Debt Collectors (2020) Poster

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lukem-5276031 December 2020
The Bad Boys are back as French & Sue get back together & have to help out their old boss Tommy in a dangerous situation when a new crime lord tries to take over. The best thing about this Awesome sequel is the dazzling chemistry that comes from two excellent stars ADKINS & MANDYLOR!!!! These two are fantastic together & are just as much fun as the Cult Classic first film & it's just so much following these two tough guys about while getting into scraps as they cruise about in the criminal underworld. There's a fantastic long fight sequence that was inspired by the Classic fight in John Carpenter's THEY LIVE (1988) which ADKINS is a fan of himself & the fight scene here is excellent as French & Sue have a big disagreement & fight it out & it's just Awesome & the best bit in the movie. There's plenty of action & plenty of laughs in this thrilling sequel that is hugely entertaining, love these guys & Adkins is the best Action star working today!!!

Louis Mandylor & Scott Adkins are a perfect team
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"Debt Collectors - 2" - Pretty good Buddy Movie.
jaybizman8 December 2020
Brit martial-artist (he trained in nine disciplines) Scott Adkins does a pretty good job in this sequel. His sidekick Louis Mandylor was no slouch with his fists and the 'best' fight of the movie - was between them both near the end.

Vladimir Kulich appeared for about 4 minutes, and had nothing much to do, unlike the first Debt Collectors, where he was an integral part.

The story? Fuggetaboutit. The premise was collecting overdue money, but in reality this was a goofy buddy movie with plenty of slapstick and comedy thrown in. Marina Sirtis (Counsellor Troy from Star Trek) had a pretty good cameo as a devious business woman.

All and all, if you want 90 minutes of craziness, then give this redo a go. I score it 6/10.
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How? It's a movie
kosmasp9 October 2020
You may ask yourself after having seen the first one, how could a sequel be made after that ending? But since these are movies ... well that's how it is possible. The chemistry is still there. And they still collect ... so pay up! Well I reckon you are not one of the people they come to collect. Also if everyone was paying up, there would not be action (over the top as it may seem at times - though the bar brawl at the beginning ... dang! It almost overshadows the rest of the movie).

Of course this time around they add a bit of story. So it's not just collecting money and then onto the next one to keep collecting. There is also a bigger riff between our two main leads. While they had a love/hate relationship that brought us many fine moments in the first one, it evolved and now there also some secrets here ... of course you could question some motives, but being angry for someone lying to you is not really something anyone wouldn't get. Having said that, this is more than a decent sequel, that is par blow by blow to the first one, if you like movies in its style
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"The machines don't work without the cog".
classicsoncall26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this one back to back with "The Debt Collector", and it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that this flick was a whole lot like the original. Sue (Louis Mandylor) and French (Scott Adkins) accept another trio of 'vigs' from boss Tommy (Vladimir Kulich), and head off to Las Vegas expecting their share of low-lifes and bruisers before collecting the money that's owed. But this time, the money belongs to Molly X (Louie Ski Carr), the even more venomous brother of Barbosa, the thug who set up the boys in the first picture and got taken down for his trouble. Just like with Barbosa, I couldn't figure what made Molly such a badass, he handed off all the torture to his gal Felix (Charity Collins), who liked to punctuate her dialog with the word 'm..f' fairly liberally. The best action in the picture was the mid-film knock down, drag out between the reluctant partners who banged each other around like there was no tomorrow. With bruised egos, the boys went their separate ways, but there was no way French was going to leave Sulinsky 'Golden Bear' Baker in a lurch when he returned with the half mil to Tommy, and by way of association, Molly X. If you eye rolled your way through the shoot-out in the first movie, you'll have all you can do to contain your disbelief in this one, as multiple shooters miss multiple targets in a prolonged gun fight that just about closes out the story. I was looking for Felix to take a round but that never happened, although both Molly and Tommy won't be around for the inevitable sequel, the next one should it happen, occurring on the East Coast. No strong recommendation here since as I said, this is a reworked carbon copy of the first movie, but if you tune in, keep an eye on. Mal Reese's (Marina Sirtis) enforcer on the first collection job. That gal Britt (Mayling Ng) was one scary looking female..
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Good old fashioned macho action movie...
paul_haakonsen8 December 2020
Well, I was impressed with "The Debt Collector 2" (aka "Debt Collectors").

