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"Blades" is surprisingly funny
Solipsisticblog9 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Will Ferrell and John Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) as figure skating partners. Sounds like a bad SNL skit? Right? I wasn't expecting much from this comedy whose trailers looked dull and uninspired. It seemed sure to bore. So when I sat down in the theater, I went in prepared to hate this movie. But then the credits began to roll, I was pleasantly surprised by the roll of names: William Fichtner, Craig T. Nelson, Amy Poehler, Will Arnett (Gob on Arrested Development), Rob Corddry, Jenna Fischer (The Office), and Romany Malco (The 40 Year Old Virgin). So I knew that even if the movie stunk, it would be fun to see the actors together on the screen. Also surprising was to see that Busy Philipps (Freaks and Geeks) had a role in creating the story.

The story is simple: arch rivals Chazz (Will Ferrell) and Jimmy (Jon Heder) are forced to become figure skating partners after they are banned from competing in singles skating. With the help of their coach Craig T. Nelson--in David Carradine mode--the men try to put aside their differences and compete for gold.

Will Ferrell does another variation on his Ron Burgundy/Ricky Bobby character: clueless egotist full of machismo. But he does it incredibly well and this time adds the wrinkle of being an insatiable sex addict. Not surprisingly, he gets the movie's biggest laughs and successfully carries the movie. Jon Heder is okay. He doesn't get in the way of Ferrell and surprisingly, given his monotone acting, scores a few laughs as a cherubic man-child. Amy Poehler and Will Arnett compliment the movie well with their absurd comic turns as brother and sister skating partners and arch-enemies to Chazz and Jimmy.

The film has a surprisingly light touch and at times feels like a live action feel gooder from Disney. But Ferrell as sex-addled Chazz dispels any notion that Blades is family fare.

The movie is instantly disposable, but very funny. Audiences are gonna enjoy this one.
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Better than I expected
violentsociopath30 March 2007
I wasn't expecting much from this movie for two reasons: a) Heder hasn't done anything funny since Napoleon Dynamite and b) I thought Will Ferrel's shtick would start to run thin. Both actors played the type of character I expected from them. Heder gave something similar to the Napoleon Dynamite character and Will Ferrell was Will Ferrell. What I didn't expect was the humor. Ferrel carried the show and played the funniest character by far, but Heder didn't drag him down like I thought he would and the two worked well together. Heder was Jack Lemmon to Ferrell's Walter Matthau.

As far as the supporting cast, Poehler and Arnett were good as the Machiavellian doubles team that are the skating rivals to Ferrell and Heder's characters, but no one else really stood out. Jenna Fischer was lackluster as Heder's love interest and Craig T. Nelson did not make for a funny or interesting character either. Two people I thought would have been able to shine in larger roles were Andy Richter and Rob Corddry. Both are funny guys, much funnier than Nelson or Malco, and were underutilized in this film.

The humor was low brow to be sure, just like in every other project Ferrell does, but I happen to like that sort of humor, so I enjoyed it.
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Surprisingly this is actually funny
FilmFanInTheHouse21 September 2007
Blades of Glory (2007, Dirs. Josh Gordon & Will Speck)

Chazz Michael Michaels and Jimmy MacElroy are two professional ice skaters, who after getting into a fight, are both banned from mens figures skating. Fortunatly, it is soon discovered by an obsessed fan that they are banned from mens singles competition and not doubles competition. Now Chazz and Jimmy must team up as the first double mens team and take on the team of Stranz and Fairchild Van Waldenberg, who are eager to do anything to get the victory.

I was aware of this film for a while. I managed to catch it on a flight back from Cyprus and i decided to give it a go. Surprisingly i enjoyed it more than i was expecting. I was aware of Jon Heder and Will Farrell but never really looked at their work a lot, but in 'Blades of Glory' they really kept me entertained. There is a great story found here, with some amazing lines, especially coming from Farrell. I'm not a fan of ice skating, and tried the sport and failed plenty of times, but i still really enjoyed it. It didn't make me want to attempt the ice again, but it's a film which was a lot of fun to watch. I recommend that anyone who is looking for some light comedy, give this a go.

