High School Musical (TV Movie 2006) Poster

(2006 TV Movie)

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Disney Channel Was On Some Other S**t Back Then.
colorthekid2 February 2020
Re-watching this as an adult made me realize that I had no idea what good writing was back then, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit.

Maybe because of the songs or the nostalgia factor, but I honestly feel like I can watch this over and over again and not get bored.

Even though I'm aware that High School Musical is not at all a "good movie", I can't deny that it's a fun movie. and nostalgia doesn't allow me to express anything other than love for it.
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jace_the_film_guy14 September 2021
While the film only came out 15 years ago, I felt a high amount of nostalgia watching High School Musical again. It was exciting to see the start of something new (pun absolutely intended) and the Disney Channel juggernaut that came from it.

The story was straightforward and predictable, the acting was mediocre, and the script was incredibly cringey at times, but I can forgive all of that because of the music. Every song in this film is a karaoke classic that I blasted in my mom's car to and from middle school. While it is not a cinematic masterpiece, this film brings back sentimental feelings and memories that make it a family favorite.
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The phenomenon that was
studioAT6 April 2016
10 years ago this first High School Musical film launched with very little fanfare, and no real big names in it. Little did Disney know that it would capture the imagination and hearts of so many young people, spawn two (at present) sequels and become a lasting phenomenon!

Is it surprising when you watch the actual film? No, not really. It's an hour and a bit of fun, the young cast (and they do look young) all give good performances, and it's enjoyable for all ages.

The make it or break it quality with any musical are the songs, and of the three 'High School' films this is the one with the most iconic songs.

No, it's not Shakespeare. But it is an almost modern version of Grease. I'm not a huge musicals fan, but I enjoyed it.
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Thumbs up from a child of the 80s
rooprect28 February 2014
I definitely don't fit into the target demographic for Disneys' "High School Musical", and when my friends saw it in my DVD collection they threatened to disown me. At that point I figured I could either (a) say "HOW DID THAT GET THERE?! and quickly distract them by popping in Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket", (b) sheepishly admit that I'm a dork and in serious need of help, or (c) rabidly defend how awesome this movie is, accusing them that if they're too closed-minded to give it a try then their inner child must be dead and rotting in their dark pit of hearts.

I opted for (c).

As I said, this movie is fantastic. Directed by Kenny Ortega, known for many TV stints and music videos but perhaps best known as Michael Jackson's choreographer, you know immediately that this is a flick with some professional music and dancing. But for me, what I really liked was the theme of this movie, something unlike anything I've seen before. And I've been secretly watching teen flicks since the 80s with classics like "Sixteen Candles", "The Breakfast Club" and so on.

Through the ages, most teen flicks, if not all, have focused on one theme: the idea of outcasts & nerdy underdogs rising up and doing battle with the popular kids. True, it's a great theme that every teen (and every adult, for that matter) should understand. Dare to be different. Be uncool, and do it in the coolest way possible.

Here in "High School Musical" we get a reverse twist on that. The star of the movie (played by Zac Ephron) is already one of the cool kids, good looking, smart, sports jock. But he dreams of doing something as totally uncool as singing in the high school musical.

From there the theme materializes. This isn't just another "revenge of the nerds" type story, but instead it's a very individualistic, and dare I say existentialist, take on how to exist in society. Drop all labels, cross all boundaries, do whatever you want. There's a great line in the movie where Zac says to his father, "What if all my friends laugh at me?" and the father responds, "Well then they're really not your friends." Gems like this may be obvious in life, but they bear repeating to kids as well as wayward adults. Are you a 45 year old corporate executive who's afraid to quit your job and be a hairdresser? Watch this movie. Even if your situation is not as extreme as that, we all encounter pockets of resistance based on what people expect of us. And often, it's much harder to climb *down* from a successful position than it is to climb *up* from nothing.

Besides that, the movie is just plain fun. All the character are lovable, even the "villains" who in this case are the scary sister & brother team played by Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel. They reminded me of something out of an old Tim Burton flick (Edward Scissorhands) with their hilarious portrayal of the proverbial small-town big fish. Another memorable villain is the failed-diva drama teacher who always seems to be one measure away from breaking into "I'm So Pretty" (don't worry, she doesn't). Zac's female counterpart is played by Vanessa Hudgens who also does a great job of depicting the new transfer who doesn't know how or where to fit in.

