Old Dads (2023) Poster


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Funny because it's so true - runs out of gas near the end
maxvox-969192 November 2023
The funniest humour is humour that tells it like it is. Jack's confrontations with his kids' school staff and other parents, and their outragous militant "faux sensitive" attacks, are painful to watch because we live with them in real life. Every one of them has a ridiculous shield of political correctness up around them, and they use it as a weapon, thus completely undermining how "sensitive" they claim to be. Jack calls them out on it, saying at one point, "All you care about is not getting in trouble". The obnoxious 20-something who takes over their company is exactly the tiresome, lazy arrogant twit we all dread as a new boss - has never gotten his hands dirty, never worked a day in his life, has been taught by his mommy that he's "special" so he can treat people like dirt. Unfortunately, about 2/3 of the way through, Jack's "epiphany" ruins the whole thing. His wife shuts him out because he has "anger" problems. No he doesn't. He doesn't hit people, wreck property, throw people out of their jobs, sit on his behind while others do all the work, or torture his schoolmates or coworkers with holier-than-though attitude. He calls people names somertimes, and he yells sometimes. That's about it. Otherwise, he's the most honest, hard-working, fair person in the whole story. It's sad that the movie goes south by having him "change" to become a gutted namby pamby shell of his real self. That is a HORRIBLE thing, but it is presented in the film as though he has reached some successful peak.
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Was very funny...but the ending felt forced
TDOG101725 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Bill Burr and his comedy. I watched the entire F is For Family series. And when I saw the trailer for this movie, I felt like checking it out due to Bill.

For the first half, I laughed my butt off. Watching him deal sensitive and judgmental people is exactly how I feel when those situations come up. One scene in particular is where he's encouraged (when really forced) to apologize for using "hurtful words" at the school earlier. I put the quotes in there because barely anyone acknowledges the fact that he swore in front of kids, but emphasize how they themselves were hurt. And the icing on the cake is most of them weren't even present when he cursed, but were told through their grapevine about it. And Bill delivers an apology as he should, and I mean with criticism towards them.

Watching the scenes with Bill and his buddies' new boss made me cringe, only because he has no idea how to manage people except to say "I appreciate you" after giving a thinly veiled insult, but that was the point of his character. He represents the younger generation in the workplace who force everyone to adapt to them and don't know what real work is. Conner's wife was another character we're supposed to hate. She's one of those moms that we've all seen somewhere who give their kids free reign and don't respond well to criticism. Not even when Conner tries to make his son apologize for injuring Bill's son. She not only turns it into a mini therapy session, but also has the audacity to snap her fingers at Conner, like he's a trained dog, to stop him from forcing their son to apologize. She does the snapping thing more times throughout the movie, including when she's not even looking at him. My sister and I were both cheering for someone to smack her :)

But after Bill and his buddies get fired in a scene that not only spurred my anger at his boss but also can see happening in the real world because of how the younger generation works, that's where I found myself laughing less. Mike, who's dealing with an unexpected pregnancy, blames Bill's character for getting them fired, even though they all were "guilty of their actions", and stops hanging out with him. Conner also stops hanging out, but only because his wife told him not to due to an argument she started with Bill's wife. And to add insult to injury, Bill sucks up to the principal that he insulted, strongly "encouraged" by his wife, spends a lot of money after having just lost his job when the guests don't really participate in the fundraiser, and the principal can't help but subtly verbally picking at his failures until he finally has enough and responds in his usual demeanor but in the same volume as her. This causes his wife to get mad at him and throw him out, which had me shouting at the TV. It's okay for her to insult the wife of a friend, but not for him to do it to someone who likes the control her influence gets her.

Everything gets resolved in the end, but some of it feels rushed and none of it results in anyone apologizing to Bill, not even his wife, which confuses me. It's like the message he learns from the whole experience is shut up and take the hits from life on the chin because your wife said so. That's why I couldn't rank this higher than a 7. I love Bill's stuff and his comedy, but the ending wasn't satisfactory for me.
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Helps if you like Bill Burr
Jaffa5520 October 2023
I suspect this film will get some bad reviews, particularly if you aren't familiar with Bill Burr's stand up or you find his style of comedy a bit much (Michael McIntyre he's not). Personally I'm a big fan of Bill and the character he plays in this film is pretty much the one you get in his stand up shows.

