Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus (2013) Poster

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A Trip on a Chilean Road to Understanding and Mescaline
Cinnyaste13 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Crystal Fairy" is a road trip taken by two of the ugliest Americans to ever trod a cinematic foreign country. Their goal: Mescaline and spiritual discovery – or closer to the truth, themselves.

Comedy star Michael Cera, Jamie, showcases trademark Allenesque neuroses, whining and flat affect in a role based on the experiences of Director Sebastián Silva. The reversal is Silva was a native while Cera is an interloper of whom it is asked, "Did you travel to (beautiful) Chile just for the San Pedro (the cactus harvested for Mescaline)?" The answer is a resounding yes, and there is nothing he won't do to get it, including stealing cactus from a lonely, mentally challenged woman.

Gaby Hoffman, Crystal Fairy, is a pontificating Sixties throwback who wanders about in the nude and chastises people about their food choices (while drinking Coke). She's also an unwanted (by Cera) barnacle clinging to the trip which includes three native brothers. (The scenes of the brothers trying to look like they're not gawking at the nude Hoffman in a hotel room are hilarious.)

Cera's performance is admirable but his usual one-note. Hoffman easily outshines him.

The improvised dialogue adds immediacy and verisimilitude while masking the bitter subtext; Neo-Colonialism and Financial Imperialism. Like "Tony Manero" (a film crediting thanks to Silva), United States' influence and interference lightly greases this story's wheels.

Unlike "Tony Manero," "Crystal Fairy" adds character arcs: Cera departs his obnoxious head to find self-acceptance and a heart recognizing Fairy's inner beauty; Fairy discovers her healing powers cannot reanimate a dead animal and the world just might not end in 2012. She also finds acceptance of the sexual abuse leading her to a life as a strap-on wearing Dominatrix.

The Chilean brothers are antithetical to the Gringos. Their portrayals are a given as they're natives of the country of the film's origin, but their counterpoint makes Cera and Hoffman all the more ridiculous.

To say "Crystal Fairy" is a comedy (stoner or otherwise), twisted love story or angry gringo-invective is to sell the film short. This is a sweet, abstract film with multiple layers and a few very fine moments. The film plants itself in the psyche – much like Mescaline. Giving in to the film's charms results in a feeling you actually tripped along.

Multiple viewings may help in understanding off-the-cuff lines delivered sotto voce. And the abrupt, unsatisfying ending is a shortcoming. There is a movement to cut to black and end films with ambiguity. To feed post-viewing conversation and debate? Whether lazy, uninspired, unmotivated or ill-advised, an ambiguous ending cheats the audience. ("The Birds" notwithstanding.)

A welcome respite to noisy, tent-pole, superhero entertainment, joining this troupe on the road is definitely worth the ninety minute trip – straight or high.
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Go ahead and fly away with this Fairy!
twilliams766 September 2013
A hit at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, Crystal Fairy stars Michael Cera (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) as an uptight American drug-partaking lout backpacking parts of Chile with three friends (whom are native Chileans) in search of a rare cactus -- the San Pedro -- in hopes of experiencing its hallucinogenic effects on a northern beach.

At a random party before their trek is set to begin, a coked-out Jamie (Cera) spontaneously invites another American party-er to partake with them. She (Gaby Hoffman - remember the little girl from Field of Dreams and Sleepless in Seattle?) is a hairy (uh ... yep) free-spirit who channels the vibes of nature and goes by the name Crystal Fairy.

After their trip begins (it is a few hundred miles of a drive from the city to the beach), Jamie and Crystal discover that they have conflicting personalities and they clash many times before their group even comes across the cactus to imbibe as he is boorish and insensitive and she is unique and a deep-thinker. Jamie becomes increasingly annoyed with Crystal while his three Chilean friends tolerate her much better and actually respect her point of view and sensibility. Jamie is oftentimes unaware of his rude-ness but he is written well and believably portrays an American tourist expecting concessions and advantages. When they actually find a cactus (one she has spotted), Jamie and Crystal Fairy even disagree as to how to obtain it because Jamie likes things being his way and he is a stressful worry-wart.

While this portion of the journey is complicated, the real "adventure" begins on the beach when they make their drinkable concoction. The film becomes one about personal and inner understanding, acceptance and compassion. The first half comes across as rather annoying as Jamie's character is very self-centered and not too-likable and while I believed the drug-induced portion of the film would be the hardest part to endure ... I was wrong as this is when the true characters of each are actually revealed.

