Saw V (2008) Poster


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A stumble, but still on mission.
Bloomer23 October 2008
I watched Saw V with a good opening night crowd here in Sydney. I've enjoyed all of the Saw films, predictably liking some episodes a lot more than others, and Saw V is, again, very watchable, with some intense moments and no shortage of grisliness. But I'd still say it's the weakest entry in the series to date. The trouble is that the main narrative addition for this episode, which has to sustain half the running time, turns out to be a dramatically weak one. I don't think a Saw film ever previously failed to create excitement or new meaning via one of its big twisty revelations, but Saw V's add next to nothing. The knowledge gained doesn't force any re-evaluation of the past events it concerns; you just see and know a bit more about them, and to no great effect, except for the fact that Tobin Bell's performance is always compelling, maybe even more so when he's talking to people who aren't stuck in Jigsaw's deathtraps.

The Saw films have demonstrated an unfeasibly high success rate over time in terms of pulling off twist after twist and having them nearly all hit home. With this track record, it seems inevitable that there'd be a significant stumble at some point. They've never been bulletproof films (and thrillers are the genre that are hardest to bulletproof), but I'd say Saw V is definitely the stumble. In spite of this, it still keeps in enough with the series in general for me to be ready for Saw VI in 2009 - which I hope will be better work.
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Very Acceptable
zegrosowl24 October 2008
To say the least, I was NOT disappointed. I enjoyed the film as much as I thought I would. Going in, I had some doubts, what with a new director and this being a fifth installment in a horror series (they usually start sucking by the 3rd).

As soon as the opening credits start, you can already tell that a different director had his hands on the project. Acceptence doesn't take long to sink in though. As expected, the film meets the typical Saw requirements. Multiple traps and more revealing back-story.

Simply put, Saw V should not disappoint the loyal Saw fan. I know I'll be back for the next installment with bells on.

Seeing that this is the fifth film, you simply MUST see 1-4 in order to truly understand all the flashbacks. I don't want to give anything away, so all I will say is this: The very last trap in this film is one of my new favorites. . .
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A review of mixed feelings...
The_Amazing_Spy_Rises23 October 2008
The Saw series has always been a standard of sorts. After what I felt was an iconic debut, the series has always remained consistently interesting, with one of the most compelling and ever expanding plots in film history. People may complain that the series is in decline, but what people need to realize is that each part is astronomically better than the corresponding parts of other horror series (for example, Saw IV is better than Halloween IV, or the 4th Nightmare on Elm Street film). The same holds true for Saw V, though the film definitely shows that the series is in decline and needs to end soon before it descends into pure absurdity.

A universal truth of the Saw series is that every entry, no matter who does it, will always be well written and contain a plot twist or two at the end. Again, Saw V continues the tradition of revealing the 'huge' (if you could call it that) twist whilst "Hello Zepp" by Charlie Clouser plays in the background. The film answers as many questions as it raises, and serves as more of an origin movie, like Saw IV did. Only this time, the origin doesn't focus on John Kramer/Jigsaw, and therein lies the problem.

Why does Saw V fail to impress me? Simple. Not enough Jigsaw. Tobin Bell, who has managed to create an iconic villain over the last 5 years, delivers another sublime performance that is not to missed in the world of horror as perhaps the greatest villain of the decade. It really amazed me how Saw IV had the best acting of the series, but just one movie later, pretty much every performer falls flat on their face. This is especially sad considering most of the cast are returning characters, except your typical "why is this happening to me! AHHH!" type characters (which got unbearably annoying, considering they killed off the two least annoying ones first). Meagan Good and Costas Mandylor are acceptable in their roles, however.

Back to the lack of Jigsaw. Tobin Bell really doesn't physically appear that much in the movie, and that is far and away its biggest flaw. The film is similar to Saw II more than the others. To get my drift a little better, imagine the second film, except reduce Jigsaw's screen time by about half. Yeah. This is the only weakness of the screenplay for me, which appears to have matured from the over the top torture porn in Saw III and the ridiculous attempt to run Saw IV concurrently with its predecessor. The film's biggest flaw is in the acting and lack of Jigsaw. Besides this, I really felt that it fit the mold as a worthy entry to the series.

After watching this, however, I no longer feel that Saw is the standard of excellence in horror as it once was. That said, the film has the advantage of being short and never dragging. It's well paced and will more than deliver the thrills. Another thing I feel obligated to mention is that this is the least scariest film in the series, which is okay, because unlike every other cheap horror film, Saw V doesn't try to be scary. It's more of a thriller with some gruesome images (like the first film) than a full blown horror movie (like parts II & III).

In the end, what it comes down to as far as your ability to enjoy the movie, you have to ask yourself this question: "why do I watch the Saw series?". If you watch it for the story and plot twists, you should be at least satisfied, if not entertained. If you watch the series for pure shock and awe and disgust, you'll be disappointed, because Saw V does not try to be a horror film outside of a few scenes. It's a decent entry to the series that is tolerable, despite a lack of the iconic Jigsaw, horrid acting, and a somewhat predictable plot twist (easily the most predictable of the series).
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Not enough for anyone else, but fans should enjoy it for the most part.
Otoboke24 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In what is only the fifth film of the Saw series released over its five year Halloween run at the box office, this latest installation suffers from the same detrimental qualities that made number four slightly disappointing for fans and casual audiences alike. Making his directorial debut here, all eyes are cast upon David Hackl to see if he can either bring something new, or at least keep the momentum going for the popular franchise. The good news for some is that Saw V feels natural and consistent to its recent predecessors helmed by Bousman, yet for many others this won't be something to get excited about. Insofar as the movie itself goes; this is mostly typical Saw material throughout, going through the motions almost. This of course will please those looking for a continuation of the previous instalments, but it will undoubtedly feel too stagnant and jaded to interest anyone else. Nevertheless, for his first feature film at the reins, Hackl proves he can live up to Bousman's style that has been engrained in the series thus far, creating yet another engaging and loyal sequel that will be sure to cater to those craving more twisted games.

