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The script is the real natural disaster in "Volcano"
SwingBatta6 February 2002
Watching Mick Jackson's disaster flick, in which the eponymous natural disaster wreaks havoc throughout Los Angeles, is like watching a 3 a.m. infomercial. It's such silly, mindless fluff, yet there's just something about it that keeps your eyes glued to the screen.

"Volcano" is admittedly well-cast and acted, despite a dreadful script and a plot whose summary could fit on a matchbook. Tommy Lee Jones, who would give 110% making a McDonald's commercial, stars as Mike Roark, the hard-boiled head of the Office of Emergency Management, where he is assisted by his sidekick Emmit (Don Cheadle). After initially pooh-poohing the thought of a volcano in L.A. from geologist Amy Barnes (Anne Heche, who constantly ends her lines with a four-letter word like a period after a sentence), it's only a matter of time before he is proved wrong before his very eyes. Other solid performances come from Jacqueline Kim (Dr. Calder), John Carroll Lynch (Stan, the oft-maligned subway boss), and Keith David, a great actor who is otherwise wasted here in a role as a police lieutenant who has no impact on any events in the film, which is halfway over before he even appears on screen for the first time.

However, there's the small problem of having something resembling a good story to go with the awesome visuals, which are indeed spectacular. But forget the volcano; Jerome Armstrong's script poses the greatest threat to the characters. To put it mildly, it's the biggest piece of cliché-ridden muck to come along in awhile, laden with plot holes, smarmy sentimentality (the offender here being a dog rescue scene near the beginning) and heroics, forced we-are-all-brothers morals, and implausibilities. Yes, this film is rooted far from reality, but it should make a little sense along the way.

Working at the OEM must be the cushiest job in the world, for all the employees do throughout the picture is holler at each other and stare blankly at computer monitors. (And why do they continuously show news broadcasts on their big screen? Is that where their disaster briefings come from?) Mike's sullen daughter (Gaby Hoffmann, in a thankless role in the tradition of "True Lies" and "Face/Off"), due to her own incompetence, is suddenly thrust into peril and is thus separated from her father, a subplot that helps build up what turns out to be one great big joke of an ending. Describing it here can't do it justice. (After being taken to the hospital in Dr. Calder's Land Rover to receive treatment for a second-degree burn on her right leg, she is seen some time later with a bloody scab on her left cheek as she talks to Mike on the phone. And you thought your HMO was rough.) Plus, I seriously doubt that someone who jumps right into a pool of hot lava would slowly melt like a snowman in Miami while he screams and tosses the body of a man nearly twice his size to safety from a burning subway train. Then there's the wonderful family-oriented scene of two firemen burned alive in their overturned truck.

And, lest we forget that "Volcano" takes place in L.A., there's the obligatory racist-cop episode in which a black man asking the fire chief to help his neighborhood is suddenly handcuffed out of nowhere by an officer for "harassing" him, a tacky scene complete with (groan) references to Rodney King and Mark Fuhrman. (The whole time he's cuffed, the black man makes carefree wisecracks to the officers all while his 'hood is burning to cinders.) But, of course, everything's eventually resolved. "You're a good man," the other cop praises his partner after the latter grudgingly dispatches fire trucks to the black man's neighborhood, as if he has performed some immense display of generosity.

In another lovely homage to L.A., there's also a looting scene, where extras run incredibly slow while carrying empty boxes.

And what in the world was with the constant barrage of news reporters? Did we really need someone reporting "The house behind me has just exploded into flames...all hell is breaking loose!" while people were running for their lives all around her? As the volcano explodes out of the La Brea Tar Pits and lava is running onto the street, it's from a reporter describing this sight from where we hear one of the worst lines in the film: "It's as if the tar had caught fire, melted and somehow expanded." Hey, McFly, if tar is already a liquid to begin with, then how in the world can it melt?

When an army of helicopters drops gallons of water on the lava blocked off on Wilshire, the reporters and camera crews, who are camped right up against the concrete barriers, manage to stay conveniently dry the entire time.

Despite a high body count, scores of injured civilians and billions of dollars in damages, everybody's smiling as soon as a rainfall ensues, like those 7up commercials circa 1986. ("Feels so good comin' down!" Remember that?) Lots of questions are left unanswered: How will they clean up and repair everything? Will a future eruption occur soon? Will the Cubs win the World Series?

Yet for all its pretentiousness and gaping flaws, I have to admit that "Volcano" was entertaining. It's a load of escapist camp that doesn't have a care in the world. And I do have to give credit where it's due; somehow the filmmakers managed to keep slow-moving lava exciting for 104 minutes.

