Shining Girls (TV Series 2022) Poster


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zinitime7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Those of you who are writing reviews trashing others who disagree with you, PLEASE, stop! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, unless they are living in a country where independent thought has been outlawed! I am HAPPY to read reviews that differ. It gives me a more rounded idea of the series, movie, book, etc.

I, personally, started off disliking this show, but as the story unwound, it got more interesting.

It's a crime story wrapped up with, apparent, time travel and multiverses. It's not the story you can listen to as you're engaged in another activity. It demands your attention, or you'll be lost in its complexity.

The acting is excellent and the story interesting enough to keep me watching. It starts off very slowly, dropping hints in the first episodes. By episode 3, the pieces are starting to fit the puzzle, by episode 4, I was hooked. If you wait it out, I believe you will enjoy it. And, I won't feel offended if you disagree!
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Mixing the concept of time with some horror
julieshotmail4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Shining Girls" is not one that you casually watch. To get the most of it and to truly appreciate it, you have to pay close attention. But investing this level of effort does not feel like a chore, because the show keeps you guessing with mind-blowing concepts. You are glued and fascinated as to what exactly is going on. I find Elisabeth Moss much more likable here than in her stint in "The Handmaid's Tale" that has become a one-note character in the later season. She exudes the right amount of vulnerability and confusion as she navigates through her life. At first I don't like Wagner Moura as Dan but he grows on me quite a bit, owning every scene he is in with amazing passion. I also appreciate the sprinkling of Erika Alexander in this show; she is a veteran actress from "Living Single" fame in the 90s and here she looks fabulous. Lastly, let's not forget Jamie Bell as Harper, the central character of this series. He hits every note perfectly as a sensitive yet very violent creep. He has the ability to terrify from a distance in spite of his small and meek stature. What a fascinating series indeed.
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Better than the book, Worth Watching
fraser-simons3 June 2022
So first of all, I've seen the whole thing. I do reviews after I watch the whole show. It's novel. People should try it.

I think I was one of the few that wasn't all that impressed with the commercial thriller book this is adapted from. I think this reframes the plot, keeping what works and discarding the rest. Making the supernatural aspect way better.

The only real problem I have with it is the same as with many shows being made today: pacing. Shows want these things to be long affairs and always fail at justifying it. It is sinfully slow in the middle. I really liked the finale, however. So much so this pulled way up from barely worth watching. Had it been half as many episodes it would have easily been incredible.
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Not a WHOdunnit, but a how and why
This mystery series follows Kirby (Elizabeth Moss, MAD MEN, THE HANDMAID'S TALE) , a survivor of a violent crime, whose life constantly changes around her in odd ways, as she helps the police track down her attacker before he strikes again.

After reading some reviews, I decided to write one of my own, because I feel like this show is being largely misunderstood. The show is slow to reveal new information, because they set the viewer up with a lot right from the get-go. We already know who the attacker is, he's a mysterious serial killer played by Jamie Bell (ROCKETMAN, SNOWPIERCER). What we do not know is how he's doing it, or what exactly he's doing. There appears to be some time-travel element to his killings, and his victims experience some sci-fi after effects.

I am thoroughly enjoying this show so far. Yes, it is slow burn. But it isn't boring, far from it. It feels like a crime-thriller told in reverse, with the attacker known, but the attacks a mystery. It isn't following the typical formula for crime thrillers, but it's trying something original. Very intriguing so far, don't miss out.
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Only 3 episodes in and I love it
emd11217430 April 2022
I am confused by all these bad reviews. It's a tad bit of a slow burn but it's intelligent and original. I'm not a big fan of her either but that's not going to stop me from watching a good thriller that seems to have really good potential!
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It isn't SLOW
moniquerich30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly think most of these reviews are wrong. Ok, some viewers don't like her. Cool. But that's not a reason to give the show a bad review.

First off, it moves at a reasonable pace. It gets to the point in Episode 2. I'm not sure if most people want the point to be explained in the first 30 seconds, but we all know that's UNREAL, so we patiently wait.

