IMDb Polls

Poll: Best Decade for TV Shows

Which decade do you think has produced the best TV shows? Each decade is represented by its highest rated TV show at IMDb.

After voting, you may discuss the poll here.

Also vote for: Best Decade for Cinema

Results of 2,197 votes:

  1. 1.

    Breaking Bad (2008)

    2000s Other Notable Shows: The Big Bang Theory (2007) Dexter (2006) How I Met Your Mother (2005) Lost (2004) House M.D. (2004)
  2. 2.

    Game of Thrones (2011)

    2010s Other Notable Shows: The Walking Dead (2010) Sherlock (2010) Stranger Things (2016) House of Cards (2013) True Detective (2014)
  3. 3.

    The Sopranos (1999)

    1990s Other Notable Shows: Friends (1994) South Park (1997) The X-Files (1993) Mr. Bean (1990) Batman: The Animated Series (1992)

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