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The Final and Unfortunate Nail in Fox's X-Men Franchise
MinistryofDoom23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The New Mutants is one of the stranger entries into what is now known as Marvel's Legacy films (Marvel's films under Fox prior to it's merger with Disney). The New Mutants is 20th Century Fox's final nail in the coffin for it's X-men related films. Everything to follow The New Mutants will be directly produced by Disney/Marvel and incorporated into the MCU over time. This is good as it will allow Marvel to finally correct all the issues with the X-men's fractured timelines and convoluted films. For those who don't know, The New Mutants was Marvel's precursor to X-Force which is originally led by Cable, the anti-hero introduced in Deadpool 2.

However, instead of a standard superhero origin story like Spiderman or X-Men, The New Mutants began it's story in a world where mutants already exist, and apparently have existed for some time. While it's not directly linked to the X-men or Deadpool films, atleast not on the surface, it does mention the fact that the X-men and Professor X do exist in this world and are an active superhero team. All the characters are canon original members of what would later become X-Force, except for Magik, Illyana Rasputin. According to Marvel lore, she's the sister of Colossus, the large metal X-man featured in Deadpool and Deadpool 2, though she never even mentions that he exists. These kids....the "new mutants"......Magik, Cannonball,Wolfsbane, Sunspot, and Mirage, find themselves trapped in high security institution, which is so high security that it let's them walk around freely as long as they don't leave the premises. Each day they attend sessions with their handler, a mysterious woman named Dr. Cecilia Reyes, who's job is to help them learn to harness and control their powers. Throughout the film there is a foreboding sense that things aren't what they seem. Little by little the teens discover evidence that make them question why they're there and draw questions about the motives of their handler. Initially they believe that they're being prepared to join the X-men but is that why they're really there? Things come to a head when they begin to ask questions and seek answers on their own leading to an action-packed battle between good and evil.

In terms of the greater X-men films, this is a nice change from all of the time travel, multiple versions of multiple characters thing that has so deeply destroyed the X-men series. However, among the X-films, it's not one of the good ones. It's not one of the worst either. I saved that place for Apocalypse until Dark Phoenix beat it.

Nevertheless, I appreciate it's choice to step away from traditional costumed superhero action and attempt to tell a much darker story in the same film universe. I just wish it was executed better. The honest truth is that if you never read any of the comicbooks like I have, and have only seen the other X-men films, you would have no idea who these people are or why you should care about them. Their characters are unfortunately not developed well at all. Viewers won't know anything about them; for the most part, they don't even go by their comicbook superhero names (as I've referred to them above) but rather by their regular names. Honestly, do YOU know who are Rahne Sinclair or Sam Guthrie? Probably not, unless you're a fellow X-Nerd. The New Mutants doesn't even give them the courtesy of identifying who they are through a proper introduction. Most of them don't even exhibit their powers through most of the film. Sure, you're given hints and glimpses into what they might be capable but it's not enough to know what they're all about. While it does drop several easter eggs here and there for the true fans, they're so well hidden that most people won't even notice. Simon Kinberg was on record as saying that wanted something that resembled a mash of Stephen King and John Hughes-like horror set in a superhero world. While that sounds fantastic, it doesn't feel like, in this particular instance, it was successfully achieved. Unfortunately, during development, there were alot of script rewrites and several people who were set to join the film were either re-cast or dropped entirely. In the end, what we got was a generic pyschological horror film which was painted over with X-Men references and in the end, it just didn't feel right. It didn't work. It could have been so much better had they developed the idea some more.

In the end, if you're a fan of the Fox X-Men movies, you may choose to see this but I assure you that if you decide to skip it, you won't miss out on anything important to the overall X-Men franchise.
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A Potentially Great Idea Not Used to the Fullest
Garcwrites27 August 2020
@garcwrites: This movie is a slow burn that gives you enough time to get to know the new mutants but it's not very atmospheric. It doesn't put you in the mood, despite the horror vibe of the piece. I never felt anxious, or worried for any of the characters.

