Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (Video Game 2023) Poster

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"Best way to end a to win it"
Jonnyboi242016 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A game that was highly anticipated like its predecessors and marketed extensively so that everyone was reminded that the next Call Of Duty was coming out and it was now the next chapter in a series that has been around for so long and loved by so many.

Call Of Duty, since it debuted in the early 2000s has had to adapt to a changing world. Gamers over the years have changed according to new technical advances and story writers have had to write about new threats in the world to create thrilling adventures in our games that feel contemporary and relevant.

Modern Warfare 3 (2023), in my opinion, is not a bad game, but then again, it's not a good one either. Like so many franchises with so many entries, everyone will have their own experiences and expectations of each entry, however, in my opinion, I feel that this game was not only a repeat of things done before, but there was a lack of innovation in the gameplay, no risk to create something new for us to marvel at and no compelling story in the campaign.

The campaign was in someways a risk as it integrated warzone styled missions into it, however, for me, it just didn't work. The campaign didn't feel intense and didn't give any adrenaline value. In fact, the warzone styled missions detracted from the main story and left the game feeling choppy as the pacing seemed chaotic. Then to finish with, killing off a main character is usually done to create hype or controversy to a game, however, a character who was loved so much, was killed by a villain who was not particularly memorable or iconic. I felt this wasn't executed very well compared with General Shepards betrayal in the 2009 game Modern Warfare 2, which was done so well, that it left a mark on the gaming community. The story wasn't exciting and the characters weren't developed further in this game, which effectively ruined any chance of getting an emotional response from players during the ending of the game.

The multiplayer is mediocre. To be charged up to £80 for a game where all of the maps are from other games, which some of us have already purchased in the past, is simply bad. It goes to show how Call Of Duty as a brand have become overly confident in knowing that because of how big the brand is, they also know that people will spend money based on their loyalty to the brand and experiences of the brands previous successes. That to me, is a troubling attitude that could lose them fans in the future.

The zombies is simply odd. I wasn't a fan of outbreak on Cod: Cold War, but I appreciated the risk value, however, here, it seems the company decided to mix Cold War Outbreak gameplay with retro styled aesthetics which reminded me of Black Ops 2 zombies. The zombies isn't bad, but I'm not sure it works either. It doesn't seem to have developed on the zombies concept, yet its playable as it feels familiar to what we enjoyed in the earlier Call Of Duty's.

The voice acting was very good, the graphics are impressive and even the loading menu's, for me are an improvement, however, the game is not a memorable entry in the franchise and its quite clear that imagination was definitely lost on this project. I hope the production team try harder in the next game.
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Probably my least favorite cod
strizbiz-9942920 January 2024
First of all....the campaign.....too short and just not memorable....others cod titles were interesting enough that I could replay the campaigns...this one....nah. Second...multiplayer modes....player vs player mode like team death match are pretty much what you'd expect....mostly players camping and sniping but it is what it is and leaves you feeling like camp or be camped....and tbh...I end up disabling cross platform in multiplayer to avoid the players on pc platform who use cheats....but what I don't care for the most is zombie mode....its a good idea that was extremely poorly implemented. Why only 3 players on a squad? Seems like a lazy port from DMZ. Also....the matches are just too the time you get enough money to really play in the red zone....its time to exfill....sure you can get schematics to upgrade and pack a punch guns...but you need to craft them and the ones you really need have a three day cool down before you can craft another one....thats right...three days lol. And the worst part is that is you don't lose items like a large backpack and level three armor and other things....which isn't the bad part....the bad part is if you get disconnected from the game by no part of your lose your stuff....which for me...after it happens enough times...completely turns me off from play MWZ.... Id much rather play Cold War Zombies....overall, MW3 is meh for me.
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this is the worst COD i've ever played.
iceman-johnson10 December 2023
I've tried really hard to like this game but i'm done with it... the multiplayer is absolute garbage. There's been moments where i've unloaded 5 shots in to an opposing player and it's been confirmed by the hit marker sound and then they turn and floor me with two shots to the body with the same class of gun im using. I spend more time looking for opposition players than killing them and then when i do im again gunned down easily even if i've hit them more times than they have me. I'm not a novice at these games and played them for years and prestiged fully in every game i've owned so i know its not me at fault here..i was also just kicked for inactivity for protecting a domination point with a sniper for a few minutes while my team were being bombarded by the enemy so you are now kicked if you are holding off the enemy and stuck in the same area for too long and don't want to die in the process .... pathetic . There's no multiplayer progression screen after a match and you have to go and hunt down what calling cards/guns you have earned and how well you're progressing on the battle pass and what rank you are. And now instead of opening new equipment by progressing through levels, once you hit level 25 on multiplayer you have to complete daily missions to obtain them. So if you want to unlock something you have to be able to complete challenges you might not be good at.this is unfair for players tat just can't grasp certain guns or are able to play as good as others. It's a small complaint but it just adds to the crappyness of the whole experience. Also zombies mode isn't the classic zombies we know and love it's some free roaming level with mini missions and some zombies randomly chase you. Its very easy and is boring and is not in the slightest bit fun.

