Some Kind of Beautiful (2014) Poster

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Different, not sweet and easy at all.
kms-9146114 October 2015
I read reviews and expected disaster. In fact it's quite different from what one may expect. It is not a typical romantic comedy, there is a lot of satire on the American way of living, while the whole film should not be taken too seriously. It is a fun, beautiful places, good acting. Just some life reality, although shown from a little bit funny perspective. Just enjoy it, because you can. I am a real fan of Brosnan and think he delivers as usual. Handsome despite his age, keeps just a proper distance to himself and the guy he plays. All leading actors are just fine and convincing. Watch it and you will enjoy it. May by this is not an extremely ambitious and complicated movie, but don't we need some fun from time to time? In addition, the backdrop landscape is just so nice to watch. So why not give it a go.
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Real good movie, with one major flaw (minor spoilers)
Steve_Holt_20 November 2020
First let me address the majority of reviews here. It always prove true that many people who review movies probably don't get movies. Countless times I see reviews that demand the movie conform to their desires and expectations, rather than the reviewer letting the story take form and come to it's full shape, and then look for an understanding. Heaven forbid a movie should stray too far from the cookie-cutter.

I saw it said elsewhere, mockingly, what a great idea it is for a rom-com about a 60 year old professor and a 20 year old co-ed. Clearly they missed the point, since the movie itself shows the complications in this, and the point is NOT the romantic entanglement between the two, but instead about chasing dreams and growing up. It's about the thin line between them.

Pierce Brosnan's character is shown as being extremely successful...when he's in his world. He chooses to step out of his world, and in this new world he enters, one of a seeming fantasy, he looses his potency. It's psychological, as well as borrowing from classic fairy-tale themes. And it's not super deep, but it's not surface level either. It gives a viewer enough to think about, without being an exhausting exercise.

To further underscore this, in his world, the beautiful female is doting and filled with admiration. Once he leaves his world and enters hers, she becomes a bit of a power mad shrew. But he's faced with other factors and some are sympathetic issues, others are off-putting. He's a great dad, and was even a loyal husband, and this makes him sympathetic, but he's never had to exist in a place that didn't cater to him, and some of his ways of dealing with life are childish and embarrassing.

The only real problem I saw with this movie, and it was a major one, was that the person who cheated never had to apologize, or even act remorseful. I expected there to be SOME contrition at some point, but it was never addressed. This would have been bad enough had it just been left to the audience to hold the impression that they were a selfish turd, but as the movie drives towards it's conclusion, the other characters begin apologizing to the cheater for things that weren't a tenth as bad as the infidelity that had taken place. This really stood out and kept me from being totally taken in by the ending resolutions of the movie, but it didn't keep it from being worth watching; just really frustrated with how often movies gloss over major issues as if the audience is too dumb to catch on. In fact, I'd almost wonder if there were some scenes on the cutting room floor that tackled the whole angle but they felt would take too long to cover.

This movie is NOT a rom-com. It is a light-hearted romantic drama that assesses life decisions and directions that probably aren't relatable to anyone still in their younger years. It's not super-deep, but it has some allegory and symbolism if you know how see it.
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I like ROMCOM's, what else can I say? Solid 7 Stars from me!
huggibear25 July 2017
Hayek, Alba and Brosnan work it out. I didn't have any idea what I was expecting with this movie, but I was pleasantly surprised and pleased. It had some good humor, which is the COM part and it had some intimacy, which is the ROM part. That sums it up for ROMCOM. It is an enjoyable, light-heart-ed movie. It is also a great date flick. Of course, I adore my Latinas! The little boy was excellent in his role as well. The acting was great, especially the father's eye's when he looked at his son (Brosnan) with great intent. I've never seen such a piercing set of eyes with intensity. I rated this a bit higher to see if we can get it to a Solid 6 Stars. I don't care for enjoyable movies being below 6 Stars. If you like ROMCOM's, you will enjoy it as well.
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A screwball rarity
StevePulaski7 January 2016
Richard Haig (Pierce Brosnan) is a well-respected English professor in the United Kingdom, with fiery lectures that were directly inspired from his father and a serious, nonconformist attitude to life and literature. Richard is also a womanizer, indulging in relationships with many of his beautiful undergraduate students that admire him for his aged beauty and intellect. He currently finds himself infatuated with Kate (Jessica Alba), a twenty-five-year-old American woman, who he winds up marrying and having a kid with, much to his surprise initially, but to his delight eventually. Despite this relationship, Richard has always found Kate's sister Olivia (Salma Hayek) incredibly gorgeous as well, and finally gets his chance to win her over when Kate asks for a divorce upon meeting someone from her work that loves and cares about her more than he does.