Plus, you can't help but get a kick out of a disaster film that includes the line "This city's finally paying for its arrogance," and finds the time to include a Bible quotation. 7/10
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A good 'just sit down and watch' film
horseygurlz25 June 2011
I'm not going to pretend that this movie is realistic. It isn't. But if you want to just sit down and watch a film with action, drama and entertaining characters, then this is the film for you.

Most disaster films are unrealistic, have no science behind them and if you think about them too much just get worse and worse. This movie is no exception. However, it is still a brilliant film if you want to sit down and not think too hard, or if you want to put a movie on without having to give it your full concentration. Personally, I think this film is great. There are better films out there, including better disaster films, but there are so many films that are ten times worse yet get better reviews. That's probably because they have better actors or are more realistic - but the job of a movie is to entertain, and this film does that brilliantly.
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It shud have been named Lava/Magma, wreaking havoc inside n outside the gutter.
Fella_shibby31 March 2021
I first saw this with my friends in Regal theater, South Mumbai in 1997.

Those times there were no trailers or YouTube or any reviews. Enjoyed it a bit then but aft revisiting it, i found it to b lame.

The film doesnt have any tension or suspense. It has the same lava stuff going on again n again. The best part is, the film's name is Volcano but we dont get to see any mountain bursting. At times, the lava looked too fake. Even the plan and the strategy to contain/pool the lava and later divert the lava's direction is a big lol.

Anne Heche's character is a scientist but the character does stupid stuff.

The only good thing is the way Stan Olber (John Carroll Lynch) saves the driver. The jumping into the lava flow n throwing the driver to safety is epic.
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What America needs is a few good volcanic eruptions?
jpsaldibar19 August 2000
As a Big Budget movie, I'm sure that "Volcano" took more than a few months to make. Too bad someone associated with the movie didn't take that time to wander into the local library (the children's section, perhaps), and check out a book on "Volcanoes". I've seen Saturday-morning cartoons that have a better understanding of lava.

Instead we get many scenes of outright stupidity that would challenge even the densest of viewers. In one scene, Tommy Lee Jones and an assistant are standing near a volcanic vent, and their protective suits start to melt (of course skin is stronger than a protective suit, so they escape unharmed). But in numerous later scenes, people walk by lava like you might walk past a lake. Maybe this is because no one seems to know it's lava. I lost count of how many times a character said something like "What is that stuff?" or "There's something really hot and glowing coming down the street, and things are melting into it. Wonder what it could be?"

In what has to be one of the worst scenes ever filmed, two characters load an injured man onto the outstretched ladder of a hook & ladder truck. Then they hang onto a dangling fire hose as the ladder is lifted above the lava. The heat is so intense that the fire hose SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTS, but our characters are unhurt (their boots smoke a little). I didn't know that fire hoses were so flammable...

But "Volcano"is not just a dumb disaster flick with bad science. No! It's also a Socially-Important Commentary on our Society Movie! Throughout the film there are numerous "social messages". These are so corny and contrived that they could only have been written by people who have never actually experienced them. A racist cop tries to arrest a guy for assault (in the middle of a disaster scene!), but then the two team up to help save the day. Aww. Later, a little kid notes that "everybody looks the same" when covered by ash and soot. Aww. America's racial troubles could be ended, if only a giant volcano threatened us all.

More? Oh sure, there's more! Tommy Lee Jones is the too-hard-working dad who comes to value his daughter. Said daughter is a selfish brat who learns some responsibility, and respect for her dad. There's a guy whose only role in the movie is to say obviously insulting things. This makes him the "bad guy". One can see the writers of this movie hammering his role out: "We need someone who's rich and yuppie-like and snooty. Someone like us, only not as enlightened. Someone who wouldn't make a Socially-Important Commentary on our Society Movie like we are!" Of course, bad things happen to him and all is right with the world.

In the end, the mysterious, glowing, sometimes-hot substance we come to know as "lava" is channeled into the sea, and all of LA lives happily ever after in a just and fair world. A world, of course, with a big smoking volcano plopped down into the middle of it. Certainly that won't affect the real estate values?

The lessons of this movie are quite clear. 1) lava is harmless if you don't touch it; 2) small children will inevitably wander into incredible harm (but emerge OK), and 3) only through the trauma of sudden volcanic activity will we come to appreciate the true Brotherhood of Man.

