Sympathy for Delicious (2010) Poster

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Mark Ruffalo's directorial debut is an odd-mix of uneasy laughs
twilliams7627 September 2011
The title makes no sense unless you know the main character's DJ name is "Delicious D". With this, there should be little confusion as one watches Sympathy. Sympathy for Delicious is well-respected actor, Mark Ruffalo's (The Kids Are All Right, Zodiac, Shutter Island) directorial debut and it was penned by one of his long-time friends who happens to play D (Christopher Thornton, a paraplegic who wrote the screenplay because of the lack of roles available to him in Hollywood).

D was an up-and-coming music DJ in the rock world of SoCal until he is injured and finds himself confined to a wheelchair ... the story begins after this has happened and we find D living out of his car on Skid Row where he comes to the attention of a local priest played by Ruffalo. After a chance encounter with a fellow homeless man suffering from both gout and Alzheimer's, D finds out he has been given a Divine gift and can miraculously heal others (but alas ... he is unable to heal himself).

Upon this discovery, the priest briefly puts Delicious to work doing God's will ... until D gets it into his head that he should be making TONS of money for healing others and so he makes a name for himself with the help of an odd rock band that decides to cash-in on his abilities. Orlando Bloom (Lord of the Rings, Elizabethtown, Haven) and Juliette Lewis (Conviction, Cape Fear, Strange Days) play fellow band mates while Laura Linney (The Truman Show, Kinsey, You Can Count on Me) co-stars as their icy and conniving manager who readily admits to exploiting their Divine find. By making such a public, high-profile spectacle of himself and telling everyone he's only doing everything for $$$ ... D opens himself up to all kinds of scrutiny (and he isn't up to the task of taking it all in). It doesn't help that his lone friend in the band, Lewis, sees him as a sell-out which causes things to spiral out of control. And, well, BAD things happen ...

I didn't believe much of what unfolds on screen (I allowed myself to buy into this premise ... but come on) which makes THIS story that much harder to accept. My primary problem: if there are some major stretches taken early-on, why is there no leeway later in the film when the "stretching" should still be allowed?! Sympathy wanted to "have it both ways" for dramatic effect which is simply the error(s) of screen writing 101 I am sure.

This is a VERY difficult story to make humorous (the film is classified a "comedy" on IMDb). I viewed it as much more of a tragedy as it is a film about some VERY lost individuals; but I am sure some might find it funny/hilarious (I didn't ... laughing at an actress pretending to have cerebral palsy isn't laugh-out-loud funny). Sympathy for Delicious has some good moments and it is a promising debut from a new director; but the subject matter is simply too tricky. Had it presented/sold itself differently from the outset, I might have viewed it differently ... but there is a bit too much ultimate trite-ness here for me to appreciate (not to mention D isn't very LIKE-able -- which, in turn, makes the film difficult to like as well).
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SnoopyStyle3 August 2016
Dean "Delicious D" O'Dwyer (Christopher Thornton) is a bitter paralyzed DJ who lives on L.A. skid row. Ariel Lee (Juliette Lewis) tries to get him to play in her band led by singer The Stain (Orlando Bloom). Nina Hogue (Laura Linney) is their sleazy manager. Father Joe Roselli (Mark Ruffalo) helps the homeless and tries to help Dean. When Dean discovers his power to cure, Father Joe pays him to cure the people at his mission. It quickly gets out of hand. A man offers to pay the mission $250k to cure his daughter. Dean is infuriated and wants to be paid himself as part of the band's show.

Ruffalo's directing is a bit chaotic. On the other hand, his acting is great and I love his work during the chaos of the healing mission. Orlando Bloom as the lead singer don't feel right. Juliette Lewis has the right feel. Christopher Thornton is not a normal lead actor but he fits this bitter character. It's an interesting idea and I like this movie until the trial. It changes the movie in a wrong direction just as it starts to pick up speed with a vibrant pumping energy.
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A pleasant surprise
Tommy_Asakawa28 September 2013
A great start to Mr Ruffalo's directorial career. I didn't know what to anticipate with this title. Mr Thorton does a wonderful job as Delicious D and displays a prowess for creating compelling narrative. Mr Ruffalo always puts in a great performance and the cast was strong. The uncomfortable humor was well planned and executed. Orlando Bloom's quirky performance was surprising and very entertaining. Laura Linney delivers in her usual strong form and fills the role with the ugliness expected of a rock manager. I always enjoy seeing Juliette Lewis and John C Lynch in any feature! Kudos to Mr Fincher for his support of this film.
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JimmyCollins15 August 2011
Sympathy For Delicious has a terrific cast, more than one of the supporting cast are favorites of mine. So I was very disappointed when I was finding myself bored only a few minutes in. In my opinion there are a lot of problems with this film, for starters I think the plot is absolutely ridiculous, secondly the protagonist of the story is one of the most unlikable characters I have ever come across, and finally I think the story would have been better if it stayed in one direction, this us just my personal opinion, I know a lot of people enjoyed this movie but it just wasn't for me.