Richard already has ninety-nine problems and this isn't one of them. Excusing the fact he had to move across the country in order for his marriage to Kate to work without complication, Richard is also an illegal immigrant and needs to gain citizenship if he hopes to stay in the country. With a divorce in the works and a recent DUI on his record, Richard is anything but a sure bet to gain citizenship to the United States. It's only some sick karmic revenge that during all of this, Richard realizes the torment of womanizing and trying to maintain the upkeep on numerous relationships since he can't commit to one woman.

Some Kind of Beautiful is the kind of film I'd ostensibly loathe; admittedly, just the plot made me cringe as I thought of nothing more than an unlikable brute not realizing the ill of his ways. Even as someone who finds commitment and real relationships to be one of the most beautiful things in the world, Some Kind of Beautiful resonated with me as a piece of delightful Kabuki Theater, for lack of a better term, though I'm sure members of Kabuki Theater would look at this film and roll their eyes. This is a zany, screwball comedy at its core, the kind that has gone by the wayside in favor of more romantic, if incredulous, displays of romance and over-the-top comedy, despite lacking half the comedic talent and screen writing craziness.

Keep in mind, Some Kind of Beautiful focuses on a contemptible character and his decisions throughout the film raise red-flags on a consistent basis. On top of that, many situations find themselves not only flirting but dancing with improbability. I'm not afraid to admit that. The problem is that Some Kind of Beautiful, with its trailers, its poster/DVD cover, and its overall sunniness paint it as your average romantic-comedy, brimful of hope and optimism. This is anything but a cheery, feel-good romantic-comedy. Think of the Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler-headlined They Came Together from a few years back, which was a self-referential jab at the onslaught of ridiculous romantic-comedies. Some Kind of Beautiful basically takes the disposition and approach to the genre tropes of a romantic-comedy, and proceeds to spit in its face with its cynical grip on the story and the focus on a despicable character.

A large part of the film's success is attributable to Brosnan, who does a smooth job at playing both unlikable, but undeniably suave. One could analyze the character he plays in a very psychological manner, even making claims that his lack of respect for women and constant desire for "something newer or better" is a result of his father's four marriages, his drinking, or his possible sex addiction. The problem with that assertion is director Tom Vaughan and screenwriter Matthew Newman don't seem to embellish those instances and simply propose them in passing. The real issue is Brosnan's Richard character, who does many unconscionable things throughout the course of this film. The one thing he seems to consistently do right is treat his son with care and respect, for what that's worth. He never blows him off, never breaks a promise, and always knows how to calm him down in the face of danger or trouble.

Furthermore, this film, for as unlikable as its characters can be and for as ugly as its situations can be, has a spirited supporting cast of both Alba and Hayek, particularly Hayek, who help command the screen and work well on their own, even if their chemistry with Brosnan directly doesn't always hold weight. There's never a real spark with either of these women with Brosnan, but perhaps that's only fitting for the premise and idea of this film. When you embark on the life of disconnect and lack of commit that Richard has, a spark is not what you'll get - an endless cycle of heartbreak and disappoint seems to be more fitting.

Some Kind of Beautiful also manages to be pretty uproariously funny more often than it isn't, and that's largely because everyone here is great at performing the classic roles screwball comedy requires in order to be success. The performers are capable of physical comedy routines that are frantic and scatterbrained without being too ridiculous, and the situations here, while many are incredulous, have a way of coming off as at least believable for the world of the film. For many films, that's about as much as you can ask, and while this may not be the cleanest and happiest comedy you'll see this year, it is a lot funnier and more positive than its subject matter often allows.

