Rurouni Kenshin (TV Series 1996–1998) Poster


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Better than the live action
A_Different_Drummer10 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all the story is iconic and timeless. The notion of a champion warrior who has killed many in the name of a cause, yet, when that cause is won, chooses to lay down his weapon and swears never to kill again is ... brilliant. It could easily be turned into an action story anywhere in the world, or even an American western, but at time of writing I cannot think of a US analog. This animated series based on the manga is wonderful. It is well written and the English voice actors do a great job. There are also a number of moral lessons buried in the stories but you would expect that. Interestingly I enjoyed this so much that I made an effort to find the live action feature based on the tale and was thoroughly disappointed. The animation is better. Entertaining for all ages.
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Great anime
Rectangular_businessman10 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I liked a lot this anime series.

It was very enjoyable to watch, and it had a very good plot (Which makes a perfect balance of action, comedy, drama and heartwarming moments) The characters from this anime were very likable and interesting, being very well developed.

The animation starts being merely decent, but it gets better as the series advances. The art is pretty solid, with very cool and well made designs. The music was excellent. Despite some forgettable filler episodes, this was a very entertaining animation, with lots of virtues and memorable moments.

Personally, I think that "Rurouni Kenshin" is at the same level that other great anime series such as "Trigun", "Wolf's Rain" and "Samurai Champloo".

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Nobuhiro Watsuki's masterpiece
Lady_Targaryen19 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
''Rurouni Kenshin'' is one of the best anime series that we can watch, specially if you are a fan of samurais and Japanese habits, since the story is set during the early years of the early Meiji period in Japan. But more then enjoying the anime and the manga, I think the OVAs are the best,not only Kenshin's story is much more interesting , but also we have more accurate facts. The atmosphere is much deeper and serious as well. (And Kenshin's romance with Tomoe is so beautiful and dramatic!)

The series,OVAS and manga tells the story of an assassin named Kenshin Himura, best known as the Battousai, a guy who killed many men.Kenshin later grieves for all the lives he's taken, and has vowed that he will never kill again, that's why in the series he is a cute and funny person, while in the OVAS he is deadly cold and lethal.
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Love it!!!
dezzie-jane1 February 2007
I must say that this is THE BEST ANIME I have EVER seen!!! It definitely is the perfect mix of romance, story, history, mystery, and all other good things all rolled into one series!

I especially love it because of its strong storyline and characters. Every character has a history and this anime has been created in a way that allows them to show you that background on each character, making each character all the more interesting. I also like the subtle romance it portrays and the way that it intertwines real Japanese history with fiction - that was probably the best part, actually.

Anyway, from the first episode, I was hooked...I was so hooked, I finished the series within like a month and half. Now, I'm on to reading the manga, which is just as good as the anime. This is one anime that I can watch over and over and not get bored of!
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Master of anime and of the sword
SoulfulFX17 August 2003
This is one of the greatest anime series I have ever seen. I have been introduced anime on relatively recently...1997 at earliest. In that time, I've gotten my hands on a number of really good and really bad shows. Kenshin is definitely among the best.

The dynamic emotions of Kenshin himself as well as the mix of humor and philosophy of life vs. death in the show make it exceptionally entertaining and captivating.

The mutual devotion between Kenshin and his friends, Kaoru, Sanoske, Yahiko, etc... is amazing to watch as it develops and is put to the test.

The sadistic enemies, and the foolish ones, all provide foils that drive the plot and cause the viewer to be moved as Kenshin struggles to throw off his murderous past in favor of a life defending his honor, his friends, and the innocent.

If you are a long time anime-buff, or a new fan of the genre...this series is a must-see.
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a masterpiece!
karcat_200326 August 2005
Without any doubt this is one of the best animated series ever done and my favored of all times.

The way they combine fiction and real facts of Japanese history occurred during the Mei Ji era make it more interesting.

What make it different from other Japanese series is that in this case the main character, Kenshin Himura, has a real purpose to fight for in order to mend all those terrible things he did in the past.

Another point about it is the way they combine drama, action, romance and comedy. The backgrounds and the music are just brilliant and exquisite. There's no doubt these series has one of the best soundtracks.
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Legends of the Wanderer
SoulfulFX13 August 2003
This is a truly fantastic series... dramatic characters, a hero that is capable of huge mood swings (from goofy, to romantic, to blood thirsty), and female characters that you would swear your life to protect or swear..well... I must be civil.

Great sword-fighting actions scenes, a drop of history (it takes place in the 1870s), and some philosophizing about living a life of violence versus peace make this series cover the gamut of emotions a viewer wants from any series, not just anime.

