Race to Space (2001) Poster


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The Right Stuff
boblipton6 April 2024
Motherless Alex D. Linz moves to Cocoa Beach with his father. Because his name is Wilhelm von Huber II, and daddy is James Woods with a German accent standing in for Werner von Braun, he's bullied by his classmates as a Nazi. Woods doesn't have a clue as to what he does, but Annabeth Gish, in charge of the chimpanzees who are being trained for the first Mercury launch notices the boy has an emotional connection with one of the chimps, and appoints him an official trainer.

It's actually a nice little child's-eye view of the beginning of the Space Race. It has a bit of politics, a bit of industrial espionage, and a decent, if light view of the goings on in the era, like a YA version of THE RIGHT STUFF. Plus a chimpanzee, of course. With William Devane, William Atherton, and Barry Corbin.
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its my school
pinknorangegurl9015 July 2005
Umm it was pretty good. I like the bond between the monkey and the kid. I go to the school that the film was shot at. Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High and i think that they could of done better with like the lunch scene. Totally different and i understand that its supposed to be from the 70s but still they could of used the real café. It looks good but i think that they could have done better. They played the school to be lame and plane but its really not. They did a good job in they gym. You can see that cocoa beach is the minutemen and that its cocoa beach. The hall way that he sits in while he is crying is exactly what it looks like. I have always thought that cocoa beach was a small town and it was lame excluding the fact that there is a RON JONS. (the biggest and the first) but i think that it was cool to have a movie done at our school and even more cool to have Barry Corbin in our town. I am a big fan expesally because he is in one tree hill. Hes great and very loving to the teens (James Lafferty and Chad Michael Murray, the opposite half brothers that don't get along) and cares about them and there family. His acksent is great. Congratulations Barry for doing so many movies. (104) and so many shows, as guests and stars. (32)!!!
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Race to Space
Scarecrow-8811 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A family film designed for children (seeing James Woods in this is almost odd), has the son (Alex Linz; Home Alone 3) of German scientist, Dr. Wilhelm von Huber (Woods, working an accent the best he knows how, even reverting to German on occasion when under angst) preparing the first Mercury capsule for space, not only competing with the Soviets but also an American company also interested in sending men to the moon (William Devane is presented as some Machiavellian business crook in suit, planning dastardly deeds for the rival NASA program). Wilhelm doesn't realize that in NASA is corruption in the form of Ralph Stanton (William Atherton, doing what he does best: playing an asshole and a scoundrel) who is working in concert privately with Thornhill (Devane) to sabotage the current program (cutting a fuel line so the capsule will turn into a ball of flame once under heat). Most of the film concerns Wilhelm's son, Billy (Linz) and the kid's bonding with chimp Mac. Mac survives all the testing and becomes the first chimp to successfully take a flight into space and return to the Earth. Mac's behavioral problems (just uncontrollable and hard to manage) are put at ease when it finds a pal in Billy. This helps Billy because he has been the victim of bullying due to his German lineage and has a hard time dealing with the absence of his mother who died when he was very young. Wilhelm's tireless work on the NASA space project has left him little time for his son, and the precious process he's missing out on is being filled by Air Force pilot, Alan Sheppard (the charismatic Mark Moses). Shepard plays "pitch the baseball around" with Billy, listens to him, and truly cares about the kid. Wilhelm's methods at holding his son accountable for his school work and not fighting back when ridiculed as a NAZI Kraut can be a bit frustrating for Billy (and attempting to keep him from working with scientist, Dr. Donni McGuinness (Annabeth Gish), and Mac; Donni is in charge of choosing the chimp that will take the capsule flight). Ultimately, Billy and Mac's bonding is the rescue of the program (a ham radio capturing a particular conversation that leads to Wilhelm and his German associates finding a problem on the capsule with Billy assisting them in the fix) and plays a major factor when the capsule enters space and the re-entry. The film plays up the suspense of Mac surviving dangerous scenarios of the space capsule program, with lots of family film music in the background to provoke the pounding of your heart and to enliven the sentimentality of Billy's friendship and affection with the chimp. The space program is handled with admiration and patriotic respect. Woods is Woods, no matter the film; he shows the appropriate reactions his character goes through, except this time it isn't the kind of part that necessarily evokes his usual magnetism on screen. For all intensive purposes, Woods is a nice guy going through a workaholic schedule that demands a lot of his time. Gish, like Mac, has a character Billy can confide in and she sympathizes for the kid. This is family fare that was made for kids, with loving nods to the space program that is often attractive to adults.
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Pretty good
vchimpanzee21 June 2005
In this fictional version of the story of the first chimp sent into space, Billy is the new kid at school, the son of one of the scientists in charge of making sure we can join the Russians in the space race.

