White Noise 2: The Light (2007) Poster

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Better-Than-Average Supernatural Thriller
sounds-54 June 2007
The main reason to see "White Noise 2: The Light" is for Nathan Fillion's quietly powerful performance as Abe Dale, a man whose family is killed and who is himself brought back from the dead. The screenwriter Matt Venne is focused mostly on exposition and in some scenes you can practically see the storyboarding ("Abe looks down. Sees himself in the shattered mirror fragments") but despite this Mr. Fillion finds ways to inject nuance and emotion into wooden and often under-written scenes. The story is most intriguing in the first half of the movie, but less so when it shifts from Abe's personal experience to a broader canvas in order to explain what the heck is going on; still, there are some nice goose-bump moments and the last ten minutes are definitely provocative and hair-raising. If you like supernatural stories and want to see Nathan Fillion show he can play a troubled, normal, non-heroic guy, you should enjoy this one.
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Fairly good movie, but not great
khunia31 March 2007
There are a lot of great things to be said about this movie, but that it deserves a 10 is definitely not one of them. Although the movie was paced well there are many holes in the storyline and in the plot also.

Nathan Fillion and Katie Sackhoff do very good jobs with their characters. As for caring about the characters you really don't get to know them that well aside from Abe.

The end of this movie well lets just say it borders on the cheesy and it left me thinking "what the".

There are many places that you will think "why did you do that" and "that was just mental" because it is in these areas that common sense should prevail, however that is not the case, and can be very frustrating. The movie at times is a little cliché, using cheap tricks to get cheap chills.

I felt i had to comment on this movie because of its 10 star rating when it is far from.

Watch this movie for sure however don't go into it as did expecting the best horror flick of the year and only getting an above average movie.
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An interesting concept, but could have done more.
hesdeadjim826 January 2007
This movie has the potential to be a good horror. However, the typical flashing, grey type ghosts and predictable scares are disappointing. Why Hollywood continues to make high-budget horrors with these effects baffles me? They aim at viewers with weak dispositions rather than real horror fans. Hollywood needs to have a good look at foreign horror films and learn a lesson.

Nathan gives a good performance and in my opinion is the back bone to the entire movie. If they expanded on the dogmatic storyline a little more, it could have been more interesting.

I recommend this movie as a 'no-brainer' horror flick that will leave you fairly satisfied.
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EVP, white light & lots of paranormal fun
submit-296 June 2007
" I See Dead people " :) What happens if you had the power to save people from their deaths , only to find your actions have caused a reaction, a reaction that multiplies in its effects? What if those that you saved were meant to die? There are some slow love scenes that I guess have to be in a film, but other then that the movie is pretty much in constant motion.

Nathan Fillion is a cool actor, his particular acting style is very refreshing, i think any other actor would have made this film into a dodgy 2nd hand horror film.Those that liked 'Serenity' will enjoy this movie.

This is an above average movie with good acting and a decent script.

Great way to spend a night in, just make sure you have a hubby next to you so as you don't get too scared.
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Genuine spooks
gregsrants5 March 2008
Do you even remember White Noise? It was a January 2005 release that grossed a very surprising $24 million in its opening weekend ranking it second only to the mega-hit Meet the Fockers. Starring Michael Keaton (who had not had a hit since he hung up his bat cape some 12 years earlier), the movie was about a grieving husband whose wife is trying to contact him through EVP's – Electronic Voice Phenomena.

Sure the movie grosses petered out in the weeks that lay ahead, but there was no escaping the EVP craze as everything from CNN to TLC had shows dedicated to the existence of the deceased communicating through television and radio frequencies.

Have memories of it or nay, there was no doubt that its $91 million worldwide take would generate an eventual sequel. Enter White Noise 2: The Light which went straight to DVD but deserves better in that it is a much spookier film than its predecessor.

