"True Detective" Night Country: Part 4 (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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Poor scripting and zero momentum
TartanScorsese6 February 2024
Two main issues with this episode (and more generally the season so far), neither of which has anything to do with the sex of the lead characters.

First, the scripting is downright lazy, there is very little interesting dialogue, every interaction is as bland as the last. It seems that for the main characters, their ONLY defining trait is their abrasiveness towards everyone else. It makes for a very tedious and unconvincing script, main characters NEED alternative traits, even subtle ones, in order to seem genuine. The hostility itself isn't even well-scripted, just angry drivel with some swearing.

Second, the plot is becoming less interesting each episode. The small developments we are being fed to maintain our interest, for me, are having the opposite effect. It now seems very likely that a ghost did it. Great. I hope I'm wrong, because that really would be a lazy conclusion.

I'm giving it 5/10 because that's what I think it deserves, not because I'm trying to drag the average score up or down.
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I consider myself of average intelligence but...
Pimilli5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I find it hard to follow what's happening and even when I do I find it increasingly difficult to care. Why is that? While I liked the atmosphere of the season I found myself getting up frequently.

Is it the supernatural weirdness mixed with a detective story?

Is it the clunky dialog?

Is it just that it's not moving in any visible direction?

Why does everybody in that town hate everybody? Who thought that was compelling to watch?

Is it that I can't follow when LITERALLY EVERYBODY hates somebody or has an issue with somebody or is generally miserable about something or someone? Hey writers here's a thought. Try to just have at least ONE fairly content or cheerful person. Does EVERYONE have to have angst and hate?

I also couldn't keep track of the miserable sister who was unhappy with something and I got her mixed up with Jodie Foster's miserable "daughter" who was miserable about a few things.

I really liked the set up in the first episode and I liked all the characters and the subtley.

Does everyone in the town need to hate Jodie Foster? It's. Just. Too. Much. Guys.

It was an uncomfortable mix of detective story and supernatural whatnot. It wasn't a detective story and it wasn't Xfiles.

I began checking out when people began seeing people and polar bears in the snow.

Acting: Fairly decent acting. I especially liked Kali Reis, Finn Bennett and John Hawkes. Kali Reis was a boxer?? Wow. I felt she was convincing in the role.

Too Much car stuff: I felt people were in cars constantly driving around.

It just wasn't well written.
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Again Quite Poor
eoinageary6 February 2024
Yea, what can I say but another poor instalment to the season, I can understand why the story is SO SLOW and yet gives little to no pay offs. The episode tries to string you along with one or two events that take up maybe 5 minutes each and the other 40 + minutes is sheer filler.

The whole story of this episode is Liz is drunk, she's yet again having issues. Navarro is trying to help her sister while following the breadcrumbs of this case. That's it, that's basically it.

If I hate something I usually don't post because I hate being negative towards peoples visions because not everything is perfect but I feel when you have a good cast that act extremely well, an amazing setting and solid idea, it seems a waste when it's not delivering. If you live the setting and acting, even the supernatural element it plays on, watch Fortitude instead, I think it's 3 seasons and the first two are solid the last is decent, all better than this, 5/10.
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Rule of thumb
ythomasmore5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The amount of non-diagetic songs used in this episode was far too many and felt like cheap tricks. For instance, the scene with the sister walking out into the sea, silence would have had a much more profound effect, right? Rather than some emotional pop song jerking us around into feeling. Idk finding the directing falling short in that respect.

Tone and philosophy are what made Nic Pizzolato's true detective stand out. But the philosophical conflict of S4 seems to be little more than if there's life after death or not. What Rust Cole says in one sentence feels diametrically more weighted than all of the writing of this season so far.

Other episodes have been better but this one felt particularly shallow in writing and directing just as things need to be ramping up to set up for the season's climax.
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Relax. Time is still a flat circle.
misteriboov9 February 2024
I feel compelled to write my first ever imdb review.

