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I am not someone to randomly give out a perfect score for a movie...
sugar_n_spice22 September 2006
...And I also happen to be a very critical person of most films. With that being said, The Crucible completely blows me away with its virtually flawless cinematic achievements!

Daniel Day-Lewis is absolutely superb as John Proctor; there is no other way to put it. He is simply perfect, from his bitter, withdrawn opening few lines to when he is accused of witchcraft by his former adulterous--and scorned--lover (Winona Ryder) and begins passionately fighting for his very life and existence--and, of course, his name.

Winona Ryder turns in a beautiful performance as the disturbed and tragic Abigail Williams: a Puritain orphan raised by her super-strict, brutal, and overall villainous uncle. She becomes infatuated with John Proctor, a married man and a bit of an outcast to their society, and is willing to do anything and everything to 'obtain' him, if you will.

Joan Allen's Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress was not undeserved. Her portrayal of the honest and saintly Elizabeth Proctor (not fake innocence, like Abigail's) was touching and a bit heart-wrenching toward the end (won't give that away here).

It wasn't just the awesome acting that won me over, but the authentic Old English dialog, the somewhat grainy cinematography (which provided an uneasy feeling in viewing the town of Salem), and wonderful sets and costumes that really made this a classic for me, and my all-time favorite movie. Highly recommend it! A perfect 10/10!
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Wicked movie
ironhorse_iv21 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The settling is 17th Century Salem, Massachusetts. A group of spoil teenage girls fearing in getting in trouble for meeting in the woods at midnight for a secret love-conjuring ceremony where the town minister mistook it as witchcraft. Instead of love, psychopath Abigail Williams (Winona Ryder) wishes for the death of her former lover's John Proctor (Daniel Day Lewis) wife. The girls are accused of witchcraft, but to save themselves they accused others. Soon the entire village is consumed by hysteria, and innocent victims are put on trial, leading to a accusations flying, judgments are pronounced, and sentences are quickly and ruthlessly carried out. The only person whom can save them is Mary Warren (Karron Graves). The Crucible isn't a pretty film, but Nicholas Hytner's grim movie version of the classic Arthur Miller concerning the Salem witch hunts is a tragedy and in some what could be also be called a horror/thriller movie. It explodes into a melodramatic but never less than gripping story between both John Proctor Vs Abigail Williams. Ryder is wicked insidious, as the angry, hysterical Abigail, caught up in a conspiracy of lies from which there's no escape looking for revenge against him. Daniel Day-Lewis gives us a stubborn yet vulnerable John Proctor. He gives one of the best lines in the film toward the end. Joan Allen delivers a heart-breaking performance as the anguished Elizabeth, a fervently religious woman unable to disprove the allegations made against her and her's pretty evident (if you read the book) that Elizabeth did forgive John Proctor. if she hadn't, she wouldn't have blamed herself partly for the affair. their relationship is very complex, but in the end she does forgive him. this draws on one of Miller's main themes of forgiveness. This story really shows how far people will go in their words and actions when they are motivated by blind fear. The Crucible was written as a thinly disguised attack on the McCarthy anti-communist Red Scare "witch hunts" of the 1950s America.! This is so dramatic and powerful my heart clenches every time I see this, so check it out.
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Impressing and well-done
danielll_rs9 October 1999
"The Crucible" is slow, but it doesn't make the film bad. It is a very impressing, beautiful, well-acted and well-done film.

The story of passion, lies, madness, witchcraft and tragedy kept my attention. The adaptation of Arthur Miller's play is superb.

Joan Allen deserved her nomination for the Oscar as best supporting actress and Daniel Day-Lewis should have been nominated.

A must see.

Rating: 9/10
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Powerful telling which uses the camera well to open the play up
bob the moo4 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The day after Rev Parris finds his daughter and niece dancing in a group in the forest, several of the girls in the village are deep in sleep unable to be wakened. Rev Hale is called in to investigate and Abby Williams speaks up claiming witchcraft and that she and the other girls had been brought into it by the devil himself. As the investigation continues, Abby leads the claims on a twisted vendetta, eventually ending at the door of John Proctor and his family, the man she had an affair with and still loves.

I have never seen this on the stage, although my wife claims we did 2 years ago, and am unable to really compare this to other versions. However the first time I saw this film it grabbed me by the sheer force behind it. The plot is emotive and increasingly griping as it spirals out of control and Abby guides the justice of the court. The script is excellently written - sturdy yet capable of bringing out so much without trivialising or simplifying it. I defy anyone to not get sucked into this story as it is so well written.

Of course this would stutter a little without a suitably strong cast to carry it off. Happily the film is strong in performances and strong in depth. Day Lewis is deceptively light at the start, but the way he brings himself on during the film to his final shot is moving. Allen gives him able, albeit less showy, support. Ryder gives one of her best performances I've seen. Although she is required to be hysterical for much of the film she carries it off convincingly and, when needed, she is as menacing as a black hearted woman can be. Scofield is driven and well pitched but is helped by great support from Campbell and, more surprisingly, Gaynes (better known as Police Academy's Lassard). A rich cast of males in the chief support roles (Jones, Davison and Vaughan) really help - not only do they deliver the goods but their faces give the constant perception of depth.

