Ghosts Can't Do It (1989) Poster

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GHOSTS CAN'T DO IT (John Derek, 1990) BOMB
Bunuel197629 January 2009
I've now watched all four Bo Derek vehicles directed by her husband, John; all are quite terrible, of course, but this is certainly the pits. Featuring the usual flimsy plot, bad scripting – by the director, naturally – and acting, not to mention gratuitous nudity by the star, it deals with her losing much older husband Anthony Quinn (she accepts his shotgun suicide by saying he had always admired Hemingway!!) but who continues to appear and talk to her. In fact, he wants to come back in another, younger body…but actually does so only in the very last scene! Derek is lovely as always, and still playing naïve(!) – especially during a muddled mid-section which has her pursued by a hired killer at a spa. Quinn, too, is typically larger-than-life (read: hammy) here, but this easily constitutes his nadir; besides, for much of the duration, he acts from behind a piece of shiny plastic (presumably suggesting his being in some sort of limbo)! His 'replacement', then, is obviously a handsome-looking stud who hasn't a lick of talent or even personality. Also featured in the cast are Hollywood veterans Don Murray (as Quinn's best friend and Bo's business consultant) and Julie Newmar (as Quinn's guardian angel in the afterlife) – plus a surprising cameo appearance by billionaire Donald Trump (who presumably needed this on his resume')! It also goes without saying that John Derek was his own cinematographer on the film, that the end credits are filled with useless (and corny) expressions of gratitude to the many people who lent a helping hand, and that GHOSTS CAN'T DO IT swept the board at the 1990 Razzie Awards!
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John Derek can't do it
Mattias1 July 1999
With a Bo Derek movie, the audience get just what they expect. A paper thin plot and a few shots of Mrs. Derek in no clothes. 'Ghosts can't do it' is just that. The first fifteen minutes is ordinary TV drama, as long as Scott [Anthony Quinn] is still alive. He is a very good actor with long experience in a lot of different roles, but it seems as even a famous actor need to work just for money sometimes. Bo Derek is the opposite, always playing a strikingly handsome young woman with or without clothes. The movie is a complete waste of time. If you want to see Quinn, rent Lawrence of Arabia or La Strada. If you want to see nude women or bad acting, rent any porno movie.
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Not with -our- dolphins you don't.
onward-130 May 2006
The Dereks did seem to struggle to find rolls for Bo after "10".

I used to work for a marine park in the Florida Keys. One day, the script for "Ghosts Can't Do It" was circulating among the trainers in the "fish house" where food was prepared for the dolphins. There was one scene where a -dolphin- supposedly propositions Bo (or Bo the dolphin), asking to "go make eggs." Reading the script, we -lauuughed-...

We did not end up doing any portion of this movie at our facility, although our dolphins -were- in "The Big Blue!"

This must have been very close to the end of Anthony Quinn's life. I hope he had fun in this film, as it certainly didn't do anything for his legacy.
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A decent bid for "worst movie of all time"
SMK-413 December 1998
The Derek's have over the 1980s produced a few decent bids to acquire the title "worst movie of all time", and this is probably their prime achievement in these stakes. In fact, this film can be regarded as belonging to the "so bad, it's good" category, right up there with the products of the likes of Edward Wood Jr. or Doris Wishman. This explains the IMDb voting pattern for this film with some people handing out top marks.

Anthony Quinn made the odd dodgy film in his time, but this performance as a randy ghost is so incredibly bad, it has to be seen to be believed.
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Neither can Bo....
Mister-611 August 1999
"Ghost" did this kind of story better.

Of course, comparing "Ghost" to "Ghosts Can't Do It" is like comparing a banquet line to a compost heap.

As much as I like a good Bo Derek nude scene (for all the umpteen times I've seen them), here they're all just so... and I can't believe I'm saying this... BORING.

Yes, you heard me.

She gets naked, yes. She dances seductively in what John Derek must have thought was a clever variation on the same type of dance scene in "Flashdance". She strips down to nothing on the beach. Dips down into a hot tub, sans clothes. And blah blah blah....

But she just stands there. Yes, she stood there in her other movies, too. But it was the WAY she stood there that got to you, if you know what I mean, guys. Yeah, sure you do.

And let's not even get into what Anthony Quinn, Julie Newmar and Donald Trump are doing in a movie where everyone is more interested in seeing how Bo is going to get naked in the next scene.

Oh, I'm sure John had his own ideas of making Bo the next Helen Hayes (snicker, snicker...), save for one big difference: BO CAN NOT ACT. Nudity. Standing around with her mouth partially open. If that were all acting were, then yes, Bo would already be the next Helen Hayes.

But here in the real world....

One star. Even I was bored by this one, and that's not easy to do with me. I'd give this one no stars but darn it, Bo, when you look at me with your mouth partially open....
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simply bad
SnoopyStyle5 September 2016
Scott (Anthony Quinn) and Katie (Bo Derek) are happily married living on a remote ranch. Scott suffers a heart attack and cannot get it up anymore. In despair, he commits suicide by gunshot. He finds himself in an empty purgatory and able to communicate only with Katie. They work for him to possess men who have sex with her.

