100 Feet (2008) Poster


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All in all,
lilywhitebloodred26 September 2008
I thought this was a decent movie. The story line particularly made this title more appeasing to me. A lady kills her husband in self defense after being beaten for years? I like this only because this a real scenario that happens all to often, and the women in punished for it. Even though eventually the husband would probably kill her anyways. I like the fact that she is on house arrest which gives the story a certain twist. The scenes are suspenseful and make you clench your teeth and jump at certain times. The characters are done well and the story moves at a decent pace. There was some really good gore and some particularly scary parts which were also done well. As for the end, what can I say, after all the horror movies that have been made endings are harder and harder to do. This movie was great up until the end, and even the end was not that horrible, it was still kind of bad enough to make me reduce my rating on this movie. All in all, worth the watch, but probably wont be a favorite.
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Woman under house arrest has to contend with husband's ghost...
Doylenf22 August 2010
The story starts with an interesting premise but soon goes overboard in depicting some gory scenes of a ghost's vengeance during which time much blood is shed for the sake of horror fans who like this sort of thing. It's well acted and tense with some quietly underplayed opening scenes, but once the ghost starts wreaking the place all hell breaks loose and the story loses a great deal of credibility.

The acting is fine, with Famke Janssen giving a strong performance as a woman forced to wear an ankle bracelet and kept under close watch by a suspicious policeman who was her husband's partner. But the tension doesn't become tight until the last third of the story and then it goes way over the top in depicting violence.

Scary enough but midway through, the story loses a lot of credibility despite the high quality of the performances.
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Tripping At The Finish Line...
Aka_Who17 December 2008
100 feet is an openly aggressive film that does well to keep your pulse pounding all the way up to the flat line ending. I enjoyed the idea behind the story and for the most part felt as though it was well portrayed. Several times you find yourself having to stretch your imagination in order to play along but nothing I would consider a deal breaker. I highly appreciated the amount of time and attention spent on the gore effects. On the other side of that coin a little more time and effort put into actually frightening the viewer would have been well received. Sadly this is a film that would have ranked much higher had the ending not brought the momentum to a stand-still. As is, still a decent flick.
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Horror meets thriller in new Famke Janssen movie
pookiesnackenburger2 October 2008
Saw this at a film fest in Germany and its really not a bad horror drama. Marnie Watson (Famke Janssen) is released from prison but has to serve the rest of her sentence under house arrest. This is the same house in which she killed, in self defense, her Police Officer husband Mike Watson (Michael Paré).

Plot wise this movie falls a little bit flat. There is no explanation to all the events that occur in this film. Shanks seems to take a very strange interest in Marnie. Even to the point of parking outside her house and watching her day and night. But there is no real reason for this, he has a hunch that perhaps Marnie didn't kill Mike. The acting overall was fine, I quite like Janssen and she played this part well. Although I thought she was very calm considering the circumstances.

Directed by Eric Red, who I knew little about. When I checked it appears he has done other films, things like Cohen and Tate, and has quite a few writing credits. There are some nice well done scenes in this film, a few jump type moments but nothing really scary. There is one quite horrific scene in the bedroom when the ghost of Mike takes a dislike to Marnie's new beau. The effects were done well, though a little bit over dramatic at the end.

This is a Horror/Thriller but I would say leans more to the Horror genre than Thriller. It could have gone more down the Thriller route, and there were enough plot lines running through to create a decent Thriller.

All in all it was an enjoyable film that held my interest, but left me asking more questions than it answered.
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As a lover of horror I was hoping for more....
brdlybaum11 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Tight budget or not this was a very mediocre film, even bordering on absolute rubbish. The special effects were not particularly special. The storyline was 'woman files numerous reports of spousal abuse to the police station where her husband is stationed eventually snaps when after the six reports had been swept under the carpet he attacks her again. This time he attacks her with a knife. She kills him by grabbing the knife from him and stabbing him three times. on early release from jail she gets put under house-arrest for one year (at the start of the film six months later on in it). Mikey then starts to exact his revenge'. The storyline was virtually non-existent. The acting was so minimal it almost was not there. Famke Janssen did her best in the lead role, actually she didn't but then there was not a lot for her to do. I have seen other films she has been in where she has been better. The person playing Shanks didn't have a lot to do either, in fact no-one did really.