Whoever thought up this movie should be thrown into a volcano...
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Campy but brought down by 1 performance
joeandthecat31 July 2016
2 words make this one of the worse movies I have ever seen: Gabby Hoffman. My god she was beyond annoying. One of the whiniest, wimpy, grating kid performances in history of movies. Take her away and this is a fun B movie that leaves you entertained for a bit. With Gabby this movie becomes grating. Best example is when she cannot run away from the lava that a baby could crawl away from. God I was hoping she would die in that scene. Didn't happen and her performance just got worse as the movie moved along. If you can tune her out the movie is fun. I just couldn't tune her out though and I could not enjoy the movie. So take away one performance and the movie is enjoyable. Leave that one performance in and the movie is terrible.
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lukem-5276028 November 2020
I loved the 90's resurgence of the Disaster movie that was cemented as a Genre back in the 1970's but like a Volcano that genre laid dormant for a long time until the 90's exploded with huge, big budget Disaster films with the likes of VOLCANO, DANTE'S PEAK, TWISTER, INDEPENDENCE DAY, DEEP IMPACT, ARMAGEDDON, DAYLIGHT & even JURASSIC PARK could be considered a Disaster movie!!! There's probably more that i haven't mentioned but those were the "Big Ones" & i consider Dante's Peak & Volcano the very best of the bunch. I've always been a big Tommy Lee Jones fan after The Fugitive & Men In Black & U.S Marshalls, Batman Forever, Under Seige, among others as the 90's were his glory days as a star & here he gets his own big budget summertime Blockbuster with his name written big above the title on the poster, this is his film & he's the main star lead of the whole damn thing & he's excellent as our rugged hero lead as he runs about Los Angeles trying to rescue everyone & save the city from a big erupted Volcano spilling out a river of scorching hot lava, Tommy is great & i love his voice & his smart authoritative manner & he puts it all to good use here. There's a nice ensemble cast to round out the supporting characters with Anne Heche, Gaby Hoffman, Don Cheadle & Keith David. I totally love the Thrilling & exciting music score by the legendary ALAN SILVESTRI (Predator 1&2, Judgment Night, Death Becomes Her, Back to the Future & so many more) & the look of the sticky hot summertime LA is captured beautifully on screen & i loved the opening of the movie just showing LA in the morning with everyone going about their day as usual & busyness of it all with not knowing what's growing under the famous city, it's just an exciting & lovely 90's opening especially with the music. The special effects still hold up beautifully & the production design is perfect for a Disaster movie & the most important thing for this big budget popcorn movie is it's simply FUN & full of entertainment. As the City of Angeles starts to crumble & the lava flows through the streets we follow Tommy Lee Jones on his mission to save it all if he can & it's a thrilling & fun experience, i love 90's movies. My favourite Tommy Lee Jones "Vehicle" movie
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Get me that lady geologist!!! (spoilers)
Captain Ed29 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
'Volcano' is a B-movie at best, and at worst is more of a disaster that what it's supposed to be depicting. To be fair, you have to be prepared in any movie to suspend disbelief for one major concept. 'Volcano' asks you to suspend disbelief in science, human interaction, and common sense.

Tommy Lee Jones gets to be the studly-yet-1990s-sensitive head honcho of the Office of Emergency Management, and he's fine when he's not stuck with the stupid dialogue the script provides. However, Anne Heche gives a howlingly bad performance as a smart-ass geologist who becomes Roark's love interest (while the city is burning down, natch). Gaby Hoffman goes from Field of Dreams and American President to a turn as a whimpering, needy, and victim-for-life daughter of Jones. Don Cheadle gets to sit in a really coooool office and take Jones's phone calls, doing the job that in reality Roark would and should be doing.

Anyway, the movie really starts going downhill when Heche's geology partner gets sucked into a lava vent while they're breaking into the subway lines. It picks up speed when Jones starts suggesting that they use buses to dam the flow of the lava flowing down the street, Heche's geologist (who loves to lecture everyone about The Science Of Geology) being apparently oblivious to the fact that lava is hot and it melts metal, and rock, and a dead bus is unlikely to have much effect. It really starts to suck when the film introduces Rodney King-like racial tension between two bad actors dressed as cops and an angry black man who can't understand why the fire department is busy with this large river of flowing lava. But hey, in the end, the three of them will be working together to build a K-rail dam to stop the lava from eating up his neighborhood, even though the dam is built in the wrong direction and the material used wouldn't stop lava anyway. Besides, K-rails are hardly watertight, but I guess lava wouldn't think to poke its head through the gaps, not when Tommy Lee Jones is glaring at it. Don't even get me started on the stranded-subway-car subplot, where a tunnelful of hot lava is coming down but oddly enough, it's not too hot to attempt a rescue, it's not too smoky to see, and there aren't any poisonous gases so everyone can breathe. This must be LA Lava, or Lava Lite. You know, it eats cars but is eco-friendly.