I really regret buying this game. I was having so much fun on mw2 recently and i thought that this would be a step up but it's far worse than i could have imagined. Basically bought the same game i did years ago but this time it doesn't work properly and its constantly asking me to buy stuff i don't want. Even in the menu its asking me to buy the game im currently playing.

This is the last time i buy a COD game because its nothing more than a shameless cash grab and the money they are asking for the product is just not worth it. Im selling this first chance i get.
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A lazy cash grab
SarcasticKaapro11 November 2023
This remake is nothing but a lazy crash grab. Around 3 hours story that they didn't even put any work into. Honestly it's sad to see how a company can ruin one of the best gaming franchises. It's way to obvious that this is just a overpriced dlc for MWII.

I hope the gaming community will come together and start showing activision that it's time to but down more effort into the remakes like this. Making annual releases instead of actually giving these games time is destroying these games.

PS: if you actually still enjoy this game then good on you but your help is needed as well to make activision change it's ways.
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A good game that has flaws in it.
collinsrojas12 December 2023
My issues with this game is the Campaign and the Title for this game. The campaign was pretty poor and felt like it was rushed. It could've been a lot better. The title I thought was just really lazy to be honest. (Same with MW 2019 and MWll 2022) and could've had a better title for it (like Call of duty forever or call of duty eternal warfare or something). But I still liked this game for the multiplayer being fun and the zombie also being fun. I liked how you get to play the zombie mode in third person mode, I didn't mind playing it in third person mode even though this is a first person shooter game, but doesn't matter.
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Worst Call Of Duty Ever
BLACKPROBRAD10 November 2023
Modern Warfare 3's campaign commits the biggest sin possible for a globe-trotting action thriller: it's boring. What had the promise to be an intriguingly spun web of mystery instead ends up being a dusty cobweb you'd find at the back of your shed, clinging onto 15-year-old garden toys you once had fun with. It's a pale imitation of the past, made up of underbaked story moments that clash with attempts to introduce new open combat missions designed to encourage player freedom that instead fall flat on their face. Yes, the gunplay is still great and the graphics and sound design are top-tier, but I couldn't help but feel I was playing a shinier, less subtle version of something I've played too many times before. If this is the quality we've come to expect from Call of Duty campaigns, maybe it's for the best if a year or two is taken to reset and raise this low bar back to the heights of old.
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LaLuchaEsVida15 November 2023
It's a good game. Not the best and not a 9 but a 8 for me type of game. I get it the campaign wasn't amazing it's the campaign... last good one we got was MW and before that was when?? Either way I don't know why this year people are complaining all of the sudden. Has to be new players or people who went straight through early access campaign. Multiplayer is a 8, Zombies is a 9. I been playing zombies since "Nazi Zombies" COD WAW. If you have friends to play squad up with trust me when zombies be a 10 or 11. It's addicting and hilarious at times. I also haven't found much bugs overall, I play on PS5.
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Very buggy but multiplayer and zombies is good
ezrahiggins29 December 2023
I haven't bothered playing the campaign due to its bad reviews. It is way too short and the plot leads nowhere. The majority of the campaign was just a filler. However, zombies is really fun. You can do so much and never get bored. But the state of the game just ruins it. There are so many glitches and bugs that messes hours of progress. The camo grinding feels more fun than previous years. Although it still feels like a cash grab - Bundles were 2400 cod points to now 2800! Apart from that, the game was decent, but would've been much better if Infinity Ward didn't rush decisions and if Activision wasn't so money greedy.
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A truly awful game
kimav-4980520 November 2023
Think of what made the original Modern Warfare games good.