I hope everyone can take notice of this story, it is not for everyone, but it hits so many points relevant to our current world order: from terrorism (bad guys attacking the fragile government), to being able to look at the world as something other than a battlefield (Kenshin vowing not to kill after so many years as an assassin).
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Adventures of a Wandering Samurai
nikhil1130198310 July 2006
The anime is about a wandering samurai in the 11th year of the Meiji era (around 1878)who stumbles upon a dojo in Tokyo and decides to stay there, helping in and around it. He protects the weak against the strong with his sword (even when they are banned) and in the process, runs into some friends and enemies from the past. The series also has some characters who really existed in the history of Japan which makes it all the more interesting. The best episodes to watch are 28 through 62, but you will need to go through the earlier ones which are sometimes silly to really understand them. The soundtrack alone is exceptional and is worth listening to. In my opinion it is better than most animes in its class.
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Rurouni Kenshin - The finest anime series ever
psychogoatee28 October 2001
Rurouni Kenshin is an epic anime series about a wandering swordsman named Kenshin Himura who protects people with his reversed-blade sword. Rurouni Kenshin has everything you could possibly want in an anime series. It is available on DVD and VHS.
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An All Time Classic Anime!
Sabre_Wolf22 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A Classic Anime a great adaptation of Nobuhiro Watsuki's manga and its full of interesting characters and even villains.

It is also set in a very interesting time the Meiji Era over a decade after the overthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the protagonist Kenshin Himura a former assassin who fought for the Isshin Shishi but has sworn never to take a life ever again after a tragedy happened to him. His vow never to kill means he carries a special kind of sword called a Sakabatou which does not kill.

Kaoru Kamiya was sweet but had a mean temper but she was a great character though sadly there have been a few poor imitations of her out there.

Yahiko Myojin a young boy of samurai descent at first exploited by Yakuza but saved by Kenshin but trained by Kaoru very smart mouthed lad and looks up to Kenshin.

Sanosuke Sagara a street fighter who was the survivor of the slaughtered Sekihoutai he lost not only his friends but the only father figure he ever really had Captain Sozo Sagara. At first an enemy of Kenshin due to the anger he still possessed at the Meiji Government but after their fight Kenshin reasons with him and he becomes Kenshin's loyal friend.

