"Two and a Half Men" Of Course He's Dead: Part 1 & 2 (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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Tricking the 12 years watchers is Cheating and totally disgraceful.
Aktham_Tashtush20 February 2015
In the vanity card at the very end of the closing credits you guys will see that Chuck Lorre was a douche to Charlie Sheen till the last breath .but the entire episode is a colossal red herring — building up to a climax that never happens.

It was a cheap ploy for ratings, bating the audience with the possible appearance of Sheen. Then it's like, "get lost audience" those 12 years of watching… and the final moment we trick you." Despicable!

they said they offered Charlie a role but he didn't like it and he wanted to do some other one of his own ,, oh i would watch charlie even if it was for a minute telling the audience to F.. off :P .. I'm really disappointed .

Honestly i don't even know why i gave it 3 stars !! maybe it's because i'm a loyal fan !! or it's for bringing Jake back even for a 40 second !! :\
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Disappointing Non Professional Ending!
Sylviastel22 February 2015
The show ended with a one hour season finale but it's not what you expect. Rose has returned with surprising revelation about Charlie being alive for the last four years and living in a dungeon. First, this is unbelievable and doesn't follow the last four years where Rose has been actively stalking Walden as well. The first half hour of the last half hour has been making poor bad shots at Charlie Sheen who was fired from the show four years ago under craziness. This last hour should have been much more about tying loose ends rather than revenge. It's great to see Rose and Evelyn too. I didn't care for Charlie's daughter, Jenny, who was awful and ruined the series for me last year. Jenny was poorly developed lesbian version of Charlie who was unbelievable at all. Chuck Lorre could have done better for his fans rather than giving us this mess of a finale.
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Pretty sad and pathetic ending
darkrazor22 December 2021
I watched this show on-and-off for a few years growing up. I didn't pay much attention to it, but my dad was a big fan - atleast up until Ashton Kutcher's introduction - and I got to see bits of it while he watched it, waiting for my turn to use the TV.

I had a bit of nostalgia for it, so I decided to watch the whole thing this year.

I really liked the Charlie seasons and enjoyed the show with Walden quite a bit too.

Although this last season was awful, I hoped that the finale would atleast tie some things together and bring some sense of satisfaction regarding the journey of the characters. That it would give a good conclusion to everything, like any good ending does.

I can't believe that this opportunity was wasted in favor of such a pathetic ending.

Why wouldn't you show Alan's wedding, maybe a marriage proposal of Walden to his new girlfriend.

End the show on a good note, a married and happy Walden with his adoptive son and a wife, a good life for Alan and Lyndsey, have a better set up for Berta's retirement, or perhaps more than five seconds devoted to Jake's marriage.

That would be very cliché, but even that is better than this abomination.

Why turn the last minutes of a 12 season show into the sitcom equivalent of a petty youtuber disstrack?

I can't imagine the disappointment of all of the people who watched the show every week for 12 years only to end on this mediocre blooper reel of an episode. I watched it for half a year and I'm still pretty disappointed.

I enjoyed the show with Walden, Jenny and all the other character most people hate. I even sat through the last season without many grievances - except boredom - but this last episode is truly the worst finale of a sitcom or show in general I've seen in my life.

Even a 'the entire show was a dream' type of finale would have been better.
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Stunned...And not in a good way!
Iantjambo8 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Remember back in 2004 when Friends ended? Remember how brilliant it was? Remember how it tied up all the loose ends and the gang all moved on to the next stage of their lives? It's was true classic TV.

Well Chuck Lorre and co. would've done well to get in touch with the 'Friends' writers just to find out how you do a finale properly, because this was a complete train wreck.

Where do you start? Firstly, the shameless indication that Charlie Sheen was going to make a much anticipated return for the final show, we all waited on the edge of our seats for that magical moment only to be delivered a swift kick to the crotch instead. Don't get me wrong, I get that the producers want to draw in as big an audience as possible, but to dupe the loyal fans who stayed with the show even when it had been descending downhill at a rapid pace with each passing season of the Ashton Kutcher era was an absolute disgrace.

Secondly, was this really bringing the show to an end or was it just an opportunity to have as many digs at Sheen as possible?