For many fans and casual watchers of the series, Saw figuratively died when lead character and focus for the film Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) eventually succumbed to his cancer in film number three. Yet just as instalment IV managed to incorporate the mastermind into its story, as does V in the same manner; through flashbacks. Playing a game of two sides and narratives that eventually collide, Saw V first and foremost continues on where we left from IV, detailing the continuation of Jigsaw's work through forensics expert Hoffman and how he eventually has to tie up all loose ends regarding the deaths of those in III and IV. This narrative, although a little tiresome in its approach of filling in every detail and hole in previous features, nevertheless provides as the real meat of the script. Characters are again rather shallow, and motives are less than clear, yet much of this goes out the window when Mr. Bell graces the screen with his presence. As he has proved time and time again, it is within the character of Jigsaw that Saw's real heart lays, and with plenty of reminiscing going on here in regards to numbers I-IV, there's enough material and characterisation work here to satisfy hardcore fans of the series.

On the other side of the pitch however is a much less character/dialogue driven narrative which focuses solely on another unlucky five as they work their way through the latest of Jigsaws traps, this time set up by successor Hoffman. For those who attend screenings of the latest Saw movies only to watch people get their comeuppance through a series of bloody and grisly tests, then this will be where your thirst is quenched. Taking on a tone that is strikingly similar to instalment two, the challenges presented here are graphic and extremely cerebral, shot in the same berserk ways so far explored in the series (although, the blending scene segment style incorporated in IV is gone) which add to the movie's intense ability to draw you in.

A consistently forceful element of the series, cinematographer David A. Armstrong here follows the movie's mantra of "don't fix what isn't broke", and the film's sense of coherency and embodiment of the script's themes works just as well here as it did in previous features. Sure enough, Saw wouldn't be Saw without its morally challenging undercurrent squirming underneath all the corpses and violence, and in this regard V does well to incorporate the same subtext. Of course as has been the case with all the sequels thus far, the message isn't quite as clear here as it was in the original, and the ideas always seem to be justifying the gore rather than the other -more appropriate- way around, but there's enough here to stop the whole ordeal boiling down to a silly slasher flick with no fibre to it at all.

Needless to say there are many audiences out there who outwardly oppose everything the Saw series stands for, be it involving the gore, the message, or just the tacky horror-movie-sequel feel in general. Yet as I have been witness to many the genre has to offer so far this year I can safely say that while Saw V is by no means a masterpiece nor as significant as its first production, it still beats out most of the competition by quite some distance.

In the end, the entire ordeal feels more like an add-on; a tid-bit of flavour designed to tie up the loose ends left dangling from all the other features, and in this respect V will feel a little underwhelming; even to rabid fans of the series. And yet, it's the fans that will make up most of Saw V's audience. I recommend V, but only to fans, and only because there's hope that VI (which the door is left wide open to here) might get the ball rolling again and begin to tell a new story. So by all means, if you can appreciate the series' unmatched ability to make you squirm, to have you question your moral code, and to fascinate you with its lurid, engrossing world made of cogs, puzzle pieces and of course, saws, then you can't go wrong here. Saw V is everything that fans of the series as a whole will want, but a lack of progression in narrative and its disregard for relevancy to anyone outside of its core audience inevitably cuts it short; not enough for anyone else, but fans should enjoy it for the most part.

  • A review by Jamie Robert Ward (
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Not the strongest, but it's still SAW
silentcheesedude24 October 2008
After so many sequels, one should expect a series to be driven to the ground. Although it's getting a bit tiring, Saw fans, & for that matter, fans of gore, shouldn't be disappointed with the fifth movie. Saw 5 still follows the same routine of the cat and mouse game... but of course, as always, telling you too much of the plot is a ruining the game for you. Let's keep it at the thin plot description already given: a detective goes out of his way to make sure that his secret is kept, before an agent uncovers his identity. The subplot involves 5 individuals who are somehow connected, and must work their way out of traps.

The traps still prove to be especially cruel, perhaps a little too cruel, but even that is worked into the story. It involves quite a bit of the past, much like Saw 4, it will give you more of the origin of the characters, whether it's needed or not. Minimizing flashbacks, it instead will fill in a number of plot and character holes.

This is David Hackl's directional debut. Considering he's been around since Saw 2 as production designer, this is a solid step forward. There's no doubt that these somehow ingenious, if not over the top story lines that interconnect were made up well after the fact, but that doesn't change the fact that the scriptwriters were keen on at least making an effort to do exactly that. Tie things in, making the package look neater, & hoping you don't think about it too much that you start to see the implausibility of it all.