Starring: Pierce Brosnan, Jessica Alba, and Salma Hayek. Directed by: Tom Vaughan.
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Failed romance film, filled with clichés
siderite18 October 2015
I believe Pierce Brosnan is perfect for the role he had in this film: a university English teacher that is both lecherous and intellectual, romantic and a total ass, a good father and a terrible partner, yet lovable and accessible nonetheless. Such a character has a fantastic potential to create a wonderful story.

However, the story was sub par, the other characters cardboard and so many opportunities were missed out again and again. If I were to rate this film on the characters, I would have to give an 8 or even 9 to Brosnan's, but something close to 3 for Jessica Alba's. Salma Hayek's wasn't a lot better either and Malcolm McDowell, as the father, was 0-dimensional! I understand old actors get fewer jobs, but have you seen any of this guy's films? Can't you see how much better he could have been if given some good material?

Bottom line: it's an American Britspoitation film, based entirely on Pierce Brosnan's charm, with a little bit of McDowell sprinkled in the cast to get old people like me interested. So much story potential and so many talented actors completely wasted by Hollywood accountants.
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Great cast, excellent writing
lendak11 September 2020
Beautiful actors in a fast-paces, witty story. Deserves more than the measly 5.4! Some empty, idiotic US blockbusters get 8+, for gs sakes.
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Average Rom-Com with some decent performances. 5/10
leonblackwood14 November 2015
Review: I quite enjoyed this cleverly written Rom-Com, because it had different elements that kept it interesting throughout. It is a bit predictable but the acting was realistic and the adult humour was quite amusing in parts. Its about a highly respected professor, Richard Haig (Pierce Brosnan), who teaches 18th century romantic poetry in a way that the students of today can appreciate. His father Gordon (Macolm McDowell) was also a professor at highly respected Trinity College in Cambridge, so he seeks the same accomplishments that his father achieved before he retired. He's also picked up his father's womanising ways, by falling for one of his students, Kate (Jessica Alba), who shocks him with the news that she is pregnant. She decides to move back to Malibu so she can raise there child, Jake (Duncan Joiner) and her sister Olivia (Salma Hayek) decides to move to New York to pursue her career in writing romantic books. As Richard wants to be close to his son, he also moves to Malibu and he takes a job in a school, teaching students who don't really care for his specialised subject. He then finds out that his wife is having an affair with a younger man, who she has fallen in love with, so he moves into the annex of the house to be close to his son and to keep his green card. After a while, Olivia also moves into the house because she has caught her boyfriend with another woman and while Kate and her new boyfriend Brian (Ben McKenzie) are away, she grows closer to Richard and after a passionate night together, they soon realise that there feelings for each other are more than what was expected. After having to leave America because his green card had run out, Richard spends time with his dying father, whose last wish is for his son to get back with Olivia. This film definitely has its emotional moments, with a witty script which was well put together by the director. Macolm McDowell's foul mouth character, made me laugh and the relationship between Brosnan and his son was touching. After watching Pierce Brosnan kick butt in the earlier Bond movies, I'm still struggling to take his comedic roles that seriously but you can't fault his performances which are always top class. Some of the situations that he gets himself in, were a bit silly but the overall concept of the film was watchable and enjoyable in parts. Watchable!

Round-Up: Pierce Brosnan, 62 and still looking dashing, hasn't reached the heights that he reached when he was playing Bond but he is still highly respected in Hollywood, even though his movies haven't made that much money of late. Films like the Love Punch with Emma Thompson, Love is All We Need, Survivor and A Long Way Down, haven't really blown up at the box office and some of them went straight to DVD but thats not to say that they were bad movies. I personally would like to see him play another "Bond" type role because of his cool persona, which really worked in the 007 franchise. Anyway, this movie was directed by Tom Vaughan, 46, who also brought you What Happens in Vegas with Ashton Kutcher and Extraordinary Measures with Harrison Ford but most of his experience has been TV. He was lucky to get Salma Hayek and Jessica Alba together for this project but they both have been out of the spotlight of late. Hayek hasn't had a major role in a movie since the terrible Grown Ups 2 in 2013 and I wasn't that impressed with Everly. She still looks great at 49 and she usually puts in great performances, along with Alba, 34, who recently starred in the Entourage movie. Anyway, this movie is a decent watch with some good performances but if your not into your Rom-Com's, then this movie isn't for you.

