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Highly Recommended
crimsonmnd5 July 2008
I was lucky enough to see The Rocker at a free screening and laughed all the way through the movie. Very funny. I enjoyed the movie so much, I saw it again at another screening, and it was just as funny the second time. Rainn Wilson turns in a very good performance as Robert "Fish" Fishman in his movie debut, however the part could have just as easily been played by Jack Black. Wilson plays a rock drummer who is kicked out of his band just before they make it big. Fast forward 20 years and he has a chance to live the rock-n-roll dream again with a new band. If you liked "Almost Famous" or "School of Rock," then you will like this movie more. While rated PG13, the movie contains no F-bombs or sex scenes and is a movie parents can feel safe letting their teen and pre-teen children go see. Parents will want to see this movie as well.
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The Rocker has a really funny beginning, even the middle is fun, but the conclusion was horrible
Smells_Like_Cheese26 August 2008
I don't know why, from the trailer I didn't really want to see The Rocker, it looked like another silly teenage comedy, but I had the opportunity to see it for free and decided to go ahead and give it a fair chance. So I saw it yesterday and honestly, I thought it was a pretty decent comedy, much better than I expected. But it fell flat and became a predictable movie, I don't mind them every once in a while, but this story could have had a better ending that surprised us all. I love Rainn Wilson, ever since I saw him way back in House of 1000 Corpses, I just thought something strange stood out about this guy, he eventually became bigger in the hit TV show The Office. He's now the new male lead in a comedy, now he's decent, he did make me laugh like crazy in a lot of his scenes, but I think he could have held his own a little better, he's good, but he's not great as a leading comedic actor.

He plays Fish, a drummer for a rock band that later goes platinum after kicking him out. His life as an adult isn't so great, the band is doing very well even 20 years later. Fish moves in with his sister, his nephew asks him to play drums in his band when their drummer can't play with them any more, but later Fish gets in trouble with his sister and can't live with her any more. But his nephew sets up a way through the internet and camera's, but when Fish doesn't know the camera is filming him naked, a new internet era is born of the Naked Drummer. ADD, the band he's playing with his nephew, becomes huge and fame takes a tole on the kids as well as Fish's old age.

Now over all, I did like The Rocker, I think it's worth a matinée price, it's a fun and silly comedy that gives you a few good laughs. Mainly by Rainn Wilson, I couldn't help but laugh hysterically when he finds out the band is kicking him out and he jumps on the van that they're driving away in and is holding on by his drum sticks, sounds stupid, but when you see the look on his face, it reminds you of The Terminator 2: Judgement Day with the T-1000. Like I said, the ending flops a bit though, I think they could have done something different, but it's a good movie for laughs. Like I said if you want to see it in the theater, I'd recommend the matinée, but otherwise it's just a rental.

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More like a chick flick, but a good one
What brought me to the film was really just Rainn Wilson playing a rock-star. I kept imaging Dwight having been a failed rock-star and knew that it would be nothing less than epic. 'The Rocker' tells the story of Fish, a failed drummer who joins a band filled with high-school goers and sees his second shot at pursuing his dreams. Halfway into the film, you could tell that it was a bit of chick flick. A funny, enjoyable one, but a chick flick nevertheless.

The acting in the film was good, and they were all likable characters. I almost missed Bradley Cooper in a black wig and a tacky vest with a fake British accent, but in case you wonder watching the film, it is Bradley Cooper. The music was not too bad either, in a Disney sort of way.

Overall, 'The Rocker' was funny and cute and it's worth a watch, but not to be taken too seriously.
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Feel Good
ajk0828 January 2015
This movie is as close as you can get to 90 minutes of feel good film. I'm a fan of Rainn Wilson from (obviously) The Office as well as Super and My Super ex girl fired which are also pretty decent films. Its a shame this bombed at the box office because it really had the potential to be a really GOOD summer movie.