As for the film's acting: Cera fans know what to expect from him and he plays another slight variation of manic that he's shown audiences before. His character is high-strung and abrasive and some might want to reach through their screens and punch him a time or two; but this is a testament to Cera's acting talent. He plays his character very well. Hoffman hasn't been on many movie screens lately and it is nice seeing her play the titular (ahem) character. She bares more than just her soul in a few scenes ... and her final admission around a late-night campfire is moving and emotional. Welcome back to the big screen Gaby! This is a good little, independent film ... but it isn't one for everybody. It takes some patience and those who dislike grainy picture and plot-lite story lines won't appreciate or enjoy this. It is only those patient enough to make it to the end of this film and willing to take the entire trip who will be rewarded with the film's high.
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An Uncomfortable Journey
themissingpatient13 November 2013
Michael Cera is Jamie, an American traveler in Chile who plans a road trip with his friends to indulge in a legendary hallucinogen, the San Pedro cactus. While drunk at a party, Jamie invites an eccentric, radical spirit named Crystal Fairy, played by Gaby Hoffmann. When Jamie's insensitive, controlling, impatient, selfish nature is revealed it conflicts with Crystal Fairy, making what was suppose to be a care-free adventure into an uncomfortable journey for everyone.

Michael Cera and Gaby Hoffmann are both very brave for taking on these characters, who are in perfect contrast with one another. The result is excellent performances of well-written characters. Unfortunately the film is going to attract audiences looking for a drug-fueled adventure in the vein of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, not a character-driven comedy lacking any real laugh-out-loud moments. The film is played almost too serious to be any fun, though there is depth.

Writer/director Sebastián Silva proved his powers as a serious filmmaker with Magic Magic, which also starred Cera and was released earlier this year. Other than having Cera in lead roles, the only thing the two films share in common is an abrupt ending that will either leave you haunted or irritated. While Magic Magic is an effective psychological horror film, Crystal Fairy is a thought-provoking character study poorly marketed as an adventure comedy.

Crystal Fairy and The Magical Cactus isn't a bad film but it does fail as a comedy. As for the adventure, the credits begin to roll too soon after the film gets interesting. This will annoy more than it will amuse or enlighten.
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She really is as flaky as she seems from the first meeting.
face-819-93372611 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
You most likely don't know this, but in Canada we can just walk into a store, and buy the cactus already dried, and ready to use, and it costs very little. These characters are mostly jerks, and for the most part it is really hard to root for them on this quest, even if I have been on several similar. This movie has no magic, but there is a long drive, and a lot talking and trying to get high. Michael Cera's Jamie is a winy troubled little jerk, and Gaby Hoffmann as the Chrystal Fairy herself is just a complete flake, but that is what they are supposed to be so as far as the acting in this movie it is all really good, it is just hard to watch good acting no matter how good when you are watching such unacceptable people. I really did not Enjoy this movie, there are parts that deserve praise, but it was just such torture watching these characters that I do not recommend this unless you just love art films, and have your own Cactus questing memories you want to relive.
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I'll Give This A Five,,,,,,,,,,(I'm extremely generous.)
marvinbluth14 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the trailer, and thought this film showed some promise. After seeing THIS IS THE END, Michael Cera definitely became more then a simple character actor. Unfortunately, this film will do nothing for his career.

The article I read about this film, said, this film was made, while the film that was supposed to be happening, was put on hold. And most of the film was improvised. No doubt.

There was nothing remotely interesting about anyone, or anything "happening" in this. The story could be told in 15 minutes, and was totally without anything interesting to say.

But one thing I must comment on, the cinematography. They forgot to rent a tripod, and the whole film is hand-held, and it's hand-held by someone who must have some nerve ailments. It's a mess.

This was a film you pay to see in a theater, and it's 3 months before you decide to go see another film.

Sorry to be so negative,,,,,,but,,,,,,
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A Relaxed and Engaging Experience: 'Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus'
muhlissoysal-479-57942823 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus" draws you in immediately, bypassing conventional story setups for a direct plunge into its narrative. This approach fosters a genuine and compelling viewer experience.

Michael Cera, whom I've loved in "Superbad," "Juno," and "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World," brings a unique depth to his role in this film, adding to its relaxed and engaging tone. His nuanced performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor.

Gaby Hoffmann enters the film with a burst of unexpected energy, especially notable in the park scene. Her dynamic presence infuses the film with complexity and elevates the overall narrative.

Director Sebastian Silva's treatment of nudity in the film is more about trust and security than exploring deeper themes of human nature. This approach lends an air of authenticity and respect to these scenes.