Even if the tone is a bit of a miss for me, it is a smartly constructed story. I felt I got the characters. I understood their fears, their traumas, and why they were the way we found them on an intellectual level but I hardly felt for them. I can't say that the actors didn't pull their weight, even though they are no oscar worthy performances, but giving that the atmosphere wasn't really there nothing elevated the work they put in.

The action scenes and visual effects were great for what they were going for, but in comparison to the sets looked like an expensive new car in a junk yard. The facility they were in is so rundown and cheap looking that I couldn't believe that it had voice activated locks. It would have been easier to believe that the doors opened and closed because of a Mutant's power.

The New Mutants felt like a great idea that wasn't totally followed through. There is a gun-shy feeling to it. They didn't go all the way or didn't strike the right tone. The first half of Josh Trank's Fant4stic Four felt more ominous than this entire movie. Unless they going for an intellectual horror superhero movie - if that's a thing - it worked! Because I understood what I was suppose to feel but never experienced any of the emotions.
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This movie desperately needed whatever they edited out.
sara-69126 January 2021
It was an OK movie all in all, but it could've been SO much better. I was personally stoked for a horror mutants movie, but this is as much horror as any other superhero movie (and less than some) so I must say I was very disappointed. The idea of was there and it could've been SO SO good but in the end, it wasn't...

A thing that really distracted me was the actors weird accents. You have a group of really good actors here but the bad accents made them just seem mediocre.
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Wow it is so bad.
ThomDerd20 December 2020
Why 2 stars? Just because I used to like x-men, but after seeing this... I just don't know anymore. Why did they allow this script and in the end this final product to get out of the studio? I actually don't even care. I do care to inform the superhero movie enthusiasts and fans of the x-men saga etc to stay as far as they can from this movie and save themselves from utter disappointment and from wasting time watching this bad movie. 2/10
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Not sure why all the bad reviews
jamesmcconnon13 September 2020
Don't know why this is getting sick bad reviews. It's not top notch Marvel but it's entertaining enough. A solid three star out of 5.

It's basically one flew over the breakfast club with added superpowers. The characters are likeable, and at an hour and a half it neither outstays it's welcome nor eats into post cinema drinking time.

I doubt the box office will justify a sequel, which is a shame as I'd like to see what happened next.
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Worse than I expected
roflmeao8 September 2020
I went in with low expectations and yet still left disappointed. I'd like to say something positive but I really can't think of anything right now. The plot, dialogue, characters, acting, cinematography, lighting, everything was just awful.

I don't usually take note of accents in movies, if the characterisations are fine then I usually just gloss over them. It says a lot that even I noticed how bad and inconsistent these were.

The backstories were glossed over and only partially explored for the most part with glaring holes in most of them.

The "hospital" setting was not set up, explained, or even logically consistent. If you don't know who is behind it with a certain name drop, then you won't get any answers here.

Just bad. Bad and a waste of your time. Watch literally anything else. Go for a walk. Play with your dog. Live life. Don't watch this.
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ALL those X-Men films prepared me WELL , for this ~{ E X T R A }~ deep dive into the SUPERNATURAL😱... The Movie is "Super-Bizarre" , but ~{ V E R Y }~ Creative , Indeed 🔥 . Warning: Spoilers

A { -Micro- } Review .

Danielle Moonstar : " There's a Native American proverb that says : Inside every person there are two bears, forever locked in combat for your soul. One bear is all things good: compassion, love, trust. The other is all things evil: fear, shame and self-destruction " .

Expect some REALLY good dramatic, intense, and romantic 💘 -even- performances... from this small but Truly ⭐ Fine smattering of ~{ Young 💎 }~ actors and actresses ; carefully ~{ Handpicked }~ from Hollywood's new brood of "Up-And-Comers". Music-composer Mark Snow { of 'Huge' X-Files 👽 Acclaim } provides a fittingly... " All at once Eerie Yet Still Vivid & Soaring " ...theme, that very nicely dramatizes all those 'Super-creepy' moments in the film ; & believe me you, there are a whole bunch of them to boot. Also, for what it's worth, I actually thought that Rahne's relationship with Danielle was ~{ Truly Moving }~ at the very Least 🌠 .

