Cut (2000) Poster

(I) (2000)

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No way is it a cut above the rest, but hell its enjoyable while it lasted.
lost-in-limbo1 February 2006
While filming an 80's horror movie called 'Hot Blooded', the director is brutally murdered and the leading lady is scarred as she survives the attack and manages to kill murderer. After all of this, the production is abandoned and the stock reels are left to gather dust. So a group of filmmakers decide to pick up where the film left off even though they're warned by people to keep away from the film, as the last person who was interested in the flick turned up dead in the cinema while watching the film. From this it's labelled as a cursed production. Not taking these warnings seriously the crew goes ahead with the production and they get the original star of the movie to return from Hollywood to reprise her role, but not as the daughter but the mother. But again the murders start occurring with the cast and crew getting butchered by an unknown figure dressed up as the film's killer.

Look what 'Scream' started! Hey, I enjoy those films, but mostly everything else that followed on afterwards were annoying and pointless excuses. During this stage the sub-genre came back with vengeance, but it wasn't much of a good thing as they were mostly unsuccessful and unoriginal attempts, where they followed the derivative pattern of the Scream franchise. 'Cut' which is an independent Australian take on the textbook slasher genre is purely shonky garbage that lacks basically everything and shamelessly knocks off every other slasher flick. But you know what, I found it a cheesy delight. Yeah, It's gawd awful and highly forgettable, but it's a bit of ala good cheap fun while it lasted. Although I did hate it when I originally came across it, but the second time around I knew what I was getting myself into and it worked better for it. It was just like helping myself to a nice slice cheesecake again, but this time it wasn't so sweet.

The film came out around the same time as 'Scream 3' and 'Urban Legends: The Final Cut' did, which all three follow the same structure of using a movie within a movie. 'Scream 3' is obviously the strongest of the three, but I would actually watch this trash over Urban Legends: The Final Cut. Though, it did seem more of a throwback to the 80's slashers than that of one of Scream's bastard offspring. Pretty much the film is given b-grade treatment and that shows up in the script and performances. The dialog is truly unimaginative and hardly comes up with any surprises and suspense. While, the performances are pure mockery and Molly Ringwald takes the crown for it. She plays the wash-up actress returning to finish the cursed flick and I had good fun with her laughably ridiculous send-up performance. She provides the bite here and nails it down perfectly. The rest were mostly recognizable Australian TV stars (that's if you're an Australian) with a ravishing Jessica Napier leading the cast with the likes of Stephen Curry and Frank Roberts. Also pop singer (and supposed actress) Kylie Minogue makes a cameo appearance in the opening just to be hacked up! Nice. These teens mostly followed the formula of horny and dim-witted kids that have nothing better to do but to be killed. Sometimes it feels like they just waiting in queue, because they have no real substance to be there.

The plot starts off rather interestingly, then heads into a mystery phase where red herrings pop up, but then it makes a sudden u-turn where it becomes a somewhat satire on the horror genre. Simply it's rather choppy and when it comes to the explanation for all of this madness I was kind of left thinking… oh my. This when it tries to twist back onto itself in a clever manner, but sadly it falls along way. But don't you just love an opening ending. Also it sports some pop culture references and a self referential, tongue-in-cheek approach. Predictability makes its way in rather early and the jokes can become over-stated at times, but it knows that by poking fun at itself quite a bit. The atmosphere looses a bit of edge because of the humour taking away the bleakness, but still the isolated grand old mansion where they are filming has some neat touches that added 'some' spookiness. The cinema scene is done rather nicely too.

Now, now we know we want gore and nudity when watching this type of flick, but sadly there's no nudity to be found and the gore is pretty standard, if lacking but it's more then decent for such low-budget flick. There are one or two creative deaths, but the rest are systematic. The killer wasn't bad but when he spoke it kind of hurt it I thought, well the smart-ass attitude didn't sit well with me. Another notes of the production which were dire ranged from the cut-away editing, out-of-place soundtrack and Kimble Rendall's direction lacked execution and was pretty careless, but these contributing factors pull together to add some sort of sheer entertainment to all of this badness.

