Tipping the Velvet (TV Mini Series 2002) Poster

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Janet-425 October 2002
I'm glad I read the Sarah Waters novel first, since I had my own pictures of the characters in my head at the time. The ones cast for this production, however, were not at all disappointing - in fact, after I got used to Rachael Stirling as Nan, I think Nina Gold did a damn fine job in the casting department. (Can Keeley Hawes be more delicious?!)

The BBC has done it again: this is a wonderful production of a very good book, and they have done it up in style. If you can get your hands on this (VHS, DVD) be sure to get the 181-minute version (the uncensored one.) It is a marvelous journey, albeit a bit rocky at times, that you won't regret taking.
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More Than Gay
pennygadget3124 January 2005
Labeling this film a "lesbian love story" is about as accurate as calling Pride & Prejudice a "straight love story." There's just so much more to it than that.

Yes, the main character is a lesbian, but her story is classic bildungsroman, a journey from childhood to adulthood, from sexual innocence into maturity, from personal blindness to self- discovery. There is a stylistic element of camp to the film's direction, but it is not a hindrance; rather it serves to underscore the staged and dramatic parts of the main character's life.

Those who know Anna Chancellor from the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice will certainly be amazed with her here. Rachael Stirling is stellar as the main character Nan, and Keeley Hawes is all wide-eyed goodness as her lover Kitty Butler. Chancellor might have the stand out role, that is aside from Sally Hawkins who plays Zena Butler. This film is not for the faint of heart, but it's not a piece of pro-gay advertising either. It's a real story, with real comedy and drama, an engaging story with compelling characters, and well worth watching.
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Altima18 October 2002
It is surprising that a production like this gets made these days, especially for television. Considering the strong sexual themes and explicit lovemaking scenes, not to mention lesbianism, this has been given superb treatment and direction.

The sets and costumes are flawless, the direction is stylish and the characters are likeable. There is a fair amount of humor but it has surprisingly dark interludes. The protagonist is really a tragic figure, but not devoid of happiness. Also, this production avoids the mistake most films/shows make when dealing with homosexuality/lesbianism. The characters are very human. It seems that to allow people to be comfortable with watching gays and lesbians on TV and movies most shows fill it full of cliches and make the characters obsessed with being gay. Not so with this. In Tipping the Velvet, the protagonist is hardly aware of what being lesbian means!

The BBC have made some wonderful productions in the past, and this adventurous period piece only confirms their standard of excellence on all fronts.
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Very Sweet... Very Sexy
aymanrizk16 September 2004
This wonderful 3 part BBC production is one of the sweetest love stories that I have seen in a while. The actresses display a very high level of talent, especially Rachael Stirling as Nan Astley. She is funny, seductive and cute. The love making scenes and the close up kisses are very erotic regardless of one's sexual preference.

The characters are well defined and very believable. I guess this is a by-product of a good adaptation from a well written novel.

A truly remarkable well paced drama that picks up speed quickly after a couple of boring (but necessary) scenes in the beginning.

My vote: 9/10
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Exquisite and gorgeous!
findmespace7 September 2004
I am getting obsessed by it, playing the DVD over and over. And it is not because of the lesbian love story, nor because of the physical relationship neither. It's about the tenderness and care with which the whole thing is done. You obviously can notice that in the script itself, even in the rawer moments there's certain hope. But also in the music (the melodies are so sweet), the photography (all this wine like and golden tones for indoor scenes), the so fine decoration and set design (theatres and back stages), those little sounds added (hoses running, opera voices ..), those visual metaphors (burning fondue for Kitty's jealousy, empty oyster shells swirling in the waves as Nan meets life ..) …etc..

To me the most beautiful concept is the protagonist personal and sentimental growth, how she becomes an adult by finding love and life. About this, an outstanding detail is Nan's expression and tone of voice. There's one scene in first episode: Kitty and Nan are in Nan's room at Nan's parents, Nan takes the rose Kitty gave to her in the theatre from a drawer and says: 'Remember when you gave me this?' .. The tone in which the sentence is said is so wonderful, it express so much thrill, admiration, delight and most of all innocence. This is what the first episode is about, Nan and her innocence and childhood lost… something left in the sea waves of her home town shore where she was an oyster. But in the second and third episodes she looses this purity in her voice, as she's becoming an adult in all senses. She sounds stronger and more secure... the oyster opens.