Now take all of that away.

That's Modern Warfare 3.

It is a lazy add on of last year's game (which was far superior although not as good as the original.) The graphics are somehow far worse than they were in MW 2019, which had one of the best campaigns in COD history in my opinion.

The campaign's story feels like it was written by unintelligent robots. Makes no sense at all.

The missions are war zone maps and complete one man army scenarios. No interesting set pieces or anything, you just run around picking up guns and killstreaks all alone. It's not a realistic war game like the old MW ones, it's a silly mess that makes over the top Hollywood blockbusters look like documentaries.

The only decent mission is the first one. The voice acting comes across as forced. It's only about 3 hours long which is 3 hours too long, because they'd be better of not having one in the first place.

There is no love, no care put into this game and none of the charm that made the old MW games great.

MW 2019 was a very good game and the best COD made since Black Ops 2.

MW2 2022 was a decent game and was better than this one in every way imaginable.

The multiplayer is the same as last year's game but with a few old maps thrown into it, yet they are all nowhere near as fun to play on.

I feel completely betrayed buying this game and would implore all who read this review to not buy this disaster.
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One of the Bests
CommanderVain12 January 2024
Modern Warfare III is a fresh start since the Warzone Era in 2020 began. MWIII gives us a breath of fresh air for its Multiplayer scene, bringing back the classics from the original MW2 from 2009 alongside a beautiful set of new maps, taking place from Greece to Rio de Janeiro. The Zombies mode developed by Treyarch is also a new take on the beloved mode seeing entirely open-world set in the fictional country of Urzikstan. Alongside that and it's massive pool of quests and objectives, MWZ (Modern Warfare Zombies) shows that we don't need classic zombies to still have fun.

The campaign, yes is shorter than previous games', but still tells a great story with a massive cliffhanger. The voice-acting as well as missions are once again at the top like always. My only dislike was the Open Combat Missions, however, only a few existed hence still my high rating.

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Best COD in years
olinke-744181 April 2024
Multiplayer is one of the best ones yet in most senses. From the content, map quality , flow, things to grind for, aftermarket parts making it a fun COD. It has a few issues such as weak streaks, perk balance, overload of attachments but besides that it's a 9/10.

However the lacklustre and straight out bad campaign and zombies holds the full package back. The zombies is just lazy filler with it being worse than Outbreak in Cold War in almost every sense and even that wasn't amazing. The campaign was short with an abysmal story and filled with repetitive open combat missions despite a few of them being fun.
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It is an exact copy of MW2
emreozkoc-7825812 November 2023
The story is very bad, extremely boring and like old Hollywood movie scripts laced with clichés, especially the ending is worse than bad. The old version was more legendary. There has been no development in any sense. It is an exact copy of MW2, we can call this game as an additional package. So they made a money trap. We waited with great hopes, but I say don't wait. There is no change that will make you say wow in terms of gameplay. MW2 and DMZ are much better. One of the games I regret buying. I say go back and keep playing DMZ. Note: PLEASE GIVE TURKISH SUPPORT NOW, there are so many Turkish players but you haven't received language support for years.
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Poor just so very poor
maxrigby-0425611 November 2023
I can't believe that they have single handily destroyed the modern warfare franchise I have not felt this upset since the new battlefield came out. This is a mockery to all the call of duty fans. The graphics are awful it is like we have taken a step back the story line omg what story line it's like all they do is talk about kicking a## but never do. All the people that where apart of making this game needs sacking with immediate affect. Rehashed maps - laughable campaign - nothing new and that will be £70 please. I have been scammed no two ways about it. I can't understand how modern warfare one and two were groundbreaking yet this modern warfare 3 the only thing it breaks is your soul. Stick to modern warfare one or two this is going back to the shop!
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Am I playing Warzone or Campaign?
gokaysubasi10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I must say this if Infinity Ward did this game everything was different. I played this game what I play I didn't understand am I playing Warzone or Campaign and the other thing why they killed Soap he didn't deserve it Just like the old Call of duty Modern Warfare 3 they killed Soap it's the same too. I am sorry but this game is the worst I have ever seen.