The imagination matches the budget that's for sure, but heck this lousy slasher wasn't trying to be anything else. Pure schlock that's slightly amusing!
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Forgettable slasher.
Fella_shibby20 June 2021
I first saw this in a theater with my dad in the year 2k.

Cant recollect whether it was Sterling theatre, Regal or Eros cos all are situated in South Mumbai.

To be honest, i enjoyed the movie then but aft revisiting it recently, i found it to be dull n dumb.

The movie has dumb dialogues.

First a woman tells the killer to attack her to distract but when the killer comes close, she tells him to stay away as if the killer will listen to her.

A fella gets impaled by a water tap is way too ridiculous.

The effects are lousy n the rubber mask is way too obvious.

I dont kno why Kylie Minogue agreed to star in in this movie.

The movie has no tension n suspense n the kills ain't scary or gruesome.
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Not Bad Horror/Slasher Flick
gwnightscream27 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This 2000 horror film tells about a young, Australian woman who wants to finish making her late, mom's slasher film, "Hot Blooded." When she and her crew begin production, a killer identical to the one in the film starts slaughtering them one by one. Molly Ringwald (Pretty in Pink) and Kylie Minogue appear in this. The film isn't bad, it pays homage to 80's horror films like, "The Burning," "Friday the 13th" & "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and sort of pokes fun in places. Fans of the genre may want to check this out at least once.
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Could have been better, but it's still a fun movie.
Warlock-51 March 2000
Cut opened today in Australia and I went to see it after waiting ages for it to be released.

After the movie finished, I was a little disappointed but now when I think about it, it actually was a good movie. I thought it wasn't as good as Scream but way better than Scream 2, Scream 2 had very little blood or violence which made it very weak but Cut is amazing ecause it gets away with displaying so much blood. It takes a while for the movie to get into the action, but when it does that's when it starts to get interesting. Australian horror movies usually aren't very good (anyone remember Body Melt and Out of The Body?) but Cut is very enjoyable.

Even though the story doesn't make a lot of sense when all is revealed and the ending stinks, Cut is a lot of fun when it comes to the death scenes (which is what people are going to see this for anyway) they are very creative and gross and very hilarious.

When Cut comes to threatres near you, go see it. It won't make much sense, but it will be fun.

Cut doesn't restrain the blood, it's not disturbing, it's intended to be funny, and it is.
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Excellent, It was a lot of fun!!
Foxfire200414 August 2000
I loved every minute of it! I saw the Movie in Cologne,Germany. It was shown in the Fantasy Film Festival. The crowd there were fabulous taking the time to enjoy this spiffing movie. Alot of laughs and good fun!!! The rest of the story you can read from the other commentary, I just wanted to say that its worth the time and effort if you love nutty horror movies.
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Cut well they should of cut this idea
jizzem-4292330 March 2020
I've had this Cut on my shelve for ages and I just wasted 83mins watching it. I love low budget horror but this just doesn't have anything good I can talk about other than K. Minigoues in it. Story's not bad but the acting, the so called comedy aspect, the special effects are just poor and boring. As for a children's horror film it's passable just, but for a adult it's a pass never again thanks
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Toronto8528 July 2008
The cast and crew of the horror flick Hot Blooded are learning first hand what it means to be stalked by a masked killer. When the director is viciously murdered on set in 1985, the production is shut down and the film locked away, incomplete. But every time the footage is screened, somebody dies...Fourteen years later, a group of enthusiastic film students decide to finish Hot Blooded. After shooting commences on the eerie film location, the students start to disappear one by one. Now, they just have to finish the film before it finishes them.