One particularly striking scene is when the characters sit together in a circle, a moment I found to be intimate and beautifully simple. The film gracefully explores the characters' transformations, revealing their vulnerabilities and childlike innocence.

The film adds a significant message to the main story, enhancing Gaby Hoffmann's character's depth. It subtly but effectively highlights the resilience and personal growth inherent in the human experience, with Crystal Fairy exemplifying this journey.

"Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus" offers a gentle and contemplative viewing experience. It's a film that provides a relaxed atmosphere while showcasing the ability of individuals to endure and adapt to life's challenges, reminding us of the youthful innocence and adaptability we all possess.
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Crystal Fairy and the Unmagical Film
ccook-455-90393913 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus has little to offer its viewers. The dialogue comes off as a documentary or a reality show (which, as I recently discovered, is because most of the film was not scripted, as the cast either improvised or was fed lines by the director right before takes), and there isn't much plot to the film. To put it simply, a group of friends in Chile search for the San Pedro cactus in order to cook it and drink it as a hallucinogenic drug, and once they finally find it, they camp out in the desert, cook it, drink it, and trip on it; that's all that there is to it. There are so many unnecessary scenes that do absolutely nothing to move the barely existent plot along, and the very little that this film accomplishes could have been accomplished in a half-hour short film. The characters have very little depth to them and are not compelling at all, and the film is just, to put it simply, incredibly boring. I was excited to see this film because I am a fan of Michael Cera, but I am so drastically disappointed, and if, like me, you are only interested in seeing this film because you are a Michael Cera fan, then waste your time with this pointless film if and only if you're that desperate to see him because otherwise, this probably won't be worth your time. It might have been a bit better if the whole script had actually been written, but the improvisation technique works for some productions and not for others; this film falls into the latter category, to say the least.
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More open and honest than anything I've seen in films recently
howard.schumann3 August 2013
Hiding behind masks that cover their vulnerability, two Americans in Chile, Jamie (Michael Cera) and Crystal Fairy, a young free-spirited woman (Gaby Hoffmann), spar off against each other in Chilean filmmaker Sebastián Silva's psychedelic comedy Crystal Fairy. The film was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize and won the Directing Award for World Cinema at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. Jamie's act is one of controlling, overly-aggressive behavior but not quite the "Ugly American," while Crystal's is the opposite but equally phony, a caricature of a "hippie" filled with love for everyone who spouts clichés about chakras and mother earth, walks around her hotel room naked, engages in healing rituals, and chides the others for eating junk food.

It's hard to tell if the director is using her persona as a means of ridiculing these ideas or just showing how inauthentic she is. In any event, Crystal and Jamie's way of being, while it fills a need for them, has costs in sacrificing who they really are. On the surface, the film is a road trip to find a psychedelic substance in the San Pedro cactus plant which, when boiled for twelve hours and ingested, has the properties of mescaline (it has been said that the actors used mescaline while shooting the film). In essence, however, the film is not really about mescaline but about releasing rigid patterns of behavior and discovering new ways of interacting that are more fulfilling.

The film begins at a party where Silva's hand-held camera-work and improvised conversation is established. On a cocaine high, the caustic Jamie invites a partygoer, a girl who calls herself Crystal Fairy to accompany him and his friends on a quest to repeat the spiritual high described in Aldous Huxley's book The Doors of Perception. When Crystal takes him up on the offer the next day (which he has forgotten that he even made), he is dismayed by her annoying behavior, even though his Chilean friends, Champa (Juan Andres Silva) and his two brothers Lel (Jose Miguel Silva) and Pilo (Augustin Silva), seem more tolerant, perhaps because at least one does not understand English. Their trip to the ocean to locate and purchase a piece of the San Pedro cactus from reluctant residents is one of the comic highlights of the film, even though Jamie has to eventually use surreptitious means to acquire it.

Crystal Fairy ends up in a good place even though it is more than a little irritating in getting there. During the trip, Jamie and Crystal talk to each other, but at cross purposes. The results are unpredictable but, suffice it to say, their longing for a spiritual experience does not take the form that Huxley described. Michael Cera's role is out of character from the lovable, nerdy self he has played in earlier movies, but he is terrific in this film, totally natural and very real, as is Hoffmann in her role, both continuing to reveal a new dimension to their character. Ultimately, the group's sharing about their fears and their discovery of how their act no longer serves their purpose in life is more open and honest than anything I've seen in films recently and stays in the memory.
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Left somewhat unsatisfied but I don't know why
dan-259824 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the idea of this film. It sounded cool and fun. Something I might have liked to have done years ago (and maybe part of me still would).

