7th Heaven (TV Series 1996–2007) Poster


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too unrealistic
Hilke11 July 2003
I never watched "7th heaven" until a friend recommended it to me. I got curious and decided to watch it the next time it was on tv. Although I did enjoy the first episodes, later on I had the feeling everything was much to perfect in the Camden family. Expecially the later seasons are so extreme in "good and evil" The Camden children have problems but there always seems to be the perfect solution to everything. The smaller children make statements that they would never use in real life I believe, and sometimes it's just to unrealistic to be good.

If you like movies or series that are -all- about family values than 7th heaven is your thing. For me it just isn't realistic enough to enjoy it.
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The Early Seasons was Good
coreycitn6311 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
7th Heaven was a good family drama for in the early seasons but by the time when Jessica Biel wisely left the cracks of the series began to show. Annie the wife transformed from loving wife to a nagging harpy. Rev. Eric Camden began having heart problems and a control freak. As for the kids Matt is the typical older brother who was desperate to get married, Mary the jock who when she got injured her life spun out of control and was sent to live with her grandparents, Lucy is the typical middle child, Simon the younger brother whose life also spun out of control after a car accident which killed a high teenage boy on a bike and Simon became a sex addict in the aftermath. As for Ruthie the youngest daughter she evolved from cute kid to a smart aleck and finally a spoiled brat. Then there is Sam and David who was portrayed by the worst child actors ever. They clearly spoke from cue cards cause when the spoke it was heavily robotic. All of the others was clone characters who came in to replace Biel, Watson and Gallagher when they left. Sadly the show is no longer run in syndication due to conduct of Stephen Collins.
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Only those with a lot of patience need apply
sosapierce14 March 2013
"7th Heaven" came about not long after the WB network launched. There are good parts to it while I only lasted 2 seasons or 3 then had enough. The Camden family are an idyllic bunch who manage to solve every problem in an episode or the one after. There's a line between ethical and uptight and this family is the latter. I had enough of the heavy lecturing. I don't remember if I watched when a whole show made a big deal about one of the daughters (Mary) smoking! Like the world was going to end or something. That could have been one of many reasons Jessica Biel rebelled against her Mary Camden character off-screen by taking racy magazine pictures (Gear), then eventually left. Now Biel is the only former cast member still heard about.
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Heavy-Handed but Entertaining
blue_jean21 August 2001
If you read through the comments already posted (and there are many), you'll see that most people are very strongly polarized... people either love this show or hate it.

I, for one, am somewhere in the middle of the road about it.

It is heavy-handed. It takes an 'issue of the week', and involves each member of the family in some aspect of that issue... fidelity, drug use, abstinence from sex before marriage... then wraps everything up in a nice neat package before the end of the episode.

The way the issues are dealt with are both shallow and heavy-handed. You never have any doubt in your mind what issue the writers are bringing up this week; you never have any doubt what they thing the "right" thing to do is.

At the same time...

We're looking inside of a family that seems to genuinely care about each other. There's a father who's involved with his children, siblings who look after each other, and a mother who obviously loves her children... and her husband, even after seven children.

Yes, Matt needs a punch in the nose. Mary could stand a valium perscription. Lucy needs a little more maturity. And so on. But...

But I keep watching this show, episode after episode.

And I'm not entirely sure why.
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Mind your own business, Camdons!
Smells_Like_Cheese26 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit that when I was younger, I used to love watching this show, I actually thought it was very realistic and that it had a good plot each episode. Now of course, I was only 11 when I was watching the first season and I guess since it had grown up's in it, I assumed it was true to life. I grew up missing later seasons after Mary went to Buffalo to be with her grandparents. So years went by, not watching the show, not even missing it, but then one day I noticed on ABC Family that they were beginning to show the re-run's, so I figured I would watch the series again and give it another shot.

The plot is basic, a minister's family has daily problems, usually mediocre and over blown. We have Eric, the dad and husband, he's also a minister at the local church. Annie, his wife and mother of 7, she's a home maker, tries to do little jobs here and there, but I guess Eric prefers her living at home. Matt who is the oldest brother, he's also throughout most of the series in college studying to be a doctor. Mary, the second oldest, a basketball star in high school, but goes onto "evil deeds" later on, the rebel of the family. Lucy, the third oldest, the drama queen sister. Simon, the fourth oldest, who is the bank to his siblings and is always having girl problems. Ruthie, the fifth oldest, the little know it all who gives advice and goes to special school for her talents. And lastly, the twins, who are the youngest, don't really get much character development on the show.