Thirdly, The plot. I use the term "plot" as loosely as I possibly can, as I already pointed out that it was nothing more than a Charlie Sheen slagfest. Charlie is alive and being held prisoner by Rose (the same Rose who went on to stalk Walden and who flew all over the world with her business partner Kate, leaving us to wonder how Charlie never died from dehydration or malnutrition) it was in fact a goat that Charlie was in bed with (don't...just don't) that got hit by a train and Rose convinced everyone that it was Charlie (ok I know it's a comedy but at least make it partly believable that this could happen). Charlie has now escaped and wants revenge on Walden (for taking his house) and Alan (no idea why...maybe just because it's Alan). That's really about it plot wise...No really, it is.

We got some farewells from past and present characters which I accept was nice. It was good seeing Jake,Judith and Chelsea again and it was good seeing the likes of Evelyn and Lewis saying goodbye. Wait, Lewis, the young boy who was such a big part of the final seasons plot, was nowhere to be seen. Not that it was such a bad thing as the character was such a cringeworthy attempt at bringing back a young Jake that it gives me a headache just thinking about it.

All in all this could have been a cracker, right up there with aforementioned 'Friends' finale a decade earlier but sadly it just highlighted how poor the show had slowly become since the departure of the much maligned Charlie Sheen.
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Sad and Horrible
rickysterling-5073716 December 2017
I made my profile on IMDB after 3 years just to give thumb down to this finale. Horrible and cheap shots fired from crew and Chuck with personal vendetta against Sheen.Its not a slap on face of Sheen but all those fans who kept on watching it and who tuned in to see Sheen make a cameo.

This show has some die hard fan base even though they might be small.
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Damn you, Chuck Lorre!
gervais_nicolas25 October 2021
One hour of nonsense, just so Lorre can settle accounts with Charlie Sheen, remind everybody it's a show, make fun of Charlie Sheen, and remind everybody that it's HIS show. Did mention he poked Sheen because he's not in the show anymore?
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Misdirected revenge
veryvishal25 September 2021
Chuck wanted to seek his revenge on Charlie, & didn't realise (or maybe he did) he spoilt it and ridiculed his loyal audience instead.
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Instead of trying to write a great episode, Lorre ended up being a baby
cool_jojo_00725 March 2021
Chuck Lorre has made it very clear that it means more to him to end a mostly breezy, funny and at many times a 12 year long amazing TV show by cracking lame jokes and potshots at Charlie Sheen's expense in the finale than make it good. Seriously ? I never knew the writers could be so childish. Watching this episode was really painful. Why pull the Charlie thread at all if you didn't want anything to do with him anyway ? What makes it worse is that they tried to generate the maximum interest by moving the plot around Charlie. Even missing from the show for 4 years, Charlie still takes in more eyeballs than the rest of them combined. Also I didn't like the aspects of his personal life being shown condescendingly...like tiger blood etc. C'mon, this is a TV sitcom and that's someone's personal life. Keep them apart. This honestly looked like a rant of a jealous baby rather than a finale of a 12 year old sitcom. Shameful.
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Ideal Ending
girvsjoint6 June 2019
Unlike others, I thought this was a great finale to this series. A complete spoof and send up of the whole series. There's no way this series could have had a serious ending, so they just sent the whole thing up, perfect! Yes, it's a shame Charlie Sheen couldn't have been involved, but I thought the final scenes involving the make believe Charlie and Chuck Lorre were spot on. He takes the mickey out of Charlie, then himself! They brought back as many cast members as they could for little cameos, Hey, it's a comedy folks, what better way for a comedy to finish?
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samalfanzo9 December 2019
Something great ruined by a personal grudge. Lot of cheap shots and bad writing and acting. Such a shame to see something that was so great ends in a poor note. Shame !!! shame !!! Shame !!!
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The finale!
studioAT26 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
'Two and a Half Men' for many people ended when Charlie Sheen was fired. For those who stuck with the show post that would have endured (or perhaps enjoyed) the misadventures of Alan and Walden (Ashton Kutcher) as the show tried pretty much everything to try to stay fresh. Jake left, other characters saw their screen time reduced, and even a lesbian daughter of Charlie's was thrown in for good measure.

They all bring us to this point. 12 years and now the finale.

