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Not what I expected
herumesueni18 October 2003
I don't really know what I expected from this film, but I certainly found much more than I had been looking for. Given that it stars Chris Rock, I did expect a great deal of irreverent, silly comedy. What I found, instead, was an interesting spy film and a very, very odd buddy picture.

The acting from both Rock and Hopkins is exceptional. The plot, while a bit thin, is interesting.

The film pulled me in and held me from beginning to end.
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Although Predictable and Full of Cliches, This Funny Action Movie Entertains
claudio_carvalho23 November 2003
In Prague, the CIA secret agent Kevin Pope (Chris Rock) is killed in a mission with Oakes (Anthony Hopkins). They were trying to recover a nuclear bomb from the hands of some mercenaries. In order to proceed with the operation, Jake Hayes (Chris Rock), twin of Kevin, is recruited by CIA to act as if he were his brother. Jake is a rascal ticker scalper and his dead brother was an exquisite man. The CIA agents have nine day to make Jake as refined as he brother was. Although having a plot very predictable and full of cliches, this movie is a funny action movie, almost a comedy. Therefore, it objective of entertainment is accomplished. My vote is seven.
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The latest Chris Rock action comedy that apparently doesn't realize that it's a comedy.
Anonymous_Maxine27 December 2002
Chris Rock stars as a CIA agent and a street hustler, twin brothers separated at birth. When the more successful brother, Kevin (ironically the one who got his act together and made a life for himself, yet also the one who got himself killed) is shot escaping a touchy sting operation in which he and his team try to buy a stolen nuclear weapon with cyber money that doesn't exist in real life, the CIA are faced with abandoning a 2 year project and risking themselves because their new enemies are going to want to know what happened to their deal or seeking out Kevin's twin brother Jake, who makes a living whipping the crap out of unsuspecting chess players in Central Park and selling scalped tickets to just about any event you can imagine.

At this point in the film, it's clear that the premise is a remarkably strong one for an action comedy - the irony of having a street hustler suddenly thrown into a top secret CIA operation. And when you throw in Chris Rock as the hustler and Anthony Hopkins as his new mentor, it seems that you simply can't go wrong. Unfortunately, the movie seems to lose track of the fact that it is a comedy, and in more ways that just forgetting to throw in some good one-liners.

Bad Company was made and scheduled to be released before September 11th, but was then delayed for obvious reasons (similar to the obvious reasons that delayed the release of the much more incendiary Collateral Damage, given its subject matter). Because the movie was written before the attacks, the writers can't have been expected to have known what bad taste it was to center the plot on a stolen nuclear device that was meant to level a major city on the eat coast. I don't hold that against it because of the 9/11 attacks, but only because it is such a tired premise. When are we going to see some good action movies that are about something other than one guy who has to save a whole city from terrorists with big bombs?

There are points in the movie where it seems that the writers stopped and said, `Oh wait, this is supposed to be a comedy,' and threw in a few completely unamusing jokes here and there, mostly in the form of totally inappropriate one-liners from Rock that almost invariably fall completely flat. He and Hopkins do, however, have a bit of chemistry onscreen, but it is mostly wasted. This is a flashy Bruckheimer production, obviously, but it is one of the least interesting action films that Bruckheimer has turned out in years. Granted, most of his productions are cheesy crap, but this one even manages to be boring despite itself.

I watched Bad Company right after watching Men in Black II, and so was already prepared for disappointment, but I found myself trying to figure out why exactly the movie is called Bad Company. Surely it can't be because the CIA is forced to employ someone literally off the street, because he turns out to be remarkably bright and much more capable than they had anticipated. Then at the end of the movie, just as the bad guy is about to get killed, he says something about how we Americans think we're so great but we just sit here while people all over the world suffer and die, and we just watch it on our televisions and grab another burger. This is, of course, disturbingly true, and it is not a small part of the reason that four airplane were hijacked in late 2001. It's something that Americans love to ignore so that we can pretend we're victims. The victims on September 11th were the people in the buildings and the people in the planes and al of their families, the country itself was not.

