Muffin Top: A Love Story (2014) Poster

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A story that was seemingly written with the confidence level of its self-conscious main character
StevePulaski19 November 2014
Muffin Top: A Love Story would be such a personal film, rich with commentary and talking points about contemporary feminism and women's issues if it wasn't so immature and juvenile. In the course of two weeks, I have watched both Muffin Top: A Love Story and Sex Ed, a film starring Haley Joel Osment as a sexual education teacher for middle school students, films with equal opportunity to provide strong themes and ideas on modern issues but cop out and go for the easy joke, which brings down both films' impacts significantly. Muffin Top, much like Sex Ed, is never boring, provides for some laughs, but consistently sacrifices the bigger issues it could be proposing thanks to the perpetuation of dirty-minded screen writing.

Co-writer, directress, and producer Cathryn Michon plays Suzanne, a gorgeous but self-conscious middle-aged woman, working as a professor of women's studies at Malibu University and living life married to the cold and sociopathic Michael (Diedrich Bader), who hits her with the seven-letter d-word out of nowhere one day. Suzanne, an already fragile soul, is left feeling helpless and hideous, confiding in her best friend and booking agent Kim (Melissa Peterman) for a place to live and moral support. Suzanne, despite condemning and attempting to rise above the "airbrush" culture of society still falls prey to insecurities directly related to her weight and appearance, now is left alone and insecure in Los Angeles, desperately in need for some sort of companionship. She finds momentary solace in the local barista (Michael Hawley), a young and attractive spirit and a popular speaker on feminist theory and studies (David Arquette), both of whom she enjoys being around, but cannot seem to overcome the downtrodden spirits her stomach (or "muffin top") makes her feel.

Muffin Top is likely not a far-fetched story for middle aged women, or even young women as well, when taken in its basic form. The film deals with body issues, common insecurities, and the forcing one does to themselves to get back in the saddle after a self-esteem- corrupting event takes place. There's not a doubt in mind that women who have seen themselves there will connect deeply with that aspect of the film. The sad thing is, that part is only an aspect and not the prime focus, with gross-out gags, cartoonish moments where Suzanne's "muffin top" starts talking to her or when she hires an overweight man who tries to whisper to her fat, and scenes desperately trying to loosen the film's potential grip on true-to- life drama take center-stage. The repetitiveness of Muffin Top comes in when you have several scenes catering to banal humor involving the humiliation of Michon's character, where we unevenly go from laughing at her to having to sympathize with her, almost as if we're going through the cycle of what it's like to be a self-loathing, schoolyard bully.

I feel like I'm writing the exact same review as I did for Sex Ed, but the same problems persist and beg justifications. Did Michon, like Sex Ed screenwriter Bill Kennedy, not have enough confidence the audience would get the dramatic undertones of the film? Did they fear the film may be too contemplative or thoughtful and that the only way to combat potential themes and social commentaries was to obscure them by including juvenile humor? It's frustrating to see a film with such a superb concept be diluted by blatant immaturity.

Aside from that glaring misstep, and a few other situational occurrences like Suzanne's potential book deal that just seem like the result of Michon running out of narrative ideas in terms of approach, Muffin Top has redeeming qualities. For one, Michon, who has already thrown herself in all the main positions of the film, is an incredible force of kinetic energy on film, launching her character in a barrage of different setups and bearing enough energy to make them all at least watchable. Michon clearly treats her pet project with a lot of respect and caters to it with a great sense of acting urgency, never missing a beat as a performer and showing off what she is made of, even if the particular scene has an overwhelming dose of silly humor.

Muffin Top: A Love Story will likely resonate with those who are in, or have seen, similar circumstances as Suzanne, and the same people will likely forgive the film's use of sight gags being that its lead actress is such a force. My only note is that it's possible to enjoy certain aspects of this film even if others run the route of being throwaway attempts at making sure ones project doesn't become too thematically heavy.

