The Other Sister (1999) Poster

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Cute little thing
MarioB10 May 2000
After 10 minutes, I was really afraid of the melodrama, the thousans violions of 90 % of the American movies. And we saw that a thousand times : movies with mental problem persons who are always so fine... (Le Huitième jour, Rain man, and also a film of the early 80's with Mickey Rooney - sorry, I don't remember the title!) But the simplicity of the whole thing charms me. The two young actors gives a superb performance. There are also very funny gags : the fanfare music that Danny loves and when Juliette Lewis looks in the book for sex positions). Perhaps the conservative aspects of the family irrates me a little bit : why in most American films the people have always to be rich and boring? A little bit of social reality should help this one. But I give a 7 out of 10 of this fine film. The best of the genre is Belgium's Le Huitième jour.
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Hilarious,but some tears, too!
raymond-1529 January 2000
In this film, about a frustrated mother trying to cope with a mentally disabled daughter, there is a message for all of us - that we all need our independence and wish to fulfil our desires for happiness in our own way. Diane Keaton plays the role of Elizabeth the over protective mother in a most convincing performance - she shows all the desperation, the moods and emotions of a mother hoping to do the best for her child and suffering arguments and rebuffs at every turn. While Carla (Juliette Lewis)and her lover Daniel (Giovanni Ribisi) both disabled hold us in a state of nervous fascination,it is Diane Keaton who holds the storyline together. This is not a depressing film. On the contrary there are moments of humorous sexual exploration, numerous embarrassing situations and outright hilarity. A few of the scenes which I find particularly amusing are: The sweet innocence of the young couple reading a sex manual and earmarking the pages of appropriate positions, the initial introduction of Daniel in fancy dress as a large dog to Carla's parents and the church wedding in which church dogma is dispensed with and the couple "do it in their own way. The film is quite touching at times and some tears may appear, but in retrospect it is the joyous ending that seems to make everything right. And doesn't Diane Keaton look absolutely stunning in her magenta outfit with the big hat?
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Missed opportunities galore
Bookworm_babe78 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, well I hired this not really expecting much. In fact, I only hired because I found out some of my favourite actors were in it. Overall, it was a cutesy, sweet and at times funny movie that was a bit of a tearjerker. The biggest problem I had was the under-development of pretty much every character except Carla and maybe the parents. With such an awesome supporting cast, the producers should have taken advantage of them. In the effort to develop Carla as the main character, everyone else just fell into the wayside. They became under-developed, under-used and all round, under-appreciated.

One character in particular that I felt fit this criteria was Jeff Reed, the fiancée of Caroline. His presence provided the perfect opportunity to see Carla from the point of view of an outsider. And it would have been really interesting to see how they interacted, as they had only just met. In the entire movie, they don't even speak to one another except for at the country club after his joke about the wedding being in New Zealand, and she corrects him, but even that moment feels incomplete and an opportunity is missed.

That is what sums up this movie for me, missed opportunities. A great premise which has somehow collapsed, a fantastic supporting cast that is hugely underused and some great moments that are ruined by amateur directing or editing. With the two mentally retarded characters,the acting is adequate but it just somehow seems to miss the target. Good effort but it all just falls apart.
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Ethereal_angel_519 April 2004
This movie is definitely one of the best movie ive seen thus far. Its a feel good movie, filled with comedy, drama and well... a bit of action. I agree that its probably unrealistic....but, life is already so depressing,so a little pinch of fairytale element is always welcome. I don't think the movie is made for us to laugh at disabled people, it just helps us to know them a bit better, to give them the respect and chance of having a normal life.The acting is excellent, Lewis and Gibsi did a very good job. Also bonus points for keaton. Its a shame that it didn't do very well in the cinemas. But,overall, i think if you have a heart and a sense of humor, you will definitely enjoy this movie. Two thumbs up!
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Standout Film.
keepitreal6018 April 2020
Many tear jerker moments in this film, wonderful work by Lewis and Ribisi now part of my DVD collection.
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A Under Rated Film...
namashi_115 May 2010
Garry Marshall makes genuine cinema in 'The Other Sister', it's a romantically challenged film with love that works big time.