Does `Bad Company,' then, refer to the company that the rest of the world is in, being in the company of America? It seems that the message that this film leaves resonating in your mind at the end is about what a selfish and greedy country America is, and how capable we are to ignore the suffering of the rest of the world as long as we have our fancy cars and our money and our heart disease instead of starvation. In this case, I guess Bad Company's not such a bad movie after all. It certainly gives a pretty potent wake up call at the end, but one that will probably be largely ignored along with the rest of the film. Ah well.
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Clichéd, undistinguished but still brainless fun
bob the moo15 February 2004
Hayes is a suave, distinguished spy with the CIA who is part of a set up to buy a stolen nuclear weapon and then capture those involved. When he is killed mid-operation, his handler goes to the only man who can replace him, his twin brother. However his brother Jake is a hustler in New York City and not spy material. Oakes has nine days to get him ready to take over his brother's identity and take up the assignment.

Despite the awful reviews, I still decided to give this film a go because I was in the mood for a dumb film that really didn't require me to think even once: this was that film! The film deserved every bad review it got - the only thing you need to worry about is whether or not you can accept the massive weakness or not. The plot is a real shambles and if you think about it logically then it all goes to hell. The idea that this is a reasonable plot, even for this type of film, is absurd. The script backs this up with dialogue that is fitting for a stupid comedy but not for the situations in the plot (`does it play dvd's?' or dialogue about Dr's Dre and Irving while trying to stall terrorists). Some of it is funny, but to be honest, if you dislike Chris Rock then there will be practically nothing for you.

The plot brings the bomb back to the US towards the end in an effort to inject tension and urgency into the action, but it doesn't really work. The action is reasonably slick but it isn't ever really exciting - only polished like a product. The action, like everything else, is quite clichéd and not distinctive enough to really stand out from the crowd of other action movies. The gags about race are subtle but still quite broad in the style of Rock. I didn't find it offensive, but I never really understand why films have to constantly perpetuate racial myths such as all black people listen to hip hop and like certain sports etc. Some of it is funny though.

Rock is the main reason for this; as I said, if you like him then you should enjoy this as most of the comedy is driven by him (even if nothing is anywhere near the sharpness of his act). He is not very funny but he helps the film have an overall comic tone that works pretty well Hopkins is totally slumming it. He manages an air of cool detachment but the material is way below him and his autopilot light is on the whole time. Stomare is poor and none of the villains really bring genuine menace - Eastern European hoods and clichés that they are. Beauvais is sexy - but that is all she is here for, to put on black underwear! Her character breezes in and breezes out with no real reason or consequence, plainly all she is here for is to have a bit of sexy black ass in there - something that Washington doesn't bring.

Overall this is a slickly made film that is clichéd, absurd, undistinguished and not as entertaining as it intends to be. Despite the fact that the film is very average and not really one to stand out, it can be quite enjoyable if you are ready for that. If you can turn off your brain and lower your standards then this can be OK, however just don't expect it to be great no matter what you do.
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Entertaining but not great!
anton-66 July 2002
Chris Rock is hilarious in this film. Anthony Hopkins is good too.

It includes many funny scenes and the action is also good. But the plot it's nothing special at all and the film is not very bad but not very good either. If Chris Rock were not in it, it would be bad. I would rate it a 6/10
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Hopkins saves this Cookie Cutter Plot w/Awful Filler Music
pc955 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure who coerced Anthony Hopkins to enter into such a bland, standard, project, but luckily for all of the rest involved with "Bad Company", he single-handedly keeps the movie from going under. What is supposed to be a bunch of laughs draws a few chuckles at best. The story stretches plausibility beyond razor thin, as if something so bumbling could happen with nuclear weapons. On top of such a poor conception of plot and story, the general music for this movie has been conjured inside take your pick: out of an elevator or supermarket playlist. Chris Rock was miscast here and should not be involved with anything less serious than comedy. Yeah, he knows how to throw out 1-liners, but this movie is "trying" to pass as an action movie. OK as a free library rental thanks to Hopkins.
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LeonLouisRicci7 August 2021
Action-Comedy Directed by the Inconsistent Joel Schumacher.

Chris Rock is so Over-the-Top Annoying and He Pushes the "Comedy" so Much that the "Action" is Left Gasping for Oxygen.

Try as He Does to be the Center of this Popular Genre,

Schumacher Let's Him Run Amok with Over-Emphasis, Fourth-Wall-Breaking, and Decibel Defying Obnoxiousness.

It Turns-Out that the Action Parts are the Best Parts and Rock Becomes the Annoyance that just about Ruins the Whole Stew.