This leads me to talk about Rachael's awesome work, all these details are not only shown in her voice but in her acting. And what is more, she not only acts great all the way long but also she sings lovely! The rest of the actresses are wonderful too .. Anna Chancellor's Diana still scares me ;) What to say about magnetic Kitty (whoah Keeley!) and also Jhodi May builds a so very nice good home-loving girl. The actors are quite good too, including baby Cyril ;-)

Another good feature to point out is the rhythm of the episodes development. We can see Kitty and Nan's debut on stage at the same time that all their previous rehearsals, and also Nan's cooking and cleaning at Flo's at the same time that she recovers emotionally from wandering the streets. All this action together prevents the episodes from slow down and from loosing the attention.

But of course this story is a tale, in which the protagonist suffers but at the end wins, there is no point in looking for resemblances with real life as life is much more complicated than a tale. She even triumphs at speaking in the socialist rally saving Flo's brother from stage fright. And I think choosing one girl instead of the other pretended to be a happy end … personally I would definitively have chosen the other, no doubt at all ;-D

I've found a soundtrack at amazon.co.uk but it doesn't include the songs the girls sing at stage .. anyone know where to find them?

Thanks for reading
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A skilled adaptation of an extraordinary novel
dotjames12 September 2004
I think Andrew Davies did an admirable job of taking a magnificent book which emulated the pace and styling of a Victorian novel and turning it into a moving and entertaining film. I'm glad I read (twice) the book first which is usually the case for me. I know that one must view a novel and a film as different media and judge them accordingly. But, still, it's often hard to read the original material after a film gives away the best parts.

I realize that Davies is a very good adapter, but I wish the producers had chosen a woman to write the screenplay. Davies, as he admits in the commentary that accompanies the film on DVD, wanted particularly to emphasis the more scatological bits in the book. I certainly enjoyed those, on film as in the book. But Davies missed a half-dozen moments that are so excruciatingly, painfully tender which he could have incorporated if his sensibility were more feminine.

I also would take issue with his use of the book's primary symbol, the rose.

As the screenplay was plotted by Davies, the denouement was inevitable and appropriate. But I really think that author Waters' final nod to the rose symbol was much more interesting. And I preferred way the novel let Nan "come of age" than the way Davies chose.

One quick comment about the four actors who essay the primary roles. They are all wonderfully talented -- well, except for the singing and dancing, perhaps -- and, moreover, their physical presences are so much what the mind's eye sees when reading the novel before seeing the film. I thought they were all terrific.

I recommend that any lesbian and anyone who loves good fiction, add BOTH the book and the DVD of TIPPING THE VELVET to their bookshelves.
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Done it again, Mr. Davies? Well done, sir!
BigYellowBiohazard29 October 2002
Tipping the Velvet has just three weeks ago been released in the UK and already I watch as countless letters flood to the national papers and TV guides, claiming that it possesses a thin plot, weak performances and an even weaker script.

You find me incensed. This is heresy.

I would really like to dispel all doubt by first congratulating Andrew Davies on enabling Geoffrey Sax to create this wonderful dramatization of Sarah Waters' novel by cushioning him with such a fantastic script. Kudos. But I fear I must now change tack.

I saw one of the premiere TV guides here in the UK (which shall remain nameless) relentlessly describing Tipping the Velvet as a "lesbian love story". If they are, and I assume they are, trying to promote interest in the film, then this is completely the wrong way to go about it (aside from the phrase being a disappointingly inaccurate description). By saying such a thing, they are either a) turning away those who would instinctively be repelled by "that" subject matter or b) attracting a class of people who will only watch to see some "serious girl-on-girl action". Buy a video! Through this display of serious inconsideration, this and other magazines are cheapening what is a brilliant adaptation of one of recent literature's greatest works. Tipping the Velvet is a story of love, of passion, of moving on, of loss, and of heartbreak. It's not a lesbian love story. No siree.

The end result is a stylish affair, with excellent performances all round (particularly from Stirling, Hawes, Chancellor and May). Direction-wise, it's intoxicating and immersive - sometimes, fast-paced, sometimes not - but it never ceases to be anything less than compelling. As a whole, it's polished and well delivered, the sex is undertaken with tenderness and delicacy - and although many will not class it as a real "film", it will remain among my favourites for some time to come.
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Quite simply, one of the greatest
Weasel10019 November 2004
I have nothing but praise for this mini series. It's only about a year and a half old but I have seen it twice already; with greater enjoyment the second time than the first. I'm seriously thinking of watching it again soon since I find it spiritually uplifting.