Everyone in the cast does a great job. All the band members have their own 'story' and explored personality which makes you feel much more invested and care about whats actually happening to them. There's 1 or 2 laugh out loud moments with Rainns physical comedy but most of all this is a film to smile and feel good about. Nothing makes you cringe or think that obviously isn't funny and i would definitely recommend it.
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We Want More Rainn Wilson! Rock On!!
dfeenz30 March 2009
As a metal/rock musician with a desk job myself, I could really appreciate this simple inspirational story as well as the many laughs it dished out. One line plot summary: Washed up former drummer turned office drone joins nephew's band, gets his mojo back and gets the chance to show the former band, an obvious AC/DC parody/homage, who betrayed him, that he can make it to the top without them. OK so that was a bit of a run-on sentence but anyhoo, with a great setup like that, plus choice casting of Rainn Wilson in the lead, the comedy pretty much writes itself. The story reminds me a little bit of the Dave Mustaine (Megadeth) / Metallica rivalry/hatred what with Mustaine kicked out of the band for his wild antics only to make it on his own without ever selling out. There are several cameos from familiar faces, the casting is perfect. The younger kids in the band are believable characters, not totally reckless and sensationalized like The OC but not given the wuss WWJD treatment of other TV fair like 7th Heaven. There is some underage drinking and pot references, but nobody becomes an alcoholic or a drug addict, just kids experiencing the time of their lives and living their dream as rock stars. The movie never takes itself too seriously but it has plenty of heart and is more than just a vehicle for Wilson's brilliant penchant for playing strangely aloof, yet obsessive characters. One of the comic bits I really liked was where The Rocker is humoring the singer of his Nephew's band, telling him how sweet his mopey, whiny ass lyrics are in this sort of underhandedly sarcastic tone. The movie is not afraid to poke fun at the frivolousness of modern youth's current popular music. That's not to say the songs are no good, but they are definitely a tad emo and gay for this rocker's taste, and I think Rain Wilson's character secretly agrees, but is too excited at the chance to play again to voice his opinion. On the whole, I felt it delivered more laughs than School of Rock with Wilson giving an equally energetic performance to that of Jack Black in said flick. I would recommend one if you like the other for sure. If I have one complaint about this movie it's this oddly treated subplot of the chick in the band getting knocked up, presumably by the singer. It is sort of brought up and never really dealt with or resolved. Not that I care about whether or not they had a baby or whatever, just saying why put drama in a movie just for drama's sake and then not take it anywhere? Should have just left that out it was kinda irking me I think they threw that in there because they realized hey the movie's halfway over and nothing remotely serious has happened. The first ten minutes or so of this movie are yispecially hilarious, excellent opening. I would easily rank the chase scene in the top ten funniest movie moments of 2008. "Dude...he can't be killed...He can't be killed dude! Drive! Drive!"
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Rock 'n' roll comedy does have some laugh out loud moments.
Hey_Sweden1 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After achieving fame on the TV series 'The Office', actor Rainn Wilson here shows himself capable of carrying a feature film, in this vehicle. It's got some heart as well as some degree of silliness, and it doesn't conclude as well as one might like, but it does do its job, and keep entertaining the viewer for a well paced 103 minutes.

Wilson indeed is playing the kind of part one could also easily see Jack Black playing: Robert "Fish" Fishman, wildman drummer for Vesuvius, a rock band on the rise, whose bandmates cruelly kick him out just before what could have been a life changing event. He spends the next 20 years bearing a grudge and deeply resenting his lot in life when an opportunity presents itself. Fish's nephew Matt (Josh Gad) is keyboardist for a high school band named A.D.D., and they need to replace their drummer in time for the prom.

In record time, this band begins to take off, and the members - also including singer / guitarist / creative force Curtis (Teddy Geiger) and bass player Amelia (Emma Stone) - find themselves having to deal with a crazed Fish desperate to live out all the decadent rock 'n' roll dreams he never got to realize before.

Ultimately, this is a pretty, if not entirely, predictable affair. At least it doesn't act as if a romance between Fish and Curtis's hottie mom Kim (Christina Applegate) is inevitable. It goes utterly over the top in the early going (that bit with the incensed Fish pursuing his Vesuvius bandmates is priceless), but for most of the rest of the picture, it's a little more down to Earth.

Wilson proves to be fearless (witness the naked drummer routine) and delivers a performance of true enthusiasm. His castmates are equally appealing. Jeff Garlin has his moments playing Fish's brother; also co-starring are Jane Lynch, Jason Sudeikis, and Howard Hesseman; it's hilarious to see Will Arnett, Bradley Cooper, and Fred Armisen in long hair wigs as they portray the other members of Vesuvius (and affect ridiculous faux English accents near the end). Appropriately enough, Pete Best, the man infamous for being the drummer fired from the Beatles, has a cameo.

Overall "The Rocker" is likable enough and amusing enough to qualify as agreeable entertainment while it lasts. It may not be terribly memorable, but it is quite easy to take.

Seven out of 10.
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Effective film launch for Rainn Wilson
princesspuffpuff2218 June 2008
Rainn Wilson effectively steps away from his Dwight character with this teen comedy. Parts of this comedy are intelligent, and it's certainly not a crude comedy. But it does sway into the teen category more than I would have liked. However, this film should be a good launching pad for Wilson to star in more films (fingers crossed!) The film's plot has often been compared to School of Rock. And there are definitely some similarities that cannot be ignored. However, the film's plot does stand on it's own. It's a fun comedy about facing the past and living in the present.

Overall, the film is fun entertainment, and great for the whole family. I left the theater with a smile on my face and rock in my heart!
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Enjoyable light movie
imdb-216226 May 2010
So, when I watch movies, I don't look into their depths. I either enjoy them, or I don't.