Starring: Cathryn Michon, David Arquette, Diedrich Bader, Melissa Peterman, Marcia Wallace, Michael Bawley, and Haylie Duff. Directed by: Cathryn Michon.
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Easy, likable charm to the flick
RogerB-P3RV321 February 2020
Winning performance by Cathryn Michon anchors this quirky, often very funny take on female insecurities in modern society. After her pompous husband leaves her for a much younger woman, Suzanne Nicholson (Michon) embarks on a journey of a self-discovery....well, sort of. Full of self-deprecating humor and peppered by wonderful cameos by well known TV-personalities and stars. There is an easy, likable charm to the flick despite running out of steam after an hour or so with usual rom-com tropes to give the movie a feel-good ending. Gary Anthony Williams makes a huge impact in brief cameo as a health guru.
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Predictable, whiny and hollow
PollyPick17 January 2015
I felt an unbiased review was needed here, given most of the other reviewers appear to be somehow affiliated with the film (this is nowhere close to a 10/10). And this is most certainly NOT a "great insight into what all women think". (Heaven forbid).

The premise behind Muffin Top was promising: a feminist take on a romantic comedy. Unfortunately the story was predictable, the characters hollow and the protagonist unsympathetic.

And let's not forget the same frothy pop song that played throughout virtually every scene in the movie. It's clear that once they had paid for that dreary ditty they were determined to wring every last cent's worth out of their questionable investment.

Unfortunately the protagonist, played by Cathryn Michon, wasn't particularly likable. She whines constantly, is overly dramatic about the injustice of how her ex, her dates and the world treats her, and is completely self-centred. I felt that Michon was cast well and could have been more relatable and interesting as a character if she had been given a more solid script with which to work.

And good grief, whose choice was it to cast David Arquette as an Englishman? That accent was atrocious.

Positive points? The weight loss coach played by Gary Anthony Williams was funny, the lighting looked professional, and if you need a movie playing in the background while you do something else more interesting, this does the trick.
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Fat shaming
agicpp18 January 2022
If I could give 0 stars, I would give that.

Please, if you are, or have a loved one who is overweight, or in general you care about the dignity of other people, do not watch this. If you find this very real issue funny, and you like cheap, low quality "humor" on the expense of overweight people, go for it.

This film tries to sell itself as "feminist" which should be about inclusiveness and acceptance, however any solution to the problem is that you have the right to have body modifications, however it never teaches anything about accepting people as they are, or God forbid, that an overweight person could be as lovable, sweet and valuable to society as a thin one. Instead, it equates the value of a woman with the value of her body image.

The "love" part is also very shallow, the guy has controlling tendencies and there is no real chemistry.
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David Arquette ruined this one for me..
tjbarlow304 November 2014
When I spotted this movie on my On Demand I was intrigued and could not wait to watch it. I love a good "underdog movie" and I really loved this movie until David Arquette's terrible British accent made an appearance. It's so ridiculous it makes the movie unwatchable for me. Why oh why did they have to force this actor who is strained in the easiest of characters to have a British accent. Most of the characters are relatable and likable with the acception of one... David Arquette's character made this movie a one star for me. Without him..I would've given it 4 stars. i would recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for a good comedy but have your finger ready on the fast forward button for David Arquette's laughable scenes.
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Francis from Malcolm In the Middle
shanecompany468 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was over the top vapid. The character who played the brother in Never Been Kissed? Does not work as a British or English bred person. It just bothers me so much? Why can't Hollywood find some fresh meat? I was into the story until she slept with Drew Barrymore's' co-star. He is an actor who is always cast in play-time kid roles. He cannot portray a serious adult. Marker 101:43. No...just No. But the "Francis" look alike? (Christopher Masterson), was brilliant as the coffee friend barista. Very sexy. The writer must of gotten bored with their own story to have turned this way at the last 35 minutes of the movie. And the stalker from the Office? I think is who this older woman is? HILARIOUS. I like movies that are semi true to life? It makes the story more believable. There is always some PERSON standing in the way between a happy ending and the protagonist . That much is true. Now to finish the movie. Better have a happy ending! Muffin Top? Gross! I was talked into watching this movie.
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Hilarious romp through insecurity and body image
missedcongeniality13 November 2014
This film uses the funny bone to pluck the heart-strings of insecurity, and in the process creates beautiful music!