The direction could easily have treated this as a stage production but Hytner opens it out without ever going over the top. The themes within the book are easily brought out and Hytner never stands in their way - he lets us take what we can from the material without too much flair in the way. Overall this is a fantastic version of the play - it is intelligent, well acted and very moving and involving. It may have the occasional weak link but those are pretty minor. Anyone with a passing interest in very good films should watch this.
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excellent adaptation for the screen
khatcher-220 April 2003
There is nothing I like better than a good play for the stage, even when it is on screen. This is the second time I have been able to see this worthy conversion of Arthur Miller's classic play adapted to the screen. Nicholas Hytner certainly earnt his wages; and all the cast should have received a good pay-rise. Convincing scene-setting in Massachussets at the end of the 17th Century with heavy wood-framed farm buildings and typical North European immigrant peasants' clothing, all beautifully filmed. Arthur Miller himself collaborated on the script, allowing certain poetic licence in modernising some of the speech forms, which, in the original play – written around 1952-1953 – reflected speech patterns of the times.

I blow the dust off my 1973 Penguin copy of the play, and can follow some of the scenes almost verbatim. Thus the effect is dramaturgical rather than cinematographic, a little like Branaghan doing his versions of Shakespeare. A pleasing result indeed. Highly recommended for conoisseurs of fine acting in the classic sense. Neither of the two leading actors – Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder – will let you down.

The Salem Witches have been the cause of a few forays by writers, historians and so on: really the whole affair seems to typicalize people's appetites for forming psychosis-like manias, often on the grounds of nothing very concrete. I mean to say, the devil exists in the minds of those who invent it; the same cause as the `reds under the beds' phobia of the 1960s and 1970s, today transformed into `Islam Terror' around every corner. The clothing is different, but the mentality producing the phobias is not.

`The Crucible' in this excellent adaptation make this poignantly clear. My vote is slightly higher than the present IMDb average.
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Sobering And Chaotic - In Keeping With The Subject Matter
sddavis6310 April 2011
Arthur Miller wrote the play on which this movie was based in 1953. 1953 in the United States was the height of the Red Scare, with McCarthy and Nixon among others seeking to hunt down and destroy Communists - often with little or conflicting evidence, and often to the ruin of those accused on such flimsy evidence. Miller couldn't write a play depicting the abuses of the Communist witch-hunt, so he did the next best thing - he wrote a play based on the incident in American history that might be the closest thing to the Communist witch-hunts: the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, in which rumours led to suspicions, and personal jealousies and ambitions led to accusations and people lied about their neighbours and friends in order to deflect attention away from themselves and innocent people were forced to confess to witchcraft because if they denied it (no matter their innocence) they'd hang and the courts became less interested in discovering the truth than in rooting out the evil. It's actually quite a good parallel.

This 1996 movie is based on Miller's play, and the screenplay for it was written by Miller himself. It's a sometimes chaotic movie - quite in keeping with the subject matter (either the official subject matter of the 1690's or the unofficial subject matter of the 1950's) - but in its chaos one picks up the basic point of how easily otherwise good people with normally good intentions can get caught up in evil ways. The devil may well have been on the prowl in Salem in 1692 - not through the accused but rather through their accusers and the system that encouraged and empowered the accusers.

Generally speaking the performances here were pretty solid. Both Daniel Day-Lewis (as John Proctor) and Winona Ryder (as Abigail Williams) carried themselves well and the supporting cast was strong. The portrayal of life in a 17th century Puritan community is a little bit difficult to relate to, and even the Puritan manner of referring to virtually all married women as "Goody" (short for "Goodwife") grates for a while and sometimes creates confusion for the viewer in trying to keep the characters straight, because it's so unusual to modern ears - although, on the other hand, it does provide an air of authenticity to the movie.

One can only be grateful that the Witch Hunt ended fairly quickly (although a good number of people were executed.) The Communist witch hunt lasted unfortunately longer with a greater number of people being scarred for life by the experience (and, indeed, some losing their lives as a result of it.) One would like to think that we've progressed over the years, although the demonization of Moslems since 9/11 - although is hasn't perhaps reached the depths of 1692 or the 1950's - suggests that the possibilities for such excesses are still present with us. (7/10)
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Eye opener on real events
AmigaJay11 September 2022
Wonderfully set and cast adaption of the play of the same name. Some films are shocking because of their content, this is more shocking because the nature of the true facts of the story, and how people were murdered in cold blood at the hands of the gullible. So many injustices and hurt due to religion and other crazy beliefs at that time, some still exist of course in various guises across the world.

The film has a good start, but loses its way a little in the middle, but picked it up towards the end. Speaking of which I was half expecting a Hollywood ending, where the main characters either got their comeuppance, but it stayed true to some events and for that made me like the movie even more.
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One of the finest plays in history is turned into a cinematic masterpiece.
dead4754818 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
One of the finest plays in history is remarkably turned into one of the finest masterpieces of the '90s. Arthur Miller's original story is one of power and the terrible nature of society on two fronts. First, it tackles the inner struggle of a morally strong man who's emotions get the better of him and the girl who will do anything to have him be her's forever. Secondly, it displays the flaws of the government and society in general, and how one person's claim can corrupt an entire town. It's a stunning take on the foolishness and utterly unbelievable nature of a topic that dates back to the Salem Witch Trials, McCarthyism and is even poignant today in terms of the War on Terror.