I recommend this movie to people who are into their comedy/romance movies starring Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayek, Jessica Alba and Malcolm McDowell. 5/10
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I did like it but I am also a big Pierce Brosnan fan. Nothing original but entertaining and funny.
cosmo_tiger6 November 2015
"You can leave me, but I am not leaving that boy." Richard (Brosnan) is a college professor who teaches the classics and has a young and beautiful wife. When he finds out she is leaving him his life is shattered. He throws everything into his son and trying to get a new job. Things get complicated when he starts to notice Olivia (Hayek) in a different way and a problem with his Visa comes up. Now Richard must try to get a job, stay in the country, and find love with someone he never expected to. Judging by the synopsis you may think this sounds like a cookie cutter movie, and your right. The movie is pretty predictable and not original but it is funny and very watchable. Pierce Brosnan is a great choice for this and he really saves the movie from being something overly generic. There really isn't a whole lot to say about this since there has been a million movies with this same idea but even so this is still a good movie and defiantly worth a watch. I did like it but I am also a big Pierce Brosnan fan. Overall, nothing original but entertaining and funny. Worth seeing at least once. I give this a B.
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A Cambridge professor is caught in a love triangle with two sisters.
vidkid6824 August 2015
For starters, I have to say I love all these actors. But this is a terrible mess. So bad that it should be taught in film schools as an example of what not to do. Every few minutes the actors begin to save it, and then either the direction or the script lets them down. At various points in the "action" the comedy completely rests on sight gags that may have been fresh in the silent era. Brosnan, one of my favorite actors - (if you haven't seen Matador, watch it now) tries very hard to sustain his role as the romantic spindle around which Salma Hayek and Jessica Alba revolve, but the plot is so interrupted, the motivations so compromised and the reality of the situation so ignored, that even he fails. The only thing funny is your own disbelief at how utterly crappy this film is. Worth watching for research in the same sense that the NTSB likes picking through wreckage.
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Don't listen to the ctirics
theduggan1 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting much but was very pleasantly surprised. I wasn't actually in the mood for a romcom and was tempted to switch off in the first few minutes. I'm glad I didn't as it got pretty good, especially after the move to LA. Yet again the critics are way off, as they often seem to be with comedies. I guess it wasn't politically correct enough for them.
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Pretty awful movie
thenekassyni28 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The whole plot has to be scripted from an insane person with a cynicism for a twisted, hellish so-called romantic movie. As another reviewer said it's all a mess. There's little chemistry between the characters, little development and most importantly no logic to what the hell is happening. This could have been written by a six year old and it may even be better!

If you want a quick summary of the movie it's about people cheating on each other and with their sisters. While it tries to make this obscure plot work it falls flat leaving the viewer with a really, really bad taste. I am surprise the kid is not in an insane asylum or that he didn't become Jason and start killing every one of the cheating adults.

Add to that horror the movie wants to put them all together. The cheating mother, the cheating father, the cheating sister, the cheater boyfriend and the innocent kid all in one roof. Imagine this; your wife cheats on you, brings the bf home to sleep and live in the same house as you and at the same time you are sleeping with young girls while trying to hide everything from the kid. Yea, it's that psychotic.

Skip the movie and save your sanity for those that already endured the pain.
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Pleasantly Surprised
jasonpatel0314 August 2015
Now this movie does have its moments of being relatively cheesy, but it wasn't that bad. I found myself becoming more into the movie as it progressed, never mind the beauty of both female leads. I'm not typically a fan of watching movies more than once, but this one definitely goes on my re-watchable list.

A fairly predictable ending but didn't bother my interest in wanting to keep finding out what happens.

