According to Greta (2009) Poster

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Wonderful, heartwarming and original
cannonfodder_221 December 2009
This movie really gives a wide range of different thoughts, feelings, actions and things you might bump into in life. With excellent acting, brilliant filming and music that calms your mind, it's a home run. Hilary Duff goes beyond any movie you have ever seen her in, and delivers a performance worthy an Acadamy award, and with help from fantastic actors such as Evan Ross, Micheal Murphy, Melissa Leo and the always wonderful Ellen Burstyn, there is no doubt this movie is going to become dear to many people.

This movie suits for everybody who has ever been young and confused, and offers a lot for the audience. Everyone will find something they like about this movie, or else they just won't admit it. Get yourself some fuel for thought, and watch this movie, you won't regret it.
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Cringe-worthy with a good ending
siskoeveliina1 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The main character was insufferable, and her actions were painful to watch. There were many times I thought I would stop watching, but I forced myself to sit through it, and I'm glad I did.

After Greta's botched suicide-attempt the movie gets better by a mile. She begins to see how her actions hurt the people around her, and some sense is put into her head.

Towards the end I feel like the movie becomes the suicide prevention film that it's seemingly made out to be. Nevertheless that doesn't condone the first hour of the movie.
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More depth than anticipated in this troubled teen drama
kryswalker27 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously. You have to roll a good distance into the film to discover exactly what has caused Greta to become a terror, but eventually it unfolds, raising all sorts of questions: is her suicidal tendency for real? Has she inherited her father's mental illness? That fear alone is enough to make a frightened teen lash out -- especially as her mother, her only anchor/support, shows a surprising lack of empathy (she sends Greta away to "save her marriage"). An ego-crushing blow, to be abandoned by one's sole surviving parent.

There are, of course, inevitably stock characters to flesh things out, and it's impossible not to recognize them very quickly: the sensitive and caring guy of a similar age--the *only* teen we see outside the dangerous Asbury Park slums Greta sneaks away to explore. And with his sweet, soft voice, gentle face and intent gaze, we recognize immediately that Julie (Evan Ross) is the romantic interest--whatever Greta's initial intent might be (shock the grandparents? Check!). Just as we recognize that Greta's grandmother (Ellyn Burstyn) will provide the friction, and her grandfather (Michael Murphy) will serve as a caring mediator, managing things with a patient humor.

That being said, Hillary Duff's performance is at its best when she is the brash, rude and rebellious Greta, and later when her armor starts to chip and she shows the pain underneath that callous exterior. Once Greta becomes more happy with life, Duff falls back on her Disney acting chops (yawn). Although the supporting characters are stock, they don't descend into boring because the parts are so well acted. It would have been better to see more of Greta's mom (Melissa Leo) on screen, to understand what makes her so seriously prickly and incapable of parenting her daughter. At 88 minutes, and layered with so many of the animated journal scenes, the film could have spared the time to pull this off.