A comical peek into the looking glass, with a message of empowerment and self love being reflected back. An entertaining examination of "experts", anxiety, and acceptance.

The cast has great chemistry, and spot-on comedic timing. The hilarity of interaction is only secondary to the adept writing and delivery of the dialog.

Better than a chick-flick, more than a rom-com, Muffin Top is a living, loving, laughing good time!! See it, enjoy it, and love yourself now, not five pounds from now!
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Adorable and so funny!
halejulie13 November 2014
This is actually a laugh out loud movie - the star, Cathryn Michon is so adorable, earnest and hapless in her search for balance and happiness in her life when it is turned upside down. The rest of the cast is super funny as well, and you can tell they had a great time improving while making this movie, they all played so well together. The movie has a great message, too, about accepting yourself just as you are - without being too preachy or cramming the message down your throat. It really did make me feel better about myself, and proud to be a strong female! I'm so glad I bought it instead of renting it so I can watch it again. Loved it!
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Muffin Top, feel-good movie with a message
bethrubinwriter13 November 2014
Muffin Top: A Love Story, is a hilarious send-up of the lengths to which women will travel in their search for physical beauty (as determined by the media and our celebrity-obsessed culture) and acceptance by others (most notably, the male of the species). Congratulations to co-writer, director and star Cathryn Michon, who birthed this delightful rom-com, with strong support from a smart script, stellar cast, and Kickstarter. Michon, who based the movie on her book, "The Grrl Genius Guide to Sex (With Other People)," is a hoot and a half as a professor of women's studies, picking up the pieces and striving for perfection after her jerky Hollywood-bigwig husband kicks her to the curb for someone younger and thinner with fuller lips. Michon, who cut her eye teeth doing stand-up in LA, is a standard bearer for the broad, physical comedy of Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett. That she's a stunning blonde in stiletto heels adds to her pitch-perfect comedic performance. The well-paced script (by Michon and real-life partner W. Bruce Cameron) and superb acting (Marissa Jaret Winokur, David Arquette and Diedrich Bader, to name a few) make for a rollicking good time with an important message: Women must learn to love themselves as they are," not 5 pounds from now." Kudos to Surprise Hit Films for a laugh-out-loud, heartwarming story. Muffin Top will touch anyone who's ever: had a body-image problem (Show of hands, please. Who has not?); fallen in love, been dumped, and bounced back― stronger and more beautiful than ever. Don't take my word for it. See Muffin Top ASAP. And share it with your friends.
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VERY funny
bob-leonard476 November 2014
We watched "Muffin Top: A Love Story" last night and laughed ourselves to sleep. What a truly well crafted movie all around.When we first turned on the movie, we weren't quite sure what to expect but it didn't take long for us to realize that we had stumbled upon a true gem. The script is smart and hilarious as is Cathryn Michon. Throughout the film, I kept getting flashes of "Lucy" whenever a piece of "physical" comedy was so adeptly executed. I was aware that she could write well but had no clue that she would be as proficient as she is in all other aspects of the film making process. The entire cast is wonderful. Don't miss this movie - What a treat.
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Love Hurts....Cake, dogs,and friends help!!
jerijohnson200013 November 2014
"Muffin Top: A Love Story" is a a hilarious movie! I highly recommend watching it. Invite your girlfriends over to watch it too!

I appreciated the story line about how we as women often feel we are never enough no matter what we look like or what we do.--It was absolutely refreshing to see a movie with real women having dialog about what real women often go through in regards to living in our society with all its stereotypes.