In one scene her dead ex pulls her hand into the waste-disposal unit and turns it on cutting her hand so badly that in the next scene she needs to wrap it in a towel only for her hand to be perfectly alright for the rest of the film. In another set of scenes the ghost of the ex pulls her down the stairs her head hitting every wooden step as she went and yet she got up at the bottom with no effect whatsoever. These are not the only cases of inconsistencies.

So, after having a 'solid' ghost what are we going to be subjected to next? Dracula sunbathing in the midday sun? A person changing into a werewolf when there is no full moon in the sky? This really is not one to see in a hurry!
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Not as bad as most board posts claim it to be...
Abs1249016 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by saying that 1) I am a horror fan, not a completely devoted horror groupie, but I love them nonetheless, and 2) I am someone who RARELY gets scared after watching "horror" films. They just don't scare me.

However, something about this movie really disturbed me. The first time I watched it was about a year ago and since then I cannot get it out of my head. I want to watch it again soon, but cannot muster up the courage to do so.

Obviously the film is not completely perfect, but some details could have been looked over twice, such as the numerous plot holes (I won't go into explaining all of them here, but you can find them on the boards, I would suggest the post titled "100 things I learned from 100 feet"). Plus, the ending seemed rush and is poorly edited, and the CG ghost is horrible, pathetic... just not believable (how do you make a ghost believable though?) Most viewers would say there needs to be more blood, a higher "body count," but the one brutal murder in this film is one of the most disturbing I have seen in years.. I think about it on a frequent basis.

I think the reason the film stuck with me is because beyond it just being a horror film, it dealt a lot with the characters different issues and emotions.

If you go into watching this movie with little to no expectations, you will enjoy it. It is, clearly, low-budget, and what you see is definitely what you get with 10 mil. Also... why do viewers have to over analyze everything in a film and feel every thing needs justification? Just relax and roll with the punches. The first time I watched this film I had no expectations, and didn't even catch most of the plot holes until I came to the IMDb boards.

I give it a 7/10. This film is not getting the credit it deserves from some reviewers.
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Just about worth going the distance with.
BA_Harrison24 October 2010
Sadly, 100 Feet, the title of screenwriter Eric Red's 2008 horror starring Famke Janssen, does not refer to the many legs of a giant flesh-eating centipede—a shame, 'cos I reckon that would have made for a far more original and believable movie than this well-acted, but ultimately very silly ghost story.

Janssen stars as Marnie Watson, who has returned home after 752 days in prison for killing her abusive husband; it is there that she is to serve the remainder of her sentence under house arrest, fitted with an electronic tag to restrict her movement to a radius of—you guessed it!—100 feet. As Marnie slowly begins to put her life back in order (painting over blood stains on the wall, scaring homeless guys, screwing the delivery boy etc.) she finds her progress hampered by the very angry ghost of her dead husband, who hasn't quite finished with using his wife as a punch bag.

Red, whose earlier writing credits include the excellent thriller The Hitcher and cult vampire hit Near Dark, clearly possesses some skill behind the camera managing a creepy atmosphere, confidently tackling some complex effects and pulling off a few effective scares, but it seems as though, in changing roles, he's forgotten the importance of a really tight script; glaring plot-holes and lapses in logic blight this film from start to finish! (I'm not going to waste time going into details, but if you're interested, check out the film's message board on IMDb—plenty of other people have listed them for me).

It is thanks to Janssen's presence (she's still a major hottie and acquits herself admirably in her role), and one particularly grisly death scene that had me double checking the DVD's rating (yes, it really is only a 15 certificate), that I'm willing to overlook some of the film's minor problems, but a talented, easy-on-the-eye lead and some nasty gore only excuses so much.