If you have not seen the previous Saw's, you will be lost here, as you will be left with confusing tie in's and past incidents that mesh too well with the present. It's just not kind to new viewers.

All in all, I can't complain about Saw 5, because I got exactly what I expected. Clever, deadly traps, uncomfortable situations, & of course, the "twist" at the end. There's no denying that one particular actor that's been in all the Saw's is especially good at what he does.

For the most part, I would suggest waiting for a rental. I think that some viewers may grow tired of the series because it comes out every year. The nature of an audience viewing sequels is that it dwindles in number over time, as "sequelitis" sets in. But if you enjoyed the previous Saws & all their abusive, bloody, cruel, & heartless drama, you don't need me to suggest anything to you.
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I believed how it ended
sneakythief-125 October 2008
Given that the Saw films are notable for their unexpected plot twists, the fact that this was the most predictable one makes it difficult to see why it scored the "You won't believe how it ends" tagline. Otherwise, it's decent. It blows Saw III out of the water, but I don't feel it really compares to the other three. I can appreciate that they're trying to bring it back to what the original was all about; a brilliant plot with a couple of gory scenes (the previous two have been somewhat gore-laden with little story for my liking), the problem being, unfortunately, that the plot is fairly weak. The intensity of the torture scenes is greatly increased, though, by the rest period between them.

As a horror film, this works, but don't expect Saw - and don't expect to be blown away by the ending, because it is nothing special. That said, if you're addicted to the Saw saga as so many of us are, there's no harm in going out to see it.
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Saw 5 - One pointless prologue to Saw 6.
ruddaga23 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
**Review Written With Possible Spoilers** So i just saw Saw 5. And how to sum it up.. I think my brother summed it up best as "One long ass prologue for Saw 6."

Now i remember the first saw being one of the best films I've ever seen. Saw 2 was a major let down to me.. it was just too random and didn't have the calculated brilliance of Saw 1. Saw 3, i actually didn't mind, just because i found it more interesting then Saw 2. Saw 4 was pushing it but i kept on watching just cause all the little questions that had built up over the series had to be answered otherwise i couldn't sleep at night..

So we come to Saw 5... And what HUGE revelation do we get in this movie? ...... Well... actually we don't get one. Oh sure there is the back story of how Hoffman became the new saw killer.. But its so cheesy that a 6th grader could've strung it all together. And the story isn't...well...Good... There is no twist (none... NONE..).. And the entire movie we just see an agent going from scene to scene of the old Jigsaw crimes.. and somehow imagining how they all happened... by just standing there (and self narrating the past events..). There is a sub plot involving a bunch of 5 other subjects.. but if you don't pick how that ends after jigsaws "i wanna play a game rant" Then you've obviously never watched a saw movie. (**major spoiler** -also the 5 people in that subplot game didn't seem to mind killing each other at any given chance as well.. Not to mention it was random as.. the literally just turn on each other without giving reason.. then at the end instead of killing each other they decide to work together... it didn't really fit with the characters that we had been shown through the movie... Im surprised that the guy didn't shove the girls arm into the trap after finding out she was the one who set him up for the murder of the 8 people.. He just goes "Its your fault I'm here... But hey.. lets work together... Umm... OK...).

OK.. So lets ignore the terrible story that doesn't go anywhere (not to mention the B grade acting..) So we come to the traps... Saw 3 + 4 mainly rode on the fact that the traps got more and more gore filled then the original first movies.. And that helped carry them a bit since the story was semi lacking... So I'm confused why every trap in this movie... Is... Well lame.. We see a guy get sliced in half lamely.. A girl lose her head.. Some dude blown away without seeing anything.. Girl stabbed in the neck.. and a couple of people bleed a little out of their arms (probably the most violent scene in the movie..) Maybe the other titles have desensitized me to gore and violence.. But it was all quite tame in comparison.

Plus the lame attempt to fill half the movie with Flashbacks just to have jigsaw in the movie (while its nice to see Mr Tobin again..) just seemed like a massive time filler... Which sums this movie up nicely. Its just a filler. No questions are answered in this one... Apparently there is some huge underlining plot that we still aren't privvy to because the producers want to milk it for all its worth for at least another sequel. And you know what.. I'll see the damn sequel just cos i want to see how the series ends.. Which we all know is going to end with Hoffman getting killed by Gordan who will be the final new Jigsaw. We all know thats where its heading.... ;)
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Probably the least interesting Saw movie as of yet.
Boba_Fett113825 November 2008
Yes, the Saw-franchise is beginning to get a bit tiresome. I'm still a fan of it thought but it needs some new fresh ideas fast.

Of course in essence all Saw movies are more or less the same. However all previous movies still knew to keep me interested and guessing throughout the entire movie. It still featured some surprising and interesting elements, while "Saw V" really doesn't feature any. No big surprises or twists here, not even at the ending, which in my opinion was a bit weak and disappointing. Normally the end of a Saw movie provides a big twists that will leave you shocked and stunned in your chair, for a few minutes after the movie has ended. I missed this in "Saw V".

The movie is also the least interesting Saw movie as of yet because it features some lazy writing. Normally Saw scripts are airtight ones but not this one sadly. It often takes the obvious paths.