Some of the kids are mean to Billy, calling him a Nazi, among other things. Billy's father starts bringing him to work to help him adjust to his new situation, and it is there that he discovers the chimp project. Billy's teacher wants him to do a paper on space flight, and he chooses the chimps as a topic, and he later gets to do important work in the program. Dr. McGuinness has an additional challenge to face, besides getting the chimps ready for the potentially dangerous flight. She's a woman, and female scientists are not being accepted by men the way they are today.

Meanwhile, Roger Thornhill wants his company to build the rockets, and he doesn't appreciate the fact that Germans are the ones putting Americans in space.

James Woods is very convincing but often stereotypical as a by-the-book German scientist. Later on he shows a warm side, which was hinted at when Billy first got in trouble at school. In fact, he seems every bit as American as the other characters at times, except for that accent. The other German characters, unfortunately, seem like they belong in "Hogan's Heroes" and don't exactly inspire confidence.

Alex D. Linz does just fine as Billy, who more than once gets the opportunity to save the day, which is fine for the kids watching the movie but not particularly realistic. And the chimp who gets to go into space does quite a capable job (I won't say which one it is). Mark Moses does a fine job as Alan Shepard, who in real life ends up as the first American in space. And Annabeth Gish is likable as the scientist in charge of the chimps.

William Devane is sometimes deliciously evil, and at other times just plain evil, as the executive who has devious plans for the space program. William Atherton is more stereotypical as the 'inside man' who helps Devane's character.

What a appears to be a documentary on the space race starts the film, and similar footage is shown at other times. This is interesting.

Kennedy became president during the events of this film. This is okay even though the actual flight of the first chimp took place too soon for Kennedy to have been in office as long as he appeared to be here. People liked Kennedy and his comments in the inaugural speech add to the film. Another minor flaw: 1962 Chevrolets were not introduced until much later in 1961.

This movie isn't really a comedy, but it is funny at times. There may have been some editing, but overall, it seemed clean enough for most kids to watch. There are some frightening scenes involving the training and the actual flight, but this is to be expected with something as new as space travel was.

This was pretty good.
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So bad. Just so bad.
guido-lissmann16 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS HEREIN! This film is for children. Lonely children with no friends who need a moral pickup. But nobody else. I can live with inventing people for a "historical" story that never existed. I guess I can handle utterly obvious plot lines. I can definitely handle sweet VFX that was almost on par with Apollo13. What I cannot handle is, for example, these nice effects in stark contrast with old, grainy stock footage used in the same manner. I cannot handle the total butchery of history. This film creates the impression that the first rocket the Americans built that didn't blow up was the one carrying the chimpanzee. The first space mission, indeed. Explorer satellite? What's that? Of course, the entire existence of the Houston launch facility was, well, ignored in this film. As usual, the annoying lead brat saves the day more than once (come on, we've all seen films like this before), of course he gets to show all the other kids who tormented him how cool he is by posing with Alan Sheppard. Of course, even after living in the US for fifteen years the German engineers never eat anything else but Sauerkraut, Bratwurst and Schnitzel. And they all drive Volkswagens. There never was a Werner von Braun. And there only were three German engineers throughout Nasa. Not to mention that a private company was trying to sell the US Government a rocket design of their own that looked suspiciously like something that the actual von Braun designed for a 1950s Sci-Fi Film. The film is utterly predictable, ridiculous in it's premise, Woods wasted his talent here, basically portraying an animated broomstick during the entire first half of the film. All the plot devices have been done a hundred times before, and with much more style. Even though the shots of the launching rocket looked sweet enough (on the TV screen they didn't loose much compared to Apollo13), in other shots you could literally see the edge of the blue screen. It's okay enough for kids under twelve, but an abomination before celluloid and mental hemorrhage inducing for everybody else.
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good for young children
cgfry21 January 2003
This was a movie that had a lot of potential, but took excessive liberties with the plot, one supposes due to Hollywood trying to market the movie to kids. These excesses will cause serious problems for all adults, and will likely degrade the enjoyment for any but the younger group of viewers (I would guess 10 years old or less). After all, kids are pretty good at knowing when someone or something is not telling the truth.