The movie was written by Bill and that's evident straight from the start with the dialogue very much in his style and in line with his stand up contains several amusing scenes with middle aged men trying to understand the world of woke. However I felt the film lost some pacing and ran out of steam a little in the second half, as Bill's character makes the transition into something more acceptable to modern society.

Worth a watch if you like Bill. If you don't then maybe not.
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Great fun ruined by the last half hour.
deltagilbert23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very funny movie about a guy who just can't stop getting mad at the ridiculous world we find ourselves living in.

I laughed a fair bit throughout this movie, but those laughs lessened toward the end. The problem is that the three main characters are in the right throughout the movie, but the writers just didn't have the spines to see it through to the end.

Burr's character almost loses his home and family for refusing to fall for what turns out to be an embezzling fraudster. But when his wife loses her cool and it costs Burr a close friendship, he just has to accept it. The man is held accountable, the woman is not.

Woodbine's character knows what he wants. He wants a life free of marriage and kids. He even puts his money where his mouth is and gets a vasectomy. His younger girlfriend says she doesn't want kids or marriage, but somehow gets pregnant anyway. In the end, Woodbine just accepts the situation he wanted no part in and rolls over. The girl gets what she wants at the expense of him losing everything he wanted.

Cannavale is trapped in a horrible marriage. He reaches a point where he can see the exit. His awful wife gives him a choice to leave, but he just basically asks her to be nicer to him. Pathetic.

The last 30 minutes of this movie cancel out the genuinely smart and funny first hour.

Worth a watch but could have been so much better if the writers had stuck to their guns.
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Bill Burr makes a good debut
masonsaul20 October 2023
Old Dads is at its best when it's closest to Bill Burr's stand up. A mixture of him just complaining about everything and his fear of passing his untamed anger onto his children. It struggles a lot more when it turns those complaints into people and is very rushed in its resolution but remains a fun watch overall.

Bill Burr himself is a good lead, funny yet flawed with some pretty vulnerable moments. Bokeem Woodbine works really well as the calmest of the three and Bobby Cannavale is so entertaining in this completely over the top performance. He's obsessed with being seen as cool and it leads to some of the best moments.

Bill Burr's direction is fine. As a debut there's always added pressure to bring something extra to announce yourself and whilst Burr doesn't do that it remains technically competent and his writing and performance combined make up for the journeyman filmmaking on display.
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Was good until it wasn't
fgppmt5 November 2023
I hold great admiration for the comedic genius of Bill Burr. The relatability of his content resonates deeply with me, as I find myself mirroring his character in the film. While I may be a few years younger and have older children, I too grew up in what some might term the "bully" generation, where expressing one's opinions was not met with the fear of losing employment. However, it was disheartening to witness the moment when he started conforming to societal expectations during his uninvited "therapy sessions" and failed to stand his ground when confronted by the cyclist's unwarranted advice about his child. These instances seemed to erase any perceived progress made in the film, leaving me with a sense of disappointment. It is disheartening to see yet another Hollywood creation that falls short of capturing the true essence of reality. Once again, Netflix has delivered a lackluster product that fails to live up to its potential.
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It's a 6 for me but only because of Bill Burr
DandyBanana22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Bill Burr is my all time FAV comedian so I was super excited to see this movie. It wasn't great. It's wasn't bad. It was just sort of forgettable.

The times I actually laughed out loud were all lines from Bill Burr. The acting was really good from all of them, but it just wasn't that funny. What makes Bill so great is that he's so unhinged, so to throw out the sad story line of the wife wanting him out of the house & away from his kid was just unnecessary & a downer.

I really wish his character would've gone after Connor's wife for being such a hateful & awful person but she saw no payback at all so what's the point?