Next time Eric, iron out the uglier creases before going into production and you might have another hit on your hands (oh, and feel free to take the killer centipede idea and run with it—seriously, that would make one hell of a film!).
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A ghost movie with a solid punch...
paul_haakonsen17 July 2018
When I sat down to watch the 2008 movie "100 Feet" it was solely for two reasons. The first being that Famke Janssen was in it, and the second being that it is a horror movie, of course.

I hadn't heard about the movie prior to finding it by random luck. I didn't even read the synopsis, I just saw that it was a horror movie and saw Famke Janssen on the DVD front cover, and that was all I needed.

It turned out that "100 Feet" was actually a rather enjoyable movie. There was a good flow to the storyline, with little useless scenes to serve as filler. Everything here served a purpose and was straight to the point.

They had some really impressive effects in the movie, and I must admit that it really helped lift up the movie quite well. Especially the scene with the mauling in the bedroom. That was actually some of the most impressive special effects I have seen in a long, long time.

"100 Feet" was driven by a good storyline, but equally so by a rather good performance by the cast. And while they had a rather small cast, there was a bit more resting on the shoulders of the those performing. And I will say that both Famke Janssen and Bobby Cannavale carried themselves and the movie quite well.

This is definitely a horror movie that is well worth taking the time and effort to sit down and watch. And there are some jump scares here and there throughout the movie.
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Some elements of interest in an otherwise routine ghost story
Leofwine_draca1 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
100 FEET is a haunted house ghost story with a slightly different plot to the usual: a woman is trapped inside her own home alongside the vengeful spirit of her dead abusive husband. She can't leave because she wears an electronic ankle tag that'll go off and see her sent back to prison if she tries going outside. It's quite a novel premise, although as it turns out the ankle bracelet aspect of the story never really goes anywhere and becomes less and less important as time goes on.

For the most part this is quite predictable stuff, although it's a little more grounded and believable than other genre entries. One notable thing about the production is that it was directed by Eric Red, the guy who wrote THE HITCHER and NEAR DARK, so it has a bit of style that you normally wouldn't see. The story is still slow paced, occasionally clichéd, and suffers from a rubbish-looking CGI ghost, but apart from that it's not too bad.

Famke Janssen takes the lead role and while I've never been a big fan of this actress - there's something I find that's very cold and mechanical about her - she's acceptable in the part. Bobby Cannavale (BOARDWALK EMPIRE) is much better as the hot-headed cop put on guard duty outside her house. Former action star Michael Pare plays the evil spirit but is wasted in a nothing role. There's a stand-out murder by ghost scene which has some strong effects and features some brutal violence that comes out of nowhere, although the fiery climax is pretty silly when it comes down to it.
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Thank you, Eric Red. You did not let me down.
Vomitron_G16 September 2009
"100 Feet" had been on my radar for some time, mainly because of director Eric Red being at the helm of this project. Perhaps his comeback film, one could say. The man already wrote great scripts for 80's genre hits like Robert Harmon's "The Hitcher" and Kathryn Bigelow's "Near Dark". During the 90's he directed two notable genre films, the psychologically tinted thriller/horror hybrid "Body Parts" and that one little werewolf film that sort of stood out during the 90's, "Bad Moon". Very likely no masterpieces, but they left a pleasant aftertaste and above all, they are well made and showed promise for future work as a director. And then... it got a little quiet surrounding Eric Red. So in a way, "100 Feet" might be considered to be his comeback movie. It sure got me interested, especially after glimpsing at the trailer. And the fact that Famke Janssen was taking on the leading role, didn't hurt at all either.

