Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive (TV Series 2005– ) Poster

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Alexander, the youngest yet most mature.
bobbismiley25 September 2005
I really love the reality show Filthy Rich Cattle Drive. Every week I am amazed at what a spoiled, immature, brat Fabian is. At the opposite extreme is Alexander--since the very beginning he has done everything he was asked.

I have never commented on a show, joined a discussion or chat room, etc., however, after watching tonight's episode I just had to comment. Alexander seems fair, genuine, caring, respectful, honest. . . . .the list could go on and on.

Although the show does focus on the young rich and their terrible attitude, it is great to see someone as young as Alexander giving it his all. It's interesting, he is the youngest of the cast, yet he never complains.
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Reality TV Mind Junk
mentsee25 January 2009
Seriously Reality Charity TV These producers must think that the masses are full of non-thinkers.

These shows are called reality, which means they are suppose to resemble something real, with truth or facts.

I suppose the characters are really acting in all the pathetic-ness.

At one point I wonder if these type of shows decrease or increase the collective unconsciousness.

We live in a world that already contains individuals that are not authentic.

Is it necessary to promote an inauthentic way of being?
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Fabian 100%
christina_b1621 December 2006
i think this show is awesome!!! i love it, and i love Fabian (not in a romantic kind of way) but if i was there i would totally support Fabian like Haley did, and the other girls, yeah!! i mean if they're rood why don't you want to fight them back!! Fabian is the only who have guts to confront people and say what he thinks, not just stay and suck it!!! FABIAN 100%!!!!! i love Haley too, because shes like a normal girl who doesn't want to be with cows and bugs and grass everywhere, and sleep in a warm bed with servants, i mean, if you have the chance and the money why wouldn't you do that!!! and Fabian too, Fabian brought pizza and just like 2 or 3 people said thanks, i mean he spend money!!
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sick to death of Fabian
popeye253025 September 2005
i am so sick of Fabian. he is the definition of arrogance. his parents should be ashamed to admit they raised such a horrible human being, he is a complete waste of space. he serves no purpose whatsoever on this show. he is a horrible brat. he needs smacked seriously. this show would be so much better without him on it. i think his self serving attitude ruined the entire show. poor choice by the producers to have him involved. a complete ignoramus. he has no reason to be proud of himself whatsoever. hell is full of people just like him and thats where he belongs not on a show raising money for charity. it should be about raising money for under privileged people not about Fabians temper tantrums. what a brat.
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Fabian, Fabian, Fabian
tameram25 September 2005
Fabian is one of the most horrible persons I have ever heard of. He has absolutely no character or strenght in any way. It is a good thing he has money because if he did not NO ONE would talk to him much less marry him. He should not try and argue with anyone because he just makes a bigger fool of himself. It is like arguing with a 5 year old. All these girls that are taking his side are soooooo stupid. The cows they are herding are more intelligent then them. Fabian is herding these women like cows. It's one thing to be pampered but to have absolutely no good characteristics is another thing. There are plenty of filthy rich people who raise children with character. Take Alexander, George now they have some character. AAAAHHHHH I really am sickened by Fabian and his stupid, stupid "cows" (meaning women)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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glendongirl31 August 2005
I just can't believe some of the stuff that comes out of this guys mouth...the most disrespectful, lazy, arrogant person I have come across ever !! I hated the fact that he laughed in Marias face when she told him she had searched for him for four hours. I know this is a TV show and a lot of this is hyped up but that is just blatant disrespect for someone else's feelings. If it had been me I would have probably lost it with him or had to walk away so Maria you are a much bigger person than I. He is totally missing the spirit of what this show is all about...raising money for charity and just pitching in to get it done.
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The show cracks me up!
bobbijodoran21 September 2005
I like the show from the very beginning because I watched Joshua, Jarod and Maria's faces as these spoiled rich kids jumped off the trucks still dressed to the nines! They should have done a camera freeze on their faces because you could tell exactly what they were thinking. I admire the cowboy lifestyle and would love to do a reality show with those three. Fabian is unbelievable! It amazes me the things that come out of his mouth and he just infuriates Joshua! I can't seem to find the exact location and the miles they are traveling. I think these rich kids did this not for a charity but to get praise and recognition for something they are not putting forth any effort to achieve. Boy would I love to see the clips reality TV is not showing!!!
