The Hills Have Eyes 2 (2007) Poster

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More Mutant on Human Violence
view_and_review6 January 2016
The first "The Hills Have Eyes" creeped me out so of course I had to see the second. This time the good guys have guns (in my best southern accent).

A military unit was sent out to the New Mexico desert to bring aid and supplies. Of course, when they get to the seemingly abandoned outpost they run into the rejects of The Toxic Avengers.

I was thinking, "OK now. Now we got some bad mofos with guns, it's about to be on. These circus side show freaks are about to get dealt with military style!" Oh yeah, I was hyped.

Of course there wouldn't be much of a movie then if that happened. After all, these missing links did survive nuclear testing, so what're a few dudes with guns? Prepare for some serious casualties in horrific fashion and more mutant on human violence.
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Not nearly as bad as I expected...
AndyVanScoyoc9 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
That's the good thing, sometimes, about going in with zero expectations of a get pleasantly surprised.

This is one example.

Not bad acting, make up was pretty good...all in all, not the xomplcom waste of time I thought it would be.

Will I watch it, again? No. was worth a watch the first time around.
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Totally gross and quite tasty
Chris_Docker12 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You could say Hills Have Eyes II starts as it means to go on. How all those nasty mutants mean it to go on. A naked, frightened and bedraggled woman tied down, giving birth to a monster, and then she has her head whacked off with a shovel. Not that an audience could be so depraved as to watch such things? Could you?

Let's cut to some spanking new National Guard recruits while you think about it. Being politically correct, we'll include some female soldiers. An exotic Asian girl and a long-haired blonde that whimpers and screams convincingly, please. Then the male troops can get picked off one at a time so mutants can 'mate' (ooops - rape) to spawn their progeny. While we wait for all that to happen, men can get their limbs hacked off and impaled, or the geeky one can play hero to save the chicks from the monsters.

Whether Hills Have Eyes II is a degenerate list of male fantasy-sequences or a parody of them, we leave to the artistic side of your nature to ruminate. (I needed it pointed out to me by a woman, the first time I saw Scorpion: Female Prisoner #701, that this Japanese lesbian exploitation movie is tongue-in-cheek.)

The basic premise, if you are unfamiliar with the 'Hills' series, and re-make series, is that the radiation from some early U.S. atom bomb testing in the New Mexico desert hills has mutated some human beings into grotesque but fleet-footed monsters. These cannibalise anything they can find. This particular incarnation includes plenty of potty humour that fans will love or hate. A peacenik recruit, Napoleon, is left to guard the Portakabin latrine. On one leg, and with his gun held in the air. When the officer is out of sight, Napoleon succumbs to temptation and goes for a dump. Only to be grabbed from below. Up in the hills, the soldiers guard each other - except for when 'Missy' goes for a pee. (Fill in the details.)

Soon they are all down mineshafts as mutants outwit them. Amber, when not busy looking glamorous in uniform, panics at spiders - and this makes her kick-ass antics later on so much more fun. Sexual assaults on her meanwhile justify violence of the more graphic kind, such as smashing a mutant's head with a rock (mutants' heads are pretty strong, so extended and bloody bashing is necessary). And why not? Papa Hades drools thick white mucus over his captive female as he starts to thrust into her, shouting and grunting, "Give me a baby!" Special effects create ulcerous skin that is very tasty. Plus these creatures are dirty, sweaty and totally gross. Wanna rescue her? You should know things like, if your last bullet fails to blow a mutants brains right out, put your fingers in its head-wound and wiggle them about a bit.

Cinematographer Sam McCurdy (The Descent) creates suitably claustrophobic, dimly-lit tunnels. We constantly try to guess where the mutants will leap from those shadows. This is no sophisticated thriller - it just does what it says on the packet.

As you leave the cinema, remember to look round and eyeball all the other sad souls who watch this kinda stuff.
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Dull and Derivative
Rathko26 March 2007
Last year's remake of 'The Hills Have Eyes' was one of the better attempts to update the vaguely exploitational horror flicks of the 1970s for a new audience. Alexandre Aja allowed for an admirable degree of character development and when the violence started it was mean and savage and all carried out in a landscape of impeccable photography and production design. I was one of the few people who actually thought that it was better than the original and looked forward to a second visit to the particularly dark and cruel world of the savage desert mutants.