Now we have major problems with this show that I realized, first off Aaron Spelling casts unbelievably good looking teens(who look nothing alike, when they're supposed to be siblings), not to mention their unrealistic reactions to their problems. I have learned from this show that you can heavily make out with guys, but it'll never lead to sex. If you're a smoker, you're a bad person. You can easily turn anyone else's problem into your own. When horrible problems occur that have nothing to do with you, guilt yourself, it's your fault somehow, even if you had no clue what was going on. If your wife is on hormones and drives you beyond insane(understandably), you remain patient and tolerant. Also, if you have a few financial problems, have one beer, don't go to college because you wanna figure out what you would like to do, oh, no, you can't do that in the Camdon family, they'll just ship you off to Buffalo.

I think another problem I have with this show is that it's somewhat sexist, Annie is a house wife who really is more of a nut case than a strong female. If Lucy and her husband, Kevin, got into a fight, he just kissed her off and wouldn't talk to her about the problem. And in later seasons, Ruthie got some kind of a boyfriend at a young age, and she said she would die without him, it was just ridiculous. Another thing was how annoying an episode would be with a problem, some how everyone in the family had the exact same problem going on of some sort. The twins finishing each other's sentences was not cute, it showed a lack of material for them.

I don't mean to complain so much about the show, it just had horrible acting and unbelievable situations. While it might be good for pre-teens, this is sadly not an adult show, it's insulting to the mind. I would love to say something good for this show, but I can't really, because it's hard to think about one good thing that I could say, it doesn't really have anything good. None of the characters are lovable, like Ruthie, who was supposed to be the wise one of the family was more annoying than tolerant. It's just a silly show when you really look at it, all I have to say to this family if I met them is to start minding their own business and take care of their own problems.
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atthen17 July 2006
This show is so full of double standards, hypocritical characters, and holier the thou attitudes. I can't even watch a commercial anymore.

The way the parents spy on their children and their ridiculous over the top reactions is laughable.

It they are "moral", than I don't know if I want to be in that category.

It is kind of scary to me to think some people actually think these are good people with good morals.

I am not surprise that most of the children have flown the coupe as fast as they could.
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With all it's negatives, I loved this show.
karmarro21 June 2020
I think this show jumped the shark somewhere around season 5 and I stopped watching after that. In fact, it went in a completely different direction that didn't even make sense. Everything I'm about to say regards only up to the end of season 4 The show is about a pastor and his family but is not very religious. It is about family that has an awful lot of kids but doesn't promote that. In some episodes have to defend "all those children" even. There is definitely gender based stereotyping going on although they did try to expand the SAHM being more than just a cook/clean/kids -- she's also a plumber/carpenter ... they tried. The plots are simple and solutions are too easy but I loved this show. It is campy and I love campy. The kids are close and defend one another. Pastor expands his role to community counselor / social worker and gets involved in neighbors / parishoners / kids' friends lives. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone paying attention and subtly, politely helping people address their issues. If more pastors were this way, I'd probably have a more positive attitude toward religion.
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The_Crys23 July 2007
No, really, that about sums up my opinion of this show, but I guess I'll elaborate.

I'm so sick and tired of these so-called 'morality' shows. If I had kids and wanted to teach them a thing or two about life, I'd tell them to read a friggin' book or ten, not subject themselves to this mind-numbing piece of steaming crap.

I've noticed most people who defend this show are Christians, and as much as I'd love to do some well-placed bashing, I won't, because I happen to have a lot of friends who are Christians and yet laugh themselves silly at the idiocy that is "7th Heaven". Kids who ask their parents permission to have sex? Daughters who ask their mother to find them someone to date? Are we living in the same planet here? Let us please refrain from extremities... Things in life aren't all black and white. The way this show presents it, you're only a nice person if you believe in a personal god, NEVER touch alcohol, NEVER swear, NEVER smoke, and --of course- have sex only after you marry. Everyone else is scum and should either revert to the 'righteous path' or burn in Christian hell. Can ya scream "Get off your high horse?" To add insult to injury, this show isn't even worth your attention despite the forced-upon morality. The plots are recycled and uninspired, the characters are two-dimensional cardboard cut-outs, and the writing is horrid and contrived.