The start of the movie really brought me into it. It was so over the top it was funny. You kept thinking his band was done with him, and he came back to attack them. Classic.

OK the story is totally unrealistic. Who cares. I laughed. That's all that matters.

You have to like rock and roll, rock and roll clichés, and you have to watch this with no serious intent. If you don't appreciate the rock and roll clichés or light humor, go watch something serious.

I realize some people complained that Wilson was channeling Jack Black a little. But I think he had a bit of his own thing too. Aging rocker trying to relive his youth. Those of us old enough to understand that get it. Some of you won't.

The cast who played the teenage kids did great. The "nerd" could have had a little more personality, but he did fine. The emo guy was great. The girl was great too.

I gave this a 6 out of 10 for being entertaining, which is more than many movies manage. I laughed out loud quite a few times which most movies can't manage.
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Wilson is not Will Ferrell
C-Younkin20 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Late August used to be a dumping ground for crappy movies, but now look at how "The 40 Year Old Virgin" has changed all that. The "sleeper hit" genre has become a key part of August, so much so that it's hard to tell the difference anymore. Take "The Rocker" for example, the first starring role for Rainn "Dwight" Wilson from "The Office", a seemingly crappy movie that is already bouncing around the title of "The Summers Sleeper hit." Now usually the "sleeper hit" genre has been attached to Judd Apatow-related flicks like "Virgin" and last summers "Superbad", and its really hard to picture Wilson in a lead role at all so this all seems like a pretty hefty claim, but the question remains, is "The Rocker" a crappy movie or is it a sleeper hit?

Wilson plays Fish, the drummer for up and coming 80's metal band Vesuvius. Just when the band is about to make it big, Fish is cut out of it, leading to 20 years of working dull, soul-crushing jobs while Vesuvius quickly becomes one of the biggest bands ever. Some salvation comes his way in the form of his nephew's High School band, A.D.D. The band has just lost its drummer to a High School prank and is in desperate need of a replacement, leaving them with no one else to turn to except Fish. The band, which includes nephew Matt (Josh Gad), brooding lead singer Curtis (Teddy Geiger), and lone girl bassist Amelia (Emily Stone) is at first reluctant to accept the nearly forty year old drummer but in a plot twist that can only happen in movies, a Youtube video they make leads to big time fame. Soon A.D.D is playing the clubs and Fish is even romancing Curts' young mom (Christina Applegate). Just like all bands, they are not without their conflicts.

Wilson comes from the Will Ferrell school of comedy, in that he goes for cheap and sophomoric material. The movie relies on vomit, sweating, Wilsons flabby body jiggling in the wind, and when all else fails, him getting hit with something or a pratfall. Sure the shock value from these things is worth a chuckle sometimes but he doesn't have the same sort of buffoonish innocence that Ferrell does and a lot of what makes this kind of material hilarious is the sort of personality doing the delivery. Wilson doesn't seem to have it and so a lot of the jokes just look like what they are, cheap and sophomoric. And the story doesn't help either. It follows "School of Rock's" storyline pretty closely of build a band, learn life lessons, encounter a problem, and finally rock out in front of a huge crowd. Just "Rock" had an infectious enthusiasm for music as well as a sweet side but this is more a generic retread of most stories about the successes and perils of starting a band. No real surprises here.

The cast does OK. I'm not saying Wilson is a bad comic actor but this material doesn't seem suited for him at all. All the 80's headbands and weird outfits can't disguise the fact that he's better playing a much weirder character like Dwight from "The Office". Christina Applegate seems to light up any film she's in and I wish she was given more screen time here. Emma Stone, Josh Gadd, and Teddy Geiger each get do their best in throwaway roles as musicians dealing with teenage angst. Will Arnett and Fred Armisen are both pretty funny as Fish's old band mates and Jeff Garlin and Jane Lynch are pretty much wasted in unfunny roles. There is one person who makes out like a bandit in this movie though and that is Jason Sudeikis as the A.D.D's asshole manager. Known to me only for a recurring role on "30 Rock", he gets the best lines and when he gets them he knocks them out of the park.

"The Rocker" itself just doesn't rock though. It just felt too cheap and sophomoric, too conventional, too much of a waste of talented actors, and above all, a completely wrong type of vehicle for Rainn Wilson.
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Meet Fish, the fallen drummer.
TheNorwegianGuy22 November 2012
"The Rocker" isn't a masterpiece, but it is a fun ride. It has it's clichés, but it's alright. I can allow that, and it didn't keep me from enjoying this movie.

It tells the story about a drummer called Fish ( Rainn Wilson) who once was kicked out and betrayed by his band. The band, Vesuvius, became one of the most successful heavy metal bands, and Fish, 20 years later, has become nothing, and is still depressed. Then, suddenly he is given a second chance with a new band, called ADD.