'The Hills have Eyes 2', released just a year after the original, seems a rushed and ill-conceived attempt to cash in on the franchise with little thought to quality. Jonathan Craven's screenplay could have been written in a weekend, and given the speed with which this movie made it into cinemas, probably was. It falls back on every hackneyed genre cliché in the book while offering absolutely nothing new to the desert mutant mythology. I always let out a groan of disappointment when a sequel replaces civilian characters with the military. Soldiers are always so lazily written and never fail to thoroughly bore with crude caricatures of strutting macho bullshit. In my mind, 'Aliens' was the only movie to successfully make such a transition, due to James Cameron's talent, not simply for directing the best action sequences around, but never forgetting that an audience has to care about the people being butchered. He was also ably assisted by some genuinely talented actors. With 'The Hills have Eyes 2', it's clear that video director Martin Weisz is no James Cameron, and the cast of television bit-parters haven't the talent or even the inclination to turn their cardboard cutout characters into anything approaching living, breathing human beings.

Needless to say, every character is a broad and generic cliché. They act in dumb and illogical ways, making dumb and illogical decisions that lead them to predictably dumb and illogical deaths. The latter half of the movie becomes just another tedious chased-through-dark-corridors scenario. 'The Descent' (on which Sam McCurdy, coincidentally, also worked as cinematography) proved that even this most derivative of sequences can still be carried out with genuine originality and suspense, but we see no such innovation here.

'The Hills Have Eyes 2' is just a very lazy movie, devoid of any suspense, tension, or surprise, with not a single individual involved remotely interested in producing anything of quality. It's a tame and tired excuse for a sequel and deserves to spend the rest of its life in a Blockbuster's bargain bin.
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Terrifyingly Bad.
commandercool8824 March 2007
'The Hills Eyes II', one of the most pointless and blatantly stupid sequels to come around in some time, is 90 minutes of incompetent film making at its finest. Or worst, however you choose to look at it. While 2006's 'Hills' remake was one of the year's best, and truly frightening, horror films, this sequel takes every spark out of what made that such an accomplishment. Part 2 never gets off the ground, and neither does its mind numbing dialogue. Worst of all, it's not that scary.

2006's remake followed a family who find themselves in the middle of the New Mexico desert, deserted, and one by one being picked off by deranged and sadistic hill people. People who, as a result of the military testing the atomic bomb on their land years ago, have become who they are. Surviving off travelers who wander into the region. The sequel puts audiences in the same desert, now occupied by the military as they covertly investigate the hills and what might have happened to that poor family. When a group of military trainees are brought to the campsite, they find it deserted with no signs of life. A grim reality soon befalls them, as they come to the realization that they're not alone. And the bloody fate that was handed to many before them will soon become their destiny.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that 'Hills' has no legitimate reason to exist. But because last year's remake was received well both at the box office and by critics, it came to no surprise that a sequel would be rushed into production while there's still money to be earned. There's no rhyme or reason to it this time around, just an unbelievable and ridiculous set-up to pave the way for thoughtless characters, unoriginal killings, a non-existent story, and slipping interest. Originally, director Alexander Aja made Craven's cult classic into a remake that was a unique and thoroughly disturbing experience. One that gruesomely crossed the line on more than one occasions. Its frank display of violence, sadistic torture, well-rounded characterization, and white-knuckled suspense were all effectively used to shock and repulse audiences. The second time around, it's rehashed hand-me-downs. There's no style, no grit. It tries to build up tension by dismembering bodies, when all it really does is make for a been there, done that kind film, where even the gore seems tame compared to more recent bloodbaths.

It's a sad state of affairs when deformed mutants who capture women for breeding purposes fails to keep your attention. It's a bore, nothing more. 'Hills' has no bite. Despite a jump or two here and there, there's nothing very scary about this by-the-numbers horror flick. It feels like something you'd see on the Sci-Fi channel, only with some F-bombs, a blood splatter here and there, a rape, and a graphic birth scene that's more gross than shocking. It's cheap. And with 'Hills', you reap what you sew. With no effort given, you can't expect anything in return.

Replacing Aja with Martin Weisz as director was the film's first big mistake, all he does is drain the film of any sort of emotional resonance. But even more shocking is the uncharacteristically bad script penned by Wes Craven and his son, Jonathan Craven. You ask, how bad could it possibly be? This is the kind of dialogue that makes any comparison look like Shakespeare. Craven has had his fair share of clunkers in the past, but I'd never expect something like this from him. It's so unintentionally funny, you have to wonder, is Craven playing a joke on this? Or did he dump this one on his son after the studio payed him off? The film's characters are one-dimensional talking heads with no emotions or common sense. The acting is just as bad. The only character who may win you over is 'Napoleon' Napoli, the scrawny kid who doesn't fit in with the others. Even the deranged and instinct-driven villains, who we might have found some favor with in the deepest of our thoughts a year ago, are met with indifferent. You don't hate them, you don't like them. You honestly couldn't care less. Just like this movie.