Like I said, this is a great film with a solid message for all ages, as long as your inner child isn't dead. I'm not sure if this review was of any use to you, but it sure silenced the room when I shouted it at my friends. In short, this movie is for anyone who's not afraid to yell "I love High School Musical!"
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Absolutely Hideous
chilipepperz918214 July 2006
Maybe I'm just a weirdo. After reading all these other reviews, I'm pretty sure that I am. Or maybe it's just because I've been performing with musical theatre companies since I was about seven, so the idea of a musical isn't something novel and new for me. But every time I tried to watch this movie, and every time I heard somebody talk about how great it was, I just couldn't help but CRINGE. Not only was this another long shot for the young Disney stars to prove their "versatility", such as it is(n't), but it was yet another show about the magical clichés and drama of high school, something I'm getting absolutely sick of. I have to go to school every day and deal with petty high school drama; why would I want to come home and listen to people SING about it? Seriously. At least REAL musicals that used those themes, like Hairspray and Grease, had actual talent behind them, as well as good songs and actual FUN. Not a bunch of pretty-boy jocks smiling cheesily and singing about how much they love basketball. The whole production was so shallow...I still haven't been able to sit through the entire movie. I've had to watch it in sections of twenty minutes, just to be able to stand it. And something that ESPECIALLY bothered me: the representations of the people in the drama club. Dude, that teacher? "Brava"? You've got to be kidding me. And then that little drama queen and her wimpy brother...so, so cliché. I haven't met anybody like any of those three since I was, like, ten. And I know, I know: it's just a corny little Disney movie playing up the clichés. And for about half a second, characters like that might seem kinda funny. Then try going to school the next day and hear people asking you if you've ever had a director like that teacher, or asking how you can possibly be a "real" theatre person because you don't seem obnoxious enough...it gets old. This movie sucked. Why do people like it so much?
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A Musical Delight!
NikkiSweet20 January 2006
"High School Musical" was a movie that can pick you up and make you "dance". The songs were great especially "Get your head in the game". With some dance moves, the movie also added great humor,"love",and for those jocks out there BASKETBALL! The actors rocked the stage and just made the movie a teen can watch and who knows maybe one or two can relate to "Troy"(Zac Efron),"Gabriella"(Vannesa Anne Hudgens),or even "Sharpay"(Ashley Tisdale). Disney has proved itself once again as the movie magnet! Like other movies "Right on Track", "Go Figure", "High School Musical" is a great movie which you can sit with family or with friends and enjoy and you never know when you might be singing along!
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Can our current generation handle such cheeriness?
missmessabout1 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILERS of ending, kinda...) It's just so…. Disney! And yes, I spit that word out with more than a small measure of contempt. Featuring that wholesome, straight-to-video nonsense we've come to expect from the Olsen twins, "High School Musical" is an impossible blend of the following:

Attractive, talented, athletic and brainy teens who learn their own lessons in acceptance and find a way to cross the boundaries of high school politics.

The villainous, Uber-competitive Ryan siblings, Sharpey & Ryan: They clearly have years of training, parental support and funding. And yet they still live in Albuquerque? Their stage-mom never moved them to LA to get them into toothpaste commercials?

Singing voice-over doubles for… how many of the cast? At least movies like Centre Stage, when choosing between actors who could dance or dancers who could act, opted for the latter.

Intelligent "nerd" characters with gorgeous faces and hip clothing. As a former high school nerd myself I say "since when?!"

Ms Darbus, the musical producer, who just wishes she was Glenn Close. Better luck next time, casting directors.

Finally, the mega happy ending, where even the villains show their human side and join in the congratulations and celebrations with the "goodies". Am I too cynical in remembering that even the villains of "Home Alone" got smacked in the faces with steel pipes a few times to get their come-uppance? At least in the 70s, cheery musicals with happy endings (Grease) were cool. Welcome to the Naughties, where they are not.
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A future classic
s_daad26 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Who makes the criteria for judging movies now? I’m sure there’s a Big Brother out there who decides which films are cool to praise and which are not. Otherwise how do you explain Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pulp Fiction and The Matrix in the Top 30 ranked films of all time on this site? And at the same time High School Musical gets a very low rating of 5.0? I guess this one doesn’t drag Hollywood down in to the gutter blockbusterism, special effects excess, hyperbole, tastelessness and subversiveness. Instead it tells a simple story with relevant message, and with the help of musical interludes. I suppose it has committed a few crimes there, according to the prevailing movie wisdom (???). The shrieks go out, “It’s cheesy!”, “It’s a musical!”, “It’s all been done before!”, “It’s all squeaky clean!”, “No profanity, no nothing!” Of course, if you are judging by the criteria that every film that comes along should apply a sledgehammer to society as we know it, then HSM is bad, no doubt. But it’s your loss, because you’re missing out on a great movie experience.