The topic that interested me more was the first one I spoke of; a striking study of a moral man who's done a wrong and the pain he has to suffer because of it. John Proctor (Daniel Day-Lewis) is a working man, who gets whatever he earns with his bare hands. His wife, Elizabeth (Joan Allen) is the standard working class wife. While John is in the field, she gets dinner ready and gets the house in order. Lingering over this seemingly perfect marriage is a secret that has isolated them from the rest of the community. John's affair with a former servant, Abigail Williams (Winona Ryder) has created a cold, emotionless relationship between the two but Elizabeth's devoted love for him means that they will stay isolated and no one will ever know of his sin which would surely lead to his hanging. Of course no man can endure this experience without suffering some severe inner pain and this slowly unfolds over Proctor throughout the course of the film.

In the end, after turmoil between John and Elizabeth both trying to do the best thing for each other that has turned into the worst case scenario for both, Proctor's pain is unleashed in one of the most heartbreaking scenes in as long as I can remember. He agrees to proclaiming his life in the world of witchcraft in exchange for releasement from prison back to his wife and unborn child. But when they ask for his signature on the statement, and state that they will post it on the church wall, his years of torment and internal frustration explode as he pleads in a scene of gut-wrenching release as he begs for the jurors to leave him his name. This story is all highlighted by an absolutely brilliant and cathartically heartbreaking performance from Daniel Day-Lewis. He even upstages the commanding Queen Joan Allen (who also delivers a superb performance) in several scenes, and delivers one of the finest examples of acting genius I've ever had the privilege of experiencing.

This entire relationship and painful release is experienced under the grand scheme of the Salem Witch Trials, an eye-opening display of how easily the government and society can be fooled and won over. Due to her love for John Proctor, Abigail Williams will do anything to take Elizabeth out of the picture. Even if this means bringing down all of Salem in the process. She starts claiming that everyone is a witch, along with her numerous friends who so easily follow her example, in order to avoid getting into trouble. When she realizes how brilliantly this works, and how everyone she claimed practiced witchcraft ended up in the gallows, that she could use it to end Elizabeth and live a happy life alone with John. Of course the folly of youth is there blind belief that everything will work according to plan, and she underestimates Proctor's love and devotion to his wife who he clearly shows he will go to the grave with. Abigail see's that no matter what she does, she won't get John back and flees Salem in the midst of night, never to be seen again (at least as far as the film/play is concerned). Winona's performance is also very strong and ranks high among the best of her career and of 1996.

At the center of this entire story is how easy it is to sway society, shown through these Witch Trials. Arthur Miller originally wrote his play to comment on the foolishness of McCarthyism; the children representing McCarthy, the jurors obviously as the government and the false witches as the dozens of people that McCarthy accused of being a communist under no grounds that were put into prison for being completely innocent. These two incidents in American history show that the government lies down to the very core of their jural structure. The phrase 'Innocent until proved guilty' is one of the most abused in history and these historical accounts prove that we are and have always been much more about the reverse; guilty until proved innocent or, in terms of the Witch Trials, hanging unless you admit your guilt. Even now we see the flaws of the governmental structure as numerous people are being claimed to be terrorists and are put in prisons, though there is no concrete evidence of that which they are prosecuted for, just the false claims of a foolish society.
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Forceful and Powerful
gcd703 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Powerful telling of Arthur Miller's revered play about the fearful witch hunt that took place in Salem, Massachussets in the late 17th century. Director Nicholas Hytner ensures the fanaticism and rabid superstition of the day is conveyed with force to the stunned audience, and I'm sure most will scarcely believe that a court of law could allow an accused person who pleads innocent to die, and one who confesses guilt (through threat of death) to live.

Miller has painstakingly brought his play to the screen with care, not only to be true to the stage production, but also to fully develop his complex characters.

The cast have done their level best to fulfill Miller's work, especially Winona Ryder who attempts to portray Abigail as something more than a vengeful harlot, though it's difficult to see her as anything else. Her performance is a strong one, but stronger still is Daniel Day-Lewis who again delivers the goods as John Proctor, the man who stands accused, along with his unfailing wife (a showing of passion and control from Joan Allen), of the terrible crime of consorting with the devil. The tremendous struggle he has with his very soul is most convincingly conveyed. Solid support comes from the craggy-faced Paul Scofield, a surprising Jeffrey Jones and perhaps even more surprising, George Gaynes (Commandant Lassard of "Police Academy" fame). Smaller, though quite impressive standouts come from Bruce Davison as the floundering Reverend Parris and Rob Campbell as the rather more enlightened, and much more practical, Reverend Hale. Robust acting makes this film a thoroughly enjoyable one.

George Fenton's music is most appropriate, editing is precise and art direction simple yet telling.

Wednesday, February 26, 1997 - Village Rivoli
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Not just a dynamic character study, but a study of madness. **** (out of four)
dee.reid25 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
For my eleventh grade English class, I have just finished reading "The Crucible" and have also finished watching the movie adaptation. "The Crucible" which was written by Arthur Miller, is a shocking look into the events of a tragic period early in history that America will not likely forget. The setting of "The Crucible" is that it takes place in the Puritan community of Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The story revolves around the hysteria caused by the Salem Witch Trials. John Proctor (Daniel Day-Lewis), the story's protagonist (or should I say antagonist?), is facing a little bit of a moral dilemma. It turns out that Abigail Williams (Winona Ryder), Proctor's former servant girl and mistress, along with several other young girls, were caught out in the woods dancing. Apparently, from the evidence, Witchcraft was taking place. John's wife, Elizabeth (Joan Allen), is suffering because of his lechery, but deep down thinks that she may be partially responsible. Reverend Parris (Bruce Davison) calls for Reverend Hale (Rob Campbell), a renowned pastor (and self-proclaimed paranormal expert) to come to Salem to investigate the accusations.

