En la Cama (2005) Poster


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where sex ends and relationship begins
dromasca28 January 2009
I may have seen only one other film from Chile, and was pleasantly surprised by the interesting concept and fair execution of this one by director Matías Bize. Two strangers at the end of their 20s meet for a one night encounter of casual sex in a motel. They may have done it many times in the past, but this night will prove to be different. The film starts with the two having sex, this is where many other stories in movies end, but here this is just the pretext for a dialog and a possible relationship. A relationship that will probably not last beyond the night, but its temporary nature gives it the occasion of intensity and sincerity. These do not come instantly however, it takes several rounds of dialog (and more sex) to start peeling off the layers of convention and get to the intimate truth, insecurity, intimacy of each one of the two characters. Sex is only the external layer of a relationship, and the most superficial of all, it hides rather than it represents what the man and the woman in the couple really are, and it takes special circumstances and dialog for the truth to pop out - this is the essence of the story that is being told.

Such a movie cannot keep the interest of the viewers even for its about only 80 minutes without good acting, and we get indeed here two excellent actors that pass well the screen and the challenge of explaining their characters beyond the physical appearances, which as with the story is the principal acting problem they face. Playing almost at nude in the perimeter of one motel room and yet building complex and human characters is not an easy task for an actor. Both are more than OK, Bianca Lewis is even close to bright. Director Matias Bize succeeded to make an interesting and different film, I wonder if he will be able to avoid closing himself in the formula or format of experimental films and rather continue to follow the emotional dimension he brought to screen in 'En la cama'.
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In Bed
johno-2121 January 2007
I recently saw this at the 2007 Palm Springs International Film Festival and five minutes into the film I noticed several people walking out on it. I guess they didn't realize that it's title In Bed was a film about two people in bed. This is no bed-in with John and Yoko though. It's a nice character study of two people out for a one night stand in a hotel room after meeting at a party. Lots of lovemaking and small talk turns into confessions of the soul. It's a darkly lit room and only takes place in one room with no additional scenery so it has a little of a claustrophobic feel to it at first but the fairly weak script is delivered well in word and expression from it's two talented and attractive cast members Blanca Lewin as Daniela and Gonzalo Valenzuela as Bruno. Lewin is clearly the star here and I would like to see more of her. Well, I've seen about as much of her as nature created but I would like to see her acting again. I can't believe this film had two costume designers in the credits since there are only three items, one bra, one pair of panties and one pair of men's underwear in the entire film. Two set decorators seem a little excessive too unless they created this set from scratch but it looks like an actual hotel room that they simply brought their cameras into. This is a very small low budget film and has it's flaws but it worked for me and I liked it. I would give it a 7.5 out of 10.
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great performances, uneven writing
thrak6122 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I must agree with reviewer Sitenoise in regard to the "music video" scene. It was clichéd and pointless. I think the writers wanted to show the female character's playful side and the only thing they could think of was to have her bop around the room to a pop song. If that's the tack to take, then a few seconds of her singing along in the bathroom mirror would have been enough. But instead the movie veered off into an MTV cutaway. Why? Everything was going so well up until that point. To me it took some time to recover from that, because it took me out of the film itself; I was no longer watching a movie about two people attracted to each other and who acted on that attraction, and who then found that there was an emotional chemistry going on underneath their physical attraction - instead, the viewer was treated to a music video. It interrupted the tone.

The movie does regain its moorings after the "music vid" moment, and I was once again captivated by it. Other writers are correct when they say that Daniela is the most compelling character; she has the greater mystery attached to her and I found myself wanting to know afterward what happened to her. At times the actress reminded me of the great Juliette Binoche, in her faraway glances that conveyed such ineffable loneliness and melancholy.

A useful comparison, if you've seen this or are going to: also watch "Room In Rome", which is the same basic story, except that the two lovers are both women.
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an amazing dialog about truths
therica12 April 2010
I watched this on Netflix streaming video with English subtitles because I was bored one night and the premise of the movie's description sounded intriguing. It is far more than I could have known! This movie is an amazing exploration into truths, relationships, and various layers thereof, and it gradually unfolds like layers of an onion.