Now, now, don't get me wrong here. I am not saying that "The Debt Collector 2" is a cinematic masterpiece that would make even Shakespeare proud. But what I do mean is that the movie from writers Jesse V. Johnson and Stu Small was actually a lot better than I initially had hoped. Why? Well, this being a movie with Scott Adkins and Louis Mandylor wasn't really the go-to-recipe for a great movie.

But director Jesse V. Johnson managed to churn out a rather enjoyable and entertaining movie. Sure, the storyline was very generic and straight forward with no surprises along the way, so you know what you are in for. But there was just something about the two main characters French (played by Scott Adkins) and Sue (played by Louis Mandylor) that worked so well, and the on-screen chemistry between the two actors. Plus the amount of action and violence throughout the course of the movie definitely helped to spruce things up.

This being an action movie, you know what you are getting. And director Jesse V. Johnson followed the formula of how-to-make-an-action-movie, playing it safe. Hence the generic feel to the movie and the predictable storyline. But it was a good old fashioned action movie that doesn't require a lot of brain activity from the viewers.

And being an action movie also meant that there was little realism as in the amount of beating people to endure, and the amount of bullets fired at the main characters without finding their aim. But hey, it's all good, as this was an action movie meant for entertainment and not realism.

"The Debt Collector 2" is a movie that can be watched more than once, but I think with some years in between each viewing. I was actually adequately entertained by "The Debt Collector 2".

My rating of "The Debt Collector 2" lands on a six out of ten stars. It is actually well worth a viewing, if you have the chance.
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Not as good as the first but watchable
RobertJM6815 June 2020
Like many sequels, this was just not up to the quality of the first Debt Collector installment. However, I really enjoy Adkins and Mandylor and they are both enjoyable in the movie. Too bad the directing was poor and some action scenes were not done better. Adkins and Mandylor were fine but the gun fighting was "D" rate - AKs at point blank not hitting anyone?? All in all though, I would recommend it to die-hard action fans, just know what to expect.
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Truth be told, not so bad a sequel.
Robi194631 May 2020
Let's be fair. The first one was good enough as an action film. Literally, this one is up there with the first one as an action film. Moreover, be mentioned, this one contains some twists and turns. Adkins was good as always. How lethal a fighter he is! While Louis did fair enough. It has got action, comedy and emotional truns. Just watch it as it is made. It's fair to bless it with a 7.
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Dead Guys Come Back to Life for a Sequel
packmanproductions5 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just when you thought the main characters from the first Debt Collector movie had gone to meet their maker here they are back again for more fighting hijinks. Unfortunately, their second lives didn't help them make this sequel any more than a cheesy continuation of the first. Let's start with a bar fight, then let's duke it out at a neighborhood gym and end it with a shootout at a nicer club. Adkins and Mandylor are the victims of a bad script with too long scenes of sitting around goofing on each other. The make-up artists worked overtime with all the blood that was spilled. It's always amazing when I see people with automatic weapons shooting at each other in crowded spaces and no one gets hit. All the battles went on too long. I hope they don't make another one.
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Sequel to Debt Collector !
saptesh7862 June 2020
It is sequel to Debt Collector. Story is well and presenting also well. Story going straight with no sub plots any more. Lot of actions, gunning, thrills and tension makes this movie watchable. Scott Adkins is as always he is. However there are two hero here not only Scott. Climax is full with tension and end is average but hope give us that we can see third installment. If you have action lovers and especially fan of Scott Adkins then this movie is for you.
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youoldduffer30 May 2020
Shocking accents, Shocking Acting (or lack off), Shocking script, Shocking fight scenes. This film is bad, I cannot find one likeable thing about it, try as I might.
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rasmushyttel-5651215 November 2020
Very recommendable, action packed fighting movie with a decent yet simple plot. The rating is only being limited to an 8/10 by a few shootout scenes in the movie, which I did enjoy watching, but found a bit too unrealistic compared to the fighting scenes. The fighting scenes are amazing to watch and I was stunned by the quality and attention to detail in these scenes. When it comes to fighting movies, these two movies belong in the very top of the leaderboard.
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It's fun action!
MikeWindgren30 October 2020
This one, like the the first rendition is fun.