John Proctor is sort of an innocent in this story. In the beginning of the play, we see that he is deeply haunted by the affair, but he keeps his head up about it. He is powerful of body, even-tempered and not easily led or quick to jump to conclusions. He changes significantly because he begins to lower his self-esteem, especially after he looses control over his current servant girl, Mary Warren. His change furthers because he later admits his sins, which leads to his inevitable imprisonment. While in prison, he learns that his wife has become pregnant, and therefore she will not be hanged. In the end, John is hanged after signing a confession and then ripping it up when he learns that it was to be nailed onto the church door. However, he did not die in bad spirits because he had accepted the fact that he was not coming out of this situation alive but his name would go untarnished. Proctor pleas before his execution, "Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!"

Elizabeth Proctor is sort of an innocent too. At the very start of the play, we see that she is a rather soft-spoken person, even with her past grievances. As well, she is an honest person who always tells the truth and never lies. She changes, however, when Abigail Williams brings charges of Witchcraft up against her. Her physical change starts when she discovers that she is pregnant. By the end of the play, she forgives John for his lechery. She states, "He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!" This simply goes to show that she truly loved him in the end.

Lastly, there is Reverend Hale. At the beginning of the play, we see that he is a very confident man. He seems to consider himself an expert in the field of Witchcraft and goes about promoting that image with the aid of his countless books. The books, he thinks will solve all of the problems facing Salem. When Reverend Parris makes a comment about how heavy his books are, Hale simply replies, "They must be; they are weighted with authority." This goes to show that he puts too much faith into his books and not enough into common sense. His emotional change begins when the good and well-respected people of the Salem community start being accused of Witchcraft, like when Abigail Williams charges Elizabeth Proctor as being a witch. By the end of the play, he discovers that all of the accusations were in fact a hoax, orchestrated by Abigail Williams who shortly before the end of the trials, mysteriously disappears along with Mercy Lewis. He feels deep regret and extreme guilt for not trying to stop the madness sooner. He is also begging John Proctor to save his life, regardless of the possible aftermath in which his name is going to be corrupted.

In many ways, the story of "The Crucible" may not just be a dynamic character study, but it is also a study of the madness that can stem from superstition and fear. It simply amazes me that one little girl was able to use fear and superstition as a means of getting what she wanted. The madness that had been created by the Salem Witch Trials was not just the result of people's greed, but jealousy and all-out hatred for one another. And you must remember that this is coming from a religious community that had come to this country to escape hatred, though it was not the same type as it was the reason for them leaving Europe.

For many bizarre reasons, "The Crucible" has also been the unfortunate target of misguided criticism. These criticisms, I feel, are the unfortunate result of the Joseph McCarthy era. In 1950, McCarthy who was a senator from Wisconsin had engaged on a "Red Hunt", which to him, was a hunt for suspected Communist Party members and spies inside the U.S. State Department. Though this was relatively early in the Cold War, he had played on Americans already stemming fears of the Soviet Union in order to help rally people to flesh out the suspected persons. Many of the people who were accused, lost their jobs and had extreme difficulty finding employment elsewhere. McCarthy, like many of the people during the Salem Witch Trials, had engaged on this hunt out of sheer hatred and jealousy of other people. And like when the Trials finally came to an end when the governor's wife had been accused of Witchcraft, McCarthy met his downfall in 1954, when he began attacking members of the United States Army. The Army immediately took dislike to the accusations and struck back at McCarthy. His power finally fell through when then President Dwight Eisenhower launched his own investigation into the accusations and found nothing. McCarthy later died in 1957 of alcohol-related problems.

Do you see all of the parallels between the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and the McCarthy era during the 1950s? These are perfect examples of the horrible things that people are capable of doing to each other out of the pure hatred and the accusers will often succeed in doing this by playing on people's fears and local superstition.
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Somewhat Melodramatic re-telling of the Salem Witch Trials
gpeevers27 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Based upon the play by Arthur Miller, this is a retelling of the events leading up to and surrounding the Salem Witch trials.

The head of the local congregation (Jeffrey Jones) is worried about his position and when he finds his daughter and niece (Winona Ryder) dancing about a fire in the woods with some other girls he becomes concerned. When his daughter and another young girl fall into a com like state he becomes it must be the work of the devil and calls in an expert.

From here it escalates as the girls led by Ryder admit to having fallen under the devil's sway and immediately repent but not without dragging in the names of others they were involved. More and more people are implicated as the motives become personal and the wife (Joan Allen) of the man (Daniel Day Lewis) who Ryder's character lusts after is accused.

Occasional missteps and at times overly melodramatic, but satisfying for the most part because of the superb cast
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Just fantastic
Barnes-320 May 1999
Based on possibly the greatest play ever written, The Crucible is a fabulous movie - it's hard to believe that it was actually distributed by 20th Century Fox, and not an independent company. Why it took so long to be adapted for the big screen is just baffling to me. Thank God that the genius behind the original text, Arthur Miller, was permitted to write the screenplay - and get an Oscar nomination for it! The cast are all to die for, with Winona Ryder proving she doesn't always have to play lovable characters like Charlotte Flax in Mermaids (1990), or Jo March in Little Women (1994) - her performance as the malicious Abigail Williams is just as outstanding. In her Oscar nominated portrayal of Elizabeth Proctor, Joan Allen leaves an indelible impression of marvellous acting. I was in tears in the scene where she and John Proctor (Daniel Day-Lewis) fall in love all over again. I sincerely hope that The Crucible will be shown in schools/colleges in years to come, to remind us of the horror that occurred in 17th century Salem. A work of cinematic genius.
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Bullying Is An Ancient Art.
rmax3048231 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's a message movie and it resonates. Willful belief in absurdities plagues the town of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1693. A handful of young girls, caught dancing in the woods, begin to claim they were possessed by the devil and they make accusations of witchcraft. It leads to more than twenty hangings and other deaths by execution.