Muffin Top is a laugh out loud movie that had me rooting for Suzanne as she navigates and fumbles through her personal life and relationships. It had me shaking my head thinking about my own life and what I had personally put myself through over the years before realizing "I am fine and I am enough just the way I am".

Cathryn Michon is truly a Grrl Genius! I certainly hope Michon will continue to make more movies.
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Great Movie and Great Cast
mary-152-8802437 November 2014
I bought this on iTunes and loved every minute of it. In the 80s (or was it the 90s) I had Shirley Valentine as my "feel good to be a normal/average woman movie." Now I have Muffin Top. Cathryn Michon did a great job as the director/writer/star. Loved seeing the late, great Marcia Wallace. Dot Marie Jones was hysterical. The talented Marissa Jaret Winokur also rocked. David Arquette and Diedrich Bader played their guy roles perfectly -- Diedrich you are so horrible. I know I've forgotten some others but everyone did a goo -- oh oh Maria Bamford was fun too. I don't like to use the words "chick flick" but let's be honest women will understand it and relate to it more than those beings brimming with testosterone.
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Great and Humorous Insight into What All Women Think
writergirl121621 November 2014
It's been a while since I literally laughed out loud, but watching 'Muffin Top' with a theater full of women who have dealt with thinking they don't measure up in the eyes of others as well as themselves was a fun and uplifting experience. The writer, Cathryn Michon, has written a screenplay that is beyond clever and dead on in what women think when they gain a few pounds. The movie, from beginning to end, will make you thankful, if you aren't already, to be in the skin you are in and to most importantly be a woman and have all the ups and downs, including those on the scales, that we do in our lives. Melissa Peterman, who is a great comedic actress, stole many of the scenes with her what seemed to be off the top of her head remarks, a result of great writing. The interaction between Peterman and Michon was much like what I have had with my own BFFs, making the scenes even more close to real life and more touching with each laugh.
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A Top Romantic Comedy
suzmar-152-23234813 November 2014
A highly entertaining and well written romantic comedy with a reassuring message to women of "love yourself now, not five pounds from now." Woman loses man, woman wants new man to love, but wait! What she really wants is to love herself first, and that's a journey "Suzanne" takes us on. It's a necessary journey full of confusion, shame, discovery, and the laughter is healing. The attempts by "Suzanne" to mold herself into popular standards of beauty are laugh out loud, but they mirror what is too rampant in our culture, and that is women who feel "less than" if their weight is "more than" or their looks don't measure up. Cathryn Michon writes, directs and stars in this great film with an ensemble that is funny, smart and engaging. A terrific cast showcases the talent of women in front of and behind the camera. Well worth watching again and again. Suzette Martinez Standring
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Funny, uplifting film!
abcdsherman5 November 2014
Finally, a movie that makes women and their insecurities funny, while spreading the message that we should love ourselves as we are. It is a rare Hollywood phenomenon to see women celebrated for their flaws. It is also rare to see a funny movie written and directed by a woman.

There are so many fun moments that everyone can relate to. Men should see it just to climb into the mind of women and how they see themselves.

Grab your muffin top, roll it between your fingers and love the hell out of it! We are all so much more than our bodies.

Have a girls night and revel in all the hilarity.