And to all those people who defend this show by saying that it teaches kids a thing or two when compared to other shows... F*** that. Since when did mediocrity, denial, misogyny, propaganda and bigotry become good examples for your children?
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A Rare Gem in a World of Turds
jessicadavis-2590917 December 2019
Growing up, I wrote this show off due to its religious undertones. But as an adult , a parent in my mid thirties , I revisited the series when I saw it on amazon and ABSOLUTELY fell in the love . Especially if you're someone who wasn't fortunate enough to grow up with a good family , this show can be your safe haven (like it is for me ) Even though I'm vehemently against organized religion, I was able to compartmentalize that because I admired the way everybody in the show communicated. So healthy , so respectful, so mature ! You gotta understand, in the entertainment world, with its sea of overwhelming degeneracy , a show like this that teaches people how to interact lovingly and with respect, it's TRULY a breath of fresh air!

However , I do agree with other reviewers who talked about Lucy , she is incredibly annoying and over the top and the show could've really done without all that . Highly recommended family show , or guilty pleasure to watch alone and relish the nostalgia of the 90s/early 2000s.
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Good family show
It's not a Christian show ... it's a show about Christians. This show isn't meant to preach to people. It's meant to show that even Christians have ups and downs. I loved watching it growing up and have rewatched some of it on Hulu
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hey did they manage to make 242 episodes of crap?
g_rudge22 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
i cant believe this show - it has to be one of the worst things i have ever seen. The basic plot line follows a reverend and his wfire raising 7 kids up to be perfect and god fearing. But the main intention behind this show is to educate and in a way brainwash you into never doing a few certain things including - underage sex - underage drinking - drugs - to vote and many many others.

The story lines always involve the vicar or whatever he is intervening in peoples lives and meddling in their personal business. I cant believe it lasted 10 years and 242 episodes - thank god it was cancelled.
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Review of the reviews
scottca07530 January 2014
So as the title says, this is a review of the reviews.

I wonder where these reviewers were when the show was on the air? They pretend it wasn't a highly successful, highly rated show that lasted 11 seasons making it one of less than 30 prime time TV shows that ever ran as long.

There were a lot of reasons for the success of the show and there seem to be a lot of people who hate that others enjoyed those reasons; an intact family, a religious bent, involved & dedicated parents, etc.

7th Heaven was a terrific show and if it was a low rated as the reviewers give it, it wouldn't have lasted one season, let alone eleven,
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A TV show about a priest family with love problems, relationships and upbringing as a everyday life.
cineasten8917 March 2005
I am just watching the fifth season, as Sweden doesn't have been airing 7th heaven so far. Of what I've seen, I understand why people think 7th heaven is too melodramatic, bad acting and boring stories. But I don't think it is so, myself, even though I understand why people think so. I think it is a good TV show that tells much about how the community works, how it is like being a teenager and all problems that is occurring when you are a teenager. 7th heaven is a very current TV show as it tells much about drugs, college life, future, teen pregnancy, siblings, poverty, war and love, faith, joy and sorrow. It is just an ordinary TV show. And bad acting, why do people have to act? It is a TV show about a family, do they have to act? Well, maybe, but anyway, they are not acting bad. In particular, David Gallagher, Beverly Mitchell and Barry Watson are acting excellent. ¨

It is an ordinary family located in Glenoak, CA, but what divides this family from others is that the father is a priest. He is raising together with his wife up all their five children, that is increased to seven as the twins Sam and David are born in the 3rd season, of all different ages. It tells about Matt's way from high school to college and later to work, Mary's way from excellent basketball player in high school, to down-fall and to work, Lucy's way from junior high to high school to college and to being a mother, Simon's way from middle school to junior high to high school and last to college and Ruthie's way from pre school to kindergarten to elementary school to private school and to high school. It also tells the twins David and Sam growing from toddlers to pre school children. It also tells about funerals, how it is like losing somebody you love, love troubles, dates and marriage.

Of course, there are TV shows that deserve more attention, but 7th heaven is good in all ways - it tells social problems, how parent-child relations work, how it is like to raise up children and sibling fights, to have a model to look up to and a lot of other stuff. It may be a TV show with moral aspects, but it's a TV show that is very honest. It tells that nobody is perfect, that they can make mistakes sometimes, that mistakes can influence one's life, also to bad things, and that even richer people can be unhappy and that parents also make mistakes sometimes.