Secondly, it's a really good story. A time travelling serial killer? I'll watch!! I'm only on episode 3, but I'm definitely intrigued. Can't wait to see what comes next!

Give it a try, and please ignore all the bad reviews and see for yourself. If I had listened, I would've missed a good show. Apple TV has some really decent shows for $5/month. Plus, the show is still going on so I have no idea why some had so many negative responses to it. *Massive eye roll* So far, even with my ADHD, I'm able to follow it, so what does that say about the people who thought it was tOo SlOw?
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I don't get it
ahmedmohamed-2013530 April 2022
Why are you people give those bad reviews?, really it is so good and I think it will get better, every episode is more interesting than the previous one and the idea of the series reveal itself by time so don't judge it from the start!, the cinematography is great and the acting and also the writing!

Are you seeing something else?

Just give it a chance and go for it.
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Unanswered Questions.
jamietla5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Love the main actors, love sci-fi. Really wanted to love this film but I'm left with too many questions. Why did the killer leave objects in the women? How did he pick his women? Elizabeth's character explained that he went after women her were on the cusp of reaching success- but how is that since he obviously chose Elizabeth's character as his victim when only a child?! (He gave her the horse on the steps). Why did he pick her? Why follow her through the years? There's No explanation for any of it. I was waiting for a really clever answer on him stalking her for so long.

The idea of him leaving photos for the women seemingly taken in real time and calling them knowing exactly what they would say was a great concept, one of the scariest elements- but there was no explanation for that either.

Why does the surroundings change and alternate lives take place because he kills someone?

How is Kirby connected to the killings so that her life stance keeps changing, job, husband, apartment, etc. There's no real explanation for that.

Jin Sook, the astrologer (?) how does Dan being killed change her fate from PH'd to drop out?

In the fight scene between the killer and Kirby- she changes the scenery and he doesn't know how, never is explained.

Early on they had enough information to try harder to track him down but didn't do anything with it! Lastly the ending was flat. There was nothing to it. I don't feel enough time was spent explaining the killer and his motives or actions therefore leaving all these unanswered questions.

I've searched the internet to see if it explains the hidden objects in victims and can't find anything. It also seems they could have done more with the plot line to benefit the killer with the time change with regard to acquiring money or identities or access to things. That would have been fun to see, how he used that to his benefit to choose, stalk, harass victims.

Overall it's worth watching but at the very least the ending was plain. There's this whole buildup to stopping the killer, then he's stopped and that's that. Film over!
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Intriguing mystery
eternalsardi30 April 2022
I felt compelled to write a review seeing all the bad reviews here which don't seem to have much weight & seem agenda driven. I just finished the first 3 episodes and I'm quite intrigued.

Yes it's a slow burn & slightly confusing as of now but it isn't boring at all. I find the whole idea of revealing the murderer first and then unraveling the logistics behind why and how he did it quite refreshing. I am very excited to see how they tie everything together. Plus this time travel/science fiction element is fascinating too.

Do give it a chance! By listening to the negative reviews you are missing out on a good show.
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Bincexev21 May 2022
In episode 6 - "Bright" they start to fold it all together. It takes a very unique twist from the first 5 episodes, but they were also captivating and different.

It reminds me of a great Stephen King novel. We enjoy this show and hope it goes on well like this for a long, long time. Groundbreaking series all the way.
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If you gave up 2 episodes in, you're missing out
mx-854969 May 2022
All the dots are connecting and I'm hooked now. I too after the first couple episodes was left frustrated but now Adter watching episodes 3 & 4 I've had so many Ah ha! Moments that I'm absolutely sucked in now. Don't give up I promise if your into forensics and the supernatural you won't be disappointed.
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Not what you think it is.
greg_hull5 June 2022
What you think is a run-of-the-mill murder thriller is actually a sci-fi murder thriller. Good plot. Strong acting. A slow burn, but worth watching. Confident Rod Serling (RIP) would give it a thumbs up.
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Lazy storytelling (so it can get picked up for another season?)
h22235 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the kind of story that should be told in a limited series. I foresee it getting REALLY boring if they try to extend it out to subsequent seasons, yet it seems that's what they're going to do, since they ended the show with a LOT of unanswered questions.