High School Musical is a perfect musical, and it should rank right up there with Singin’ In The Rain, The Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins and My Fair Lady. While I was watching it I was thinking, “So this is where Grease went wrong!” There’s a similar plot going on. But instead of the wooden Olivia Newton John and the tiresome John Travolta, we have great acting from Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron, and in fact great performances all round. The script is picture perfect. I couldn’t spot anything gratuitous anywhere. Everything is there to tell the story and move the plot forward. I mean, there were so many things that could have tempted the filmmakers. The Ms. Darbus character was on a roll, and they could easily have gotten over the top with her. Sharpay Evans was a brilliant bitch, but they didn’t overdo her either. The song and dance numbers were spectacular, and spectacularly good, and they could easily have squeezed another two in. But every number was there for a good reason. The basketball number highlighted Troy’s confusion to perfection, while the cafeteria number portrayed the central theme of “straying out of the box”, and at the same time dramatised Sharpay’s fears of having competition. The film sparkles with humour throughout, and there are plenty laugh-out-loud moments. It could have decided to become soppy by showing Troy and Gabriella winning the audition. But, no, it immediately cuts to the basketball match, and after that there’s a rousing bonding number where Troy and Gabriella are lost in the “togetherness” of it all. It’s a tremendous feel good ending, but we feel good about something good, and not just for the hero and heroine winning everything in sight. The film sends a clean and wholesome message, and the tone is kept clean and wholesome throughout. This is something commendable in any age, let alone in this one of perversity and excess. Grease got it wrong by throwing in sex and profanity when we were supposed to feel nostalgic about wholesome fifties morality.

One more word about the criticism that the film is too clean to be taken seriously. So do these critics not enjoy films from the classic era of Hollywood at all? Films were clean then. It’s not true that society was clean so the films were clean. There were nasty things going on then too, but films just didn’t follow down into the gutter. There were censors to stop that. Citizen Kane is still a strong film today because it tells something timeless and does not rake muck for the sake of it. It also tells us something about the forties too, much more than does the “realistic” Goodfellas. Today realism boils down to raking muck for the sake of raking muck. 99% of the time it’s used titillate the baser instincts than to say anything about reality. So to judge films using this criterion is to confuse film with pornography. There may be homosexuals in high school today, but that has nothing to do with the theme of expanding your potential, so the token homosexual is quite rightly left out of HSM. There are other things going on in today’s high schools, and more worthy to talk about.

In conclusion, I can’t commend enough the people involved in this fantastic film. It should be a magical experience for all ages. I’m sure it will be a classic in time to come. And finally, don’t let the dope-smoking Big Brother spoil the fun for you.
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My childhood
iloveUGA12319 February 2013
Honestly, I just randomly gave it a vote. You really can't vote on how good this movie is. Yes I mean it was a very typical Disney channel movie, but I was in elementary school when this movie came out, and everybody my age including myself was obsessed with it; I couldn't even count the amount of times that I watched this movie.

If you've never seen this movie and you're over the age of lets say 12, you're probably not going to like it. This was my childhood though and everybody loved the music and I owned the movie and CD and would always listen to the music. Everyone would watch it and would watch the sing alongs on Disney channel, because I was probably 8 when this movie came out and I am now 15 and Disney channel was everyones life and childhood, so I could never give this movie a bad review, but I really don't know what to give it out of 10 so I just gave it a 7.

High school musical is a Disney movie where you can really only like it if you were young like me when it came out. I haven't seen this movie in forever, and I watched it the other day and still pretty much remember all of the words to every song!
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"This is the start...of unbelievable crap!"
pfs131899 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One thing that has always irritated me as a high school student is Disney's portrayal, in its various programming, of what high school is like. For the most part, Disney gets it TERRIBLY WRONG, and this is immensely evident in "High School Musical." I mean, don't get me wrong, not a day goes by at my school without a fat girl standing up to sing about how her true dream is to dance, but, seriously, its just totally inaccurate. The characters poorly represent actual high school students in that real students actually act their age, are mature, and aren't borderline mentally retarded (Okay, most real high school students aren't immature and mentally retarded). Disney really needs to do more research on high school environments.

As for the quality of the movie: The music is...okay. Not too great, but withstandable. Its the singing, acting, plot line, characters, and dialogue that causes one when watching this movie to eat their hands just to distract them from this melting pot of caterpillar excrement. Just awful.

Many, MANY things in this "musical" made absolutely NO sense. (1) So what if someone wants to dance or some basketball player wants to bake an array of various pastries or participate in a school production and lip sync to computer dubbing? The entire school is not going to conspire to keep them from doing so by transmitting video using laptop computers and hidden cameras! What the hell? It doesn't even make sense how they were able to do that. (2) Why would two siblings (Ashley Tisdale and her effeminate brother I seriously would love to punch in the face repeatedly) EVER want to sing about how they love each other in a musical? Not to mention, not even the most socially retarded human being acts like Ashley Tisdale's character. (3) The dear sweet happy ending in which the whole school burst into song will have you emptying your stomach contents due to its unbelievable predictability. (4) FOR GOD'S SAKE, NO drama teacher is so AWFUL enough as to not let them tryout at another time for the play when they have to miss it for other things, like a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP! Teachers in the real world tend to have souls, after all! Who wrote this thing? Does he have a clue of how high school works?