It is a very tender romantic drama with such beautiful performances, sets, costumes, music and scenes that it has a resonance which places it almost in a league of its own among mini series.

Some others have commented on the difficulties of living as a lesbian in Britain in the 1890s. Nothing especially difficult about that; it was only male homosexuality that was against the law as poor Oscar Wilde experienced to his great cost and as a great loss to the literary world. Anyway, I digress.

In my view, this is essential television. It is perhaps one of the greatest tragic romantic dramas since Romeo and Juliet, although not in the conventional sense.

10 out of 10 from me.

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blanche-24 April 2017
From 2002, "Tipping the Velvet" is an adaption of a novel by Sarah Walters. It's the story of Nancy Astley (Rachel Stirling), who works with her family in their oyster house. She has a boyfriend (played by no less than Benedict Cumberbatch) and can't understand why she doesn't feel anything when he kisses her. I certainly didn't.

One day she sees the performance of a male impersonator, Kitty Butler (Keeley Hawes) and falls madly in love with her. The two women become friends, and Nan accompanies Kitty as her dresser, never letting on that she's in love with her. Finally she learns the feeling is mutual and embarks on her first affair.

Alas, it doesn't work out. Nancy continues her journey of self- knowledge, dressing as a boy and servicing men in alleys, becoming the kept boy of a wealthy lesbian, meeting a young woman, Flo, and finding her so honest and sweet that she can't bear to tell her what she really does.

I wouldn't call this a lesbian love story, although that was done I suppose to get people watching. It's a beautifully done production with excellent acting. I think it's the story of a woman finding herself and incorporating who she is into her life.

Keeley Hawes is always a delight, as she is here. Stirling sings better, and the two, when performing on stage together, do a very good act.

Stirling is excellent but I don't think she would ever be mistaken for a boy. According to those who read the book, Nan could be taken for a man quite easily. There were also complaints from those who read the book about the character of Flo (Jodhi May) - since I didn't read it, I don't know. I thought the character as portrayed in this miniseries was well acted.

Also as others have pointed out, with homosexual acts against the law, it's unlikely men would have been standing on the street waiting for a hustler. I get the impression that people - men and women - would have been more discreet than they seemed in this show.

"Tipping the Velvet" holds one's interest, is pretty look at, and full of distinctive characters.
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Unique, Fabulous and Sexy Entertainment
shop-292 June 2005
This BBC series is astonishingly good fun. I'd only seen a few minutes before I knew I had to own it and watch it again with all my friends. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone prudish, but almost anyone else is going to enjoy it--from the cinema snob to the entertainment-hungry masses. The lead character is a lesbian, but it's still worth watching if that's not your thing.

Rachael Stirling is incredible in a lead role that stretches her into a dazzling assortment of emotions and situations, some of a bizarre nature. No one who saw this series would ever say she can't act. She makes us laugh, cry, get turned on and slap our foreheads in amazement.

You can't really compare this story to anything else. It's not a rehash of style or plot. It's entirely it's own beast—part comedy, historical drama, erotica, coming-of-age tale, musical and more.

Gotta praise the BBC for making this story. I can't imagine anyone in the (overly prudish and formulaic) U.S. ever doing it. So, stop reading about it and go buy it.
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Deliriously odd
JohnnyIMHO4 November 2022
Great story and engaging actors. Rachel Stirling and Keeley Hawes are gorgeous.

But it was like it was directed by a drunkard. Camera angles all over the place. Abrupt editing. Strange close ups. All quite erratic.

Maybe it is meant to convey Nan's inner feelings?

And the anachronistic music is awful. Like 80s synth music. Jarring.

The acting is quite hammy but I expect that is a deliberate melodramatic style.

It's hard to tell if it's meant to be so delirious. The whole thing is rather like the music hall world it portrays.

Nevertheless I enjoyed it ! The erotic sex scenes certainly help.
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A True "Pearl" of a Series
OzSekhmet21 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a lesbian, I am sick and tired of being portrayed in movies and on TV as a sad person, forever vacillating between suicide and homicide, but never destined to find happiness?