So much adulation for TD1 and so much hate for this season. I can't even remember what happened in 2 or 3: they certainly weren't exceptional TV shows. So what's the deal? The acting here is good - both leads are excellent - the subplots are intriguing, the setting is perfect. Sure, there's some magical realism, but it plays into the culture, and the characters acknowledge their own skepticism with it all. The supernatural elements are no more off-piste than 'Carcosa' and the whole stag antlers/ Wicker Man/ Blair Witch vibe from TD1. If I have any complaints, it's that I didn't feel they made *enough* of the whole Arctic night deal - and how discombobulating that must be. As a viewer, I had to remind myself that it was daytime. Otherwise, bring on the next episode: it's a slow-burn, but I'm patiently enjoying the telling.
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Why am I watching this?
damonpajak6 February 2024
Why oh why they say... What is going on in this season? Why do I care? Will anything happen? Why is there 6 episodes? I'm utterly confused by what this show is trying to be especially this episode that seems like a character expose instead of a crime thriller-drama. Season 1 was lightning in a bottle that the last three seasons have yet to attain. I think the premise fight is there but not one character is landing the punches. The only characters that are off the hook are the scientists that died in episode 1. They don't have to act anymore in this crappy season. It tells you something that there are only six episodes. Spoiler nothing is going to happen worthwhile. It's will end and we will all scratch our heads like we did with season 3. HBO this series is done and I need to cancel my sub.
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It's true, Detective. We live in a Night Country now.
yphbrjf5 February 2024
I think I finally understand what this show is about.

The mystery, the murder and even the title "True Detective" is a red herring. This show is a high budget telenovela, full of the genre's tropes: Family drama, s*x, the likable but goofy dad who ordered a mail order bride who never shows up, the constant tension between married people. I could go on but Issa Lopez managed to subvert all our expectations and for that I commend her. Bravo Issa.

While watching yesterday's episode I vaguely remembered that a few episodes back there was something about some killed scientists. I don't recall exactly but it's obviously not that important because nobody is investigating it. But we learned a lot about Navaro's one note sister who's entire character is being schizophrenic. And by a lot I mean we just got more confirmation that she's mentally ill. There's not much else to be found there.

Then there was some family drama and something about the police cop's wife never wanting a baby but I don't really know what that was all about. Oh and his dad's mail order bride is unreliable. That we also learned.

That's about it. They kinda alluded to something right at the end with the jacket about some scientists or something but that's like episode 1 stuff. Who cares about stuff that happened in episode 1?

I need to know more about who's dating who, what's going on with the families? And is there a sudden pregnancy? Will they won't they?

Best telenovela to come out in years. I give it 9,5 lovable abuela out of 10 lovable abuela.
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People are hating this very well made true detective show for no reason
kbkdnrvm14 February 2024
Amazing cast, very well crafted characters. Develops in a way so naturally you get to know their kindness and flaws! A lot of culture elements in this season too, I feel like people don't feel comfortable trying to understand a culture has long history, and how it intertwines with the crimes. Love it!

Amazing cast, very well crafted characters. Develops in a way so naturally you get to know their kindness and flaws! A lot of culture elements in this season too, I feel like people don't feel comfortable trying to understand a culture has long history, and how it intertwines with the crimes. Love it!
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Strong season, great acting
juliarose146 February 2024
I think this season is very strong so far. The acting is great and really makes you root for, but also deeply dislike, most characters. Of course, we don't really know what's going on yet, and it is a slow burn, but I think the build up is very well executed. There's a lot of character development and a ratcheting up of the tension. The setting is so creepy and immersive, especially not being able to tell what time it is as the days progress. I love that this season harkens back to season 1 with a combination of metaphysical and rational narrative threads.

Also I don't understand all the super negative reviews saying that "nothing's happened." Are we watching the same show? Plenty has happened in both plot and character development. True detective has always been a slow burn.
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Goes Nowhere
trav-695966 February 2024
Another week and the plot just doesn't move. It is obvious that this was another show which was merged with the True Detective property in order to maximize brand exposure. There's lots of vague references to another world, some very poorly placed spook shots that don't succeed, and even some physical comedy to try and patch over some useless dialogue in a scene that didn't seem to matter in the end overall. It's a mess of a show. Because it was another show that was forced into the True Detective brand.