"I just put them in order." - Jimmy (Jon Heder)
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I liked it
briancham19944 June 2020
The main actors in this film are what make it great. They are very different and have an excellent chemistry. The story is funny and bizarre. I think this is much better than Will Ferrell's next film Semi-Pro (2008).
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lainedav6 October 2018
I first saw this movie on a plane flight. Oh dear ! My hysterical laughter didn't go down too well with some fellow passengers. I had an interest in the movie from the start having been an ice skater some years ago. What a great mix of pure comedy and outrageous farce this movie is. Two guys who hate each other forced to make a skating-pair. Ferrell is full on, Heder is petulant. It's clash of two diverse personalities forced to perform as a pair on ice. It is so very funny and ranks as my 2nd favourite comedy movie of all time after "Airplane" (1980)
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Funny, but no Dodgeball
simonparker19907 April 2007
Will Ferrel has fast become one of the most popular comedy actors in modern cinema. A few years back he was the man who did the great little cameos, the man who popped along on the rare occasion to deliver the most memorable sequence in the movie before running off with his pay check. Then something happened, suddenly he became popular. Anchorman displayed him as a force to be reckoned with, slowly but surely Ferrel became a lot more well known. And then something truly horrific happened, that truly horrific thing is simply called Bewitched. Despite being the best thing in a bad movie his career hit a stumble somewhat, he wasn't sure what comedies he should be in. He got a bit more on firm ground with Talladega Nights, but that didn't propel him to the extreme greatness I found him before Bewitched was made. With him also messing round with more serious roles in Stranger than Fiction I wondered if he could hit his stride once more. Well Blades of Glory sees him sprinting once more, its a shame then that no one else in the movie can keep up with him. You see while Blades of Glory is a very funny movie full of very funny ideas, its also a movie thats seriously lacking until the ending. The major problems are that the supporting cast are just way too forgettable. The main villains, while having amusing moments, aren't memorable, the coach is certainly no Patches O'Houlihan from Dodgeball, and the creepy stalker is so wasted an opportunity its almost pitiful. Jon Heder finally delivers a performance that is at least passable since Napoleon Dynamite, and as I've said Will Ferrel is simply brilliant.

So what goes wrong with Blades of Glory then? Mainlly its the hit/miss rate of comedy that affects it the most. The movie does have a lot of hits, and when it hits hard the movie is heading into Dodgeball greatness. The unfortunate thing is that for every hit you usually get a miss as well. And when the movie misses, it misses pretty badly. Thankfully the hit rate is still pretty good and the fact that these scenes are so damn funny you ignore the bad scenes makes it a still enjoyable experience. The supporting cast as I mentioned has problems as well. Will Arnett and Amy Poehler have the potential to be great villains, and the well staged finale sees them almost living up to their potential, but the fact that they're under-written and under-used is a big weakness. The central romance with Heder and Jenna Fischer is also a bit of a misstep as it never seems to be going anywhere and its not remotely believable.

Thankfully Blades of Glory has a superb finale that sees it at its comedic best. In fact had the entire movie had the wit and humour of the last twenty minutes then the film could easily be just as good as Dodgeball or Zoolander. The characters are also extremely likable, well the lead two are very likable at least. Heder makes his character interesting and still being reasonably funny, he at least tries to keep up with the comedic genius of Ferrel, he never reaches him but he has his moments when he almost does. Of course the genius behind it all is Ferrel, this might not be as good as his performances in Anchorman or Talladega Nights, but he's still clearly having a blast, and whenever he is either drunk or screaming you can't help but laugh like mad. But the scenes that truly show the comedic genius, have got to be the ice skating sequences, or at least any scene wearing ice skates (you'll know what I mean when you see it). Whenever the skates are on the movie excels, leading to the finale involving a routine to Queen's Flash Gordon. I was crying with laughter the minute I heard the song start.

Overall Blades of Glory is an entertaining movie that features great performances by Heder and Ferrel. Unfortunately it collapses under the weight of these two performers and nothing else can keep up with them. A great ending and some truly funny moments dotted around make it a movie well worth seeing. But don't expect anything amazing as it never reached Dodgeball territory.
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Not without hindrances but very watchable
TheLittleSongbird6 April 2011
Blades of Glory is far from a masterpiece having a rather predictable story, hit and miss dialogue and the odd moment when a scene goes on for too long. That said, the film does look very nice, with striking locations, crisp photography and editing and the ice skating costumes are beautifully tailored. The soundtrack is simply great, very rousing and fits wonderfully with the well-choreographed ice skating sequences. Although there is the odd bit of dialogue or joke that doesn't quite work, the vast majority that do are very funny. The characters are at least funny, and not only do Will Ferrell and Jon Heder give fun performances but they make a surprisingly good duo too. All in all, a very watchable film if not without faults. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Blades of Glory IS Comedy
AOKlicc31 March 2007
Overall i would have to say the movie is nothing too special but is a very funny film i would like to see again. If you're looking for something to relax and enjoy a entertaining hour and a half with a friend, this is a good movie to go to. Will Ferrel is funny as in other films and fans of his will like it. John heder's character in some ways resembles napoleon dynamite with different flavor but it works. only concern would be for any young children because of the prevailance of sexuality. If you're offended by homosexuality there will be certain parts you will loath. But most people shouldn't be offended and will find this movie very entertaining.
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Fantastically Overblown
snow0r12 April 2007
Blades of Glory is the story of Chazz Michael Michaels (Ferrel) and Jimmy MacElroy (Heder), two rival ice skaters banned from competition after a podium brawl at an "Olympic" event. After Jimmy's stalker finds a loophole in the rulebook (yes, you read that right), the pair join forces to reclaim their rightful position at the top of the skating rankings.