This is a great anime!
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Must Be a Nostalgia Thing
macisaac_4427 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So here goes. First, some positive, the fight scenes visually are good as well as the actual moves. The escalate well throughout the series. Kenshin can be badass and funny, overall likable, which is apparently a hard thing for some anime's to do. An I liked most of the stylistic art choices, like with the vibrant almost neon blood. The historical period was good choice and I sometimes I did find myself laughing out loud. However here is the bad, let's give some context, I went into this anime, by seeing its rating IMDb 8.6 (at the time of this review). Awesome score, I'm in for a treat I thought. But no I got a show full of false ideological clashes, misused characters and preachy ending that made me not even want to give season 3 a chance. Just heads up, this review will mainly focus on the Kyoto Arc as it is the portion of the show that I think is the best, while season 1 just exists to set everything up. So, in season 2 we have Kenshin, legendary Battōsai, a converted manslayer (side note this doesn't sound epic as I think it is supposed to, in my opinion) and his fight with his friends with against anti-government movement of Matoko Shishio. A man who believe in a primal survival of fittest philosophy, okay decent set up. But in the end after Kenshin physically beats him, they try to ask so who won, is it okay that this evil monster will be forgotten to time and poor evil guys who end up getting off mostly scot-free. However, this show doesn't deserve to ask these questions. I understand historically the Meiji government wasn't Japan best era, but the show rarely shows the evil government, other than a few flashbacks, and when it comes to showing government higher ups, they're generally good. And yes, Shishio was betrayed by them, but I don't get to see what he was like before this so I assume he was always slightly evil, and if I were the Meiji I'd off him in that case too. Overall most fights try to give this philosophical conflict and fall flat, except in Sanosuke fight with Anji. Shishio's viewpoint may have historical foundation but the show doesn't give that, so I'm left with definitely evil guy, and clearly the good guy. When they win and they ask the question, the answers are undoubtedly, YOU, YES and NO. The show wastes time in this think rather than intelligently and gradually building its characters. Which brings me to my next conundrum, misused characters. Let's start with Sanosuke, his drive to improve to help and rival Kenshin, okay good, but we keep meeting more and more characters with "god- like" skills and Sano falls into obscurity, he almost makes a comeback Futae no Kiwami, but still is no match for any top tier combatant. But, he does have a good philosophical battle, the only case of this with Anji. But on completion Sano becomes Kenshin's Yumi, as she is to Shishio. So, goodbye, character who almost finished his arc. Next briefly because I'll get to angry if talk too much about this headache, we have Yahiko, f**k this kid. He is annoyingly written and acted in the English dub. This is a kid with inferiority complex, for no reason. You are a child, you won't be at Kenshin, or even Sano's level at your age, but he got to prove himself! So, f**k all sense he's going to yell, all the time, and never grasp the reality that he is a novice wooden sword user and A CHILD. I can't, and they never stop with him either, "just go away" was all I could think when he'd say anything. Lastly for characters I'll talk about Kaoru, she an assistant master (assistant to who, her dad? Isn't he dead? CONFUSED!) so decent fighter, but madly in love with good guy Kenny, like I get that. But why would Kenshin give one f**k about this, at least to me this was never portrayed to me convincingly. She almost always in tears at the thought of Kenshin in season 2, but I don't get, why? When did you become so whiny? Overall, I feel the show is remember fondly by people who may have watched this in their youths, or by people who haven't watched many anime, cause this is not as some claim "the greatest anime of all time?". One last note, wish this story had some balls, to kill someone, at least for a change up or shock. Everyone gets knocked out, or (and this was bad, happened 4 time within the first 2 seasons) prevented from killing themselves but someone grabbing their hand, to their own shock and awe. Overall nah to this, I'm gonna watch some OVAs heard some are good, 6/10. Lastly amazed you read all this. Sorry if you love this show.
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One of the best
Zvezdobroeca10 May 2007
You cannot call yourself a sci-fi fan without watching Star Trek or Farscape. And you certainly cannot call yourself a true anime fan without watching Rurouni Kenshin. Few years ago I didn't even know the word anime, but since I accidentally saw RK I became an addict. It is full of action, fun, romance, BATTLES and most of all many COOL characters. I still can't call anyone a favourite even years after. Most of all I enjoyed the fact that the main characters are not divided into good and bad. There's just sides, which is more like in real life. If you like sword fight, samurai or just the best animes this one is a MUST-TO-SEE.
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A disappointment
azuros23 January 2008
Need I say that after watching Samurai X Trust and Betrayal I was compelled to buy the series. It's completely the opposite of Trust and Betrayal and when it tries to get serious it's only ever cliché and generic. There's nothing I hate more than extensive talking during what's supposed to be a fight scene! (or an epic battle) And that's the formula for almost every single fight scene.

Antagonist: Check out my technique. It's invincible, I'll destroy you etc..

People on the sideline: He's using the (insert technique name) that can only be countered by (random crap) Oh noes, Kenshin will be slaughtered.

Protagonist: I can't kill people. But I'll defeat you, despite your invincible technique/my injuries etc...

(Insert more conversation, with a dash of action to break up the fighting conversation) Yes, it truly is a pitiful formula. The most obvious form of fillers.

Pacifism is OK, but doesn't seem to work well for 95 episodes. As far as characters go. Kenshin and the police chap are quite solid characters. As for the others, there's no need for me to speak of them. They seem "cartoony." The type of character's you would expect in a show aimed at children? I liked at least 10% of the series nonetheless (I enjoyed the "screwing around" episodes more than the "epic battle" episodes to say the least). But the 90% I disliked was a waste of good money. As far as I understand it, the only reason this show could have as high a rating as it does is because of the sentimental bond that was formed with Kenshin's character in the previous renditions. I would definitely recommend Samurai Champloo over this if you want a good, solid samurai anime. In fact, I would recommend most other anime over this. Fullmetal Alchemsit, Mushishi, Trigun, Fruits Basket, Desert Punk, Licensed by Royalty, Gankutsuou, Cowboy Bebop to name a few. The list goes ever on and on.