A young mentally disabled woman named Carla Tate falls in love with A young man named Daniel McMahon, also slightly mentally disabled. Will they live happily happy ever after? 'The Other Sister' is a simple story, that has complicated characters. The film was not a box office hit and was critically panned, and was un-mentioned in 1999. However, 'The Other Sister' carries a 6.6 rating at IMDb today, with much favorable reviews. I loved the film, it's a fascinating love-story!

Marshall's direction is neat, Music by Kyle Vincent is fantastic. In the acting department, It's a shame to know that Juliette Lewis was nominated for a Razzie for her earnest performance in here. Lewis is a terrific actress! Giovanni Ribisi steals the show with a excellent performance. Diane Keaton is efficient. Tom Skerritt is likable.

On the whole, 'The Other Sister' is a gem. Watch this film, don't avoid it due to some Roger Ebert!
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excellent acting!
Phil_H1 March 1999
My girlfriend and I saw this film as a sneak preview locally. We were both duly impressed with the calibre of acting shown by both Lewis and Ribisi, more so for my girlfriend since she worked with mentally retarded children and adults for many years and couldn't tell that they were actors! (don't blame her, she didn't know who Juliette Lewis was, and I didn't tell her until after the movie.)

Bravo! This is a film we will definitely see again!
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Painful to watch.
abrady81039 January 2022
I saw this movie years ago and I didn't enjoy it then. Recently, I watched it again to see if my initial thoughts about it were right and they still are. The leads and supporting characters are not very likeable and the messages are very disingenuous and insincere. Gary Marshall's work was never enjoyable for me and he clearly did not think carefully about what this film was trying to accomplish as a director and writer. It really surprises me that that this film did not receive more Razzie Award nominations along with the one that Lewis received.
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ThEjOkErIsWiLd10 February 2003
I thought this was a very beautiful and touching film... I can't remember the last time a movie stirred up so many emotions in me all at the same time as this one did. And you know what? I really couldn't care less if this movie portrayed these type of people the "right" way or not (this *is* a fictional piece of work after all) because I saw the ideology behind the movie instead of just the movie itself.

What I took away with me from this film is that you shouldn't care about what anyone thinks about you, not your mom or your dad or your friends and relatives either, that you should just try and live for the things that you love and enjoy. The way that these two questioned almost everything that was happening to them and listened to their feelings more than their minds made me feel a lot better about the way I think and the way I feel. I love how they aren't burdened by the way they are, they just simply accept it, and I find that beautiful, absolutely uplifting! I've never seen a movie that made me laugh and cry at the same time as many times as this masterpiece did. "Don't be afraid to feel" would be the perfect tagline for this underrated film. Solid story, solid actors.

My favourite line of the whole movie? When Carla tells her mom "We can take care of each other!" Talk about tears! I'm definitely going to try to find this movie and buy it the next time I'm out and about.

By the way, in case you were curious, this was just written by a 24 year old straight male. (I'm not afraid of showing my "feminine side", whatever that means.)

Grade: A+
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Sugarcoated charm
Yonhap S21 October 1999
The Other Sister is a enjoyable and charming film. The film was treated in light, optimistic manner. Based from the comments of those who didn't like the movie, I think I'd feel better watching in the comfort of home. It's the kind of movie that held a lot of punches to go the easy way out. Giovanni Ribisi did well in the movie. Juliette Lewis' character, Carol, sometimes annoys me when she bawls, and gets angry because she's not getting something her way. I have an uncle and a cousin who are mentally challenged and while they can be difficult at times, they're not spoiled.

