Bluestone 42 (TV Series 2013–2015) Poster


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The banter is as spot on as you can get.
peter-jf10 April 2013
The Sunday Times television critic, A A Gill, likened Bluestone 42 with that of a former BBC, military situation comedy programme, It Ain't Half Hot Mum. If A A Gill thinks that Bluestone 42 is almost "like a remake of "Ain't Half Hot Mum, then I would have to say that he is an idiot, the only thing the two programmes have in common is that they are comedies about members of the armed forces.

The casting ensures sufficient eye candy for both sexes, the South African locations are passable as Afghanistan. The comedy realistically highlights the spirit of the armed forces. It does contain "very" strong language but that and the gallows humour is a true representation of likely banter by those in such front line roles. This is a strong comedy drama deserves a much greater following.
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"A little levity is not amiss in a dangerous trade" Virgil Grissom
ianlouisiana14 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Although the late Mr Grissom was referring to his own dangerous trade - a pioneering astronaut - he was tragically prophetic,dying in a fire on the launchpad 35 years ago. Soldiering is another dangerous even deadly trade,and frontline soldiering is not a job for the over - sensitive.It doesn't do to intellectualise whilst staring down your gunsight on a deadly hot and dusky Afghan goat track.You look out for yourself and your mates and count the days left on your tour. And you have a laugh.Next to the flight home it's the best part of the job. "Bluestone 42" is a comedy about a bomb - disposal unit in Helmand province,one of the least hospitable places on the planet.They're ordinary men and women in extraordinary circumstances doing what it takes to get by. Arguing,swearing,joking,shouting,pumped up or terrified. It has a fine cast of 20 - something actors with energy to spare,capturing the faux nonchalance of the professional soldier very well. It is very funny;it makes use of soldiers' language which may offend some but adds an edge to the dialogue. Service comedies have a noble history on British TV and "Bluestone 42" is in their best traditions.As the British Army depressingly continues to be deployed in an aggressive role nearly 70 years after the end of the second world war,I can see the ghosts of Dunkirk and Sword beach laughing in wry recognition of what their great grandchildren are up to.
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Laughs in Afghanistan
Tweekums24 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One might have thought the war in Afghanistan wasn't a likely source of laughs but this BBC comedy attempts to prove otherwise. The titular Bluestone 42 is a mine clearance unit lead by Captain Nick Medhurst; an officer who, when he isn't defusing mines, is trying to seduce the new padre; an attractive blonde called Mary. The rest of the team is comprised of a couple of Scots who mock just about everything, a female signals operator, a corporal who is forever the butt of others jokes and another corporal who is incredible keen and precise in all he does. They get in a variety of situations; some deadly others involving larking around back at base.

I was initially unsure whether this would be any good; fearing it would either be puerile or just in poor taste… as it turned out it was a little bit of both at times but that didn't matter as it was genuinely funny and had a likable cast of characters. It wasn't afraid to shock either… in the opening episode an American travelling with them was shot and killed and the team continued to joke about his boasting about his time in Fallujah. There is a good dynamic between the team which felt believable and the cast do a fine job. It must be noted that most things here are strictly played for laughs; there is no deeper meaning like in M*A*S*H; that doesn't mean there aren't tense moments though; the final episode featured an edge of the seat scene where it looked as if a major character might be blown up by a car bomb. It must also be noted that the characters use realistically robust language that might offend some viewers. Over all I'd heartily recommend this and was pleased to learn that a second series is promised.
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Incredibly funny and very realistic
jamesrands14 March 2013
This show looks like and feels like a British Army unit in Helmand. The uniforms, kit, equipment, language etc.. are all either spot on or very close. Importantly, the creators have got the sense of humour and camaraderie exactly right. Ignore Chopendoz comments - he has no idea what he is talking about. The presence of Chris Hunter (author of Eight Lives Down which sort of formed the basis for The Hurt Locker) no doubt was significant in getting that styling. That alone wouldn't make it a good show but once you have that feel right you can really let rip with the humour. Squaddies are funny and never more so than when life is really, really bad so the humour is always going to be dark, blokish and the language extreme. But that's how soldiers really are. If you are a pompous, holier than though prig then this may upset you - in which case feel free not to watch. Otherwise this is quite simply one of the funniest TV shows I have ever seen. It probably helps if you have served in the Armed Forces but I don't doubt civilians will enjoy it too.
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Superb military-themed comedy
robdw29 March 2013
Bluestone 42 captures the modern British Army in every way, the black humour, profanity, wind-ups, and day-to-day life is all spot-on.

Apart from the slightly less than realistic scenery, I can't fault Bluestone 42 - the production team have clearly done their homework pretty well and have listened to their technical advisers. There have been very few technical glitches and overall the production is very convincing.

The humour is superb, each of the four episodes so far has been equally gripping and entertaining and results in a show which I'm sure will be loved by the soldiers it portrays so well. There is so much bad comedy these days, thank goodness Bluestone 42 delivers.