The movie first begins with the couple in the throes of lovemaking resulting from mutual attraction at a party. They begin to dialog and note how they don't even know each other. As their personal life stories begin to unfold, so do layers of truths, jealousies, distrust, anger and all of the other emotions which tend to play out during many months, not hours, of relationships.

The movie fascinates if you enjoy the study of humanity and interpersonal relationships. The movie didn't simply end-- I'm still enjoying the food for thought which it left for me to ponder.
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Not that great
mpwallo19 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
En la Cama is a film about a guy and a girl who have a one night stand, and end up opening up to each other like they never have to anyone before, and it seems at times that they wished their relationship was more than a one night thing. The concept is good, but the film seems like a bad version of "Before Sun Rise". The conversation the two leads have (while in bed, the whole film happens in a motel room) sounds a bit forced at times, and is quite dull. The sex scenes are done in quite a brutal way, and are longer than necessary and the camera seems to hide, sort of like we are spying on them, and also there are a lot of out of focus shots. I don't get why it was shot that way, it makes us miss any looks of delight they might give each other while playing and being childish, and it makes it hard for the audience to connect, care, and feel what the characters are going through. Is not all bad, it has its moments, but they are wide apart and manage to get cheap laughs. Half the audience feel asleep during the film, and is not that long at all. The acting is alright. Valenzuela gives quite a convincing performance, and does a good gob with the mediocre script, but Lewin falls short, she can't make the words her own. This could have been a good movie, but it seems like it was done in a hurry, missing potentially good moments that may have helped character development and it lacks intense moments, making it a slow, dull film that doesn't give its viewers anything new. The whole idea of the film is that its easier to have true intimacy (meaning a true connection, not sex) with a total stranger, because we never have to face them again. I got the point, but I didn't feel it. And what good is a movie if it doesn't make you feel??? En la Cama is an improvement in Chilean cinema, thanks to its technical details, but still it has a long way to go, it needs to figure out how to truly reach the audience. ( a little trivia: the fire escape in the motel room says SEXIT)
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Interesting, fresh and new.
itsempanado19 November 2005
Do you remember "Before Sunrise", with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delphy?

If you do, the general premise of this movie goes more or less like this: It's "Before Sunrise", but instead of Vienna you get a motel room, and lots of steamy sex.

It's quite simple, really. Daniela (Lewin) and Bruno (Valenzuela) meet at a party, and end up in a motel. And they have sex.

While I certainly can't complain about the sex scenes, the interesting part of the movie is what happens after (Or, uh, in between) them.

From being two total strangers having sex at first (They can't even remember each other's names!), they end up revealing themselves, their lives, their fears, and all that jazz.

The talk starts sloppily at first, but soon they get all the big topics covered. Past relationships, religion, fate, sex, 80's cartoons, death, etc.

It's somewhat tender and ironic, too, when you notice that, in the end, they're trying to seduce each other in a very childish and innocent way when they have already spent three condoms and about half an hour doin' it.

The dialog flows really good and it's very well paced. The acting is superb. Valenzuela is known around these lands for being somewhat of a expression-less actor, but he achieves a good performance.

Blanca Lewin is, however, the one that steals the film, in my opinion. I've always been her fan, so perhaps I'm a bit biased when saying this, but you're completely captivated by her character. As Daniela starts revealing herself, all the way to the (shocking!) revelation in the end, (Well, not that shocking, really) you just can't turn your head away from her.

So, really good writing, high doses of eroticism, acting that's not only above-par but a hole-in-one (or whatever better than that, I'm not much of a golf person), good directing and Blanca Lewin. What else can you ask for in a movie? Okay, maybe explosions and ninjas, and this film doesn't have those two, but it's pretty much covered in all of the remaining categories.

It gets a 9 because the ending comes out as a little bit too abrupt, in my opinion. But then again, 90 minutes seems to be just the right time.
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I can't help thinking of "Nuit d'été en ville"
JesusM9 October 2011
Simply what I said in the title: when I was watching this movie I couldn't help thinking of Michel Deville's film and Marie Trintignant (RIP) Nothing new, nothing more. Two strangers spending a night, having sex, talking of whatever.