Some favorite episodes in each season:

Season 1 - #6 (Halloween), #13 (America's Most Wanted) and the final episodes #21 and #22 (Dangerous Liaisons 1 & 2)

Season 2 - #32 (Truth or dare) and the final episodes #43 and #44 (Boyfriends... and girlfriends)

Season 3 - #45 (It takes two, Baby), #46 (Drunk like me) and the final episodes #65 and #66 (There Goes the Bride part one and two)

Season 4 - #73 (Sin...part one) and #74 (...Expiation part two) and the final episodes #87 and #88 (Love Stinks part one and two).

Season 5 - The final episodes #109 (Chances) and #110 (Are).
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Beyond belief
Antagonisten13 May 2006
I saw this on afternoon TV a while ago and i sat the whole show with my mouth open with disbelief. From the theme song to the styled kids and the cutesy acting this has got to be some of the most awful television i have ever seen.

The most surprising thing i guess is that this is even shown on television outside of America. I guess there are parts of the world where this would still qualify as entertainment, but i have purposely kept myself very far from those parts. Besides being moralizing garbage this also has some of the most unbelievably shallow characters i have ever seen. Just looking at them tickles my gag reflex. I mean, what's up with that little girl? She's like six years old, wearing a ton of makeup looking constantly like she's the star of an ad for toothpaste.

This was seriously awful stuff. Heavy-handed medieval Christian morals packaged into a family-oriented afternoon entertainment format. Seeing that this show actually ran for ten years is... beyond belief. Seeing this i wonder what the shows are like that never even make it outside America.
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This show couldn't be any more complicated...
perni2 November 2003
I used to be a regular viewer of 7th Heaven, but after a while there were so many convoluted subplots that I just had to give up. The main family itself is huge, but when you add about 15 side characters the relationships become a bit too hard to follow. Also, I really got tired of how every episode became some political preaching about the latest controversy or hot button issue. In one episode, Ruthie writes letters to a U.S. soldier who is stationed in Afghanistan. Then she gets all worried when the guy stops writing back, and the preacher father ends the episode by reciting a sermon about America's heroes. Now, I'm all for being patriotic and all that jazz, but that entire episode seemed to be written in about five minutes and tacked onto the season just so the staff could win an Emmy. I'm willing to bet money that the writers just open up the paper to the Opinion section, close their eyes, point at a random story, and then write a script based on the issue. Going back to how complicated the show has gotten, I'd just like to note that it is very frustrating when the characters have boyfriends and girlfriends so many times in a season that you have no idea what's even happening any more. Seriously, you can skip one episode and someone will be married/divorced/pregnant/in a coma the next week. Talk about drastically changing plot lines! Now I'd like to talk about the most unintentionally hilarious episode, AKA the one that discussed the issue of marijuana. I could not believe how politically charged this one episode was, and my jaw was literally on the floor at how exaggerated the story was presented. Basically, the dad discovers a joint in the laundry (correct me if I'm wrong), and instantly starts eyeballing every one of his children. He becomes so paranoid and mistrusting that it's ridiculous. When he sees that Matt is eating more than two or three cookies, the camera zooms in on his sweaty, worried face. Why, Matt must have (gasp!) THE MUNCHIES! Dun, dun, DUN! Then one of the girls is acting tired. Why, she must be (gasp) HIGH! Dun, dun, DUN!! I mean, come ON! He even suspects Ruthie, who was probably 6-years-old at the time. Talk about overreacting. So anyway, the dad drags his wife into the bedroom and they discuss who might have brought the joint home. "Did you see Matt wolfing down those cookies? That's a sure-fire sign of (gasp!) THE MUNCHIES!" the dad whispers, afraid that his Christian neighbors will hear him. We then learn that the wife smoked some pot in college, and the dad literally freaks out. He comes this close to disowning his wife because she hit a couple of doobies when she was younger. Yes, God forbid someone does drugs when they're in college. I say, anyone who smokes weed is evil. EVIL, ya hear me?! So the dad puts the joint in his dresser drawer for safe keeping, and minutes later one of his daughters finds it while looking for something to wear. GASP! She thinks her parents are smoking the wacky weed! Ah, the wackiness that comes with family sitcoms. The show draws to a close when it is discovered that Matt had the joint, which leads to him running off somewhere. The mom and dad search the town only to find that he is praying in church. That's right, he's praying to God and spilling his guts about how he was just "holding" the joint for a friend. Uh, RIGHT. The credits roll after the mom and dad embrace their tearful son, a lesson learned by all. In short, GAG ME. Other issues discussed by Seventh Heaven include: listening to rap music is BAD, having sex is BAD, etc. Sheesh, whatever happened to just running a regular episode? Does every single show have to bery Very Special? Blech. I say this show be canned before the writers create an episode where Simon learns about the evils of homosexuality via a sinister uncle character. 0/4 stars
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is there a vote lower than 1?
greenbayfan111414 May 2006
My mother for some reason has been hooked on this show since I can remember. The first episode I ever saw, was so mind numbingly horrible I could hardly believe this lasted one season. But how in God's name did it ever last ten seasons? The theme song is bad enough to make you run away in fright. The actors were chosen strictly because of their faces, which makes me wonder if the guy who hired Lucy was blind, or retarded. Or both. The acting is horrible. I've seen the acting compared to B-movies, but that's just insulting to B-movie actors. The characters are unbelievable. Seeing as their father is a pastor, it would seem that he wouldn't put up with their crap, but the father is as conniving as the kids are. Also, isn't this show supposed to be Christian? These people are about as secular as a druggie. Sex, lies, and video tape. Trust me, if you are looking for a Christian show, don't look at this.
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Ewwww (possible spoiler warning)
BlueEyedO23 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In the first few seasons, it was good, I liked it even though I'm an atheist. But then... well... ew. The acting turned to crap. No one is like that. People don't actually talk or act like that. What?SPOILER Three sets of twins at the same time? Rose SPOILER leaving Simon and he being okay about it? NO! People have emotions people have compassion and even if you know deep down in your heart that you and that person aren't right for each other it still hurts! These 'people' are psychos! Naming your kids after bible characters that's insanity! I mean no, it's alright to name your kids those names but not for that reason! Arg! That series made me so mad after a while to watch it! And SPOILER why would you even let your son name his hamster Jesus? There are just so many things that do not make any sense with this show, holes are everywhere and it's making me tear my hair out! In the early seasons when Mary SPOILER stole the cup and went to court for it, and then all the students came together and brought back all the stolen stuff, guess what? People DO NOT do that in real life. It'd be nice if they did but they do not! Half of the people in this world are cowards, especially teenagers in high school, especially jocks. I mean for goodness sakes people! This show may have been some what good in the earl seasons, but it's turned to crap. And all the actors would be better off with out it.
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A Good Start, But Lost Its Magic
cyoung0457 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show began really well, actually. I would highly recommend the first 3 seasons, especially season 2 episode 17.