All in all, it's typical, Disney Channel, low-budget, shallow film that doesn't make any sense plot wise and has no qualities of a well written musical. And for the love of god, Disney, get inside a high school and see what it is really like before you spit out another "teen drama" that causes cancer of the mind when it is watched.
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What's Not To Like About This Charming Film?!
zkonedog12 March 2017
The other night, having nothing else to do, I popped in the DVD of High School Musical just to see what the "fuss" is all about (My younger sister owns the HSM dolls, clothes, towels, movies, CDs, video games, sheet music, etc). Though not usually drawn to the musical genre or Disney Channel dramatic fare, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this film held my interest and entertained me for its duration.

Plot-wise, HSM doesn't deviate too far from standard Disney programming. When new girl to school Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens) begins to form a relationship with school beau Troy Bolton (Zac Efron), it draws the ire of popular girl Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tisdale) and facilitates an overhaul of East High's social cliques.

What sets the storyline apart from, say, a typical episode of Hannah Montana, though, is the way the school stereotypes are portrayed. Instead of getting too preachy, Disney instead wildly accentuates those stereotypes and lets the simple messages of diversity and acceptance speak for themselves. Troy is the All-American boy every girl has a crush on, Gabriella is the stunningly beautiful girl next door, and Sharpay is the over-the-top princess who rules the school with her status.

Of course, HSM needs to (as a musical) ultimately be judged on the quality of its musical numbers...the category in which it succeeds fantastically. From the very beginning, when a karaoke DJ hands microphones to Troy and Gabriella and tells them "you might thank me for this someday", viewers will realize the quality of the musical numbers about to come. Though Efron does not provide his own vocals, he IS able to adroitly portray the conflicted Troy (basketball vs. singing) through acting and dance. Hudgens' tunes are usually softer, but very poignant ("When There Was Me And You", in which Hudgens flies solo, is my favorite piece in the film), while Tisdale is probably the most talented actor/singer/dancer of the bunch in her fantastically choreographed and special effects-laden numbers.

So, if you are a parent/older sibling who wants to know what make your child/younger sibling go crazy over HSM, I would encourage you to sit down and watch this film (preferably with them). Even the most jaded critics will be humming (or outright belting) the catchy melodies long after the end credits roll.
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Self-aware and for a Disney Channel Original Movie surprisingly well acted, choreographed and engaging. It holds up through the years but that might just be my nostalgia
quiqueperezsoler10 April 2020
I'm not sure what it is and maybe I'm blinded by childhood nostalgia, but this movie has something different. Compared to other TV movies this one has surprisingly decent acting, musical numbers pertinent to the plot and not just bursting into song whenever (although there are a couple of songs like that); and lastly a very subtle sort of foreshadowing in the content of the songs they are singing. I never really paid much attention to all the lyrics of the songs but they describe exactly how the characters are without having to tell us. They surprisingly respect the "show don't tell" rule in that aspect.

The message is loud and clear, there's no misinterpretation and that's great for kids. It has uplifiting and feel-good beats to it as well as breaking with the norm and the cliques in high school teaching the younger audiences to be themselves and to not simply choose between black and white. It's a good message enhanced by decent performances with surprisingly decent dialogue and good pacing. I know with what I said it sounds like the movie has nothing wrong to it but maybe I'm sort of biased due to the nostalgia trip it carries everytime I watch it.

For new viewers I say this: don't take it too seriously, I mean, it's not oscar worthy at all and wasn't meant to be released in theaters and therefore had a tight budget. It delivers in what it's selling: an endearing story of a couple who want to be together doing what they love and being who they want to be, struggling to make the rest of the people in their lives see that too. Only enhanced by upbeat and well choreographed music and funny side characters like teachers and other students. A fun watch
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Oh, Dear...
aemartell22 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There was something that made me avoid watching this movie for some time after it came out, when I usually gobble up DCOMs like cotton candy. But one day it came on, and my little sister talked me into watching it with her. From the opening scene on, I was wishing that I was anywhere else than there. Gabriella was the too-gorgeous dork, which was obvious from the first scene. Troy was the obligatory supposed-to-be-good-looking male lead who was into sports, but really searching for something else.

So, my first thought when watching the movie was, essentially: "Oh, dear." By the time my brain cleared enough for another, it was time for "What a 'Grease' rip-off!" After vacation, it turns out that the girl moves to the guy's high school, where she is exactly who she was during their "moment," while he is the one who is constrained by his social role.

A play-by-play of the movie has already been given in a few other reviews, so I'll side-step that. Instead, I'll point out the things that made this movie horrible.