I understand that other reviewers were unhappy that Sheen didn't make an appearance, but did they really expect one after all that had gone on? I actually enjoyed this episode. I loved how tongue in cheek it was with all the references to the show going on too long, and to Sheen himself. Yes, the plot wasn't up to much, but there was a lot to enjoy here.
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Imperfect,But,Good Way To End The Show
maiconfs1413 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The show ended the best way it could.I mean,i finally watched a series finale that actually was true to the series itself,this was never a heart-warming show,so a heart warming finale wouldn't feel like two and a half men,people don't stop getting rude to each other just like this.I have to say i loved the meta-humor,i loved Jake surprising cameo and i was disappointed Charlie didn't appear,although i was never one of the Charlie b*Ches(fan boys),i would like seeing him,since it was kinda of unnecessary building an episode around someone who does not shows up.I liked almost every joke on this episode,and i got the meta-language on the ending scene,but,i felt it was unnecessary.And i was also disappointed we didn't get to see Louis in this episode,since the whole season was about his adoption.I like to thing about the vanishree episode as the closure to the show and this one as a bonus episode,parody of itself and that was only made for,i don't know,fun.Despite i liked it,i was against somethings,as i said,Louis and Charlie not appearing,the final scene,making Charlie the episode villain,and what the f*ck,a goat? Really?A goat? But,anyway,it was a good way to end a TV show,and i don't think we will ever get another series finale like this,which shows crude characters actually being crude at the finale instead of inexplicably starting to act as good people just because it's the finale,a piano falling on the creator's head,and no long hugs. Let's be honest,it was never a common series,with heart-warming moments.
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We want Charlie
jubazded28 October 2018
This show is garbage without Sheen. I love the reruns!
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A 40 minute build up with no pay-off!
Robinson251115 February 2016
Two and a Half Men had been floundering in recent years. The dismissal of Charlie Sheen had thrown the show into jeopardy which it only just recovered from, but what remained was a very dry, over the top show that struggled for ratings week after week, and failed it's big attempts at humour. So it's suiting that we got a finale that displayed just how far Two and a Half Men had fallen.

This episode revolved around the mystery of Charlie's death as Alan realises he only has Rose's word that Charlie actually died. This builds up a lot of suspense for the viewer that Charlie may actually return to the show, so what follows is a 40 minute build up to his return which the episode, never delivers!

The main humour is at the standard of the rest of the Kutcher years, however there are the occasional moments of classic Two and a Half Men that sneak into the script, making this one of the better episodes in the Kutcher years, but it's still not something I want to watch again!

There is endless meta-humour here and it's actually somewhat funny, the characters turning and facing the audience after a line like "I can't believe you've made so much money with such stupid jokes", is one of the episode's better gags, and when the detective played by Arnold Schwarzenegger (really bizarre cameo!) asks if Charlie tried Anger Management, and Alan replies "Yeah, but it didn't work out!", is a line I quite enjoyed.

But I think the most offensive thing about this episode is the disappointing build up to Charlie Sheen, which was obviously just done to improve ratings, but instead ending up being considered the series worst episode (well, to the people of IMDb anyway!)

What I've hated about the recent series is the constant disappearance of the cast. Look at the track record, after Charlie was killed off, Jake vanished, Evelyn vanished, Rose vanished, Judith vanished, Berta vanished, Herb vanished, Gorden vanished, and they were all replaced with paper-thin characters with actors who couldn't act if they were in a Michael Bay film.

The finale brings back most of these characters, but only for fleeting cameo roles. Rose, despite being the main antagonist and the cause of the story, gets about 5 minutes of screen-time before walking out the door, yes, walking out the door, claiming jumping over the deck, would be "silly"! (???)

Evelyn gets a little more time, but she leaves with Rose, vanishing from the story, Judith gets a fleeting blink and you'll miss it cameo, and Herb is never seen at all. Berta is just there, there's no reason for her involvement she just walks on occasionally. Jake returns with $2.5 Million before retuning to his wife and kids (WHAT?!), and even the new series regular Jenny gets a two minute cameo before disappearing. But the cameos of Chealsea, Mia, Kandi and Lyndsey were nice.

Oh, and what about that animated sequence, what the hell was that?! Why would Chuck Lorre think that was a good idea? Did he realise that no matter what happened, the series was doomed and start messing with the audience?