The supporting cast is spectacular, particularly Ruffalo and Lewis, unfortunately for Lewis her role is very underused, she has her scene towards the end but her character was the most interesting so it's a shame that she wasn't utilized more. Orlando Bloom exudes arrogance perfectly, and it's nice to see Laura Linney let her hair down and get feisty in a mean way, (in my opinion she can do no wrong). Mark Ruffalo manages to bring his charm and charisma to the role of a priest who just wants to do right by everyone.

I think the production of Sympathy For Delicious is top notch I just think the direction let it down, In saying that though I do still look forward to seeing what Mr Ruffalo does next.

All in all for me though it was forgetful and unfulfilling.
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A good movie with great acting. Little slow moving but very good. Presents a great moral question. I say B-
cosmo_tiger19 August 2011
"Listen please, you don't know what you did, you got the healing touch." After being shown the power of faith healing, Delicious decides to use what he has learned to become a world famous DJ. When fate steps in and allows him to heal everyone's problems but his own he must decide if he will use his gift for someone else. This is not a bad movie at all. Without being in your face with it, this is a fairly religious movie. This also presents a great question. If you had the power to help everyone but yourself could you do it or would you be to jealous? Great acting by everyone makes this an enjoyable movie to watch. Orlando Bloom is great in a wide departure from what he usually does. The fact that the lead actor is actually paralyzed gives his performance a dimension that would be lacking if the actor was only pretending. This is a pretty slow moving movie, but very much worth watching. Overall, a very good movie filled with great acting. This is another movie you must be in the mood for though. I liked it. I give it a B-.

Would I watch again? - I don't think I would
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jeff-437-5431429 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Overacted, overwritten, overwrought and unwatchable. Well that may not be quite fair, the cinematography is quite good except for the excessive shaky-cam. But the phony story is unbearable, the pseudo punks unbelievable and the fake priests are undeniable. Who finances trash like this? I shut it off (spoiler alert: as if you could spoil this turd) when "Delicious D." and "Padre Joe" are bargaining whether D. will get paid $3 or $7.50 per day for his magic healing powers. You can't make stuff like this up. Juliette Lewis is wasted (in more ways than one) and Orlando Bloom is an embarrassment to actors everywhere. Save your 96 minutes.

I rarely write reviews, because I rarely feel this strongly.
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Faith and Rock and Roll
billcr1224 January 2024
Mark Ruffalo directed and stars as Father Joe, a priest who runs a homeless shelter on Skid Row in Los Angeles. Christopher Thornton wrote the script and plays Dean, a man in a wheelchair who works as a club DJ. He relies on Father Joe for his meals and lives in his car while the priest seeks an apartment for him.

One day, Dean places his hands upon a man on a sidewalk and he is miraculously healed. Word spreads quickly and Dean is sought for his newfound powers.

The concept is good but the script is much too contrived. Orlando Bloom is a Johnny Rotten type of rock star who recruits Dean to promote a floundering music career. The music performed live is terrible; a bad imitation of some early Nine Inch Nails.

Juliette Lewis is a foul mouthed bass player with the worst lines in the film. Mr. Thornton needs to work on his storytelling skills.
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The Devil's music brought to you by the helping hand of God
napierslogs8 March 2012
"Sympathy for Delicious" invites us to feel sympathy for the lead character nicknamed Delicious D. He's a former DJ now paralysed and in a wheelchair living day-to-day off the support of a local church-run homeless shelter. However, it's implied that he's in his current penny-less situation because of his disability. But as far as I know, there aren't many high paying jobs for DJs available regardless of ability to stand.

Almost simultaneously, Dean meets up with a struggling rock band trying to make it famous while the in-house priest at the shelter observes him healing people with incurable diseases. The rock band is a combination of heavy metal and techno with no rhythm or melody. They are way too cool for playing some stupid melody. As amusing as that may sound remember that this is a drama and is not played out for comedy, and more importantly, their music makes up the soundtrack.