The idea that they can be independent is intriguing given that my uncle and cousin are always under frequent if not constant care and supervision. That's what makes Ribisi's character interesting. He has his own apartment even if he couldn't keep it for long and basically works on his own. Somehow Carol's was more due to envy. I hate to put Juliette Lewis down, she's so cute.

An unnecessary part is the revelation that one of the sisters is lesbian. It was resolved, but it was a subplot that didn't enhance the story. It's as if it's done just for PC's sake. The beginning of the film has interesting intros but somehow doesn't really affect the rest of the movie. Again, sugarcoated for convenience. What mattered most was theromance.

The verdict: 3.5 of 5 stars.
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offensive and melodramatic claptrap that insults the issues faced by the intellectually challenged
johnv-331 March 1999
It is a rare occasion that leads me to want to walk out of a theatre (I actually sat through "Tarzan the Apeman" with Bo Derek), but this movie came close to propelling me into the lobby. The plot (and I use the term lightly) centers on the life and loves by a young "retarded" girl who returns home after having been sent to a 'special school' by her guilt ridden, extremely wealthy parents for several years. In the course of 128 tedious minutes, this girl goes through a number of "challenges", all of which are presented in the most maudlin and melodramatic manner possible.

The faults of this piece of schlock from Gary Marshall are too numerous to mention, so I'll focus only on those elements, which were most offensive. These include: 1. Fatuous acting by the 2 'retarded' characters, both of whom obviously spent a few days with intellectually challenged individuals, but learned nothing other than the most overt mannerisms. These they portray in a way that would embarrass a first year drama student.

2. Playing disabilities and intellectual impairments for laughs. Virtually every five to ten minutes there would be an episode where one or other of the 'retarded' characters would engage in some socially unacceptable or embarrassing behavior, invariably presented as funny. There were several young women behind me who erupted in gales of laughter each time one of those crazy 'retards' did another 'cute' thing.

3. Diane Kenton, whose over the top, hysterical acting as the guilty mother makes us yearn for the subdued and deep performances seen in Something About Mary.

4. A total ignoring of the real issues faced by the intellectually challenged. These 'retards' are rich, physically attractive, with totally supportive families and oodles of friends. No loneliness, rejection, physical disabilities, or poverty to interfere with the fun.

4. Lastly, and most damning, is the fact that there was a potential for a real movie that could examine the issues and lives of the intellectually challenged. Any random sample of such people would reveal incredible stories of courage and heartbreak, which are rarely, if ever, heard.

As someone who has worked extensively with the intellectually impaired, I am offended that such a piece of utter drivel could command the effort and money needed to bring it to the screen. If you want to find out about the intellectually challenged, do yourself a favor, and volunteer with the local agencies that work with this population. You'll learn more in five minutes than you will from 2 hours of this drek!

(2 out of 10, mainly for technical merit in the film production).
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The Other Sister was definitely a hit
chelenablount-116 November 2006
This movie was excellent. The family was well portrayed; from the beginning with the father not wanting to admit his daughter had a disability, to the mother dealing with the guilt of putting her daughter away by trying to make up for it almost a decade later.

Excellent cast (Lewis, Ribisi, Keaton, Skerritt, etc.) and I loved how the disabled characters were believable. Sometimes movies depicting the disabled are no more than an insult. Lewis and Ribisi were incredibly believable in their roles, actually I had never seen Ribisi in a role previous to this one and - I have to be honest - I really did not think he was 'acting'. I thought the casting director had found someone disabled to fill the role. Once I found out the truth, I thought Ribisi should have been nominated for an Oscar!

For the person who complained about the other story lines going on in the movie; a movie has to be multi-faceted, otherwise it can become boring. And I don't think the other story lines were too indulgent, they added flavor.

And a mother that has a child whom she believes she has failed in the past yes, she will be a basket case and indecisive with every step she takes. That's what mothers's the norm.