There are moments of sheer camp here that almost make you wonder if this was meant to be a comedy. For instance, the two security guards packing up Hieronymus Bosch paintings have a completely meaningless and farcical conversation about weight, and at the end, no sooner does the little boy Roark/Jones rescued note that everyone looks the same while covered in ash, than a rainstorm breaks out and cleans everyone up -- and then the sun comes out and Heche says something along the lines of, "aw, shucks, Roark".

'Volcano' almost achieves Battlefield Earth status, but except for Heche no one approaches Travolta-like badness and the technical aspects are handled pretty well. If you are from the LA area as I am, it's kind of funny to think of a lava flow wiping out Wilshire Boulevard. I gave it a three for the effects and the little amount of tension you get from this.
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Get me a scriptwriter!!...or a scientist...
FlashCallahan1 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In the city of Los Angeles, it is nice quiet and routine.

Until an earthquake occurs. The director of the city's emergency management, Michael Roark believes that something is big is about to happen, so he finds a geologist named Amy Barnes to help him investigate.

What they will realise that the earthquake is a sign of a volcano forming in the city.

The volcano formed at the La Brea Tarpits. Now Roark has to use every resource in the city to stop the volcano from consuming Los Angeles...

Okay, so the plausibility factor in this is stretched to it's very limits, and the script is downright hilarious.

Bt one cannot deny the fun you have whilst watching this.

Made in a time when anything Lee Jones was in was worth watching, Volcano is like one of those good old fashioned seventies disaster movies, minus the character input.

You know from the start who will live and who will die, thanks to the persons stress levels.

For example, the guy who is trying to quit smoking has the short end of the stick in death scenes.

But all the cast are good, given the material they are using, and Lee Jones gives it that bit of class the film desperately needs.

When the day is saved, there is a little message that goes along the lines of 'in the hour of need, we are all the same, despite creed, culture, or colour', thanks to a child pointing out the fact that everyone is covered in ash.

It's better than Dante's Peak by a mile, and the dog survives, which makes a nice change.

The tag-line should have been 'the coast is cheese on toast'.
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I never knew watching volcano could be so boring
Simon-Rogopag3 January 2019
One of the most insufferably boring and humorless disaster films ever committed to celluloid. Makes admittedly mediocre and predictable rival volcano movie - Dante's Peak- look like a masterpiece. It's not even camp or scary and almost every actor is unbearably annoying (though the teenage daughter of the main character that behaves like a 6 year old takes the cake as one of the most annoying children in the history of film). At least in the 70s they used to have funny fashions, campy dialogues and all-star casts. One drank Ava Gardner is worth more than the entire cast and crew of this film combined.
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Flawed but fun
Leofwine_draca5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood was an odd place in late 1990s. I was a cinemagoer back then and we went through a time where every year there were two rival movies on the same subject coming out at the same time. One year we had ARMAGEDDON and DEEP IMPACT; in 1997 we had this and DANTE'S PEAK. While I much preferred the Pierce Brosnan movie (and have gone so far as to purchase it on Blu-ray for continued enjoyment), I think VOLCANO is a fun production. It has a good plot that harks back to the old Hollywood disaster hits like EARTHQUAKE and a very fast-paced story that gets straight to the crux of the matter without much hanging around. The worst thing about it is the terrible direction, which is cheesy beyond belief. It starts off restrained and ends with slow-motion running, bad CGI backdrops, and some hugely embarrassing zooming-in on people's faces that has to be seen to believed. You'd think you were watching a spoof.