Like always it is also featuring lots of different plot-lines and characters again, although in this case not all are connected well enough to each other. Seriously, what have all those people going to the Jigsaw-trails have to do with the rest of the movie its plot? It just seems to be there because its a Saw movie and it needs to feature all these sick and twisted games. The story lines don't ever really get together well enough. The movie again is also featuring lots of flashbacks, which shows events that happened in the previous movies, often seen from a different side this time but some of these flashbacks however are quite pointless for the movie once you start thinking about it.

I also blame Hoffman for it that this movie doesn't work out as good and interesting as any of the other sequels. He's the new Jigsaw and as of yet he also is the least interesting one. It probably also has to do with the fact that he is featured a lot in the movie, while Jigsaw normally always remain on the background. Also the reasons why he became the new Jigsaw, as gets shown in this movie, are a bit shaky and not exactly believable.

The movie itself is perhaps also lacking in one clear good main hero and character.

It still is a superior genre movie of course. It's concept alone is already good and interesting enough to please the genre fans and provides the potential for an infinitive amount of Saw-sequels. All Saw movies have a great look and atmosphere over them, though this one works out as the least effective one when it comes down to its atmosphere and horror/thriller elements because of the reason that this movie features very little new elements.

The Jigsaw games themselves also seem less innovative and clever. It's still gruesome and lots of bloods and guts can be seen flying around but it's just less surprising and shocking all.

Lets hope "Saw VI" will have some fresh new good ideas and a better script with some better- and more interesting characters in it.

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You won't believe how it ends? yeah right!
tom_lewis8625 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the SAW films so far this has to be the worst! Where all the others had twists you could never see coming or endings that nearly everyone was shocked by this film was a massive letdown.

There was no imagination going into the traps in this film. They were nearly all as gruesome as possible with no real thought going into making them all seem different. They just seemed like nothing made any of them different or original.

The size of some of the contraptions were ridiculous and totally unrealistic to have been made by any less than a team of probably half a dozen engineers. The SAW films have gone from being shocking but realistic situations like two men handcuffed to radiators in a room to completely far fetched unrealistic situations.

As a huge fan of the series of films I was bitterly disappointed when the credits started to role and I just sat there thinking "was that it?!" Honestly this will ruin everything you love about the SAW films, if you love the rest then go and see it just to say you've seen it and so you can just get the tiny little bit of the story this film adds to. If you've never seen any SAW films before go and see ANYTHING but this film.

I know this just sounds like a rant about how much I hated this film but if you've seen the rest, go and see it and I really think you'll agree with what I'm saying. Shockingly bad is my final thought! a real letdown in every way!

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A different type of saw.......But flawed on what we were promised.
jesse_hitz24 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Just got back from seeing the new saw tonight and i must say i was a little surprised. The Saw franchise has officially been run into the ground ever since saw 2, so you either really need to be a fan of the series or go in knowing all the saw movies and having an open mind. Knowing that this was probably just a milk the cow and grab the cash type of deal i was a little surprised. This saw film is different from all the others, it returns a little to its original roots.

Much like the first saw this time around we are given more story and little on the deaths and traps. This movie seems more of a detective thriller than a gore slash em up type of movie however that still is present. The movie also moves at a slower pace. So here is my rundown of the film.

The death traps to me seemed very unoriginal but i guess thats kind of hard when you have probably used them all, and overall that sadistic feeling is just gone now. The story continues where saw 4 left off and pretty much really stays the same nothing new really happens. The viewer may get more story but it's really unnecessary. The only new things we learn is how that detective came to work along side jigsaw. We learn nothing new about jigsaw or his past like we were promised. Also again his wife is left with nothing new other than a box with something in it that we don't get to see or hear from again...probably till saw 6. So overall the traps are kind of boring and have been done, you also get cheated out of some, the story is quite pointless, and the ending is....

The ending is well the tagline reads "You won't believe how it ends" well guess what i can believe how it ended and all i'll say was wow it is nothing excellent or twisted. Just open ended no surprise or nothing unlike the other saw films, but maybe it's just setting up for the final act so there is no need to bring in other killers or major twists like the last saw films. Overall the movie was alright not great but probably more worth watching when it comes to DVD or blu-ray. Saw fans will probably either love this or even shrug it off because of its slower pace. For people who haven't seen all the saw's will want to avoid this one because of the constant flashback's and confusing story line.

Best saw films overall: -Saw -Saw 3 -Saw 2 -Saw 4 -Saw 5
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Someone just killed the golden egg laying goose.
bt-1624 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures...what the crap! I'm offended.

"Saw V: What happened?" Did you run out of money? Listen...I realize it's just a movie. But when you have the four before it and you set a certain expectation, there is just no excuse for what we just sat through. I have seen movies made for $7,000 that had more substance than one single frame of this movie.

  • Score was mostly reused from 3 and 4. When you could hear it at all.

  • Unrivaled pacing problems.

  • There were massive technical problems. Looks like the digital intermediate never got finished.

  • Better than 80% of the movie is just reaction shots with no dialog. People standing around staring at stuff and each other. The other 20% is Straham SAYING THE PLOT OUT LOUD.