Even if you were giddy with fear during 'The Hills Have Eyes', as I was, you'll have a tough time finding anything to enjoy in this piece of garbage. It's as generic as generic gets, and there's absolutely nothing here we haven't seen done many times already. I can't express this enough, avoid 'The Hills Have Eyes II' like the plague. It's frightless, unoriginal, frantic, and a bore. Stick to the remake or Craven's original vision. Because if you don't walk out after the first thirty minutes, don't say I didn't warn you.
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Nothing special
jackie8724 March 2007
THHE2 is entertaining in that you'll laugh a lot and cringe and probably say "oh sh*t!" and "get your face away from the goddamn hole you dumb**s" or things along those lines but I don't know if its really worth seeing- I was very annoyed throughout the entirety with the horrible military characters who don't seem to know the first thing about combat.

Yes there was more violence, gore, and a higher body count than the first one but I am still am debating whether that cancels out my feeling throughout the whole movie about how ridiculous it is (and not a good ridiculousness like Dead Alive or Feast). My time would have been better spent watching Aja's remake for the 5th time.

So go for some laughs, or go for some gore, but don't go hoping to come out of it satisfied.
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More entertaining (and delightfully ickier!) than the 2006 remake.
ThrownMuse13 September 2007
Even though it was generally well-received by genre fans, I found the remake of classic "The Hills Have Eyes" to be a typical modern remake. The casting was questionable and the overused shaky-cam was nausea-inducing. French director Alejandra Aja bypassed the original's subtle commentary on the American family post-Vietnam for some half-assed shock scenes that he claimed better fit the contemporary American situation. Huh? I also found the storyline to be much too close to it's predecessor.

Well, the sequel is a surprising improvement (and significantly better than the original's sequel from '85, too.) The storyline is different, the shaky-cam is only used a couple times (and less...shaky), and the filmmakers were wise enough to ditch the half-baked social commentary for a straight-up horror gorefest. And it's a lot of nasty fun! There's lots of very sick ideas here that most horror fans can probably appreciate. The acting is average, the characters are pretty much indistinguishable, and it's rather formulaic, but if you can get past all of that, then this one is good times.
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A Nutshell Review: The Hills Have Eyes II
DICK STEEL19 April 2007
I had actually liked the remake of Wes Craven's Hills Have Eyes, which was shown here last year. Directed by Alxandre Aja, it was top notch violence and gore which actually sent a chill, because the victims were an innocent family out for a holiday, and to see them getting systematically deeper into trouble, somehow makes it rather horrific to sit through.

While its predecessor was shown here with cuts, The Hills Have Eyes II is shown here in its full gory glory. However you wonder, just where did all the blood and gore had gone. Written by father and son team Wes and Jonathan Craven, the follow up movie (also a remake of the sequel to the original) seemed to be lacking in flavour and spirit. Sure the mutants are back, but there's very little space given to set them up, or enough time for you to identify and distinguish one from the other.

Did director Martin Weisz opt to play it safe? There's tension built, but nothing too riveting. The narrative is simple and straightforward, without much thought into trying to capture the X-factor why the original had worked somehow. Attempting to shock just for shock's sake, the movie opens with the birth of a child, in the most un-Discovery Channel manner, before introducing us to the victims, I mean, characters, and a short scene to link the events from its predecessor.

Again the military's dirty hands are in this one. Gone are the family, and in comes a small squad of National Guard trainees. It's soldiers versus A-bomb mutants, so the numbers come in handy to build up the body count. But in fact, none of them died in any creative manner. It's the usual hack jobs, and more uninterestingly, through the use of their carbines. Boring, and I guess too many movies outdoing one another in the creative death department, has taken its toil on this one, where simpleness and sure death like falling from great heights without the camera flinching, go unappreciated. Truth is, you know that it's a camera trick, and boy, are there a number of recognizable indoor shots for this outdoor movie, that makes it look cheap.