I'm not going to comment on the acting or cinematography - it was all good from my humble perspective. Certainly the characters were believable and realistic.

This film is about the characters. However the story that holds the film together is, as you will know, about a young American male (named Jamie) who is in Chile - most likely, based on his persona in the film, with a primary aim of sampling the San Pedro cactus and the hallucinogenic substance mescaline which it contains. He appears to have a friend who is from the area, who is his link to the country, as he speaks no Spanish himself. We are not sure if he is visiting his friend, or if he is living or studying in the country. Either way, he goes off on his spiritual quest with his friend, his friend's 2 brothers and a girl whom he spontaneously invited while high at a party.

The main character is incredibly insensitive throughout. At the start of the movie, it seems that he regretted inviting the girl when setting off with his friends, and rather callously states that they can just leave her behind if she starts to annoy them.

As they progress on their journey in travelling to a town to get the cactus, moving on to their chosen spot to prepare and imbibe the cactus, experience the effects of it and come down again, their characters are explored. From the start, the main character made me cringe. I think it might be because I could see some aspects of myself from the past in him, which I did not like. He was quite insensitive with a somewhat superior attitude towards others, and was more interested in pursuing with his goal rather than getting to know people on the way. Actually he almost seemed desperate with his goal of taking mescaline. The irony is that he appears to have gained his knowledge (at least of mescaline) from reading Aldous Huxley's "The Doors of Perception" (a typical read for the Western teenage drug-user and bedroom philosopher).

In the movie he is driven by his desire to sample this cactus, and is quite insulting towards others on the way. A key scene to highlight this is when a lady invites them into her home to see if she wants to give them some of her cactus, and the main character (Jamie) sneaks into her garden, cuts off a portion of the cactus, puts it in their car and then returns, telling his friends it's time to go. Although his friends appeared to laugh when they saw the cactus in the back of the car and perhaps appreciated his initiative, it probably added to their feeling of him being an "asshole", which they only call him when he is rude towards their female travelling companion, Crystal Fairy.

The actual drug-taking sequence is interesting from a preparation point of view. In terms of the drug effects, when Jamie begins to appear to experience heightened levels of anxiety and paranoia, there is a feeling of him deserving this and a hope that perhaps the experience will teach the viewer why he is the way he is, and that it will make him a better person. This doesn't really happen however.

A key difference between Jamie and the Crystal Fairy is her new age/spiritual attitude versus his perhaps more typical attitude of a well-off white rather naive indelicate Western male. I disagree with the previous reviewer who stated that they were both equally phony, with Crystal Fairy spouting clichés and being a caricature of a hippy. As least she is following a path in life that she seems to believe in, and seems friendly and respectful towards others. I agree that Jamie seems phony, though I don't think he is deliberately so. He is rather narrowed in his views and self-centred. His understanding of certain topics seems superficial and gleaned from books. He quickly stands out from his friends for being more forward, less relaxed and less "cool", and perhaps somewhat socially inept and missing the subtleties of communication.

Crystal Fairy, on the other hand, might be a little more deliberate in creating her hippie-esque persona. We only really see this at the end, when she informs the group as they are sitting round the campfire on their comedown, that she was raped whilst at a party some time in the past. She also adds that she is a dominatrix. This leaves the viewer wondering if these things are connected, and that perhaps her hippie portrayal is some kind of reaction against what happened.

Anyway, back to the title of my review. When the film was over, I kind of felt that I wasn't left satisfied by the film. The end is perhaps slightly squeezed in and anti-climatic. Sure, Jamie and Crystal Fairy kiss and make up - there's a surprise - could see that coming a mile off. There wasn't a huge focus on the drug experience itself - the viewer simply follows them from the outside. I suppose I was disappointed that the characters weren't changed in a more significant way than they were - or, more specifically, Jamie. His brief moment of enlightenment where he apologises to Crystal Fairy and then cries after her sorry story seems rather superficial and short- lived. This point is driven home by one of the closing line of the movie, spoken by Jamie - "she didn't see any faces in the mountain". This appeared to be spoken with some deeper meaning, though I struggle to see what it is. Perhaps someone else can enlighten me.