Tommy Lee Jones acquits himself well as the hero of the hour, enjoying the peak of his popularity in the years following on from THE FUGITIVE. He's well supported by solid character actors including Keith David and John Carroll Lynch who can be relied upon to do their very best. The one missstep is the casting of the terrible Anne Heche as the female lead; she's totally unconvincing as the geologist and another embarrassment at times. The special effects haven't held up as well as those in DANTE'S PEAK, but the lava lake still looks good today and there are some fairly exciting set-pieces along the way. As cheesy as this is, I'd still take it over any of the modern-day B-movie disaster films made by the SyFy Channel and The Asylum.
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Made me laugh a lot even though not a comedy
danielspink10 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Hahahahah Probably one of the funniest movies i've even seen. Obviously this isn't intentional though. It takes about half the movie for the main characters to realize what the big hilly thing is in the middle of the city is spewing hot red stuff, and the other half spent diverting the lave flow through the city using fire trucks (yer right). It certainly made me laugh. The acting makes Arnie look like a RSC thespian. It is amazing that films like this get commissioned. A more interesting version would be someone going near an active volcano and filming it, and would probably cost about £20 to make. ($40) I can see some guy pitching the film to a film company "well there's this big VOLCANO and it erupts in a CITY....pretty radical hey" If you can find it in the dollar bins, maybe worth buying as after watching this most other films would look good.
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Ridiculous But Solid Entertainment nonetheless **** out of *****
Welshfilmfan30 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have noticed from a lot of the other comments on here regarding this Movie is that a lot of reviewers here are bitching about the lack of scientific accuracy..... This is a Big-Budget Hollywood Movie for Christ sake, Get a life! you're NOT supposed to take this kind of stuff as fact... It's a 100 Minutes of Mindless escapism....Nothing More... Jeez!!!.....

While I would agree most/Nearly all of the situations which happen in 'Volcano' are highly unlikely such as trying to stop a flow of lava with a Bus, standing inches away from molten Lava and not feeling the heat... Unlikely of course but this is Hollywood.

Slight spoilers!

As for the Plot here goes..... Tommy Lee Jones Plays Mike Roark The Director of the Office of Emergency Manangement (Nice Title!) Anne Heche (What Happened to her?) Plays a Geologist (stretching credibility a bit too much there) called Amy Barnes who team up to stop a Volcano (Well Obviously!) From destroying Los Angeles....and that's pretty much it.,,,, and it's full to the brim of all the usual Disaster Movie clichés such as the guy who runs the Metro doesn't believe listen to Roark & Barnes' concerns....blah....blah.... ends up being a hero while melting to death in a pool of Lava.......Lost Blonde blue eyed boy.....Scared injured daughter...... The sexy Doctor's heartless Boyfriend.....all present and correct......

End of slight Spoilers!

Now 1997 was a big year for Volcanoes as Dante's Peak came out the same year as this and audiences seemingly wanted neither as both Films Flopped 'Volcano' took just HALF it's $90m Budget Stateside and barely broke even Worldwide while 'Dante's Peak' took $67m stateside against a $100 plus Budget, Personally though I prefer 'Volcano' as I can't stand Pierce Brosnan, although neither movie really deserved to bomb.

Take 'Volcano' for what it is a Big Budget Hollywood Special FX Extravaganza and don't try to think too much and moan about the inaccuracies and you WILL enjoy.... I did, as Hollywood Blockbusters go, this is one of the Best.

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OK film with OK effects
CKCSWHFFAN12 March 2006
I was first in the door opening day for this film. And, I got bothered sitting in front of the theater waiting to get in. Just my luck.

Goes to show you, the theater this film opened in is NOW CLOSED.

I went to see the film because I am a fan of Tommy's.

Heche WE COULD DO WITHOUT!! The big problem here with this film is the script.

Subpar, bad side stories.

The effects were OK in 1997. Could have been better, but not the worst I have ever seen.

Course, 9 years later as I write this, computer could have much improved them if the film was done now.

I did not like, nor did we need, the side story with Tommy's character, the ex-wife & then the daughter.

I am NOT a fan of Gaby Hoffmann. Then, her character, tough & know it all here but screaming when things got tough & she DID NOT support her dad when he had to do his job.

A fair film.
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Only the good pace saves this disaster.
morphricky6 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a lot of problems. Bad acting, boring characters, impossible situations and it's hard to take the movie seriously when the characters do so many stupid things.

A guy who melts from his feet up to his head without toppling over in the lava. Tommy Lee Jones and the woman's shoes are smoking from the heat of the lava beneath them, yet the shoes themselves seems to not remain hot after they are dropped on solid ground. Seismologists who thinks it's a brilliant idea to go alone at 4 AM to investigate a place where several workers have boiled to death from heat. One of said seismologists who thinks it's smart to sit right above a crack in the ground where the steam has come from. Blowing up a huge building in 20 minutes. Apparently blocks of concrete in shape of a horseshoe will stop the lava from flowing around the edges of it?

It's as if the movie expects me to be stupid enough to believe all of that works and it's quite creepy. In a sense, I have to become more dumb to enjoy the movie.