Rainn Wilson is the perfect actor for the role of Fish. I really like him in "The Office", and in this one, he plays in many ways the same type of character. He's still hysterically funny at times, and is the main reason for the success of this movie. Emma Stone is as always great, but I had some problems with the other two band members, played by Teddy Geiger and Josh Gad. Honestly, I don't know why, but anyway, I didn't like them that much. Last, but not least, I have to mention Jason Sudeikis, who made me laugh almost every time he made me laugh. .

Putting aside the humor, the story is good. There are some drama- elements which is really good. At times it becomes a little emotional, in a positive way. Some may be touched by it.

Watch it. Especially, If you like Indie-rock, you may like it even more than me.
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Decidedly average
robnobleeddy25 June 2008
I saw this when it was shown as the "Surprise Movie" at the Edinburgh Film Festival. However, the choice of movie was the only surprise I got that night, as this turned out to be an average movie with an entirely by the numbers plot.

Comparisons with "School of Rock" and "Dewey Cox" are inevitable, but in reality you've seen this movie many times before. It's the classic story of the down and out who get's a second chance, almost messes it up, but pulls it off in the end. In this case, ageing rocker 'Fish' (Wilson) is still bitter about being dumped as drummer by hit rock band 'Vesuvius' some 20 years ago. At a low ebb, Fish finds himself being recruited in to his nephews band to the play their high school prom. One serendipitous moment later and the newly formed 'A.D.D.' are off on tour.

Does the expected hilarity ensure? Almost. Unlike some other recent American comedies, this one remembers that it's supposed to make the audience laugh, but it does so too infrequently and without any stand out moments. The real problem is that, barring a few side plots, the entire course of the film can be predicted from the first ten minutes, and the occasional snigger is unlikely to be enough to hold the audiences attention. A few hours after the movie I struggled to remember one memorable scene - not the sign of a classic comedy.

None of the cast offer anything other than a solid performance, although Emma Stone, and especially Jason Sudeikis as the band manager, do stand out as providing most of the good scenes and laughs. The band as a whole have little charisma, especially the moody lead singer, and I felt little desire for them to succeed.

To some extent this movie is saved by its songs. To the best of my knowledge the score is original, and both the tracks played by the heavy metal band 'Vesuvius' and the more mellow, teenage angst of 'A.D.D.' are great. In the end it is the gig scenes that end up providing the films best moments.

This film is best described as "School of Rock" without the school, or the screen presence of Jack Black. And without that there's not a whole lot left. This movie is not offencive, but there'll always be something better to see when you go to the cinema, and it's all the more disappointing when you consider that the director is capable of better things.
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Comedy - for laughs - not irony or sarcasm - and all the better for it.
intelearts28 December 2008
This was the biggest surprise of the year - bar none.

A great comedy - as in laughs, feel good, and just plain enjoyable.

The plot of the loser who makes good at rock'n'roll second time around is very Jack Black and Rainn Wilson does a GREAT job - there is no recourse to gross or sarcastic humor here - rather it plays on its rock roots, chucks in some stupidity, and some kick-ass tunes, and lots of excellent one liners and like I say totally surprised us as to how genuinely funny and warm-hearted this is.

Great cast and a great script - sure it's not perfect, but after all the pseudo-comedy and angst of 2008 it was refreshing just to sit back and enjoy an entertaining movie.

we loved it and are normally really cynical about comedies - but this rocks and would recommend to anyone as a real effort by all involved to stop being smarter than the audience and just enjoy life - in two and a half words? - it rocks!
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A great cast make this a silly but very entertaining comedy
MattyGibbs14 March 2015
On paper this doesn't look promising. Failed aging rocker gets second chance via his his school nephew. All sounds a tad lame however despite this, The Rocker ends up being entertaining and at times funny.

A lot of the charm of the film is down to one man. Rainn Wilson ( he of The Office fame). There is something about Wilson that just makes you watch. It's not even that he plays likable characters but there is something about him that is fascinating. Put say Jack Black in this role and I'm pretty sure the results would be far less desirable. Add in the gorgeous and very talented Emma Stone and really there isn't a lot to hate about this film.

Yes in parts it's fairly predictable but it's always enjoyable as the downtrodden Wilson finally gets his shot at the big time. If you are in the mood for some silly but entertaining fun then this is the film for you.
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Absolutely terrible...
dexterneptune28 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm beginning to wonder if I even saw the same movie as most of the reviewers on IMDb. Words cannot even begin to describe the truly awful nature of this misbegotten freak-show.

