General Hospital (TV Series 1963– ) Poster

(1963– )

Steve Burton: Jason Morgan, Patient 6, Jason Quartermaine, Jason (Quartermaine) Morgan, Drew Cain, Jason, Jason Smith, Rummy Joe, Steve Burton



  • Samantha McCall : I thought she kicked.

    Jason Morgan : You were dreaming.

    Samantha McCall : I know. Just for a second, everything was like it was before. She was still with us and she was ok. Everything hurts so bad.

    Jason Morgan : Just hold on to me.

    Samantha McCall : Jason? When will the pain go away?

    Jason Morgan : Never.

  • Carly Corinthos : There is a strange kind of logic in this, though, that we'd end up here together. You - you were always my rock, my emergency brakes, you know that you are my best friend? Did you ever - do you ever think that we could've been more?

    Jason Morgan : Yeah.

    Carly Corinthos : Was there a possibility?

    Jason Morgan : I can't speak for you.

    Carly Corinthos : I'm not asking you to. You're dodging the question, come on. I just - I just need to know. Did you ever feel - did you ever feel more for me?

    Jason Morgan : Yes, I did.

    Carly Corinthos : Me, too. Why didn't we ever pursue it?

    Jason Morgan : There was always something in the way.

    Carly Corinthos : Now there's nothing in the way, Jason, except imminent death. Jason, kiss me good-bye.

  • Sonny Corinthos : Sister Agnes said I was asking for Carly the whole time I was lying shot in that convent. I was half delirious. I could've asked for anybody. I could've ask for Sam, even Brenda. Hell, I could asked for you to get me the hell out of there, but I didn't. I wanted to see Carly. I wanted to see her face. The Nuns called Carly to come, she came! that's what I can't get past. This was her chance to get out of my life, to let go. The more this goes on, Jason, the more I realize maybe, just maybe I couldn't let go any more than she could.

    Jason Morgan : Sonny, just leave - leave things the way they are right now.

    Sonny Corinthos : I want Carly as my wife, not my roommate! I want to be able to sleep with her. I want to be able to trust her and I want her to be able to trust me. If I tell her the truth and she leaves, at least it's resolved. And if she stays, at least I know that she did it knowingly with her eyes open because she wanted to.

  • Jason Morgan : AJ... you are nothing.

  • Emily Quartermaine : Jase, you know I think you're perfect.

    Jason Morgan : Ah, I'm far from it, Emily.

    Emily Quartermaine : And it would be perfect if you'd just get out of your own way and just let yourself be happy.

    Jason Morgan : Please, don't do this.

    Emily Quartermaine : You know what? I've heard all the reason's that you and Courtney can't be happy, Jason. I'm not sure I believe them. I'm not sure you do, either. But I'm absolutely convinced that love is precious, Jason, it's rare, and you'd be a fool to throw it away. And my big brother's nobody's fool.

  • Jason Morgan : You're looking at this like it's the beginning of something. It's not.

    Samantha McCall : Oh, is that a threat?

    Jason Morgan : It's a statement of fact. Sonny's life is complicated. As long as you're with him your life will be, too.

    Samantha McCall : Oh, it'll take a hell of a lot more than complications to scare me off.

    Jason Morgan : Sonny's only sleeping with you to punish Carly.

  • [Liz and Jason looking out on the docks] 

    Jason Morgan : Don't you wish it could always be like this. No guns, no killing, no explosions, just... this.

  • Ric Lansing : I need to call Elizabeth, Jason.

    Jason Morgan : Forget it.

    Ric Lansing : Look, she's my wife she thinks I'm dead.

    Jason Morgan : You get the ride back, Ric, that's all.

    Ric Lansing : You know what. I know that you hate me but there's no reason to make Elizabeth pay for what I've done.

    Jason Morgan : You're right. It would have been better for Elizabeth if I let you die.

  • Jason Morgan : Just tell me what you need.

    Emily Quartermaine : I need to figure out how to die. That's what happening even though no one will come out and say it. And I don't know - I don't know how to make it ok for them. They're all so terrified and I have no idea how to help them.

    Jason Morgan : Do - do you really - do you really think this is it?

    Emily Quartermaine : Yes.

    Jason Morgan : OK. Then the time that you have left is a gift.

    Emily Quartermaine : A gift?