The film was big fun, and refreshingly different from what came before. The -{ Entire }- film is essentially predicated on, & centered around, the lives & actions of, get this..... { ~JUST SIX~ } Principal ⭐ Characters on One Single ( sprawling ) Estate " ...& I was -{ STILL }- entertained to bits. A Lively ~{ Enthusiastic 😃 }~ 7.00 Marks Out Of 10 .
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Bad Writing
data_over_dogma27 January 2021
No amount of acting and effects can make up for terrible writing. Lets just say they set up certain things in the movie and then never use them. You're like, oh the beginning of the movie said this, but don't expect anything to happen because... bad writing.

It really peaks near the beginning, then really drags on. Theres a fight scene near the end that is endless, unbelievable, really repetitive. The climax is anticlimactic so....

There was potential for a good movie, and the actors did fine, but the characters didn't act like real people. It was so obvious what was going on but they dragged on every single story element and repeated it. I feel bad for these actors; Truly a waste of money and talent.

Part of the reason it was so bad is because it has an intellectual level of Spy Kids, super predictable and stereotypical moments but placed and set up so poorly that they have no emotional depth. It checks all the boxes except being interesting and having a good plot... you know... like missing the whole point of movies.
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I enjoyed it!
joseandresbriceno26 August 2020
Finally after 3 years I saw it, and I must say I really enjoyed it. The movie starts off quite well, however it definitely falls flat a bit at the end, but it's entertaining and worth watching. It has a decent length and it's well made and it has a good plot. As for the concept of horror ... MEH ... it's not really horror, it has a little bit of horror but nothing spectacular, and I wouldn't put it under the category of horror. I loved all the characters, especially the character of Magik (Anya Taylor-Joy), it's a shame that we won't see these characters and their stories anymore since it is the closing chapter of the X-Men saga with FOX. Probably all the delays that occurred with this movie affected it in one way or another, especially because most of the people will expect too much and be disappointed, but give it a chance and enjoy it for what it is. At least it's WAY better than X-men Dark Phoenix.
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I Have No Idea How This Film Got Made
suttonwirt17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
'Twas. Surprisingly so. It featured Anya Taylor-Joy with a garbage Russian accent. Charlie Heaton (from Stranger Things) with a garbage Kentucky accent. The completely likable Alice Braga (I Am Legend) as a completely unbelievable villain... sort of? The plot was terrible. The script was terrible. The setting was terrible. I don't even remember the music. There's like six actors in the whole thing. There is no context or connection to anything outside of the one setting the movie take place in. It couldn't decide its genre. Unconvincing horror, lame battles for a hero story, bratty kids who do bratty things. I could go on. I have no idea how that movie got made.
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67.000.000 $ for this crap?!
dinkopepe26 September 2020
67.000.000 $ for this crap?! For this money we could shoot 100 movies, and at least 5 of them would be great.
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I thought it was great.
amybourque2 July 2022
I didn't know until reading the reviews that it was supposed to be a horror movie. It's not, wasn't scary a bit. So I can understand someone thinking that it was horror giving a bad review.