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Fabian is the worst...
nancy-dunn6 September 2005
...But they are all pretty disrespectful and arrogant, even with editing. I certainly hope their parents are proud of what they have produced. They should all be ashamed of themselves, the spoiled brats and the parents. As soon as Fabian threw out the "diplomatic immunity" comment he should have been asked to leave. It is a train wreck you can't look away from but I also don't expect any of them to get what they deserve for the way they acted or ever get why they were there in the first place, except for maybe Noah. The 3 that left should never have been allowed to return. I'm really surprised that the rest of the group who had to pick up the slack for the 3 missing people didn't say something when they came back to camp with "presents"! Why wouldn't you say something? Are they all that self-centered? I know they are finished filming and are back in their happy lifestyles, so I'm hoping that someone has pointed out these comments and they can all know just how they were perceived by us "common folk"!
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norma-825 September 2005
I've been watching this "reality" show with my daughter for about 5 weeks now and I'm utterly shocked at the laziness and bad manners displayed by these so called "filthy rich" parasites. With the exception of Noah Blake, Alexander Clifford, Alex Quinn and occasionally George Foreman III, why are these young men and women considered filthy rich? I don't think any of them is gainfully employed and all of their wealth has not been accumulated by any of them (even if George does think his father's business relies on him). The lout who keeps screaming about diplomatic immunity evidently has no idea who's actually entitled to that reward. He's mean, nasty, bratty, and so wrapped up in himself it's annoying to listen to him spout off about anything. Why don't they dump him and the other 2 people who abandoned their team-mates? And how did these selfish people volunteer for anything charitable? Listen to their off-the-wall comments about people not being good enough for them to "hang out" with.
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what i love about this show
tejacawhit30 August 2005
I am so looking forward to the rest of this season for one main reason. When Fabian cried "diplomatic immunity" to those cowboys i started laughing. I am married to a cowboy. I grew up with cowboys. If anyone knows a cowboy you know they have their own justice system and there ain't no such thing as "diplomatic immunity". Fabian can call any lawyer he wants. I absolutely cannot wait till "little boy blue" meets Cowboy Waynes neighbors. You know the neighbors who Fabian claims he didn't trespass on their land he just tip toed through their tulips. I don't know about ya'll, but I can't wait until that boy meets a little bit of cowboy justice. I might TiVo that and watch that episode every time I am having a bad day.
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Fabian cant be real
LHIGHT26 September 2005
I watched the program and was also spiting mad when it was over. I cant help but hope this Fabian is not real. By that I mean, I really hope he is a plant, a set up. I cant imagine anyone so disconnected from reality , he is seriously neurotic. He first claims diplomatic immunity and then turns around and screams LAW SUIT! What the heck is wrong with him? I think if he can claim exemption from paying for his behavior he needs to go back to Ecuador! I really hope he is not for real, I would like to think no one could be that pathetic, self absorbed and neurotic. How the heck Jared kept his cool is beyond me. I don't know if these Ranch hands are getting compensated for having to deal with these people or not. There probably isn't enough money.
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Rotten spoiled kids
JLK15308 September 2005
I can't believe what spoiled little rich kids!!!!! They don't have a clue how to think of others before themselves. Fabian, I am sure that your parents are so proud of your attitude. I think the punishment that you three received was appropriate. This is the only way to know that there are consequences for your actions.

I know that Noah comes off as all knowing, but I think he has more going on the most of the rest of them.

George, call your dad say you can't have your cell phone, and he will just have to do it without you right now. You made a commitment when you joined this show, grow up all of you and finish what you started without acting like a 2 year old.
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rivoluzione_di_verita28 August 2005
'Nuff said.

But apparently I need at least 10 lines so...

I only caught ten minutes of this show, but that was enough time to see that prick Fabian go on and on about how he refuses to wash dishes or do his own laundry, because it's not in his contract. He then went on to state that he didn't care that he trespassed on private property, because he has diplomatic immunity. In the previews, he called the cops "losers" for trying instruct him in the proper ways of conduct.

I don't usually advocate violence, but in this instance, I think Fabian should be mounted and violated by a large horse and left for dead.