By the time it takes for these rookie soldiers to complete their training to the dark side and become cold killers (fighting for their own survival), you'll be more than in a hurry to head for the exit. To enjoy this movie, the usual leave your brains at the door cliché applies. Just make sure someone doesn't take a real machete and help you put it there.
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A blood and gore movie with rape by deformed mutants
Ozzy20005 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The sequel to the 2006 remake of the original Film written and Directed in 1977 by Wes Craven that was made for $230,000 and grossed $20 Million. This time its the US Army testing equipment in this this area where Atomic tests gave rise to a mutant family who kill and rape from their cave hide outs. The setting and the theme is almost resonant with the USA's involvement against the Taliban in Afghanistan but similarity ends there.

In the previous films families traveling through this mountainous region of old mines have been attacked and wiped out by these mutants. This time the group of soldiers is targeted and one of them is brutally raped for breeding purposes. The group fights back and many of the mutants are killed but some survive. A very silly film obviously made for that captive market that enjoys Zombie, slasher and gore movies. Like most films in this genre they are so bad they are funny. You rate a film like this highly for those who like brutal blood and gore and consider It some sort of art form or low for the for its value in terms of in depth thinking persons' entertainment. I think its only fair to judge it for its obvious market the former.
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Dudes, guns and mutants
This one was... fine. Far less successful than the first but not entirely unentertaining. It started off kind of irritating with a very dude-bro air to it and a lot of bad acting/annoying characters... which both of which continue to persist throughout the entire film.

Compared to the first with one thing about it that made it so successful, this one did the opposite on this crucial thing... they put gore before story. The plot was very light here and felt like it was more a vehicle to see mutant mutilation and shock value rather than having a solid story.

As stated, it wasn't entirely unsuccessful it just wasn't anything special like the first one. Would recommend if you like dudes, guns and mutants.
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Worthy sequel
Woodyanders25 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A group of raw and wet behind the ears National Guard trainees run afoul of a family of savage predatory mutants in the desert. Director Martin Weisz, working from a compact script by Wes and Jonathan Craven, relates the engrossing story at a snappy pace, maintains a go-for-the-throat gritty tone throughout (both the opening monster birth scene and a harsh rape sequence are quite nasty and hard to watch), delivers a handy helping of in-your-face unflinching graphic gore, makes fine use of the sprawling and desolate desert location, and generates a good deal of tension. The solid acting by the capable cast keeps this movie humming: Michael McMillian as wimpy pacifist Napoleon, Daniella Alonso as the sassy Missy, Jessica Stroup as the feisty Amber, Lee Thompson Young as the gutsy Delmar, Flex Alexander as the hard-nosed Sarge, Jacob Vargas as the hot-tempered Crank, and Jeff Kober as the foulmouthed Redding. Moreover, the mutants are really fearsome and grotesque, with Michael Bailey Smith as brutish patriarch Papa Hades, Derek Myers as the vicious Chameleon, Gaspar Szabo as the relentless Sniffer, and David Reynolds as the kindly and helpful Hansel rating as the most memorable of the beastly bunch. Both Sam McCurdy's crisp widescreen cinematography and the spirited shuddery score by Trevor Morris are up to par. A satisfying follow-up.
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I like it more than the remake
Dragoneyed36311 June 2008
I myself am not one who cared for the 2006 remake of The Hills Have Eyes. When it comes to inbred psychos, Wrong Turn has my heart on that one. Anyway, I gave this one a chance for whatever reason, and I found myself enjoying it so much more. It's still not a great movie, but definitely a dang fun one, one more tolerable than the, what I found to be, stale first installment.

The action is more intense, the crazies are crazier and the movie is more engaging altogether for the type of genre it needed to be. I do not know why so many people dog this film. It is certainly better than some of the other horrors that came out in the 00s and I would enjoy to watch this anytime I could; I was very satisfied with it as far as I can remember. Hopefully will be watching it again soon!
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Predictable Collection of Clichés
claudio_carvalho22 June 2007
A team of trainees of the National Guard brings supply to the New Mexico Desert for a group of soldiers and scientists that are installing a monitoring system in Sector 16. They do not find anybody in the camp, and they receive a blurred distress signal from the hills. Their sergeant gathers a rescue team, and they are attacked and trapped by deformed cannibals, having to fight to survive.