To start things off, we have the character of Gabriella. She is gorgeous, skinny, brilliant, and shy, but possesses an amazing voice that makes Troy fall for her almost immediately. Even though it is implied that she's quite modest, she uses the word "genius" when describing herself to her mother--and even though she doesn't want to be "the freaky genius girl," she is more than ready to correct the teacher in class with a smile that was too smug for my liking. Reality check: no matter if the teacher is wrong or not, the people who are truly shy and don't want to be thought of as a "freaky genius" don't speak up. Trust someone who's been in that situation.

My second reason: the high school cliques. Let me first say that I took part in many activities that related to a certain clique: music, agriculture, and Academic Decathlon. But none of the people in any of those groups were immediately willing to make me an outcast because I did more than one thing. If you want your kids to be brainwashed into believing that they will be shut-out in high school for trying to do more than one thing, please let them watch.

Something small that doesn't make the movie bad, but certainly made it worse was that Ryan and Sharpay, a brother-sister combo, are perfectly content to sing love-laced songs to try out in a musical. It's as if they couldn't find anyone else to sing with, which I find hard to believe.

The movie can't even strike a balance between the "randomly bursting out into song" moments and the "the characters are singing and they know it" moments. Most of the moments seem as if the characters know that they are singing: the karaoke scene, musical try-outs, and probably even the end number of the movie. But Gabriella randomly bursts out into song (complete with over-the-top 'dancing' maneuvers) when her feelings are hurt by Troy while staring into the camera lens in the way that no individual in a movie should do for extended periods, unless the're looking "beyond" the camera. And the basketball team manages a 'brilliant' musical number that none of them would ever willingly submit to. Pick one or the other, one or the other. But please, not both.

Perhaps the last issue I feel ruined the movie is how everything is catered to fit the plot. No real drama teacher would (1) let two kids trying out for a musical move the date to a day that conflicted with the only other two kids trying out, or (2) refuse to move it for the second two kids for something as important as an Academic competition and a play-off basketball game. No kids would hook up a computer to elaborately blackmail their friends just to keep them from trying out for said musical. The list of things that are too ridiculous, but are included because they fit the plot goes on and on for eons.

True, if your kid is under thirteen, this is the only high school musical available to them. If they're older than thirteen and want to watch a musical, have them watch "Grease" (not my favorite movie, but far better than this). Little kids should watch "The Sound of Music" or perhaps "Singin' in the Rain," while people mature enough to watch a true portrayal of high school cliques should tune in for the ever-classic "The Breakfast Club." Just stay away from this one if you have any taste in musicals and any level of common sense.
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Delivers on a genre level but the casual viewer will find the so-so songs, soullessly slick delivery, stage-school performances & cloying morals to be problems
bob the moo4 January 2007
Troy Bolton is the captain of the high school basketball team but, at a New Year's Eve party he discovers a love for music while doing karaoke with a girl he just met – Gabriella. Going back to school after the break, Troy discovers that Gabriella is a new pupil there and that she is smart enough to not be part of his social circle and is a big player in the science club. As the high school musical approaches Gabriella and Troy have become closer and are tempted to go for the two lead roles. However, not only will this mean breaking up the musical domination of Sharpay and Ryan Evans but more significantly challenging the social moulds they are put in by themselves and their peers.

With a title that is pretty much a description of contents rather than a title, I pretty much knew what this film was going to be when I sat to watch it. I expected a typical high school movie plot (ie pick one from the five or six main generic ones in films) but delivered as a musical and for the whole thing to be as glossy and as cheerful as one would expect from the Disney film. The way that it is laid out means that it delivers just that – a cheerful musical that goes where you expect it to and does it with the spirit of a light Broadway musical. To those that pick up this film as one would a packet of potatoes in a supermarket (ie knowing that they want potatoes and that they are buying potatoes) then this will provide just what you want and should cover up the weaknesses inherent in it.

Even to the fan, these weaknesses will be as obvious as they are to the viewers that dislike the film. The plot is of course generic and will surprise not even the child audience it is aimed at. The message is writ large across every scene and is clunky almost the whole time. The cheerful pushing of this message of acceptance and being true to yourself is a bit like propaganda and lacks any reality – something many peer-pressured teenagers will tell you. The songs themselves are cheerful big numbers that are as clean and as wholesome as American pie (the ideal rather than the movie!); none of them are good and many will grate on those not used to musicals (although this is not really the film's fault).