Is this film like "Juno"? Essentially no. I found the character of Juno to be kind of precious, and artificial, and the film's conclusion saccharine. "According to Greta" deals with a teen-aged girl overwhelmed by the psychological scars (from dad, on several levels) and open wounds (from mom) of serious emotional trauma. And I was glad to see that she was such an intelligent and rebellious fighter--if she stopped fighting, she may have followed through with her suicide plot, far away from anyone who could save her. The conclusion was also well-done precisely because it was so open-ended. Will Greta and Julie live happily ever after? Probably not (how many of us are with our first teen sweethearts?) Will all be well between Greta, her mom, and her stepfather? Probably not. But that's life, and it remains a work in progress.
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The teen from hell gets a taste of heaven on earth
bettycjung3 June 2018
6/2/18. Greta (Duff) is the nightmare 17 year-old you wouldn't want to ever know. Feel sorry for the grandparents (Burnstyn and Murphy) who have been recruited by a errant daughter (Leo) who has her own issues to babysit their obnoxious granddaughter for the summer. Total drama all day, all night, all the time, Duff's character was extremely annoying throughout. Burnstyn and Murphy stole the movie, along with Evan Ross from Duff. Ross plays a young teen trying to get back on track with his life and can see right through Duff's drama and calls her out on it. Even though there was a happy ending for everyone, Duff's character was truly one who gives Adolescence a bad name.
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Had Potential
Steviestar726 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this last night on the BBC where it was listed as Surviving Summer. I thought it had potential and Hilary Duff was pretty good though I haven't really seen her in anything else to compare - I've only watched a few episodes of Lizzie Maguire. I thought the ending was a bit rushed, nothing was resolved with Julie, her mother changed too quickly and nothing was discussed regarding her dad. I gather this film has rather a small budget and limited release and I think with a few tweaks then it may have been better. It was certainly an unusual subject matter and was better handled than most. I'm glad they didn't resort to the obvious self-harming and I liked the fact that Greta chose to control her own future and not take medication. A comment somewhere mentioned she was bipolar which unless it was mentioned in the first 10 minutes or so (I switched channel late) I missed and if it was mentioned in that first 10 minutes then it was only the once which seems pointless.
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Surprisingly I couldn't stop watching this movie!
barbseitz18 May 2010
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A very slow start, but it does get better. I thought the actors did a great job with what they had to work with. I'm sorry but I thought the writers could have done a little better job. Many parts were very "true to life" actions and attitudes of a troubled unlovable teen. I know I was one and Hilary really hit some of my emotions & reactions right on the nose. "Gramps" was a great buffer between Greta and "Grams". Julie was good match for her, I was initially weary of him, but he won me over, just as he did Gramps. The job interview needed either more or less comedy, it didn't quite fit the rest of the movie, it wasn't Hil's fault. Her waitressing was very funny though. I laughed as hard as the customers. The fish tasting scene was very sweet and really gave Julie a heart. I loved the way she handled the morning after catching Grams and Gramps in bed! The biggest let down was the ending. It left me wanting either closure or a sequel to find out how the family evolved, if she finish school back home and if she and Julie moved on.
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Not enough to make it 'great'.
emma-43430 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I started with little hope for this movie except for it to kindly fill 90 minutes of my time and let me enjoy some mindless time-out. It definitely accomplished this, though, unusually, it's left me with some points of interest worth raising.

I found Greta's serious desire to prevent herself from growing old and to off herself once her fun time is up very interesting and captivating. However, much like her offbeat, rough character traits, it seemed to have been dismissed too easily in the end. I would've much preferred some more development on her character and her relationships and maybe some deeper explanation to her than the 'my father did this' excuse. Why did it not turn her off suicide? She says she wants to kill herself so she can avoid the boring, annoying events of life that come with ageing, yet is this why her father shot himself? I don't think there's a connection (unless I've forgotten a plot point already.)

It would be wrong to say this movie was about her relationship with Julie, and though, I personally had more interest in Greta's relationship with her grandparents, I found his character just lovely and warm and very endearing. However, I am puzzled as to why the 3 supporting characters just let Greta carry on the way she did. Yes, the neighbour and her mother went about it the wrong way, but there should have been MORE standing up to her. Her behaviour was atrocious and I felt there was no real redemption for it from the other characters. Why did they even want her around? I certainly wouldn't have wanted any more of her after one conversation.

Maybe it was okay that there was no answer to the Greta and Julie question -- I don't mind open endings for some parts, but there still has to be resolution, and I think Julie gave her that.

While this movie was enjoyable and definitely a big step up for Duff, I feel there was just not enough to make it 'great'. Comparisons to a mix of Georgia Rule and Juno are not off base.
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lauramarie-0694910 April 2020
This movie has potential. Hilary Duff is convincing as a teen who is struggling. The problem is this movie isn't really about suicide. It's really just about a teen who is disrespectful to other people and abusive to older adults (this is not okay).

I stopped watching in the middle because it was boring and cringeworthy to watch.

The actors were fine. The storyline has potential. But this is not an accurate portrayal of a suicidal teen. The problem with these types of movies is they stigmatize the problem even more. People are going to watch this and think all suicidal teens are disrespectful and rude when this is not true.