White Noise 2 starts off by revealing that 'Nearly ten thousand people die every day in the United States, the majority of deaths occurring in urban environments. As such, a resident of a metropolis might encounter up to 1.7 people per day who will be deceased by the day's end. – North American Statistics Institute – 2002.' Barely do you have time to ingest these interesting words of ponder when we are introduced to the Dale Family – Father Abe (Nathan Fillion of Serenity fame), Mother Rebecca (Kendall Cross) and their son Danny who are in the wrong diner at the wrong time when a shooter walks in and opens fire killing both Rebecca and Danny before turning the weapon on himself.

Abe takes the deaths hard (go figure!) and tries to take his own life with an overdose of pills that produces a NDE (Near Death Experience). After his release from hospital, Abe starts to hear and see "all sorts of electrical stuff" that has his attending doctor interested in investigating. Lucky for Abe, the good ole doctor just happens to have an EVP room that looks like a command center for NATO. In a matter of mere seconds, the doctor is able to determine that due to Abe's NDE that he is now an EVP receiver (keep up with the acronyms will ya'!).

It takes a great leap of faith to believe that Abe can now see people illuminated before they die or that television sets are sending him messages, but if you ignore the illogic behind the expressed phenomena, you might just be able to get through the film with more enjoyment than a straight to DVD release usually allows.

Seeing the original White Noise is not a pre-requisite to enjoying the sequel. There is no tie in to the first film and where the original story was a man's quest simply to understand EVP's and then his obsession exploit it to find his wife's killer, the White Noise 2: The Light spends more time with Abe running around acting as a superhero in the city – saving people from impending death thanks to his visions of disastrous futures.

Although there are many reasons not to like White Noise 2, Nathan Fillion gives us a character so rich in turmoil and humor that his performance alone is worth spending a couple of bucks at the local rental shop. Even as the film takes a turn at about the 45 minute mark with a reveal that leads Abe to revisit the circumstances of his family's tragedy and his similarities with the killer, the film still maintains its eeriness.

White Noise 2 is directed by Patrick Lussier who directed three Dracula films and is in pre-production of the My Bloody Valentine remake (happy happy joy joy). Although no Carpenter – hell he ain't no Joe Dante – he does show promise in this production and is able to spook his audience without the use of gore. It will be interesting when he gets a script that holds better material than anything presently in his biography.

The ending of the film is something that might turn some from the recommending to the soon forgetting, but this is exactly the kind of film that they have been making in Japan for years that the western world keeps remaking.

www.robertsreviews.com www.killerreviews.com
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White Turd
Treacle-A10 May 2011
Nope. Even the adorable and charismatic Nathan Fillion couldn't save this clunker. I mean, don't get me wrong, it had its moments, but no matter how good the opening of a movie is, how subtle the acting and how intriguing the premise, nothing can save a film that is this determined to disappear up its own a$$.

Particularly squirmsome moments included the eminently wooden Craig Fairbrass coming to his grand conclusion re: the devil, Katee Sackoff coming to that all-so-bizarre conclusion *all by herself* and - wow - just accepting it? Really? And that oh-so-convenient news stand with the usefully clear front page picture of the recently murdered woman. Darn that was useful, and just as he was thinking about her.