To begin, "The Rocker" is hands-down not funny, unless you're 10 years old or stoned. Don't get me wrong - I understand it's supposed to be stupid. But there's the "Gradma's Boy" and "School of Rock" brand of stupid (which are both funny), and there is this monstrosity. The entire movie's comedic content consists of a litany of awkwardly delivered jokes that fall flat on their faces and some half-hearted slapstick. I think Rainn Wilson is a pretty funny guy, but his delivery resembles the performance of a high school drama student attempting to mimic Jack Black. He has the gestures, intonation, and facial expressions pretty close, but then you realize that somebody already acts like this - Jack Black. Same thing for the rest of the cast, with the occasional exception of Jason Sudeikis - all reading embarrassingly bad jokes that were obviously written by a teen-movie comedy writer. Everything that was attempted in this movie has been done more skillfully in "Rock Star" and "School of Rock." Next, I thought I would be treated to an 80's hair metal feast. Not so. To tell you the truth, I can't really remember if any real songs were in this soundtrack besides Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock" and Foreigner's "Feels Like the First Time." No. That is not enough. That is not acceptable in a movie titled "The Rocker", about a washed-up, bitter, ex-80's hair metal drummer. There are some pseudo-80's hair songs played by the antagonist band of the story, Vesuvius, but they, like the jokes, seem like cheap imitations of more talented artists. This might be expected from an 80's band that never quite made it to the big time, but the writers of this movie would have you believe that everybody on the face of the planet is stupid for Vesuvius. Not very convincing when the best songs come out sounding like third-rate Ratt. Does anybody really think everybody and their moms would be listening to this? Please. And I love hair-metal. Even so, the fans of Vesuvius can simultaneously stomach the poppy, sugar-coated tunes of A.D.D., the high school band that Fish joins. Which brings up another point.

A.D.D's music sounds like the result of a foursome between The Jonas Brothers and Avril Lavigne. Absolute dreck. Somehow, you're supposed to believe that this band would open for a multi-platinum glam-band sensation. But, apparently, the fans don't seem to care, because the same ones that are bobbing their heads to the catchy emo-esquire licks of A.D.D are still there throwing up the horns when Vesuvius comes out to "rock." And don't forget to throw in gratuitous shots of fans, parents, and manager smiling along to the juicy beat of A.D.D., as if they're thinking to themselves, "Man, these kids are GOOD! Go for it!" How does A.D.D. shoot to the top in a matter of months to become the second most popular band in the world (soon to be first)? Easy - a bootleg video of one of their practices uploaded to YouTube catches the attention of a major label's manager/producer, who shows up at their door to sign a record deal. Take note fledgling bands - it's that easy. A parent meeting is called shortly after, and after a feeble "discussion" about something, all the parents decide that it's a great opportunity to let the kids go on tour by themselves. Literally, the discussion lasts like 5 minutes, with each parent successively caving in after each other. Tripe.

Finally, at the end of the movie, there's the obligatory scene of the manager getting fired, complete with the jaw-clenchingly predictable "you're fired" line delivered by Fish. The problem is, the manager isn't even really unlikable. He didn't really do anything wrong except suggest replacing Fish, a suggestion he quickly retracts after protestations from the rest of the band mates. Aside from that, he's the guy that walked up to their door and hand-delivered the contract to them that makes them famous and encourages them to get to work. But, I guess the movie needed a bad guy, and he happened to be available. Too bad,because he's the only one who's remotely funny in this beast of a movie.

If you're looking for a 40ish rock band dreamer movie that feels and sounds like it was written by Disney's best, this is the one for you. Or, I suppose if you thought "School of Rock" and "Rock Star" were too edgy and mature, then you could probably rent this for a family night forced-laugh. Everybody else, stay away from this disappointing heap of dog turds. It's for your own good.
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I can't see why anyone would be able to resist this movie's charm.
callanvass24 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Fish (Rainn Wilson) got his heartbroken in 1986 by his band called Vesuvius. He was the lead drummer, and was told to be replaced by their agent. They originally refuse, but when they are told they will be opening for Whitesnake, the band betrays him, and manages to escape a vengeful attack from Fish. Fish's dream comes to an abrupt halt. Not only does Fish lose his job, because the people he works with love Vesuvius, but his girlfriend kicks him out of their house. Fish is forced to live with his Sister (Jane Lynch) When he learns about his nephew (Josh Gad) having a band, Fish gets another crack at living the dream, when his nephew's band very reluctantly gives him the lead drummer position. The band gets unusually noticed when a session on a web-cam leads to Fish practicing naked, and it gets a ton of You Tube Hits.

Okay. So it's not rocket science, it's not an Oscar winner, it's highly predictable, but damn. It's great entertainment. I really don't understand why movie fans have to be such sticklers at times. What did you honestly expect coming into this movie, a thought provoking film? It's set to entertain the masses, and it does that extremely well. What makes The Rocker work so well, is the energy and the cohesiveness of the cast. Every member of the band is really amiable, and I enjoyed embarking on their journey. This does have crude humor in it, provided by the hilarious Rainn Wilson. I laughed at a lot of it, and enjoyed the slapstick. The predictability didn't bother me one iota, because it was so well done. I had a general idea of how this movie was gonna end. I knew retribution for Fish would happen, but I still enjoyed the ride. Predictability isn't always a bad thing. The Rocker is a perfect example of that. Critics and movie fans alike tend to forget what is so vital to a movie's success. To me it's entertainment. If a movie is able to entertain, it's doing its job. It also has a very good message to it. It shows that you should never give up on your hopes and dreams, no matter how hard you have to work to ascend back to the top.