  • Speaking of which, this movie was very short. Am I correct when I guess that there were somehow massive problems with the movie and you guys went back and added Straham infodumping the plot and just took out the action and replaced it with dialogue-less reaction shots because there wasn't time to do anything else? - Did that include editing out the third act in its entirety? - Did you guys hold the Saw IV special edition DVD until after this movie was released so you could recoup losses from this movie because people will be so angry about 5 that they will be GLEEFUL to buy 4 on DVD? - Did you re-edit it in such a way that you knew you were going out on this one so you just tried to make do if you *HAD* to go out like this? - What in God's name happened? How can a movie be messed up this badly? It's have the SAME crew. HOW DO YOU SCREW SOMETHING UP THIS BAD!? Anyways, Saw was fun while it lasted. They just messed up on this one big time. The whole movie is a disaster. We lost half the audience at the midnight screening in the third reel (when nothing was happening on most of the movie).

There was no twist. There was nothing intellectual. Jigsaw said things he would never say. The characters had no arcs, and they would go between being crazy and entirely coherent. Again, there was no third act. The ending was lame.

Normally, people cheer at the end. At our midnight screening, people just looked around and stared each other like it was a joke.

It was the kind of screening that was SO BAD that people called their friends because they had to tell someone how unbelievable it was.

You guys lost me on the Saw franchise. Sorry.

1/10 (It was, after all, at least successfully *PRINTED* to film. The one thing they got right.) AVOID
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The Masterpiece Continues
Grojniar21 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love backstory, so this was great and very enjoyable to me. In all honesty if this was a real cult, I'd consider joining. Overall I can't argue with the views they share and can't really disagree with them on what they do. Yes it may be excessive but the people they target aren't really easy to sympathize for. The writing was great and keeps leaving you wanting more, anticipating what the next movie will add to the story. The atmosphere was perfect. It kept the mood for every scene and I don't think it could have been done any better.
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Still good, but past the point of necessity.
tachilaki-125 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, even though I was quite wary of this sequel (as I am of any series that goes past a third installment), I must say that Saw V is still pretty good. However, this might be one for fans only.

The reason I say that is because the story this time around is not really all that necessary. Saw IV wrapped up the entire mess pretty good, leaving Special Agent Hoffman to carry on Jigsaw's legacy. This entry just reveals more backstory that, while still somewhat interesting, is not something anyone really needs to know. It doesn't wrap up any holes or really reveal anything new.

In any case, this is a good entry, and I am amazed that the producers could keep it up for this long.
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SAW V - Hyped to be a miss but definitely hit.
Bleam6623 October 2008
Like everyone else, I was expecting this movie to live up to the hype and be absolutely horrible. Since though I have seen SAW I-IV, I had to go see this at the midnight showing. What started it off, I was already impressed with that I saw. As the movie was going forward it was hard to tell how it would all add up. By the end though I was expecting to be disappointed and it really did not.

While SAW fans will appreciate this, it really depends on what you like. If you are expecting a SAW II - III where it is mainly gore and such, maybe not so much. If you are like the few who want to know more about the story, then it is a must to see this.

Now while every question is not answered, it makes up for it in its own ways. Do not be like me or most of the people who were hesitant to see this film due to people not enjoying it. I think many people would be surprised on just how great this film really is. To me, it was the best since the first one, despite the weak twist and sometimes cheesy kills. Then again, name a film that has been perfect because everyone has a fault.
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A good tie in with the previous movies...
paul_haakonsen25 August 2023
As I sat down to watch the 2008 movie "Saw V" again here in 2023, it was my second time of watching it.

The storyline in "Saw V", as written by Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan, is actually a fairly enjoyable script and storyline. "Saw V" carries on the legacy of the previous four movies in a good way, so the writers managed to carry on the torch nicely. I was adequately entertained throughout the 92 minutes that the movie ran for.

The cast ensemble in "Saw V" was good, withScott Patterson, Costas Mandylor and Tobin Bell returning to reprise their characters from the previous movies. And that was a good thing, because it definitely was in the spirit of the continuity of the franchise. And "Saw V"saw new performers make an entrance in the franchise, with the likes of talents such as Mark Rolston and Greg Bryk.

The amount of visceral scenes, mutilations, gore and deadly contraptions was good in the movie. And there were some rather brutal moments as well. So as a life-long gorehound, I was entertained.

If you have been enjoying the previous four "Saw" movies, then you certainly should carry on with this 2008 fifth movie in the franchise, because it is an enjoyable and entertaining movie from director David Hackl.

My rating of "Saw V" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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On par with the others, simply incredible
PoisonKeyblade24 October 2008
Saw V is clever. It knows what the audience wants, and after four solid films, it still continues to fill in the cracks of minor plot inconsistencies and even manages to link itself all the way back to the first movie. The genius of these films is finding out more about the past that directly links to the events in the future. In this respect, Saw V may just be the best film in the whole series, utilizing plenty of flashbacks, insane traps, and a plethora of returning characters. The fifth film stars series regulars Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor, and Scott Patterson, as well as newbies Julie Benz, Meagan Good, and Greg Bryk. David Hackl, who served as production designer on Saw II through Saw IV, now takes over the director's chair for Darren Lynn Bousman.

This time around, Hoffman, Jigsaw's last remaining apprentice, is trying to tie up all the loose ends, following instructions Jigsaw gave him on his deathbed. Agent Peter Straum is quickly piecing together clues and suspects Hoffman as being tied to Jigsaw. At the same time, five people, Brit, Luba, Mallick, Ashley, and Charles, wake up in a trap and must work together to reach the end. It all builds up to an astounding conclusion that sets the scene for Saw VI in a fantastic fashion.