The 1977 "The Hills Have Eyes" is a classic of horror and the 2006 version is an unnecessary, but good remake. This sequel is shameful, using a predictable collection of clichés and violence to explore the success of the original movies. The rookies soldiers have the most imbecile and unreasonable attitudes along the story, probably because they have been trained by the ridiculous sergeant, facilitating the retarded evil creatures to destroy one by one. This disappointing film was a great deception for me. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "O Retorno dos Malditos" ("The Return of the Damned")
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Eyes II
adamtrentonguy21 March 2007
This movies is basically in the category of what you see is what you get. The Hills Have Eyes II is what you would expect of course it's not going to be an Oscar nominated film, it's just pure entertainment which you can just lose yourself in for 90 minutes. This movie is about a group of soldiers who find themselves against mutated hillbillies. In the desert and on their last day of training they find themselves fighting these hillbillies. This movie is full of blood and guts and is extremely violent. The Hills have Eyes II is a wonderful gory film that will keep you wanting to close your eyes. But keep watching and enjoy the movie. Make sure to watch for all that gore flying through.
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Pretty Bland Sequel.
drownsoda9023 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"The Hills Have Eyes II" follows a group of National Guard trainees. Among them are Napoleon (Michael McMillian, Amber (Jessica Stroup), Missy (Danielle Alonso), Seargant Jeffrey (Flex Alexander), among others. They are sent out on their last day of training and stop by a base camp of scientists doing research in the New Mexico desert, only to find it empty. After hearing cries of help on a radio and seeing a flashing signal coming from the hills, they decide to climb up there, assuming it is a man who needs help. Meanwhile, Napoleon and Amber are back at camp, where they discover a dying man in an outhouse, and are attacked by a mutated man. They run to catch up with the rest of their crew, and soon after the mutated cannibals begin to pick them off one by one. Finding themselves trapped high up in the cliffs, they enter a labyrinth of tunnels inhabited by the psychotic mutants, and try and reach the bottom and make it out alive.

I have to admit that I wasn't too excited for this film. I thoroughly enjoyed Aja's 2006 remake of Wes Craven's 1977 film, I thought it was the best horror remake yet. But, a sequel? I wasn't so excited about the idea. I can tell you though that this film is much better than the 1986 sequel to the original - now that was a bad movie. Luckily, this film doesn't follow that one at all. The film was written by Craven and his son, and it was done very well. I'm a fan of Craven (I mostly like his earlier work though, aside from the "Scream" series), I think he's an excellent horror filmmaker, and this film was written very well. The story begins rather strangely with a rather disgusting birth scene, from there focuses on the trainees, and then becomes a pure cat-and-mouse game between the trainees and the cannibals. It was a pretty intense film (as was the 2006 remake), and I found myself entertained and interested throughout the movie, which is always a good thing. I thoroughly enjoyed the sequences in the mine tunnels, they were creepy and a wonderful setting for a battle between the characters and the cannibals. The acting in the film was good. None of the cast are major stars, but their performances were nothing below average and they played their characters believably enough. The characters are severely underdeveloped though, which was something the 2006 remake didn't lack.

Bloodshed and gore is a huge part of this movie, and it doesn't let up on any of it. Non-stop severed limbs, stabbings, shootings, impalements, and heads smashed into mush - if you're expecting a blood-soaked movie, you're gonna get one, probably more so than the previous movie, which was gory enough. While the movie didn't need to be so gratuitously violent, I guess it didn't really hurt it, but it didn't make it any scarier. It got quite a few cringes out of the audience though. One problem I had with this film though was the make-up effects on the cannibal villains. They weren't bad, they looked really good, but I just thought they were way too over the top. The cannibals in the 2006 film were much nastier and inhuman than those in Craven's 1977 film, but in this movie they are so disgusting and so over the top that I felt it was bordering on campy. They shouldn't look like normal people, but I felt it was over done - they should have stuck with similar makeup that was used in the previous film, but I assume they were made much nastier for shocks. Clichés are present as well, but nothing too serious. More than anything though, I wasn't happy with the way the film ended. It was too abrupt, too fast, and didn't make much sense. It leaves it open ended for another possible sequel, but I hope they don't decide to make one.

Overall, "The Hills Have Eyes II" is just an okay horror movie, but it's much more violent than scary. I prefer Craven's 1977 original and Aja's 2006 remake to this anyday, but this film is worth seeing if you enjoyed the previous one. It was bland and could use improvement, but it isn't a bad way for a horror fan to waste an hour and a half. Again, not great and definitely not as good as the remake, but worth a look for people who enjoy these films. I went in with pretty low expectations so I wasn't too horribly disappointed with this, although I can see why some would be. 5/10.
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Stupid movie that has some cheap thrills...
spirit_of_truth200031 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
My God. This movie was awful. I can't complain about it too much. I went to see it just to be grossed out. It did suffice, sort of. It's funny that the most disgusting part of the movie was in the very, very beginning where the woman is extremely vividly forced to give birth to a horribly mutated baby.