Cut is a fairly decent horror flick with a good plot made in 2000. The acting is good with Molly Ringwald leading the way. Jessica Napier does a good job as the films co-leading lady. There is some gore with this slasher flick, and the special effects done on the face of the killer is pretty well done. The killers mask is creepy (sort of resembles the mask from another slasher movie "Final Stab"). Cut is a movie every horror fan should look into. It isn't John Carpenter's Halloween, but Cut is certainly better than quite a few horror flicks made in recent years.
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That's a (lousy) wrap!
Coventry7 October 2006
Remember when this movie first came out in the theaters and the posters & commercials pathetically advertised Kylie Minogue's name in giant letters; even bigger than the actual title? It was just hilarious to see that her role in "Cut" was nothing more than an extended cameo, and thank God she didn't sing one of her dull songs! Mrs. Minogue exclusively appears in the prologue of the story, as the female director of a slasher horror movie that needs to be aborted because the killer-character takes his job a little too serious. Some people die and "Hot Blooded" suddenly becomes a cursed project. Twelve years later, an assembly of ambitious film-students intends to complete the film and they even manage to re-cast the original female lead (Molly Ringwald). Of course, the ingeniously masked killer returns as well and finishes off the new crew one by one. "Cut" is an generally watchable new-age horror film (at least it's better than "Scream", "Urband Legend" or "I know what you did Last Summer"), but it remains pretty dumb and very clichéd. The opening sequences are pleasing, with a neat film-within-film structure and Hollywood inside-jokes, but then the whole thing quickly gets predictable and very déjà-vu. The death scenes are unimaginative and there's very little tension all together. The last half hour and especially the climax (as in: revelation of the killer's identity) are extremely disappointing and very, VERY stupid. Molly Ringwald is very good in her role as pretentious B-movie starlet but she doesn't get much help from the mediocre rest of the cast. "Cut" fits right in with the recent revival of typical 80's slashers, but they're nowhere near as shocking, bloody or nihilistic as they used to be.
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B-Grade film reminiscent of the horror films of old
_LadyMuck20 February 2000
This film was made and cast from my home town. I remember the fuss about it and the whole hullabaloo about the fact Molly Ringwald was in town...


Essentially 20 years after a film was "laid to rest" without being finished, a group of film students set out to complete it - with dire consequences. It would seem someone does not want the film completed.

The storyline is flimsy. One has to remember that this is a comedy and therefore has to be taken a little tounge in cheek, but it had no real oomph. The characters are mostly transperant and the little info that you recieve about them you just don't care about, it seems irrelevant. It is weird hearing Kylie's accent as Australian again and nice to see a kid I went to school with in a starring role. But that doesn't redeem the film at all. Goodness knows why the makers thought they would get in Molly Ringwald. Perhaps due to the nature of the film (it sort of pays homage to 80s films / bad horror films)but really an Aussie actor would have done just fine.

As far as casting is concerned a lot of the acting seemed constipated. Some of these kids (especially the two main chics - they played "director" and "producer") looked like they were trying to act. That is never a good look. Also, the shots had a rough feel about them. Over lit perhaps? Just not as smooth as one is used to.

The killer. Lord. Could it be less frightening? There are some shock factors though, and a couple of gross scenes. I did like the film, but it was not great. It went for 90 minutes but could have gone for less. Perhaps if they had tightened the script it would have been better. They had a lot of characters get killed - but no real build up to them getting slayed. Maybe if they had killed less people and actually concentrated on a scary atmosphere it would have been better.

Now I know it is a comedy and elements were funny. Or so unbelieveable they were funny. But I am not convinced.

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Autralian version of the slasher film--and not bad
preppy-38 September 2007
A horror movie is being shot and things aren't going well. It's about a masked killer. The director tells off the killer in front of the cast and crew. He goes crazy and kills two people. He's killed himself and the film is never finished. Twelve years later a bunch of film students decide to try and finish it--but there's a curse. People who try and finish it are killed themselves. The students ignore that. Guess what happens next?

The plot is old hat but this isn't bad...for what it is (a low budget slasher film). It's well-made with a young and fairly talented young cast. No one is great but no one is terrible either. It also avoids the obligatory (and needless) female nude scenes. It moves quickly, the gore is nice and bloody and the script doesn't insult your intelligence. Also Molly Ringwald is in this having the time of her life playing a bitchy faded actress.

No great shakes but not bad at all. I give it a 7.
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Good slasher movie
dy3849321 March 2020
Good movie to watch for the slasher scenes and the murderous plot the movie deals with horrifying scenes.
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benjaminconvey14 August 2001
It isn't the worst film ever made, the actors aren't apalling and the script and director are not completely inept.