Watch the film.
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More exhausting than an actual acid trip
StevePulaski25 October 2013
Crystal Fairy and the Magical Cactus and 2012 follows a group of Caucasian backpackers as they rummage the lands of Chile in search of a sought-after cactus that apparently holds the power to give you an incredible high. The leader of the pack is Jamie (Michael Cera), who is assisted by several friends and the spirit named "Crystal Fairy" (Gaby Hoffmann) in order to find the renowned hallucinogen.

I was not under any chemical reinforcement while watching Crystal Fairy, and thankfully, neither was the film. I question how its quality is affected if a curious soul does decide to use any drugs while watching the film. From my viewpoint, stone-cold sober at 7pm, this was a pretty stale film affair. It's a film that lacks a compelling narrative, interesting characters, and finds itself consistently unfunny and unmoving in terms of attempting to get us invested in this situation.

Films like this irritate me because what unfolds is an almost unfairly subjective review talking about the lack of anything interesting about the film and relying heavily but unintentionally on generalities. The film features a lot of talking, a lot of drugging, some instances of nudity, and a lot of characters racing back and forth trying to enjoy their not high. I suppose if you've hung with a group of friends - or have friends - like this, your interest in the film will skyrocket past mine. Films like this seem more enjoyable when relatability with characters is brought up on the scene or experience in similar situations within the film. Frankly, I have neither, so the film is like watching a stranger's home movies during last weekend's house party.

This is the exact same way I felt while watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas several months back. The constant depiction of drug hallucinations and acid/mescaline-induced trips wore me down to no end. At least with that film I had the benefit of director Terry Gilliam's eclectic, cluttered visual style, along with the benefits of Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro's character acting skills. With Crystal Fairy, I have only the charming blandness of Michael Cera's performance and one laugh every half-hour to keep me marginally in-tune with the picture. Director Sebastián Silva doesn't infuse any particular visual-flare to give us any kind of connection to these witless gringos. It's so cold it almost makes Chile's climate seem like the arctic.

On a final note, I kept pondering what exactly Crystal Fairy and the Magical Cactus and 2012 could've been for me to enjoy it. For one, it could've invited more character personality into the mix. Two, it could've had some slick visual-hallucinations capitalizing off the talents of a young visual effects artist. And finally, perhaps the little things such as cinematographical and musical touches would've provided a pleasant look at Chile's culture. Instead, we get a forgettable piece of of cinema that seems to prefer catering to the viewing habits of the few instead of many others'.

Starring: Michael Cera and Gaby Hoffmann. Directed by: Sebastián Silva.
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Whoever rated this movie less than 5, even 6, didn't get the point and the spirit of the movie.
bringmetheoli16 May 2014
This is my opinion. I think this movie is incredibly deep but in a light kind of way, in a way that the viewer learns from it what applies and relevant for him. I think it's honest, a rare thing in movies these days. No clichés, no bullshit. I think it makes you think, makes you feel. It makes you connect with the characters, almost as if you are traveling with them. And what I liked most about this movie is the "twist", when who you think is the main character turns out to be just the scenery for the real deal.

I recommend this a lot to people who are done with the Hollywood industry, who are looking for something real and worth watching, and especially to people who are about to travel, especially to travel alone. I think in some way you will learn a lot.
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It Certainly Has Its Moments
socrates425 April 2019
CRYSTAL FAIRY is a comedy of sorts set in Chile, made in Chile by Chileans but starring American actors. It is pretty unique in that aspect. It feels at times like a foreign film but mostly like one of the many American dramedies of the style that emerged in the last decade and a half. It's hard to shake the whole Michael Cera vibe.

Not that I don't like Michael Cera. He's fun to watch sometimes and a good actor. But this film is what it is and it's not exactly what I wanted it to be. That said, it's still kind of fun and there are some good laughs in here. It's not too long. It's got a sort of thrown-together feel, but in a good way. Looks like they had fun making it. I read that it's based on a true story. Recommend for those looking for something different but not too different.
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michaelradny22 August 2015
Crystal Fairy is one of the most pointless films I think I've ever watched. It's not trying to be avant-garde and it's not trying to be mainstream, it lingers somewhere inbetween without reason. It has little story, with no plot and hence, goes nowhere from the start. Michael Cera is somewhat fun to watch, but the film as a whole has no motive to make you enjoy it. I can see where the film wanted to go, this exotic road trip, but it fails so many times that it feels like you are watching an idea that could have been unfold into this series of pointless images.