    Jason Morgan : Yeah. You just have to use that time to say whatever you need to give the people you love a part of yourself to keep with them.

    Emily Quartermaine : A part of myself?

    Jason Morgan : Yeah, just a part of yourself.

    Emily Quartermaine : I'm so scared. I am so scared Jason.

    Jason Morgan : I know. I know you are.

  • Jason Morgan : The first time I ever saw grief was when Sonny's wife Lily died. It made me understand that bad things happen fast but you live through them slow. Lily was gone in a flash. Her car exploded. But, Sonny fell apart for a long time after. He had to relearn how to do everything.

  • Jason Morgan : So what do you want to do about Faith.

    Sonny Corinthos : She thinks you're dead. She came to the chapel. She told me so herself. She wanted me to retire.

    Jason Morgan : Well, it won't be the first time she's wrong.

    Sonny Corinthos : It's going to be the last time, because I going to finish that bitch tonight.

  • Zander Smith : You need to leave.

    Faith Rosco : Yeah, no brains, no service. He's right. You'll have to go.

    Jason Morgan : Sonny tells me you hold the title to this place.

    Faith Rosco : I do, indeed. I inherited it from my grandmother. So Carly is out of the picture. Not that she has enough brains left to understand that. Maybe Sonny will enjoy being married to a vegetable. He seems to clearly have a soft spot for mentally defective people.

  • Michael Corinthos : I'm not a baby like Morgan. I know something really bad is going on here. Tell me. I can handle it.

    Jason Morgan : I know you can. I know, I know you're a strong little guy and you can take care of - take care of things, but - it's just - Michael. It's not my place to tell you. It's something your parents are going to have to do when they decide the time is right.

    Michael Corinthos : What should I do till then?

    Jason Morgan : Um, well, just remember that life is gonna change a little bit. Here, sit up there, OK? You know, sometimes people choose things that make everything different from what it was. People aren't perfect. Sometimes they make mistakes, sometimes they get angry. But you still love them. Because if they're yours, they matter more than anything.

  • John Durant : Don't get between me and my daughter.

    Jason Morgan : What are you going to do? Frame me?

    John Durant : No, not at all. I'm going to go after your ex-wife, Courtney.

    Jason Morgan : I'm going to make this really simple. You do anything to Courtney. And I'll kill you.

  • Jason Morgan : You should go home. You should rest.

    Samantha McCall : How am I supposed to rest if I'm worried about you?

  • Courtney Matthews : Your job - it ends up hurting everybody in the end, including the people that you'd die for. Oh, God. Jason, Michael is - he is the most wonderful kid in the world. He is so warm and loving, and he trusts. Pretty soon, Michael is going to shut down, and he won't even be able to let someone teach him how to play catch, because the only people he's allowed to trust are you and Sonny.

    Jason Morgan : And you. He can trust you.

    Courtney Matthews : Oh, really? Well, for how long? You know, I don't agree with the way that Sonny's acting, so pretty soon he is going to turn against me, too. He's already thrown Carly out of her own kids' lives. You're the only person that those kids are going to have left. Michael and Morgan are the real victims here, Jason.

  • Jason Morgan : You had a nice story the last time you tried to kill me. What's it going to be this time?

    Det. Andy Capelli : That's an easy one. You tried to kill me, and I shot you in self-defense.

    Jason Morgan : You want me dead to frame me for shooting detective Beck, when you're the one who killed him. That's very good, Capelli.

    Det. Andy Capelli : Oh, you figured that out all by yourself, huh, Morgan? I guess you're not as stupid as people think.

  • Jason Morgan : What the hell do you want?

    Jasper 'Jax' Jacks : I wanted to congratulate you in person on becoming a father.

    Faith Rosco : Oh? You and Bunny are back together?

    Jasper 'Jax' Jacks : No, that's old news. Jason finally found someone on his own level - Sam McCall.

    Faith Rosco : Oh, oh, this is really too delicious. You've been boffing Sonny's girlfriend and live to tell the tale.

    Jasper 'Jax' Jacks : Yes, but that's not all. Sam just shared the happy news - her and Jason are getting married.

  • Samantha McCall : Where did you get peppermint tea?

    Jason Morgan : I don't know, that's old. Brenda bought it.

    Samantha McCall : The Brenda? The goddess on a pedestal who I sort of look like but can't hope to replace for Sonny and Jax? That Brenda?