It isn't the best film ever made, the actors aren't excellent and the script and director are not completely brilliant.

It falls somewhere in the middle. A fun somewhere. An enjoyable, well constructed somewhere.

No need to say "don't take it seriously" or "so bad its good" or "it wasn't scary". None of these comments are relevant.

Cut has atmosphere. It's that atmosphere which is actually very unique, and the one really original aspect of the movie, which personally is what makes the film, for me.
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Entertaining, though unoriginal.
gridoon25 July 2003
The idea of a film crew being butchered while shooting a horror film has been done before (in the obscure 1986 flick "Return To Horror High", and probably some other time even before that). The idea of teens making "hip" references to other horror films of the past has been done before (in "Scream"). And so on...Yet, "Cut" is overall an entertaining movie, and if you don't pay more than a dollar to see it, you'll get your money's worth. In the first 20 minutes in particular the filmmakers seem to be onto something different, but then the movie gets increasingly derivative. Still, the special effects are good and Molly Ringwald is perfectly cast as the washed-up ex-B-movie queen. (**1/2)
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Cut; or Not Another Scream Spoof
LoneWolfAndCub10 February 2008
Cut tries to be like most post-Scream slashers tried to be, a spoof of the horror genre that tried to be clever by referencing other famous horror movies. Now, I am not bagging 'Scream,' as I think 'Scream' is a very good horror movie that does a great job of blending horror and comedy. Cut fails on most levels. It has its moments but overall it just does not work out, not even as a "so bad it's good" movie, just a below average one.

The first five minutes or so are OK and set the story fairly well, apart from the fact that Kylie Minogue can't really act, and ironically she gets her tongue out, go figure. Go forward some time and a group of film students want to finish her film off, which is apparently cursed. And, as you have probably predicted, one by one the cast and crew are slowly picked off by a masked madman.

Unoriginal plot, poor acting and a predictable ending are a few of the elements that follow. There is plenty of referencing in the film, everything from 'Scream' to 'The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.' This isn't smart either, it feels as though the director wanted to feel smart and cool by mentioning other famous horror flicks ala Scream. For a slasher there is minimal gore and no nudity, which is a huge negative when it comes to a slasher that has not got a whole lot going for it. Really, I should be supporting this movie because I'm Australian and we're not as good when it comes to horror (we do have our gems, though) but Cut is definitely not one of them.

However, it did keep me watching for the 90 minutes or so, so that is something good at least. I would not recommend this to anyone apart from hardcore slasher fans, who may be able to appreciate what this film is trying to aim for, but if you are looking for a good movie, stay away.

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The Film Within
tedg18 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers herein.

We've had four slasher films in a year which use the plot device of a film within a film. Three are ordinary: `Cut,' `Scream 3,' and `Urban Legend: Final Cut.' One, the recent `Hamlet,' is different. This comment covers the three traditional slashers.

Each of the three slashers uses the inside film as a device for a relatively sophisticated distance for humor: they try to scare using established formulae, but at the same time poking fun at the genre, the watchers and the scares themselves.

Cut, Urban and Hamlet are by first-time directors: and incidentally the characters are film students. The lead in Urban is made up to look like Julia Stiles, the Ophelia in Hamlet. The lead in Cut is made up to look like Courtney Cox of Scream. Scream has the highest production values, Urban the lowest.

Cut is the deepest self-referentially: the monster is brought into the real world by the film -- the magic is in the viewing, which makes the audience cocreators of horror. The monster is destroyed when the film is. Plus, Cut has Molly Ringwald playing Bette Midler. She probably knows she's being made fun of as a bag that once was fun, just like the genre.

Urban is the most schoolish in the number of films it references cinematically. Lots of Hitchcock here, some too blatant to be honorable. It makes the most fun of the actors: the bogus film within is really bad and the film crew are bozos; but the `real' film is worth killing for, sort of a `D.O.A' plot.

Scream has the dumbest story; Urban and Scream have scooby-doo plot ends: the bad guy in the costume really is just a bad guy in a costume and we get the detective-story-like explanation.