Lazy lazy scriptwriting, woeful conclusions, hammy supporting performances. Nathan, I hope you have a better agent now.
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What must be done is done
Antonist848 May 2007
Having watched the first white noise, which for me was a great film as it went against the conventional ending of all is well that ends well, i really had my hopes up high for the sequel. But as they say, sequels are most likely to be worse than the originals. And so it happened for me as well. The film in itself has some very good scares, especially in the beginning. I can't reveal the forms of these as it would spoil the movie, but trust me, they are really good. You do get used to them by the end though, as they have been overused. Other than that I will have to agree that the actors do not put in the best performance ever but then again the movie is not such that demands a high standard. The concept is interesting, as it has something of the first movie but with a twist. Oh and another thing, for those of you who might be superstitious or something, there is no such thing as 'tria mera' in Greek, it's 'triti mera', trust me, I'm Greek.
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The solid acting can't hide the fact that everything else is weak
chrichtonsworld20 June 2007
Nathan Fillion is a good lead and he is most of the reason that you will stay watching. The plot however is really bad! At first I thought it would give a spin to the original and would dazzle us. But in stead we get nothing. There are a lot of moments that suppose to scare us. To be honest these scares did nothing to me. I expected them so I didn't jump up like I was meant to. The whole plot is uninspired and boring. To say that this sequel is better than the original is not something I agree on. The original wasn't a very good movie either but at least it contained more surprises than this one. I also think that the first movie was more creepier. The use of special effects was very minimal and more effective. "White Noise 2" has to much special effects and kills the ambiance this movie desperately needs. Compared to other similar horror movies that came out this year "White Noise 2" is a major letdown. Miss this one!
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Decent movie. Could have had a different title
nkl656419 December 2009
Well I'll be honest. The only reason I took interest in this one was because of Nathan Fillion. He's great in everything that he is in. Here, he's playing a different kind of role, but you never get to see that side of him come through. This movie has its moments, and the premise had a lot of potential. However, the actual film didn't measure up. About 1% of this movie is character development, and that sucks because I actually wanted to get to know these characters before the weird events of the movie took place. The other 99% is the director trying to cram this story into an hour and a half long movie. Also, seeing as how this movie has absolutely nothing to do with the original, I really don't see why it's called White Noise 2. I guess they just wanted to get the whole transmission after death thing off the ground quick and weren't interested in a new franchise. At any rate the pacing seems rushed which is a bummer because it could have been cool. I am a big fan of religious fiction movies, and that's what this movie is. Also, it's not really a horror movie. It has scary "jump" scenes, but it's more of a thriller, and it tries too hard at times to scare you when the story line isn't really supposed to be that kind of scary. If they had called the movie something else and if the director had had free reign over the production, I think it could have been good, but we don't really get to see Fillion or any of the actors become their characters. If you get into the story even a little bit, it works just not for very long.
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Ridiculous story and awful writing
cricketbat16 August 2018
Not even Nathan Fillion could save White Noise 2. This straight-to-DVD sequel has a ridiculous story and awful writing. Plus, it kept treating the audience like they were a bunch of idiots. There are a few cool stunts and some creepy imagery, but it's mostly just a waste of time.
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Very good... for the first 3 quarters.
skyelmaidstone7 January 2007
I wasn't expecting anything too good but i was pleasantly surprised. This is fast paced, seems fairly believable and was genuinely creepy in places. The acting was pretty good too and you really felt for the characters. There were some nice twists and the film moved along at a nice pace.

I would have absolutely loved this if only it had a better/different ending. To me it just didn't make any real sense for the last few minutes and what sense i could make of it left too many loose ends and unanswered questions.

Still it deserves 8 of out 10 for being a superb film for the most part.
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As fate would have it, better than the average Noise. Mostly spoilerfree.
Youkilledmypine7 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First we learnt about Electronic Voice Phenomenon (E.V.P) now we are 'learning' about Near Death Experiences (or the just as catchy N.D.Es). Family man Abe Dale (Nathan Fillion) is brought back to life after being declared dead on a hospital gurney, but not without spooky consequences...

For an ad campaign that suggests White Noise: The Light is a taking a different route to world of paranormal phenomena, it doesn't take long for our hero to find himself on familiar E.V.P based territory. Not that this is a particularly bad thing, the first White Noise became quite a sleeper hit at the box office and found a large audience on DVD. The Light was originally intended as a direct-to-DVD project but clearly there was enough potential to give it a staggered cinema release. And quite rightly so.