Give it a chance, you just might be glad you did.
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Some kind of Beautiful
guhaanupama26 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
SOME KIND OF BEAUTIFUL (2014) Starring Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayek and Jessica Alba, This drama about a Cambridge professor trying to balance out of his chaotic life and finding the correct dynamics within his relationships is an interesting watch. Richard Haig (Pierce Brosnan) is delightful as a middle aged man who chose to move with his student to America to lead a family life but ultimately lands in a hot mess. He is left in America facing a dying career and a son to look after. Jessica Alba as Kate plays his young and ambitious wife with Salma Hayek as her elder sister, Olivia delivering the perfect comedic moments in the movie. Brosnan seems to fit in well in his very "English character". His efforts at soft comedy should be applauded as he switches well between a hardcore Poems Professor to a man who is confused to his wits end. The audience can relate to him and all but feel bad to see him facing a broken Family and some situational mishaps which leave him with the threat of deportation. Salma Hayek's accent is sweet to the ears and does her role as a protective elder sister with finesse. Malcolm Mcdowell plays the role of Brosnan's father with whom his relationship has gone slightly downhill. However the most heartwarming scenes of the movie are those which are between Richard and his son, emotional and well directed these scenes remind the audience that Richard is basically a good person and a father. The Editing and cinematography come across as a bit slow and Salma Hayek tends to overact in some scenes. However these things could be put aside if one wants to see it strictly as a onetime watch. As predicted, the movie ends on a feel good note with Brosnan getting the comforts he seeks to achieve in the first place.
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Producers were banking on Selma and Peirce
born-giantsfan22 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This romantic comedy had lots of promise and failed on so many fronts.

The producers were clearly banking on people wanting to see the sexy stars (Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayek, and Jessica Alba) to sell this movie. It sure would have helped if they had a decent script to go with it.

The dialog is silly and trite, the plot lines are very flawed, and the directing is poor. The scriptwriter and director were clearly following the textbook rom-com formula.

A good example of the flawed plot and characters is the drama caused Kate finding out that by Richard slept with Olivia. Kate got married and Richard married her and move to America with her to raise their child. SHe rewards this by cheating on him and telling him she has found another. He moves into the pool house and has to watch her with her boyfriend for 2 years. The entire time she treats him poorly and wants him to move on.

Then the half sister Olivia visits and Richard developed feelings for her and they sleep together. When Kate finds out she flips out, tells her sister to leave, refuses to go to Richards immigration interview knowing that it would cause him to get deported, separating Richard from their son who clearly loves him, and then refuses all communication with her sister. This is the woman that cheated on her husband and rubbed it in for 2 year. You would have thought she would have been miffed but not to this level of extreme behavior.

But the silly plot required this artificial drama to give the main character (Richard) an obstacle to overcome that in doing so would bring everyone back together. Very trite.

At least we get to see Jessica in her underwear and Salma's naked butt a few times.
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An infuriating film with obnoxious characters
Gordon-1124 August 2015
This film is about a British university professor who falls on love with an American student. She becomes pregnant, they all move to USA to start a new life, by unfortunately things go wrong and they separate soon afterwards.

"How to Make Love Like an Englishman" has a comedic title, but it is not comedic at all. The three main characters are not only unsympathetic, but actually obnoxious. No one remains faithful to their partners, everyone is foul mouthed. People act irresponsibly at just about every occasion, such as ruining the alcoholic anonymous meeting, or playing with the sister when the green card appointment is in a few days. If Richard really wants to stay in USA, he should at least act a bit more responsibly. Many things in the film don't make sense either, such as Kate staying at the house next door to let her sister take care of the son.

Avoid this film. It's not funny at all, actually it's infuriating to watch.
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Like most rom-coms it's a mixed bag, but there's plenty here to enjoy.
kitellis-9812110 July 2018
It was a delight to see Brosnan and Hayek together again ten years on from "After the Sunset" (2004) and their chemistry remains intact.

The cinematography is excellent, with picture-postcard imagery of both London and LA, yet there is no saccharine to be found anywhere in the screenplay, which makes for an eye-candy feast that nourishes rather than nauseates.

Essentially a very well-written, grown-up, romantic film with beautiful scenery, attractive actors, solid dialogue, and a feel-good ending that is only a teeny bit contrived, but not enough to annoy.

This would have scored higher with me if not for the unfortunate casting of Malcolm McDowell, who I personally dislike intensely. His overacting and unsubtle characterisation was, as usual for him, only skin deep, and strained my suspension of disbelief to the point of discomfort.

I never get a sense from McDowell that he ever takes his characters any deeper than a two-dimensional caricature, which is what Brosnan was doing in the early days of his career. But unlike the older veteran, Brosnan has noticeably evolved and developed in his craft, and as he gets older and more grizzled, he taps ever more interesting depths.