I'll probably get "not helpful" votes for posting this. It's also the truth.
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Like no other (No Spoilers)
AllianceOfDefiance-199013 December 2009
I will not go into the plot of the movie too much as I believe you can look elsewhere for that information.

I will start by telling you that if you are expecting the typical Hilary Duff flick, you will be either very disappointed or pleasantly surprised. This is her most serious role to date and excludes the fluffy elements and leaves you with a Character who most viewers can empathise with as a lot of us have at one point in our lives held an extremely cynical and fearful view on life and growing older, even if we haven't come from dysfunctional families and experienced such difficulties as the character 'Greta'.

Hilary Duff narrates the movie in a way, through talking to the viewer and writing in her diary. I have always favoured films that are narrated by a character as you become more involved with the story and without Greta telling us what she is thinking and how she feels we could not empathise with her half as much.

The soundtrack is amazing and captures every moment perfectly. My advice is to watch this film at night when you're feeling mellow and reflective, it will in no doubt drift you off into a bittersweet melancholy. It is artistic, gripping and is free of dull time-filling moments that have no relevance to the story or characters that are being portrayed.

I have not been able to stop thinking about the characters, the quotes, the music, the meaning behind everything Greta is saying. A truly amazing piece of work. 9 out of 10, for its genre in my opinion, this comes close to perfection.
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Not quite good enough
SnoopyStyle12 November 2014
Greta (Hilary Duff) is banished by her hated mother to her grandparents (Michael Murphy, Ellen Burstyn) in the New Jersey seaside retirement town for the summer in an effort to save her 3rd marriage. She lost her father. She's 17 and vows to kill herself before her 18th birthday. She gets a waitress job at the local boardwalk restaurant to pay for cable TV and is adorably rude at it. She tries to shock her grandparents with the juvenile delinquent cook Julie (Evan Ross) but it backfires on her. They kinda like him and she likes him too. However she is still pulled to her darker side.

Hilary Duff is trying to do a little something with a slight edge to it. She does a good enough job although she still needs work accessing the darker tones in her performance. There is a little something promising going on here but it doesn't get beyond that. Evan Ross is not nearly charismatic enough. It's good that Hilary tried to go darker but she's not really successful at it.
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I am insulted
muzzbo8 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This may not be a very long review but I think it is one worth reading. Everyone is saying how it is good acting but I am insulted! Overall it is a good film but as a teenager myself who is suffering from depression and suicidal thought myself, I feel that this film has portrayed this type of person completely wrong! I am in almost the same situation as Greta but I am disgusted by the way that chose to act out her role! If she really was suicidal she would not be telling everyone like that! She would be hiding it inside and killing herself quietly! She would show more signs of depression like food disorders, or even just depression! I cannot bring myself to understand how someone who was suffering from such a severe illness would then be able to throw it all away at the end and just be 'fine'!
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Greta is Great
Xarabe13 December 2009
This small independent movie was probably the least hyped movie Hilary Duff has had and it's ironically also her best (imo of course). Greta is sarcastic but not over the top witty that it becomes annoying (alas Juno - sorry Juno fans, I disliked that character). I feel a part of this can be attributed to Hilary's girl-next-door look turned brat delivery. I can imagine other actresses of Hilary's ilk trying out this role and not succeeding as well as she has. The character's narcissistic flaws are shown but a part of you likes her because of it. Her selfishness juxtaposed with her tolerant grandparents is fun to watch but also kind of sad and sorrowful when you realize why Greta misses her father and acts the way she does. The tension is nicely subtle and with modestly effective emphasis on supporting characters. Although the title itself features the main character's name, I liked the fact each supporting character is also appointed their own personal back story and just how this all comes into play with Greta's decision.

The performances were delicately fine. Hilary, well what can I say, she has won me over! Although I liked some of her earlier teen work, I don't think I took her for someone who could carry this film - and she did so well. Hilary definitely soars this time around! Ellen, Michael, Melissa and Evan are all strong support.

Props to Michael Gilvary for writing a simply funny and touching but not annoyingly sardonic and sappy film.