So yes, I really wanted to like 100 Feet, and well,... I really liked it! It's a bit of a sober film, really, with a one-house setting and not much characters running around in it. But every character does bring his weight to it. Also, it's a unique angle for a ghost story, with Famke's character not being able to leave her haunted house (you know that from the start of the film). Ms. Janssen gives a fine performance (funny thing, I think I actually spotted a Dutch accent for the first time ever), the film has the right tone & atmosphere (at least for me it worked fine) and looks really good. There's a bit of ghostly CGI that perhaps could have been better (or maybe I should say: could've been handled differently, as it's more of a choice of how they wanted it to look, not really a case of ineptness). It's not a fast-paced film, but it works for the better this way, and believe me... there's one scene that will take you by surprise. Unexpected, and so bloody and so brutal, it'll have you hit that rewind button on your remote. Maybe the film will play out, in the end, just like you'd expect it to. Or maybe not. I just hope it won't disappoint you at any rate. Just go rent it. It's much better than most of the direct-to-DVD stuff coming out these days. I'm always sad when a film like this doesn't make it to theaters in our country (but it's also obvious that it doesn't stand a chance over here). This just got me thinking of David Fincher's "Panic Room", actually, because of its similar setting. "Panic Room" did get a theatrical release over here, naturally, and I hold "100 Feet" about on par with it (well, maybe not exactly on par as a film, but as a "horror equivalent", yes). So you just decide for yourself whether you think you're going to like this film or not.
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WAAAY too many "clang" moments in this film.
innocuous7 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The "clang" moments were just scattered randomly throughout the film. The protagonist doesn't notice that she has half-a-dozen loose floorboards in her bedroom? (And we're talking big, really loose boards here...step on the end of one and it would pop you in the nose.) She's being stalked throughout the house, but she doesn't turn on any lights? (This is AFTER her power is turned on.) The Dept. of Corrections installs a high-tech electronic monitoring device for "house arrest", but it won't allow her go to the front door, the basement, or the attic? For absolutely no reason at all, she decides not to tell anybody about what's going on? (I mean, why not? She's already been charged and convicted for the slaying. They can't do it again, no matter how loopy she's acting or what she tells them. For the same reason, why is a cop sitting outside her house? He may have been the partner, but he can't do a thing other than throw her back in the slammer. Why bother?)

Anyway, it all adds up to a pretty weak story. The movie would have been better with less violence and more subtlety. And a better ending would have helped a lot.
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Great quality stuff
asgard-516 May 2011
This is a great thriller from Eric Red, the writer of Hitcher and many more. On the outside it's a budget haunted house horror flick, the kind that everybody used to make a couple of years ago, before the slashers came back. But this one stands out with its solid writing and impressive no nonsense execution. Eric Red took what was fashionable and made the most of it. He has quite a reputation with numerous classic genre films throughout the 80s and 90s that he has to live up to. And live up to it this movie does. Famke Janssen carries the film with ease. It doesn't take much time till you root for her because the character is as real a person as it gets in these movies. The supporting cast are all great too. Bobby Cannavale who plays the cop on a stakeout outside her house does a "young Chazz Palminteri", just what the role asks for. And Michael Pare who plays the ghost actually acts and acts well under the coat of blurry special effects and not a word of dialog save for a couple of grunts, not to mention he *is* scary. I enjoyed the hell out of it and I hope Eric Red continues to make movies this good.
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Highly Recommended for Fans of Ghost Story
claudio_carvalho7 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After seven years and fifty-two days in prison, Marnie Watson (Famke Janssen) returns to her old house in Brooklyn, New York, under the house arrest condition for the next six months. Marnie was sentenced for killing her abusive and brutal husband, the policeman Mike Watson (Michael Paré), in self-defense and she must wear an electronic brace around her ankle that allows her to move in a 100-foot radius in the house during her probation. Mike's former partner Shanks (Bobby Cannavale) takes Marnie under his custody, stalking her from his car, expecting her to violate the limits of the electronic device and send her back to prison. Sooner Marnie discovers that she is trapped in the house with the fiend of Mike that has not moved on and is still in the house seeking revenge against her.