The Scene where He and Anthony Hopkins in a Car being Chased by the Baddies is so Loud, Irritating, and Unfunny that it is a Metaphor for the Movie and Stops the Show in its Tracks.

Hopkins Does Not Impress in the Least.

He is so Inert as to be Almost Invisible.

He Seems to Know that Rock is in Motor-Mouth Mode and Catching Up to Him to Balance Things is an Impossibility.

So He Lays Back and Watches as Chris Rock Embarrasses Himself, and seems almost Like an Actor, Given His Big Break has Stage-Fright.

In Later Years the Comedian has Settled Down and is more Confident.

But Looking Back at this Miss-Step Performance must seem Apparent that He Needed some Guidance.

If You are a Big Fan of Action-Comedy it's...

Worth a Watch

But Be Prepared for One of the Most Over-Done Displays by an Actor in a Major Motion Picture.
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Overall An Excellent Film
saundrakuhl4 January 2017
I was intrigued by the choice of Chris Rock and Anthony Hopkins together, hence I decided to sit and see what I was in store for. I was pleasantly pleased with the movie overall, though it ran a little long, but the premise was delightful. I also enjoyed Chris Rock and his humour and delivery. I found Anthony Hopkins played his role spot on with his ability maintain his character without a miss-step, which was brilliant. I never considered these two in a film together, but they played nicely off of each other. If you would like to enjoy a comical action film, light on the action, you will enjoy this film. It is much better than some of the critics reviews, I must admit that I enjoyed it thoroughly.
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Bad film!
Spanner-211 June 2002
This espionage thriller has Anthony Hopkins as a CIA guy who recruits street hustler Chris Rock to replace his murdered identical twin in a key undercover assignment to recover a stolen nuke. This story also makes little sense, is the CIA really as inept as they often appear in this film? Or are the bad guys so dumb that they fall for these fake outs? Rock has a few amusing moments and Hopkins seems to be counting his paycheck and relishing the chance to mug for the camera and chew scenery. Overall, I'd say this film is another in the slow painful downward spiral of director Joel Schumacher ("Batman and Robin," "8mm" etc.). GRADE: D-
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Surprisingly Good Movie worth a watch
scott-logan-197-87407523 August 2018
I saw this movie when it was in theaters years ago and liked it. I rewatched it today and I think it's very entertaining and a fun movie. Now is a good time for a remake as most of the stars are still around and a sequel would be great and fun as well the story almost writes itself. Yes folks would likely charge more for their roles. Still you could work that out with brief appearances of Old girlfriends, retired, agents etc. I look forward to watching.
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not so bad I want my two hours back...
HBeachBabe28 June 2002
...but I'm glad I used a free ticket to see it.

Anthony Hopkins is clearly slumming. It's like he polished of his cameo character from Mission Impossible 2 and set it to work for a whole film.

The movie is supposed to be an action comedy but the action scenes are limited to a few machine gun firefights conducted by people who can't hit targets 10 feet away, and a single car chase.

The comedy is limited to hearing Hopkins use the phrase "get in the car, b*tch" and some Chris Rock moments. It was simply neither action-packed enough or funny enough for the genre.

The whole film felt like a first or second draft of the script; like no one bothered to polish & refine the concept. It needed better, more original & well thought out action scenes, and better humor.

Not bad free, but not even worth a matinee. I give it a 5 out of 10
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Thoroughly Enjoyed it
docm-323045 February 2020
If you watch movies to be entertained, you will enjoy this movie. Anthony Hopkins turns in his usual stellar performance and Chris Rock surprisingly nails a difficult role that involves 2 distinct characters. This is NOT an action comedy, but an action film and while elements of Rock's humor percolate through, it is primarily and action spy movie and well done.
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Thrilling and fun movie about a street-wise young who's recruited into CIA , but he has absolutely no experience
ma-cortes8 September 2022
Street punk (Chris Rock) discovers his stranged brother was a state agent who has just been killed . Then the African-American street-wise hustler is drafted into CIA Agency to carry out an operation , being experienced Agent Oakes (Anthony Hopkins) the Company's grey eminence to train him in place of the murdered twin he knew he had. He has nine days to fill his brother's place. Two Mismatched Partners. One Messed Up Case! The World is in Good Hands . These Two People Are In Bad Company!