Anyway, I will watch anything with Bill Burr in it & I'm giving this a 6 instead of a 5 just because I enjoy seeing him on screen so much.
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mannimario24 October 2023
I am just astounded about what I have just witnessed... I love Bill Burr, but either this is a COMEDY, where all went wrong, or a dramatic depiction of many men's reality, turning into tamed cats, that I could take in, as an interesting portrayal of behavior of many males nowadays in this world... I don´t know what to think... So as outcome, the men in this movie all have learned, that they were wrong the whole time, that only they are to blame, and that their crazy women, without empathy or brains, are the etalon of wisdom in a relationship. The self-bashing of men continues by admitting they were all terrible and that their anger has to stay suppressed and not accepted. Even better, transformed into obedience and self-sacrifice... WHAT? Do you even know, how men doing this to themselves often end up? Bill just trampled upon his own legacy, putting these topics regularly on his shows, where he makes fun of similar things and societal behaviour on the shows. Who then is Bill really? If this is a drama about sad men losing their own shait, then I´m givin it 5/10. If a comedy, 2/10....
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Awesome portrayal of where we're at in the world
jwhitey-4311020 October 2023
The bad reviews by the "critics" is comical. This movie is awesome. Hilarious. I laughed so hard at times during this movie. Everyone offended and in their feelings. People thinking their way is the best. Allowing their kids to yell and scream and throw stuff.

Bill Burr knocked this out of the park. While it's not a movie that will win any awards, it is well worth the watch.

You probably shouldn't watch it if you're the offended type and think your feelings matter to anybody in the world other than yourself. This movie will absolutely "trigger" you hahaha.

Please make more movies like this making fun of the easily offended.
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Bill Burr takes on PC world
SnoopyStyle24 October 2023
Jack Kelly (Bill Burr), Connor Brody (Bobby Cannavale), and Mike Richards (Bokeem Woodbine) are best friends who started a retro jersey company together. They have sold their company and are working there as employees. They are all older men with young children. Jack does not get along with today's PC world especially his son's principal Dr. Lois Schmieckel-Turner (Rachael Harris). His wife Leah Kelly (Katie Aselton) is struggling to keep him in line.

Bill Burr is using his brand of comedy in an interesting concept. His fans will love the skewering of the modern PC environment. I like it for a little while, but it does get tiring. For the most part, the comedy works better when this world gets restrained a little. I want to laugh at him rather than being annoyed at this world. In the end, I like these characters and their misadventures.
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Wasted opportunity - tired, trite, cliched nonsense
yellowgixxer75024 October 2023
It's funny - the quotes from the film are full of profanities, but if I were to put what I really thought of this then I suspect it would get rejected.

So I'll moderate myself. Something the producers of this film should also have done.

I had high hopes. I'd heard of Bill Burr and his style of humour. I'm a 60 year old former Royal Marine with little patience for the painfully PC wokeness of some elements of society. I figured I'd be able to empathise with some of the characters and have a laugh with (and sometimes at) them.

Oh was I mistaken. I thank God that the only similarity I have with any of the male characters is anatomical. They are without exception stupid, spineless bigoted arses.

Their wives/partners are universally shallow, spiteful and manipulative.

The supporting characters are 2 dimensional caricatures.

The entire plot is ridiculous (forgivable in isolation) and populated by walking, talking cliches. The script is lazy and unimaginative. Worse than that, it simply isn't funny. I actually found one part that made me chuckle briefly, and it was a scene in a car where a younger guy was trying to prove how right-on he is with to one particular older guy. I'll leave it at that.

I'm giving it 3 stars because it was well filmed and I'm feeling kind.

But honestly? It's crap. Don't bother.
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Solid Effort from Old Billy Burr
timeblackmore21 October 2023
This movie was surprisingly watchable for Bill Burr's first attempt at directing. I hope he continues to do more live action projects. This isn't the genre of movie I would usually watch but I love Bill Burr so much I had to check it out.

It feels like the humor would appeal more the older demographic. However, you may argue that is the point given the subject material. I just noticed this more so than his standup comedy work. While the movie was solid the best parts were still when Bill was angrily ranting just like his comedy specials

If I had any complaint it would be that the scenes with the nudity felt a little out of place here. I am being purposely vague to not give any spoilers. I am usually fine with this, but the movie was actually quite wholesome, and I felt these scenes detracted from the wholesomeness. Who knows though, maybe I am just getting old.
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Mocking the woke generation so I did enjoy it
deloudelouvain24 October 2023
As a comedy it wasn't super funny I would say but it's still an enjoyable movie to watch. I like Bill Burr as a stand-up comedian so I was curious how he would be as a director. I just finished the adult animation series F Is For Family so every time I heared Bill Burr's complaining voice I was picturing him as a cartoon. The thing I liked the most about Old Dads is their mocking the whole woke generation now. I can't say I didn't agree with it, on the contrary, this whole generation are a bunch of wussies that need to man up a little bit. Everybody is hypersensitive about everything. So yes I thought making fun of the woke generation was the main thing that made this movie worth watching. And also the good chemistry between the three main characters played by Bill Burr, Bobby Cannavale and Bokeem Woodbine.
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A Tale of Two Halves
LeeLeeds10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like I watched two different films here: The first half of the film was funny, interesting, pacey and I really enjoyed it.