I am a big fan of horror movies and Famke Janssen, and "100 Feet" was a great surprise for me. This ghost story has an original theatrical screenplay supported by the acting of this gorgeous Dutch actress and some decent special effects. I believe that fans of this genre will not be disappointed with the plot. My only negative remark is with the bad conclusion, with the explosion of the ghost and Marnie able to leave her place without any money, documentation or friends and her picture on the front page of the news, but traveling somewhere by bus. She had only six months sentence to be a free woman; Shanks could help her during the rest of her probation; and her house might have an insurance policy. This good movie deserved an alternative ending. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Refém do Espírito" ("Hostage of the Spirit")
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Do not provoke your aggressive dead husband whilst having sex, duh!
Coventry19 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"100 Feet" is a horror/thriller hybrid that looks potentially interesting on paper due to the names involved. The film marks the comeback - after more than ten utterly silent years - of Eric Red; the writer of genuine 80's classics "The Hitcher" and "Near Dark" and the writer/director of 90's guilty pleasures "Body Parts" and "Bad Moon". The lead role is for Famke Janssen, whom everybody – especially the male viewers – always adored but never had a chance to admire in a proper lead role. It's also the type of film that initially comes across as satisfying and successful thanks to a fairly original plot (or a rather fresh variation on an old theme) and a handful of effective jump moments. Unfortunately, however, it's also the type of film that becomes a lot more lightweight when you contemplate and analyze a little bit further. The concept of a woman who can't escape the enraged ghost of her dead husband because she's put under house arrest is indeed reasonably original, but it also feel very unfinished and shabby. Usually ghosts are summoned or unleashed, whereas in this case we're simply supposed to accept he remained present in the house and patiently waited more than 7 years for Marnie to become released from prison? And why was Marnie ever convicted to such a harsh punishment in the first place, especially since there's clear evidence that she filed numerous complaints against her ill-natured other half? Anyway, holes and illogical elements in the script I can easily overlook (can't be a horror fan otherwise) but there are far worse problems in "100 Feet" to struggle through. The film is, strangely enough, rather boring and doesn't feature any really worthwhile shock-sequences until quite late in the film. Luckily Famke than makes the (rather unwise) decision to provocatively tease her dead husband whilst she's having sex with a young stud in their marital bed. The dead guy, who got murdered for being hostile and jealous in the first place, finally snaps and does a couple of nauseating things. The main characters are bland and stereotypical, like the macho copper who never bothered to question his partner's behavior or the teenage toy-boy desperately waiting to score with a MILF, and the end-twist is pretty retarded. I hate to write such harsh comments on Eric Red's comeback feature, but if this is the best he could do after ten years; he should have waited some more years.
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Famke Janssen carries this pretty good movie
PhantomAgony3 March 2010
The movie begins with Marnie Wilson (Famke Janssen), arriving home after being released from an unknown prison sentence, for one year of house arrest. She stabbed her abusive Cop husband to death after he came at her with a knife and she managed to get it away from him to defend herself. She had filed many complaints about the abuse but his cop friends didn't take her seriously. She obviously was found guilty since she went to prison and has now been released to house arrest. The title of the movie - 100 Feet - refers to the distance she can travel. Marnie must always be within 100 feet of the ankle monitor box that hangs in her home. If she goes outside 100 feet, the ankle monitor beeps and she has 3 minutes to get back inside or the police are called.

The movie doesn't waste much time introducing the audience and the lead character (Marnie) to the ghost of her late husband who apparently haunts the house and wants her to pay for what she did. He is violent and takes pleasure in scaring her and physically hurting her - for example, he throws her down the flight of stairs and also hits her in the face. The ghost is NOT invisible.. it's not some force that can't be seen and the fear is supposed to come from the unknown. The movie creates the ghost and we can see his shape/face/body and at times it IS scary. The movie plays with this by having his image pop up with quick camera shots in the dark.

Ed Westwick plays Joey, a young man from the neighborhood who befriends Marnie and is someone who she can talk to and who runs errands for her such as getting books from the library and groceries from the supermarket. Bobby Cannavale plays a cop who was the partner of Marnie's husband. He can't let what happened go and he obsessively camps outside the house to keep an eye on Marnie inside.

Famke Janssen's performance in this movie was fantastic. The actual movie was average in execution and it had an ending that lessoned the film especially with the over the top CGI effects which IMO were just too much in the final scenes (it wasn't a problem for 95% of the movie though) but Famke really stepped it up making the movie almost mesmerizing at times. Her fear and grief and determination were palpable and she really sold the character she was playing. Just a great job from her overall.