There's none of the weirdness and mysticism that Twin Peaks had, and there's none of that gritty feel from True Detective. It's just a mess. It's a script written about supernatural events that was then shoe-horned into the True Detective universe by inserting vague references in the dialogue and the recycling of symbols from season 1, because a marketing executive didn't want to do their job and preferred to piggy back off something that had already kinda worked before and people were familiar with.

Lazy writing overall that just meanders, like my review. My partner and I are debating even finishing the season at this point. Maybe somehow they will tie this all up? Somehow.
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Tell me you know nothing about Alaskan Culture without say so.
pagesculptor-1609010 February 2024
Not saying this town is a totally accurate Northern AK town, but definitely a blend of many villages and smaller communities. The spiritual nature, the problems with domestic violence, the angst about resource development that financially feeds the town while causing hazards. The riot gear was a bit over the top and the only riot gone bad like that is something I'd see in the Matsu Valley.

Does it make total sense? Heck no. But live in darkness like that for a long time, and trust me nothing does. After 6 months of darkness you are indeed hallucinating moose and asking them for guidance across the tundra.

For those of us who know the damage from living here, the message is clear.
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jansenotte5 February 2024
Overall I really thought the episode was interesting. A bit slow maybe, but the plot thickens. Hopefully we'll see a bit more action in the coming episodes, and learn more about the characters that are in play.

Must admit that I'm not a big fan of the jump scares. Still don't really see how the "ghosts" are adding up to the story. Jodie Foster and Kali Reis are pretty good, but nothing compared to season 1. Although, as a season on its own I do like it. Especially the few references that have been made towards season 1. I'm excited to see where that's going, although this episode didn't really contain any references to season 1.
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Quite possibly the worst episode of the entire series
Xavier_Stone7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First we resume where we left off, with the Blair Witch type found footage and replaying the video over and over. Then Jodi gets drunk and this somehow enlightens her and she sends the cavalry out to find a key suspect somewhere, and they find nothing and leave, like they did last time.

This is not even a detective show anymore, as it's 90% family drama, marriage troubles, coworker drama, mail order bride drama, having a kid drama, fighting with the locals drama, driving drunk drama, and sister suicide drama.

The coast guard can find a frozen person in under an hour on Christmas Eve without even being notified of a missing person? These guys are amazing! They should be finding the other suspects.

So we get about half way through the episode and the story delves into... jump scares. Holy smokes this is bad. Then ends with nothing really being revealed and fade to black.

This is a 6 part series, and it is being stretched and filled like crazy. I don't even think there is enough to condense it into a 90 minute movie. The 5 or 10 minutes of actual police work are not enough to carry this series. Incredibly bad 1/50.
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Show? 7 - Banter? 10
martingolder-226596 February 2024
Watching a certain demographic completely lose their minds because women are the main characters, then posting 'reviews' exposing themselves for all to see is absolutely top-tier entertainment. I have no notes.

I'm enjoying it. I didn't want it to just be season 1 all over again, we've seen that, it was amazing. But we don't need a retread of that. I actually hope now that the last two episodes have nothing at all happen in them. Just more of the same vague world-building (like Twin Peaks almost but obviously not as good as that). Then the finale ends on a huge, confusing, out of nowhere cliff-hanger that just annoys certain people even more.


And that would STILL be better than Season 2 was.
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We need these human moments
yoshimasu_k15 February 2024
Worst episode of the season?

We see Liz show real compassion when finding Evangeline's sister Julia having an unstable episode, leading to Liz and Evangeline connecting on a human level.

We see Hank have a genuinely heartbreaking moment, followed by what was probably the first heart-to-heart he and his son had in a long while.

It's Christmas Eve and we see little moments like Kayla and her grandmother showing Leah how to knead bread, Evangeline visiting the enigmatic Rose and seeing a whole different side of her, the romantic things Hank so naively prepared for his overseas bride-to-be,

AND we get to see one of my favorite characters, Qavvik, the only person Evangeline shows vulnerability around, and it was a fantastic scene!