Celebrate yourself and all your womanly ways. Friends, dogs, and food make everything better!
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Fabulous Rom-Com with Much Needed Body Image Message
ghoffbauer5 November 2014
This movie was officially released yesterday and I've already seen it twice: once at the Dayton premiere, and once via Video on Demand through iTunes. I'm not sure what I loved most about this film. The cast was fantastic. It was so funny that everyone in the theatre was howling with laughter. There were so many tender moments, both with the romance as well as the main character's strong bonds with her girlfriends. And the message that so many women need to hear, to love themselves now, not five pounds from now, comes through loudly and clearly without being didactic. I can't believe this was an independent film. It blows all my perceptions about indies out of the water. I can't recommend this movie highly enough.
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Awesome movie
laurie_may-649-91255214 November 2014
Finally.....a funny movie that empowers women. A must see!!!! A perfect movie to see with "the girls" , your daughters, and your partner. The moral of the story is that we are so much more than the size of our bodies. Our value is so much greater than the number on the scale. The characters in this movie are very authentic. Every woman can identify with them and learn from them. Tucker steals the show in many scenes. Finally, a movie created by women, for women. The message of this movie is that we need to live life now and to accept and embrace ourselves just the way we are. It is not up to others to determine what we should look like.
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a funny, smart body image romantic comedy
jayne-robinson14 November 2014
Cathryn Michon is a Grrl Genius, all grown up and taking on Hollywood's insistent view that women are only to be seen (and only then if they are perfect) and not heard. Enough of that! This movie is laugh out loud funny, sweet, smart and oh-so-worth your hard earned money. Michon wrote, stars and directs this ode to smart women everywhere who refuse to accept the media's vision of how we should look; and to love ourselves NOW, not 5 pounds from now. Change Hollywood, change the world. Kudos Ms. Michon -- you are the change we wish to see in the world. This is the only movie I have sat through more than once. It is that good and fun.
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Very insightful and clever.
planktonrules22 September 2015
Muffin Top is a wonderful film that not only stars Cathryn Michon but was directed and co-written by her as well. Considering her limited experience in the industry, it's really an amazing film and deserves to be seen. Plus, it has an interesting take on feminism that is very unique and insightful. Fortunately, it's just debuted on Netflix and can be streamed through this service.

Suzanne is a 40 year-old professor of Feminist Studies and Pop Culture. The problem is that while she understands in her head that society creates ridiculous ideals for women and they should never buy into this, she STILL wishes she was a size 4! The is made all the worse after her jerk of a husband leaves her for a much younger woman--and Suzanne is confused. On one hand she'd love to get liposuction and look like she's 30 but on the other, a feminist isn't supposed to care about things like plastic surgery....right? Watch Suzanne as she works through this and many other mid-life issues in this refreshing comedy.

While this film is occasionally rough and a few of the jokes fall a bit flat, my advice is to keep watching. I'll admit that it starts slowly but really gains momentum as the picture progresses. It especially improves as a wonderful cast of supporting characters are introduced--one of the best supporting casts I have ever seen. In particular, I loved seeing Marcia Wallace (in her final film)...playing Marcia Wallace! She's wonderful--but so are the many wonderful characters in this movie.