Kelly (Tommy Lee Jones characters daughter in the movie) is the reason why I lowered the stars from 3 to 2. Gaby Hoffmann is 15, but her character talks and behaves like she is 10. The character also appears extremely awkward, needing a babysitter and apparently doesn't have a single friend in this movie. She is clingy, spoiled and can't do anything without the input of others. Not even rescuing herself when lava is threatening to kill her. Nope, she stands there shouting for her father to run to the car, pick her up and he actually has to carry her all the way to a doctor because... well... would you expect her to be able to do it herself? Sure she had a small second degree burn on her thigh, but at the hospital, she walks perfectly fine and you even see her running less than an hour later.

I also found the movie stupid as it claimed several hundreds had died in this incident, yet it seemed you had to be a complete and utter moron to be able to die at all. Were those people really more stupid than Kelly? The only logical death in the movie was the firefighter trapped in the firetruck and one of the few characters I actually felt sorry for.

In conclusion, the movie is very stupid, but because it has a good pace and lots of things going at all times, there isn't a moment when you can take a nap since you'd miss out. It's too bad that all you get to see for more than half of the movie is stupidity.
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A pretty simplistic disaster movie with all the usual clichés but just enough stuff happening to make it passable entertainment
bob the moo29 October 2004
Despite a history of major geological events in the area, nobody really suspects anything when a handful of pipe engineers die from intense burns while underground. Investigating the accident, OEM chief Mike Roark almost gets killed himself when an underground fissure throws up intense heat and flame. Expert Dr Amy Barnes believes that magma may be coming up to the surface of the earth and causing the events but, would you believe it, nobody buys it. Nobody that is, until the tar pits overflow and start to pour lava onto the streets, destroying everything in its path. With Roark convinced and Barnes wishing she had been wrong, the race is on to protect the city.

Better known as 'that other volcano movie of 1997', this film gets out the disaster movie handbook and follows it step by step. So we have a manly and practical hero, an expert, children and pets in peril, human conflict, sacrifice, special effects, 'bad' politicians etc etc. So far so formula, and so it all continues. The basic set up does the usual things by setting up the most basic of characters for us to use as a focus before then just letting the lava go and relying on special effects to do the rest. The need to turn the drama into a specific story around Roark means that it occasionally forces him and his into unlikely dangerous positions that require them to be inches away from the action; this is not convincing and at times just feels like overkill, sucking any real tension out of the film.

Without much real excitement the film just piles on the special effects and, unfortunately, these look dated with some poor back projection failing to really cut the mustard.

The film soldiers on, unsure of how it can keep raising the stakes while remaining plausible (it doesn't!) and it will satisfy those just looking for a noisy disaster movie but no more than the clichés that those produce. The script has a few digs at LA (the news reporting, the pet obsession etc) but these don't amount to much but it works much better than the rather sickening attempts at racial commenting in the final few scenes ('everyone looks the same' – ugh!). The cast try hard to convince us that they are real people in real danger but even the talent involved cannot do much more than put on grim faces and soldier on. Jones is a good lead because he has a solid presence, but even he cannot make it exciting when he is placed within inches of anything falling/burning/exploding. Heche simply fits into the 'I hate it when I'm right' expert without really bringing more than competence to the role, while Hoffmann simply tries to find trouble to get into anytime the film dips. Cheadle is good support but minor subplots featuring the likes of David, Corbett and Rispoli only serve to highlight that the film cannot even manage to do the disaster movie stable of having each character have a background to make us care.

Overall this is an average disaster movie at best and, as such, will only really play well to those that like that sort of thing. The script is weak and cannot wait until the lava flows but even then struggles to make it exciting, throwing specific near misses at us again and again to keep us interesting. The cast have nothing to work with and make little impression but viewers may find this has just enough going for it to make it watchable if totally forgettable.
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Have mercy...
themonfees21 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Although this movie (and I use the term loosely) was made in 1997, we just watched it tonight for the first time. My husband commented that a Tommy Lee Jones movie that we'd never heard of made him a little apprehensive. I blithely watched anyway, certain that if Jones was in the movie, it must at least be worth two hours of my time. After all, he has been one of our go-to actors for years. Although Heche isn't one of my favorite actresses, I was additionally reassured by seeing another well-known face. The list of accomplished actors/actresses continued to grow, so I endured more and more of this film, certain that if I pushed through enough clichés and trite social statements, I would arrive victorious on the other side of the plot. Alas, there was no plot. It appeared to be burned by the ever-oozing lava of doom.

The characters were paper-thin. The plot was so chock full of holes that it literally distracted me from most of the special effects and acting in the movie. Was the fee for a brief consultation with an elementary science teacher too much for this film's budget? No acid rain...no toxic gasses (like sulfur or hydrochloride)...no deadly ash...no skin-searing heat just a few feet from the lava. Wow...it's the world's friendliest lava ever!