Yes, Blanca Lewin is a nice and correct actress, and it's a pleasure watching her as much as we can see her in the screen, but I rather the work of Trintignant, but I should say that maybe this is because her partner (sorry, I can't remember the name) was better than Gonzalo Valenzuela. Simply he didn't tell me nothing but a nice face and body.

As a summary: same story, same dialogues, same everything than "Nuit d'été en ville" but newness. Indeed fifteen years is a long time.
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A 85 minutes sex-scene done WELL !
standardbearer7 August 2009
Alright, about my rating first: I realize that this movie is not 10/10 quality, for it is a good one, but we have all seen better. However, in it's own category, it shows some qualities, that are rarely seen at cinema.

Namely: Well done sex scenes.

People, seriously, why is it so hard to make them? In most movies you see, they're either toned down and flat, or over the top and out of place. This one's on the other way taking it to the extreme. The whole film is about two young people on a one night stand in a motel room. There are no other actors, and no other set. Just these two, who came to have sex. And to have it as many times as possible. The night is long, and they already paid for the room, so it's perfectly understandable.

The story is about the two getting closer and closer, until their relationship turns from 'total strangers' to 'uncomfortably close, for a one night affair'. And that's another interesting thing about this one. I bet everyone of you has memories of sitting through a movie with a larger audience, coming across an unexpected, kinkier scene, which makes all of you feel embarrassed. Well, this movie doesn't screw around, that's for sure, and maybe because you know what to expect, and because of this film is well written and executed, you'll never once feel that cringe. As a matter of fact, the dialog parts may be much more tense, and uncomfortable. Why? Because a one night affair is not about talking. One might bump into things he or she doesn't want to get involved, or let the other get involved in.

Let's get back to the sex. I really didn't count it, but they're having sex about five times throughout the movie! It's quite a big number for a 85 minutes movie, which tries to tell story actually. But all of them work just fine. It's due to the cast of course, both the actors come off as really likable, good looking, young and fresh, and a strange kind of chemistry is present. As they getting to know each other, slowly, their relationship changes. And here comes another reason why these scenes work so well: good timing and direction. See, it's not just a movie, where these two screw five times and then they talk. The sex scenes are fully integrated into the plot, the have reason to be where they are, and they're executed and played out in a manner that reflects to the actual mood, events and dialog. It means we get about five completely different sex scenes in one movie, on about every significant point of the plot, where they are more than needed.

Deepest regards to the director, for this is truly an accomplishment, not too many could've pulled off.
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Good idea executed poorly
sitenoise10 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The story arc gets an A+: At the beginning of the film, two strangers have already met and are already embracing one another In Bed. On the physical plane, the only touching they know is sexual, the only emotion, lust. At the end of the film, after having created a deep bond through knowledge of each other, beyond only sexual knowledge, both the physical and emotional planes are almost familial in nature. Sexual touching and lust have escaped them. Their embrace, In Bed, as the film ends reflects this change.

The film begins with about three minutes of moaning and groaning (which transforms into grunting and groaning, if you know what I mean) by the couple having sex. It started to annoy me about half way through because there wasn't anything attractive or interesting to look at. This is one of those directorial choices that are difficult to make: annoy the audience and hope they understand later why it had to be done that way. The director didn't want to titillate the audience with shots of what turn out to be attractive bodies, he wanted to make clear the couple were engaged in a deeply lustful encounter--for each other, not the audience.

I applaud that decision but confess I reacted to most of the rest of the film that way. I found myself annoyed very often throughout this film, a reaction I don't think the director had intended.

The entire film is shot in a motel room. The couple are in bed the whole time except for a quick bathtub break to give them a reason to get naked again.

To be fair, other viewers could easily like this film a lot more than I did. If you find the couple attractive (I found them both very attractive) you're halfway there. The other half depends on the delivery and content of the stories they share with one another. That's where the film failed me.

For example, we learn at the very beginning of the film (after the moaning, groaning, and grunting stops) that these two people don't know each other's names. The boy asks, "What's your last name again?" and the girl responds, "I think you don't remember my name and that's just a gracious way to ask again." The boy denies that this is the case. He gets busted in short order, but it's not a big deal as it turns out the girl thought she had just slept with someone other than who this boy turns out to be. The conversation went right from "What was your name again", to "Tell me about the other men you have slept with in this motel room." I found that, and most of the rest of the dialog in this film, to be inorganic and improbable. The director has approximately ninety minutes to get these characters to reveal themselves to us. With a certain portion of that taken up by more love-making, he's got to get right to the point.