Crystal Fairy and The Magic Cactus is one of those boring films with no substance to give you anything to keep you watching. Michael Cera is possibly the only reason for you to pick this movie up with no other big names.
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boring boring boring
roedyg5 March 2014
This DVD was on Fast Reads because other users of the library are queued up to read it. I am quite puzzled why. This is a story about how four boys and a girl steal a chunk of psychedelic cactus and go to the beach. Nothing happens. They don't even have soulful conversation. They tease that some group sex might happen, but it never materialises. The sexiest thing that happens is finding some naughty photos. (In this dull movie, that might count as a spoiler). The sound is what you might expect from a surveillance bug. The lighting is often over or under exposed. I don't know why they made this movie. Even the settings are barren and dusty. I kept wanting to give up on the movie, but I soldiered on, hoping it would eventually do something of interest. The girl wanders around naked a lot. By movie standards of beauty, she should not do that. The boys keep their swim trunks on.
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Go on, tell us her REAL name...
natashabowiepinky30 July 2014
Gaby Hoffman makes this film. She parades around naked, seemingly in a permanent state of euphoria, extolling the most hippy dippy claptrap philosophies about inner peace and finding yourself since the Swingin' Sixties. When she isn't behaving like a Looney Toon, she can be discovered doodling away in her sketchbook, which is full of oblique drawings. And her armpit hair! I hope that forest of follicles is fake... Otherwise Hoffman must have had to use fertiliser to grow it that thick. I bet the second the movie was complete, those shears were out and moving at a record speed.

She is accompanying Michael Cera and his three rather underdrawn Mexican friends on a quest to find a rare cacti plant, which when liquidised and drunk. is supposed to give you the ultimate high. They plan to imbibe this miracle brew on the beach, under the stars... the setting is everything, right? Cera himself has shades of being a public school boy twit... you can tell by his put-on mannerisms and his laboured talk about drugs he's completely out of his depth. He reminds me of the kid in the video for 'Pretty Fly For A White Guy', in that every scene of him trying to be 'cool' is Cringe City.

The story is simple in structure, has no big surprises along the way and probably could be told in half the length. Yet, there is something oddly endearing about these five young wash-outs... (Not Cera though, he's just annoying) their friendship and journey is enough to keep all but the most impatient viewer glued to the screen. And when Crystal Fairy's tragic past is exposed towards the end, it is a highly effective moment which, in hindsight, explains an awful lot. Can you say 'coping mechanism'? You could, and I suspect you'd be correct. 6/10
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98mins of my life wasted
dflo-886-5671691 January 2014
This is a movie about 2 annoying self centered assholes and their dumb-ass 'friends' who put up with their crap for some unknown reason. The only interesting thing is that they are both complete self centered assholes in totally opposing ways. The supposed story line is almost forgotten half way through and it just becomes a pointless rambling dribble of nothing. It goes on and on for 98mins, and when it finishes you will think to yourself what the f was that. Honestly I cant believe how bad this movie is, its like its made by film students without any talent, money or ideas. Very badly edited too I might add, but that is the least of this stinker's problems. Avoid like the plague.
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i don't think you negative reviewers quite understand
jossyrox8 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You talk about the slow pacing, lack of comedy, simplistic story and bad camerawork, but what really makes this movie special is not only the obvious transformation that Cera's character underwent, but also Crystal Fairy's subtle realization that she isn't some kind of special mystical being / fountain of knowledge. Nearing the end of her trip she fails to revive the rabbit, changes her shell-graffiti to Crystal Hairy, and calls herself Isobelle when asked for her name. She doesn't hesitate to eat cookies just like the rest of them, rather than sticking to her vegetables. The mescaline trip allowed both opposite parties to realize who they were without bias. For Jamie that was pretty much just a mean, impatient, closed-minded person who gets too caught up in small social mishaps. For Crystal/Isobelle - a person who puts on a little too much of a front to seem all mystical etc. when really she's just another human being. I think it's safe to say that negative reviewers didn't pay enough attention / aren't familiar with dissolution/transformation of the ego. A story doesn't have to be about big things to be big.
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Decadent diabetes
spinnettje11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The not perfect decadent acting combines together into an ending I needed insuline for to not pass out from high blood sugar. Furthermore not only acted but actually realized it was, filthy, decadent, and a meek attempt at comedy. This all combines into an ending too satisfying for whatever the movie was feeding you, exorbitant, gross, slightly disgusting you sit in your seat as you see the naked bodies wrangling and moving in front of you, a star sprankled American Beauty of a movie combined with the neverending need for more words to describe it. For a man that needs a lot of words, these are some.
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give me a break
dragokin7 December 2013
I haven't seen many Chilean movies. With Michael Cera in the cast i really wanted to watch Crystal Fairy, in particular because it was described as adventure/comedy and had no ambition of being a blockbuster.