Another great movie that was obviously overlooked by Hollywood. (So what else is new?)
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Felt too much like a TV-movie
philip_vanderveken2 April 2005
Normally I always try to find some alternative movies. I'm not saying that I can't enjoy a Hollywood blockbuster from time to time, but I like to see smaller, less well-known movies as well. That's one reason why I gave this movie a chance. The other reason was because Juliette Lewis was in it. I'm not saying she's the best actress ever, but she's quite good most of the time...

"The Other Sister" tells the story of a mentally retarded girl, Carla Tate, who wants to be more independent from her parents after she got out of the training school where she has resided for many years because of her handicap. But her rich parents and especially her mother, don't see it that way. She still sees Carla as her little girl that isn't capable of doing anything and who has to be thought the more 'meaningfull' things in life like playing tennis or chess, learning about art,... But Carla is able to convince her parents and they send her to school, where she meets a boy who is equally mentally challenged as Carla. They fall in love and want to start a live together, much against her mother's will...

Even though I didn't have too high expectations of this movie, I can't say that I was convinced by it. It's not Juliette Lewis' performance that bothered me. She's very believable as the handicapped girl, but it's the rest of the movie that I didn't like all too much. This felt more like an "oh let's blow our noses in the curtains because our handkerchief will never be big enough" - TV-movie and if there is one thing that I absolutely hate, than it must be that kind of movies... That's why I give this movie only a 5.5/10.
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peachy-311 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the most offensive movies I've ever seen. I cannot believe other viewers' positive comments. Did anyone over the age of 13 even see this movie? Can't tell it from most of the reviews. They sound like they were written by gushing, easily entertained, not terribly insightful teenyboppers. An Oscar for Lewis? They've got to be kidding. Lewis' portrayal of a mentally retarded girl was so over-exaggerated that I felt embarrassed for the actress and for her character. "Carla" was completely obnoxious, not because she was mentally challenged, but because she was came off as a spoiled brat. And the theme of "Independence". Independence my foot! What is so independent about living in an apartment picked out and paid for by mommy and daddy. And while we are at it, let's get married, and live happily ever after in the $1500 a month (just a guess, based on size and location) apartment, compliments of mommy and daddy, with a $350 month income.

Diane Keaton's performance was just as bad as Lewis'. She didn't seem focused, I never felt that she cared for her daughter, or liked her daughter. She seemed like she was always on the verge of becoming hysterical. She didn't come off as being sincere.