The events were no better than the characters. Each incident was so contrived and far-fetched...it's like the writers said "Okay, we need to get rid of the little girl NOW"...and poof, she's splashed by a lava bomb which burns her enough that she has to be carried to safety (not from the lava, but from her own helpless stupor)...but just moments later in the car she is in no apparent pain and soon after is running effortlessly through the (groan!) building that (oh no!) is about to be blown up. After enduring all of this, your reward is the line from the little boy at the end (about all the people looking the same)...which has got to be one of the worst movie lines I have ever heard. Even if it wasn't so painfully scripted, it was ridiculous timing for all the characters involved. Kid and cop aside, as if the mother would still be in the area and just needs to be pointed out because she just isn't speaking up...what...she's hoping to slink off into the shadows and get away from the little brat once and for all? I don't think so. Obviously the child's mother would be missing or dead - or yelling her head off to find her toddler.

The token black gangsta tough hoodlum with a secret soft spot versus the chip on his shoulder narrow minded cracker cop with a secret soft spot scene made my eyes bleed. Even if such pat characters existed, they wouldn't behave as the movie portrays them given the circumstances. Something about imminent fiery death and massive destruction tends to catch people off-guard, ya know?

There are too many canned movie moments like these to mention...really, it's just an embarrassing movie to watch. Those poor writers...where are they now?
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Fun Albeit By The Numbers Disaster B-Movie
Space_Mafune8 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Head of Los Angeles Emergency Operations Mike Roark (Tommy Lee Jones) and plucky seismologist Dr. Amy Barnes (Anne Heche) find themselves dealing with a crisis of monumental proportions when Los Angeles is suddenly threatened by an erupting volcano!

While I have serious doubts with regards to the legitimacy of a lot of what's presented on screen, that's also true of most disaster films and make no mistake, that is what this is... a 1990s attempt at updating the classic 1970s style disaster B-movie. It has the usual disaster movie focus of looking at the crisis from the point of view of several key, barely fleshed out aside from our leads, characters. It is a little slow getting started but once the lava flows, I have to admit I just sat back, grabbed some popcorn and had fun watching this one. Where this movie best succeeds is in its portrayal of human courage in the face of impending doom and disaster, my favorite scenes being the hurried rescue aboard the stranded subway train, Roark running in front of a falling building in an effort to save his only daughter and Dr. Calder trying valiantly to save lives in the middle of a busy street. Where it falters is in its attempt to say something about race relations, those scenes proving absolutely groan inducing. Plus it offers very little truly new and surprising, very little we haven't seen in movies of this type before, but at the end of the night, I have to admit it held my interest as a fun, popcorn movie.
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Spews out the usual disaster movie clichés.
BA_Harrison6 October 2013
In the mid-90s, the disaster movie experienced a revival thanks to the advancement of CGI technology, which made creating scenes of destruction on a massive scale far easier and more convincing than ever before; 1997 was the year of the volcano, seeing both the release of Universal's Dante's Peak, and this rather unimaginatively titled effort from 20th Century Fox, which starred Tommy Lee Jones as Office of Emergency Management director Mike Roark, who must try and prevent downtown LA from being entirely engulfed by lava that erupts from the La Brea tar pits.

A slick, major studio, big-budget summer blockbuster, Volcano naturally benefits from a solid cast and state of the art special effects, but proves less thrilling than the premise suggests thanks to a lack of genuinely exciting or particularly innovative set-pieces: too much of the action centres around Jones's attempts to stem the flow of lava, which travels at walking pace thereby presenting little danger to anyone but the elderly and the infirm; meanwhile, director Mick Jackson ticks off the expected clichés from his disaster movie checklist—personal dramas, heroic sacrifices, a sexy scientist, even a cute dog in peril—before wrapping matters up rather too neatly with a finale that delivers far too low a death toll to be truly satisfying.
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I've only got one thing to say to those who are clearly taking this film so seriously... it's just a movie.
doneil48 September 2020
Volcano has always been one of my favourite disaster films. Although I can understand why some people feel the way they do about Volcano, they're all seem to be forgetting one thing. It's only a film. It doesn't try to be one of those movies based on things that could potentially happen. It doesn't try to do anything other than entertain you. Is Volcano really the first film to feature an event that we know in real life is very unlikely next to very much impossible from happening? Far from it. It's called fictional storytelling.