Now, i enjoy "small" movies, because they present stories, characters and feelings that are mostly ignored by Hollywood big productions. However, Crystal Fairy was less interesting that most of reality TV shows. It guided us through a couple of days in a life of Chilean youth and their American guests trying to score and consume a hallucinogenic cactus. So far, so good.

The protagonists are those people that use their aura of being "different" to justify whatever they are doing. Michael Cera's character and his unlikely sidekick Crystal Fairy were leading in behaving like idiots. The locals were much more likable, yet i wouldn't want to spend more time than necessary with this motley crew.

Overall, i'm not sure why i should be interested in a rather long search for a hallucinogen that would be consumed by the group and observe their less than memorable experience.
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Sebastián Silva pulls a Magic Magic Magical Cactus out of his hat!
cekadah23 March 2014
I am late seeing this flick and I must disagree with a few other reviewers and their take on this very simple yet complex movie.

Once again Sebastián Silva is offering up questions on youth and how youth sees the world around them. Jamie is obviously a self centered person with a limited experience in communicating with others (sort of like the US) (as Jamie is an American) and we can see this in his 'attitude' throughout the story. The other three boys have had to share with others and they try to make the best of their trip to the beach. Jamie, on the other hand insist they do it as planed.

Enter Crystal Fairy into this mix and you already have an altered perception of exactly what they want to do - she is like the drug reduced from the cactus later in the story (she has an altered view of reality). She wants to share everything the three other boys don't seem to mind. Jamie can't tolerate it - he wants none of her.

Crystal mothers them, she wants to know them, the boys are like children to her - yet she is very childlike herself. Jamie suddenly wants to be friends with her but only when he's 'high', after he comes down he's back to his original self. Crystal leaves quietly, Jamie sees her leave and calls her name, Crystal disappears behind a rock.

What is Silva showing us here? Crystal is the personality of many different people, she's giving, caring, willing to accept life on her own and take risks - and being alone isn't easy, she is alone throughout the movie and Jamie thinks she's a phony. Jamie cannot see that he is the phony because in the end Crystal is what Jamie was seeking in the brewed Cactus they drink and even when high he could not accept it.
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hazy road trip
SnoopyStyle3 October 2014
Jamie (Michael Cera) is an American traveling in Chile. At a drug filled party with his friend Champa, he meets a spirited Crystal Fairy (Gaby Hoffmann). Jamie and Champa go on a road trip with 2 friends to take mescaline from the San Pedro cactus. They find Crystal trying to pay some women with 2 drawings of fairies. Crystal is a real hippie. Champa takes her on the trip. Jamie would rather leave her behind while he obsessively searches for the new high.

Jamie is selfish and a little bit annoying. Crystal is a flighty hippie. The two actors are likable personalities which keeps the unlikeability of the characters to a minimal. This is a hazy unstructured road trip hell bent on getting a specific high. Jamie is an obsessive character. It's interesting to see Michael Cera in this role. The story is a bit light weight until the serious ending.
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Chilean director and American star join forces to create Mescaline trip vanity project
Turfseer24 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Chilean writer/director Sebastián Silva was successful with his auspicious 2009 debut, 'The Maid'. But here, with his sophomore effort, Crystal Fairy & The Magical Cactus, he proffers up a real vanity project, marked by an air of unmistakable self-indulgence.

Joining him in this slight affair is Michael Cera, whose star power obviously got the film bankrolled. Cera plays Jamie, an obnoxious version of himself. He finds himself at a party with a friend, Champa, in Santiago, Chile, where he scores some cocaine and boasts about his knowledge of Aldous Huxley's 'Doors of Perception'. He soon runs into Crystal Fairy, a hippie, earth-mother type, who isn't shy about disrobing in later scenes and showing off her hairy armpits. Jaime insults Crystal about her dancing abilities and jokingly mentions that he and his friend (along with his two brothers) will be taking a three hour trip to score some San Pedro cacti and its by-product: pure mescaline; it's mainly Jaime's plan, who intends to imbibe the psychedelic substance, at the beaches of the Atacama desert.

Much to Jaime's chagrin, while driving to the town up north where they'll be looking for the cactus, Crystal calls and surprisingly informs Jaime that she'll be meeting him and the boys in town. Jaime ramps up his overbearing demeanor, as the group knocks on the doors of residents who have large stalks of San Pedro cacti, growing in their front yards. None of the residents seem to be interested in giving Jaime and his posse a piece so Jaime simply cuts off one and the group doesn't seem to be upset by his immoral actions.