Typical plot about identity replacement in which a roguish young is drafted by US agency honcho Hopkins to take over his bro' mission , which involves terrorists , destructive bomb , nuclear warhead , mayhem and the tourist cities of Prague and New York City . Considering these so-so elements , it's no wonder this one got delayed its premiere . Cue a crash course in spy school , knee-jerk thrills involving Eastern European terrorists in tight leather trousers , hilarious scenes , spurious intrigue with nuclear device ticking away at the heart of Manhattan and some of the least funny shtick this side of global meldown . Stars Chris Rock who deserved a better film , but he salvages this one, at times ; anyway , he gives a sympathetic acting . He's up against a standard issue plot that merely serves to get to the next action set piece which, this being a Jerry Bruckheimer lavish production, are done well , but done too often. The two likable main actors : Chris Rock and Anthony Hopkins , are well accompanied by a fine support cast with plenty of familiar faces , such as : John Slattery , Kerry Washington , Matthew Marsh , Gabriel Macht , Garcelle Beauvais, Peter Stormare, Brooke Smith, Irma P. Hall , Daniel Sunjata , among others.

It displays a climatic and moving musical score by composer Trevor Rabin . Likewise , colorful and brilliant cinematography by cameraman Dariusz Wolski, including a lot of sightseeing from bridge of Prague, Czech, Railway station Praha hlavni nadrazi, Wilsonova, Prague, Czech Republic, Grand Central Terminal, New York City, World Trade Center, Manhattan, New York City, Calvary Cemetery, Woodside, Queens, New York, USA. Made in usual syle by Joel Schumacher whose credits include some of the most egregious Hollywood codswallop of the last thirty years , such as : ¨Dying young¨, ¨A time to kill¨ , ¨Flatners¨, ¨Batman and Robin¨, ¨Batman Forver¨ and he also made a successful musical ¨Phantom of Opera¨ . As Schumacher manages to submit his worst insticts , but it doesn't really help. Rating : 5.5/10 . Acceptable and passable, but average . The flick will appeal to Chris Rock and Anthony Hopkins fans.
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Mr. Rock two times in the same movie...Oh, God!
gazineo-14 September 2002
Silly and predictable thriller without any originality. Far fetched Chris Rock plays a double character, Kevin Pope and Michael Turner, the first one a vagabond and the second a CIA special agent. But they are twin brothers! (what a great idea!) and Mr. Turner (the agent) was killed in action and Mr. Pope (the vagabond) must replace him for the sucess of the mission. The movie is just the abominable jokes and gags of Rock and some scenes of action and car chases; anyway, too little for a great movie. I think Mr. Hopkins loses his precious time with this mess. I give this a 4 (four).
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Not Bad Company
krorie9 June 2002
After reading so many negative reviews of this movie, I expected the worst and almost didn't see it. But I was in the mood for a movie and it was the only one showing that I hadn't already seen that was even remotely of interest to me. To my surprise I enjoyed the movie and where I think so many critics went wrong was to view this movie as a comedy, which it really isn't, except for a few humorous moments as might be expected in any such action movie. And Anthony Hopkins actually played his role the way it should have been played. It was not a role calling for a wild comic genius but one calling for a very serious-minded professional who is involved in trying to train a novice in just a few days for a deadly game involving a nuke. Chris Rock also played his role as it should have been played and restrained himself from his usual antics, as in "Lethal Weapon 4." Not a great movie but much better than the awful "The Sum Of All Fears."
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Not as bad as people say, not great either, but overall pretty good
mattymatt4ever12 June 2002
Judging from the poor box office numbers and even worse reviews, this will probably not be the smash hit of the summer. But is it awful? I wouldn't say so. It has its dull moments, and the plot contains very little originality, but I found it watchable and quite entertaining. My number one fear going into this film was Chris Rock. Now, I like him very much as a comedian, but he tends to have problems distinguishing when he's supposed be a comedian and when he's supposed to be an actor. That's why I was pleasantly surprised by his performance in this film. He shows a lot more discipline than I would expect, especially in the scenes between him and his girlfriend. Unfortunately, in the third act he loses it. That's when he gets caught in high-speed car chases and screams silly lines like "I wanna watch Oprah!" It's silly one-liners like that which decrease the tension of the otherwise spectacular action sequences. But overall, I was impressed with Rock, though he can still use a few acting lessons.