The cast are probably the most annoying aspect for the casual viewer because almost to a performer they scream "stage school" and they do the exaggerated and facial-movement-heavy acting that one would expect from a school musical production. Of course this just about works within the context of the genre but I found it annoying because they didn't seem to have an off switch – so even in the smaller moments they are doing the same stuff as in the midst of a massive dance number. Hudgrens is cute and makes for a sweet lead. Efron is bland but probably offers the safe and sexless looks that a female tweenie audience appreciate. Coleman's performance is poor but I was amazed by how a woman in her late twenties can manage to look fifteen! Bleu is equally poor and together they fail to provide any teeth to the peer pressure that is key to the plot. Everyone sings and dances well enough and again, within the genre, they work even if they will get on the rag of the casual viewer.

Overall then this is a film that does just what it says on the tin. It is a high school plot delivered as a musical. Those buying this product knowing the contents will probably like it because it does just what you expect and delivers a solid and slick musical to the extent that the weaknesses of the genre can be forgiven. However the casual viewer will find the so-so songs, soullessly slick delivery, stage-school performances and simplistic, cloying morals to be pretty big hurdles to get over.
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Best Movie On Disney Channel
akrein922 August 2006
Besides The Cheetah Girls, High School Musical is the only Disney Channel Original Movie that has been getting ratings and good comments from the critics. High School Musical is my favorite Disney Channel Original Movie. I heard a rumor that they might make it into a Disney Channel Original Series after High School Musical 2 Premieres! If I had to give a Award to one of the actors in High School Musical for Best Performance, It Would go to Ashley Tisdale for her snotty Girley-girl image and her great act of being a Popular Rich Girl. I think she gets it from her best friend, Brenda Song who plays a Popular Rich Girl named London Tipton on The Suite Life Of Zack and Cody. If You haven't seen it, Watch it on Disney Channel or Buy the DVD.
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To all those HSM fans out there!
scubabill8822 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Dear fans of HSM,

I would like to tell you to please refrain from telling me how much you like the musical or talking about the show when I am in the same room. You are probably wondering why I ask this, well I'll tell you. I HATE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! Now before you decide to not read this blog just listen to the major things that were wrong with this so called "musical". First off, it wasn't a musical in a sense that the songs were too "poppy" for it to be a musical. It should have been called High School Popical. I know it sounds corny but it's the truth. I have seen and been in many musicals and never have the songs that I have heard sounded like the ones in HSM. This brings me to my next point, the singing. Gabriella, a.k.a. Vanessa Anne Hudgens, had a weird voice that just plain out annoyed me. Sharpay, a.k.a. Ashley Tisdale, had such a bad voice that in the song "What I've Been Looking For" her brother Ryan, a.k.a. Lucas Grabeel, had to sing higher than her so that you wouldn't have to hear her sing. In almost all duets between a girl and a guy, the girl usually sings the higher part. The worst of them all was Troy, a.k.a. Zac Efron. Why do I say this? Because he was DUBBED!!! Zac would sing the first two lines in each song and magically his voice would change. If you don't believe me then listen closely to "Breaking Free". 27 seconds into the song his voice changes from terrible to good. In the credits on IMDb.com they had credited the singer that actually sang the songs but don't go to check now because his name has been taken out of the credits. Disney payed the people at IMDb to take his name out of the credits to cover it up. That is why on the soundtrack it says that Troy sang it because if they put the singer's names legally they would have to put Andrew Seeley's name on it. Now on IMDb, Andrew Seeley, the voice of Troy, is only credited for writing the song "Getcha Head In The Game". I hated how the brother, Ryan, had to be gay. Not all actors are gay, including myself, and Disney just had to put on more stereotypes of stage actors. To Disney, all stage actors are gay, have crazy directors, have huge egos (that's true for some people but not all), are the most feared in the school, and make a huge deal about auditions. Auditions last three days normally but in HSM they lasted forever! Also the plot was borderline retarded! In the end Troy got to win the championships and get the lead in the show. That's just Disney making the impossible work in the end. That could never happen in real life. In fact basketball player's can't even sing. If you don't believe me check out Shaq's album. And the star basketball player was only 5'10", that's pretty stupid. Also I have been to Albuquerque and it is a lot dirtier in real life than it is in the movie. Well now that you know the facts please consider not buying the DVD because Disney will make more of these filth ridden movies in the future and that's the last thing I need.

-Theodore Roosevlt
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Great Music Makes Up for an iffy story
zgamer-115 February 2006
I kept hearing about this TV movie for a while. The soundtrack was a hit on iTunes and it was being advertised all the time. So my sister recorded it one night and I decided to watch it.

The truth is, it's good. Not great, mind you, but good. First, let me point out some flaws. For one thing, the plot is basic Disney stuff. It may please children, but it isn't anything you haven't seen before. It's predictable on almost every plain all the way to the end. There are also lots of the T.V. stereotypes (pretty faced lead characters, poorly acted snotty villaness, bad portrayal of nerds and jocks). Also, a lot of the jokes in the film are either poorly timed or basic Disney quick gags.

