The End Is Nye (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

(2022– )

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Very Entertaining,give it a Try
xerses-9095526 August 2022
At First i thought Nye who? Then i watched the Trailer and thought looks entertaining. So i started to google/search about the Show and found Seth MacFarlane has his Fingers in it which is a Plus in my Book.

Informations about Bill Nye,for me a unkown Person because i live in different Country(Europe,hihihi), was also interesting: Nye worked as an engineer for the Boeing Corporation and Sundstrand Data Control near Seattle. At Boeing, he invented a Hydraulic Resonance Suppressor Tube used on Boeing 747 airplanes. He applied four times, unsuccessfully, for NASA's astronaut training program.

SO he was/is a legit Engineer at least it seems so(plus one INVENTION),but made a career-change into Comedy later in his life.👍

Damn i thought to myself,give´em a Try for Sure.

And not surprisingly it is very entertaining.
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Interesting and Factual
cosier2001-849-69475828 August 2022
I'm from the Mr. Wizard generation, so never watched Bill Nye the Science Guy program.

I was taught the history and science of previous natural disasters. My parents , both living in the plains during the dustbowl/depression days. Told their experience of that time period. Dad always planted a garden to help sustain our food supply.

Now I'm watching an update of history, plus positive answers to stop them.

Definitely recommend to everyone. Take away whatever. Just view with an open mind and a curiosity to stop natural disasters.

Prevention is always cheaper than catastrophe. At what point do we have to reach before we listen and act?
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We need more people, money in science! Our lives depend on it...
kemppainenerno5 October 2022
I love science, I love Bill Nye. What's not to like?

This show is about the upcoming, and possible challenges, and disasters we might face. Will face if we don't act on them soon. While educating people about them, it offers good science without bothering with details too much. At the same time offering solutions to each of those upcoming problems.

The construct of the show is very entertaining, and Bill Nye is charismatic as the host.

Bill Nye is a great science communicator, he has charisma, and educates people, whilst you are being entertained.

I have seen all of Bill Nye's shows, except for the 'Science Guy', so far I have enjoyed each and every single one of them.
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More please!!
jhorva27 August 2022
Really loved this show! The simulations are cheesy and full on corny at times, but shows some very cool things!! It's not junk science or propaganda, or "woke" garbage or anything like that, it's entertaining and the science is sound and cool! We need to change our society or we are doomed!! Edutainment at its best as always with Bill Nye, and probably the best thing to come from Seth Macfarlane for a very long time!! Need more of this show, and maybe even touch on man made possible endings!! I don't get the people who left bad reviews on here, they obviously did not watch this show at all!! It is a must watch for any science lover!
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Who plays Kor?
hmb-517784 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love the tone of the show. It's funny when it needs to be.

They seem to be making this show into its own South Park. But instead of Kenny, they kill off Bill every episode.

It's sort of like every wonderful end of the world disaster movie. But with better jokes and Bill's low key cool.

Like when another airline passenger grabs his hand just before their plane is destroyed. He reassures the Audiece, and possibly himself, that this action is okay.

That same passenger shows up in other episodes, as himself. Whereas other actors change parts. An astronaut one time, a bride in another.

Now, how about someone stepping up and telling me who plays Kor, the caveman?
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Fun and informational
dking206328 August 2022
Science can be entertaining. If we are forward thinking and not get stuck in the past we can thrive, become profitable, and help the world. Yes, invest in future science. Because denying facts only leads to being stuck in a narrow existence of unsustainable acts. For example combustion engines will be collector's items for you grandkids, the same way horse and buggy transportation was for your great grandparents. As science takes us back into space on vehicles and machines are needed on the moon and Mars, electric engines or alternative power sources are the only option. Without an atmosphere, a combustion engine will not work.