If, like me, you are fed up with Hollywood's anti-lesbian propaganda, you'll breathe a sigh of relief at this delightful offering from the BBC. Nan Astley is the daughter of an Oyster-house restaurateur who "wonders why she can't feel the way she should about Freddy" (one of the local lads who has his eye set on her). She falls – and falls hard – for Kitty Butler, a male impersonator with a visiting theatre troupe. Nan accompanies Kitty to London as her dresser…

Not everything that happens to Nan is pleasant in this story, and some of the things she does are not squeaky-clean either - but she will win your heart, and her story of love triumphant will leave you with a beautiful lump in your throat at the end.

If you are a lesbo-hating macho man or a homophobic housewife, or some brand of religious fundamentalist who believes that homosexuals should die and go to hell, this series is not for you. But if you have a heart, and you believe in love, you will cry at the end as much as I did!
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Victorian lesbian melodrama
SnoopyStyle5 September 2015
It's 1890s Victorian England. Nancy Astley (Rachael Stirling) works at the family seaside restaurant as an oyster girl. She falls completely upon seeing vaudeville actress Kitty Butler (Keeley Hawes) who dresses as a man on stage. She leaves her boyfriend Freddy (Benedict Cumberbatch) to be with Kitty. The sisterhood turns into a lesbian affair as Nan joins Kitty on stage. Later, Nan catches Kitty in bed with manager Walter Bliss who then get married. Nan starts dressing as a man and working the streets. She's taken with the innocent Florence (Jodhi May). Wealthy widower Diana Lethaby (Anna Chancellor) takes her off the streets to be her lover. Nan gets tired of the life and gets into a fight with Lethaby protecting the maid Zena Blake (Sally Hawkins). Nan gets thrown out onto the streets. She finds a colder Florence with a baby living with her brother Ralph Banner (Hugh Bonneville).

The first part sets it up as a lesbian love story. It doesn't follow through on that front. It turns into a melodrama of the Victorian London's lesbian scene. In fact, Kitty gets sidelined for the other two parts. The first part led me down one path and then I got thrown a bit going down the other path. This unusual world is fascinating. Rachael Stirling is quite compelling going from innocent ingénue to rundown weariness. This is an interesting TV mini-series.
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cubus_nitrate30 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
At the time of its release, Tipping th Velvet got a lot of hype for being perhaps the most "raunchy" lesbian thing that had managed to get onto the BBC. Ho hum.

I can see why people give it such rave reviews (well, sort of). With lesbian movies/TV shows/characters you can be hard-pressed to find a decent, fleshed-out representation without falling into ghastly clichés. So when this came out (no pun intended) I can 100% see why people went nuts over it.

But we are a lot of representation later now... and as a fan of the book, I have to disagree with all the rave reviews on here. Tipping the Velvet doesn't stand the test of time.

Firstly, I do not deny that the production value for TTV is brilliant. The stage shows are wonderfully directed, the scenes and costumes do not pose a problem for me. The acting is no great problem either.

It's the story and the mashing up of the original book into some cheap, clichéd ending that bothers me the most. That and the weird and obtrusive editing and background music.

The character of Nan, the main protagonist and heroine, is a far cry from her representation of the book. Racheal Stirling is not a bad actor, but she is too feminine for the role...and the voice? ...Hmm. The Nan of the original story could pass for a man. This nan walks around with slightly shorter hair slathered in make-up with a petite little body and we are supposed to believe she passes off as a man? Hmm indeed.

The biggest let-down of the entire film however was the relationship between Flo and Nan. What happened? They literally gave the characters each other's lines and swapped their personalities around. It skewed the point of Nan's story. Flo is supposed to humble Nan by showing her how little she really knows...not by batting her eyelids.

Lastly...aside from a cursory chase from a couple of cliché cockney thugs there is almost no mention of homophobia in the entire film. Without it, Kitty's betrayal makes little sense.

A bit like this film. It makes me yell every time I see it.

It's little but gaudy melodrama to me, if you want the best version of this film available on TV consult the French and Saunders parody.

A huge let down. Especially for someone who loves the book.
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an enchanting experience
btneedham25 January 2004
I saw the series - all three episodes back to back - when it was re-broadcast by the BBC just before Christmas, and it held me spellbound. Since then I've watched the DVD at least half a dozen times. A subject that could so easily have drifted into melodrama has become an enchanting classic . The direction oozes class, particularly in the scenes of Nan and Kitty's stage rehearsals, the music has a haunting charm, and the acting is mostly glorious (Alexei Sayle was clearly only in it to show how good the rest of the cast was),. It's Andrew Davies's masterpiece.
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The Number One Lesbian Film Of All Times
pamelasl5 September 2006
Out of the top 24 lesbian films in my library, I must rate this one as the number one film of all times. This film will go down in history as the best in it's genre. It is a story about a girl (Rachael Stirling) who goes from riches to rags and from rags to riches, with her first love (Keeley Hawes) popping in and out of her life. It is set against a Victorian background in the 1890's, which makes it an ideal setting for some of the best entertainment in the industry. This film spared no expense for music and costumes, and the make-up Rachael and Keeley wore while on stage in the Halls only added to the film's diversity.