    Jason Morgan : Yeah, she - she lived here for a little while when we were married.

    Samantha McCall : What?

    Jason Morgan : Brenda and I were married for a little while.

    Samantha McCall : Were married, Yeah. Ok, I got that part. Why, and why didn't anyone tell me?

    Jason Morgan : Why are they going to tell you? It's not like we were in love. Brenda thought that she was sick and she wanted me to commit her to a mental hospital. And I could only do it if I was her husband.

  • Jason Morgan : OK, when the bartender gets back, I want you to distract him.

    Carly Corinthos : OK. How?

    Jason Morgan : Just do something you're good at - lie.

  • Jason Morgan : Don't go around threatening Carly, Sam.

    Samantha McCall : She was threatening me.

    Jason Morgan : OK, you know what, Sam? I... whatever. I don't care who started it. Carly's vicious when she feels threatened. She'll fight anyone, she'll do anything to hold on to her family, and that includes me. She's afraid you're going to take me away. You got a lot more trouble than you can handle already. So the next time Carly comes over here, do your self a favor - keep your mouth shut and let me deal with her.

  • Jason Morgan : This thing with Jax is getting serious. Isn't it?

    Courtney Matthews : Yes, and it scares me to death.

    Jason Morgan : Why would that scare you?

    Courtney Matthews : Because I never thought that I would love anyone after loving you.

  • Jason Morgan : What's going on?

    Dillon Quartermaine : First, I need to know if there's any sort of family discount. I'm kind of broke.

    Jason Morgan : What kind of service are you looking to buy.

    Dillon Quartermaine : Protection. We got into some trouble with Lorenzo Alcazar, and I think it might be life-threatening.

    Jason Morgan : All right, just tell me what happened.

    Brooke-Lynn Ashton : We agreed to lock his niece, Sage, in a freezer and then somebody murdered her.

  • Jason Morgan : I'm trying to do what's best for this child.

    Sonny Corinthos : You mean my daughter?

    Jason Morgan : No one's forgetting that, Sonny.

    Sonny Corinthos : I want to be the one making decisions for her, you know?

    Jason Morgan : OK. But, you know, children are dependent on the adults who are with them. Decisions are going to have to be made around the clock. You know that.

    Sonny Corinthos : You just come over and ask me, then.

    Samantha McCall : Sonny, you won't be there when she takes her first step or says her first word or gets sick or needs a ride to a play date because you can't be there. You have a wife and kids of your own.

    Sonny Corinthos : How many times do I got to say this? This is my child, too, as much as Michael and Morgan.

    Samantha McCall : Yeah, but she's not going to be a part of your family! Let's face it, she's not going to be a priority. She's going to be the kid you visit when you have time off from Michael and Morgan. We both know there's a lot more to parenting than biology, Sonny.

    Sonny Corinthos : Oh. So you're just going to take the place of the father? Is that what's going on here?

    Jason Morgan : No, I'm just the one who's going to be here all the time.

    Samantha McCall : Jason will be here living day in and day out with me and your baby during the time that you're supposed to be here, and that's the reality of it, Sonny. You can fight it all you want, but at some point you're going to have to deal with it.

  • Samantha McCall : You know, for two guys who work so closely together, you and Sonny are nothing alike.

    Jason Morgan : No reason we should be.

    Samantha McCall : Yeah, I know. I guess it's the way you're different that impresses me. Sonny thinks he owns people, and you encourage them to be themselves.

    Jason Morgan : It's easier.

    Samantha McCall : On everyone. Jason, thank you. Thank you for every thing that you have done for me, and I just want you to know that I've never felt so protected in my life.

  • Jason Morgan : I'm not saying that Sam's right. I am saying that she's scared and she's hurt, and what do you do when you're scared? You either run or you fight. Is that what you really want?

    Sonny Corinthos : No, I don't want to hurt Sam. I just want to protect my place as the baby's father.

  • Jason Morgan : Do you mind if I ask you a question about your brother?

    Elizabeth Webber : No. What do you want to know about Steven?

    Jason Morgan : Well, is he a doctor first or a cop?

    Elizabeth Webber : He's a doctor, like our father and our grandfather. Healing people is the most important thing to Steven.

  • Jason Morgan : [about Durant]  He just threatened Courtney. Can I kill him now?

    Sonny Corinthos : Don't tempt me.

See also

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