This show gave me ideas for future investments in myself and businesses.
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Bill Nye is a hack
suego-4929321 May 2023
Not many know that he is not a real scientist. In fact while many people are under the mistaken impression that Bill Nye is a scientist, he does not have any scientific credentials. His six honorary doctorates were given to him for his work on educational TV shows, and for showing up as a guest speaker, not for any actual scientific research that he's done. Now read that one part again six *honorary* doctorates. Not earned in a classroom, but given to him for simply being on tv and being a guest speaker. So what he says means nothing to me. If he can't even be honest about himself and his credentials, then he has nothing to say I want to hear.
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Ignore the nay sayers
nonaste11 October 2022
Really entertaining and informative series presented in a clear, informative and engaging manner. Mr. Nye does an excellent job. Of course every user review section has the usual suspects who are typical right wing deniers. Ignore them and cross check the show's content with FACTS and EVIDENCE that support the content. The creators of this excellent show aren't making up the urgency of man made global warming. The other natural phenomena, which we may have no control over, are things to ponder indeed and, according to Nye, may be mitigating actions we can institute to survive. As Nye eloquently points out the conditions we, as the human occupants of this planet, can correct and modify are real and should be undertaken if we are to be responsible stewards of this planet...and have a planet for our descendants to flourish.
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Wanted to like this....
roywaggoner28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I loved Bill Nye as a kid. He is a bitter man today, but I wanted to give this a chance. Unfortunately, the first episode shows again that he's just an engineer, not a scientist.

The insanity starts early, and the first episode was full of pseudoscientific nonsense. He clearly has no understanding of how hurricane warnings are issued, what they are even called, and evacuation procedures. In addition, hurricanes do not hit California due to steering currents and bitterly cold waters. The president has no ability to pressure the NHC to delay issuing warnings. Since satellite and other data is public, there is no way to "hide" the truth. Also, evacuations are a state and local government directive.

The idea is cool. Go through potential world-ending scenarios and how to survive them. The problem? This isn't a world-ending scenario. Flooding would cause famine, but not wipe out humanity. The first episode doesn't even live up to the claim.

It's also not realistic. Some of the upcoming episodes feature things that could happen. This one is extremely far-fetched and the idea that there would be five simultaneous category 5 strikes in major cities is absurd, especially when some just don't get them due to the way weather works in the real world.

Keep in mind not many hurricanes reach category 5 status. From 2009 to 2016 the U. S. had a landfall drought of hurricanes at all. From 1992 to 2018, no 5 storms hit the U. S.

As for the second half of the show going into things we can do, the episode gives some fascinating ideas but fails to explain the huge cost of these strategies to scale to the level required. Really simplistic and unrealistic. Plus, it won't do squat when developing nations pollute like we used to do.

I wanted to like this, but it was just ridiculous.
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Fun and informative
Gin22525 October 2022
So it's Bill Nye, what's not to like. Also we have seen some of the worst hurricanes and aftermath in the U. S. so he's right to review this and see what we can do better. I'm watching this after Hurricane Ian hit Florida and caused catastrophic billion-dollar damage. One area of Florida that didn't get damaged and that was because they prepared for hurricanes and engineered their community with this in mind was Babcock Ranch. Plus I've always liked movies like this, so it's my kind of genre. I totally recommend watching this. Of course they cover more than hurricanes and I'm looking forward to watching the other episodes.
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Hey Bill, please take notice.
hawkeyedan1 September 2022
A lot of the disaster scenarios that you discuss involve earthquakes. Please note that the Richter Scale became obsolete in the 1970's. It gives unreliable results above a 6.0. The currently used scale is the Moment Magnitude Scale.

Even though the popular press likes to throw around the term "Richer Scale" concerning earthquakes, remember these people are generally uneducated in science and too lazy to check their facts. Quite frankly, old boy, I expected better from you and I'm not a Geophysics expert either.

Remember there are a lot of us "baby boomers" out there who studied a lot of really hard science in the 60's and 70's and mistakes like these stick out like a sore thumb and undercut your believability.