No matter what kind of films you favor, I can guarantee this film will not only amaze you, but will keep your attention through all three episodes. This film will be played and enjoyed for decades to come. The unrated DVD collector's version is a must for anyone's library. Rachael Stirling and Keeley Hawes was the best choice for the casting in these two roles, and they played them extremely well.
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Emotional, Moving, Excellent Drama
symbiosis423 June 2004
This was one of the most emotional movies I have seen. Passion, Pleasure, Pain, Despair, Sorrow, Healing, Cleansing and Love.

The entire movie was spellbinding. Everything was done so well; the adaptation from the book, the actors, the sets, the camera shots.

This movie touched me deeply in so many ways. It reminded me of the despair that loosing your love can have, and the time it takes to heal that wound. You may love again, but will always be risking the pain that comes with separation.

Is this not one of the most important age-old questions?

"Is it better to have love and lost?

Than to never have loved before?"

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The Best Production I've Ever Seen!
THESTARCHILD_9011 August 2006
"Tipping The Velvet" is one of the modern day television productions that prove that some television can be just as good or even better(as this is) than what you see at your local theater.

If you want to read the plot, read this and if you want other details skip down to the next paragraph. This is the unforgettable portrait of an unconventional young girl named Nan who works as a naive oyster girl,until she discovers her repressed homosexuality when she falls in love with a successful woman named Kitty who dresses as a male for her stage profession. The young girl soon joins the act as another male impersonator and they are a major hit. Soon the both of them embark on a tender affair. Kitty eventually becomes enveloped in a marriage of convenience and ravages young Nan's heart. From then on, Nan works as male impersonated prostitute to men looking to have sex with boys, then she becomes the private sex slave to the evil and sadomasochistic Diana where Nan experiences severe emotional abuse. When that ends badly, Nan is on the streets again where she recalls a young woman named Florence; a good-hearted socialist who had the true potential of being a wonderful partner. That's where Nan will discover the power of socialism and learn how to get back to fame.

The region 1 transfer is of exceptional picture quality, there is a very good scene selection, an eloquent photo gallery and a fun interview between novelist Sara Waters and the film's writer Andrew Davies.

The sets, costumes, cinematography and music are gorgeous. The acting, writing and directing are extremely strong and filled with realism, class and originality. I loved the film and the novel. Section III in the film is much different in the film than in the novel, because section III in the novel is great written down, but isn't screen material. I will be brave and say that I love the films interpretation of it much more.

This breathtaking historical ingeniously combines Drama, Comedy, Erotica and Romance to vibrant perfection in a way that is both deeply moving and spiritually uplifting. For every mature and open-minded adult who has ever felt the pleasures, pains and power of falling in love and living life to it's fullest. A revolutionary production; an absolute must-see!
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I loved it
missyh899719 May 2007
I loved this movie. Not because of the romantic story lines between women, but for the visualization of human strength, despair, and liberation. This film is a must see. Entertaining! Emotional! Captivating! All the characters are very well written and portrayed by some very talented actors. This story is a story of self discovery and sexual awakening. A journey of the mind, body and soul. You find yourself identifying with the characters and at some points, even the storyline.

I do have to say that I recommend watching the movie first, then read the book. If you read the book first, you will be slightly disappointed. The screenplay adaption cut out a lot and some things were changed. Some for the better and some for the worst.
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Very enjoyable, campy romp through 1890s lesbo London
sydneypatrick24 January 2003
For every fan of coming of age tales, this 3 hour adaptation of the

Sarah Waters novel is pure fun. Cinematic nods to Baz Luhrman's

kinetic style, as well as to all those prim and proper period pieces

ever present on the BBC (where you're likely to have seen almost

every prominent member of this cast). It's rather bawdy and over

the top in spots, but that's just what the novel called for. The cast

is appealing and, in the cases of Anna Chancellor and Hugh

Bonneville, perfect. In the case of Rachel Sterling, as our heroine

Nan, you simply must overlook the fact that she's far too pretty to

ever be mistaken for a boy and run with it. It's a fantasy, after all.