What was the killer's motive, what was his backstory (sure, they crammed it in with a few sentences by the protagonist in the final episode... but there was just not enough meat there), the reason he left items in his victims, the mechanism of the house? Yes, I get that you can dip in and out of different time periods, but why? Who built it? Why was it standing alone in a field in the mid-1880s... and I guess you're telling me they built a neighborhood around it subsequent to that time? That doesn't at all track with the formation of the actual historical neighborhood of Lake View in Chicago. Why and how did things shift outside of the house, and yet some things stayed the same? Why did the protagonist survive her attack? Or did she? Why was she even chosen? Why were ANY of them chosen, for that matter? Why the cross markings on the victims? (C'mon, give us more than just a shot of dead bodies in WWI with crosses on them... that's not a REASON, it's just a visual cue.) What was the significance of the different items left in victims? The radium? The dancer he knew from childhood? Etc. Etc. Etc.

Just a lot of open loops -- I'm not even close to mentioning all of them here... there were a LOT. Which tells me they're probably planning on continuing to return to them in subsequent seasons, but I feel bored just thinking about it. It seems an interesting enough story that could be told in 8 episodes. There's a whole lot of extra stuff that drags the story down and doesn't need to be told. Maybe everything was addressed in the book, but this is not the book. We shouldn't have to read it to have the story make sense -- it's the filmmakers' job to choose the right details to tell the story on the screen. (And I don't feel like taking a chance and investing *more* time reading the book, only to find out the story is just as messy there!)

A primary issue seems to be that the show suffers from that "thing" (I don't know what to call it) where they make some of the very insignificant characters and scenes and props SEEM like they're going to be much more significant, which just wastes valuable story-telling time and feels exhausting, as you're already having to keep track of a lot due to the "jumping around" nature of the show. I thought the jumping around itself was fine, but if you're going to make us pay attention like that, don't ALSO make us think certain scenes and characters and props are going to be significant, when they aren't.

The acting was very good for the most part. Elisabeth Moss needs to stop twitching her eyes like she's about to black out, though. That face got REALLY old by series' end. It's hard to believe none of the directors (yes, I know Moss is one of them, but there are others) noticed it. It was overused to the point that it took me out of the story itself and into thoughts like, "Why does Elisabeth Moss think that this character would be twitching and blinking so much??"

Anyway, I watched all 8 episodes and really WANTED to like it, but alas, I wouldn't recommend it to a friend. I feel like perhaps the filmmakers thought we'd be so caught up in the creepy vibe, good acting, and the interesting "time traveling" concept (all of which was good, to be fair) to notice that the story itself just wasn't well-told. And it feels like that same lazy storytelling would drag the viewer into interminable boredom in subsequent seasons. Pass.
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Moss is captivating
geegsforu2 May 2022
Elisabeth Moss is one of my favourite artists. I find her incredibly captivating to watch so when I heard about this show I was excited to see what it delivers. 3 episodes in and I'm here for the journey. I have thoroughly enjoyed every wondrous moment and I look forward to the direction it's headed.

I adore a great thriller but when Moss is involved you know your in for something more than special!

Keep enjoying Keep watching Keep shining.
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Wow great thriller
marygreen257 May 2022
I hardly recognize Amy Brenneman in this show. This is a great thriller and triumph for good reporting. Good journalism stories are rare. The story here unfolds at a methodical pace that adds to the suspense. Elizabeth Moss is as good as ever. Probably second to her Mad Men role.

So I'm 4 episodes in and wish I could just binge watch the rest right now!
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I really like it
gzwshzg14 May 2022
I'm only half way through episode 5 and I have to say this is a good show thus far. It seems to me that we are following the protagonist, Kirby, a survivor from a traumatic attack, who also seems to be traveling through parallel dimensions where her life is the same but just a little different and no one else knows it. The trauma is the same everywhere, the killer is the same (and seems to travel through the dimensions as well) and I'm wondering how it will all be tied together.