The movie continues with how Delicious D can make money off of his "gift". Surprisingly, to the non-cynical folk out there, the church also wants to make money off of his gift, but of course in a more deserving kind of way. This storyline would be unexpected if the filmmakers agree with the church's stance that hands-on healing exists. But that hint of surprise is immediately undone with the nagging suspicion that the filmmakers believe that this is a true story.

"Sympathy for Delicious" is dark and dismal — literally and metaphorically. If the types of characters portrayed didn't really exist, it could be amusing in a comic sort of way, but instead it's afflictive in a realistic kind of way. The headache from the dissonant music will stay with you long after it's over.
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Do NOT watch the trailer, just see the movie. Now.
rooprect22 March 2012
==Urgent update Jan 6, 2014. I just saw copies of this movie, brand new, for sale at the Dollar Store. Yes $1! Don't even finish reading this review, just go buy this movie. OK, back to the original review==

I thank my lucky stars I didn't see the trailer beforehand because it would've ruined the beauty of watching this creative story unfold. If you've already seen the trailer, do your best to rinse it out of your skull (it's not exactly accurate anyway).

Rather than tell you about the plot, I'm going to tell you some behind-the-scenes info which should enhance your enjoyment. "Sympathy for Delicious" took 10 years to make. It was written by its lead actor Christopher Thornton who, like the character he plays, is paralyzed from the waist down in real life due to an accident. So the passion he delivers on screen is 100% genuine, and that's why this film works. Nothing is contrived. Even the story, surreal as it is, comes directly from the heart of a man who has been through the ordeal.

His counterpart is played by director Mark Ruffalo, Thornton's longtime friend in real life. The dynamic is stellar. On screen as well as in real life, they share a sort of sibling love-hate relationship. This makes their dramatic scenes 100% authentic. When the characters get into arguments, you can feel that they've left the script behind and are emoting straight from the heart. Not since F. Murray Abraham's performance in "Amadeus" have I seen such raw, honest passion.

The film touches heavily on themes of religion, but it is neither preachy nor bashy. Devout Christians as well as Atheists should enjoy this movie just the same. Thornton plays a faithless character with a lot of understandable resentment toward God (again bringing to mind the excellent film "Amadeus"). Ruffalo plays a Catholic priest who himself has profound issues. Though polar opposites, the 2 characters are oddly parallel.

What makes this film jaw-dropping is the way the story weaves a clever parable of "the rock star & the priest". After you see the film maybe you'll agree that it's a very fitting analogy.

Juliette Lewis is perfect in her role, and her scenes with Thornton are at times funny, at times sentimental, at times powerful, and each time memorable. Orlando Bloom, though prominently featured in the promos for this film, plays a somewhat minor role. But he's still larger than life every time he graces the screen. As far as acting goes, we get Oscar-worthy performances all around.

This is not your average rock'n'roll film; it's much more. It packs a lot of philosophy and requires your full attention, so be sure to watch it with a clear head. It's so original I can't think of many films to compare it to. But it reminds me of the excellent film "Into Temptation" (about a priest who's trying to stop a prostitute's suicide) and the Mexican masterpiece "Piedras Verdes" (about a girl on a soul-searching journey thru the desert). It touches on some of the same profound themes found in "Amadeus" and "The Green Mile".

I give this film 9 stars which is about the highest I ever give a film. Honourable mention for the first & only time I've heard the line "I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL" used effectively (apologies to Arnold Schwarzenegger)!
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Sadly Disappointed
Wonder_Woman52711 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I appreciate what they were trying to do here. I really do. Overall, I enjoyed the concept. It was a movie that was really trying to break the mold. It was trying to be something different. Well unfortunately, the execution failed. Sympathy for Delicious was just uncomfortable. The script was rough and what it lacked in content, it made up for in foul language. Can't think of something deep to say? Curse word. The ending was nice. It was emotional. The work that it took to get to that great ending though just wasn't worth it. I was disappointed. If you're looking for something unusual and a little intense, this is it. Otherwise, I don't recommend it.
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Beautifully crafted, cinematic drama.
shreke200327 January 2010
I was able to attend the premier at Sundance this year, and let me begin by saying, this movie riveted my senses. With strong performances by the cast, especially writer and star Christopher Thornton, the movie worked it's magic. I sat in awe near the front row, as Mark Ruffalo, the director, got on stage before the film began and gave a brilliant opening speech. Then the room grew dark and the movie started.

I'm writing this from the New Frontier located on main street, Park City. Two hours after the film ended, and yet i still find it hard to clear my mind of "Sympathy for Delicious." After the film finished and the audience gave a standing ovation, Mark, Christopher, and a large portion of the crew, climbed on stage to answer our questions.