The set up is pretty similar - an early tragedy leads to our protagonist meeting an E.V.P enthusiast. The main difference this time is that Abe now has the ability to see the ghostly goings-on without having to watch static on a TV for countless hours like Michael Keaton, which helps the pace no end. Director/editor/visual consultant Patrick Lussier ensures there's more 'jump' moments this time (like them or not) and the detective whodunnit element of the first story has been replaced with a 'whydunnit' after Brit actor Craig Fairbrass (Cliffhanger, EastEnders!) commits a brutal act in a busy restaurant prompting Abe to find the motive. There's some holy unoriginal sequences like the ol' Tunnel of Light malarky that could've perhaps happily lent itself to some artistic interpretation.

White Noise started with receiving messages from the dead, but then shifted on to messages from the not-yet-dead (messages from the er... living?) If this was a senseless plot line irked you, then The Light is likely to become slightly irritating around about the time we hit the theological element to the story. We're then treated to something directly out of The Omen (even going so far as to quote the book of Revelations and briefly show a creepy kid with a dodgy haircut). Where would the harm have been to incorporate the unholy trilogy of demonic shadows that plagued Keaton's character? Without giving anything away, this would have fitted perfectly within the theme.

That said, cutie Katee Sackhoff is nicely paired with the ever excellent Fillion and Craig Fairbrass does pretty well as a gruff nutter in a role normally reserved for the likes of Sean Bean. Although there's some unanswered questions, there's a Firefly/Serenity gag to distract Fillion fans and the special effects are suitably effective for what was most likely a pretty modest budget. An entirely watchable movie that's entertaining for most of the 99 minutes runtime. If White Noise: The Light has been your cup of tea, seek out The Eye by the Pang brothers before it gets the remake treatment.

It's unlikely that this series will ever be considered classic horror by any means, but then who knows - maybe 3 is the magic number...
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mumbo jumbo with a few shocks
hdavis-2927 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really poor movie that attempts to make itself credible with a lot of scientific nonsense. Face it folks, dead is dead. "The Dead" are not "out there" trying to communicate with us. But this movie doesn't even have the courage of its own misguided convictions. When Abe recovers from his near death experience, his doctor validates all his bizarre symptoms by giving them acronyms. Abe had a NDE. There's also EVP. You see, once something has a three word title (and an acronym) it becomes REAL and we can make a movie about it without having to justify it any further. This is especially true if a DOCTOR has spoken the acronym. I see. So this is an IBM (incredibly bad movie) and a WOT (waste of time. It also moves at the SOM (speed of molasses. I could go on but you GTM (get the msg). Some of the F/x are well done and there's plenty of gratuitous gore. You like that? You'll love this movie.
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A sequel that's far better than expected
Leofwine_draca4 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It would be fair to say that I wasn't expecting much from this Canadian straight-to-video follow-up to the 2005 Michael Keaton film. PG-13 horror fare isn't really my cup of tea, and I reasoned that the first film covered the subject in sufficient depth to negate the need for a sequel. I was wrong, and how so! Despite a few missteps, WHITE NOISE 2 is actually a wonderful little film that manages to better the one that came before.

This time around, TV actor Nathan Fillion is the guy who undergoes a near-death experience and comes out with the ability to see, not just ghosts, but electrical surges on TV sets as well – the so-called 'EVP' or 'white noise' phenomenon. This doesn't actually have a great deal to do with the actual plot, which is all about the protagonist's abilities to see eerie auras on those about to die. Of course, he sets about becoming a hero to save those apparently doomed, until a big twist throws the plot on its head.