I often think a joke is only as good as the setup. For others, a string of punch lines might work fine. I didn't like the setups. I did like the people, but I don't think they were very good actors.

A film like this is going to have a least a couple obligatory scenes: One, play a romantic song while one actor turns to look at the other just as the other is turning away. We've all seen the scene before. And two, play an upbeat song for the girl to dance provocatively to so she can show us how adorable and how much fun she is while the guy shows how much fun he is by showing us how much he enjoys her.

I thought both of those scenes in this film were awful. The dance scene was filmed horribly, zoomed in too close, and edited with too many quick edits. Someone once told me that if you see a martial arts film and the camera zoom is very close and the edits quick, it means the performer doesn't know martial arts very well and the director must try and present the illusion that they do. I say, ditto for provocative, getting to know you dance scenes.

Having said all this, I still think it's possible for someone else to enjoy this movie. It wants to be a sweet art house film and succeeds in that.

I felt the dialog and the director's capturing of it were awful. If others find resonance with the way this couple is filmed talking to one another they will like the film. As for the naked bodies and sex, there's better (9 songs, for example), but this couple is attractive and they have very attractive, real looking bodies, IMHO.
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Vincentiu28 April 2013
a woman. a man. in a hotel room. sex. talks. plains of silence, expectations, fears, desire. slices of past. small window of a future. I saw many times this film. and in each occasion, important was the fragile feeling to discover a parable in clothes of a meeting. a beautiful film about need of other and search to escape from yourself. fragility is its essence. its rule, axis and lead character. Bianca Lewin and Gonzalo Valenzuzuela are only its sculptors. their performance, delicate, precise, admirable makes things rolls. it is a delicate film. it is the virtue of director - and after years, not a surprise - to give force of a world who seems be only crumb of dream. to make a film like a silk carpet. to present a world, a state of soul, a crisis in a special manner because it becomes confession of viewer. a beautiful film. lesson. about each of us.
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Absolute turkey
tonigenilmanda30 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a complete turd, a goddamn pastiche for snobs. How can you make a movie with no budget for actors, landscapes, car pursuits or explosions? take a couple, put them into a room for the entire run, and keep them saying topics on every topic from "look, mommy, I have no Willy" to "this is the meaning of life and death". Let have balls and instead of kitsch theology talk about Heidegger the next time. And the special mention goes to it's spectacular "I would be able to make MTV videos if I wanted to, but i don't" montage.

Whatta poor French cinema imitation!!Pure rubbish!!!!!!

I'll add a couple comments more since IMDb asks me to do so... although I think that it's boring and unnecessary to say that the actors are as charming as a brick is; that the movie is interrupted by a stupid "amateur home musical video clip" in order to promote the latest (Chilean maybe?)radio hit; and that it's pretentious sensibility is absolutely laughable
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The Erotic Intimacy of a One-Night Stand
martys-722 March 2008
Despite presenting a situation that normally in any spectacle would become tedious, pointless, and plain claustrophobic - two strangers having sex and talking for just one night in a cheap motel room - "En la cama" succeeds for its authenticity and no holds barred approach, shining a light into two different individuals and the dynamics of men and women. The film is sexy, funny, and poignant.

Actors Blanca Lewin and Gonzalo Valenzuela give a bravura performance as the twenty-something couple who spend over 80 minutes mostly nude in bed baring more than just their bodies. Through their uninhibited lovemaking and conversation, the film explores the possibility of true communication, intimacy, and sexual fulfillment between perfect strangers; the fact that they may never see each other again can allow them to be themselves. From the powerful eroticism of their first coitus to the awkward moments that follow to their comical character flaws to the poignancy of their revelations as the night comes to an end, the film does not judge its characters nor indulges itself in haughty romantic notions or cheap sentimentality. Its clear-eyed, realistic approach provides the vision to sustain our interest.