I don't know if Chopendoz has even watched the same Bluestone 42 as me as his review is so far off of the mark.

Please ... ... please ... ... please BBC, commission series 2 ASAP.

Bluestone 42 is superb!

Update 24/44/2013:

It was announced at the end of Episode 8 on 23/4/2013 that a second series has been commissioned, excellent news.
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First Rate Comedy with an Edge
bob-11356 March 2013
Just watched the first episode and am very impressed. The whole cast is strong without any weak links or actors jostling to be the 'leading light'. A few well known faces and a lot of strangers they mesh together very well to present us with a top class storyline and, hopefully, series. The comic timing is very good, kit and locations well up to the mark ( although I wouldn't recommend firing a shoulder launched anti tank rocket standing in front of a hard surface like an armoured vehicle, the back blast is liable to do naughty things to your body).

I only hope that it doesn't sink into a mire of self pitying homilies about the horrors of war which was the fate of the TV series of MASH, especially after Alan Alda took over directing.

There will be some of you who haven't been in the forces in combat and might find the humour a bit strange, that it is but very accurate. (Advancing through a minefield and a man steps on a mine. He's on the deck screaming that he's lost his leg only to be informed by his mate that it's OK because he can see where it went. Strangely enough he was quite happy with that!)
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Amazing funny and spot on!
Frankie-barrettxx27 March 2014
I absolutely love this. My partner is a British soldier and this is spot on with squaddie banter and completely funny and very enjoyable I love it and completely addicted. Can't wait for series three! All brilliant actors and actresses completely recommend! Great laugh with the seriousness behind. People forget soldiers are people too And this really reminds you with also having a laugh! And tower lock is definitely my favourite all grown up since Harry potter ! They have also done lots of research as they are very spot on with set. I am so glad they are doing a series three! But this is great watch for those who know army life or not as banter and jokes are great! X
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Just very good!
mhandsley20017 March 2014
I've been looking forward to watching series 2 since the last series ended. Two episodes in, and the show gets better and better.

The latest episode had several laugh out loud moments which is very rare with TV comedy's today. Everything is perfect from the main theme tune, location, gear and equipment - someone in the know helped put this show together. Those of us that have spent time in HM Forces will recognise all the characters - and the banter, which is very realistically portrayed.

Already hoping that there'll be a series 3, however with the news that BBC Three is on the way out, and will become an online channel, I really hope that the BBC find some space on BBC2 or even a late slot on BBC1.
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Priceless Hidden Gem ( Dads Army 2013!)
journalist128 July 2013
After the endless grey and dreary BBC content along comes two great shows in a row; Luther and Bluestone 42. Fast, funny and dynamic, the show's recipe of gallows humour mixed with full on combat and a touch of compassionate insight surprises and challenges the viewer's insight into modern warfare as perceived by the British.

I cannot praise the series enough, Bluestone 42 is Dads Army for the 21st century.

If I was honest the only flaw is the little Scots guy, none of us can understand him and he doesn't seem to gel with the rest of the cast.

Particular praise goes to the captain, padre, corporal Mills and corporal Lynda Bird. Supported by colonel Carter and Faruq.
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An honest look at the modern squaddie with the black humour of the forces
dom-941-3303096 March 2014
I watched the first of these with little expectation and was shocked at how good and how accurate it is . It's rude , non-politically correct and funny as frig .

I have been addicted to it ever since and my wife who isn't from a military background loves it as well .

The acting is superb from the coarse squaddie up to the CO and everyone in between and they have captured every caricature one has ever served with or for and managed to keep them fresh and interesting - stupid awards , dangerous made up games to keep the adrenaline running and pass the time , the vicious insulting of comrades and the vitriolic defence of comrades all written beautifully and balanced as only the forces can manage .

The only criticism is that they all have most of the kit they need but the writers had to make some concession I suppose .

Watch this and enjoy . BUT if you are are a PC loon then don't bother you will hate it , its reality with a sublime humour .
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Classically good comedy in an unlikely setting
mike-2756518 March 2015
I stumbled across this early in series 1 while late-night channel hopping and rapidly grew to love it, other members of the family have accumulated along the way and it's now (early series 3) become required viewing. The sharply observed writing careers recklessly across the full range of comedy styles while a solid cast of identifiable characters bicker and connive their way through a lethal tour in some miserable outpost. The unsentimental approach leaves you with a strong suspicion that any member of the cast might be explosively written out at any time (probably in a blackly hilarious way), giving it a tension the likes of MASH and Dads Army would never have aspired to (although the description of this as "Dads Army for our time" is spot on).

For my money series 3 has faltered a little at the start, hopefully it will find its footing again and maintain the standards of the first two.
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Not Good Enough
stuartduncan911 March 2015
Having read the positive reviews for this series, most peoples' take on it seems to be that it accurately captures the gallows humour of an armed forces unit.