While it follows the predictable rise, fall, and rise again pattern of most comedies, Blades of Glory is different enough to be memorable. The costumes are ridiculous, the set-pieces are brilliant (including a very awkward chase sequence involving a crossbow and an unfortunate mascot), and the performances, what these films hinge on, are excellent.

The Ferrel-Heder exchanges are drenched with homoeroticism, and their struggles to come to terms with each other's lifestyles (Ferrel: "I'm a sex addict. It's my cross to bear" and Heder: "If you can dream it, you can do it!") are funny enough to carry the film for large sections. The supporting performances of the Waldenbergs (Will Arnett, Amy Poelher, and Jenna Fischer) fill in the gaps successfully, their conversations charged with an unusual mix of villainy and incestuous desire. Then of course there are the skating scenes, which are quite a sight to behold, in all their spandex-and-diamonds splendour.

Overall, Blades of Glory is hilarious. Pretty much every aspect of it is fantastically overblown, and it keeps you laughing quite steadily for its 90-minute running time. Boom!
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funny, dramatic and recommended to watch
tojofriends8 July 2008
Quite honestly I went to watch this movie without any prior expectation. My friends had taken all the good movies by that time and I was left with few seeming stupid movies. I picked it up randomly or pseudo-randomly [:)]. I didn't even check IMDb rating before watching. For the first 15 minutes I kinda felt wasting my time but later it became interesting. The fun actually started when Mckenroy and Michel were registered as a team. Their first performance was pretty good. And then it turns to good comedy. Sex addiction, horse shampoo, My Humps, sliding of Mackenroy with bare chest, holding Mackenroy up by his 'pinus', watching at each others too what wasn't there. If you are cynic person you may not like it, but if you don't worry about logic and looking for a pleasant time to have fun then I recommend this movie. This could be a family movie too if you trust your children with a little bit sex terms [;)]. Maybe this movie doesn't deserve any nomination of big awards but certainly you wouldn't regret if you watch this movie.
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not as funny as i thought it would be :(
khuniak19 April 2007
Well a pretty cliché movie, was really looking forward to watching it and felt totally let down by ferrel. His acting seemed sub par and to be honest the whole movie just felt totally wrong.

The movie was very cliché, much of it seemed ripped straight from the movie "Zoolander" now that is a funny movie. Don't get me wrong there are a few really funny scenes and many that will make you cringe but overall the was for me below average and didn't quite pull it off.

This movie just seemed like ferrel tried to hard, and the entire movie seemed like he was trying to boost his own ego. My only recommendation is to wait for this movie to come out as a rental and save yourself some money.
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Pleasantly surprise, solid comedy throughout the whole movie!
revadirchy31 March 2007
I saw the preview several days ago and figured it was just another case of, "put the funniest parts of the movie in the trailer to hook the public and then be disappointed later", but I was surprised and the comedic cohesion between John H. and Will F.. The dialouge was some of the funniest I've heard in awhile and the physical comedy was timed perfectly. This is not just another mediocre performance from Heder and Will that we have grown accustomed to. This movie really delivers and there were plenty of great cameos. Including Jenna Fisher from the office and even Nancy Carrigan. If you truly have an eye for good comedy, they you'll love this movie. I think it was the best comedy I have seen in awhile.
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Typical Will Ferrell movie (bad and good thing)
joethecoolioest5 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well before I start this review I have to say I do like will ferrell and i think he is funny, but he isn't a very good actor.He just plays the same person who has a job that he is pretty bad at.OK i thought this movie was pretty funny!!!!Chazz Michael Michaels was hilarious escpecially when he was fighting with Jimmy Macelroy!!! But the most disgusting things in the movie were when Jimmy was trying to get the key and when the brother and sister started making out!DISGUSTING!!!!So i thought this movie was funny at times but not laugh out loud funny!So i give this movie a 7 out of 10!Jon heder could have been in a better movie but Will Ferrell's role was perfect for him!
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Ferrell hits the ice, but scores some laughs
editor-29928 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Will Ferrell's comedy efforts fall into two categories; he's a gentle, sweet, mousy, befuddled man-child ("Elf," "Bewitched" and, to a certain extent, "Kicking & Screaming"), or he's a loud, drunken, usually half-naked idiotic lout ("Old School," "Anchorman," "Taladega Nights").