Although "En la cama" presents a similar situation to the excellent film "Before Sunrise," which also portraits two young strangers sharing just one night, they are totally different and cannot be compared. In "Before Sunrise," hormones and the idea of anonymous sex is certainly not the primary force that brings the couple together while beautiful, classical Vienna shines magically around them creating an ideal romance - that once in a lifetime opportunity that brings you the love of your life, seize it or you'll live to regret it. On the contrary, the characters of "En la Cama" get together to have pure sex, after which they don't even remember their names, spend the whole movie in one nondescript motel room (other than it has a sign reading "sexit"), and there are no romantic possibilities for them. Yet, their revelations are deeper as their intellectual differences, emotional wounds, and flaws manifest through the course of the night.

Without a question, this film is a giant step in Latin America cinema, effortlessly combining the nudity and sexual frankness of a classic such as "I'm Curious - Yellow" or more recent "The Dreamers" with the philosophically-different buddy films such as "My dinner with Andre." A must-see for lovers of those genres.
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Two people, one room, 85 minutes... what's missing? Oops, a script!
sotua21 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers

If you are going to treat us to nothing but two actors for 85 minutes, at least have a decent script. The acting is good, but the actors can's salvage the script.

This movie seems to be a little like fusion jazz or extreme prog rock: made by musicians for musicians - anybody who isn't a proficient player (and appreciates great technical skill) will find it boring instead of marveling at the odd time signatures and fast scale runs. My brother (who is a movie maker himself, his short films have been featured in film festivals in Cuba, L.A., France, Russia, etc) and his movie-industry related friends liked it, nice photography, editing, etc.

But for "plain old me who doesn't make movies", the script is boring, and the "plot twists" are so far-fetched that I simply couldn't maintain the suspension of disbelief. **SPOILERS** "Boohoo, I killed my little brother"?! A big stack of unsent wedding invitations a week before the wedding?!? Give me a break! A beautifully-shot dancing sequence... that doesn't do squat for the story, character development, hello? Maybe it was inserted for giving the film a bit of energy?

My opinion: A waste of money. (And my wife went as far as declaring it "Worst Movie Ever" ;)
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A man, a woman, a bed
dave-sturm4 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"En La Cama" (In Bed) opens to the sound of passionate sex. The camera seems to be under the sheets and that's mostly what we see, though we get a glimpse of a thigh here, a breast there. There's a climax and the camera pulls back to show the couple, lying backs to each other, catching their breath.

Meet Bruno and Daniela, both attractive and probably affluent young Chileans (we learn he's in grad school). They just met for the first time earlier in the evening and bopped off to have a casual one-night stand in a motel room, where they are now and remain for the entire movie. They don't even know each other's names yet and, so, they start to get acquainted.

It all starts out playful. They tease each other. They talk about former lovers. He explains an absurd theory he has about how everyone has one of three personalities defined by what kind of movies one likes. She shows off her appendectomy scar. They smoke. They get horny and make love again.

Then things get more serious. They fight when he accidentally calls her by the name of a former girlfriend. Secrets come out. She cries. More revelations. They peek in each other's wallets while the other is in the bathroom. They try to go to sleep, but end up talking some more. They can't stop looking at each other. As the hours approach dawn, it becomes apparent these two are falling in love, but because of off-screen circumstances, there doesn't appear to be any future they can share. Finally, each of them reveals a secret not only heartbreaking, but unnerving. They fall into a passionate but non-erotic embrace. The end.

I watched this as an insta-view on Netflix and found it completely absorbing. But then I'm the kind of film goer who seeks out these offbeat gems.

Some posts here suggest the actors, Blanca Lewin as Daniela and Gonzalo Valenzuela as Bruna, spend most of the movie in the nude. Not so. Most of the time he's in boxers and she's in a camisole and panties. Valenzuela does a creditable job as the somewhat hangdog Bruno, but it is Lewin who makes this movie work. She has big, expressive eyes, but it is her full, generous mouth set into a kind of rueful smirk that we are drawn to.

As to the sex, it is erotic, but far from graphic. There's little on view here you wouldn't see in a steamy American thriller. It's about two people who connect on a deep emotional level in one night. Sex is just the calling card.
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It doesn't work.
english-access-now28 October 2014
Bize has a very unique style. Saying that I don't mean his movies are of my liking anyway. Every time I watch his films I end up saying "meh" (e.g.: "La Vida de los Peces"). I'm left with the feeling that his exploration of the characters just shows he can't really tell a story well. The whole purpose of a film is to tell a story that somehow changes the way we see things. Matias' footnotes become just passing comments we don't remember fondly in the end. There are just a few kind of stories that justify keeping two people in a room when they aren't locked up or hiding. This isn't one of them. The abundance of innuendos get in the way of the story, which isn't cohesive.