When Arthur Miller wrote the play in the early 50s, it was his way of speaking out against the communist witch hunts of his time. And indeed the trajectories of the movements bear similarities. It starts with someone craving attention, first blaming someone who is not only harmless but marginalized -- insane people, the senile, the very poor. Then it leads to overreach. The dozen hysterical girls of Salem begin to claim that spirits of a higher caliber have haunted them at night -- the spirit of the preacher's wife, for instance, which goes a little too far.

Historically, Senator Joseph McCarthy began with real spies and real suspects but his claims grew more and more outrageous until he inspired the John Birch Society to consider President Eisenhower nothing more than "a communist dupe." And then McCarthy accused the US Army and General George Marshall of harboring communists. It was all a bit much for the less than insane among our own citizenry.

Now, of course, we can all cluck out tongues at such fantasies -- while presidential candidates now running would build an unscalable wall across the Mexican border and hunger for a wall across the Canadian border as well. The president is a gypsy changeling from Africa. Our strongest leaders turn into carnival barkers and we cheer them. That's not to mention worms in McDonalds' hamburgers. I guess -- I hope -- the less insane among us will reintroduce us to reality some day.

In any case, that's the end of my spiel. I will now stand down from the speaker's platform if someone will give me a hand. Thank you, but you don't have to be so eager.

The acting and the milieu are finely done. Winona Ryder does very well as the lustful young traitor and she handles the stylized speech all right. It's only when she's excited that a bit of Wynona, Ohio, peeps through Abigail Williams.

In 1693, these were all Brits, not Americans. So Paul Scofield can enter the movie as a judge who wants to be fair but is himself possessed by his interpretation of the Bible and his loyalty to what he perceives God to be. Those baggy eyes and that pebbled chin are just villainous enough.

Joan Allen as an innocent victim is a fine actress but she doesn't have much to do except look made of stone. Make up has turned her face sere and gray. Daniel Day-Lewis is one of the better actors of his generation but he's stuck in the part of the audience proxy -- the man of principle, guilty only of having boned Winona Ryder in the barn, who sees through the fraudulence of the accusations, the trial, and the ensuing executions. He sees the foolishness. We can see it too, even if we can't see our own.

There's a much less lavishly budgeted story of the witch trials around too, "Three Sovereigns For Sister Sarah," I think. It's well worth catching.
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Relevant but inert
AndyWakes6 January 2015
Arthur Miller's play "The Crucible" is a very important allegory that is as relevant today in the post-9/11 world as it was in the 50's during the height of McCarthyism. Yet despite the relevance of the play, it's hard not to view the movie as a letdown. It has Daniel Day-Lewis (perhaps the greatest active actor) in the lead role and the film's voice of reason John Proctor, but even he can seem to make his character wholly believable. It seems as though nearly every character in the film inhabit roles of symbols, rather than real people. The characters act only to underscore Miller's political commentary rather than to deliver a nuanced study of humanity. Characters so quickly devolve into a state of hysteria that it's nearly impossible to believe. Miller and the film's point with this are to show how mob mentality and the basic human instinct to find a culprit in inexplicable circumstances lead people to behave irrationally. But these scenes are completely inorganic and only serve the film's themes, which badly harms its credibility. Despite the seriousness and intended importance of this film, it's hard to take a film seriously that features a dead-pan Daniel Day- Lewis surrounded by dozens of screaming, hysterical individuals. Unfortunately, this film will likely inspire more unintended giggles than deep conversations about human nature.
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What is truth?
lib-44 March 1999
Thanks to the director who let Arthur Miller do the screenplay- so the movie is a honest rendition of the great play. Daniel Day Lewis is very good- and the movie is true to the original. Winona Rider also does well- but Joan Allen is excellent. This is a true classic of American Theater and since we can't always get to a live performance the movie is a good substitute... recommend every student of am. lit see it and anyone who wants to delve into the deceit of the human spirit... nothing is new people are still jealous and still vindictive and Miller writes of these two traits so well. The whole cast does a credible job
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Well made...unpleasant viewing.
planktonrules21 February 2022
"The Crucible" is based on a play written by Arthur Miller. His goal was not to present the Salem witch trials verbatim but to use it in order to attack the McCarthy hearing....and as such, he made a few changes here and there to the facts of the case. I mention all this so that you understand his motivations and occasionally the story does stray from the facts as we know them today.

So is the story worth seeing? Well, yes, though if you are looking for something fun, light or intended to pull you out of a depressed mood, you are certainly considering the wrong picture! The acting is quite good, the direction also quite nice. No complaints about anything other than the liberties taken here and there with the actual facts.
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Good look at how gullible religious people can be.
derekprice197427 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up in the Bible belt, it's quite easy to see how gullible people can be when it comes to religion. I can only imagine how during the time period that this took place, how religion was the end-all, be-all, and scientific discoveries hadn't disproven most of it, that people would easily believe that someone was powerful. For example (spoiler!!), the scene where the wood falls and the lady is tried for being a witch because another lady saw it fall and then blames the first lady as causing it with her "witch" powers. Have these people never heard of gravity or earth tremors that make things fall naturally? Apparently, they haven't. If you do not find religion to be all that is cracked up to be, you'll find this movie quite enjoyable because seeing how Winona Ryder's character and a few other's employ the "witch" factor to their advantage is quite funny.
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Great Performances!
namashi_128 March 2013
Written by Arthur Miller & based on his play of the same name, 'The Crucible' offers Great Performances by its terrific cast. While as a film, it engages in parts.