Rainn Wilson is a funny guy, plain and simple. It amazes me that unfunny people like Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler (These days he is, he used to be funny) and Kevin James make millions at the box office with their abhorrently awful movies, yet Rainn Wilson tends to go unnoticed, compared to them. His idiotic, yet likable character had me in stitches, especially the naked stuff that made him a hit on you tube. Josh Gad makes for an amiably, nerdy nephew, and I enjoyed his low key, but funny performance. Ted Geiger is a guy that females will love. He's got that leadership quality. Christina Applegate was just great as Geiger's Mom. She stole a lot of scenes, and I couldn't get enough of her. Emma Stone shows why she's become one of Hollywood's biggest female stars, with her girl next door persona. I loved her. Jason Sudeikis admittedly has a few funny lines here. He's not a favorite of mine, but I found him amusing here. Will Arnett & Bradley Cooper are fun as members of the arrogant Vesuvius. I doubt Bradley Cooper will talk about this movie very often in interviews, but he was fun. Jane Krakowski also has a role, and Jane Lynch is good as well

Final Thoughts: It's good entertainment. I think its rated way too low. I highly recommend it. It'll deliver plenty of laughs and smiles. Isn't that what counts?

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Not "School of Rock" but still pretty cool
view_and_review30 October 2021
In 1986 Fish (Rainn Wilson) was unceremoniously kicked out of his band. For the next twenty years he would have to see and hear his old band Vesuvius become a mega sensation. The bitterness would only intensify over that time.

Fish got a chance to get back into the limelight when he filled in as the drummer for his nephew's high school band. After accidentally going viral on YouTube for drumming naked, Fish and his nephew's band A. D. D. Became a real hit. Now Fish gets to live out his dream with bandmates Curtis (Teddy Geiger), Matt (Josh Gad), and Amelia (Emma Stone).

It wasn't quite as funny as "School of Rock," though the theme was similar. It was still an older rocker rocking out with minors. It was a steady movie that didn't drop too low or go too high--just an even pace of comedy and light drama.
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Surprisingly Enjoyable
czunic2 November 2022
I watched this with zero expectations. I'm not even a Rainn Wilson fan, nor a fan of the Americanized THE OFFICE.

After the first 10 minutes, I thought it was going to be a silly, slapstick comedy. But it quickly finds its footing and settles into a fairly solid - if not predictable - popcorn film. And bonus points for the effort Wilson and Stone put into actually learning how to play their respective instruments, not to mention Geiger doing the songwriting. I'm not sure there is even a single expletive in the entire 1 hour 45 minutes.

You won't find any new, trailblazing storylines here...but it also doesn't try to be that type of film. If you're looking to unplug with some harmless, formulaic fluff with unexpectedly good music that will get stuck in your head, then you can do a lot worse. It's a rope-a-dope.
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I Wish I Hadn't Waited So Long To Watch It!
damianphelps14 October 2021
This is an above average comedy that has plenty of laughs and a nice story to follow.

Rainn is perfect as the aging Rocker/Loser providing most of the films highlights. Some of the jokes are really predictable but still super funny.

Totally recommend :)
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Completely conventional. Not much new here.
keiichi7320 August 2008
If there was ever a movie that needed Jack Black, this is the one. The lead character in The Rocker almost seems to be written with him in mind, and I don't know, maybe it intended to be a starring vehicle for him at one time, but other projects got in the way. Whatever the reason, it's impossible not to think what kind of energy he'd bring to this film - Energy that Rainn Wilson (the actor who does headline this movie) cannot supply, despite his best efforts. At least he seems to be trying.

Wilson plays Robert "Fish" Fishman, a washed up drummer who lost his chance at stardom back in 1986 when he was the drummer for a rising heavy metal hair band named Vesuvius, only to have his bandmates ditch him right before fame came knocking for the group. His attempt to stop his former friends from running away from him brings about an inspired comic sequence, where Fish seemingly develops superhuman abilities while chasing after their fleeing van. He can run at impossible speeds like a human Terminator, and he then leaps on top of the van, and punches holes through the roof with his drum sticks, causing his bandmates to scream in terror. I laughed a lot at this sequence. I liked its goofy tone, which seemed to be parodying horror films, and it set my mind at ease early on that director Peter Cattaneo (The Full Monty) would be giving the movie a likeably offbeat sense. As soon as this sequence ends, however, the movie goes on total auto pilot and never looks back.