Making a movie is not an easy task. For the effort alone, he and his crew have my sympathy. But Matias needs to mature and explore new avenues. Some day I might like and even recommend one of his movies.
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simple story
Kirpianuscus29 July 2016
meeting of two strangers at a party. a hotel room. sex. talks. jokes. confessions. games. real life fragments. memories. the past. sex. fear. stories. and the end. "En la cama". one of many films about nothing. at the first sigh. but interesting for the realistic manner to use the viewer. because it is an ordinary events who not have real surprises. it is not a film about sex. but about the discover of the other. it has the right dose of blank atmosphere for be very close by a documentary. but each of the fake errors are pieces of a simple story who becomes a trip. because it not gives answers. because the questions are not only parts of a game between Daniela and Bruno. because it has few cute scenes who are good arguments for define it as romantic. so, a simply story. a night. and a hotel room. and, sure, a bed. the rest remains at the disposition of public.
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A film not to be seen
h836472-16 January 2007
If you have already seen this movie please just ignore this comment. If you are about to watch it for the first time please just forget about it. It is a waste of time.

The movie starts with two strangers making love in a motel room without even knowing each other's name. Between the 3-4 rounds of sex they have (when they are "regenerating") they start to chat discovering each other and finally they get friends. That is the story in a nutshell.

Although the concept of the movie seems to be quite OK the workout is incredibly dull. Boring meaningless conversations. I could hardly wait till the end of the movie and I felt sorry for the time I had spent in the cinema watching.
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An amazing look at hardships and relationships.
AvsJoe7 June 2008
Lemme get this out of the way. I bought this movie because the actress on the cover (Blanca Lewin) was very good looking and wearing little clothing. I expected nothing more than an 85-minute skin flick with little to no story. Boy was I wrong.

Sure there is plenty of nudity in the movie, but it was much more than that. Unlike most bimbos who populate movies like this, Daniela was a real human being. She was flawed but beautiful, mature but childish in a way. Over the course of the night she spends with a stranger, she slowly reveals herself through conversations ranging from 80's cartoons and movies to relationships and personal experiences. By the end of the movie, I was surprised that I cared for her more than any other character I've seen in any movie save for one. Blanca Lewin gives an amazing and unforgettable performance in a movie that takes a serious look at relationships and society in general. I highly recommend it.

4/5 stars.
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Small things that matters very much and take one out.
sabineholthaus29 April 2022
Probably would've give 8 or 9 stars but there was something so annoying that I didn't watch it until the end.

During a night of love making nobody takes off his/her underwear. Puts it after the session on again in order to take it off again. This is just stupid and that took me out of the story. I was wondering the whole time, why are they doing this.

"Room in Rome" a similar movie and situation only between two women, this never occurred and the whole story was just perfectly normal and therefore smooth.
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Before Sunrise Clone?
BernardoSantos25 July 2007
First I would like to say I really enjoyed this movie. I don't mean to diminish it, but it was very obvious to me how it was strongly based on Richard Linklater's movies: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset (and Tape, because the whole movie takes place in one room).

There is a scene that is a clone of the famous Before Sunrise scene where the protagonists hear the song "Come Here", by Kath Bloom, and exchange furtive looks towards one another. In "En la Cama" they hear a song an exchange looks in the exact same way. Unfortunately, I think this scene is very pale (the acting and the setting) if compared to the Before Sunrise one, and is a bit out of the context of the movie (it definitely doesn't make sense in a motel bed right after the two made passionate wild sex). I prefer to think it was made as a tribute to Before Sunrise, rather than a shallow copy, a way for the director to say "This is really inspired by Before Sunrise, I love it too!". I strongly believe the director watched those movies and asked himself, "what if I did this with the protagonists in a motel bed, during a one night stand?".