Now, if you take horror out of the review process and just watch the movie, it's really enjoyable. I love the relationship between Rayne and Dani. I wish we could have gotten more about Rayne's background story. Illy was my favorite character. I hope if X Men continues that they include her. I would have liked more background on all the kids. I think they were trying to leave an opening for a second movie which would have hopefully answered a lot of questions.
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Better then people are admitting.
marshallhaque30 August 2020
I honestly think people are being harsher on this movie then they should be, sure, this movie could have been better story and acting wise. But with the amount of delays and reshoots it had you gotta give it its credit. It tried to tackle something new which I think landed. The way they tackled the horror theme, to me was perfect. People were expecting a full out conjuring horror with an endgame level ending which is obviously not what this movie was going for so for anyone expecting either of those your of course gonna get disappointed. It does start out a little slow but once the horror and trauma aspects of the characters start the movie is easier to get into. My family and I went into this movie barley seeing the trailers and not really knowing what to expect and we came out feeling like we got our moneys worth. If you're questioning what to do because of the reviews I advice you go and make your own opinion.
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C (flat 5). October 20' @AMC
Celewa22 February 2021
Feels different than other films in this genre. Never really commits to the horror aspect which is disappointing. Runtime felt short. Some out of place CGI. Distracting accents. Watchable.
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The New Boring
myvek22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Take everything good about the 1st X-men movie, sprinkle in a dash of Maise Williams being great, add in some serious Ham from Anya Taylor, a spoonful of terrible cgi from "Cats" and a dash of nonsense story and random powers and viola! You now have a movie somehow worse than X-men Origins: Wolverine
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Good coming of age drama/action - not really a horror.
laura-2402720 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the New Mutant comics growing up, & was so looking forward to seeing the characters I loved make it to the Big Screen. When they said it would be filmed as a horror, I didn't think I'd be able to watch it, as horror movies freak me out. I needn't have worried, because while there are some creepy characters/ creatures, it did not have that horror atmosphere, & I wasn't scared at all.

PROS: -The young cast, especially Dani & Illyana. Dodgy accents aside, they all did a good job of conveying teen angst & having to cope with their powers in an unfamiliar/ possibly enemy setting.
  • I thought the idea of having them in an institution, & being in the dark about who put them there, & Reyes true motives, was good & was a good foil for the manifestation of Dani's power.
  • The effects were pretty good.
  • Dani & Illyana's powers were pretty awesome.

  • Why was there only one Doctor/ supervisor in the whole place, considering these kids have potentially dangerous & uncontrollable powers? There's not even any tech support, with all the monitors etc...
  • Rahne's character is deeply religious in the comic, & constantly conflicted about her power. It doesn't gel for me that she would embark on a lesbian relationship, or if she did, that she wouldn't be apprehensive or have guilt about it.
-The kids (in the comics, from what I remember) are supposed to be not long out of puberty, when their powers are manifesting, & they (with the exception of Rahne) all looked about 17-18. Sam, I thought, looked older than that.
  • Why didn't Rahne turn full wolf in the action scenes? In fact she was hardly a wolf at all. I wanted to see more of all their powers.

Overall, flaws aside, I enjoyed the movie. If I hadn't read the comics, I'd probably have enjoyed it more. Apparently they aren't making any more movies about the New Mutants, which is a shame, because there's potential there. I'd love to see more of Illyana's backstory.
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Surprisingly not bad actually!
Rainbowbeany27 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved it! It wasn't very scary but I also didn't want it to be. The demon bear by far is the scariest thing in it. I'm not gonna lie, it made me jump a few times. It's a smaller environment that truly gave the characters time to shine. My favorite was Magik of course. But I loved the love story between Wolfsbane and Mirage. They did with just a beauty and finesse that it made me tear up a few times. Truly beautifully done. The film doesn't really try to hard to be too different which is where a small fault lies. It surprisingly has its fare share of twists, nothing too groundbreaking tho. The New Mutants can be a fun time if you don't expect a masterpiece.

Ps. If you're a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer you won't want to miss this movie!

Oh and no post credit scenes.
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One very different superhero movie, psychological thriller horror, very interesting
capitanotm24 December 2023
I am not sure why this low score and bad ratings are given to this movie.

Its a way different movie of this x-men superhero universe.

It follows five new mutants not familiar to public before (movies' public), and how they explore and combine theirs newly found powers.

Movie pins you to the seat and makes you want to watch at least one sequel!