Scream uses the film within poorly. It is just a place of work: the only clever device is that each `real' character has a pretend one. But this isn't used at all except for a brief shadowing of Gale Weathers. Wes Craven knows better. He used this same notion in the last Nightmare movie where he played himself writing the film. Pretty good actually.

Urban uses the film within only by reference (along with all of the other films that are referenced). Instead, the use has more to do with the making of the film and the trappings of filmmaking -- except for the end where the film within merges with the `real' action.

Cut uses the film within more creatively. By placing the real people in the action of the old film, thus bringing the killer of the old film to them.

None of this stuff is scary any more. When you go, you go for fun. If you were only going to see only one of these 3 films, you should make it Cut.
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A word on Raffy Carruthers
Spleen26 January 2001
Everyone in this movie tells Raffy Carruthers how talented she is, what a great director she'll one day turn out to be, etc. I think they're just being nice. Even Kimble Rendall, who directed this film, shows more talent than she does. "The next Jane Campion", they call her; and, even apart from the fact that they're both over-rated, the two have SO much in common. They both direct movies. They're both women. They're both Australian. (Well, give or take.)

Yep: it's one of those films in which a character is deemed to be brilliant, and we just have to swallow hard and accept it. But I'll say this for Carruthers: she's cute. -And fascinating. No, really. Here are some thoughts on her lack of talent:

(1) Part of a director's talent lies in dealing with people. Why is Carruthers so phenomenally bad at getting her crew to even take notice of her? So as to make it easier for everyone to wander off the set and get killed, I expect.

(2) Why is this one of the most unconvincing depictions of a movie set I have ever seen? After all, it must have been filmed on a REAL movie set. How could they get it wrong? If Rendall's set was half as much of an under-staffed shambles it's a wonder he completed his film at all.

(3) Carruthers - the fictional director - has set herself the task of creating a brand new 1980s horror flick. Fat chance. I doubt it can be done these days. I suspect that Rendall - the actual, and more talented, director - set himself the same task, realised it couldn't be done, and settled for (sigh) knowing parody instead. Of course, it's not ENOUGH of a parody to work as a parody. As soon as the cast and crew set foot in the isolated mansion the film just spends most of its time doing badly what 1980s horror films did ... well, less badly.

(4) And yet, and yet ... the film opens with not a parody but an honest-to-goodness pastiche of 80s horror, starring (this is too good to be true) Molly Ringwald. This pastiche is much better than anything that follows. (It's a bad sign when you find yourself wishing you were watching the movie-within-the-movie, rather than the movie.) Yet it, too, was filmed in the late 1990s. Perhaps it IS still possible to make 1980s horror. You just have to drop the knowing parody stuff and MEAN it.

(5) I'd never once wondered what 1980s teen horror would be like if all the characters had Australian accents, but now I know. And strangely, I'm glad I know. A need I never knew I had has been fulfilled.
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tastes like unmarinated tofu.
ThrownMuse11 March 2007
A student filmmaker enlists a B-grade actress (a delectably diva-ish MOLLY RINGWALD!) to complete the horror film that her mother (a dreadfully dull Kylie Minogue!) tried to make 12 years ago. It's a curious plot choice to say the least, as any Aussie horror fan knows that the genre is sadly lacking in women directors. The film has a curse on it, because Molly had to kill some psycho murderer on the original set. But she's back, because she needs the exposure. Unfortunately, the curse is still there and people start dying on the "set." Cut is an Aussie attempt at the modern "slasher," but unfortunately it doesn't bring anything new or exciting to the table. In fact, it rips half of Wes Craven's 90s filmography. Lots of film-world name-dropping a la "Scream" (except it's Aussie name-dropping--Jane Campion...see how this isn't as funny) and lots of "is this real or is this a movie" a la "New Nightmare." The editing is bad, the music is annoying, the effects are laughable, almost everything is bad about this. Fortunately, the film can have a sense of humor: at one point, a well-dressed girl in the movie crew says to the owner of the house they are filming at: "Don't worry, we'll treat your house as if it were our own," to which he responds, "that doesn't mean anything to me, you look like you live in a dump!" Ha! And Molly's ridiculous one-liners were enough to not regret renting this one. "You got any diet coke in here?" (as she rides in the film professor's car) and "Does anyone know where I can buy any tofu?" (the first thing she mutters on the set) and "Where the hell is my agent?" (oh wait, that's what I was thinking for her.)
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So bad it's bad.
insomniac_rod22 November 2008
Geez! This is one of those movies that you think you previously reviewed but you didn't. I mean, you didn't give a crap about it but somehow it came to your mind.