They opened Combat Mission Zone or Stealth Mode are we playing Multiplayer or Campaign this is what I don't understand. When I was a kid I started to play Call of duty it was The Best for me I have ever played but now I am seeing now it's bad.
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Not a good COD game at all
kenpabon18 December 2023
This is a terrible COD game. The campaign was meh at best. I felt they could've done a lot better with that. Also, I don't care too much for the zombies aspect. While it is something completely different from the others, I do find this to be boring. I thought it would have a story to it. Multiplayer isn't all that as well. The maps are okay. Not best. I do feel like they're is spawn trapping that happens at times. I feel like they could've done much better with this game. Also, the campaign was really short for a game. If they do decide to do a MW4, hopefully it'll be much much better than this.
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Worth the money for me.
mikeymiz13 March 2024
Idk where some people are bashing this installment compared to previous versions of "Modern Warfare". We knew this was a continuation. Knew what characters would be involved (SAS and Farrah's team of course).

The campaign may have been short, but the ending hits hard and leaves room for a 4th (which I'm guessing will be the final installment for the moment).

I've been playing FPS since Wolfenstein, Doom, Duke Nukem and of course Goldeneye. You go into this knowing what they bring the table. Just have fun in the campaign, then multiplayer and just be a good person. One who worked on this deserve the praise it takes to put out games year after year. It's not easy work.

Activision may have flaws as any studio/producer would. Is it the best? No, is it by far the worst? No, you ever tried playing E. T.? Then I wouldn't complain.
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Easily worst (and shortest) Call of Duty campaign ever
jens-andree14 November 2023
I have played almost every Call of Duty game in the franchise starting from the first Call of Duty and later the United Offensive expansion.

Some have been better than others with regards to story, imagination and implementation, and when Call of duty 4: Modern Warfare was released it was a new experience as they were trying to cater to realism as you learned about Soap and Captain Price from the legendary SAS, and Sgt. Jackson U. S. Marine.

Modern Warfare evolved throughout the next two releases and after remastered versions we eventually saw the reboot of Task Force 141 in 2019.

In this reboot we got an amazing campaign that included the legendary level "Clean House" which is about as real as it gets according to ex. SAS highest ranking soldier Mark "Billy" Billingham and we could only dream what the next instalment would bring?

Modern Warfare 2 was ok but it didn't try to bring the realism that "Clean House" did, and I personally disliked the story with the new Shepard and Phillip Graves, but we got Simon "Ghost" Riley so it was something, but as the campaign progressed it turned more into an arcade game sadly...

Surprisingly Modern Warfare 3 was announced when we expected a DLC to MW2, but if they had put in the time and resources none would be happier than us gamers - but boy were we in for a surprise... In order to save time and money (my opinion) they decided to pick some multiplayer maps, with bots, and throw us players into a all-guns-blazing solo missions that replaced realism and tactics with power-ups and well lit arcade areas that nobody wanted! You could easily finish the whole campaign in under three hours?! If it had been the DLC we expected things wouldn't be so bad, but we had to pay full price for this mess.

Why even bother making a campaign when you're going to put close to zero effort into it compared to the excellent levels in Modern Warfare 2019?!

This is by far the biggest disappointment in the Call of Duty franchise - including Black Ops 3, which led to Black Ops 4 didn't get a single player campaign at all, but Modern Warfare is ALL about the story and the multiplayer was something to do afterwards if you felt like it.

This campaign was such a let down and the only positive thing was that it was so short that I could finish it and still get a refund on Steam!

I hope the negative criticism has some effect otherwise single player campaigns are yet again a dying breed...
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Campaign is the biggest loss here
lukestowemma15 November 2023
Start off by saying I've been playing Call of Duty for over 10 years and I've never played a Call of Duty with a bad ending like Modern Warfare III. They just made this to basically tell you that's there's going to be about squeal ( basically Modern Warfare IV). The combat missions are the absolute worst I rather be playing Warzone or a Tom Clancy open world game. Multiplayer I'll give a 8, it takes the cake here and Zombies I'll give a 7. Conclusion: It's not the worst Call of Duty or the best, the developers could've done so much more with the campaign, so I think a 5/10 is the perfect rating.
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I regret getting this.
jaxsonprice-5103224 November 2023
I really wish I had never wasted my money on this in the first place. There's nothing entirely different about it. It's literally just an add on. A DLC. But yet they classify it as this brand new game, which it's not. I wish they hadn't had come out with it too soon or I also just wish this had never been made at all.