His newest film, "Blades of Glory" (a takeoff on the ripe-for-parody world of competitive figure skating), falls firmly into that second category. Ferrell plays Chazz Michael Michaels, a self-confessed sex addict ("I'm attracted to women," he flatly states to counselor Luke Wilson), who is also skating's resident bad boy rebel.

Inebriated, cocky, unshaven and wild, Chazz makes women swoon and somehow convinces enough judges that his eclectic routines are works of art. In the opening scene, he flaunts his sexuality on the ice the way John Travolta did on the dance floor (well, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit), but he does win the gold medal in a Stockholm competition.

But, just in case one thinks this film is just a tankful of Ferrell gas, there's another component – the kind and gentle Jimmy MacLeroy (Jon Heder, "Napoleon Dynamite," "Benchwarmers," "School For Scoundrels"), who was adopted by a ruthless billionaire (William Fitchner, "Crash," "The Longest Yard") and turned into a skating Ivan Drago.

He, too earns enough points to claim a gold medal, but when the two are on the awards stand, they begin fighting, causing former "Knightrider" and "St. Elsewhere" veteran, William Daniels, to strip them of their medals and ban them from competing for life.

Fortunately, a weird stalker finds a loophole in the banishment – while they cannot skate individually, they may team up and compete as a pair. Thus, the premise of two males who hate each other dancing about the ice is born. Sports stations and newspapers cannot get enough, but the current pairs' darlings, brother and sister team, Stranz and Fairchild Van Waldenberg (Will Arnett and SNL's Amy Poehler), have no love for these rebels of the frozen rink, while undercutting their every move.

With disgraced and loopy coach, Craig T. Nelson ("Coach"), putting them through their montage workouts (including attempting to solve the potentially-fatal "Iron Lotus"),this becomes very much like "Dodgeball" with the world championship coming down to these two teams.

And while this is certainly no sophisticated Cary Grant screwball comedy, or a classic Preston Sturges film, or even a Three Stooges laugh-fest, there are enough genuine giggles for me to give it my personal thumbs up. Most of the yucks clearly come from Ferrell's alcoholic stumblings, but Heder has a few nice scenes, too, mostly playing of his character's effeminacy.

Once again, my criteria for comedies is different than my scale for drama. Here, it's the laugh factor. "Blades of Glory" gets some cheap ones with some crude, sexual remarks and situations, but overall, fans of both Ferrell and Heder will no doubt enjoy this one.

Pleasantly surprising, however, was the small but sweet performance of Jimmy's love interest, Katie Van Waldenberg (Jenna Fischer, "The 40-Year-Old Virgin," TV series, "The Office"). She adds a new dimension to what could have been a throwaway role.
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Not as hilarious as I wanted but amusing nonetheless, and with some good moments
bob the moo28 November 2007
In the world of male solo figure skating, two US giants are ahead of the pack. Jimmy MacElroy was raised from a boy with the single goal of being a champion, with the millions of champion-maker Darren MacElroy behind him. Chazz Michael Michaels is the opposite of MacElroy's perfect presentation – a rough and ready man with a sex addiction but yet undeniable talent. The two have battled for years but things come to a head when they share gold medal position. On the podium a fight breaks out between them and the pair are banned for life from the sport. Years later they are both doing nothing but getting by until MacElroy's stalker approaches them with a loophole in the sport rules – they are only banned from single events, not pairs.

Undeniably silly this thing but yet quite pleasing at the same time. We have seen this sort of sports spoof several times over the last few years and the quality has ranged with some highs in Dodgeball but others not totally working as well such as Ballad of Ricky Bobby. Blades of Glory falls more in the latter camp as it is not brilliant but still has fun if you are in the mood. Considering the idea behind it I was rather surprised that it was not constantly off-the-wall material but mostly it had me amused throughout. The plot is straightforward but serviceable. The skating is outrageously silly (although some of the effects do push it) and overblown in a carefree way. The script does have some really good lines but too often I found myself looking for more than the dialogue was giving me.