Robert is now jobless, homeless, and holding a major grudge against his former band, which has gone on to chart-topping success. Opportunity comes knocking while Robert is living at his sister's house, trying to get his life together. His nephew, Matt (Josh Gad), is in a high school garage band called ADD, and they have recently lost their drummer right before their first gig at the school's prom. Matt asks Robert to fill in as a last resort, much to the dismay of his two fellow bandmates - lead singer and songwriter Curtis (Teddy Geiger), and cynical guitarist Amelia (Emma Stone). They eventually welcome Robert into the band, since he can get them other gigs, and they find their popularity quickly building, especially after Robert becomes an Internet sensation when a video of him drumming naked becomes a hit on Youtube. Seemingly in a matter of weeks, the band is going on tour, selling out massive concert halls, and releasing hit CDs.

The Rocker seems to know just how derivative it is, as it races through its various pre-required stops, almost as if it was checking its clichés off one by one. Robert gets a love interest in the form of Curtis' mom (Christina Applegate), who accompanies the band on tour. Despite Applegate getting second billing in the cast, though, her character barely registers, and her plot hardly goes anywhere. There are relationships within the band itself, as young Matt has his eyes on a girl who appears at all of their concerts, and Amelia and Curtis keep on exchanging meaningful glances at each other, but can't speak their feelings. These are dealt with the same lack of interest, almost as if the screenplay is just throwing these ideas out there, but doesn't want to do anything with them. And of course, there has to be turmoil amongst the bandmates. There's a slimy manager who pops up now and then to manipulate Curtis into turning against Robert, but this brief spat is resolved about two scenes later, so we're left to wonder why the movie bothered in the first place. This film is so haphazard and lazy in its tone that even the band getting arrested and going to prison isn't a very big deal in this movie.

Instead of creating characters or situations that we can care about, we're left with a lot of music montages, which seem to make up 80% of the film's middle. But, at least the music was able to distract me a little from most of the film's humor, which seems to be under the rule that seeing Rainn Wilson getting hit in the face or the privates gets funnier each time it tries it. When he's living at his sister's house early on in the film, it seems to be designed for him to hit his head or fall backwards over something, almost as if The Three Stooges had built the house. I can just picture someone on the construction crew while the house was being built asking why they were making the ceiling and boards in the attic so low, and the head foreman saying, "Trust me, it will be funny when some guy has to live up here someday". Even when he's not in the house, he seems to be a magnet for bees flying in his mouth, tree branches smacking his face, and TV boxes in hotel rooms striking his crotch.

Despite its message of embracing a rebellious spirit and never giving up on your dreams, The Rocker is completely substandard and instantly forgettable. This almost seems to be the kind of movie the month of August was made for. It's not exactly bad, but there's absolutely nothing that stands out about it. Now that the big summer movies have come and gone, it's time for the movies that won't be remembered a month from now. If only the movie had kept the same level of insanity of its first five minutes. Then The Rocker would be a movie worth seeing.
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Surprisingly enjoyable
jsorenson77714 February 2009
The best news here is that Christina Applegate is still hot and Rainn Wilson has escaped from "The Office" effectively. He is a comedic talent with promise.

This is a tight little flick that works for what is is. The story flows well and the cast works together comfortably. Looks like they enjoyed the project.

The directing and editing are spot-on. This simple low-budget comedy is very well done.

There should be another set of awards for films like this. Not Oscars (maybe Felixes), for meticulously crafted smaller films that do what films are supposed to do - entertain.
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Unimaginative, Cookie-Cutter Movie.
jian367222 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I love Rainn Wilson, and like Emma Stone, Josh Gad, Christina Applegate, and Jane Krakowski, and their performances have nothing to do with the negativity, there's only so much that could be done with such a tepid script.

I believe Rainn Wilson could, indeed, carry a comedic lead in a movie, and it's a shame that his ability to do so will be questioned by anyone seeing this film.

It would appear that this film was made by writing down about 30 overdone plot points on a strip of paper each, randomly plucking about 15 of them, and having a thirteen-year-old creative writing student put them to order.

On shorter notes, the "band's" music sounds like bad candy-commercial jingles, and the songs go on for far too long, the slapstick humour is easy to see coming, the other pedestrian 'comedy' is canned, recycled jokes from equally forgettable movies, using the same lower-mediocre toolkit.

A film student should not get a passing grade for this effort.

I'm not a film snob, but there is zero entertainment value to be gained from watching this film unless you've never, ever, seen another 'comedy' film to compare it to in your life. There is nothing from beginning to end that doesn't remind you that you're watching one long YouTube/Myspace ad.

The whole 'catch' to this movie is to see the film for the actors, please do the actors a favour and don't see this film, or, if you already have, don't hold it against them, blame the writers.