Yes, these scenes aren't directly connected to and seemingly not progressing the murder investigations, but these human moments are essential to the world of the story and obviously strengthen our investment in the characters.

Yes, the acting isn't great throughout and the writing isn't the least bit subtle, but I find myself empathizing with these characters and genuinely invested in the Anne Kowtok and Tsalal Research Station murders.
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More like season 4 of The TV-series, Fortitude.
jimaahansen7 February 2024
I get the feeling, that season 4 of True Detective is more of a sequel to another TV-series called, "Fortitude".

Desolate cold northern area/Snow landscape. Harsh working Town with community of Tough harsh people. Nothing much to do other than drink and have sex. Many with mental issues. Research facility, where reseachers dies. Small policeforce investigates several gruesome murders with less resources. Helped by Shamanism and spiritualism.

Something Occult like is happening... An ancient microscopic organism imbedded in the ice is freed and makes havoc by changing behavior in humans and animals. The Main Big City Police Authority wants to take over the case and sweep it under the rug.

Actor in the TV-series: Christopher Eccleston.

Sound familiar... Well this is also the premise in the TV-series, Fortitude.

I still think it is good. Lets see where this TV-series is going... Before I give my final verdict.
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I'm just gonna say it
trobertroberts6 February 2024
Idk if Kali Reis can act. Maybe she can, but she is absolutely brutal in this. Every scene she is in I remember I'm watching someone act, and not well. The rest of the acting is fine I guess. The writing makes no sense. They're focusing on everything that no one cares about while avoiding anything interesting about the story. They seem entirely pre-occupied with mundane goings on around town while desperately trying to find a connection to an old case, while completely ignoring how absurd the actual case is. Also ep three just randomly had a daylight scene and no one caught that? It's supposed to be 60 days of night. I just don't understand how this was made. Jodie foster is good I guess.
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Could be a good horror movie, not so much a episodic crime thriller
vinsma12 February 2024
There are some really nice horror elements in this episode, that as a horror fan I can really appreciate. But it's light on actual detecting and crime solving. Some unbelievable elements/plot holes as others have mentioned, but also little satisfactory discoveries that would move the mystery along. We're over the halfway point and it seems to be adding more questions as opposed to answering anything. It's becoming more about solving an old case instead of the main one.

I'll hold final judgement until the last episode, but it seems like this could've been a really good horror movie as opposed to a series. I just hope it ties the horror elements together in a believable, satisfactory manner as opposed to "I'm using this person's mental illness as a way to show ghosts"
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Are we there yet?
gabriel-806 February 2024
This season has tension and overall convincing acting. Foster is great, as always. So far not much development in the mystery plot, and only two episodes to go. I'm curious as to how they will wrap this up. There are too many cheap jump scares and other b-movie tricks, for my taste, in what I feel should be a more refined show. I mean, they have managed to build up tension and atmosphere, but focus too much on what seems like irrelevant side stories - I know these stories are supposed to flesh out the characters, but they don't - imho. I would much rather they focused on the mystery and had a more refined approach to the character arcs.
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The garbage writing continues to somehow get worse
Zed-Runner5 February 2024
Just to highlight how terrible it has gotten I present the following chain of events, which serves as the bulk of the narrative of episode 4: Navarro's sister suffers a psychotic break and is found by Navarro at a shipwreck in the middle of nowhere nearly frozen to death. Navarro convinces her to check into a mental health facility. In a town with a population of about 600 people, there's a mental health facility. Anyway, she checks in and Navarro leaves. About ten minutes later the sister calls and tells Navarro she's fine. Cut to the sister back at the same shipwreck, stripping naked, and walking out into the frozen waste. So a mental health facility will check in a patient, and once the family mender of that patient is out of site, they'll just let that patient, who is a clear suicide risk, waltz right back out the door. If that doesn't defy belief enough for you, this happens: Navarro gets a call a whopping hour or two later from the coast guard. They found her sister's body floating in the ocean. So now we have a naked body in the ocean that the coast guard just happens to stumble upon, they make a positive ID in spite of her being naked, and call Navarro to break the news. It is so insanely stupid and so absurdly impossible I can't believe no one at HBO stepped in and re-wrote the entire thing. This is what you get when talentless content creators think their audience is stupid.
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Best episode so far.
andershogberglund5 February 2024
Surprised to see the current score of 6.7. Some writes that nothing happened, while to me it was a truckload of dark action. And some dark humor. Dark as a Christmas Eve in Night Country. The just suggested leads in episode 1-3 is now woven to a more visible spider web. We have now got enough information to start making a puzzle from 2-3 main hypothesis.