Ferrell is good in the main role and he works the fact that, ignoring everything else, he is still a very unlikely figure skater. Heder is very much secondary to him because of the differences in the characters but he is good value for what he gets to do. Arnett and Poehler do tend to steal any scene that they are in, while Fischer is an enjoyable addition. Fichtner, Nelson and others fill out the cast well. As with Dodgeball, I enjoyed the commentators and the script does make good sport of them, but I would have liked them to have been more a part of the film than they were.

Overall though, despite it not being the most hilarious or clever thing you'll ever see, it does have plenty of laughs and did consistently amuse me even it did lack that many really good moments.
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Will-ful Weirdness
arieliondotcom23 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Will Ferrell has made the same movie about 12 times in a row now, with every sport there is, playing basically the same guy in a different sport or outfit...or as a news anchor.

In this one he plays a "macho" skater thrown together with an effeminate arch-enemy in a forced collaboration as pair skaters against doers of evil.

There is the same raunchy humor at times as all of his other movies.. But, LORD help me, he still makes me laugh anyway, in spite of myself. Lines like "I see the Virgin Mary...No, that's not her!" just crack me up. It probably means I need professional help, but since people are still paying to see these movies I guess I'm not alone.

Not one of the great pictures or funniest pictures of all time, but good for a chuckle, in spite of yourself, if you can overlook the third-grade humor and grossness from time to time.

It's Will Ferrell. Nuff said.
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Blades of Glory
jrtone-4935720 May 2020
A lot better than I expected. Would make for great lazy viewing.
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The best kind of ridiculous
jalkazar28 November 2015
Will Ferrell has always been hit or miss for me. He's great in Stepbrothers and A Night At the Roxbury but just painfully bad in films like Get Hard. Luckily Blades of Glory is the perfect fit for him and he shines alongside Jon Heder in this ridiculous figure skating comedy.

The movie centers around a fictional figure skating culture where outrageous stars win the hearts of the audience with outlandish routines and acts. Will Ferrell plays the rock star figure skater who is forced to pair up with the classically trained Jon Heder in order to compete as the first ever male figure-skating pair after an incident forced them away from the singles scene. Opposite them is the sibling figure skate-match up of Amy Poehler and Will Arnett, each as funny and ridiculous as Ferrell and Heder.

Blades of Glory works because it revels in its made up figure skating culture and playing to the actors and themes strengths without going completely overboard. It's no comedy for the ages, but it is a comedy good for a lot of laughs.
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How hard can acting be?
Puritan7710 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Two skaters, Two bad actors, and 1 terrible script = Blades Of Glory. I have thought a LOT of times when I see a terrible movie, that it is definitely the worst movie ever made...well, after watching this, I now have a new #1. Will Ferrell's character does something out of the ordinary in this film, he likes to get who would have thought? Chazz Michael Michaels???, wow I'm thinking Will Ferrell came up with that all by himself. Everything he said was pure idiocy and far from funny, same goes for Heder. John, listen man, YOU ARE NOT FUNNY!

Most of the people in the theater left before it was half over, leaving only a handful of people who were mostly sleeping or passed out from boredom. I fell asleep once and had a nightmare that someone was throwing shards of glass in my eyes, then I woke up and the movie was still going, then I silently started weeping to myself because it wasn't a nightmare at all, it was a comforting dream, the real nightmare was on the screen in front of us. I don't see how people involved in something like this can make large amounts of cash, and just like this movie, it's pointless. To save everyone time and money DON'T SEE THIS! Or, you can have the same affect at home like you just watched it.

Go to the corner and stare at the wall for 2 hours, then take $10 out of your wallet and use it for toilet paper.
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Funny and worth a watch
kelandis28 March 2007
I saw the press screening of Blades of Glory last night, and I have to say...I haven't laughed so much at a movie for quite some time. Jon Heder shines in his role and portrays a character that seems carefully written to avoid any similarities with Napoleon Dynamite; I was actually surprised that there weren't any references to ND (that I noticed), since there were a few Ferrell lines that reminded me of Anchorman (which was just fine!). Ferrell and Heder work wonderfully together; the ice skating scenes are pulled off very well; and, of course, there are tons of quotable lines. Overall, a funny, satisfying movie (especially if you're into ice skating or Anchorman/Talledega Nights-type humor).
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Could have been Better !!
kundan-nitrkl17 February 2008
No offense to Josh or the Cox but I believe the film could have been a lot better if made less exaggerated. The story builds up nicely. Both Will and Jon are OK and so were the rest. The only thing that stands out is the humor and more importantly the skating stunts. Applause for the efforts. Will is trying to be original and Jon is trying his best to fit in and both have done it well to some extent. The bitter part to swallow were the occasional exaggeration which were tasteless e.g the jet-type exit of the actors from the stadium at the end. The climax was delicately managed but this one ruined it. After all its the finishing touch that matters the most!!!! Once again thumbs up for the skating and the beautiful Jenna and the "that blonde is a dude!". cheers!
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"What the f**k was that?!"
sonydude3215 April 2007
The summary perfectly sums up my thoughts about this sub-par comedy, which is more idiotic than hilarious.