The film this is most like is UNBREAKABLE. It's cheesier than the Bruce Willis film, with lots of unnecessary grey ghosts and unwanted CGI effects, including the nadir where we see Fillion floating up a CGI tunnel towards, presumably, heaven. A fumbled, unsatisfying ending doesn't really work either. But until then we have a surprisingly taut and suspenseful thriller with lots of unusual and unexpected stuff going on. The direction is strong, with director Patrick Lussier providing atmosphere along with compelling story, and the cast isn't too shabby either. After five minutes, I was expecting Fillion to be a bland, everyman type and indeed he is, but with this type of role he provides a strong focus for the rest of the supernatural antics. Katee Sackhoff is the strong-willed heroine, and good old Craig Fairbrass is the villain of the piece, replete with some quite ghastly prosthetics. There are many decent set-pieces on offer here, from the bridge fight to the car park showdown and the bit in the hotel, and even with a few plot holes and loose ends here and there, I was never not enjoying it. One of those little films that's far better than you could ever expect it to be.
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white noise 2? there wasn't a white noise 1 at least not since i beat my head till i stopped remembering it
jmack3709 December 2007
when i heard white noise 2 i was like huh the first one sucked so much that the second must suck twice as much its science right? but when i heard Nathan Fillion would be in it my opinion went from not giving a crap to generally exited and then i heard Katie sack-off and i really wanted to see it. so on to the review this shouldn't be called white noise 2 its should be called white noise and have the original copies gathered together and burned then have a man hit each of us over the head until we forget it so that this movie wouldn't have low expectations. this movie was amazing it was well edited and a great idea and this would have made a great comic series adaptation. don't take my word for it go watch this movie the ending itself is worth the $ 6.00 rental price i only hope that Nathan Fillion makes some more movies because his characters are priceless.
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A lot Better Than i Though going in
harding4eva5 January 2007
Well i have never seen the original film, never wanted to, but my girlfriend and her mate all suggested we go out on Friday for a nice meal and to see a film, well i have pretty much seen everything thats been released in england, and so she had suggested this, now i though to myself, i didn't want to see the 1st 1, what makes we want to see this, well apart from the leading actor (Nathen Fillion) I'm a bloke and not gay, just like the stuff he has been in. it first starts off in a diner where Abe (Fillion) witness's his wife and son murdered, and at first i though oh god this looks like a straight to video type movie, but i was way off, this film is very jumpy (particulary the scene with the baseball bat) but i wont say to much. Acting was spot on, with apart from Nathen...there arnt any other recognised actors in it. I left the theatre feeling pretty damm good that i had seen a film that had bettered my expectations, and i would say hype but well there wasn't any ( unlike Pans Labrynth but thats another story) All in all a very good film that will have your better half clinging onto your arm within 5 Min's of the opening credits.
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What were they thinking!!
demonikaess21 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of the worst films I have ever seen. First, It has absolutely nothing to do with white noise, so why name it white noise II? Second the acting in this movie was sup par. And the 'special' effects, as in a bunch of mentally deranged monkeys were hired to do them, were just way too ridiculous and overdone! The movie starts off with potential and then horribly crashes. There is no sense of time in the film, and it feels like everything happens in a disorganized flash of mind numbing ridiculousness. Random black and white people who are supposed to be ghosts pop out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever to harass Abe(the main character) for who knows why! Once Abe learns that the white light means that the person is going to die, he decides to save people. So the first people that he tries to save is a bum. Who is probably the stupidest bum man you've ever seen. Seriously I bet that if you let bums see the bum scene they would tell you that the bum in the film was obviously out of his mind and deserved to die too. The second person he tries to save, is the most crotchety and annoying stupid old man you've ever encountered. Seriously if your car breaks down on the road and you need to go under it to fix something you put out flairs AND YOU DON'T LAY DOWN WITH YOUR LEGS STRETCHED OUT INTO THE LANE!! If someone tries to help you, you don't call them a freaky metrosexual.

Also, why would ONE person saved from death need to then go on and KILL MANY people? It just doesn't make sense! It doesn't balance anything and its ridiculous.

EVERY transition in the film is either some random cross, upside down cross,a random Jesus painting or a fade out of the main character with a random cross, upside down cross, or a weird Jesus painting in the background. The connections to Lucifer are ridiculous, I don't even understand the point of any religious connection or the need for any religious connection to this film.

Basically if you want a very warped tripped out movie that takes ideas from white noise, poltergeist, the exorcist, pulse and blends them all together to make the most incoherent jumble of random crap with loud noises and a team of mentally deranged monkeys special effects guys this is the movie for you.