Anthony Hopkins is one of my favorite actors, but he's given a throwaway role as the snooty CIA agent who rolls his eyes any time Rock acts the least bit unprofessional, and every once in a while makes time to squelch out fragments of dry humor. The role could've been played by any fifth-rate actor. Hopkins really isn't given much to do.

I didn't appreciate Joel Schumacher's dim use of lighting. It worked well in one of his previous films, "Flatliners," but in that case it fit the tone quite well. In a more upbeat action-comedy like this, I'd expect brighter lighting. But the action scenes are well-done and well-choreographed. As I said, they would've been more fun if Chris Rock were to shut his mouth.

"Bad Company" is far from magnificent, but it serves its purpose. I don't suppose I'll watch it on many repeat viewings, though. But I laughed, I had fun. Overall, I had a good time. I'm not suggesting you rush to theaters to see this movie, but it's worth watching.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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manitobaman8130 August 2014
BAD COMPANY stars Anthony Hopkins (born December 31, 1937, in Margam, Wales), an actor of some domestic acclaim. It also stars Chris Rock. Rocky is good when he is bad and good when he is good, so no point in dwelling on him. It's worth watching this movie just to see him. I found the film a little too dark and a little too slow as it moves to what seems like an inevitable bitter end. I love the fisticuffs back and forth.I award it a rating of 7 out of 10. As is often the case with action movies, from an artistic standpoint, there were some plot elements and character developments I didn't think were totally needed. They do however drive the story, which seemed to be their purpose. See it.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen....
TerminalMadness1 June 2003
There's a problem I have with this movie that I think the filmmakers over at Jerry Bruckheimer's company can never fix: Keeping this movie from being made. If I could turn back time and prevent this disaster, it would make my life a lot more complete. Folks, this is probably one of the worst films I have ever seen in years, a travesty of filmmaking that drags on for two hours like Chinese water torture and never eases up. The story is ridiculous because we have a spy, who is good, he dies, and what?! Y'mean he has a twin brother?! How convenient. Chris Rock tries his best to flex his comedic muscles but fails miserably as he tries to deliver these awful, awful one liners that are not only terrible, but you can see in his face that even he doesn't like the jokes. Watching him give these awful wise-cracks is like watching a dying animal and you want to put him out of his misery. He serves one cringe inducing joke after another and never stops, making this movie seem all the more awful. He constantly fumbles and jokes his way through the movie without a laugh to spare, serving as the comic relief to a movie that might have been good had it not been served with such a poor actor. Chris Rock's character Jake is the quintessential African-American stereotyped character in this movie: he's poor, uneducated, wears a lot of gold chains and is a con man. Not to mention, he shoves all these hip hop references down our throats expecting a chuckle, but all he gets is dead silence. This movie is also poor in plot with its cliché spy movie storyline that I've seen done millions of times in much better movies. Anthony Hopkins, the poor man, sleepwalks through this movie often looking tired and bored as he is forced to perform these drawn out tired monologues and terrible stunts while acting alongside Rock who can barely act. The movie also has these caricature villains who serve no purpose other than to scowl, look dirty, and talk about us "Filthy Americans" every second in the movie. We get it, you're mean and intimidating, can we move on, now? Joel Schumacher, a pretentious and overblown filmmaker tries his best to make up for the terrible script through these dramatic camera and action shots that just look gloomy and pathetic. He couldn't possibly make up for this embarrassment, no one could.
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Bad chemistry
jotix10028 August 2003
Whoever thought of the combination of Chris Rock and Anthony Hopkins in an action film must have his or her head examined. These two are obviously in two different films. They never mix. They're olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

One wonders what was Anthony Hopkins thinking when he accepted this film, which doesn't add anything to his acting portfolio. One also wonders what could go in his mind when he has to compare this piece of trash with his previous work in films, such as The Good Father, or his theatre work.

The film doesn't make much sense, at times. How about the weapons being fired all the time?. Either the bad guys have no sense of aim, or their automatic rifles can't shoot a target, even at close range, as it's the case at the beginning of the film when the CIA agent played by Chris Rock dies, but Hopkins doesn't even get a scratch.

Joel Schumacher's direction goes nowhere because it never makes sense either as a thriller, or a comedy.
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Can Chris Rock . . . Be anymore annoying?
kinwingwu19 July 2002
Antony Hopkins is one of my all time favourite modern actors, but in a BBC interview he let it known that he'd just finished on. 'Bad Company', one of the most appalling movies of his career, did it for the money he admitted!

