think that he doesn't want her in bed. That doesn't make sense. The chick most of the time knows that when a guy asks her out, it isn't because he is a gay guy who wants to be just friends and not sex, but because he wants her most intimate of places. Dex is also a liar and fat, which (even with a bit of bad sarcastic charm) usually can not get girls, especially when a guy is more transparent than used Neutrogena. Not too realistic in my book (even though I'm no one to talk), but, I guess it isn't that bad if you have seen everything else. Some of the film I found interesting, but the rest, maybe fair. C+
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Unseen, Unusual, and Underrated
K-Slicer3 September 2001
This is a movie that opened my eyes to the world of dating and one-night stands. It is about an overweight and scruffy-looking dude that is a womanizer. Dex doesn't fit the stereotype of a womanizer (slick and fast talking, usually well-dressed and clean shaven). That was the genius behind this film. This is a movie that a lot of people should eventually get wind of and will possibly see. Not many critics consider it a classic, but I think qualifies for title of "minor classic." I give it a 10 out of 10.
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Smart and funny; one caveat
Doogie D14 August 2000
THE TAO OF STEVE overall is pretty enjoyable with some smart dialogue which should fill up the quote page nicely. Plenty to laugh out loud about, and Donal Logue does a terrific job. (It should be interesting to see him in other roles to determine if he was typecast; he's that perfect for this part, padded belly notwithstanding.)

The story is pretty creaky and, in plot and character arc, it's EXACTLY what you think it will be going in. I could understand that being problematic for some, but the sheer good will generated by Logue (who carries the film) nearly steamrolls the objection. (Though Dex blatantly stating the moral for his roommate Chris at film's end was pretty awful; even its staging was clumsy.)

Do I recommend it? Oh, yes. As another poster said, it may be worth seeing a second time to pick up the dialogue missed while the audience laughed. Nice job overall, and if it errs, at least it's on the side of humanity.
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A seminar for me.
Incgnito1 October 2000
Okay, so I've seen this movie 4 times completely. It's worth it. Most of the roles in this movie are so well made that you feel them through the screen... This is a very cute, honest, and funny movie.

The hiking/camping scene is worth the price of admission alone! Good story, great messages, and nice backdrop (Santa Fé)! It gets my wink of approval....!
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Chick Flick for guys
vincentripol3 August 2014
Steve worships Steve McQueen, even though he won't admit he's too unmotivated to truly emulate his hero. In similar fashion, "The Tao of Steve" is too casual to be considered epic or legendary. However, it's precisely that nonchalance which gives this movie its easy charm. It's funny enough for macho guys, sensitive enough for romantic gals, and never too much of either to alienate the opposite audience. It has one of those vaguely effective messages about life and love, but mostly it's a few months in the world of a directionless know-it-all lothario as he gradually realizes he wants to live a better life.

The locations in New Mexico are refreshing, and they help keep the movie realistic and grounded. The cast works well together, like a group of lifelong friends, whether exchanging witty one-liners or more serious monologues. Plus, the pacing is perfect for the short running length, since it develops the characters and conflict without rushing, yet keeps it fluid and brief. No, it's not a classic, just like Steve isn't Steve McQueen, but I guarantee you'll smile a time or two before it's over, and you'll probably want to watch it again, or at least recommend it to someone.
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If you have insomnia, rent this video
rainbow1120 September 2001
I don't want to be unfair, some people really liked this film and actually laughed (I suppose). I kept hoping, almost praying that the "funny stuff" would start. After 2/3rds of the movie dragged past, I realized, "Ain't no "ha ha" comin'." I whacked off the video and hit re-wind. Maybe it's more a "guys" film, though some guys didn't like it either. The main character seems to be able to get any girl into bed even though he's fat, because he plays smart and "hard to get"....yeah, right.
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Prude or perv... you'll love it!
nixbora4 February 2007
Like it or hate it - there is so much truth about dating in this film that it's painful. It's nice to see a movie that takes these games, exploits them and slaps them in the face of everybody who sees this - with a really easy to watch, comical twist. He lays out the rules of dating in a unique, preposterous way. He states what really is the obvious... but nobody wants to admit it. Even the prude, uptight square sociopaths should find enjoyment in this movie and see that there is a huge charade in our society called Dating. It does not matter what a guy looks like... it's all about presentation and Donal Logue nails it! I have even used some of the Tao's rules and guess what... THEY WORK!
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A fun movie...see it
art-459 September 2000
My way cool old folks crowd enjoyed this movie. I wouldn't say we were nuts about it, but it sure was better then most of the summer duds like 'Autumn in NY.' Just goes to show you that an acceptable movie can be made without blowing stuff up, using the "f" word and way-to-close-ups of tongue kisses. Even Dax, the super cool babe layer, refused to be seen naked (we thank him for that.)
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A good idea not developed
teeny702 September 2000
The Tao of Steve is an independent production obviously made on a shoestring budget. Although the cinematography and sound are very good, that's about all that's good about this film. The acting is inferior, the actors VERY unappealing, and the dialogue almost laughable. The point of the movie can be summed up in one sentence "Each person is an individual, and there can not be a universal guideline for rules of behavior that will work to manipulate others". It takes over an hour to say this. The hero, a very fat thirty-something man, who SOMEHOW (although it is a mystery to me how) appeals to all women, who want to give sexual favors to him. When he actually falls in love, he has to change his "rules" to get the woman he loves. Good idea, but the film seems downbeat, talky, and boring to me. Don't waste your money.

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