Among the many questions answered, was the story of how it all began. Mark began by saying how he had been best friends with Christopher for the past twenty years, how they had studied together as actors in New York, and about Christopher's tragic accident seventeen years ago that rendered him a cripple. Then Christopher took the mike and told us of Mark's pressuring him into writing a movie based on his own character and experiences. This began a ten year trek to getting the film made. The numerous rewrites and financial difficulties it went through were astounding, yet they persevered and finally succeeded in making a masterpiece.

If you haven't yet viewed this movie you're missing out on something great. Not only does it supply emotionally gripping characters but also a wholly original script. And let's not forget Mark's directing, which in itself is a powerful debut.
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Impressive directorial debut
ajflick16 February 2010
I saw a screening of this movie at Sundance 2010. I was very impressed with Mark Ruffalo's directorial debut. I told him afterward that it seemed effortless. He laughed and said it was anything but.

Sometimes with first-time directors (though he's had some TV directing experience), there are jarring points that make you realize you're watching a debut. But there were no such moments for me with this movie.

Christopher Thornton, who also wrote the script, was great. He explained after the screening that he developed this with Ruffalo after Thornton complained that there are no good roles for paraplegics.

Though I was told beforehand to expect a dark film, it really has more moments of levity, which Ruffalo said was intentional.

It's a film worth seeing!
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A Quality Movie form a Fine Writer, Director and Cast
gradyharp14 May 2011
SYMPATHY FOR DELICIOUS is well worth watching in theaters, on demand for television, or DVD. Though the film is out and available at present, this ad for a movie poster is the only opportunity to attract attention to an excellent movie and encourage people to watch for it. The story addresses several tough issues - the plight of the homeless on skid row, the lack of support for disabled persons, the arena of faith healing, and the at times crumbling dreams and realities of rock bands. The film was written by Christopher Thornton who suffered spinal cord injury in 1992 resulting in his being a paraplegic confined to a wheelchair: he has over come his disability by becoming a much lauded stage actor (the first to play Hamlet in a wheelchair, etc): Thornton also stars in this film and his performance introduces an actor of exceptional virtuosity. Mark Ruffalo directs his first film and also stars as one of the lead characters.

'Delicious' Dean O'Dwyer (Christopher Thornton) is a DJ on the rise in Los Angeles whose career is devastated by a motorcycle accident leaving him confined to a wheelchair, living in a car on skid row. He is part of the people cared for by Father Joe Roselli (Mark Ruffalo) who recognizes a life worth saving and turns his attention to Dean, attempting to restore his ability to walk by taking him to a faith healing revival lead by Healer (John Carroll Lynch). Though Dean is not healed himself he does happen to touch one of his fellow skid row dwellers who is subsequently miraculously healed. One of Dean's friends, Rene (Noah Emmerich) discovers Dean's powers and pleads with him to heal fellow paraplegic Rene. Dean does not believe in his power of faith healing (he is frustrated that he cannot heal himself!) and continues to search for a place where he can return to being a performing DJ.

Dean meets bass player Ariel Lee (Juliette Lewis, in a stunning star turn) who is convinced Dean should join a forming band composed of The Stain (Orlando Bloom), Ariel, and Oogie (Dov Tiefenbach). While the rasty band recognizes Dean's talent as a possible addition to the band, the band's PR person Nina Hogue (Laura Linney) will have none of it. it is only when Dean's healing powers surface that the band - and Nina - want him to give them an image that will make them famous. Dean is discouraged by Father Joe, pleading with him to remain at skid row performing his healing so that Father Joe will increase donations to his charity care house. Conflicts arise, incidents occur with the band and at skid row and Dean's place in all of this new fame is altered: money seems to be the driver that destroys many people and gets in the way of the true value of Dean's healing gift.

The film is strong on many levels - especially the acting (except for Orlando Bloom who overwhelms the story in the wrong way) - and as a first film to be directed by the very gifted Mark Ruffalo it holds promise of works to come. Christopher Thornton is not only a fine writer and actor, but his screen presence i so powerful that it is likely he will become as major a star on film as he is on stage.

Grady Harp
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Just caught a screening at Sundance
lotrjaz28 January 2010
Wow, I was blown away watching the directorial debut by Mark Ruffalo, written by and starring Christopher Thornton, in a role that will definitely land him some Oscar recognition. I walked into the movie not really knowing what to expect, but was immediately thrown into a dramatic and intense depiction of the life of a young man who is both disabled and disgruntled at life, and the many trials and tests he goes through on the road down to hell and then redemption.