The second half of the film was the antithesis of all the above.

Basically our protagonist (admittedly flawed and in need of some change) attempts to fight back against things he doesn't believe in... an undeserving, talentless boss who fires people for simply being 'old', a fraud school boss who blackmails and embezzles money, a bunch of horrid side characters that range from selfish to psychotic... these people are the villains... yet our guy ends up apologising and bending to what they want!

It left me with a confused feeling of 'wait a minute, I'm sure they were the bad guys but somehow they still beat down our main character, this sucks'.

Just a convoluted mess in the second half of the film, but worth watching for the sheer fun of the first half.
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A present day dystopian horror
Chriper723 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Set in a present day dystopia. 3 Gen X guys awaken to the grim reality that they are living in a dystopian society. Surrounded by a populace that have been transformed into malicious and vindictive adherents of an oppressive ideology, the trio find themselves compelled to adhere to a specific set of moral standards or risk having their lives destroyed.

The lifelong friends, who happen to work together, are sacked over a 'morality violation'. The accusation stems from covert recordings taken inside their private vehicles and homes, exposing them to the scrutiny of their unforgiving environment.

Among the protagonists is a father with a child attending primary school. The child's teacher, an influential figure with a malevolent streak, exploits her position to manipulate the parents' conduct. Compliance with her idiosyncratic moral code becomes a prerequisite for safeguarding the child's future. Other parents, also authoritarian members of the cult, join in forcing a humiliation ritual on the uninitiated father.

Will the trio manage to break free from the clutches of this dystopian nightmare? Will they yield to the manipulative grasp of the authoritarian cult, or will they take a stand, working towards liberating its members and restoring society to a realm of genuine freedom? These questions lie at the heart of their journey, leaving audiences in suspense as they anticipate the outcome.
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Funny until its switches gears.
rochfordsimon22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is bill burrs directorial debut and he does a good job. All his typical comedy brand is in the first half of the film.

Then it turns into a typical, corporate Netflix film. What you would expect from a 'scripted' story with undertones.

It is based around modern day society, anger, change, compassion, robotic life styles, power, understanding, toxicity, past vs present vs future.

To wrap up. It is very funny until its not. It has some what of a 'suit & tie' feel to it, as it settles down into the home run.

Many familiar faces in it. Plenty of dad bods and beer and Pretty wife's and upper-class lifestyles.
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Good movie but it is a eye opener
bernierjustin5 November 2023
I love watching Bill burr. This movie made me realize what babies are in this country. This movie made me laugh but made me angry at how pathetic people are. Such babies. Children. This country is pathetic. I am ashamed that America is full of babies and there feelings. It's so sad. What has happened in America. If it was 1941 and ww1 was starting and this current time was then. Germany would have won. America would have no chance because of the babies and there feelings. America is lost. This movie does bring to.light what ameroca is now. Thank you bill burr for showing what America is becoming. America is lost.
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That ending though...
scottkolflat21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you saw the trailer for this movie, then you likely started watching this movie because, like me, you were ready for Bill Burr to do his thing and give a great social commentary on the ridiculous state of today's society. Which is exactly what Bill started the movie doing. Through the first and second half of the movie you're getting exactly what you came here for, and I was really enjoying myself. Even though the movie wasn't as funny as I hoped it would be, it was still a fun ride, and I was all on board. Everything was being set up perfectly for a terrific finish, but then the third act began, and everything veered off into a complete trainwreck and Bill does a complete 180 and blames himself for everything. He could have stuck up for himself, but instead, what we're all supposed to learn from this film is that Bill was wrong the whole time and it turns out he's the problem and is going to do much better from now on and gosh darn it he's really sorry about being so horrible to everyone. Now he gets to live happily ever after because he learned his lesson and will totally just accept the ever-changing world around him because that's what grown-ups are supposed to do. He had a chance to be bold, but he went full sellout for a "feel good" ending. Just sad. I was ready to give this movie a solid 7 out of 10, but that dumpster fire of an ending landed me on a solid 1 out of 10 stars. Awful. Just awful.
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Divisive but that's the point.
matthewedwards197120 October 2023
This film will divide generations, I consider myself as quite a liberal sort of person but the mauling this is getting from certain critics says more about them than anything. If you like Bill Burr then you'll love this movie, if you are easily offended and like to pretend that everything can be sanitised and pigeonholed away then you probably won't.