But it doesn't mean this movie has nothing to add. It feels like an antithesis of Before Sunrise/Sunset, and shows the concept of the movie (= deep communication) applies in other contexts as well. It is also shows a great irony in today's society, where people will go to bed without knowing each other (and this probably happened even before one night stands even existed...). Sex is trivial, while reaching each other's inner thoughts, feelings and truths is the unexpected, obtrusive and life altering act.

The acting is very good and realistic. The dialogs are great and keep you enticed to the movie. The plot is good and has a lot of depth, but I think it has some minor flaws (no big deal, though). The sex scenes are very artistic, but I wouldn't take my kids to watch it.

If you like Before Sunrise/Sunset, you will enjoy this movie a lot (but don't worry, it won't replace them in your shelf). If you liked this movie dialogs or any part of it (besides the sex scenes), you should watch Before Sunrise as soon as possible.
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Well worth to see
visgor4 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie at NY New Directors/New Films. Was skeptic at the beginning. I haven't seeing "Saturday", another movie by Matías Bize. The plot is simple. Two strangers having sex in the motel. They introduce themselves only afterwords. They start talking, telling truth and lies. Slowly they start revealing their true past. As one can notice they start flirting and seducing each other. When spiritual connections between two of them establish viewer realized that under different circumstances it would be a happy couple. However they will go their own ways... Excellent dialogs. Way above ordinary play of Blanca Lewin and Gonzalo Valenzuela
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roshanmurli2 April 2010
I was running a search on non-English movies when I came across this title. In all honesty though reading the synopsis I was expecting this movie would be one of those bare-all displays.

This is a must watch movie. Truly magnificent in all aspects..direction, story build-up, cinematography, music, et al. Two strangers ending up in bed in a hotel is not new to me but two strangers in bed ending up by beginning to know each other in deliberation needs consideration. The actors have done a great job here. The chemistry seems natural as if they knew each other from the very start. They play, fight, quarrel, concerns, empathy, sympathy, fear, remorse, uncertainty is all portrayed as if the two actors are into a relationship.

The end of the movie leaves the viewer to build up an imagination of probabilities and this is what I personally loved about the film.

Great film!!
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... just consider yourself fortunate should you ever get such an opportunity
bjarias2 November 2014
There's no decision here... never leave this woman. You're either going to very much like this film, and it's two fine young actors.. or they'll just have little appeal, maybe the format not working for you. With only two people on camera, up intensely close (camera & bodies) for almost the entire time .. both have done absolutely remarkable work. (And it's posted somewhere, actors and director have denied sex acts being 'real.') I went back another time to watch part of it... wound up watching the entire movie again (the fade-out ending several times), actually enjoyed it more the second time. It's a great script, resulting in a wonderful little film... look for the ending song on youtube.. 'Aunque sea - Emmanuel del Real' (wait 20 sec.) it's well worth it... bit.ly/1txS8G7
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Bang A Gong
valis19495 October 2010
EN LA CAMA is a well acted set piece about a casual sexual encounter in a hot-sheet Chilean motel which seems to become something more honest and intimate. EN LA CAMA commences on a motel bed, and stays within a few feet of that bed for the entire film. Earlier in the evening, Daniela and Bruno had just met at a party, and have decided to rent a room and hook up. However, director Matías Bize reveals that there is really no such thing as a 'meaningless affair'. All thoughts, actions, and deeds generate responses, and when sexual issues and emotions are introduced, indelible impressions will be made. As the film ends, the viewer doesn't know whether this is really the final meeting between these two, or that this might be the beginning of something much more profound.
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Most ONE NIGHT STAND. real close up look.
afterdarkpak21 February 2021
As i watched this in 2021 . it seems really good movie. simple straight forward story. some decent performance. which usually happens in ONS scenario.

anyhow, there are very similar movies in 90s and early 2000s with same plot, english and foreign too.

long time ago, this same situation happens to me also, it was not a one night stand , but its also similar when one of my friend had a huge fight and i end up with HER all night talking and SEX through out. and as in movie, in the end both couple feels like there is a STRONG connection to each other because of soo much talking and passion. but the reality is different in the end. as i also felt very hard in the end, felt like i was IN LOVE with her. but later, days after, it faded away. it was just a MOMENT / LUST , and thats it.
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