As much as I do find the subject of Volacanoes interesting, I genuinely have no idea on the chances of a volcano forming underneath the ground unbeknownst to anybody's knowledge before it's too late. But if 2020 is one year to go by...

And you can look at it this way, the film is set in Los Angeles. At least they picked a city that does in fact suffer a lot of natural things happening such as earthquakes.

But anyway, I enjoy Volcano and I'm sure many of you will too. Although not the first film about a volcano, at least the story and circumstances make it original. An entertaining film with some intense moments that will keep you on edge. And that's all you should view it as. Plus, you've got Tommy Lee Jones, what more could you want? Trust me, there's much worse volcano movies out there. And no, I'm not referring to Dante's Peak.
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"What's Magma?"
mbrahms2625 October 2020
Tommy Lee Jones plays a top L.A. County environmental official but does not know about plate tectonics or understand that magma is underground lava. Cars drive nonchalantly by an erupting volcano on Wilshire Blvd. like it's a water main break. People walk in front of molten lava and get bombarded with volcanic ash and falling glass shards from exploding buildings with no ill effects. And these are some of the high points! Yet if Tommy Lee Jones whiny brat teenage daughter and the two dogs had been engulfed in the lava stream, I would have rated this clunker a bit higher for good special effects.
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Good, but the Underdog Wins!
FiendishDramaturgy22 March 2007
I have to say this is a big blockbustery KABOOM popcorny effects extravaganza, with a solid story, and good performances. This (released in April of 1997) was 20th Century/Fox's answer to Universal's Dante's Peak (released in February of 1997), a superior movie in all ways except one...It doesn't have Tommy Lee Jones.

I have to say that Jones makes Volcano. Without him, this work would be nothing than an overblown, over-written piece of popcorn trash. As it is, this is a delightful "Mother Nature Gone Awry" flick, with totally kick butt effects.

I found it riveting, but liked Dante's Peak more.

It rates a 7.4/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Not Even a Spark.
anaconda-406585 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Volcano (1997): Dir: Mick Jackson / Cast: Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche, Gaby Hoffmann, Don Cheadle, Keith David: Containing all of the suspense and excitement of a beer commercial, and about as much ambition as a bowel movement in the bathtub. It follows the formula closely with problem discovered by hero who goes unbelieved until disaster strikes etc, etc. Outcome is predictable and dumb as expected and directed with the same arrogance by Mick Jackson who also made The Bodyguard and L.A. Story. This would easily be the worst disaster film since Twister. Tommy Lee Jones and Anne Heche basically recite what every hero must go through when becoming involved in bid budget disaster crap. Heche in particularly has a lame scene where she runs about a crowded panic stricken street screaming someone's name, as if she actually believes that she will be heard. Gaby Hoffmann plays Jones's daughter who serves as little purpose as possible. Then there is Don Cheadle as that trouble maker with a last minute change of heart. David Keith also gives a wasted performance in a role that is about as broad as lava of the ass. There is also a total lack of plausibility such as making a horse shoe barricade that would hardly work since the lava can flow through the cracks. It is about as entertaining as plugging the toilet. That could be fun if the object used to plug it is this film. Score: 1 / 10
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Hot as lava
bevo-136781 April 2020
Yet another decent volcano movie. Tommy lee has a cracking performance
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I liked it
gerib_199926 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of reviewers complain how this movie was unrealistic. Lacking a geology or vulcanology degree, I thought the plot was plausible - not necessarily realistic but explaining itself with enough possibility that I could suspend disbelief for 2 hours, which is really all I ask of this type of movie.

After all California is in the Ring of Fire and has a lot of earthquakes, and I have seen video of people standing "too close" to actual lava in Hawaii for example.

Some things were so stupid that they stretched even my willing acceptance, like how the 13-year-old daughter is has the wits of a 6-year-old; how I would never choose to swing over lava hanging off a ladder when there's a perfectly good bus axel to climb up and over; how ridiculous not to mention insulting it is that Mike would tell the female geologist to look for his daughter when she's his only volcano/lava expert; and how at the end of the movie, which technically is still in the midst of an ongoing disaster, Emmet left the Office of Emergency Management to break into Mike's house to drive over with his dog (oh god THAT was weird).

Okay I confess there is a lot wrong with this movie! Nonetheless, it was fast paced and exciting, and I've watched it several times now.

My biggest complaint was that it started with the 70's "soap opera" disaster model of introducing multiple characters, but it didn't commit to them or follow them to the end of the story.
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A waste
jf-1121 May 1999
This movie is a real waste of time and effort. The film lacks plot and depth. The visuals are decent but nothing to write home about. There are far better films out there.
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