I also think that it's funny that the most notable actor in the movie was the Hispanic soldier, who was a supporting actor in Next Friday. Everyone in the movie did a horrible acting job. It was some of the worst acting I've ever paid to see.

I also expected that it would be much more gruesome than the first one. It wasn't. I expected it to be more gruesome because it's a sequel and horror movie sequels are usually much less successful than their predecessors. I expected it to be more gruesome since gore and violence usually sell a horror movie these days (Grudge 2, Saw 3, Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2, Dead Silence), but It actually wasn't nearly as gruesome as the first one, which was yet another disappointment.

The mutants in the first one were kind of disturbing but the filmmakers were trying so hard in this one to make them creepy that they were absolutely hilarious.

I also hated the entire concept of showing the clip of the female soldier's son on her camera-phone saying "I love you, mommy" FOUR TIMES. It was stupid to show it in the first place because they were just trying to make us feel worse for the vulnerable mother than the rest of the soldiers, and it was even more stupid to keep trying to make us feel even WORSE for her by showing it three more times for no reason. This movie was a joke.
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Acceptable following with the mutants cannibals attacking again
ma-cortes3 February 2009
Between 1945 and 1962 the United States conducted 33 atmospheric nuclear tests. Today the government still denies the genetic effects caused by the radioactive fallout located in sector 16. A team of soldiers(Jacob Vargas, Daniella Alonso,Jessica Stroup, McMillian, among them) from National Guard carries supply for a scientific group . But a mysterious unseen deformed humans drag away and attack them. The anthropophagous beings murder and dismember the soldiers one by one, having to combat to survive.

This unsettling gore-feast contains thrills, chills horror, grisly murders and lots of guts and gore, including, stabbing, impalement, beheading, among others. The killings are gruesomely committed by the cannibal mutants who hold an eerie make-up by Greg Nicotero and Howard Berger , an excellent craftsmen.The storyline by Wes Craven borrows from the commandos war movies along with the classics¨Texas chainsaw massacre(Hooper)¨, ¨The hills have eyes(Craven)¨until recent films like ¨Wrong turn and House of 1000 corpses¨, and of course the first part directed by Alexander Aja(2006).The creepy maniacal creatures appearance deliver the goods plenty of screams, terror,violence and blood. Atmospheric and suspenseful musical score by Trevor Morris. Colorful cinematography and a little dark during underground scenes by Sam McCurdy. The motion picture is professionally directed by Martin Weisz(Rohtenburg). The tale will like to horror and gore buffs. Rating : acceptable and passable, but isn't apt for squeamish
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Nothing groundbreaking but still a fun time
deathmetalelitiest18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is the follow up to the fantastic 2006 remake of Wes Cravens 1977 original,This film is not a remake of the 1985 Hills Have Eyes 2 for those who didn't know. This films plot is pretty simple but works,It follows a group of national guards tainees who go to vist an outpost and are killed off by mutants in the hills. This film is a mixed bag,For the positives I can say the effects and gore in this movie are very well done for the most part and the movie moves at a good pace with out wearing thin with a runtime of 90 minutes. The begatives for this film would have to be that the characters,While not unlikable they don't really have anything going for them in terms of personality. The mutants in this movie have great make up effects but they all flow togeather and can't really tellm them apart unlike in the 06 film. The writing in this film is also a mixed bag,being writen bt Wes Craven and his son you would think it would have been slightly better. The ending to this film is also kinda annoying in that it ends on a cliff hanger and never got picked up. Issuies aside this movie is a fun time to kill a night with but nothing special. 7/10.
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Rushed out sequels are always a mess.
insomniac_rod2 October 2007
The premise of this awaited sequel was really good and after the huge success of the remake I expected a lot sincerely.

The sad truth is that this movie is really absurd and inept. The situations are dumb and beyond reason and the acting is truly awful.

This time there aren't likable characters or violins unlike the remake. Also, the gore is not that abundant and when it happens it's truly bad.

The violence is minimal and it's a shame because there are many arguments that make you think that there's room for heavy violence. I mean, there's a SWAT team that is hunting a family of cannibal mutants. You surely expect something different! When I watched it on the movies I wanted my money back.

Anyways this is a clear example of how rushed out movies turn out to be a mess and demonstrate poor quality on all aspects.