Mark Ruffalo also acts as a priest who tries to help Thornton (Delicious) but can only do so much. The movie steers you in a direction you would never guess, and leaves you breathless and fully satisfied.

Juliette Lewis, Orlando Bloom, and Laura Linney are some of the supporting cast who all do well in their respective roles, but Thornton is the one who really takes the cake, and Mark Ruffalo directs himself to perfection.

I can not recommend this movie enough, I don't know when or if ever it will get a cinematic release, but keep your eye on this title and make sure not to miss it when it does come out.
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Absolutely Delicious!
godsdaughta5 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Of the 11 films and doc's I viewed, Sympathy for Delicious was my absolute favorite. Mark and Chris did a fantastic job writing, acting and directing. Their personal passion and painful experiences propelled the film and gave it an intense and awarding message of restoration and hope, one could not ask for more. I encourage everyone to view the Sundance trailer to hear Mark and Chris discuss their endeavors of this film, watch their camaraderie and have a glimpse of how precious they are (I think they are beautiful people; if you get a chance to hear them speak do so). The idea of a paralyzed man being able to heal everyone except himself is unique and intriguing. The trial scene was brilliant giving the audience an extra twist. Im not sure if Mark and Chris purposed any of the following ideas: 1) consequences come to those who grossly misuse their God-given gift 2)the grace that blanketed D during his "rebellious" and hateful actions 3) hardship/consequences help one to wake up to reality 4)blessings follow an unselfish giver.

Great movie!! FYI...Breasts and cursing are in film so children should probably not watch.
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Solid performances and a great screen play make Sympathy for Delicious a winner.
therreid27 January 2010
I just returned from a screening of Sympathy for Delicious at the Sundance Film Festival. After have viewed this picture, I am quite sure we will see this film in wide distribution.

Mark Ruffalo and Christopher Thornton both give fantastic performances in a film that is destined to be a Sundance favorite. Thornton's screenplay gives us a look at the twisted and somewhat strange life of Delicious a paraplegic and homeless disc jockey (Thornton) and an ethically challenged priest (Ruffalo). Lives and paths cross with equally solid performances turned in by Laura Linney, Orlando Bloom and the always stunning Juliette Lewis.