I give it a "zero" out of 5 stars. SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!
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great movie
poostyx30 September 2001
okay this was a great movie, great acting, great story ... my dad even cried during this movie .. sure my mother cried like always during movies .. but my dad come on.. give this movie a 10 imdb under rated this
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The Other Sister Might Be Hotter.
anaconda-4065815 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Other Sister (1999): Dir: Garry Marshall / Cast: Juliette Lewis, Giovanni Ribisi, Diane Keaton, Tom Skerritt, Hector Elizondo: Misguided comedy about the struggles and issues facing the mentally handicapped. Juliette Lewis plays the other sister and the title seems to suggest her lack of recognition and her eagerness to become more than she is. She wishes to free herself from her mother's apron string and seek opportunities in life, choices and romances. She arrives home from a special school to the news that her sister is engaged and her other sister is gay. She enrols in a computer course and meets a mentally challenged male who works at a bakery. Fine setup is reduced to predictable elements and a dumb financial explanation in the conclusion. It is disturbing watching these two experiment with sex. Directed by Garry Marshall who often deals with films where outsiders aim to fit in. He previously made Pretty Woman and Dear God. Convincing performances by Lewis and Giovanni Ribisi who pull through even when the material is uneasy. Tom Skerritt and Diane Keaton play her annoying parents in what isn't their best moment. Hector Elizondo plays the landlord and friend to the Ribisi character but the role is one note and flat. Arguments surface regarding handicaps and their level of freedom but viewers may be divided as to whether the execution is a success. Score: 6 / 10
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Major "aww" factor but still worth it
Feasel21 February 1999
You'll hear a collective "aww" more than a few times in the theatre, but still very entertaining and very worth the price of admission.
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Juliette Lewis
Abadeo10 October 1999
This was overall a good movie. True there were a lot of things that made it imperfect, but the performance of Juliette Lewis makes me forget them all. She is fantastic in this movie. She emotes so much with her eyes and her face, it's amazing. My favorite moment was when she slipped at the wedding and said "wife" instead of "husband". When she realized her mistake her face was a study. I laughed, I cried. it was great.
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Commendable subject, lousy movie
crothman21 June 1999
I'm sure everyone involved in this movie had the best of intentions. Maybe that's the problem. Certainly the idea and much of the execution of the romance was well done, but the movie just didn't work. All conflict was removed from the screenplay, other than the conflict between Carla and her mother, and it was obvious from the start that that would be resolved. The movie dragged out, hitting its points over and over and over and over again. It all looked phoney (especially the scene between the mother and Michelle. The mother's line to her was the height of hypocrisy). The acting was good, but the story was too weak, contrivied, and pat. If you want to see something good on this subject, rent BEST BOY. Give everyone here an A for intentions, but an F for filmmaking.
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A touching movie
SoulRdee3 March 1999
There are films out there that do not touch people and are just the high action films of the summer. This movie was not a summer film, because "The Other Sister" was a movie to be reckoned with. Many times I have gone to the theater (5x movies a week) and never seen such a movie as this one. I saw an advanced screening of the movie and I also got to see it last weekend. I am absolutely gonna see it this weekend too. It is just a heart warming story that got to me by a lot and has changed my life. I recommend this movie to everybody who knows how love is.
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an entertaining but ultimately shallow experience
flicklover8 March 1999
i went into this movie with high expectations. it looked like juliette lewis' performance would be terrific. though the performances by both leads are good, both actors try to hard to convince the audience that they are retarded. the performances are exactly that, performances. the other problem with the movie is its lack of focus, all the characters are drawn too superficially. the movie suffers from a serious case of the cutes!!! ultimately though i have to say that it is entertaining, and i find it difficult to completely dislike a movie that just wants to entertain. but if you want to see a much better movie about the subject, check out Domminick and Eugene!
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Downright Offensive.
thecynicalone25 June 2000
I went along with someone to see this film and was very close to walking out. I cannot remember EVER seeing a film that was so offensive!

"The Other Sister" refers to Juliet Lewis' character, a mildly retarded girl who is often ignored by her matriarchial battle ax of a mother (Diane Keaton.) It is clear that this movie is trying to show that mentally handicaped people are capable of overcoming difficulties. However, this film fails to come off this way. Lewis and Ribsi's characters are portrayed in a mocking light, with the scene at the wedding reception in which Ribi's sings 76 trombone's being perhaps the most offensive thing ever put on film. With every plot contrivance, the crediblity of this film slips further and further downhill. And Diane Keaton's phoned in sterotypical performance crushes whatever positive strides this film makes. On to top it all off, this film is agnoizingly long. Lewis and Ribisi do do a nice job portraying their characters. Unfortunatly, we're watching sterotypes, not people. Tom Skerrit and Hector Elizondo are wasted in this film as well. Unless you're into schmaltz, do yourself a favor and skip this one.
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A Very Touching Film
markj0679-951-27457115 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"I want to live like animals, careless and free."

If a song ever embodied a movie, Savage Garden's "The Animal Song" serves to define the actions and emotions of the main characters in the movie, Carla and Daniel, two mentally challenged young adults who, finding each other, learn to live life to the fullest while leading each other through it.

The strength and sweetness of "The Other Sister" can be found in the bravery and certainty that Carla, its main character, approaches life, navigating her way through the film in the manner of someone who knows what she wants out of life and seeks it with a childlike abandon.

Juliette Lewis does a good job as Carla, the mildly mentally retarded daughter of the Tate's, a rich family that has had the struggle of Carla's handicap and having to send her away to a private, special education school.