A mess that let down the fans of the remake like me. That's why sequels are never welcomed; at least this movie isn't as terrible as the 1985 sequel to the original.
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Pretty good sequel with a lot of Gore!
wiiareawesome29 October 2020
A lot of things the actors did in the movie was pretty head scratching but solid movie.
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Blood & guts survival in the desert
Wuchakk27 July 2013
The 2006 remake of "The Hills Have Eyes" was a decent slasher-in-the-desert flick; forgettable but entertaining nevertheless. So here we have the 2007 sequel.

A group of National Guard trainees go to a mysterious camp in the New Mexican desert to resupply and train, but they find it abandoned. They soon discover that the barren "hills" are infested with a bunch of hideous mutant cannibals. Can they get out alive?

I was actually impressed with the serious and sometimes moving vibe this film has. It may be a gory slasher flick, but the filmmakers make it respectable. The cussing-every-other-word tends to bring the respectability down, but I was in the Marines and this was how enlisted guys talked in the field, generally speaking. By "moving" I refer to the love & loyalty that members of the team reveal for each other over the course of the story and the accompanying score.

Some complain about the stupid mistakes the soldiers make but, remember, they're trainees, and National Guardsmen at that, not career soldiers. Besides, mistakes are always made in the heat of life-or-death combat.

I heard someone else complain about Jessica Stroup being too good-looking to be a soldier, but I've seen some hot enlisted babes. One girl I knew from high school enlisted in the army and she sent me a pic of her at an Army party in Europe wearing a bunny costume and she was as hot as any Hollywood starlet you'd care to name (she's now a cougar Colonel, lol).

The problem with this movie is the thin plot. My description above is the entire story. The whole film's an intense survival situation.

Those who like gory slasher or survival flicks should like this, especially if you prefer military-oriented stories. I'm only giving it a fairly low rating because it's not a film I'm anxious to see again. There's just not enough depth, epic-ness or hot women for my tastes (although Jessica Stroup has a really cute face), but that's just me.

The film was shot in Morroco (of all places) and runs a short-but-sweet 89 minutes.

The DVD I saw is the unrated version.