As always, one of the most enthralling things about the Saw films are the traps, and this one doesn't disappoint at all. It doesn't go too over-the-top with the gore, and yet stays intense and absolutely enthralling the entire time. We get explosions aplenty, a water tank, a falling pendulum, a trap involving electrocution, and several others. There is a particular one involving a glass box that was especially disturbing and crazy.

The acting in this installment is on-par with Saw II, which is actually saying a lot. It seems as if in all of the films, there is always a weak spot except for Saw II, and now this one (Cary Elwes in Saw, Bahar Soomekh in Saw III, and Justin Louis in Saw IV). Julie Benz is an effective heroine, one that is fun to root for throughout the course of the movie. Likable characters abound, with few even approaching annoyances from this viewer. Scott Patterson was great to watch in his race to piece things together. Costas Mandylor shines in his scenes, and takes over Jigsaw's reign quite well. Tobin Bell is in a league all his own, and in all of the flashback scenes (and there's plenty of 'em), he comes nothing short of an absolute pro. After five films, he has 100% nailed the Jigsaw character.

In terms of directing, David Hackl does an excellent job taking over for Darren Lynn Bousman. There is lots of flashy editing and awesome camera angles, and the constant close-up shots that fans of the series have come to love. Hackl's visual style is very similar to that of Bousman's, and that's saying something. Both directors bring an incredible amount of creativity to the screen, and Hackl sprinkles a little flavoring all his own that makes this new Saw flick a feast for the eyes. There's no arguing that's it's well-made, in terms of both acting and directing.

The latter half of the movie is super intense, and although the runtime is very short, the length is perfect. It lays out the carpet for the next film in the series with amazing bravado, perfected after five films. It seems like they finally know how to leave us with a cliffhanger at the conclusion. As promised, the ending is stunning and shocking, but don't expect it to be on caliber with the first movie, an ending which will be hard to ever top. Even after five films, Saw has not grown stale, and continues to enthrall and thrill fans of the series. It is probably the best movie series ever in terms of continuity. As much as I thought I knew what was coming, the fifth entry in the Saw series threw out shock after shock and never ceased to surprise me. Once the credits start, you are left craving more, which will make the next and final entry in the Saw series one that this particular fan will very much be looking forward to.
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For Shame Hackl
boknows1121227 October 2008
Being a huge Saw fan I can say without a doubt I look forward to each and every offering but this years installment was by far the worst of the bunch. I never claim Saw movies feature terrific acting( besides 1 and 3) but 5 featured some atrocious performances. On one hand you have the wooden Strahm who is literally dictating his thought to... well no one, on the other is Julie Benz, normally a fine actress in Dexter, spouting of ridiculous lines that sound meant for trailers (ex. " It's our next nightmare"). On top of that the movie is just full of sloppy film-making. Let's start with Strahm, he's just unnecessary, he seems only to be there as a vessel to fuel the flashbacks. On to the main trap, The best of the characters is killed in just the second room. Why did they even have to kill him? He was savvy and sharp but I guess the director just wanted to remove all intelligence from this movie. Finally the ending. This might be the worst evidence of a cash-grab I have ever seen. There was no ending, as my friend put it " It's like they ran out of ideas for 6 movies so they cut five in half", and thats really how it felt, INCOMPLETE.
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Bloody, well acted, yet unsatisfying...
scarlet_dragon00124 October 2008
My excitement for this film could only be compared to my excitement and expectations for The Dark Knight. The outcomes, however, are extremely different. The Dark Knight was not a letdown...

Saw V was quite well acted, however the plot was nothing but an explanation or a recap that didn't answer any of the questions I know many people have on their minds regarding the series. It lacked that famous Saw twist that we were all hoping for. It seemed like they just took a bunch of filler and turned it into a film while waiting for the next twist to come along. The traps were repetitive and uninteresting, though they made plenty of blood to make up for the lack of cleverness. There is an explanation for this though. New writers and director. If you noticed none of the writers or the director from the first IV were involved in the making of this film so you couldn't expect this film to be at all like the first films. The movie wasn't all bad, however. Like I said, there was PLENTY of blood to spare. The acting was once again impressive and Tobin Bell's performance is unmistakable.