Fine. So be it. But those folks must also allow for the opinions of Civvy Street, where any review is based solely on the series' merit as a comedy drama.

I'm not sure it's even such a good subject for this treatment. We don't have the benefit of hindsight here that we had with the likes of MASH and Dad's Army; the rights and wrongs of this current-day conflict haven't yet been chewed over sufficiently to make it worthwhile looking for the funny side. This makes the whole project feel a bit cynical, like it's cashing in parasitically, looking for laughs in the wrong places and milking an unfunny scenario for financial gain.

Sure, the real-life situation could indeed flip from the mundane to the tragic in seconds, but would everyone still be laughing post-flip? The dialogue is glib and smart-ass and unrealistic in the same way that MASH scripts could be; but it's just not funny. Couple that with the drama school-grade performances, distorted guitar riffs, slow motion action sequences and the inane macho posturing right from the opening credits, and you've got something that - to me at least - feels quite sickening.
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Absolutely superb
Inovit30 March 2021
Simply the best BBC comedy in the modern era.

I have never served in the military, but respect those that have, and I do not understand the comments about about this not being for those without a service record.

The ability to draw humour from seemingly tragic stories without resorting to comic book violence is all too rare nowadays. The writing and acting was superb, bouncing from slapstick to deep pathos with aplomb.

And from other reviews, the fact that it was so realistic represents another stunning accolade.

I don't think it ever progressed to BBC 1 did it ? Astonishing when you compare it to the majority of BBC's other output. Perhaps because the viewer was required to actually think rather than be told what to think.
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Brilliant.. just brilliant
gideon-grindey2 March 2022
Don't listen to the negative Nancie's on here. Of course you can laugh in the midst of awful circumstances, that is one of the cornerstones of British humour.

I loved it. Laughs and giggles a plenty with a bit of pathos thrown in for good measure.

I have now just seen the entire series for the 4th time and to be honest I think I enjoyed it even more. I love all of the layers in this series and the very clever characterization.

I just wish that it didn't have to end after just 3 series. I'm sure that it had at least another season in it.
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Afgahistian UK soldiers
rmorley-820-61257018 October 2013
Love this. Great characters, good mix of serious danger and good dry humour. It's exactly as I'd expect our troops to behave. None of the idiotic US approach: "I'm going in, cover me" and then shoot / bomb some allies.

Sorry Yanks, you have the worst record for "friendly fire" on the planet. "It's moving, I'll nuke it!!!" Quote from US pilot.

The portrayal (Hard word to spell) of Brit troops trying to alleviate the boredom between extreme pressure is handled with good humour. The added sexual tension (albeit one sided) helps to make this a very enjoyable series. It's good fun
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Sodiers with Gun , Birds and Explosives , who could ask for more
charlie-119-15024522 July 2017
If you are the type of person who likes women , explosives, guns and people shooting at the Taliban , you will love this and it even has the added plus of being amusing and very enjoyable to watch. If you don't like women, explosives, guns and people shooting the Taliban , you are very dull and should watch Antique Roadshow instead.
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Good tv show
cpostlethwaite17 January 2019
I would love to see more off these with the same cast
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Love it
yankeedoo21 May 2019
Watching again may 2019 as nowt else on UK tv shame it finished now bbc is rubbish
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Not very funny
pilot100912 October 2021
In poor taste really but even allowing for that it just is a clash where red dwarf meets dads army with basically slapstick humour only and very little wit. I did not find I was getting much in the way of laughs at all.

Given this is during the brutal Afghanistan war, personally I don't find it in very good taste.
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Endless scenes of people standing around crossing their arms and wearing ill fitting "uniforms"
NusnakSpilkes3 February 2018
Is acting now such that all you have to do is stand with your arms crossed uttering your lines? It's never ending scene after scene of it. And the costume department needs to be fired. They are wearing made-in-China paintball/airsoft uniforms which are so ill fitting that you don't follow the story because you are so distracted by the poor costuming. Come on! You can do better.
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Light-hearted but also Light on Laughs
prylands-389-56748020 May 2023
I managed a couple of episodes of this before I realised that I had not laughed or even smiled once - indeed I had all but forgotten that this was meant to be a comedy. It is unrealistic, crass, and witless - imagine The Thin Blue Line set in Helmand Province and you have it.

There is a certain novelty to it and the characters are likeable but there is scant realism, not genuine sense of danger and the dialogue is glib idiocy after a fashion that you would not find away from TV.

Perhaps I am missing the point of this but the gags, such as they are, are tired and obvious. Even allowing for some willing suspension of disbelief, this does seem overly facile and approaching disrespectful. It's light, that is true and seemingly there are viewers out there who find crude references and inane exchanges hilarious but I quickly found this as dull as can be - seems like a comedy written by a teenager for teenagers.
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