GRADE: C+ (or B for gory slasher fans)
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Didn't like it quite as much as the first, but still I enjoyed it.
Aaron137528 March 2007
The first one was a bit more intense as one could really relate to the family on the cross country trip. This one, however, features national guard members who are wrapping up their training and must stop along the desert to aid a group of scientist and military men along the way. Unfortunately, this is the same area where radioactive mutant inbred cannibals live and they almost immediately make an impact. The setup is a tad confusing as it shows this military man seemingly having a grudge or something against the clan in the hills, and this is never really touched upon. However, like the first one, the movie is very bloody and the action comes at one fast and furious. Still a bit far fetched that the family from the first one seemed to handle themselves a tad better than national guardsmen, but then the guardsmen don't have an ultra cool German Shepard to help them out. I liked this one as it was very fast paced and gruesome, I mean from the opening credits you know you are in for a gruesome time. Most of the action in this one takes place in a mining system and this along with the troops are a couple of differences. Still, in typical horror fashion you will probably yell "what are ya doing, stupid!!!" and "hit him again he isn't dead". So all in all a wild ride that is not quite as good as the first.
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I liked this movie
tampaaries27 October 2021
It wasn't as great as the first movie but I still enjoyed it. I didn't really see a real purpose in making a part 2 but the main characters were good and I liked how they worked together to try and save their friend inside the cave. Delmar(Lee Thompson Young) became a good leader to the group once the original captain was killed. I was actually sad to see Delmar die in this movie . I recently found out Lee Thompson Young committed suicide in 2013, very sad because he was a talented actor.
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A dull debacle
fertilecelluloid16 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Martin Weisz, who directed the solid "Rohtenburg", will be taking the heat, with Wes Craven, for another shabby "The Hills Have Eyes 2". The memory of the legendary original, which boasted an unbelievable storyline and a dog having a flashback, will be erased forever by this more technically polished remake (in name only). A bunch of National Guardsmen (and women) are sent to a desert research area surrounded by hills filled with mutants. One by one the weekend soldiers are picked off. That's it. There is some hardcore violence and a reasonably brutal rape scene, but there is precious little else to get excited about. The film's "heroes" are the usual bunch of clichés and the mutants, a far cry from Craven's original "family", mostly resemble Brian Thompson from "Cobra" coupled with some creatures Stan Winston had left over from the "Wrong Turn" shoot. Much of the action takes place in caves, ala "The Descent", and is well shot by Sam McCurdy. A laughable aspect is Wes and Jonathan Craven's addition of a sympathetic mutant who skulks around his cave like Leatherface in Hooper's original "Chainsaw". Weisz will be blamed for this dull debacle, but he's not really at fault because he does his best to maintain suspense and squeeze some freshness out of the contrived situations. Not a fan, unfortunately.
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Join the army! Meet undiscovered mutated humanoids… and get killed by them!
Coventry3 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let's not get confused here. If this is a sequel to a remake of an original horror classic, does that mean it also automatically is a remake of the original horror classic's sequel? Here's to hoping that's not a general rule, as Wes Craven's own sequel to the original "The Hills have Eyes" – released somewhere during the mid-80's – is easily one of the worst and absolute most redundant horror movies ever made. Part two didn't have an actual plot and re-used footage of the original only to further exploit the success of the genuinely gritty and petrifying premise. Craven also wanted us to believe even dogs suffer from flashbacks and painful memories, as the loyal German Shepard of the Carter family re-experienced his bloody fight with one of the mountain hillbillies. There were quite a bit of alarming signs indicating us that this sequel would be a horrendous failure as well. The remake came out barely one year ago and here's the sequel already? The incredible speed of its release righteously causes you to question the quality of the script. Don't they need a little more time if they want to come up with a film that should be scary, menacing and disturbing? With his excellent film, Alexandre Aja nearly single-handedly altered the general opinion about horror remakes, as he had the courage and intellect of changing essential elements in the plot and adding more nauseating gore than anyone could ever had hoped for. Also, Aja is quite a talented young director and made himself noticed with his French instant cult classic "High Tension", but who is this new director? Aja's "The Hills Have Eyes" was an unexpected hit, appreciated by both experienced and older generations of horror fans as well as the younger and over-enthusiast target groups. It's a really good film and, even though an avalanche of new sequels and clones will be inevitable, it's highly unlikely that one of them will ever equal the surprising quality level of Aja's smashing hit. Bearing all this in mind, plus a rather large dose of personal skepticism, I must admit this rushed sequel really isn't as awful as anticipated. The screenplay is routine and clichéd horror fodder, introducing a fairly large number of characters with few or even no backbone and tastelessly depicting how they get slaughtered by traditionally repulsive-looking freaks. After the events of the first film, the US army has set up a camp in the middle of the New Mexican desert to investigate the effects of the nuclear tests, which took place there in the 50's and 60's. For the horribly mutated survivors of the miner's community that stayed there during the radioactive testing, the scientists and researchers form a tasty starter until the main course of incompetent soldiers arrives by truck. They are just supposed to drop off food and supplies but encounter their ultimate military training exercise when faced with the relentless humanoids that live inside the remainders of the mines.

This basically is just another by-the-numbers slasher with dumb characters who are, even after losing several of their friends already, still stupid enough to separate themselves from the group and act like easy targets to kill. It's also very easy to point out which ones will make it out of this adventure alive, especially when one of the soldiers is against all types of violence and another one continuously stares at video images of her cute 3-year-old son. "The Hills Have Eyes II" completely lacks – as to be expected – originality, logic and plausible situations. The mutated miners aren't nearly as menacing as their colleagues in part one, mainly because they aren't organized this time and only just behave like drooling and sex-hungry prototype monsters. Since you don't care for the amateur G.I. Joe "heroes" and definitely don't feel any sympathy for the eyes in the hills, this film is a whole lot less compelling and involving than last year's original. Most peculiarly, this second film isn't nearly as violent and gory as the first! Sequels usually compensate the lack of suspense and the absence of surprise-twists with extra bloodshed and more graphic killing sequences, but the action in this sequel is really tame compared to the sick footage featuring in its predecessor. There are a handful of scenes to satisfy the bloodthirsty horror fanatics – mainly showing soldiers falling down cliffs or getting shot by their own guns – but there sadly aren't any outrageous pick-axe battles or virulent dog attacks. What a shame! What's the point of a sequel if it even fails to surpass the level of grossness and/or gratuitous filth of the original? Luckily enough the film is never boring or unnecessarily sentimental, and you'll have the most fun spotting all the things that don't make the slightest bit of sense! For example, wallets falling out of people's bloodied heads, women without any muscle power cast as tough-ass soldiers and – my personal favorite – assigning the ONE soldier with a speaking disability to operate the radio communications.
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