I don't want to spoil this film by revealing the plot line, so I will suffice to say that when this movie makes wider distribution, it will be one you won't want to miss.
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Chrysanthepop10 October 2011
Given the promising cast and the fact that this is a film directed by Mark Ruffalo, I was curious about 'Sympathy for Delicious'. Of course, there are many actor-turned-director films that turned out to be not great, like Johnny Depp's 'The Brave' and 'Sympathy for Delicious' disappoints. To start, the story failed to engage me. It tries to combine elements of spirituality and fantasy into a current day world of drugs, rock and roll and poverty but it simply does not work. The title character is not even remotely likable. Now movies with a hateful lead character could only work if there's something about them or their world that manages to draw the viewer in and this is obviously lacking here. Another thing that's missing here is humour. The supporting cast attempts to provide some but that's not enough. Christopher Thornton is passable at best and he's easily overshadowed by his co-stars especially Linney, Bloom, Lewis and Ruffalo. I doubt Thornton himself is too blame since the character itself is so one-dimensional. Laura Linney is there only in several small sequences but she provides awesome comic relief. Juliette Lewis is very good but she seems to get typecast. Ruffalo is terrific as the priest but if he does continue to direct hope he picks a more interesting subject.
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A Real life, no spin, in the gutter view of life.
Constipated_Soul7 June 2013
If you like feeling comfortable while watching a movie, this isn't it. This movie has real feelings and will make you confront those weird feelings about things you may be uncomfortable with in your life. The movie has a real view of bitterness a man can feel from the unfortunate turns of life. It shows how a man, so distraught from losing all of the things that determine his self-worth. Totally lost in bitterness this is his driving force even when the biggest blessing in the world to heal others is given to him. It is NOT what he wants, not what he has prayed for when he seldom prays. Everything is tilted, with strings attached to him, and still very unfair. But, the truth of what he can really be, not what he wants to be, is the whole essence of this film. His journey is not unlike anyone in real life. That, is what makes it uncomfortable, it makes us ask ourselves about our own unfortunate events and how they too have stripped us of our own self worth. So, if you watch the movie in that frame of mind, you can enjoy it. You can relate to the raw feelings of the main character. And if your lucky you can actually finish watching this movie with a feeling, I can do better, I can make something better of myself. Congratulations to Mr. Ruffalo in his directorial debut. It is fantastic!
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A Very Well-intended Effort goes awry
cyclura-119 September 2011
This piece of cinema exhibited abeyance to the great maxim "you can't always get what you want." A great cast, a compelling story, and a first time directorial debut from a well-regarded actor seems to create the formula for cinematic magic. Unfortunately after two hours that seemed more like three days in a third world airport this was not the case. I wish there had been one area to praise but this again was not the case. The cast a group of distinguished actors were uniformly without character,off key in delivery, and spouting embarrassing dialog. The storyline is hokey and filled with clichés. To top it off the predictable ending is an over the top contrivance. A gritty opening shot in a area of homeless people winds its way to a thoroughly improbable story by a very unappealing and unlikable character. Everyone else is sleepwalking through this disaster. I have no idea what some of the other reviewers thought they were watching but I know for me it was a poorly crafted film.
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a strong debut
Walter_c1 May 2012
Mark Ruffalo's directional debut seemed good enough for me. Of course this movie doesn't pretend to be an extra-realistic, serious drama with a deep-deep context, despite of it the movie is full of the important ideas and real-life dilemmas. Personally I considered Ruffalo's work as an entire metaphor about individual choices, forming our lives, we make every time, the ability and power to believe. about arisen greed and envy that both anyway crash the way based on the right decision. Dj's gift and miracles come into his life are challenging him, pushing on his all weak sides, but made him review his life entirely. The main two characters - neither priest nor ex-DJ are categorical ones, both being complicated persons. The end also has symbolical shape with a note for the best, however being not happy. The only film's demerits i saw were about events, moving too fast, and the image of the gift had been shown in a too much expressional way. But otherwise "Sympathy for Delicious" is an interesting movie to see and it gives some stuff you can think about after viewing.
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a parable
Kirpianuscus4 August 2018
...about society, faith, healing industry. great work of a good actor who proofs his director skills, for first time. a film about the other. the appareances, the interests, the fame, the show, the compromises, the gift and its price. at first sigh, one of the most inspired Christian films. in fact, a beautiful pledge for a careful [erspective about life. a curagious film. and, in same measure, an useful one.
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Unique very much
peter-hunya29 August 2011
Its a kind of a bit sad, love and religious story about Delicious D. Its a kind of funny and lovely story though that we cant find everyday in the Cinema.Mark Ruffalo is a genius. I knew always there is something in this guy since I have seen the movie with Jenifer Gardner in 13 going on 30. The guy is fantastic. He has got humor and make sense with it. Very clever and smart.A beautiful story with some necessary sad things included. At the beginning it starts as an ordinary movie but then after few minutes I have realized that the camera works the cuts and views are just perfect for a socio-photo shooting. It brings you closer the person so close you could almost feel his sweat. About the story line it is about a former DJ guy who is now in wheelchair and homeless. The only one who cares for him is his social worker priest friend who gives food for the homeless on the streets. The life is rude and sad at this point until they find out the wheelchair guy can heal others only with his own hands. So the story begins...I just loved it. Actually I am loving it because I am writing this review and I still did not finished watching it.
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admirable work
Vincentiu1 May 2015
at first sigh, a religious movie. out of ordinaries rules of genre. in fact, precise portrait of society. a lot of problems in a honest manner presented. the homeless case, the artistic success, the healing industry, the faith, the miracle, the pain, the love's sense, the need of fame, the good intentions, the God will, each in a special way examined . a film who must see. as good occasion to discover pieces from another works about same problem. for the inspired script and for the good acting. for the questions. for the status of parable of film. for the image about every day reality. for the cold poetry of few scenes. for the silences. more than a good movie, it is an useful one.
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A not oft found True Shakespeare character
jagwiz21 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
He's the classic and well performed model of Shakespeare's Protagonist and his 'Reversal of Error'. The character himself is, in my opinion, the cure to the human being's answer to accepting imperfection in this world. Ruffino's character almost nearly duplicates the main character in terms of meaning and the 'Reversal of Error' found with many if not most of Shakespeare's Protagonists. Yet, we do not get a chance to see that character's "Reversal" truly play out. That is, of course, because he is not the main character, which is good...if we are to mirror these character's into and with the form of a Classic Shakespearean Character. I believe I understood the message, though I may be wrong. To me, it spoke of true humanism, which I therefore consider a tragedy, even though the ending was somewhat redeeming.
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