Scott Adkins needs bigger productions, such a fine actor.

I liked this a lot, great and fun action movie, like the first one.

The chemistry is great between the leads,

See it when you are into fun action!
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better than part 1
transtrac31 May 2020
It's a very good movie, good acting, great fight scenes and the chemistry between the two lead actors was outstanding. I actually thought the two characters were a great buddy team. This movie is underrated and deserves better rating.
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New Lows in Cinema
leftbanker-130 May 2020
This seems like the exact same movie as The Debt Collector (singular) from 2018. I can't believe that anyone, not even the director's mother, would be interested in seeing two of these films.

Starts off with a very poorly-choreographed bar fight scene between a British guy and a bunch of brain-dead American hicks (although I don't think the hick who spoke was American). Why is there a bar fight? There is no reason at all because the writers were in too much of a hurry to throw viewers into the poorly-choreographed bar fight to bother with any sort of explanation. Bar fights are just things that happen every ten minutes in American dives.

Getting over on moronic Yanks must be the ultimate British fantasy, and something they spend way too much time considering, whether it's a bar fight or an intellectual argument (in this case, it's both). I have seen countless examples in British movies and TV of people describing Americans as fat and stupid, as if every Brit were a genius bodybuilder. But let's move forward and try to forget the first scene.

The accent on the Sue character (he's Australian) was just horrible. What was that? A stroke victim from the Isle of Man? A Polish guy impersonating Joe Pesci? His accent is like when someone has a bit of food on their face and you can't stop looking at it. Every time he opens his mouth, I was scratching my head trying to come up with possible sources of the accent. And speaking of food on the face, Americans don't eat like he does with the fork tines pointing down-nitpicky, I know, but still. Even the way he eats is a dig at Americans when he pours a load of ketchup on his plate. Are Brits going to lecture us on cuisine now?

Fast-forward to as bad a shootout scene as has evern been captured on film. Curtain.
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Much better than I was expecting
jflizard27 January 2021
I haven't seen the first movie so I had no clue about what to expect. First minutes I thought "ok, this won't be a nice one to watch"... but then I was so wrong: the movie is a very nice action story with no need to explain much or to develop much about the characters (although it tries a bit, but not too hard). Collecting scenes are funny, best parts of the movie and in the end I was not caring anymore about the credibility of the last shooting because I had fun with a movie that is supposed to be entertaining. No, it's not a "great movie", but on it's kind it was a very nice surprise.
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Movie review
The movie is really good.If you are an Scott Adkins or Louis Mandylor fan,you will not be dissapointed.In my opinion the sequel is better then the first installment mostly because of a better plot twist.First Debt Collector had some issues with the story telling and obvious plot.This one is okay.The line between Scott and Louis is incredible.I'm really satisfied,hope we get an another sequel :) . 7/10
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clarkishome30 May 2020
I'm a Scott Adkins fan, but this was a new low even for him. No story what to speak of, The acting, if you want to call it that, was very poor. You might as well put a Gatling gun in a couple peoples hands and have them fire it off and on the whole movie while other people fight. Like I said, very disappointing would not recommend. The first one at least had some story to it and was a little better but this one should never have been made.
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Simply Macho Story Telling...Better than first film.
rochfordsimon13 June 2020
I enjoyed this knowing it's a film about Friendship and Morales. It's an indy production with decent storytelling. Tells a story in 90 minutes. I use to think longer running time was better value when buying a DVD or VOD, but story is more important. Watch part 1 to to value this movie more.
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This was one of worst sequels I've ever seen.
Brooklynsmagicmike31 May 2020
I love Scott Adkins hes one of my favorite actors and I watch everything hes in. The first movie I personally liked alot, diddn't love the ending, but still enjoyed it.

This movie though is just brutal. Poor pacing, poor acting, poor premise, poor action, etc. I really wanted to cut it off 20 minutes into it I hated it that much. It even looks extremely cheap. There must of hardly been a budget with this and they went with it anyway hoping to make something from fans of the first.