'The Crucible' Synopsis: A salem women accuses her ex lover's wife of witchcraft.

'The Crucible' is masterfully shot by Andrew Dunn & honestly Written by Miller. The Writing appeals in parts, although the slow-pace does hamper its overall impact. Nicholas Hytner's Direction is passable.

'The Crucible' is rich when it comes to performances. Joan Allen is fantastic, while Daniel Day-Lewis is persuasive. Winona Ryder is remarkably credible. Paul Scofield is effortless & classy. Bruce Davison is in brilliant form. Jeffrey Jones & Rob Campbell are fabulous. Peter Vaughan is highly competent.

On the whole, 'The Crucible' has its share of pluses & minuses.
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The Magic Of Arthur Miller
zkonedog28 February 2017
Sometimes, movies that are designated as "classic" suffer from a strange sort of reverse- discrimination. That's probably the reason why it took me so long to actually see this version of "The Crucible", as I thought of it as "old" or "not exciting enough". What I quickly discovered, however, is that Arthur Miller's tale here is truly one for the ages. It's a shame I waited this long to see it!

For a basic plot summary, "The Crucible" is a story set during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Abigail Williams (Winona Ryder) and a number of her teenaged female friends are screwing around in the woods one night (typical teenage rebellion kind of stuff) when they are discovered and charged as witches. What Abigail and the gang quickly discover is that in front of Judge Danforth (Paul Scofield), "acting the part" of witches gives them a great deal of attention and power. Things get ugly fast and pretty soon the entire community is in an uproar over who may or may not be a witch. Enter John Proctor (Daniel Day-Lewis) and wife Elizabeth (Joan Allen), a common sense-driven couple who seemingly have the best chance to put an end to this madness. Yet, with John having a shady history with Abigail, they all ended up sucked into the lies and deceit, forcing difficult choices to be made regarding character and honesty.

Not being as much of a theater enthusiast as I am of film/TV, this was just the second Arthur Miller work that I had seen ("Death of a Salesman" with Dustin Hoffman being the first). That playwright has an incredibly keen sense of universal human themes and how to manipulate them to create high drama. Though "Crucible" is set hundreds of years ago, I can confidently say that it will endure (in some form or another) for hundreds of years more. The characters, emotions, and plots feel like they could happen today or tomorrow. This film touches on such common, deep-seated issues as:

-The power of religion (both good and bad) -The effect of mass hysteria on an uneducated community -The propensity of one lie to be followed by more -The lengths humans will go (or the shortcuts we may take) to preserve our names and honor -The conflicting romantic notions of both teenagers and adults

So, despite carrying a reputation that can get a little "weighty", "The Crucible" is really quite a simple film, concocting a plausible scenario and then letting human nature take its course. I recently saw the film "The Witch", a movie that shares much in theme with this earlier effort, and feel that the two measure up to each other quite well. If you enjoyed one, I think you will feel the same for the other.

Overall, I was blown away by the simple, yet spectacular, quality of the writing and acting in "The Crucible". It will stimulate a lot of deep thought on the part of the viewer without getting overly complex or confusing. I think that there will be more Arthur Miller stories in my future!
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Would you rather sell your soul to clear your name or soil your name to save your life?
ElMaruecan8223 November 2022
Not only one of the first significant historical events to take place on American soil, the witchcraft trials of Salem, Massachusetts were also pivotal in the forging of the American conscience (or lack thereof). The story has the relevance that the passing of three centuries couldn't alter, mass hysteria and mob mentality being as prevalent in our social DNA as in 1692. Maybe more than ever.

"The Crucible" was originally a play written by Arthur Miller as a frontal reaction to McCarthyism. When I saw the film shortly after its release, I didn't get the reference to the HUAC (although I was familiar with that chapter). But watching it again in 2022, another parallel struck me, the Weinstein affair's aftermath or any scandal affecting the career of a celebrity. I know the comparison is hazardous as none of the nineteen people hanged in Salem were witches; as for communists, whether they were or not was beside the point; destroying one's career for that reason was a heavy weight for any sound conscience, with all due respect to the cinematic legacy of Elia Kazan.

Salem, Red Scare, Me Too might be different but there is a common denominator in the fact that the accused could be guilty by suspicion and people would rather blend in with the crowd, persecute rather than being persecuted. That's the issue raised by "The Crucible", when society establishes laws and rules that can put you in a situation where the only escape is to accuse your neighbor, self-preservation is likely to triumph over conscience.

And it's a delightful coincidence that Paul Scofield plays Judge Thomas Danforth, echoing his Oscar-winning performance as Thomas More, a man coerced into betraying his own soul to obey the law. Roles are reversed and Scofield is scarily effective as a civil servant of God, juggling between religious abstractions and judicial concepts with quite a verbal dexterity and a faux neutral looking composure. Along with Scofield, the film directed by Nicholas Hyther reassembles many "it" names of the 90s, Daniel Day-Lewis, Joan Allen and of course Wynona Ryder as Abigail Williams, the one that started it all.