Dan B. S., Physics '75.
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A joke at best
sniferdawg3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the first episode Bill Nye complains about the media over emphasizing disasters,and then does the exact same thing. In the volcano episode he ,as he does in every episode, blames the government for not listening to the scientists. Also makes sure that the disaster is caused by some misdeed of man. Hey Bill, the super-volcano can and will erupt even if man wasn't on earth, just like it has in the past. He suggests the government was slow to evacuate people. Where exactly would you like to evacuate? The scientist he speaks about in the episode have said that an eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano could easily be a planet killing event. So you want 150 million people (everything to the east of Yellowstone) to evacuate to???? But some thing we're very accurate...a large portion will be destroyed immediately, the largest food producing area in the world will most likely be unusable, and there most likely be a volcanic winter, all of which will mostly likely kill off the majority of life. There is NOTHING anyone can do to stop it. Then to be as hipocritical as possible, he uses the supposed cause of the volcano, drilling, to propose a preventative measure of drilling for thermal power. This is every episode in a nutshell. Blame the government and big business, the lack of listening to scientists, and then propose grandiose ideas that will work flawlessly, all controlled by the government and people he say don't do the right thing in the first place. And he wants to know why people don't listen or believe scientists. The real tragedy is the people who think he is giving real factual information and his proposals are actually real and not fantasy.
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Not the Bill Nye of old
themejunky26 August 2022
I really miss the "old" Bill Nye of the PBS era, where he taught science in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner without political spin. Alas, this Bill Nye has been gone for some time now.

This is more of the preachy "we're all doomed if we don't change" Bill Nye that we've seen from his recent Netflix specials. I guess that this show is OK if you like that kind of thing, but I'd imagine that most people are sick of hearing that the sky is falling by now. I know that I am.

I'm hopeful that future episodes will be more educational and less activist. Based on the first episode, anyway, this is a show that only Greta Thunberg would love.
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Sad - A Real Bust
nyckuzmich3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was really anticipating this series, but a huge disappointment with the choices of disaster scenarios and lack of real science. Like the Yellowstone super-volcano. It blows every 720,000 years, but not the way it was portrayed... did they even consult with any actual professionals in their respective fields when coming up with the scenarios?! The description and cause of the pyroclastic flow was sooooo weak. Ungh.

The Ring of Fire episode was the weakest... ridiculous grainy old film at the beginning from 1964. Why not use clips from the mega thrust earthquake and resulting tsunami off Fukushima, Japan? That's powerful stuff with clear HD video. No mention of the potential mega thrust earthquake waiting to happen off the Pacific North West where a huge offshore fault runs from northern CA to Vancouver Island, Canada (called the Cascadia Subduction Zone). That's a huge disaster waiting to happen, possibly in our lifetimes.

Also got to say as well NYE becomes too preachy at times. Outside a couple of weak attempts at humor, it's a serious bust.
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Bill Nye is the Evil PosterGrandpa out to Molest Science every way he can
drmaxh28 August 2022
The Misinformation Media's Go to Fake Science Guy, Bill Nye, has no scientific training but is a media-created imposter whose job it is to spew Leftwing Doomday Fiction about Climate Change AKA Global Warming. What new this time is the Fiction is spun with dazzling CGI animations that really bring all of the fake Doom Science to Life -- at least in the sadistic imagination of the show's writers and producers. The End is NYE is a never-ending orgy of doom intended to scare yound people and the scientifically illeterate (i.e., most people today) as a psychological conditioning for further DOOM Stories to come, including those officially endorsed by our government for the purpose of controlling the human herds through fear.
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Bill Nye has a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Nico-Scaeva31 August 2022
Just more cringeworthy climate doomsday cult indoctrination from the fake scientist. Why anyone takes seriously or regards as a scientist an old dude with a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering, I'll never know. From the cheesy graphics and editing to the politically contrived pseudo science, Nye again offers nothing but cringe and eye rolls in his latest desperate attempt to retain his status as a C List political celebrity. Absolutely terrible like everything else this Pravda court jester has touched in the past 10 years. What a fantastic waste of time for everyone involved in this garbage project.
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The End is Nye FOR THE SHOW
martymcclellan6431 August 2022
I like Bill but this just sucks. The information and how it is presented to the viewer is BORING and I find myself skipping until there is something of actual substance... (you will find yourself skipping most of the video if you do what I am suggesting.) There is just too much crap acting, CGI, and terrible "comedic relief" Sorry Bill but this one is a stinker that is best left in the toilet. I really cannot imagine myself watching this with another human that has a functioning brain as they would likely tell me that the show is 90 percent fluff and 10 percent actually talking about anything that matters. Half the show is just hypothetical nonsense that I am just supposed to sit through and watch without skipping. NOT THIS TIME BILL IM AN ADULT NOW AND NOT FORCED TO SIT THROUGH YOUR SCIENCE VIDEOS IN SCHOOL WITHOUT SKIPPING!!!
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