I saw this movie last night when it was on SyFy. I happened to flip the channel and quickly decided to watch. I am glad I did. I gave this movie a 6 out of 10 b/c it was enjoyable and well acted but it wasn't brilliant by any means and the over the top ending ruined it a bit for me. I still recommend seeing this movie and there is a really crazy (in a good way) fight scene that is worth checking out.
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Not a good use of my time!
johnhulbert19 April 2009
I really wanted to enjoy this film, but try as I might I couldn't find anything to endear me to it. Wooden acting, lack of depth to all of the characters, gaping plot holes, poor special effects and laughable direction made this one of the poorest movies I have seen in ages.

Famke Janssen is a great actress who usually brings depth and enthusiasm to her roles but her performance throughout the movies seems to lack effort and she seems permanently embarrassed and uncomfortable.

The actor playing her dead husbands partner (Bobby Cannavale) looks the part, but also doesn't seem happy in the role, or committed to the part.

The movies relies on tried and tested means of scaring the audience, which unfortunately fail as we have seen them all before.

Not recommended.
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I really enjoyed it!
atinder26 September 2012
100 Feet (2008) as been one of the dozen movies, I got on my watch list, I saw this last night,

I really enjoyed this movie, I did not expect it too be this good,

This horror movie is more slow burner, for the first hour or so, so there weren't many scare scene in the movie , they are one or two, very unexpected, at the right moments.

The last half hour of the movie really puts everything into at once, there was one scene, that I thought was very nasty and really brutal.

The only downside,how they ended it story of the plot, it didn't feel right , that it did not fit in with the rest of the movie.

The acting was not bad at all, there were moment they went little over the top with one or two scenes.

7 out of 10
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That thing in Donald Trump's head is scary...this isn't.
mr_popcorn8 December 2008
The movie had potential but as it goes on and the story unfolds, it tends to be a bit tiresome and the scares and the chills just wasn't there. The supposed ghost of the husband of Famke's character, Marnie didn't deliver the thrills. I've seen much more scarier things in real life than a CGI concocted vague image of some rotten dude trying to kill his wife. Another thing that seemed a bit odd was the premise of a ghost that can physically hurt and in Ed Westwick's case, kill a human being. Now, I'm not into the whole supernatural thing but I'm pretty sure ghosts can't do that. They're dead, they can't kill people when they're dead, that's just silly. Famke Janssen, from a big-budgeted film X-Men playing an iconic comic book character has been reduced to playing battered housewives in low budgeted horror movies. Such a shame really.
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seconds away from giving in
raulfaust14 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The first minutes of this film don't reveal if it's gonna be a good movie or not. Reading the synopsis we get to think it's just another dumb scary movie, but as the movie goes we can see it is not. In most horror movies involving haunting and entities the characters don't leave the haunted house because they don't believe in what's happening-- that's very cliché. In this movie the main character BELIEVES, but can't leave the house because she is in house arrest. Sometimes we notice it's a scary version of the classic "Ghost", but it doesn't spoil the movie's quality. Special effects are plausible and well done-- considering it's budget, they are actually GREAT. Famke Janssen and Bobby Cannavale are two relatively unknown actors that surprised me with such good acting, I didn't think they'd be this good. Photography is beautiful and story is well written-- with exception of Poltergeist movements from the ghost--, making it hard to believe an independent movie would be so professional. All in all, this is a surprisingly good scary movie that afflicts the spectator, don't miss this picture!
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If I were you, I'd wait until this is in the dollar rack at Wal-Mart.
tisabobeesa7 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Although this movie wasn't unbearable, it came pretty close. The plot needed work, along with... Well, everything. It seems that someone had an idea for some decent special effects and built a movie around that, and the special effects weren't even that great. Marnee kills her abusive husband out of self defense and is put on house arrest as opposed to spending the remainder of her sentence in jail, she is condemned to be within 100 feet of her household which proves to be a problem when her dead husband begins haunting her... And by haunting I mean trying to kill her. She can't leave the house or tell anyone, and of course she befriends the boy who delivers her groceries and well, let's just say her dead husband isn't too happy with where the relationship goes... Well, plain and simple... The movie sucked, the ending was cheesy, it was cliché and the special effects needed work... It had potential though, really, it did.
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the idea of the title does not fit the movie
dannne11 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I vote seven stars for the overall theme, clarity, and content of the film, though I must say that the title does not fit the movie. The average viewer might expect to find that the radius limit is meant to somehow give the impression of, shall we say, an induced claustrophobic tension when the restriction of the protagonist's movements becomes a hindrance during those moments when the malevolent ghost is haunting her. In the film, there was no indication of such an incident, and the inclusion of this idea seemed to have minimal impact on the movie's entire storyline.