Share the Love, Azza
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One of the best anime series ever made!
au_law200114 January 2005
This is one of the most memorable and most recognizable anime I know, with a cast of great characters and story lines and funny sub-plots, it's everything you'd want to see in an anime. It starts out as Kenshin Himura a wanderer in the Meiji era, ends with a kendo teacher Kaoru Kamiya, and he starts living with her, and eventually she finds out this is no ordinary traveler, this is Battousai, the slasher! An infamous samurai who killed a lot of people in his past. But finds him to be a sweet gentle man who is kind towards children, who wants to restore peace, and end his days as a slasher. Later more characters appear, Yahiko, and then Sanosuke, then Megumi. A great cast with very dark and dramatic backgrounds filled with tragedies. Every episode seems to give each character some background and info and their dark secrets. The soundtracks are also great, I love the one by L~Arc~Ciel in the latter episodes. The sword fighting is also cool, and unforgettable. But wait, a few characters portrayed or based on actual people, like Saitou Hajime and Aritomo Yamagata, oh my, I wonder if they were really like that in real life, I mean their personalities as seen here. Anyways recommended to all anime fans, and to non-anime fans who are not familiar with anime yet, forget Dragon Ball or Pokemon, watch this.
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One of the 1990's Absolute Best Animes!
Ruroni Kenshin is one of the best television cartoons ever made. Its characters are colourful and fun to watch, they're not your typical Shonen-cast of anime characters, and the fact that this series is a period piece makes it stand out from quite a lot of the other animes on the market. It's nothing like DragonBall Z, Naruto nor One Piece. THIS one focuses on Meiji-Period Japan; and a samurai who's vowed to never kill another soul again. This series is an appealing yet culturally- specific show that oddly works for a general audience. Its story is engaging, its direction fast-paced and never dull, and the voice-acting (of the Japanese cast) is pitch-perfect.

This series is definitely worth a watch; even if you're not a hardcore anime fan!
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Kenshin Has all the best qualities of a man. I can never forget his ideals and his penance.
Vivekmaru4513 September 2010
It is the tale of a wondering samurai warrior called Kenshin Himura seeking penance for his past crimes as an assassin known as "Battôsai the man-slayer", during the Bakumatsu (the final days of the Tokugawa government) in Japan.

He seeks and finds shelter in the dojo of Miss Kaoru Kamiya. Miss Kaoru is the primary instructor of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryū fighting style developed by her late father, and she wants to resurrect that style of fighting.

Kenshin himself is the master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu style of sword fighting. He rescues Kaoru when she is in dire trouble with a local gang of thugs with is ferocious fighting style.

Kenshin finds much in common with Kaoru and he moves in to stay with her. Kenshin is then joined by in later episodes with Sanosuke Sagara and Yahiko Myôjin.

And so begin the adventures of Kenshin....

This is my favorite anime of all time. It has plenty of lessons to teach us about life. The character of Kenshin is very humble and polite and at the same time full of courage and justice. He is dedicated to protect the weak and to uphold the law and fight oppression when necessary.

There are 95 episodes in all, followed by 3 animated films namely Samurai X: the motion Picture, Samurai X - Trust and Betrayal, and Samurai X - Reflections.

Overall full 10/10 and a historical masterpiece, a testament to that age, that honors those brave Samurai who perished on the battlefield and shows the suffering of those in that age.

Kenshin may your ideals inspire the newer generations and may you always find a place in their hearts.
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This anime is really a masterpiece
liooizki3 June 2020
This anime has everything to be one of the best animes in the entire world. An amazing plot (and even based in the history of Japan), an incredible OST, and excellence in art work despite being made in 97', that transports you to the magic of Japan's 19th century.

The plot revolves into very interesting subjects that keep being controversial in the contemporary society. Amazing how they could reflect XIX century's Japan's problems into our times.

Character developing really takes a good part of the excellency of this anime. You get to the ending of it loving all of them, and wanting that it last forever. It is all very heart warming.

You can also learn a lot of history watching this, as they make it interesting and it has a good base.

The battles and the technics of the characters does not need to be artificial to make you feel impressed. Using only sword styles that existed all along Japan history, they'd managed to make every battle a masterpiece.

Even the comedy is a genuine gem on this one, making you truly laugh.

It's a must watch for all people loving this genre, no matter how old or young they are.
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Perfect character diversification
prototype-0593928 April 2020
Wholesome stories, with solid background history of each character, adding best experience i had in enjoying cinemathing.
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The Best Of The Best
blink-fanlife3 April 2008
There is one word to describe Rurouni Kenshin, Superb. It really is the best of the best. It deserves to be at the top of the top list for animes. Season one one really great, it was mainly about Kenshin saving the day, he fight people with great streghths, pirates, And his own friends. Season two got better, not that 1 was to good to be true. But kenshin was sent to Kyoto to stop Shishio from destroying the meiji government. Shishio kills innocent people and believes the weak die and the strong live. Kenshin fights through juppengatana, Aoshi, Saito and Sishio. He meets Misao on the way. Even kenshin friends help. Season 3 was good, but not the best. I've only seen parts. I need to order it like right now. But its starts off the same as season 1. Fighting off bad guys. Then this dude appears to be the son of god and uses the hiten mitsrugi sonic sword techniqes(If you didn't know that what kenshin uses). Also it's a lot more of a romance.
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galloeth1 May 2018
This show is awesome there is a bit of blood and gore
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Greatest Anime of all time
zihadulislambutex9 September 2018
I watched when I was a child , I liked this from then. Its cool fighting scenes, character design , that's it. But re-watched it last year and it was something entirely different. It is my favourite anime , No doubt about it
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Masterpiece of epic failure...
ladybouseii11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I swear the writers got paid by the syllable.... I need proof bots didn't write this. It's like a homeschooled 8th grader fresh out the compound strung the dialogue together, that they did. I mean when you say the name of the sword technique 4 times a sentence, give me a break. Hes gonna use Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki. Yes he is going to use Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki. But is he really going to use Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki? I am, that I am going to eat green eggs and ham and use Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki style!