To be honest and brief; this is one of the worst, boring, and stupid slashers ever made. I can't say anything good about this piece of crap because there are barely decent sequences that could tell it's made by professional film makers.

The death scenes are horrible, bloodless, stupid. The plot is somehow good taking in account that it copied "Popcorn" from 1991.

To make things even worse, this isn't a movie so bad that it's good. It's just plain bad.

Molly Ringwald tried to do her best but it wasn't enough.
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Truly horrific in all aspects but genre
MRC-1016 August 2000
Oh man, does this movie ever bite! If you were ever afraid of seeing a rehash of the slasher genre, done as cheap as possible and as cautious at the same time (pc-friendly, means no nudity, a classic element of slasher films) Cut is it. Every cliche is retread without a hint of self-awareness and the acting. Oh, the acting redefines the word horror. I should have known better as the direct Dutch translation of the title would have tipped me off.
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A nice little surprise
rutt13-120 May 2001
I can see where this one can be called the Australian "Scream." Kind of has the same feel as these new "slasher" movies. The story's kinda weak, but if you're expectations are low, than this should prove entertaining. It was refreshing, too to actually see some of the bloody stuff, instead of all these cheezy "cut-away" murders lately. I thought the acting was pretty decent, but the killer's identity is pretty flimsy, not really explained too well. Overall though, I was pleasantly entertained by a new "b-movie" that I found to be much better than a lot of theatrical horror out there lately....6/10
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Stay away from this movie!
another_place28 April 2002
This is one of the worst horror movies I've ever watched. And I've watched many of them. I can't begin to describe how bad it really is. Incoherent plot, awful acting, incompetent directing, bad effects, zero thrill, no fear-factor. How can it be possible to shoot a movie like this I don't know, just make sure you don't find yourself in the same room as this movie.
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Now you die
cashiesbigbird5 November 2019
This is a very fun throwback horror film, Great vibe and the killer is great and the overall tone of the movie is on par with some of the best horror of the 80's the look of scarman is simple yet very creepy a lot fun for a scary night in
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Aussie slasher that is just a Cut above average
Stevieboy6667 September 2019
I do like Australian horror movies, I'm surprised that I had not already seen this one. Don't think it had a UK DVD release so I got a copy on good old VHS. Not a great deal of plot here, but this is a slasher movie so that is quite normal. This one is about the making - or rather completion - of a slasher movie called Hot Blooded (sounds more like a porno to me!), that filming had ceased on back in that great slasher decade, the 1980's. Naturally people start getting killed, one by one... Not a bad film to be fair, the acting was OK, there are some gory deaths with a high enough kill count plus we get a body melt scene. Molly Ringwold, who appeared in several iconic 80's movies, adds a bit to the retro feel, but sadly Kylie Minogue has nothing more than a cameo, despite her name being highly billed. Scream is a too obvious influence, in fact it gets name checked, whilst Freddie Krueger too is here in pretty much all but name. Does build to a fun finale, certainly no classic but enjoyable enough.
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The cruelest Cut of all
Dredd-77 March 2000
Normally I'm not motivated to write reviews. But this movie was so excruciatingly painful I feel I must. I cringed at the appallingly predictable plot, the lame acting and laughed at moments which were supposed to be tense. Indeed most of the audience seemed pretty bored and chatty even at the "most tense" moment of the movie. Molly Ringwald stood out as the only performance of any merit in a tortured production. Even the "twist" at the end wasn't. I've heard it said that the movie didn't take itself seriously; but I could find little evidence of that in the movie.

Cut should have been left on the cutting room floor. Do yourself a favour and spend your time and money on something else!
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