Bottom line, don't watch this movie unless you're trying to ruin your night/date/relationship with your in laws etc , because after seeing it you'll feel like you wasted your life, and the people watching it with you will wonder if you're on crack.
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They Belong Dead
nogodnomasters6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Abe Dale (Nathan Fillion) takes his family out for breakfast and a man comes in and makes them toast. Abe boo-hoo-hooing over the loss of his family opts to take his own life. But rather than do it like a man with the gun in the mouth, he does it like a woman and takes pills. Sure enough, he doesn't die but has major league NDE. He sees dead people and not yet dead people whom he opts to save. But when you mess with fate things happen. He thought he had issues before.

Mildly interesting. Should have developed the love story better.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Waste of Time and Money
nammerama9 August 2007
I almost didn't bother giving this movie 2 stars.

This movie was such a waste of time and money, but maybe I feel that way because I watched it shortly after watching 1408 which is a much better horror film (the best than I have seen in a long time).

Anyway, there seemed to be no real closure to the film, and the plot was so vague that most of the time you couldn't be sure what the whole point of the film was except to have a reason to put 20th century graphics into a 21st century film.

However if you are into 80s horror films then why don't you just rent Poltergeist and save yourself a lot of money.

Otherwise go see 1408!
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A good supernatural thriller.
bigmartyman9 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this film.

I liked the actors, the characters, the scares, the effects, the pacing ..... and the premise (almost).

But one thing started bugging me about half way through. Its petty, but really bugged me. The film's premise is that the central character, having survived a near death experience, can now spot those about to die and act to prevent their deaths. However, if he saves them, then several days later they are possessed by evil spirits (or some such) and do bad things. Fine, but the central character was himself saved from dying by medics who saw he was about to die and restarted his heart, so why wasn't he possessed several days later? I guess the supernatural just doesn't work like that.

Aside from that I really liked the film (I liked the characters so much I even cried at the sentimental bits at the end).
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Riseable at best
daveydaveydavey6 January 2007
To its credit, White Noise 2 starts in a promising fashion - displaying some genuinely unsettling statistics on screen - ones which when taken out of the context of the movie are enough to make anyone stop and take note. However this good start comes to an abrupt end as soon as our protagonist has his NDE (or near death experience), I challenge you to keep a straight face at this point! Hackneyed, predictable and tied so tightly to generic conventions, White Noise 2 is barely worth the effort, let alone the admission fee.

Having seen the first film, I must admit that I didn't harbour much hope of this being a quality sequel. The first film is a decent, if laboured attempt at creating a ring-esquire horror film. Unfortunately, at times, White Noise 2 feels like plagiarism of not only 'The Ring', but also 'The Eye', even worse, it uses elements of both films to create inferior scares. White Noise 2 suffers from the same problem the first instalment. The final sequences of both films jar with what precedes - thus undermining the audiences suspension of disbelief, and in the case of the first film, ruining a perfectly decent set-up.

White Noise 2 is a largely unoriginal, by the numbers popcorn muncher. It prefers flashes of grotesque figures accompanied by loud aural jolts as opposed to suspenseful moments. Furthermore, the plot is littered with unexplained happenings. The condition and symptoms with which the protagonist is suffering are never fully diagnosed or explained. The acting is 'allright' and the characters are given enough screen time to develop, yet they can do little to save the film from its script. However, If you want an easy to digest, bland and average horror flick then give White Noise 2 a try - but like myself, expect to walk away disappointed. The film itself isn't terrible, it just has nothing at all to distinguish it from everything else in the genre. Try 'The Ring' or 'The Eye' instead.
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joconnor-1414 January 2007
Definitely don't let the lacklustre effort of the first White Noise film put you off seeing this creepy sequel.

Although the ties to static 'noise' from electrical appliances are stretched somewhat thinly (was this film written as a stand-alone then tied to 'White Noise' later???), this is a nice little horror film with loads of atmosphere and great performances.