What really shines, though, is the amazing music and songs. The voices for most of the singers is good (though the lead guy doesn't do his own singing), the songs are well written and sung greatly, and they usually have a good mood appropriate to the scene they're in. My favorite song is Stick to the Status Quo for two reasons. One, it's very reminiscent to musicals like Grease, and two because it actually a good satire to hidden ambitions and High School culture's view on them (it ignores them for popular stuff). Get Your Head in the Game is cool to, though a bit too hip hop/pop.

So overall, the good outweighs the bad. It certainly fits the basics for a Disney movie. It has an average plot with average dialogue, average or over-the-top acting (Ashley Tishdale: Overacting + Good singing voice= ?), and a cheesy feel which will please kids. But if your looking for a good family movie or if you like Broadway-esquire music and singing, this should be considered.
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What is wrong with today's youth?
bradme15 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It seems all these pre-teen girls are loving this movie trampling each other to get a copy of the DVD.

Why!? The movie was terrible! The music, the singing, the lyrics to the songs, the general writing and the old kiddy movie "We were mean to you but now we're sorry" act! I understand this is a kids movie but it doesn't have to be so cliché and terrible! Zack Effron...if I here that name one more time I will go insane. "Oooh he's so cuuuuute!" ENOUGH! He may be "cute" but his acting sucks! And he lyp synched the whole time. Check the trivia for this movie.

We get the stereotypical dumb guy from the stereotypical mean girl's brother. We get the cheesy love story that works out in the end through the most cliché ways.

Overall, bad singing, cheesy story, bad script, bad acting. The only way I would See this movie is if you paid me...Lots of money.
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too cute!
michelle_janz23 August 2006
high school musical is an awesome movie and i recommend it to everyone! Zac Efron is so hot! anyways , its a great movie and the story is so cute. this movie has an awesome cast with amazing voices. the movie has awesome songs , voices - and not to mention all of the sweet dances. its the kind of movie that u fall in love with and just wanna watch over and over again. its definitely aimed at girls and its one that u can always watch with your girls and swoon over Zac Efron's hotness!there is also supposed to be a sequel coming i out during summer of 2007 so ill sure be watching it and once u watch this movie you will too! anyways , be sure and watch next time it airs or pick up a copy. p.s.- it has an awesome soundtrack too! It starts off when Troy Bolton (a basketball superstar) meets Gabriella (a pretty genius) at a new years eve party on vacation when they are chosen to sing together for a karaoke contest. when Troy goes back to school to find that she is the new girl , they must both make hard decisions- should they do what they're heads are telling them to do ( which is to stick with basketball and smarts to do what they're friends want) or go with they're hearts and sing together.
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This Is Actually Pretty Entertaining
Mr_Sensitive23 March 2007
Hate to admit but it was surprisingly very enjoyable movie and the music is very catchy. Now I have no doubt why it was so famous. Of-course this movie is not for everyone specially the one that takes movie seriously.

Synopsis: Troy is known as school basketball hero and his love for the sport. Things change when he went to New Year party and was force to sing karaoke with another girl. There he found he found his love for music when ever he sing with her, the only problem is he is a basketball player not a pansy theater singer as most of his teammate consider.

It is true the movie consist of everything that is considered really bad movie, it got bad direction, lighting, cinematography, screenplay, dialog, acting, set, costume, location and almost everything but hell it was bad fun. I suppose those easy and cheesy lyrics and songs really do help this movie fun to watch and listen to.

The best part of the movie got to be the cast; though most of them don't even look like High School student I don't really see much of problem there. Zac, Vanessa, Ashley did a pretty all right job and fit in together pretty well.

The songs are very simple, with simple lyrics and tunes and it was really catchy, it stuck in your head. Perfect for the entire young viewer. And there are so much music and variety in the movie for them to sing along. And choreograph was simple but seem to work out just fine.

I suggest just sit back and relax and enjoy the movie and try not to point out any mistake in the movie otherwise even after two days of watching the movie you will still counting it.

Recommendation: Yes, Make Great Present For Kids.

Reason To Watch: For Enjoyment and Music; Also The Cast.

Reason Not To: It Was Corny and Not Recommend For Serious Movie Watcher.

Rating: 7.5/10 (Grade: C+) - Meet Kids Expectation.