This is indeed, Hilary's best!
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Couldn't watch another minute of this! Awful!
felixgans25 December 2009
After about 45 minutes I found myself apologising to my partner for having suggested this film. Our "viewing experience" was one of annoyance, endurance and waiting. Waiting for it to get better, but it didn't.

Greta is this annoying teenage brat that has been sent to her "grams" (as she calls both her grandparents), so her mother can patch up her third marriage. This and the fact that her father is dead is v. unsurprisingly revealed as the source of her "teenage angsty" pain.

She is so rude and awful to everyone that one waits for her to fall flat on her stupid face. However, since by minute 45 she hasn't yet, but rather has found a guy, who was nice to her despite and threatened to turn this annoying waste of time film into a sappy waste of time romance, we aborted MISSION ENDURANCE! We simply didn't want to risk possibly NOT seeing her fall flat on her face and wasting another 45 minutes.

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Great Greta !
ichocolat15 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Greta a.k.a According to Greta, is a film about a suicidal girl being thrown to live with her grandparents (or grams as she calls it) because her mom felt that she needs to stay there while her mom patches up things with her relationships.

Greta (played by Hillary Duff from the Lizzie McGuire TV show) is about a girl who was angry with life, and has been contemplating suicidal thoughts.

But her perspective of life changes as she began finding new life living with her grandparents. She began dating when she started work in a restaurant.

I like the way the film show to unfold the mysteries of how Greta behaves the way she behaved. We were told about her childhood, about why she has suicidal thoughts, about how the family became dysfunctional.

Yeah, I do admit that at times, the film may be shallow, or not being too convincing. Yes, some people may say that watching you dad committing suicide won't affect you for life, and it could not be the reason why Greta became like that.

But the fact remains; that what we experience in our childhood will be impressed in our life and it will affect us throughout our adolescence and right into our adulthood.

Regarding Hillary Duff, I think this is a good break from her Lizzie era. However, I think some people will never shake off the idea that she will always be Lizzie, and that she can't act to be someone other than that.

All in all, a decent film, recommended to everyone who likes films that are not too intellectual, and at the same time not to cheesy.
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Bittersweet Summer
ryanappleton-6987024 January 2024
Hilary Duff does a full 180 to her filmography! She's not the cutesy Disney-fied girl from her previous teen idol era flicks, now she's a snarky brunette named Greta with a nihilistic perspective of the world. Now this 17 year old nightmare is sent away to her conservative grandparents (Ellen Burstyn and Michael Murphy) coastal community for the summer by her absent mother (Melissa Leo) whose more focused on her third marriage.