Still it will really take an ending that ties it all together and stays away from leaving us with some supernatural mumbo jumbo deus ex machina solution. As "the evil primeval spirit in the ice killed them all"

Moreover, I really loved the ensemble. Without spoiling: Danvers, Navarro, Prior Jr + Sr ... and their partners.. had a quite remorseless Xmas.

Jodie Foster's character just can't help herself. The other ones are also victims to their own natures, seeing the traps and just walks in them.
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Nothing has happened since premier
mikepcfl6 February 2024
The season premier had a decent set up. The abandoned lab and the Alaskan darkness made a really creepy setting. I was willing to see if they could wrap up the mystery. I also loved Jodie Foster's performance.

However, I feel like almost nothing to advance the mystery has happened since the premier. There has been a couple small reveals or clues in the last three episodes. The show has been 90-95 percent family drama lately.

There are only two more episodes left, so I'm sort of pot committed. I just wish they'd spend more than a few minutes an episode to the mystery. I'm really tired of all the drama with sisters, daughters, fathers, ex-lovers, etcetera.
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This is true drama, grow up!
Royce-murphy110 February 2024
No spoilers here, just encouragement to watch the series and form your own view.

There is so much choice on streaming services now, it is hard to separate rubbish from quality. Perhaps, that volume also dulls people's perception?

Some writing and directing spoon feeds a plot in a linear and easy to interpret way. Is that quality? Is that art?

Some people set out stories with people in white hats and black hats. This isn't quite so clear in this case. Our "heros" in this series are flawed. They don't always make the right decisions. Does that make it less good..., or better?

Getting an actress the quality of Jodie Foster is a coup. And episode four allows her to stretch her wings. What are her motivations? What are her reasons for behaving as she does?

All I can say is it's worth your time to watch this and form you own view. In mine, it heads and shoulders above the usual dross being served up on Amazon and Netflix. No, it's not A to B. No, the lead characters are not "pure of heart and soul". Is real life?
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This season makes zero sense!
jackcucch5 February 2024
It is unbelievable that this show has critics who support it. Anyone who has eyes can see that this is a cheap ghost hunt that has nothing to do with true detective. Every single episode has been clustered with pointless side plots and ignoring what the fans actually care to witness: A MURDER MYSTERY. Instead we have to learn about protests, pointless side characters' love life, and weird events that have nothing to do with what the main story line is. So disappointing as this show has zero direction under Issa Lopez. The saddest part about this season is that the main plot might actually be very good, however, we are only shown the good stuff at the last ten minutes of each episode until it fades to black and we have to start over with the pointless nonsense on the next episode. What a waste of season.
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Not sure why all the bad reviews
uniquename76-690-98424226 February 2024
This season is hitting its Season 1 stride - the madness, the paranoia, the dark visuals. The Yellow King was the inspiration for the madness in S01 - why is everyone crapping on this for returning to its roots with a new spin.

I think it's been a great ride. The trails are complex and I for one am very glad this isn't yet again about pedo rings that go unsolved.

The only thing they should focus on a bit more is that dark madness afflicting everyone but by this episode it's hitting it's starting to fire on all cylinders. I think Foster is so talented and really carries this show. The thing with the "eye" it is of course an allegory and the wicked throat singing in prior episodes hoping this goes to satisfying conclusion.
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