Please Rate Y/N After Read. Thanks.
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This movie was hideous.
hadertjou1222 May 2006
I can understand The Disney Channel when they try to aim toward a children's audience but when I have to listen to the awfully fake singing that is blasting from my younger sister's room as they play the movie constantly, it begins to irritate. One day, I decided to give Disney a chance by actually bearing to watch the movie. Right as it started I began to feel embarrassed for the ACTORS! It was some of the worst acting and singing I have ever heard. I tried my hardest to sit in on the whole thing until it went to the cafeteria scene (if you could call it a cafeteria, more like a Chucky Cheese cruise-liner dining room). I started laughing not because of their failure at being funny, but just how annoying the song was! I immediately turned off the TV and kept laughing. I say that Disney should stick to it's roots and stop airing shows that include ONLY high-schoolers when the viewers are between ages 4 and 12. The messages these shows are giving are either giving children the wrong idea or just going right over their heads. A 1 out of 10.
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They don't make them like this anymore
kizzabrizza19 July 2021
This movie is and has always been one of the best early teen movies to ever exist. There hasn't been many movies close to it as it's hard to replicate the good music and storyline provided to children from watching these movies. Thank you HSM.
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Fun for the entire family
angelastarfish9 August 2021
I am Musical Director for a young people's theatre group and will be producing HSM in 2019 so I thought I had better have a look at this. First impression is that it is a steal from Grease, but without the nasty bits eg pregnancy etc. Having said that, the youngsters will love it and I will share in their enthusiasm.
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the taliban might even approve
toreadorable29 August 2007
Romantically entangled High Schoolers who don't kiss? Students who drink milk with their lunches? A "be true to yourself" message that includes all the timidly heterosexual students (none of whom struggle with their sexual identity)? Ridiculously stereotyped faculty members and parents who can do no wrong by their kids?

As many have mentioned, this is a shameful throwback to the early-mid 20th century.

I'm not sure whether this paints a more bleak picture of the Disney operation or of a wide swath of the downward-spiraling American culture.
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What the HELL were they thinking here?!! *SPOILERS*
Dingataca6 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Truly one of the most hideous movies I have ever watched in my life. Seriously, what is this trash?! Fine so I guess this film and everything associated with it is not exactly aimed at me, or my age group, but after hearing so much about it I had to see what the fuss was about, and watched it. I am now pleased to say that this is utter CRAP. It should be called Crap School Musical - High School Musical is not the right title at all.

You know why? Because this isn't a high school, it is more like a happy dream world. Since when is high school this easy? I've been through High School and it is NOT like this. It is very difficult, but at the same time it is a very good period of life. Whatever High School is, this isn't it. And since when do studies and grades not seem to matter in high school?! Because this crap fest, has barely any mention of doing well in school...what a bad message for kids today.

The characters were quite one-sided. They had no depth. Troy was all about basketball. I know basketball players are all about their sport but puh-leeease. The actor Zac Efron was pretty bad too. His female counterpart Gabriella or Vanessa Hudgens whatever her name was, was equally bad. I think she's pretty but that is kind of all she did. She didn't have much to do in the film anyway, she just acted like a wussy teenager, who's scared to face the world. She has a nice voice though I guess. The other main characters, Ryan (Lucas Grabeel?) who was pretty obviously gay (what kind of sad teenage loser would spend all his time performing with his sister?!) and Sharpay (Ashley Tisdale), who has THE most irritating voice I have ever heard, and a costume designer who I think should be fired immediately. She dresses too mature for her apparent age, and she's meant to be a teenager in this film, and also, what kind of school would let the kids wear clothes like that? What kind of school would let the kids SING AND DANCE EVERY FLIPPING FIVE MINUTES EVEN?!

I don't understand why there is so much hype about this film. It is by far one of the most awful productions I have ever seen to come out of a camera. I LOATHE the High School Musical phase. And now this crap-fest movie has dolls, iPods, clothes, posters, and all sorts of accessories coming out as its' merchandise. WHY?! Why do parents want their kids to be influenced by this rubbish?!

The songs weren't please-rip-my-ears-out bad, but they weren't good either. 'Breaking Free' seemed to be the only half-decent song on the album, but all the rest of it seemed trashy. They were not head-tapping good. The choreography I am forced to admit was kind of better than I expected, the dances were well organised and full and flowy. However this does not save the film.

The main problem I had with Crap School Musical was the plot. It was too unreal and I couldn't identify with anything in the whole movie. I wasn't expecting outstanding cinema, but at least a decent storyline would have been nice. The ending irritated me too. Finishing with a song was corny, and the song sucked too. Another bad thing about Crap School Musical was the way they focused on the stereotypes so much. They zoomed in on them, and I know this was all about "breaking free" and "doing it on your own" but isn't that a bit too much? The whole 'Stick To The Status Quo' song sequence was one of the most cringey things I've ever seen. Teenagers that are stereotyped often want to get out of the mould they are in, rather than stick to it, as they were implying. Since when do they like things as they are? High Schoolers are always insecure about themselves, going through mood swings, and just generally rebel against the world. This was just so UNREALISTIC.

If you want a good high school drama, watch Grease or even Hairspray, which at least has a message. If you want a trashy film to give you nightmares and make you loathe it for life, watch High School Musical.
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