All in all I was disappointed in the plot of the movie but quite entertained by the film as a whole. I really, really hope that this was the only stumble in the Saw series and that Saw VI brings more to the table.
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Not as good as previous installments
EJasonNYM26 October 2008
While this is still a watchable, well acted movie that continues on the Saw tradition well I have to give it a lower rating because it just was not as good as the previous installments. The plot and the traps that we have come to be surprised by seemed to be a more predictable and rushed along by the makers of the movie. It seemed like this movie could have just been tossed in with part 4 to make one big movie as the prequel to the next part. So to me it seemed like the studio just split up 1 movie into 2 parts to capitalize on the profits....which they have done well I might add because myself and many other movie goers packed the theater for the 5th Saw installment. So in closing I think this movie may be adequate for the die hard saw fans, not nearly good enough for new comers, and winds up lacking far more than it gives. That is why I can only give this movie a 5 out of 10
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Again Jigsaw/Tobin Bell executing murders full of scares , chills and suspense
ma-cortes12 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
John Kramer (Tobin Bell) still lives from beyond the tomb , thanks to tape dug out of his autopsied stomach and by means of various flashbacks with the puppet-master Jigsaw. Conscious, throughout , Kramer entertains himself by monitoring the tests against his victims, he's devised. Thus the machinations begin again and the story tries to spark life into a disembowelled body. The picture starts with an unknown man tied and under the torture of pendulum (Edgar Alan Poe's The Pit and the Pendulum). As the newspapers publicize ¨Jigsaw killer responsible of the pendulum murder ¨. Later a group of characters (Meagan Good, Julie Benz, Grey Bryk, Carlo Rota) locked and tied into a room of pain. Inside the house the five incarcerated hapless attempt to figure out cryptic videotaped tracks and getaway fiendishly body-trapped places.The challenging is how to get out of Kramer's imprisonment of new unfortunates in a single looked room. Parallel plot strands threaten an obsessed FBI profiler (Scott Patterson), another survivor of the last bloodbath , furthermore interrogate Jigsaw's estranged spouse (Betty Russell). One time dead Jigsaw, now Mark Hoffman (Costas Mandaylor) is the last person who can follow the legacy of the strange series killer. The agent receives a letter saying : ¨I know who you are ¨. Meanwhile agent Peter Strahm looks for antecedents about Hoffman , as he discovers : 'Local woman brutally murdered in domestic dispute, boyfriend kills Detective's sister' as he suspects about heroic agent Hoffman of having had a hand in the killings. After all, he investigated every one of the murders and had a personal interest in one of them that of his slain sister.The twisted imagination Jigsaw and his pupil lavish upon their engines of pain with thrills and chills. Although the perverse master/protégé is explored to some effect , the flashback edition structure is more complex and confusing than the previous films and is packed with some flaws and gaps.

This exciting denouement details astonishing murders at the hands of the dead deviser who is planning again gruesome and complex killing set-pieces. This fifth sequel from original by James Wan, contains grisly terror, tension, suspense and lots of blood and gore . The film takes accent as suspense as well as terror with creepy use of images-shock and slick edition. Provides an imaginative and well-knit screenplay plenty of twists and surprises although develops the mythology of Jigsaw in an ambitious but ultimately predictable manner . Like David Fincher's Seven and Dario Argento's Tenebre, Suspiria, Deep red, it packs inventively twisted murders , this fuses an intricate chiller argument with horrible sensibility and relentless tension. Sinister and mysterious atmosphere , well made by cameraman David Armstrong and eerie musical score adequate for mystery and horror by Charlie Clousier, both of them usual of franchise. This sequel employs the same brutal puzzle logic as its predecessors toying the viewer in much the same manner that cruel murderer , well performed by the soft-voiced , pale Tobin Bell . He's a secondary actor working from the 80s in TV series(Walker Texas Rager, Stargate SG1, Alias, 24) and occasionally for cinema(Goodfellas, The firm, Ruby, Black mask 2), achieving success with Jigsaw character. The motion picture is professionally directed by David Hackl.
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If Paranormal Activity Makes it to V, Shoot Me
thesar-21 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Though not the worst horror sequel I've seen, as a movie itself, Saw V was definitely flat, especially for an originally groundbreaking series that keeps getting worse. The acting and dialogue was seriously laughable, the plot crawled at times and attempting to explain every single frame of the previous films is definitely getting tedious. Would it have made Friday the 13th series any better if it was eventually explained where Mother Voorhees bought the car that took them to Crystal Lake or just who attempted to give Jason failed swimming lessons? The most comical scenes in Saw V were the flashbacks within the flashbacks, reminding me of the great Simpsons episode that made fun of this very tactic. And here's the spoiler – another accomplice to the crimes? It's like the writers just keep making up & adding to scenes/details of the previous films, as if the thought never occurred them to go in a new direction. I probably won't see a Saw VI if I learn of yet another accomplice, a plumber who rigged the bathroom from #1. Well, now, that makes all the sense! I so wondered how he made sure the plumbing worked enough to get the tub filled! Recommendation: Watch I, II and finish with III. IV and V should've been straight to DVD. Hell, Hellraiser gave up after 4 and went home.
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Just as good as all the others
robertallenandersonjr24 October 2008
Saw V was just as good as all the others ones. It does have the same amount of gore. It does start right away with a bang just like all the others. The story was very good in this one as well. It didn't have the best acting but was okay. It wasn't that jumpy or to scary but did have a few scares and jumps. It is a great movie to go see during Haloween. It did have a few boring moments but for the most part keeps you entertained. The movie does go very deep into the story with this one. Some of the games were fun and some were bad. This saw was more like the second one. The ending was led up very well for a great finale. The whole movie was fun though and intense for the most part. Overall would recommend seeing this saw if you have seen all the others.
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Misdirection is a good tool
squeff24 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
*** These comments contain spoilers. Skip ahead to avoid spoilers. *** For the last few weeks, I've been reading people's comments (here and elsewhere) about what they heard would happen in this movie. Even the blurb in this morning's newspaper (which admitted that the reviewer hadn't seen the movie) made claims about what was supposed to happen.

Very little, if any, of what I've heard was true. While I'm not one to believe much of what I hear of rumors, I walked into the theater thinking that SOMETHING I've heard must be true.


Contrary to rumor, many die. Contrary to rumor (printed in a major newspaper), we don't learn a darn thing about the Billy puppet. Contrary to rumor...