Young Billy (Alex Linz)--nicely chosen as the son of Wilhelm von Huber, the lead scientist of the Mercury program--is having a tough at school. Billy is having problems with his new schoolmates because of his German background. He also struggles with the remoteness of his father, and the recent loss of his mother. He makes friends with a chimpanzee being trained to go into space on the first Mercury rocket, and the story goes from there. Bads guys, pretty older and younger girls, a strong soundtrack, and comedic characters give this movie a lot of positives. Add in the factual basis for the movie, the strong nationalistic themes, and the cute chimps, and one would predict a winner of a family movie.

Unfortunately, there are a few serious flaws in this movie. First is the movie's lack of depth about behavioral and rocket science. Anyone might believe that a boy that, for some unknown explained reason, forms a strong bond with a chimpanzee might be able to assist in its training. But this movie unfortunately provides no meaningful dialog or action along these lines.

Parents will be disappointed in the lack of truthfulness in the presentation of NASA security and engineering. Billy discovers, in a nice plot twist, that the rocket is sabotaged the night before the launch. He, his father, and two German scientists proceed to check the rocket themselves. Billy ends up inside the rocket fixing a fuel line connection himself. Parents will wonder why the plot took such a silly, and potentially dangerous, twist (do we want our kids really thinking that they should be helping fix anything remotely close to this kind of problem?!!). Kids will be left without any understanding of the effort that literally hundreds of engineers and scientists go through to make certain that everything is "right" with such launches.

Worst are the later scenes of chaos in the mission control room, with Billy saving the day by literally screaming into a headset for the chimp to flip a switch in the rocket. I cringed at these unnecessary scenes; no doubt Billy could have saved the day by talking to the chimp in a calm, realistic mission control room. Did the writers, director and producers of this movie really think parents--and even the kids?--would react positively to these ridiculous scenes?

Oh well, as I said above, younger kids will like this movie. Adults will go away wondering about the lack of intelligence in the movie industry.

All said and done, not a bad family movie, just not a very good one.

6 out of 10
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horrible, unbelievable, melodramatic garbage
cliffk24 May 2003
First and most importantly, this movie glamorizes the unethical use of animals in human experimentation. Also, from a scientific point of view, every bit of this movie is completely incorrect and unbelievable. It's a series of trite and cliched melodramatic moments with no driving motivation.
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Good family movie, worth a look
adamthompson31 May 2004
I happened to catch this movie recently on satellite TV here in the U.k quite by accident,and after watching had to order the DVD as an R1 import,(it's not on release here) after initial thoughts of "oh no not another sentimental Kid bonds with animal & mix in a bit of history" the kind of thing that's usually relegated to Saturday morning kid's TV, I found this to be a throughly enjoyable viewing experience, OK the story is a bit thin at times and there are the usual well used character types and plots but it is well acted. Alex D Linz gave his character Billy a good blend of compassion and emotion with what was obviously a genuine bonding with the chimp. This movies doesn't have quite the same quality edge as The Dish which has entered the list as one of my all time favorite movies (I'm not sad really!!) but Race to Space is easy viewing, sit back, enjoy and escape from the horrors of real life for a couple of hours, give it a look there are far worse movies than this out there.
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Good feelgood film
FlorisV25 January 2004
Granted, it's sentimental, and obviously made for TV, but I thoroughly enjoyed this film, which I can't say of some much higher-rated films here. The acting was fine really, tho indeed funny to hear James Woods talk semi-German. I think everybody in the cast did a fine job however. The story was told well, and interesting enough to follow. It was also visually well executed.

All in all an inspirational film for kids and adults because the message is that everyone can make a difference, make friends and make dreams come true. I find it sad that movies like this get dismissed as sentimental garbage. I prefer it much over negative and pretentious pieces.