Personally, I am a preacher's kid, and I think the show (in the beginning) presented an accurate, albeit accelerated, view of a pastor's family life. It really is like that, just maybe not all at once, every single week.

However, after a while (maybe somewhere around the fifth season) this show started to get more and more ridiculous. Reasonable, stable characters became more wildly emotional than they were before. The plots tried to hang on, but after a while the writers must have succumbed to the pressure of being a night drama on the WB (now CW).

That said, you will be interested to know that Jessica Biel started on this show.

Oh yeah, and I found the youngest daughter to be consistently annoying from beginning to end. lol.
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Pure American Propaganda!!!
morogiorgas27 April 2008
Worst show ever!!! Just stay away!!! Do not watch even for fun!!! It is so annoying that you may actually go on watching it just out of curiosity. I was curious for along time. "How much worst is it going to get?" , I was wondering. And it kept on surprising me. Until one day Jessica left the show. I am not a masochist , so I stop watching it. Seriously, not only it is awful but it is scary too. I could not believe that there are actually people in America thinking the same way the Camdens think. I could not believe that there are people defending their president for his crimes to humanity and I can not believe there are still people that consider sex to be a crime. I can not understand why Americans try so hard to make people from other countries to hate them. Why? Why dear Americans you want us to hate you? Stop making disgusting TV shows that offend our intelligence , PLEASE. GO on making shows like "arrested development" or "friends". Thanks!
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Childhood Memories
xxronniexx25 March 2019
Now in my mid 30's this show is completely different than what I remember growing up watching it during dinner. Being an adult opens your eyes that this series spoke about a lot of stuff Christian family's do not like talking about.

It helps guide parents on communication with their children and honestly trying to communicative as a unit. I really find that most important let alone having God be invoiced too. Now there are some things that annoyed me but overall, who cares. Since the series is great.
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Good watch, but also annoying.
billking-0242824 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it a 7 and that is what it is worth.