The campaign I don't care about. Personally, I don't play campaigns anymore and haven't in a long time.

The multiplayer. Literally just the same. Just like the multiplayer from MW1 and 2. It's fine I guess. Although it can just feel repetitive at times.

The zombies. What in the world? It all just feels too easy, too open, too free, but overall, EMPTY and LIFELESS. You're just running around on this huge ass map, with your teammates, shooting any zombies that you see and that's really about it. I at least thought zombies would be decent, but turns out I was so bored playing it and I was heavily disappointed. Making zombies Open World was a huge mistake. I'd rather go back to BO3 zombies or any of the other ones where you actually had ROUNDS and it was an engaging challenge.

All in all, I regret purchasing $70 for Modern Warfare 3 or as I should say Modern Warfare 2, but with a bunch of crappy add ons. I don't see how anyone can find the hype in this. There's none. I think it is probably just time for Call Of Duty to come to an end in general. They've had their run for awhile. It's clear to see that the games they are coming out with are not getting any better. I for sure will not be purchasing the next Call Of Duty, whatever it'll be.
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Worst cod all time
caltitan16 November 2023
I love the call of duty franchise. Have been playing all the way since call of duty 3. Took some breaks here and there but have remained loyal to the franchise. This cod, to say the least, is the worst one I have ever played. The multiplayer has just been catered to streamers and content creators that complained all last year about MW2. Its sad to see a franchise bend the knee this much for content creators and not all the people that just want to enjoy the game. They have made it almost impossible to enjoy this game casually. Hopefully they will produce updates and fix the game but as it stands I can't rate this game above 1 star.

I know what people will say and that I'm not good, but that is simply not the case. I am a consistent 1.5kd plus player and have earned the mastery camos for cods in the past. Just make the game fun.
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It's BAD.
alissiachirca13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
£60 dlc with worse graphics than the last 2 modern warfare remaster games. Multiplayer now includes original maps though!! Too bad they lag every game. Pray before you hop onto a game that your gun actually loads in.

Campaign is a rushed mess lasting only 3 hours max that has you playing warzone missions because creators were too lazy for interactive missions, characters are written like the writers never touched a COD mw game in their life and the storyline's the definition of cliche tropes, e.g: 'guy decides not to kill bad guy, bad guy kills him a year later'. "Let the bad guy go!! We cant kill him now !!!". Not to mention it's unorthodox of any military discipline. After 2 games of the 141 crew following rules and getting messed over by them suddenly the captain kills the general in an anti-climatic decision: this was done well in the original of course, but the decision here is so badly written off and done more as a filler than a major plot line. Talking about filler: you'll be happy to hear they kill a character off just to get that 3 hour touchpoint.
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Worst Game Ever
lexiesexie5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I hope the developers hear this and see this, work on ur game instead of your stupid reels and ads on your facebook and instagram and twitter account that no one cares about, FIX THE GAME WORK ON THAT INSTEAD!!!!!! LISTEN TO YOUR PLAYERS THEY KNOW YOUR GAME BETTER THAN YOU AND YOU DEVELOP THE GAME WHICH IS BAD, YOUR A BILLIONAIRE DOLLAR COMPANY AND CANT EVEN FIX YOUR GAME!!! Your game needs more Fixing!!! Im so goad that Microsoft bought you out cause your game is so trash they will make it better, I know they will make it better and get that Stupid Voice AI Chat on your game it's ridiculous!!!!!
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Oh my god bro, oh HECK NO
johngshen7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
TLDR: Fortnite is just better. Just go with that if you want a half decent game with a battle royale attached.

In Depth:

  • Cool graphics. Better than MW2022 but it's no Battlefield game.

  • Gun models. They seemed to have put in some detail, and that's cool I guess

  • SBMM. Enough said.

  • Boring, dull, uninteresting campaign
  • Disgusting microtransactions
  • Pay to Win Bundles
  • Horrific atmosphere with anime skins
  • Overly convoluted gun modding system
  • Soap's death felt like cheap shock value
  • Makarov as a villain sucked, OG Makarov was better
  • The new No Russian is boring
  • Most importantly, revoltingly overpriced (70 dollars for a DLC)
  • Urzikstan as a Warzone map has bad flow and pacing
-Complete lack of originality

Conclusion: Buy Fortnite, you'll enjoy it more, and it's free.
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