P.S. Everyone else is pretty much just as annoying. They're not there for the charity. They are there for B status reality TV fame, in hopes that it might validate their otherwise pointless existence. There's even one girl who says she's the next Paris Hilton. Here's a tip sweetheart, YOU'RE NOT. You're on the E! channel, and no one cares. Go take that bottle of Xanax now, I'm sure you'll need it.
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Fabian Basabe's Behavior
IDGAF6526 September 2005
I have never witnessed a person of this nature. Years ago I watched and interview with Charlie Sheen. He spoke of " How NO ONE Is Above Commen Courtesy" Mr. Sheen stated his Father Mr. Martin Sheen taught him this early in life. I wanted to know if Mr. Basabe's parents like what they are seeing. If so then I can understand Mr. Basabe's behavior. If Mr. F Basabe's parent do not agree with there son's behavior. Please try to help him become a more caring individual. This is my impression of Mr. Fabian Basabe. He's spoiled and spoiled. He acts like the WORLD revolves around him. When he speaks it is important. When others speak he does not listen. He says I'm bored conversation over. Who is Mr. F Basabe to tell other's when a conversation is over because he does not want to hear it. What is worse is the others who follow his lead like sheep.
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Fabian=blanket party
carebearcf25 September 2005
I cant help but watch this show! I am waiting on someone to knock that prissy rich boy on his rear! I hope he knows that practically everyone watching this show thinks he is a pus. Where I come from it would of already been done. He is rude,self-centered,baby and thats putting it nice.If there is any justice someone has to knock him down a notch or two and let him know he puts his pants on one leg at a time like everybody else.

If there is a script,you writers are good,every time Fabian is like he is I'm so mad I could spit nails.Be glad I'm not on the show because the ranch hands have more patience than me.
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Scripted? Only Fabian knows for sure...
Magenta61326 September 2005
I have to say one thing for Fabian Basabe, he has parlayed his extraordinary talent for committing public atrocities into a full-time career. He certainly attracts enough viewers praying for his comeuppance to keep the show a "hot water" cooler topic for quite a while. I believe that the only script Fabian will ever follow in public is the one in his own head, and I credit everyone else on the show for standing up and doing their jobs (as opposed to rolling on the ground laughing) when faced with such outrageous tantrums. It makes great television, and while the charities to benefit owe (most of) the other cast members for doing the work, Fabian's behavior is a definite ratings draw. I actually hope it is all calculated. I'd hate to think that the other cast members were privately really so tolerant of an arrogant, lazy, bullying baby-and the portrayal of being so easily plied with road trips, trinkets, and pizza is not at all favorable to them. I'm sure their parents raised them to be more wary of such tactics. That said, you know we'll all be watching to the very end!
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love the show Filthy Rich Cattle Drive - wish the participants would stand up to Fabian
thebachmanns1 October 2005
I love the show because it is fun to watch, it flows nicely, and it certainly causes some interesting reactions from the viewers. I'm very disappointed to see that the participants, for the most part, are such followers. I'm incredulous to believe that they let vacuous Fabian get away with his totally repugnant attitude. Is Alexander the only person who thinks for himself? Interestingly he is the youngest yet the most mature and likable. I certainly hope the parents of the participants are watching this show - they might want to rethink their parenting skills! I marvel at the patience of the trail bosses! Fabian mentioned in his autobiographical information that he doesn't work and some people just don't understand that - well, perhaps if he did work he would both learn how to interact with all kinds of people and contribute to society in a positive way. Writing a check doesn't solve all problems - he is such a child and not a pleasant one at that. I so wish the other young people would stand up and be counted!
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Let him go on
tch-1130 September 2005
Filthy Rich is a great show.

However, Fabian is a guest in our country. He has shown nothing but disrespect to everyone. Cast, law enforcement, etc.

Staged? I doubt it.

Perhaps the producers of Filthy Rich should provide full video and audio of Fabian's actions and comments to Fabian's parents and officials of his country. Could this cause Fabian to be sent back home never to return to the USA?

By letting him go on with his demeanor will he self-destruct? Is this young man is a political "insult" to his country?