I would rate this 7/10, but kids will give it 9/10!
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I enjoyed movie, even though I am 53 yrs. old!
bonn4929 July 2003
I disagree with the other comment that this wasn't a good movie for kids. There is so much negativity that kids are exposed to today, that i think it's important for kids to know that they have options in this world, and good things can happen if you give things a chance. Kids get enough reality from tv, news, friends, parents. I think it's still important for kids to enjoy some fantasy. They are kids for only a very short part of their life. I'm not saying the movie couldn't be improved upon. But, I would rather watch something like this than some of the violent movies that use the "F" word in every other sentence.
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Great Movie for the Family
artlofty14 March 2002
Super cute story! Great camera work and very high production value for such a small movie. There are some super performances in this film including young Alex Linz who does an excellent job, and Mark Moses who plays Alan Shepherd. A movie that will warm your heart and make you laugh! Take the kids!

Good clean family fun with a story to tell!
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chimp and child =heroes
cmiller-3823 November 2005
Some random thoughts about this monkey business. Billy saves Mac and Mac saves Billy. A true friendship that any child would love. The training chimp is full of mischief and simple passion. Billy tries to fit in to his school surroundings but is bullied. What better way for a child to deal with his hurt than to rise above the immediate and dream about the race to space and get involved in a project where bullies are not- even though Billy is not allowed in at first. We see bully adults too. Along the way Billy helps his headstrong father get clued in to his new culture. His father accepts the responsibility of fatherhood when he sees his son in the arms of an American astronaut hero. I like the transition from the Volkswagon to the Corvette. The Florida Thanksgiving was sentimental as I watched this film on the other side of the planet on that holiday with a class that is to learn English. Teaching is my job. I feel less impressed with the first human astronauts when learning about the animal test subjects used to make their 'passenger ride' a common routine. Pets do teach a child responsibility and Billy matured in more ways than one. I liked his collection of baseball cards and how some inanimate objects can be a friend as well. We see how the film is active in portraying women as active in science and sports which was blossoming for them during the 60's.
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A rare movie - it's positive!
yatiindra24 March 2006
This movie is one of the few I've seen recently that does not contain needless violence and cruelty. The average Hollywood movie (and others) thrives on negativity added to their good stories and ideas. "Race to space" may contain some stereotypes and predictable scenes, yet it is filled with positive and even loving people and it left me with a positive feeling.

That's quite different from watching a movie in which you have a feeling of misplaced pride because America (or whatever country) has destroyed the evildoers and rescued the world. That's not about real people. This movie is (sorry - not to forget chimps).

Rambo, Terminator, James Bond, Alien and many other movies may be entertaining, they also dull one's feeling for other living beings because too many are killed in it. "Race to space" makes me feel more connected to others. It is a movie that makes people more open, more positive. I hope more films like this one will be produced.
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A great, feel good movie!
jstrauss8727 May 2003
I stumbled upon this movie while doing my daily flip through the channels. While I at first wasn't too awed by an Alex D. Linz/chimp interaction movie, after watching only about 2 minutes of on-screen interaction between Linz and the main chimp, Mac, I was hooked.

I think this movie does a wonderful job creating a relationship between Mac and Billy, and adds to the story on a whole. While the plot may not be strong, it draws you in, and keeps your attention.

Not only is this a story about the race to space, but it's also about a boy's journey into manhood and a family's struggle to overcome something they never could.

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Perfect Family Fare!
hoads4 December 2002
Incredible action. Heartwarming story. All set against the backdrop of the most exciting race in history--the race to the moon.

My kids stood up and cheered at the end of this terrific movie.

James Woods, Anabeth Gish, William Devane, William Atherton--what a great cast! And that little muppet Alex Linz--he totally put it over.

I could see this movie over and over (kid at heart.)
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Interesting premise, but deeply flawed execution.
jessewillis27 October 2002
I won't summarize the plot, others have already done that already, but I will make a few points and expose a few of the more obvious flaws.

I was hoping that Race To Space (2001) would be as good as The Dish (2000), which is also based on a true story of the space race (check it out if you can!). I was hoping that this film would dramatize the meaty subject of ex-Nazis working in the America's rocket program. Something that has had virtually no attention in film. Unfortunately it didn't.

Children and animals and rockets? No, it doesnt work. The mindset that brings together the first two for quick buck doesnt understand the latter. What happened to the live action kids movies? All they seem to know how to make is endless kids and animals films about animals who behave like spoiled brats and the kids who love them. Air Bud 1, 2 and 3 Free Willy 1, 2 and 3 M.V.P.: Most Valuable Primate 1, 2 and 3! How is a kid watching these films supposed to gain any insight into real animal behavior from all this stage production? It sickens me. It would be okay if they were actually entertaining, but they are all derivative crap. Race To Space is just lucky its not sequel bound like it forebearers (I hope).