And everything after the Sheshio storyline feels like a kids play date/ dnd campaign realized. Your time would be better served doing literally anything else... And if you thought there was going to be an ending SPOILER ALERT you don't get one of those either. I was crossing my fingers for their deaths or mine and I was disappointed on both counts....
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A Powerful Series... Though Not Without Flaws
Ou2411 May 2004
When I first saw Rurouni Kenshin, I was still relatively new to the world of Japanese animation. I had only seen a handful of series before, and though they all entertained me, it had yet to earn the same status with me as so many millions of anime fans claim Japanese animation to be worth. Rurouni Kenshin did that for me.

The first 20 episodes or so were nothing out of the ordinary; A lighthearted comedy series, with a bit of action and drama mixed in. And even though these aspects were handled extraordinarily well, it wasn't anything remotely special. The animation was slightly mediocre, though not too bad considering, but the feel was nice. Good music, great characters and average plots, for a swordfighting anime. But with episode 28, the series made an incredible flip over. The change in atmosphere was shocking in fact, and took me completely by surprise. It was like a complete opposite of the episodes that had come before it. All of a sudden, the plot thickened incredibly. The animation went better. The storytelling of the images changed dramatically and the music went through the roof. (Well, at least for a Japanese animation newb like I was at the time)

But all this was only to increase in the coming arc... The plot turned a lot darker, the lightheartedness was all but erased, and the animation increased incredibly. There's a lot of controversy about this change to the Kenshin fans. A lot of people seem to appreciate the lighthearted beginnings more. I am not one of those.. This new arc (Entitled the ''Kyoto Arc'') was indeed really masterful to me. It enchanted me. And to this day, Rurouni Kenshin ranks above the top of my favourite anime list.

However, don't go rushing out and buy this; after this ''Kyoto Arc'', the series takes a dive for the worse. Apparently unable to keep consistent and on par in release speed to the original ''manga'' comic (Which was released at the same time), the animation studio had no choice but to continue with a self-created filler Arc. It was a tedious, boring and quite frankly annoying arc, which disgraced the beauty of before. Even worse: Bad ratings forced the company to shut and end the Rurouni Kenshin series, leaving the final arcs of the original manga (Which were just as powerful as the previous ones) unanimated and untouched.

However, Rurouni Kenshin (Despite the mistake listed above), is truly a powerful series with a stunning storyline and great characters and I recommend it heavily. Though, if you're looking for some brainless entertainment with lots of ''cool'' action, don't go here. Rurouni Kenshin also pleases there, but you'll get a lot more out of it if you can appreciate all the series has to offer.

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That one anime you'll sure remember for the rest of your life
ioana-lcra5 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen a lot of anime until now, I remember the plot and the story behind every single one of them. More or less. But this one, it made sure that I will remember it for the rest of my life. It gave me a complete image of the life of an undefeated samurai,the owner of the title as the strongest samurai alive, how he has to deal with the inner struggles he has and how hard he tries to atone for the sins of his past.

Watching the beginning of the story with the OVAS (Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal), continuing with Rurouni Kenshin and Samurai X: The movie and ending it with Samurai X: Reflection, you actually live with him throughout his story and after a certain point you feel like you're now part of his story. It gives you sad/drama moments,happy/comic moments and even everyday life struggles moments, just like a real person's life is. It really worth my time. I am sure I'll be watching it again some day. All of it.
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"I am nothing, but a wondering swordsman, that I am"...let's see that last!
Botan5 July 2002
Rurouni Kenshin is a refreshingly fun anime with wonderful characters and a great story line. I would give Rurouni Kenshin 5 stars and two thumbs up...or shall I say "Two Sakabatous up"? I love when Kenshin says, "oro" or looks like a complete idiot by his friends. The DVDs provide both the Japanese and English version, plus some very cool extras like notes, out takes and sometimes character messages (at the end of a season) or the openings or closings with out all those credits written all over them!
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