Story is very good as well as its exhibition, there is a lot of mystery left surrounding this movie and where it could go with story, i waited almost four years to watch it since i read reviews and saw ratings and kinda built aversion to it, but dont watch bad reviews, check few trailers if not sure or just watch a movie for 5-10-15mins and you will be pin to watch this one to the end!
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Not a very good movie
adam_harris-1909515 February 2021
From the story, to the editing, to the acting, it wasn't good. Has our standards gone down? Is this the dribble that Hollywood considers good now? At one point, the main character (the girl) gets up from a desk and starts to speak, and her mouth isn't even saying the same thing that's being said. Just horrible editing. Which, I guess, is par for the course in this movie.
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For being in one of the worst production hells of any movie of all time, this had everything going against it and surprisingly ended up being a very effective adaptation.
oreniaplen27 August 2020
Hard to believe this was shot and finished in 2017 and just now got released. Production hell made it feel like it would never be out. Now that it's finally here I can say from my Personal exp, it's Honestly way more surprising than what I expected and does justice to source material. It has some stranger things influence and some cliches around it but overall is a nice blending of bizarre horror tinged aspects from the comics with great character arcs. Solid action and comedy relief that doesn't feel forced. I would say to support this film after all it's been through and you most likely will be surprised.
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Not terrible
brianjfichtner6 July 2022
I had no expectations when I decided to finally sit down and watch this. All I had heard was how terrible it was. But, I was actually pretty entertained. At no point did I groan or wish I wasn't watching it. I got to see some of my favorite comic characters portrayed pretty well on screen by great actors. Could the story be better? Of course! But overall it was a fun, short, little flick that I'm not mad I watched.
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I bet it was a goblin in disguise!
uzmuov22 February 2021
I would like to begin my review by saying that watching this movie will be like taking a hot fork and shoving it in your eye socket for some people, whereas for others it will be the funniest F'n thing you've ever seen.

Before I get into the meat of the story or as I like to call it a double decker bologna sandwich. The New Mutants has nothing to do with mutants (just teenagers), The New Mutants also has absolutely nothing to do with X-men series. AHA but that's not all!!!! The guy who made the cover for The New Mutants didn't see ANY of the X-men films!!!! The original cover of The New Mutants has a sentinel (Not in Dark Phoenix or The New Mutants) chasing a mutant who doesn't even appear in any of the X-men movies! If that doesn't make you want to take your head and smash it against concrete, I don't know what does.
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Thanos_Alfie1 February 2021
"The New Mutants" is a Sci-Fi - Action movie in which we watch five young mutants held in a secret facility while they try to first discover and then control their abilities. After some time they will have to fight their hidden fears in order to save themselves.

I have to admit that I had high expectations from this movie but I was disappointed by it. The direction which was made by Josh Boone, it was below average and some times even predictable, something that made the movie boring. The interpretations of the cast followed the pattern of its direction. I have to say that I expected more from Maisie Williams who played as Rahne Sinclair because she did not reach her potential, but I can understand why. Lastly, I have to say that "The New Mutants" is a bad opening movie due to its plot, direction and the interpretations of the cast. If you want to watch this movie, i advise you to lower you standards and your expectations otherwise you will be disappointed.
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Finally... but which version is that
CobZh26 August 2020
After 2 years, they finally released it. But with all the communication around the movie we do not know if we saw the original movie or an edited version. But whatever. I had a good time. On the good side, the actors, the respect in some aspects of the original book and the FX are ok. On the down side, we do not really know the direction of the movie. Is it horror? Is it a teen movie? Is it a superhero movie? Definitely not the latest. But here again. Whatever. The job is done. We spend a good time. And due to the chaotic journey of this movie to reach our movie theaters, that's all we wanted.
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Just bad bad story-writing and interpretation of the original material
njterry-388269 February 2021
Not going to make this all blow-hearted, but this movie failed first and foremost in its writing and story telling. Such a GREAT opportunity to capitalize on a different perspective of the mutant/x-men genre, as the comics did with the New Mutants, and such a complete failure. This movie lacked substance, continuity, story, everything. I am very disappointed and hope the makers of this debacle feel the same as well. One positive, I think the actors actually did a good job with what they had to work with. But come on!!! Haven't we tortured the x-men/mutant side of Marvel enough with bad movies?? It is such a RICH storytelling opportunity!!! Why can you not see this and make a movie that is worthy of it? Okay, I am done with my rant, but seriously, the "mutant phenomena" within Marvel and essentially the American Dogma of American Mythology has been something I not only grew up with, but have studied throughout the years, and this movie really missed its mark. There is so much amazing source material they could have played from, and they just trashed it all to make some garbage that they hoped people would pay to see.
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