It opens when she and a group of young girls engage in some pagan ritual with a slave from Barbados named Tituba (Charlayne Woodard). The scene is graphic, a girl is dancing naked and Abigail smashes a poor chicken's head and drinks his blood to cast a spell against the woman married to the man of her dreams, John Proctor. All this scene plays under the shocked eyes of Bruce Davison who plays Abigail's uncle, a reverend contested by his own parrishers and who doesn't need a scandal to tarnish what's left of his credibility.

Roger Ebert considered the scene a misstep as it validated the suspicion of witchcraft. I both agree and disagree, I agree because the frenzy is a little overdone and counter-productive, we shouldn't doubt the girls sanity because this is what emphasizes their malice. And Abigail mustn't be considered a witch but rather the term that rhymes with. But then again, this is cinema and you know what they say about "show and don't tell".

More problematic is the way it portrays Salem's people as hysterical bigots willing to believe that anything against their interests is the work of the devil or that any confession obtained by the power of the whip is a honest one. Maybe it works for dramatic purposes or it's historically accurate but I wish there was more subtlety in the characterizations. Even Ryder sometimes just overacts with her eyes. Maybe an antagonist who just didn't anticipate the consequences of her actions and lost control could have weighted the tragedy with a sad irony.

Basically there were three kinds of people: those who didn't believe it, those who did and those who pretended to do. John Proctor belonged to the first category, thus making a potential target of himself, even more when he rejected Abigail's advances. Later, he has a conversation with his wife Elizabeth (Nancy Allen). She doesn't like the sound of her husband meeting the very girl he had an affair with when she was her servant. Allen perfectly conveys the icy passive-aggressiveness of the wife who doesn't judge her husband because only God or his conscience would, which is another way getaway to avoid forgiveness. In other words, she's a tough one.

And Proctor's passionate reaction betrays a certain vulnerability, trapped in a honorable marriage, he might have needed one little sparkle from hell to cure the marital frostbites. It's all in the dynamics between Proctor and his wife that lies the film's heart, a man who's not religious but determined to raise his voice and there's a woman so virtuous she doesn't need to signal it. Yet neither positions protected them and in a pivotal and well-executed scene, it's precisely Elizabeth's virtue that seals her husband's fate.

More than a film with a message, "The Crucible" is a fine time capsule of an era seldom portrayed in movies and a character-study of bravery and cowardice. There are good people like Giles Corey (Peter Vaughan) his wife Martha (Mary Paul Gleason) and Rebecca Nurse (Elizabeth Lawrence), some are cowards for the sake of prudence like the other Judge played by George Gaynes and you have the opportunists like Putnam (Jeffrey Jones) who uses the witch-hunt to gain more land and there's Rob Campbell as the young Reverend Hale who comes off as a cocky individual but ends up sympathizing with Proctor's cause and turning into the voice of reason..

Lewis is excellent and the heartbreaking climactic "it's my name" breakdown is a credit to his talent but it's Allen's most restrained performance that will earn her an Oscar nomination. The film would also be nominated for Best Screenplay. Despite a few overdone moments (too much noise and weird camera angles at times), I liked the film... and the Simpsons parody even better.
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The Elusive Crime Of Witchcraft
bkoganbing11 July 2013
Arthur Miller is gone now, but he lived long enough to see his master work The Crucible finally on the big screen. Back when it was on Broadway it was deemed too controversial in those paranoid days of the Fifties. The Crucible was Miller's answer to the witch hunting House Un-American Activities Committee and the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee of Joe McCarthy. He saw parallels between the Salem Witch Trials where several people were put to death in that sad town for the elusive crime of witchcraft. Miller even got to adapt his work to the screen and did it so well that the stage origins aren't even noticeable.

One of the things I marveled when viewing the film was Miller's mastery of the Puritan culture. He must have done some heavy research into it to capture so well the spirit of those times and how they paralleled the McCarthy Fifties.

But I would take a different tack in talking about The Crucible. It is a wonderful condemnation of a religious based society as the Puritans were in those days. These people came to the new world to seek freedom of conscience to worship the Creator/Deity in their own way. No sooner do they get here than a society is built by them excluding others who don't buy into their view of things. It would be another century before the novel idea was seriously raised about having NO established religion. It hasn't taken fully hold yet as witness by the Moslem theocratic states like Iran or the newly found influence of the Russian Orthodox Church in some of the former Soviet Union. Not to mention here where after thirty or so years the influence of bible beaters in the body politic seems finally to be receding.

Daniel Day-Lewis plays John Proctor the farmer who is by no means an ideal hero is the man forced into martyrdom simply because he won't denounce his neighbors as witches and warlocks. Joan Allen is magnificent as Mrs. Proctor who pays for her husband's indiscretions with teenage flirt Winona Ryder.

All of this gets started when Ryder and several of her peers go out to dance in the moonlight, strictly forbidden in the Puritan society. Who led them into this is Charlayne Woodard, an African slave and recently over from Africa where she remembers her customs from her tribe. The girls get spotted and all that follows come from some young girls who rather than face punishment for breaking their strict code say the devil made them do it and start naming friends and neighbors as witches. This whole business gives the girls an opportunity to escape punishment and settle some personal scores. And it spreads to the adults who ought to know better.

I've also thought that Arthur Miller might also have been influenced by Lillian Hellman's These Three which is also about tattle tale young girls and the harm they cause. The parallels are too obvious to ignore.