Overall, though, this was a fab movie, and one that I'd happily watch again.
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This is a film of two halves.
richard-fieldhouse13 February 2018
The story of this film is kind of predictable for a romantic comedy: lecherous, but gifted poetry professor is gradually reformed through his love for a quirkily unusual woman. In this case, the professor, Richard Haig (played by Pierce Brosnan), also has a cantankerous old father (Macolm McDowell) and a son Jake (Duncan Joiner). He is also, not that surprisingly, torn between two sisters - Kate (Jessica Alba), the boy's mother and her very much more Spanish sounding sister Olivia (Salma Hayek).

The first 25 minutes of the film is set in the UK and we are treated to every cinematic cliché in the book. There is even a scene in which our Prof rides a motorbike passed various London landmarks rushing to get to his appointment. The characters and plot are introduced and nothing gels at all; everything is over the top as we move from one cliché to the next.

Kate decides to move back to the US but there are still more clichés to present, like rabbits from a hat. The prof's fawningly attentive Cambridge students are exchanged for a new caricatured American set whose whole attention remains permanently with their laptops and mobiles. During the build-up to an agonisingly predictable scene of the Prof getting drunk at a formal reception you might feel you cannot possibly stand it any more... But have courage: the half time whistle is about to blow.

And then, quite suddenly, the whole thing turns around. To be precise, for me (watching on Netflix) this was 38 minutes in to the 1 hour, 35 minute movie. There are still clichés to be sure, but suddenly the actors seem to have a feel for their characters. They seem to be having fun. The situation, although it is fairly contrived, feels more real and we start to care about what happens to our Prof and his son and whether the Prof will manage to get the right sister in the end - or not.

So... At the start, only give the film half your attention: cook dinner, hoover, do the ironing, whatever. Then settle to watch it properly after half an hour and it should seem quite good.
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It couldn't have been worse if they tried
simonetti-335575 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about this movie is cliché: the story, the dialogs, and even the ending. The cast is made of great actors, but not even they were enough to save this film from a catastrophic failure. Most of the characters add absolutely nothing to the plot. The direction, however, was the worst part of the movie. Some continuity errors were quite amateurish, like the scene {MILD SPOILER FOLLOWS} where Olivia (Hayek) is driving Richard's (Brosnan) Mustang: they leave their house with the child's seat quite visible in the backseat. Throughout all of their drive in LA, the seat is not in the car (as in completely removed), but when they arrive at their destination, Jake's school, the seat is again visible. This mistake is so amateurish, so basic, that from that moment on my hopes for a good movies went down the drain. Do yourself a favor and watch something else. Like the police say in crime scenes: "move along, nothing to see here"!
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Some really funny dialog!
jordicolas10012 March 2019
Pierce and Salma work well together. If you like After the Sunset you will like this movie. Several over the top conversations with the father and a really interesting take on "yankee" women!
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Its not the worst movie I've ever seen, but its not great either.
Brooklynsmagicmike8 August 2020
First I want to start by saying that in my opinion this movie being marketed as Rom-Com is kind weird. It wasn't romantic, funny, or emotional enough to fall in that category.Instead the movie plays more like a drama with some elements of comedy in it. Also while I loved the cast of this movie and I mean love they have some great actors/actresses. I can't help but feel like there was zero chemistry between them all.

First the premise (While it was a little out there) I did find interesting at the same time. But as you watch on the movie tends to squander it every chance it gets. Characters just making silly decisions or do irrational/crude things. On top of it the movie drags and drags at a snails pace.

The humor in the movie was okay it wasn't laugh till you cry funny but there was quite few times I had good giggle in it. But other then that nothing to ride home about. In my opinion this could been really good movie if just executed better but sadly it fell short for me.
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Better than VOD release would suggest
phd_travel13 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This comedy is quite fun to watch with a middle aged professor and his two lovely love interests who are considerably younger. There are some astute observations about differences between the US and the UK. The contrast between English students and American students is funny. Liked the twist where the one facing deportation is a white guy and the Hispanics are legal. The commentary about excessive drinking in the British culture is right on. The villa is quite idyllic.

Pierce Brosnan is well preserved so things don't look icky. He didn't let himself go like some other actors his age. Still looks better than Daniel Craig. Salma Hayek is lovely and should be on screen more. Jessica Alba is pretty and makes her annoying character appealing. Supporting cast Ben McKenzie is not quite right. Malcolm McDowell is a bit young to be Pierce's father.