Though James Woods was fine in this film, he is usually much better, his accent was very poorly done.

The meaningless subplot about a NASA supervisor (William Atherton) who is bribed by a rival rocket developer (?) into wilful sabotage of a Redstone rocket was not only ridiculous, it was sad. Is this ham fisted manipulation of the plot supposed to explain away all the other meandering plot threads???? If so, it didnt work. Sad. Poor William Atherton (you probably know him from his arrogant and abrasive TV reporter role in the Die Hard movies), he plays pompous and self-important characters so well he's become typecast in the worst way. I guess its a job, but he can't be still having fun playing the same character over and over again in film after film.

This film was ultimately a big disappointment, it takes way too many liberties with the facts to be legitimately use the "based on a true

story" tag. The only facts from NASA history that this film keeps are that:

1. German scientists/engineers were instrumental in the space race and

2. That a Chimpanzee was launched into space before a man was.

The true story of the first Chimpanzee in space may not have made as good a "Hollywood kids movie" in the tradition of (Free Willy), but it certainly would have been a better film. This is ably supported by the mini documentary entitled "Ham: America's First Space Hero" which is included on the DVD (amongst a surprising number of ineffectual extras). "Ham: America's First Space Hero" is the one bright spot in this otherwise shabby production.

I don't think that children actually enjoy or learn from schmaltzy unrealistic animals movies, let alone from "based on a true story" films that aren't! Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps you will really enjoy it if you are 11 years old, I'm not, I didnt.
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A fun movie that had some heart to it.
karlkaselvis19 January 2020
I enjoyed the movie. It was heartwarming and though not an academy award winner it was enjoyable to watch. The rocket scientists son and the chimp stole the movie. The other review sounded like a stick in the mud. They must not have any imagination !! Overall it was a good movie.
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Stupid, contrived, ludicrous, insipid
karn30 January 2004
Anyone even mildly annoyed by the character of Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation will want to throw their TV out the window when they see this turkey. Remember how, week after week, young Wesley would always find some amazing way to pull the Enterprise out of trouble and all those highly trained and experienced Starfleet officers could only stand around and gape in wonder? Well, this movie is far, far worse. Anyone even remotely aware of the real history of Project Mercury will retch at the liberties taken with basic facts by this movie.

I don't expect historical accuracy in a film like this. But this movie is full of tired cliches (such as James Woods' German scientist) and ludicrous plot holes that even kids should see right through. For example, our hero discovers that a corrupt NASA manager has sabotaged a launch to gain a lucrative position with an aerospace contractor. Now one would ordinarily expect someone in such a position to immediately inform the appropriate security officials, right? Not in this movie. No, the kid, his father and a few of his co-workers secretly fix the rocket themselves!

I suppose this movie might amuse some very, very young kids, but that's about it.
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A very nice movie - a very interesting message
marius_nicolescu8 January 2003
I only have to say good worlds about this movie. i think it really portrays the way that some people rally acted back then when the space race had just begun. It was a start for people to hate each other and for americans to think that they are the ultimate nation. I rally think Hollywood is payed by the US government to portray in their movies the gratness of America and how America is the best country in the whole world. This movie wanted to show another aspect of it, but way at a smaller scale, putting it in a comedy with a monkey and a boy. I really must advise you to watch this movie, because it sends a message that few movies still send. My raiting for it (9/10).
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Space Race used to provide positive multi-themed Family Entertainment
nwinski23 October 2001
I had the unique pleasure to recently view Race to Space at the 2001 Marco Island Film Festival. I mention this because this is an excellent movie that somehow has escape getting picked up for distribution.

Race to Space is loosely set against the early 60s NASA space effort as led by Wernher Von Braun who has been fictionalized in the movie as Von Hueber and played very well by James Woods. Von Hueber has a 9 year old son, Billy who is the main character and who is excellently played by Alex D. Linz. Billy deals with several themes which are successfully interwoven. 1) Discrimination due to Billy being the son of a well known former German Nazi rocket scientist, 2) Billy's relationship with his father, the no nonsense rocket scientist, as it evolves following the death of his mother 3) Billy's maturation and relationships as he becomes involved with the training of the chimpanzees for the space program. My only negative comment is that I found the seemingly mandatory Disneyesque villain theme somewhat hokey and predictable. This doesn't seem consistent with the high quality of the other well integrated parts of the film. Perhaps this was inserted to make the movie more kid friendly. I also have some concern that people will think this film is historically accurate when if fact it is a fictionalized depiction set against actual historical background. Despite the fact that the movie tends to seamlessly phase in and out of historical authenticity, the themes are so well done, it may be difficult for some to distinguish fact from fiction.