I gave it a 3 out of 10, rounding up to be fair, because I have actually have seen worse films.
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Hugely enjoyable.
kevin_crighton19 October 2008
1986 - Robert 'Fish' Fishman is the drummer of an up and coming rock band called Vesuvius. However, on the night they are offered a massive record deal, they are told there is a catch.... they have to sack the drummer. Twenty years later, Fish is still angry about that, but when offered the chance to play drums for his nephew's rock band at the Prom, he see this as a chance get to live the rock lifestyle he always wanted....

In many ways, The Rocker is a sequel to School Of Rock, in that you have the older band member, with much younger band members. The difference here though, is that they are all in their late teens. But even these similarities don't hide the fact that for it's running time, The Rocker is hugely enjoyable.

The cast, lead by Rainn Wilson are all good. Wilson as Fish gets to over the top as he lives out his dream, and while some of his antics are a bit childish at times, they are probably no worse that what actual bands get up to at times. The fact that the rest of the band, are normal teens makes Fish's antics even funnier.

As for the rest of the band members, yes you do have some clichéd characters. There is the sensitive lead singer/song-writer, the Indie- spirited girl, and the genius but shy keyboard player. Despite this however, each person develops as the movie progresses, even Fish and while some plot developments in the movie are very predictable, this doesn't detract from the enjoyment.

Peter Cattaneo, who also directed The Full Monty, keeps things moving along nicely. The script, while not a laugh out loud riot (for me anyway), did keep a smile on my face all the way through. The music in the movie is also well done. Not only in the choice of background music, but also the songs that the band have written themselves.

The Rocker will never be remembered as an all-time comedy classic. But for it's running time, it is very enjoyable, keeps you smiling and is very entertaining.
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A brain off comedy
Gordon-118 March 2016
This film tells the story of a guitarist who got thrown out of a band that subsequently becomes super famous. He lives with anger for the next twenty years. All is changed when he gets his fame unexpectedly in an unlikely band.

"The Rocker" is a fun comedy. It got me giggling a few times due to silly jokes. I like Christina Applegate's character, I think she's quite fun and lively because of her character's history of being in a band. The subplot of forgiveness and giving yourself a chance to be happy is a good message as well. By the way, Bradley Cooper fans beware, he has only got a very small role in the film, speaking only one line.

Though I'll probably not remember it after a few months, I enjoyed watching this brain off film.
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Unexpectably enjoyable
peterkowalski21 September 2009
'The Rocker' is a story of a middle-aged freak (Wilson) who once was in a rock band starting a career, but got back stabbed, and spent the last 20 years holding a grudge, unable to move on with his life. He's a true rocker in his heart and mind: he's got rock and roll in his blood, and it seems like it's the only thing he's able and willing to do. It's not until he looses his dead end job and moves in with his sister (Lynch) and her family that he discovers that his very own geeky nephew (Gad) is in a band himself, and needs a drummer. The movie delivers: there's just no other way to say it. It's funny from the very first minutes, it's not geeky, Rainn Wilson is extraordinary (as always), it features some classic lines, and it has a great cast. It's one of those rare movies that are actually funnier than their trailer, mostly thanks to Wilson, who is a genius. He's the kind of actor you know will go there: if the script asks for drumming butt naked, he'll strip before you finish the sentence. He gives 110% and it shows in his excellent performance; he makes the movie exceptionally believable. He makes you think he had been once a rocker for a famous rock band in deed. Josh Gad, starring as Matt, is pretty amazing. Somehow his talents go beyond his looks, and he becomes something more you'd take him for: he's not your typical fat geek from school. Emma Stone stars as the Shirley Manson-esquire, angry-at-everything keyboard player, but she manages not to be annoying. The cast also features some other great characters, starring Jane Lynch, Jason Sudeikis, Christina Applegate, not to mention Jane Krakowski, Bradley Cooper and Fred Armisen. The movie is not without flaws. Even though it's laughable, you get the feeling it could be funnier sometimes; it's also not as original as it could be. It's 'almost there': it manages to get you laugh, but deep in your mind, you know you've seen this before. That being said, it's a great movie: and what's rare, it's not a complete waste of time.
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Way over-hyped, huge disappointment
cjslusser4 August 2008
I didn't expect this movie to be all that great, but I did expect to be entertained a little with some comedy and good music. Sadly, I got neither. The comedy was bad, and the music was even worse. Definitely a soundtrack I won't be purchasing. I was expecting some decent musical talent in this film, and there was none. Rainn Wilson's performance was bad, too,and I'm disappointed that Christina Applegate chose to appear in this film. Obviously it was charity work on her part. I can't really think of one positive thing to say about the film. Maybe I was just in a foul mood when I saw it? Not likely. Bad comedy + really bad music = bad movie. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give the storyline a 4, the acting a 3, the comedy a 2, and the music a 1.
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