The main actors make a great presence, especially Duff who truly sells a mature performance and is now a fully fledged adult actor with the support of the veteran actors.
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Decent Coming of Age Teen Movie
hjt152 February 2017
This is a pretty decent coming of age teen movie starring Hillary Duff. Nicely shot, lovely costumes and make up and a good performance from Duff as a stroppy teen who gradually learns to love and be loved. It's not her usual Disney style role, she actually exhibits a quirky character with some substance which most of us that went through adolescence should be able to relate to. Fairly bland story line but if you're looking for a feel-good movie with a bit of teen romance then you can't go wrong with Surviving Summer (or According to Greta, the original title). Overall it's about a girl finding her way and learning that if you look hard enough, you can find you have something in common with anyone and you don't have to feel alone. It's a short run time, an easy watch, it all looks good and there are some funny, some heartwarming moments.
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A nice movie
razzakahmed7 October 2021
According to Greta . It looks like a movie especially and only made for Hilary Duff . She ignites a sparking flavour to this movie , and makes it wonderful . This movie sometimes shows me how I stopped living with my parents and started living with my grandparents . With no offense to parents of this world excuse me, they deserve our respect and love but within just boundaries. So Greta, a girl who's made a to-do list before she dies, ends up meeting someone who makes her believe that this isn't what life's about . I couldn't share the trailer cause it's pixelating etc . So ended up sharing this scene from it . And no waitresses shouldn't behave like that with their customers 😅😂.
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Lazy movie about life at the shore
yachtclubmiami9 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep this short. The acting wasnt good at all from any of the cast really. the cinematography was just a D- all around. The plot wasnt really interesting in any way either. Also i thought it was really weird how in the last ten minutes of the movie greta's mom arrives at her parents house to send her to a bootcamp and they get into a big fight and the grandfather and her boyfriend agree that Greta WONT be going to this camp and she will stay at their house and that her mom will be joining them so that "the family can get to know each other..." better. This seemed like the only conflict that could have been interesting in the context of this movie but right after the fight and they leave the mom there, the next cut is Greta, her mom, and Grandma looking at old pictures and laughing together and then the movie ends. like what? you didnt explore this at all? like That should have been the movie instead of all the uninteresting, disengaging, and honestly, extremely dull things that they did turn into this terrible movie. I wouldnt recommend this movie to anyone. 0/10 stars.
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Interacial Relationship
memocar3614 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In the movie Greta Hilary Duff has definitely step up from her usual squeaky clean teen movie. She plays Greta a sixteen year old who is a trip without the luggage. Her mother is on her third marriage and decides its time for Greta to spend some time with her grandparents much to her dismay. She is confident and smart but you can tell through the movie that she is searching for something. That something that she gets is with is first love with Julie(Evan Ross) she seems to be into it but her grandparents seem to have a problem with his skin color and criminal past. This bothers them when Greta is trying to find ways to kill herself and she has disrupted their lives in the first place. Her grandparents after awhile realize she needs love from them, but also her mother who is too busy with her marriage at the beginning of the movie. This movies show problems that can occur from interracial relationships.

This movie shows how parents can be neglectful and not see that their children are asking for help without really saying it. And how a little change in the environment can make a whole lot of difference. It tells a story about how color shouldn't matter when it comes to love. This is in my opinion Hilary Duff's best movie so far she actually shows real emotions and has problems that all teens can relate to in one way or another.
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A painful experience for me and my daughter
mvgijzel5 September 2010
I watched this movie with my daughter last night. Do yourself a favor and skip this one. Watch Georgia Rule instead if you like movies about growing up daughters. The character Greta is such an unsympathetic character (Is she playing herself?) that we both (young and old!) found it painful to watch. The whole story/dialog is not credible. We just kept going so we felt entitled to write this review. Painful also because we could not understand why a girl of 17 (also not credible, sorry Hillary) would consistently behave like she did and then all of a sudden turn soft on a random person. We did like the performance of the grandparents specially Ellen Burnstyn's performance. Can you imagine that you send a daughter who is like Greta to your elderly parents. That could be considered cruel, in fact it is just not credible again. We both do like serious/confronting movies but this is not one in that category.
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'Greta' is just a thinly disguised anagram for 'Great'
interrupting26 November 2009
Finally! I have been waiting for this film for two years. I remember it being filmed in early 2008, or might've been earlier than that. The delay has made me think the film was terrible and no movie studio wanted to release it. But I was wrong, the film isn't terrible at all. It's better than I thought it would be.

'Greta' is a quirky comedic drama that shocks, makes you laugh, and makes you go "awe" at the diverse relationship that Greta forms with her co-worker, Julie. Whenever the film started off, I was reminded of such films as 'Juno' and 'Georgia Rule', but this film is much darker than that.

The film is only 88 minutes, but it's entertaining all through-out and Greta takes you on a ride that'll keep you watching. Hilary Duff's acting has improved over the years, and it really shows in this specific film.

I could see why this film didn't go to theatres. But I also want to know why it didn't? 'Greta' definitely lands itself in my favourite movies of 2009. Great straight-to-DVD films are hard to find, and while finding this film in the recent straight-to-DVD films in the past years, it's like I've found gold.

The only problem I had with the film is that the beautiful relationship between Greta and Julie is left teasingly unresolved.

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Not good enough...
Thanos_Alfie9 August 2014
"Greta" is a girlish movie which has to do with a young suicidal and rebellious teen girl who move in with her grandparents during summer. There she will found out some new things about life which will make her think more about it and how she will get on with it.