There were some moments in the film that warranted a light chuckle. For the most part, however, the "humor" was largely unremarkable and relied more on shock factor than anything really smart and witty. Now, there's nothing wrong with shock factor in comedic context, but you can't rely on it virtually all the time as it seemed to have been done with this picture.

Couple this with the ridiculously overblown finale involving rockets (I won't go any further if you actually want to see this film) and it all makes for a film that ended up not being real satisfying nor truly amusing.

Getting up to leave the theater, all I could mutter was "what the f**k was that?!" Whatever happened to razor-sharp wit and believable situations in comedies these days?
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This film actually warrants a sequel!
Rogue-326 April 2007
From the very first second I laid eyes on the absolutely hilarious poster for this film, in my neighborhood multiplex a few months ago, I knew with extreme certainty that I'd be seeing it the very first week it opened. Caught it on Wednesday and I'm here to say the movie most definitely delivers on the promise of the poster, big time.

Jon Heder finally gets a role he can have some fun with for a change (which hasn't really happened since Napoleon Dynamite), and he's superbly cast as the sheltered and phobic Jimmy MacElroy, the perfect foil for Ferrell's sex machine on skates, Chazz Michael Michaels. Ferrell is fast becoming more and more adept at portraying genuine characters in his movies, not merely hollow caricatures, and he is clearly in his element here.

The beginning of the movie, the set-up, is wonderfully written, and the over-the-top tone that's established in these opening scenes is successfully carried throughout. The energy level stays high, the plot never gets tedious or bogged down, and, best of all, the routines that the two of them perform together as partners are truly hilarious and original. I was left wanting more, and that speaks volumes.
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How can something so wrong be so right?
kierz-231 March 2007
Will Ferrell and Jon Heder in another chocolate and peanut-butter experiment from the comedy studios, end up being more like a chicken sushi roll, too weird to explain, and too tasty to not enjoy. Blades of Glory is to figure skating what Baseketball was to MLB, ridiculously and barely related and yet surprisingly fun. The doubling, L-Cam and wirework effects were pretty good as they were far off enough from reality already to give themselves enough license to do whatever they wanted. Jon Heder shows some range from his "Aww, shucks," persona of Benchwarmers and School for Scoundrels, and Will Farrell is definitely reaching somewhere between Ron Burgundy and Ricky Bobby for his Chazz, both almost original but not quite. While these characters work well off each other it is the very wrongness, the taboo breaking of having two men going crotch to face and trying to act like it isn't happening that makes this far more amusing retrospectively, than the sheer shock value of the infamous scene in Borat. Admittedly the latter had me almost hurt myself laughing at the time, every time I think of it since I want to press Delete in my brain. While this movie had me shaking my head, at least in this case I could look my wife in the eye and smile and shrug and be pleased to see her laughing rather than worry if I was going to get in trouble for bringing her (Like I write these things!). Considering the subject matter of men's pairs figure skating, sex addiction, incest and stalking are all par for the course for this film, it was surprisingly appropriate and easy to stomach, certainly a feat as memorable as the Iron Lotus.
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ziggystardust1730 August 2007
I just couldn't stomach it. It was incredibly dumb. It was boring. I'm amazed that people put up with this crap from Hollywood. I'd rather watch all the really funny, creative stuff that regular people are putting up on youtube. Maybe some day, if regular people ever wake up and realize how much they are collectively paying for the soul-numbing, pablum Hollywood churns out, they'll figure out how badly they are being ripped off. Reading all these glowing reviews about a crappy movie like this is like listening to someone raving about a gourmet dining experience at McDonalds. Make your own entertainment. Boycott Hollywood! Don't buy into the advertising and psychological manipulation that you need to be entertained by "experts". Free your mind.
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