Also, I find some unjustified events both quite hilarious and disturbing. Especially on that part when she was able to go below the wooden floor with the sack without cracking it, but when there was only one human body placed there, it cracked and burst. Physics, please.

The visual effects at the end provided some room for thought for me about why their video editing staff did not coordinate well with Famke's make-up artists due to the fact that despite the extensive explosions, her skin was left untouched. I would've justified that the explosions were a mere illusion of the spirit, but the neighbors just gave it away.

I think this movie is something you should watch. Famke did a great job on the portrayal of the character and I must say that I was really entertained by her firm and silent demeanor in the movie. It suits her face very well.
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kosmasp19 August 2010
The movie has a really strong beginning and manages to stay and hold a tension for quite some while. It also has you wondering if this is working on 2 levels. Unfortunately it does fall flat on its back after a certain moment (of realization). It almost renders the movie completely off the radar, but some nice ideas and especially the frenetic pace, don't let you off their grip ... which would've been bad, because you'd realize how insane and incoherent this is.

Famke does her best to be convincing in her role, as things just happen to her. It's just a shame, that she does not get enough story to back that up. Still a decent enough effort, with quite a few scares and a nice (if somewhat OTT) ending.
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So Much More Than I Expected
Michael-d-duncan28 September 2009
Ghost movies aren't typically my cup of tea; I don't even believe in Ghosts! However, this movie delivered! The acting was believable and good, the effects were very good. The plot while not wonderfully original was unique enough, and suspenseful enough to keep me riveted! There are two things I found noteworthy and unique in this film. First, ghost movies usually try to be Hitchcock'esquire and fail. The Ghost in this film however is prominent and displayed. The suspense is built and genuinely creepy but they aren't afraid to flaunt a shaded nasty. Nextly the film didn't waste the first forty five minutes on the characters trying to figure out what was going on. They ghost came, he was violent and she knew what was happening.

One last thing, this film while violent, really hearkens back to the classic scary movie. It doesn't rely on gore to scare you. You don't have some lame heavy metal sound track. There is no pointless nudity. The film will not excite you eyes but it will raise the hairs on the back of your neck and make you check the house before you go to sleep :)
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Just OK. One scene does stand out
Finfrosk866 June 2015
Another movie that is not great, nor horrible - like most movies! The premise is sort of original, actually, but it is not executed perfectly I'm afraid. Because I wasn't. Afraid. During the movie.

Now, I don't get scared easily, but this is not a very scary movie either.

One thing stands out, and that's a fantastically brutal violent scene. Don't think I've seen something quite like it before, actually.

Missus Famke does an alright job, it's always nice to see known actors in horror. Not that she couldn't have been played by some one else, though.

The movie has a couple of things going for it, but you're sort of left with the impression that this could have been a lot better. It has potential that it doesn't use all that well. It starts pretty good, but then dips down, and never becomes great.

But you could do worse.
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Dreadful and laughable.
krzysiektom6 July 2022
Very stupid script, and not in an entertaining way. Poor direction and bad special effects. Three stars for the decent acting by Famke Jannsen and B. Cannavale. By the way, the imdb rule that you need to write at least 150 characters is really dumb.
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