So... Overall, despite the recent years being a rather disappointing few years for the show, I am going to miss it. Two and a Half Men will be remembered for a long time, after all, it's the reason the Big Bang Theory, Mike and Molly and Mom were all made, three very successful sitcoms under the control of Chuck Lorre. Just as long as the latter two end at series 8, because judging by Two and a Half Men and the Big Bang Theory's ninth seasons, that's where everything goes wrong.
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Worse than lost finale
My title says it all, this was the worst finale in history of TV shows. Mocking people who have been supporting this show for such long time. Its not that they do not have talent to produce good episode, it just showed how lorre hated charlie that he was willing to create garbage just to make fun of charlie. I hate you lorre with bottom of my heart.
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Sad Ending
jchilst6 March 2015
I won't go into detail about how bad the finale was, since most of the above reviewers covered that pretty well. Bottom line: very nice to see some of the old faces, but the show itself managed to be almost completely devoid of any laughs.

Most of the "humor" seemed to come from either taking shots at the show itself, i.e., that it had gone on too long, or by taking shots at Charlie Sheen - not the Charlie Harper character, but personal shots at Sheen himself. Which all felt pretty weird, since it was like continued slaps in the face of the fans who obviously didn't think the show had gone on too long (or they wouldn't have still been watching) and most of whom who had developed some genuine affection for Charlie Sheen/Charlie Harper. So when the show was over you were left with this kind of empty, kind of sad, feeling. Which sure was a strange way for a long-running sitcom to go out. I'm going to have a little trouble watching the syndicated reruns for a while.

I was also real disappointed seeing Jon Cryer join in the ridicule of Sheen - particularly the jab at Anger Management. Just felt like a stab in the back somehow and beneath the usually classy Cryer.

I never would have guessed the depth of Chuck Lorre's anger/bitterness toward Sheen. I mean it's been over three years now - get over it. I guess it's Lorre who could use some anger management. To some degree I don't blame Lorre, since I hardly knew who he was before the Sheen feud, but now I'll forever think of him as this petty, unpleasant guy with a very brittle ego. Still, after all this time he should have put it aside and behaved in a professional manner. Didn't he have some friends who could have warned him how poorly this was going to reflect on his image? I'm guessing he's going to regret this show for the rest of his life. "Winning"? A lot closer to "losing".

Just a sad ending all around.
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last show of two and a half men
angelrosee20 February 2015
this show was nothing but a 4 year grudge chuck has had against Charlie sheen. that show for 12 years has been about Alan being poor and him wanting the house. but they instead of wrapping up the tight ends he went on a grudge match about sheen. it shows that he still isn't over a four year old fight. they could have had Alan get a couple million from is divorce from Walden. and maybe Walden's girlfriend gets pregnant so they move out and he gives the house to Alan.Now was that so hard. revenge doesn't pay. and anyone like me that follows Charlie sheen on face book you would know he would never work for a troll like chuck. you ruined a great show with your revenge for Charlie.thanks hope you don't blow it with big bang theory. but what i read there are a whole lot of people that have decided not to watch anymore of your shows after tonight. so good luck. LOVED THE ACTORS!! the writers sucked.
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The Final Stone
jose-viegas23 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After Charlie left, the show should have been canceled. Even with new actors, all jokes were always around Charlie trying to survive the inevitable, revealing that after all Two and a Half Men, was Charlie dependent. I confess that I lost the interest, since all jokes were always personal sad offenses to Charlie, with little imagination. If Jon Cryer was a sad character before, it became even more sad and lame after firing Charlie. Everything was predictable.

The last episode is no different...but worst. For me it's a personal attack to Charlie Sheen. It's how Chuck Lore says to Charlie how mad he is with him for forcing him to kill this show.

In the end, this is the episode that Chuck wrote after he fired Charlie, but waited 4 years so he could make more money with it.

But it's personal, no doubt. As has been happening for the last 4 years, it's just an episode with sad and lame jokes about Charlie behavior,and in the end he kills Charlie again...just because he can, and also says he still didn't forget.

It would be very interesting to see Chuck and Charlie in the same room...I think it would be more hilarious than this show was in the end.