It's worth one watch.
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Devoid of Charm
ThomasColquith15 November 2021
"Some Kind of Beautiful" was mediocre as I suspected. It is surprisingly devoid of charm considering the lead actors involved. The characters are mostly misanthropic, with little growth shown, thus causing the audience to not care a great deal about them. It is also a little crass in spots. I had hoped that the main character could have gleaned something from the AA meetings and found value there, but instead he refuses to actively participate in life, instead hiding behind his own meanings and devices.

This film is somewhat similar to "The Rewrite" (also from 2014). But I enjoyed "The Rewrite" more and would recommend that over this film. "Some Kind of Beautiful" is watchable in a pinch though, if you're real bored. I'll give it a 4/10. It also veered off into pro-immigration open-borders politics which didn't really help to advance the storyline. It was just another film and story set in southern California which would be untenable in most of America. I had thought that this was set in England.
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Let the story play out
jjackho30 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Started out in a rather predictable way and somewhere in the middle kinda grabs you. Certainly a movie for the more romantically inclined...but even the most cynical will be touched. Just be a movie lover and let it play out... the actors are interesting to watch. The backdrop of California and England are shown with excellent cinematography and the music soundtrack works. It is a movie that the critics will never like but a genuine mover lover will be entertained. Pierce Brosnan, Selma Hayek and Jessica Alba had good chemistry and were enjoyable to watch on screen. Duncan Joiner as Jake was delightful to watch and was very convincing the young son in love with both of his parents..
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I am not a fan of rom coms but...
jeffgraham222 May 2021
Almost did not bother with this film, as I think a score of 11 as critic's score is lowest I have ever seen for a movie I had considered watching... But, Brosnan is always watchable, and I thought, how bad can it really be? Turns out, it is a proper feel good movie, slightly odd mix of actors / cheesy in parts, love Jessica Alba in most films but kinda disliked her in this (prob because I have been in similiar position to Pierce in real life) Malcolm McDowell was enjoyable to see again, loved the scenery and atmosphere of England / California, usual good turn by Salma Hayak, no way this is an 11... solid 6 or 7 depending on mood you are in....
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Terrible: completely miscast, badly acted and painful to watch!
imdb-2528811 April 2024
What were they thinking?! And to think that A-listers like them turned down other, worthy films to make this stinker! Conspiracy theories could easily tell you that they chose this film as mandatory humiliation ritual that they're forced to participate in, every few years or something. Well the agony that is watching this film is enough to turn anyone into a conspiracy theorist, in that case

The movie started off sort of okay, and rapidly went downhill. This came on HBO right after the Heartbreakers which was at 10/10 extremely funny comedy. I turned this off after some 20 excruciating minutes. I have watched films like this recently from the same era and they're just one worse than the previous.

Pierce Brosnan is overacting, unfunny, trying too hard, looking decrepit and just all around old and out of the loop. His miserable performance here shows that he is but a shadow of his former self, the classy suave dude in Remington Steele.

Jessica Alba playing a young 20-some year old but was already 32 when she made this and it shows. She is unfunny and, at best, a waste of time.

Even worse is Selma Hayek, trying to act funny with her insipid performance of a pathetic character who gets cheated on. Whatsoever possessed her to accept this role?! The woman can't act!! At least not in a comedy! Jennifer Lopez would have been a lot better but I can see why she turned it down.

The story is bad, the writing is terrible with a lot of f-bombs being dropped right and left; a potty mouth and bathroom humor never works when one cannot act comedy, especially from this type of actors: they all look like old farts trying to sound cool. Betty White they are not.

I'd like to remind everybody that a review is *your opinion only* and not the place to post a recap of what's going on in the film: we have the synopsis page for that! Also, your rating should reflect *your enjoyment* (or lack thereof of it) and nothing more and certainly not what you think the movie should be worth as cinematic achievement when compared to Shakespeare. (Really tired of reading glowing reviews on here, along with her low rating: what is up with that?!) Either way this is a double stinker, in this case.

1/10 and I am tremendously glad I had the presence of mind to change the channel before watching one more minute of this pathetic flop of a film.
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