My only reservation is that the film is definitely for adults, as it talks rather frankly about sex. However, it also has some of the funniest sex scenes I've ever seen. In fact, the film left me laughing many times and it bodes well for Michon's future in the industry. Well worth seeing and a decent date movie as well.
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The "R" rating is for Rousing
maggie-1225 December 2014
Don't let the R rating fool you; it stands for Rousing! If the Golden Girls married Sex and the City, this would be their love child. Michon is amazing as the film's Triple Threat: co-writer, director, and star. Supporting cast is also marvelous, which makes it difficult to single out any one performer but for me, the standout was Dot Marie Jones as Christine. Playing the characters straight was a great decision on the part of director Michon. This is one of the best methods in comedy, leaving pratfalls for the kids ... well, actually, there are pratfalls in this as well, in scenes where pratfalls are unexpectedly funny. (W. Bruce Cameron, co-writer with Michon, and known for "8 Simple Rules ... " as well as "A Dog's Purpose," "A Dog's Journey," and "The Dogs of Christmas" made a cameo appearance in Muffin Top as the plastic surgeon.) Michelle Featherstone's music is terrific, as is Tom Clancy's cinematography, Brian O'Hara's sets, and Yoshio Kohashi's flawless editing. If there's a showing near you, see it. If not, download it.
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A wonderful girls' night out flick! Saw this movie in a sold-out theater in Dayton, Ohio, where the audience howled with laughter.
rizvi-167-72189123 November 2014
A wonderful girls' night out flick! Saw this movie in a sold-out theater in Dayton, Ohio, where the audience howled with laughter. From the acting to the directing, this movie soared. After the laughter died down, the message continues to resonate: love yourself now, not five pounds from now. This movie is a powerful reminder of what's truly important in life. It's not about your physical appearance; it's about the beauty from within. Loved seeing so many women in front of and behind the camera in this film. Only a tiny fraction of women direct Hollywood films. Cathryn Michon is an incredible talent — in front of and behind the camera.
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Hilarious "Women's Issues" love story
reidayork24 November 2014
MUFFIN TOP: A LOVE STORY had me and my friends laughing the whole time. The story is well-written and is a terrific snapshot of what women go through with their body image,especially as it relates to how lovable they perceive themselves to be.There are tons of hilarious moments that illustrate not only the things that women live through daily, but the lengths they will go to in order to feel accepted, both personally and professionally. Females of all ages will appreciate it, but it especially appeals to those who are approaching --- or have already reached --- middle age. Men will love it too if they have watched the women in their lives struggle with how they look. The movie is a living testament to women in the professional world. The co- writer, director and star is a woman and women make up more than 50 percent of the cast and creative team, including a great score composed by a woman.
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Witty and well done
lea-chele-remy24 November 2014
This movie resonates with a woman of a certain age ending a relationship with a certain kind of man. This is such a relatable story. We all want love, but are we good enough? How much weight must we lose or hair removed or added to be worthy of adoration? Because clearly we are lacking something or we wouldn't be here....alone...with a muffin top. How does this happen? Enjoy the journey of well written characters stumbling through the mess that is real photoshop here, not even Vaseline on the camera lens. Welcome to love, loss and laughter in the real world. This movie would go perfect with white wine and French bread or Twinkies...they are so under rated really. You could go for the expected muffin, but really why not make it a cupcake? Why do we not call that bit of extra love around our middles a cupcake? Who would mind that? It is all in how you look at it and skinny jeans are the demon seed that creates muffin tops. Now I am just filling space cause I need ten lines to make this an "official" review. Sorry for the rant at the end...just filling in the holes, which is another way we end up with muffin tops...but that is another movie...
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L.A. divorcée desperately works to gain her self-respect now - not 5 lbs from now
cathie-168-6088324 November 2014
Cathryn Michon has written (and stars) in a brilliant, masterful comedy about women, self-image and the "theater of the absurd" the mad chase to perfection truly is.

Co-written with best-selling author, W. Bruce Cameron, Michon's delightful tale takes men and women alike through the best and the worst of the "Los Angeles Pretty People" scene - at once illuminating how we view each other even as we all fall victim to chasing the phantom of perfection.

Comedic timing has never been so great! Carol Burnett, Gilda Radner and Lucille Ball must be screaming with glee, knowing that this 21st century writer, actress and filmmaker has all the goods - as does her all-star, perfect-pitched cast!
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Amazing movie! So wonderful & honest!
CherryViki27 November 2014
I'm 27 years old, from the UK & expecting my first baby with a wonderful partner (After a few frogs like us all i.e. Michael the cheater!!!) I've always struggled with my body image & size even though I wouldn't say I'm fat, just average/healthy & love food! I'm blonde & bubbly with very similar views on beauty/body image & being a woman in society today so really identified with Cathryn's character - Suzanne NOT Susan haha! This was a wonderful, honest movie & it might be my hormones just like Suzanne's IVF Treatments, but I felt everything Suzanne went through in the movie... I cried & I laughed! Thank you to all & I wish Muffin Top all the best on your journey to female empowerment! A real feminist is anyone who really cares about equality for all regardless of gender <3
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