Though it took half a century to make it to the screen, The Crucible was worth every second of the wait.
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Star rating: 3 out of 5
jennifer_litchfield3 December 2003
The Crucible is gripping, yet it is also frightening and terrible in the inexorable march of its protagonists towards their doom. The story is based on Arthur Miller's rendition of the infamous 1692 Salem witch trials. In this Puritan town, a group of girls are caught dancing and love-spell casting in the woods. To save themselves from being whipped, they claim it was the Devil's doing and furthermore that some of Salem's residents are compacted with Lucifer. But private vengeance is also at work here. The girls' ringleader, Abigail Williams (Winona Ryder) is obsessed with a local farmer (Daniel Day-Lewis) and will stop at nothing to get him for herself. Then the court investigating the claims of witchery begins to proscribe hanging for those who won't 'confess'. . . . . . . . ..

It is unfortunate then, that a movie such as this is marred by several flaws. While it vividly and unnervingly portrays the transformation of a community into warring factions, and ultimately the disintegration into mob-mentality and mass hysteria, it also seems very stagey. You can almost see the notations in the film script - "crowd murmurs in agreement", and so on. Additionally, Day-Lewis, and particularly Ryder, play the entire film at full volume. Thus, several integral speeches get lost in the blast. However, there are some excellent performances from those in the court scenes - the steely remorselessness of Judge Danforth and the pompous and insidious questioning of Judge Hathorne. Fortunately director Nicholas Hytner has moved as much of the action as possible out of doors, which is just as well, for Puritan dwellings are no great objects of beauty.

However, despite its shortcomings and largely unadventurous cinematography, The Crucible is a film that will remain with the viewer long after its dramatic and memorable conclusion. Even in death there is triumph and redemption.
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Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble...
Xstal5 March 2024
An evening's dancing in the woods catches attention, Reverend Parris has to make an intervention, as young girls are all dishevelled, subjects raptured and bedevilled, although confessions may just lead to their redemption. But the ball begins to roll and can't be stopped, within this crucible of faith doors are unlocked, aspersions, defamation, no evidence, or firm foundations, as the innocent are harvested and cropped. A chance to be redeemed is offered up, John Proctor takes the pen, signature put, alas defeat is soon retaken, the next day he'll not awaken, he's the devil incarnate, it's quite clear-cut.
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Good Finale, Good Aspects, Overall Moderate
andy19198924 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Crucible is hard to adapt to the big screen. It's a long script, and has to be handled in a very particular way or risks being laughable. This production wasn't laughable, but what it was was middle-of-the-road in many aspects.

The acting is pitch perfect in some scenes, mainly those representing Act 3 and 4, where the tension is high. However, at lower tensions various actors come across as somewhat bored (such as Joan Allen as Elizabeth Proctor, whos relationship with Proctor initially showed like a school play on screen, with very little chemistry) however this was picked up well by the end. Daniel Day Lewis wasn't perfect as the character. He displayed great care towards Abigail and virtually none for Elizabeth in their first scene together, which makes it look like Proctor wants Abigail more, the exact opposite of the play's intention. Various lines were delivered wrong, and various character interpretations felt contrived (Mary Warren does not start crying hysterically instantly when she sees Proctor, read the play Karron Graves.) but overall, by the end the acting feels balanced enough to be... just below good.

The use of lighting, sound, and set was far too naturalistic for my taste. They could have really built up the tension with creative imagery, editing, some good score, a bit more style that would give the representation of Salem more substance. It all feels very normal, which takes away from the theme of hysteria that is supposed to have taken over the whole town. I'm not saying they needed a CGI extravaganza or a Zack Snyder "Sucker Punch" style movie (although the latter would be really interesting, actually) but a bit more flair was necessary. In my opinion, anyway.

Finally, the addition of scenes: Again, very mixed in results. The scene in the woods? Well done, well shot, creates a good atmosphere and actually adds to Abigail's character early on. The end scene with the Lord's prayer? Really solid, interesting, poignant, and historically accurate to one person actually hung in Salem. The scene where Proctor confronts Abigail in the woods? No. That showed a complete lack of understanding of the text. Elizabeth being arrested in the play was a result of Proctor being selfish and NOT putting what was right over his desire to keep a good name and not to hurt Abigail despite knowing what she did was wrong, and this scene missed the mark so hard it wasn't even funny, it kind of made me cringe and say "No! You were going so well!"

Like I said, it's moderate. The acting's okay, but not great (apart from Winona Ryder as Abigail. She, in my opinion, was perfect) the technical aspects are accurate, but very uninteresting, and the addition of scenes sometimes misses the mark. Was it as bad as some adaptations of great plays? No. But that doesn't mean it deserves more praise than it gets. The movie was fine, but the play was brilliant, and that's what stings the most about this movie.
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These Witches Sure Can Yell
evanston_dad16 June 2009
The world didn't really need yet one more version of the Arthur Miller parable set during the Salem witch trials. But if the world insisted on giving us another, why didn't it give us a better one?

Stage director Nicholas Hytner had tried his hand at movie making before ("The Madness of King George") and not done too badly, but you wouldn't know it from this film. These actors, some very good ones (Daniel Day-Lewis) and some not (Winona Ryder), act like they've never been in front of a camera before, and scream every line like they're doing a stage version in Madison Square Garden. Not a very subtle play to begin with, "The Crucible" is like a hammer hitting an anvil when played the way it is here.

Joan Allen and Paul Scofield fare much better in quieter, much more reserved roles.

Grade: C
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