Continued success to the Filthy Rich concept and I hope that this will be the last we citizens see of Mr. Fabian.
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These Morons Are In Dire Need Of Marine Bootcamp.....
Zen41623 August 2005
This show is like a train wreck...I can't look away. I hate to admit that I've even seen more than one episode but it's surreal. Ten obnoxious, spoiled idiots agree (for whatever reason) to accompany real ranch hands on a cattle drive. All they do is whine constantly and become furious whenever they aren't praised for not screwing up too badly (a rare thing in itself). Between the vapid types who whine about the lack of Fred Segal stores, the tough,bossy chick who's claim to fame is a father who played the big nasty green dude in The Hulk a billion years ago, a sleazy player-guy charming two of the said rich chicks, and a obnoxious little idiot named "Fabian" who throws temper tantrums every other moment over perceived injustices (welcome to reality, moron, it's not all about YOU...), this show will make you hurl. I guess my extremely bad excuse for seeing this crap more than once is that I cannot believe how shallow and self serving these characters are. Wow. These poor souls can't get dry cleaning on the prairie. Tragic. How does the rest of the world live without it? Then again, something tells me the Marines couldn't even straighten out these losers.... SKIP THIS SHOW unless you enjoy watching incessant complaining.
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Big city spoiled
QHEVENTER15 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a lot like Cowboy U, only worse. Any time you put big city folks in the country all they do is whine and complain and can't get on their horse. Just goes to remind me even more why I live in the country and like horses more than city people. If you live in the country, you'll want to choke them all. If you live in the city, you'll think "oh, you poooor thing.". But Fabian needs an attitude adjustment no matter where you're from. He's laughing stock, that's for sure! It's comedy to us horse folks.

And I think the gal that's the ranch hand -Maria? I absolutely think she's the classiest and prettiest one of out them all. That's what you call natural beauty.
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this is what the brats want
caraway427 September 2005
I wished I never would of started watching this show. That is what it is, "A Show". These spoiled children want this. Also, I would like to say something to Pat Benatar and Mr. Foreman. I thought you would of raised better children than what I am seeing. As far as Fabian goes, it is not worth my time to talk about him. He needs a serious punch in the face.

They should give money to charities out of their own pockets. Oh wait, I mean their parents pockets. I do like Noah though, he seems to be more grounded. That Yahoo CEO daughter, what's with her? A Paris wanna be? Surely she knows Paris is old news just as fast as Fabian will be.
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its unique
VirginProd9 September 2005
Its pretty unique i think with the cattle drive. i loved city slickers so this is funny. i think that the girls are good looking and lets face it that should be enough. the guys are hilarious and Alex Quinn always picking up a different girl each episode is hilarious.

Courtney semeal seems to be making a nice change going from bratty to a nice girl who steps up and helps often. the trail bosses seem funny and straight shooters for sure the ranch seems nice but for some reason i think they must be going around a main road?

did they not have a television my goodness!

and i tried to watch on labor day weekend but it wasn't on do they not do holiday showings on cable?

i have to say I'm hooked!
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Yikes, is Fabian for real???
tashsback4 October 2005
I feel so sorry for Joshua and the other trail bosses! I have ridden horses all my life, was raised on a ranch and even rode a few bulls. What planet is Fabian from?? I am female, but I am quite sure I would be "quite barbaric and cold cock him!" The only people worth their salt are Noah, Alex, George, Alexander and Shanna. Did anyone bother to inquire about a "Cattle Drive" before opting to do this for charity? I simply cannot get over the blatant disregard for other people and the out right rudeness of Fabian. The audacity to call the police over the water incident... he needs to be put back in his crib until he grows up. P.S. Would he get Diplomatic Immunity from mountain lions?? :)~
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emdargon15 October 2005
Does anyone know anything about him? Other than he's a very hot looking cowboy. Married ?kids? lifelong cowboy? I think his patience was quite amazing. I missed the very beginning of this so I really don't know how this all came about. I do know it was for charity. I wish they would have another show showing all the parents reactions to their precious children's behavior. How embarrassing. Mostly Fabains parents reactions actually, I'm sure they think he was perfectly fine. Very sad. The girls on the show were just pathetic. If that was their idea of roughing it, they have a rude awakening when Mom and Dads money runs out or they are forced to get a real job.
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Absolutely pathetic!
dunebuggsy3 October 2005
One would assume because this cast comes from extremely wealthy families...they would prove to all Americans with their upbringing that they are not spoiled rich brats. Sad to say lucky they have money to fall back on as they are so totally helpless and disrespectful. Fabian needs to apologize to America and his parents for his disorderly behavior. Is this the way all rich kids behave ... it's amazing they have the best of everything except how to treat people with respect. There is more to life than money.....good manners,work as a team,work once in your life , have fun........................................... less talking on cell phones and complaining. This show is for charity... it shows they were bored and could not care less except about themselves.
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