Nevertheless, it's the episode that was missing since 2011. Now "Two and a Half Men" can finally rest in peace.
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Great way to end a long running show...
brucepantages-120 February 2015
For years this was our favorite show. We watched (and re-watched) the episodes, wishing there were more funny sitcoms that could achieve such greatness. For us, Charlie was never the "funny" one...but he was there to set up the rest of the extremely talented cast members who were usually very, very funny. In fact, we frankly grew tired of Charlie making kissing noises as he sucked the face of every female in sight. That "joke" tended to cloy after a while, but we chalked it up to just being part of a show we loved. After Charlie's infamous "meltdown" we sort of lost interest in seeing him in anything and after the show shifted gears (and cast members) we found other ways to spend our time. However, when we learned that the "finale" was coming on, we were anxious to see what would happen. We were not disappointed. Everyone at our house was convulsing with laughter and, as each former cast member made an appearance, we speculated on whether Charlie would appear. No one really cared, he was practically in every scene anyway...without making an appearance. The ending was funny and satisfying. We saw our favorites, including Berta, Rose, Evelyn, Judith and so many more. Totally enjoyable...and the puppet sequence was great. See it if you get a chance...I know I'll watch it again.
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Worst finale I've ever seen, worst episode of the entire run
ultimatephoenix-6594613 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was out of character for all those involved, too much 4th wall breaking, too many digs at the real star Charlie Sheen who made this possible. Making him out to be a bisexual animal loving drug abusing boozer. No drugs was mentioned when he was on the show, no gay interactions. This is just a vendetta and ruined it for the fans who stayed loyal even when Charlie left. The little animation story WTF. Sending money to many who he loved, Chelsea didnt need money, put Miss Pasternak back to oringal character, make your minds up. Worse than the first episode of Waldens appearance where they made all the women hate Charlie when people like Chelsea and Courtney broke up mutually. I remembered why I hated the show when Charlie left and this is one of the reasons, tried so hard to keep him in the show with mentions of him and then Jenny knowing full well he was what made this whole show and they ruin it with a finale like this because someone called you a few names. Chuck Lorre the sad pathetic snow flake who is not WINNING after this garbage
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What is wrong with you people?
putdepuckindenet28 January 2022
This was a fantastic way to end the series and a great way for Chuck Lorre to give a little back to Charlie Sheen for deserting the show. The private jokes were hilarious. Bringing in Arnold was great (he clearly was in on the joke). And, the entire undercurrent of wanting to finally end the show reflected how all the players probably felt. Starting with Chuck himself.
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The please change the ending review.
zannis91119 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers

I was expecting something different from the tonight episode comedy but I was surprised with a dose of thriller.

Charlie Sheen(comes also animated) Rose(well played the role) also reminded us of Kathy Bates on film Misery. nice cameos!!! what is going on!!! Arnold Schwarzenegger,Christian Slater many girlfriends of alan walden and charlie from the past(very nice) i loved the original team (alan harper Walden Schmidt berta) and their connection all these years.nice surprise from jake harper.he's got chemistry with the others the bad thing is that ideas where not all materialized because these are the last episodes. anywayz bravo!!! but... Chuck Lorre now PLEASE CHANGE THE ENDING!!! we thank you for the 1000's laugh's.And let's make them 10000 laugh's.
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What happen to Louis?
MiketheWhistle18 August 2018
They bring back all these odd people including Jenny and crazy kid, but forget Louis the love of Walden?
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Chuck you are an ahole
sharmaankur-781025 August 2021
The entire episode was building up on return of Charlie, but the personal vendetta of Chuck ruined it for all of us.

Chuck grow up. You just proved you are an ahole.
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Chance To Redeem Last Four Years
bcrd50020 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Lorre had one last chance to reach out to the actor that made this show a classic and bring back Sheen one last time to pay homage to the guy that made this show. Instead, he struck out with the bat on his shoulder using a lame shot of Charlie (if that was Sheen)with no lines.

The finale was a continued slow burn to the bottom of TV shows led by poor writing and acting trying to make money using the name of great TV show. Since Sheen left the show it has attempted to survive using known characters with a new lead but without Sheen/Charlie the show became unfunny and difficult, if not hard, to watch.

The series finale tried to use smoke and mirrors with numerous cameo's to hide the fact that the one person everybody wanted to see was missing. It also continued to be the unfunny show that fans of Charlie never liked.

The other problem with the spin off (which is really what the last four years became) the writers decided to drastically change Allan into someone a viewer of the first eight years would not recognize while dropping good secondary characters so that less funny and interesting characters could take their place.

A glaring example is the introduction of a new child character trying to recapture the magic of Jake, which did not work because the story line behind the character was weak and the actor is not funny.

The brief cameo of Angus Jones illustrated his character is still likable and funny even as an adult.

When Lorre fired Sheen, the show should have been canceled so the show's reputation would not be damaged by the Kutcher years but making money overruled common sense.
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