Some fans of the novel may be put out by the various changes in

character (particularly that of Jodhi May's character, Florence), but

the changes all work toward the greater good of this teleplay and

provide an overall high quality entertainment value.
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TheLittleSongbird12 January 2014
The book is a must read, just as much this adaptation of it being a must see. The mini-series is remarkably true to the book, even with some changes and trimmings like Florence being not as forthright as in the book and the Kitty's crisis after she's heckled during a performance being (somewhat unwisely) skipped, but they don't hinder things at all. Tipping the Velvet(2002) stands fabulously on its own and has so much to recommend, you don't even need to read the book to love this mini-series. The production values are both beautiful and vivid, the costumes, hair and make-up positively take you back to the 1980s, the parlours are opulent, the seaside nostalgic and it is in the music hall moments where the mini-series is most vivid. The photography is just as lush with occasional moments of overblown editing. The music has a haunting undercurrent as well as understated beauty and swelling richness, anyone familiar with music hall music will be delighted at the selection chosen. The script is compact and concise, all the essentials are there and even with the trimmings have their full impact. You are really taken to the Victorian London world, with the contradictions(some quirky, some not), views and beliefs and social class differences. The sex scenes are explicit but also splendidly sensual, and the mini-series shows a lot of depth to characterisation with no signs of cliché or misogyny(considering what Tipping the Velvet is about there was a danger of that). You certainly do fully believe the relationships and chemistry between the characters(like with Nan and Kitty rehearsing together), and the gender politics explored here and in the book are truthful and subtle. The story is funny, poignant and thrilling in equal measure(particularly the final episode), all three episodes beautifully paced, slightly slow start but picks up very quickly. Rachael Stirling gives a stunningly powerful performance, that covers all sensualities and nuanced emotions of Nan's character and Keeley Hawes has never been more intoxicating than here. Anna Chancellor is imperiously scary while Jodhi May approaches Florence with real grace without falling into too-good-to-be-true category. In conclusion, fabulous and not one to ignore or forget. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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Not a fan
taylarldrummond10 May 2022
Unfortunately I really didn't like it. Between the characters and the story lines, I found it quite bad and difficult to watch, which is a shame because I love the fingersmith adaption. Which the books are by the same authors.
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"Thank you, Britain, for a flawless film."
beatles5517 September 2004
I never knew this DVD existed, had I not been checking out lesbian films in Amazon.com. On description alone, I purchased it. That was 3 weeks ago. I have watched the DVD almost every night. My 17 yr. old. step-daughter, every time she catches me says, "Not again?" I say, automatically, "Sorry, kid, yes, again." It's not just the theme, it's everything. The time and place, the screen writing, the music, the acting, the tone, the lighting, the challenge of pushing the envelope. (I doubt very much we would see a production such as this here in the United States.) For me, this is absolutely the best lesbian presentation I have seen. It is so satisfying on every level. I, too, had my heart broken by my first love...and eventually found my life partner, so I related very much to the story to some degree. I applaud and thank everyone involved in this presentation. And of course, accolades to the author.
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A fantastic and bawdy production by the BBC!
leighinstoke18 September 2003
The BBC surpassed themselves with the boundaries they crossed with Tipping the Velvet. In the past they've been 'daring' with Dennis Potter's works but this mini-series (as it was screened in the UK) is superb. Andrew Davies work is top notch - I've not read the Sarah Water's novel but I can imagine he's done it real justice. I comment on the bawdiness - most men have watched it for that - proved to be a main talking and selling point when originally advertised. The fact is, it portays the lesbian side of society in the 1800s - a time when most thought it was old men and rent boys - well it was - lesbianism took place mainly behind closed and often respectable doors.

You can also look at Tipping The Velvet as a 'love story' - it actually is - as well as 'self discovery' that many gay/bi and straight people go through and comments on this occur and repeat all the time.

If you've not seen it yet - either repeated on TV or on DVD - get it - you'll be in for a treat - and even the production and filming of it is perfect. Just try to hide your blushes in parts - like I said - 'bawdy' is the order of the day - and beware a 'phallus' or two!

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I don't usually leave review but this is an exception
angelshanen16 September 2019
Ladies go and watch this freaking movie... I never expected for it to have an ending like that. Usually I always guess the endings but not this one. So please take your time, cry your hearts out, laugh with all your might and have a happy heart.
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