I believe that the interpretation of Hilary Duff who obviously played as Greta it was not her best such as Evan Ross who played as Julie. Although this movie tried to combine drama with fun but it did not succeed on it.

To sum up I have to say that "Greta" it is not the best movie of Hilary Duff and I believe that her fans will be let down if they watch it, so I do not recommend it to you. Now if you want these kind of staff then you will have different opinion about all of that.
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"Nothing like Juno"
johanschutten13 August 2011
I like movies with Hillary Duff. Acting is not one of her strong points, but she lookes great and sweet and beautiful no matter what movie she's in. Yet it's a pity I couldn't give 'Greta' a better vote. The movie was just really, really bad. (I'm sorry Hillary, you looked great anyway! Wondering if she's ever gonna read this...) Duff plays a sweet, troubled child called Greta who's father killed himself when she was much younger. Her mother can't handle the child growing up and sends her too her grandparents (off course, it's a Hollywood movie and therefore not very original). Her grandparents are sweet folks who wouldn't hurt anybody. Greta hides herself behind a mask of sarcasm and tries really hard to shock almost everybody arround her. She even thinks of killing herself. But that though mask of her begins to break when she meets a boy...

The movie did make me smile a lot. There was a lot of melodrama and the acting was sometimes really awful (which in turn is very funny ;-)). Earlier reviewers compare the movie with 'Juno'. That is a comparison I totally disagree with. The scetches in 'Greta' vaguely remind me of 'Juno', but that is all. The acting in 'Juno' was great, the characters well played and the theme far more interesting en well thought of than 'Greta'. So, in my humble opinion, you can't compare these two movies with each other. And to end this review: Greta is just bad. That's all, folks!
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Excellent little movie
jimbob1240428 November 2009
Briefly, this is a surprising little movie. When I first started playing my little illegal download, I thought I would be deleting it right away--the beginning reminded me of Juno, and when I saw Hilary Duff''s name I reached for the mouse, but something made me keep watching after I saw Ellen Burstyn's name. I ended up watching the entire thing, and loved it. A shame fine little film's like this one don't get the recognition they deserve. It's quirky and well written, and well acted by all involved. Duff is quite good but for me the actor playing Julie really deserves special praise---he captured the reformed and formerly troubled teen perfectly, winning over not only me but Great's grandparents as well. I agree with one of the other reviewers in that there is one resolved situation Only gripe: what happened between Julie and Greta???
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How to pick a really bad movie?
letoya302 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes you're just in the mood to watch a really really, really really really bad movie. You know the kind that you can watch while doing laundry, putting on a hideous facemask and doozing off. But how to choose a bad flick in a huge pool of awfulness? Keyword: Hilary Duff. Admit it, in shame when no one else is around, it's always fun to watch good old Hil skipping around town, being a total geek and suddenly turning into Cinderella and other really important stuff. But even more fun than watching Hilary being a good girl, is Hilary Duff being a bad girl. Fine feature: Greta.

Greta introduces a 17 year old confused and suicidal girl who makes her mothers live miserable and gets send off to her grandparents for the summer. She meets a boy and falls in love. So far so good. It's a simple story that might work out good if this movie wasn't trying so hard. It's just one cliché after the other and totally over the top. For example, Hilary acts real hard to be this dark, sinister girl but it's totally not believable. Too much eyeliner, Gothic tees and foul language has to convince the audience that this girl is trouble. She want to shock her poor grandpa and grandma with all things possible and it helps that her love interest is of African-American descent and, even worse, an ex con.

Now where have we seen this before? Ah yes, Crazy/Beautiful starring a lovely Kisten Dunst and hansome Jay Hernandez. Same storyline, except that this movie is actually good. Kirsten really is a troubled teenager who destroys everyone and everything around her, and most important herself. Her father can't handle her and wants to send her to bootcamp. Jay as Carlos is the love of her life and tries to get her on the right path. Kirsten and Jay have major chemistry and the acting is great. Greta just made me laugh all the time, the movie is a big parody on itself.

So pretty please Hilary, stay away from 'dramatic' movies and stick to the genre that made you a star, simple romcoms with a hint of Lizzy.
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