Please avoid at all costs you'll thank me big time for saving your time.
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Carbon-copy sequel to the first movie
gabriel_sanchez14 January 2021
Debt Collectors (2020) continues in the same line as its predecessor. Which is OK, but I was expecting more.

A long time has passed since the events of The Debt Collector (2018) and French is still in a financial crisis. However, Sue appears to propose to him an irrefutable offer: one last debt collector task. Actually, three more in a couple of days. The paycheck is high.

Again, nothing new here. The plot is linear enough that you get the main idea fast about what is going on. And that is kinda disappointing. After the events of the first movie, I was expecting something else.

All in all, it's a nice movie. Action-packed and a little bit more humorous. I just think the plot could have been deeper.
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The Worst
domagojpolsak5 June 2020
Worst movie I watched in 2020. The script is good but acting and accents are horrible.
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Total cheese, but I loved it!
Top_Dawg_Critic1 June 2020
We all knew this would be a UK B-grade production, so the wannabe critics and their 1's need to give their heads a shake! Yes it was flawed, and I expected that, but totally undeserving of anything lower than a 6 imo. Even with its flaws, I was still impressed with the cinematography, and the score and music was surprisingly entertaining, especially for a B-grade film. The directing was decent, but the writing had some issues, especially with some long dragged out scenes. Pacing and runtime were on point. The various fight scenes were excellent - for a B grade film. The chemistry between Scott Adkins and Louis Mandylor is awesome. To me it's like the scrappy Dumb and Dumber duo. Sure the humor was cheesy, but I laughed every time and pretty much had a perma-smile when these two just talked back and forth to each other. This is a fun Sunday popcorn flick and I recommended it for sure. It's a well deserved 7.5 rounded up to an 8/10 from me. To see more of my 1000+ ratings, 900+ reviews, and my review criteria, simply click on my username.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Debt Collectors
burlesonjesse529 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"No more hurting my fellow man". Oh really. Then how come the characters in Debt Collectors "hurt" and spit like no one's business. I mean male bodies are pounded like tenderized meat trolled out at a Four-star steakhouse. Whoever was in charge of the sound editing via many blaring punches needs a little recognition.

Anyway, "Collectors" is a cleanly-staged action film, a pseudo-martial arts mantra, and an ode to how much head trauma punishment a human being can take. It's also a tale of two guys who demand some long, overdue moolah. They accomplish this by using desperate physicality, a non-blarney approach, and no BS.

The amassed actors involved (Scott Adkins and Louis Mandylor) exhibit spitfire dialogue, mobbing frailty, pinched brotherhood, and knuckled fists of fury. Their scenes of prolonged discussion are like Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield: The Dukes of Hazzard version.

As far as this year's releases go, Debt Collectors is about as violent and unforgivable as a "grindhouse" spool on high-grade PCP. Being a second installment to 2018's The Debt Collector (which I have yet to see), "Collectors" is almost akin to the True Romance sequel Quentin Tarantino never had a chance to make (Tony Scott's signature lighting and lead Christian Slater excluded).

Yet to be released in the UK, feeling like a latter-day Western, and directed by a guy who's also a stunt coordinator (Jesse V. Johnson), "Collectors" is about a couple of debt collectors who get involved with a drug kingpin bent on killing them no matter how well the job is done.

This film takes place in LA and Las Vegas with a final shootout sequence that follows some explanatory talk and footsy, electrocution torture. I give "Collectors" a 3 star rating but it's not for the easily squeamish. Yup, you can "bill it".
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Quite bad
leesimon-263576 February 2021
Bad writing, bad story, lazy acting, garbage directing, very weird choices on the shooting of fight scenes, in particular their length. What was up with Sue character? He was played like a mix of Rocky Balboa's trainer and Rodney Dangerfield. Sooooooooo weird. Who wrote this character? I couldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Even the fighting isn't worth it. I have not yet seen the first one in the series, so these characters don't mean anything to me, and I can't imagine investing any time in any movie that comes after this one. I am shocked that there was even a first one. Skip this.
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The Debt Collector 2 (2020)
komsomol-5973930 May 2020
I really liked the movie. He is as good as the first film. I look forward to continuing. :) 7/10 It is sad that the review can only be written in English. This is not modern :(
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