And my back-of-the-head belief that some of the rumors would be true is what allowed me to very much enjoy this one.

If you've read any review (from someone that has actually seen it), you know that there is no major plot twist. I figured out how it was going to end when the final scene was being set up (and I'm terrible at figuring out endings).

And yet, I still felt surprised by the film.

*** Spoilers end here. The following should be fairly spoiler-free, if you've already seen the other 4 films. Skip this if you haven't see them. *** The movie centers around the revelation (Saw IV) that Hoffman is involved with Jigsaw. There are basically two stories: Hoffman working to cover up this information and the story of a bunch of people brought together to play a Saw II-style group "game." The part of the movie that matters most is the Hoffman story. While we learn little new about John Kramer, we learn why Hoffman is involved (the film's only real twist, which doesn't measure up to any of the twists in the prior films, happens relatively early). We get a deeper feeling for John as a man, and this is the first time we see him acting "human" since the miscarriage/cancer. Unfortunately, I felt that giving him this level of humanity comes off the wrong way, making him out to be Jesus (some of the advertising for this movie was based on this notion).

The other story, of a group of people brought for a series of Jigsaw games due to a commonality, is weak. Unlike Saw II, which centers around a group of people playing games with various traps while trying to solve an overall mystery, the story here seems to be thrown in only to make this a Saw movie. Without it, the main story line is really like any other police thriller.

The overall game being played by the group is a good one, but it's not really explored enough. The individual traps are more similar to those of Saw II, where they appear as potentially deadly games instead of torture devices. The players are asked how to best play the games, not how to hurt themselves or others (kind of).

In the end, I enjoyed this significantly more than Saw III (which was just too depressing, particularly because I have children) and Saw IV (which was confusing and was over-the-top in gore). I was happy to see most of the questions coming out of Saw IV answered, although I was disappointed to see that some of my lingering questions from Saw III go without resolution (I fear they never will be). It was pleasing to see how they were able to tie bits from all 4 previous films together, as if Saw V's script had been written prior to the others.

There is plenty of blood (it plays a new starring role in one scene) and plenty of crime scene photos. And yet, with the exception of the end of the film's opening scene and one scene at the end, I didn't have to look away at any point. In other words, unlike IV (which grossed me out at times), it made me cringe, but it never went overboard.

I walked away feeling satisfied with the ending, despite it not being surprising or a twist. But I also walked away feeling mad that I'd have to wait another year before the next one, just so that I could find out what was in that box. I suspect there's more to Jill than we know. I worry that there are no big secrets left from Saw III.

All in all, if you like the series, you'll enjoy this. It's no longer good "torture porn" and the morality play is getting old. But it has all the basic elements you'd want from a Saw movie. And, if nothing else, it gives us a reason to go back to see Saw VI.

Which, I hope, is the last one. I look forward (please!) to a wonderful final climax that answers all our questions, but leaves us so shocked that we're upset that there won't be another.
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I Definitely Can't Believe How It Ended
mmmmcrayons25 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay i'm a very big Saw fan, and in my opinion, the directors should have just stopped making Saw movies after the third one. I could rave on about the fourth installment, but considering I'm writing a comment about the fifth, I won't. There were so many things wrong with this movie, especially the horrible ending. There was no twist mid-movie because they couldn't think of a clever enough ending.

I'm also extremely disappointed about the lack of relevance the main Saw trap had to the movie. They all had something to do with a fire where eight people what. But they'll probably reveal why they were all chosen in the sixth one, which I'm seriously considering not seeing.

Yet another flaw, the crappy traps which could have easily been escaped by the seemingly mentally handicapped victims. At least in the final trap the two left had a moment of clarity realizing what they should have done to get out. But they ruined it by sawing half of their arm in half, when they could have just sawed off a finger and let the blood drain out.

Alas, even more is wrong with this awful sequel. Detective Hoffman, in my opinion, seemed to be randomly thrown in to the entire storyline because the writers weren't clever enough to come up with a real twist. The story has become way to complex and I found myself, an avid film watcher, bewildered at points. Good thing Agent Strahm was there to reveal the plot line aloud and to himself.

Now there's a series of questions that have been built up and Jigsaw and all of his accomplices are dead. So i guess the writers are going to have to come up with another random plot line, random character, take random scenes from the other movies, put the random character in them, and add a random trap that kills a bunch of moronic random people. Again.

I hate to say this, but I actually caught myself laughing at the lame traps, stupid people, and a lot of Jigsaw's lines. (i.e. "Killing is distasteful.").

All in all, this movie was a disaster, an atrocity not even comparable with the rest of the Saw movies. I gave a 2/10 sheerly because it gave me something to whine about to my friends for the next couple of days.
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The saga continues to twist and turn and is so enjoyable
Coffee_in_the_Clink12 September 2021
Number four was a mess. I'll just get that out there right away. It tried too much in the last ten minutes and completely upended things. Number five brings us more of the same twists and turns, but at least it is from the get-go, as we are treated to the story of another Jigsaw accomplice and flashbacks brilliantly fill us in on his role in the action of the previous films. That means that Tobin Bell returns as Jigsaw once again. Some of the most brutal traps and kills in the entire series are in this film. At times the story seems to be losing the run of itself completely (there are a few glaring plot holes) but when you suspend that belief "Saw V", like it's predecessors, is very enjoyable and runs-through nicely.
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