The astronomer seems to cover the issue in the abstract thus far. Good stuff.

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I don't have a clue...
mommybishop1 May 2022
I don't have a clue what's going on, BUT my goodness the acting is superb. I know there is a story in this, I just haven't grasped yet. But, the way it's going, I will!!! I'm terrified and excited at the same time. Intense, dark, and puzzling.
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catfanatic88814 June 2022
Unfortunately after the few EXCELLENT episodes, there was a bizarre episode which made zero sense and it just got more confusing and off-putting after that. WHY did it have to take that WEIRD and ABSURD DIRECTION? It just ruined the series for me.
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Terrifying and mysterious
lisakmattsson30 April 2022
I don't get the reviews about the show being slow. I find it really creepy and it has an interesting mysterious element added to it. The scenes which portray the victims fear are terrifying. The story unfolds bit by bit and the acting is good. I think it's a pretty solid show in its genre.
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I liked the acting buuuuttt...
Wheredoiknowherfrom5 June 2022
If I hadn't read the book synopsis around episode 3, I would never have understood what was happening. I feel like we needed a lot more exposition. Just finished the series yesterday and was still a little lost. Off to read the book now!
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Mind-blowing thriller
Asterix8314 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While I initially thought this was just another ordinary thriller, after a few episodes I realized it's anything but ordinary! What makes it truly unique from the rest is the gripping storyline with intertwining timelines which initially deceives you into believing in a certain outcome and then bham out of nowhere you realise you were on a entirely different journey! Wagner Moura as the journalist Dan Velasquez does a phenomenal job, in a character very different from his role as the infamous drug kingpin Pablo Escobar of the Netflix fame Narcos. Jamie Bell and Elizabeth Moss were a treat to watch. Kudos to Silka Luisa and team for creating this masterpiece.
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A Confusing Mess
aeslehcevoli22 May 2022
I am trying to stick with this, but the show is all over the place, I don't have a clue so can't enjoy. The time lines are shot to pieces, so really difficult to keep track.

I might be a minority here, but I thought the whole point of watching a show was to enjoy it, not waffle on about how great the acting is, even thought you don't understand what is going on.

Like a few new shows I've been watching of late, I'm going to dump this and maybe view with better eyes down the road.

Sorry, just hasn't worked for me, which is a shame as the cast are pretty good.
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Good at first, then a disaster.
christianfrascella30 June 2022
The first 3 episodes, those in which the science fiction element is less intrusive, are really good. But from 4 onward everything begins to falter dangerously, the editing becomes chaotic, even the actors seem embarrassed to have to obey such an obviously wacky script. A real shame. But they are to blame. And Apple's for allowing this narrative setback.
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Excellent, layered slow burn.
michaelvernau30 April 2022
Don't listen to TikTok attention spans. This is a good watch. Much like Apple TV's 'Invasion' the monster is something intangible and complicated. Elizabeth Moss is fantastic and sells the fragility of her character with ease. Like a prevailing wind, darkness tatters the edges of episode 1 repeatedly, hinting at an alternate reality.

Give it a shot. You might enjoy it if have a few brain cells left up there after all the memes and gif animations have destroyed the rest.
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senzapablo8 June 2022
I just finished it and it completely blew my mind. Smart story, well played, awesome acting,, outstanding image.

Do yourself a favor when watching this:

1. Do not post a review if you have not finished the last episode. You have no clue.

2. Do not stop watching, it is not slow at all.

3. Do not run on episode 2 to read a synopsis or the book because you are confused....that is the whole point of the show, you are not supposed to truly understand what is going on until later.

It is not you being confused, it is totally written for that to occur. And believe me, YOU WANT TO PLAY ALONG.

It is an awesome show. Don't miss it, don't drop it.
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