It's a Bill Burr stand up routine in the form of a movie, it's not cancel culture (as some would describe) but more about how ridiculous the world seems these days compared to what people like me (a 50 something) grew up with. Personally I found it laugh out loud funny, something original in a sea of mediocrity.
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Falls short of expectations
SPHariSP2 November 2023
The movie starts off strong with some good laughs and funny portraits of today's political correctness. However, it fails to maintain the momentum and becomes predictable and clichéd in the second half. I m a bill burr comedy fan , but it looks he forgot his own stand towards the end of the movie.

The chemistry between the three leads is the only redeeming quality of the film, with their interactions providing some comedic beats. While it's not a complete disaster, "Old Dads" doesn't achieve what it could have and falls short of expectations

"Old Dads" is a comedy film that revolves around three best friends who become fathers later in life.
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Get Your Pronouns Right...or Else!!!
lavatch2 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There was some genuine creativity in the satirical approach to wokeness in the lively film "Old Dads."

The essential structure of the film was an elaborate sit com with the ups and downs of three men (Jack, Connor, and Mike) and their womenfolk (Leah, Cara, and Britney). The men were getting schooled by the younger generation in matters of wokeness, and they were rather slow of study.

There were good gags and dialogue as the well-intentioned men stumbled around the new language and protocol of the smug neoliberals. The infusion of wokeness came from the school and the workplace.

There were some slow scenes in the film due to some padding and an uneventful trip to the casino by the men. But there was also a heartfelt quality in which the three men came to realizations about the good things in life. And what the men learned came from genuine human values, not from the pretentious mumbo jumbo of the woke culture.
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Burr Sells Out
trainerd200022 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out as wonderfully sarcastic just like Burr's standup . Appropriately angry, just dark enough but just when you think the lead actors are going to exact revenge on all the PC idiots, Burr sells his angry soul to all the non binary bull and toes the line in the most pitiful stereotypical Hollywood way. He succumbs, he kowtows, he kisses arse . It's nauseating and actually sad . Not unlike how the classic Wedding Crashers started out blazing and ended in a sappy Romantic comedy except there was no comedy . Burr seems to be apologizing for being himself , which until now was delightful and he was on his way to being the next Carlin. He blew it with this.
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Uneven and just ok.
vithiet4 November 2023
I'm not a huge fan but I do like Bill Burr, maybe his views and ways to go about things more than his actual comedy. So I was excited to see what his first movie would be like. And while it has some familiar Burr elements, it did feel very uneven as a whole, showing signs of his lack of directing experience. There are some good points and good jokes, especially in the first half of the movie but then it starts to be all over the place, not really knowing what it wants to be (drama? Comedy? Critique on society?) and ends up being a bit messy. In the end it feels strangely cheap in a way, and kind of "Bill Burr Light", leaving you unsatisfied.
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Entertaining, funny at times, but what is he trying to say?
andrewiangillies4 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It matters to me right now that a film holds my attention. And if a so called 'comedy' makes me laugh....in this day and age....it's done well. And this did both, so I recommend it on that basis.

But the message of the film confused me. The ending seemed somewhat of a betrayal of what the film had been originally trying to say. I was confused if we are meant to see modern society as ridiculous and flawed, or if we are meant to see Bill's character as toxic and in need of reform. And the wives' toxicity basically got off scot free!

Worth a watch for the general sense of fun though.............
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Too real to be comedy
shaynezbritt29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had a hard time with this film. The subject matter and the characters were so real to life. I felt like I knew every one of the awful humans portrayed. The snapping girlfriend, the pretentious gen Z boss, the the classroom full of brittle spirited trigger warning parents. Seeing Bill's character get destroyed by the absolute worst of society was actually infirating and depressing to watch. I really wanted his character to push back much harder than he ended up doing. I wanted him to win. The message by the end was to keep your mouth shut and don't make waves if you can avoid it... but I love Bill Burr because he DOES make waves.

TLDR, way too close to reality to be funny.
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