Overall, this is one of the best films you will ever find that is entertaining and enlightening for the whole family. I strongly recommend that you make the effort to do whatever it takes to see this movie and to demand to have this film widely distributed. I saw this movie with my wife and 9 year old son. We all agreed that this was an excellent movie, with my son using superlatives "totally awesome" and "excellent". Find this movie and see it!!! I give it 8.5/10
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teefus8711 November 2002
I am a big fan of alex d linz. this movie was pretty good. its your basic animal freindship story. however this one is based loosely on a true event.alex does a good job as always. the only the that bothered me was james woods constant saying ja.
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One boy, one flight, one adventure of a lifetime!
Old Joe25 September 2002
It seems at the present time, I can not help but watch movies that are ‘based on a true story'. Perhaps it is all a coincidence, but I have been richly rewarded for viewing such movies. Race to space is a ‘family friendly' motion picture, that has a great resemblance to the movie ‘October sky'. If you have ever looked for a film about animals, and why they are and can be an important part of someone's life, then this film is it.

Wilhelm is a NASA scientist, who has recently located to Florida with his son Billy, who aspires to be a hero like the young astronaut, Alan Shepherd and it's not long before Billy gets his chance. Hired by Dr. McGuinness to help train the chimpanzees for the NASA space mission, he begins to develop a close bond with one chimp in particular, Mac. With Billy's help, Mac is chosen to become the first chimp into space. It all seems a wonderful game until Billy realizes the risk associated with Mac going on this historic mission. Can Mac and his Dad pull together to make this mission fly?

This a really enjoyable film. Considering that is based on a true story, I like how it compels you to see what will happen between the main stars, that being Billy and Mac. The director, Sean McNamara, does a great job in bringing out the wonderful relationship that a young boy has with the Chimpanzees. I also found the story interesting in how the bad men of launch wanted it to fail, but never got their way. The credit for the story belongs to both Eric Gardner and Steven H. Wilson. They wrote both the script and the characters perfectly.

Then what about the cast for this film. The main man of the show was Billy, who was played by Alex D. Linz. I like how he showed such compassion for his animal friend Mac, as that sentiment seemed real. This young fellow also appeared in films such as the Cable Guy and the starring role in the not so popular, Home Alone 3. I liked the grown cast members of `Race to Space'. Billy's Father, the eccentric Dr. Wilhelm Von Huber, was acted very well by James Wood. I especially enjoyed how his character turns from being a strict parent, to a caring and understanding father. Then the role of Dr Donni McGuinness is also important. Her character was performed by Annabeth Gish. She was good in the role of the doctor who chooses the one Chimp to go into space. I also enjoyed her role in the film, Double Jeopardy.

There is also some different sort of stars that need to be recognised here. I am of course talking about the wonderful work by the Chimpanzees. They were very funny and well taught by their trainers. It was an amazing achievement to actually have an animal do what was being shown. To have it reenacted is priceless. It is great to have animals being not only able to achieve great heights, but to be used in a way that is not cruel, but instead to the advantage of all to see.

In conclusion, I watched this film with a group of people, who all thought it was pretty good. I would have to agree, considering that it was funny, touching, sad and triumphant, showing the heartfelt adventure of the first chimpanzee in space. This film also makes me a little envy of missing out such great achievements by man, such as putting animals in space (safely) and a man on the moon. What an historic time the 60's must have been, and how lucky we are that movies can are being made showing such events. Race to space is an inspirational story that should not be missed.

CMRS gives ‘Race to Space': 4.5 (very good - brilliant film)
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They Can Still Make Great Family Movies!
dvdgil17 July 2002
I have just seen Race To Space and was so pleased to see a movie that can be enjoyed by the whole family.The cast was great especially William Atherton who is great at playing characters you love to hate. The story moves quickly and has plenty of humor and suspense and is also a great history lesson. I highly recommend this movie for anyone 8 or over
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