To tell you the truth, he's his usual high standard performance with his heavy weight presence. It's Chris Rock that really sours the books, on this predictable dopple-ganger save the day in the last minute movie. If your a fan of Chris Rock go for it, but if your a Hopkins fan don't watch this movie unless your cornered with nothing else to watch in the multiplex as I was most unfortunate in finding myself.
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Funny, but...
paulfmco12 December 2002
Anthony Hopkins is great as usual, and Chris Rock is hilarious, the laughs in the first half of the movie are nearly non stop. But Chris Rock as a CIA agent who in 5 days morphs from street punk to sophisticated covert CIA agent is implausible. The story line goes to hell in a hand-basket.The movie does have a poignant ending, and is worth watching for the mismatched combo of Hopkins and Rock together if you don't take it too seriously.
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Yes it's bad. Very bad.
WilliamSG26 June 2002
I'm going to make this very short, as this movie doesn't even deserve a review. Chris Rock is a terrible actor. He should stick to standup. He looks ridiculous in this movie, even as the original 'serious' CIA agent. Anthony Hopkins looks bored the entire movie, and why he took this on is beyond me. Oh wait. Lots of money. Right. Bruckheimer movies generally are the 'ooh good action..' and nothing more, sort. This movie isn't even a good action movie, with one car chase where a high end Mercedes S-Class can't even outrun a van. The van actually overtakes it(!) Right. That's realistic.

There's actually a myriad of issues with this movie, the main one being why on Earth it was made. It's poor film-making. Don't waste your time. Please.
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Risky Movie, but it Worked Well
tabuno27 January 2019
7 June 2002. I went into the theater knowing that the critics already panned the movie. But by the time the credits finished, I felt hopeful. The production, cinematography was rich and deep, there was a feeling of seriousness but with a touch of humor. The blending of comedy and spy-thriller is not easy at all to produce and play well. But Anthony Hopkins played a CIA supervisor caught in the middle between someone telling him what to do and Hopkins trying to tell someone else what to do, a rather different angle and change for him. There was a seriousness throughout this movie that made the movie flow with intensity and Chris Rock didn't come across as some super hero. He came across as a serious actor who knows something about humor.

This movie was about relationships, loyalty, about a CIA that was portrayed more real than most movies. The CIA in this movie made mistakes, wasn't invincible, but pressed ahead. I loved this movie, the risks that everyone took on this movie. The critics apparently just didn't understand what they producers and scriptwriters, and what Chris Rock was trying to accomplish here. I don't like Chris Rock usually, but in this movie he really impressed me with his ability to be serious and at the same time funny. This movie was believable, even the bad guy at the end who made a strong statement about "why" there is terror in the world.

But Chris Rock and Anthony Hopkins really were the heroes here because what movie really was about was people and what was really important about living. Commendations go to the Director, Chris Rock, and Anthony Hopkins for making a movie, getting out of the box and pushing the envelope by making something real, not superficially dumb. Chris Rock stood up for something that usually gets swept under the rug, and that is respect and devotion. He's not even the hero's hero in this movie and he doesn't try to play a role that's over the top here. And that demonstrates Chris's integrity as a good actor.
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Dull Plot, descent movie
bcocheran17 February 2003
I expected much more than this movie delivered. The plot and outcome were clear from the beginning. There were few to no suprises which nearly kills the movie. I thought Anthony Hopkins and Chris Rock did a great job of acting which carried the movie. I attempted to rate this movie with all factors considered, but determined that Hopkins and Rock did a better job than my rating would reflect. Therefore, I rated slightly high in honor of good performances by the carrying actors and not on the 1 rating the movies itself would have received.
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expect silliness and action and you won't be disappointed
lee_eisenberg3 December 2017
The first thing to know about "Bad Company" is that the producer is Jerry Bruckheimer (who produced a couple of Michael Bay's explosion-laden movies) and the director is Joel Schumacher (who brought the Batman franchise to its nadir in the late 1990s). That, plus the casting of Chris Rock in his usual sort of role, tells you pretty much everything that there is to know about this movie. I will say that I liked the interactions between Chris Rock's and Anthony Hopkins's characters, and also when Rock BSes the villain.

Basically, it's not any sort of movie to take seriously. Just nice, brainless fun. Assuming that you tolerate brain candy.
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