Nathan Fillion (Sliver, Serenity) has a good 95% of the screen time and does a great job as a man whose family has been murdered in front of him. There are ghosts a-plenty and some nice 'can't mess with the future' themes - if you like the Final Destination movies, you're gunna love this.

Don't wait for DVD... this film is worth forking out to see at the cinema.
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Worth: If you admire talent of Mind behind WHITE NOISE
techpark14 January 2008
My Summary words says all, when I started to see the movie (without knowing what kind of movie it is), I thought it would just be some creepy waste logic stuff, but it turned out to be really thrilling and definitely leading towards Unanswerable Questions of concept of "Life - Death Relationships".

I truly believe in the rule "If you save a life... you are responsible for it!"

I should really admire the THOUGHT of writer and director of movie, the base of movie was pretty close to Myths/Facts and God's Rules, yet was presented in beautiful way.

Must Watch for Once!
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One of the worst movies ever.
horseflyye22 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I only created this account to review this movie. My boyfriend really liked White Noise, the original, and he doesn't give many movies a chance. He is not easily scared, whereas I get scared if someone comes up behind me and surprises me! I got nightmares from Gremlins and The Ghost in the Darkness for christs sake! I'll admit, most scary movies these days scare me more when I allow myself to be frightened as opposed to expecting the movie to do all the work (most people who go into a movie expecting it to be lame are rewarded with a lame movie), but this movie was so predictable I could actually count down to the "scary" parts! Really!? DEAD PEOPLE?? Wow. And the scene where the girl gets groped by some perv cuz she spills her drink on him?? Show me in what business district in the middle of the day does some well-dressed group of guys beat up and shove some guy off of a bridge and threaten to rape a woman because of a spilled drink? Bad s**t happens in this world, every day, but that was not believable AT ALL. And using a bunch of actors from SciFi didn't help, lol.

At least in the original they explored the whole EVP aspect and showed how communication with the dead may not be a good thing. This was lame effects mixed with some of the worst dialogue ever written! The fact that the main chick had hair that looked like she ripped it off of Brittany Murphy's head from 8 Mile and couldn't get that d**n smile off her face didn't help the case that the love of her life was dead and she sympathised with the guy's situation. "You saved my life...I'd love to return the favor" what? by going to a bar and throwing yourself at the guy? Wow...thank you everyone who said to see this. Honestly, if you liked this at all, go waste your money on the movie "The Damned Thing." Saw that last week thanks to reviews like this movie got. Very, VERY disappointed and will have trouble trusting this site for reviews. Hope I stopped a few people from wasting money on this!!
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Utter Nonsense
b-suss30 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler warning, like it matters because this movie was terrible. It takes a really bad movie to get me to write a review to have my revenge.

It's the story of a man named Abe whose wife and son are murdered by a gunman who shoots himself. Abe decides to commit suicide to reunite with them, but just as he is about to join them in heaven, his dopey pal intervenes, and he is restored to life on the operating table, a near death experience. Though his life is empty, he has a consolation prize, he now has to power to tell when someone will die by seeing a white light surrounding him. So he runs around trying to save people before they get killed, to make up for not being able to save his family.

Well no good deed goes unpunished in horror films, so we are faced with the "Final Destination" like consequences of interfering in God's wonderful plan. See all these people that get saved end up turning evil after three days, and murder other people. And that's why the gunman killed Abe's family, because he had saved them before and he didn't want them to turn evil. He could also see the light.

So, if you were to meet a potential mass murderer and say to him "hey killing is wrong." And he says "You're right. I don't want to be a jerk, so I will turn myself in to the authorities." Then you think you are a big hero. But guess what you did? You just unleashed Satan big time. Because all those people that you saved had a white light around them that meant they were meant to die. Now that they are saved they will turn evil in 3 days and kill more people. Then you are tasked with the responsibility of running around trying to kill all those former innocent people before they go on a killing spree themselves.

SAVING PEOPLE IS A GOOD THING!!! Enough with this Final Destination CRAP!!!
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