Mrs. Tate, (Diane Keaton), invokes responses on both ends of the spectrum from us, wanting to make up the lost years to Carla, "I'm going to make it up to that girl, Radley, I promise," she says, and an inability to let Carla grow up and be on her own out of fear, and, perhaps, stubbornness.

Tom Skerrit, as Mr. Tate, does a remarkably good job as a husband living with the past of a drinking problem and inability to be there for Carla as a child- but a man who is certainly there for her now. He champions first her desire to attend a Polytechnic School to get a certificate to be a Veterinarian's Assistant and then to move into her own apartment for the first time in her life. He holds the family together while seemingly apologetic for mistakes he has made in the past.

Supporting actors add important depth to this touching film. Two sisters line the cast: Heather (Sarah Paulson) and Caroline (Poppy Montgomery), do a good job at adding another layer to the family drama. Caroline is getting married to a fiancée, while Heather, who works in New York, is also seeking affirmation from her mother to acknowledge the fact that she is gay.

The sisters also act as a moral battleground, stating that Carla be treated as a normal person, and allowed to make to take the same mistakes or risks as ordinary people.

The crux of the story, and some of the most touching scenes in the film involve the budding romance between Carla and Daniel McMahon, a likewise mentally challenged boy she meets at her school. Part of the charm of their involvement is the childlike innocence with which they treat one another- while, to the rest of the world around them their behavior is awkward or untimely, to each other it is markedly candid, and innocent in a way most adults are not able to achieve.

Carla becomes a best friend for Daniel, who, unlike her, does not have the support of a loving family. His distant father pays his rent, but is otherwise uninvolved, and all but cuts him off when he fails his class at the polytechnic for the umpteenth time. The only person in his life is Ernie, a handyman at his apartment, who acts as a father and friend but can't give him what Carla does- someone who understands.

While not as well adjusted as Carla, instead of using this as a plot arc, the film uses it to show the sweetness in Carla and their relationship. She is there for him when he needs her. This is best illustrated in two scenes, the first of which is a dance at the Polytechnic school where Carla finds out she has passed her subject, while Daniel has not. Upset, Daniel breaks down, and then embarrassed, runs from Carla. Against his pleas, Carla, never judgmental, or superior, consoles him by telling him that she learned to take easy subjects first, before you take hard ones in an attempt to cheer him up.

A second scene is a fight with Carla and her mother, Carla's mother adamant that Daniel is not right for her because "He is the first boy you've met and I think you can do better." Carla's heartfelt explanation as to why this is wrong, "I can't do better because I'm not better," is better understood to explain that she and Daniel are the same, and that she has accepted who she is and that, as she states, "I can't be a painter or a tennis player…but I can love."

Her point when Carla's mother exclaims that Danny can barely take care of himself, let alone her is poignant. "We can take care of each other," Carla claims in sweetness and loyalty to Daniel, and in a way ignorant that men should take care of women, and in a way that speaks of her and Daniel's friendship, love, and desire to be there for each other in a pure, simplistic way that many of us will never realize.

Critics of "The Other Sister" cite its oversimplification as a downside, as well as its attempt to make mental retardation seem "cute." But something else exists within this movie that is special- it is the careless innocence and bravery in which Carla treats the world, as though there is nothing in life that is too complicated as long as you follow your heart. The love between Carla and Danny is not clumsy but real- and follows an outline of two real, caring people that have found each other rather then recycled stereotypes of how couples within a relationship should act, so often promoted in media and modern life.
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Good movie but unrealistic
kathrynturner-0579015 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a parent of a disabled child in a similar arena as Carla (the main character. I could never send my child away to live in a home. To me, that part was very unrealistic. However, these people have money and perhaps didn't want to be bothered with the extra parental strength it takes to have a mentally disabled child. That part aside, it's a beautiful love story and any parent could only hope that their child finds love like that.
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