The 1st season was great when we were learning all about the family and their surroundings.

As time went on I got the impression the family, while thinking they were doing the right thing was full of white lies circulating throughout the entire show. As we all know perpetuating and maintaining a lie is difficult and never really works out, but that doesn't stop this pious family, especially the patriarch, from telling non-stop lies. It got old after a while.

Still the suspense and intrigue made it a good show to watch, even though it wasn't realistic, hence my good rating.

Also it was fun to binge watch the whole load of seasons, recently, and watch the lives of the actors mature.

Season 10 (spoiler) drove me nuts as it took forever for Simon to dump his controlling fiancé and find out he was a father by another girl.

Actually I think it took more than 1 season to play this out.
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A show about parents who stalk their children
EmDee-427-4693448 December 2013
The Camden parents are constantly stalking their kids and pushing them away because they have the nerve to live life without telling them everything. The kids constantly lie about little things and overall this seems realistic of religious families to me- having known children whose parents are nosy self-righteous ministers and gossipy self-righteous wives.

Every situation is blown out of proportion and the whole show does not make Christianity appear to be an appealing option for young people who are experimenting in their "finding a purpose" stage of life. As the siblings grow older they also join in on the stalking and nosing into the business of their younger siblings- like they are the moral compasses in the world. Also, the fact that the father feels bad as subsequent kids don't blindly choose to follow in his footsteps and be ministers shows the truth behind the indoctrination into religions (i.e. kids do everything their parents want without thinking about it).

If you are a family member who "rebels" by smoking a cigarette, having sex or even kissing a boy who your parents don't know (because they're overbearing and you have hidden him from them and lied) etc- then you are pushed away until you beg forgiveness or get sent to a psychiatrist (where you also lie and or just turn up and then leave). Even if the actors did "something wrong" (being paid to model- Jessical Biel) in their private lives outside of acting they were punished and ousted like the "devils" they are.

These nosy parents don't ever learn and they keep being overbearing throughout the whole series- even after self-righteous "Annie Speeches" that include the words "We need to let them come to us when they're ready" and "maybe they don't feel comfortable telling us" (ya think?). They're slow and I guess the producers are also ministers because they don't ever develop those parents beyond snooping stalkers.
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The Weakest Link
mbny-4350424 May 2019
I love 7th Heaven! The only problem is the Lucy character. She is the most annoying character I have ever seen. Otherwise, this show gets a strong 10 !
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Not that bad!
rosa-arach6665 June 2013
My review is mainly to comment on those who have commented before me. I mean, wow - cynical much? Whine, whine, whine...so this show isn't just like your life? Shocker! It's a TV show. I hardly ever comment on these things so forgive me, but, I read a lot of these reviews and it just made me sick! I think most the people that gave it poor ratings are the kind of people that "talk to hear themselves talk". Give me a break.."It's not realistic...Make it stop...it's evil.." Seriously? If you gave a truly honest reason for not liking the series then fine, but this is to all the whiners out there. Most people wrote that it wasn't realistic and the plot lines weren't believable...um...it's a TV SHOW! And I really love the one where someone wrote that the actors that are supposed to be related don't even resemble each other...another shocker..They're actors! I look nothing like my sibling! Maybe the people that do the casting will look at that and think, "Gee, maybe we should have just gotten people that looked alike - who cares if they can act or not!" Um..no. Lol. I am not exactly a fan of the show, but I did enjoy it. I realized that even as a child watching the series that I was, in fact, looking at a square box with moving people inside called actors..Were there parts that were unrealistic? Absolutely. But hey, I like movies like Dumbo where an elephant can fly. ;)
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I had to comment..
jurajkopsa29 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I know - it's so sorry to comment a series after it's of the air for like 10 years, but I have decided last week I will give it a try for two or three episodes, and I didn't make it... I made it through two and a half, and tried not to throw everything in my reach into the screen. They should pass out insulin with this over sweetened piece of crap... I'm feeling sorry for the American people that are judged in the rest of the world on the basis of shows like this one... On the other hand - I'm sure there are trailer parks over there, where this one was a blockbuster. The only positive thing that I have heard about this show, is that Jessica Biel is in it - didn't see anything interesting in the episodes I was watching, and probably it will stay that way, because I don't think it's worth it...
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