When the group finally arrives at the seashore, Crystal goes off by herself, communing with nature and Jaime boils some cactus and gets high on the mescaline. I understand that Cera actually did get high during the filming but none of his dreamy 'trips' are illustrated visually—he merely parades around the beach, making an ass of himself, as he did before. Later, during a campfire, Crystal reveals that she was raped, after being led away from some kind of new age gathering she was attending. Crystal also reveals that she works as a dominatrix, which doesn't seem to perturb any of Jaime's pals. As for the Chilean group, they really have little to do throughout the film, except ensure that Jaime, doesn't get too out of hand.

Somewhere there's a solid, well-developed story here, but most of the lines are improvised and everything ends up rambling. Some judicious editing could have improved the story quite a bit, but Mr. Silva was probably having too much fun during the shooting of the film, to think about that. Silva has an ear for dialogue and certainly the Chilean landscape will keep your eyes glued to the screen. The aim here was obviously for comedy but unfortunately Cera's character is so unsympathetic, that we care little about any of this machinations, along with his Chilean compatriots, whom he took along for the ride.
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Fearless and clueless, but not hopeless
ThurstonHunger2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely felt like more of a parent than a participant in watching this film, as a lame disclaimer. Yeah, you'll get old too though partner. ;>

Anyways this film captures that youthful vibe of being fearless and clueless, but that's focusing on the American characters. In a way, Champa is the star of the film (with a slight nod as well to one of the minor characters at the end, a whale researcher).

The film has a sort of home movie warmth to it, partly in how it was shot, but also in having the director utilize his brothers. There's a tacit brotherhood that helps to reinforce the more kindly nature of strangers that keeps the film afloat. In listening to interviews, it was interesting to hear that the director in real life was the Jamie character, so I wonder if creating this film with Champa helps him atone for his overly caustic and solipsistic reaction to the original Crystal Fairy? Cera is so good as a callous Casteneda devotee (from folks old enough to remember those once-popular Don Juan wandering books).

I don't know it's a small film that worked fine for me, sure there is a sense of exasperation with the two American characters that might have driven off others. I like that the film does not wrap up with a simple epiphany, thus avoiding hopelessness.
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Disturbing nonsense
enigma-947-33946728 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand these deeply esoteric character portraits of some seriously completely unrealistic, demented, BORING people. I find the characters in this movie, especially the fairy, to be utterly ridiculous, and would only actually be found in a mental institution. No one like her could realistically survive outside of one.

I mean, what do these people do for a living? How do they even makes ends meet, afford clothing, food, a shelter, let alone other belongings? All they do is go on and on about nothing. Sleep fest.

The truly disturbing part of this movie was these pictures the main character finds near the end of the movie.

They actually showed a CLOSEUP of a man being sodomized by a woman with a strap-on, with ACTUAL PENETRATION. I'm NEVER going to get that out of my mind. Be WARNED if something like this bothers you.

How the hell did this pass the censors? Penetration is strictly forbidden in rated R movies and even rated X movies!! Not to mention you saw a closeup of an angle that showed the penetration, his scrotum and penis. WHAT?! They would NEVER allow a shot like this to be taken of a woman, even without any penetration. Why is that? You can't even show a labia in R-rated movies (which I agree with), so why so much penis and scrotum? I'll never understand why one is OK but not the other.

There's never a close up of something like this, male or female, in even soft-core porn (X-rated movies).

Is this a preview of things to come? There's been more penis in movies made in the past 8 years, even closeups, than from all of the movies from 1940-2000 combined. What's going on here? Do audiences want to see this? I'm pretty sure the vast majority doesn't.
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utter utter piece of sh*t
butler_tim4 March 2014
I'd rather lick dirt from the bottom of a muddy welly that had been used to tread through a field of cows suffering from delly belly, after eating a truck full of out of date vindaloo's that fell of a passing lorry, than be forced to carry on watching this film!!

It's utterly boring, the dialog would be similar to a group of your mates hanging out pretending to make a film at a party. It's uncomfortable viewing to say the least.

I'm sorry for anyone that has wasted their earth minutes watching this film, you are now closer to death than you were before you decided to settle down on the sofa with your lady to watch this film. Your optimistic expectations that this film would surprise and delight you has been punched out of you like a heavy weight world boxer sucker punching an eight year old boy.
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