This deserves every Golden Razzie it won. The only shame of this is that it taints the legacy of Anthony Quinn by turning him into a talking floating head. He's not romantic. He comes off as a sex-obsessed controlling dirty old man. Bo Derek is never a good actress. This one has walking around talking to herself. She makes her naked body less attractive. I imagine this is what real life with the Dereks look like. It's a lot bickering where sex is reduced to an ugly transaction. This is simply the worst.
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BOOOOOOO!!!! This movie really sucks! One of the very worst films, I'd ever seen!
ironhorse_iv12 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I would not call the filmmakers here dumb, stupid or mentally challenged. But only because these words would not suffice to define the level of complete incompetence, ignorance, and sloth these people embody. I have to say, actress Bo Derek and her husband, director John Derek are just bad. They perhaps one of the most narcissistic Hollywood couple ever. Together they produced what has been called a Trilogy of Crap; possibly the worst series of erotic romantics movies of all time. While, 1981's 'Tarzan, the Ape Man' and 1984's "Bolero" are horrible. Its 1989's 'Ghost can't do it" that takes the cake. It's nearly un-watchable. This movie is no '10'. It's a big fat zero! This film deserve that. Directed by John Derek, the film tells the story of two lovers, Scott (Anthony Quinn) & Katie (Bo Derek), despite their 30-year age difference, live very happy lives. While, there are some people who would qualify this as romantic; the creepiness factor is only added upon once we get into the depths of their May to December relationship, which mainly involve Scott forceful ordering Kate around and her naive obeying him. Bo Derek's character is a little too submissive. She even calls her, much older husband with the nickname, 'the Great One'. Holy crap! This movie set woman rights, years back with that statement. However, after Scott suffers a heart attack and is unable to make love, he commits suicide and becomes a ghost that only Kate can see and speak with. To make it possible for Scott to return as a human, the two must conjure up a plan to have a young man drown, so that Scott can take his body. Yes, you readt that right. It's a movie about two very unlikable uber rich characters, trying to kill another prick, Fausto Garibaldi (Leo Damian) to steal his body as a romantic comedy. Wow! Just wow! Why would anybody want to gain custody of a body that they hate!? It doesn't make sense. What a horrible plot! Without spoiling the movie, too much, not only is the main plot of the film, very crude and offensive, but the movie also have doesn't go anywhere sub-plots like business dealings and jewels heist that just as miserable. There is barely any exposition. Another thing, wrong about this movie is the acting. Bo Derek is clearly impaired, throughout this whole movie. She doesn't convey the level of intelligence the movie desperately wants us to believe she has, from her cunning business meetings to her ability to fly several different airplanes. Seriously, she sounds like a whinny toddler with her silly dialogue. Plus, none of her jokes, connect with me. I really can't laugh at jokes about rape. She's so awful. Also, I get that Bo Derek is more famous for her gorgeous looks than her mediocre acting, but the nudity in this film is very random. It really doesn't add much to the film's plot. Having Quinn yell at her, to get naked is pretty disturbing as well. His character is very repulsive sexism. It's like, watching a horny drunk grandpa hit on their hot granddaughter. It's not very watchable, unless you like creepy ass pornos. Anthony Quinn is also very unlikable in this movie, due to his laziness. I hate how much he phone his performance in, during this movie. Most of the film, has his character in a blurry wading pool in the sky with Julie Newmar's angel character, commenting on the events, happen to his wife, post-death. It's so jarring, if anybody else, can see it or hear him in the film. Clearly, nobody in the film, seem bother, by Katie's talks to herself at all. Not even, billionaire, Donald Trump who has a cameo, as himself, who surprising, isn't that bad in this film. Another problem with this film is how it was filmed. It's so washed out, blurry and grainy. First off, the opening of the film is so ugly-looking with its sepia tinted mountain range slide-show background. Second off, it's really hard to figure out, what the credits even says, with the small hand-written font. Third off, the movie has really annoying voice-over, during that opening. The film also suffers from bad editing. The movie really has some bad scene transitions. One minute, Katie fighting off a hit-man, next minute she's in bed, sleeping. Huh? What happen, here!? I'm confused. Also, the movie tend to focus the camera on some random people's commentary at times, such as the scene on the train. The women that talks about Katie, are never mention, again. It's so odd, pacing wise. Other scenes were edited down or cut, like the death of Scott, which is filmed off-screen. It left a lot of confuse looks, as I have no clue, what happen. It was just bizarre. Overall: I have to say, this 1980's romp with one of that decade's biggest sex symbols was inept, at best. I really can't recommended watching this movie. It's repulsive. It really deserve 1990 Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture. It's really that bad.
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.... at least not in the Maldives
Matthew_Capitano9 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Tony Quinn croaks and wants to come back to life, but he's having a little trouble being reincarnated in the Maldive Islands when he tries to possess a younger man's body so he can 'do it' again with his wife Bo Derek.

Director John Derek's last movie is a lesson in experimental film-making, especially on the subject of story continuity. Bo rides trains, cars, motor-bikes, airplanes, and elephants, and she still never really seems to get very far. Still, I like John's 'direction' - it's so innovative (read: bizarre), and Bo has never looked more gorgeous.

Mostly for Bo Derek aficionados, unless you're interested in seeing Tony as a blurry ghost or Bo wearing an entire black bear-hide as an overcoat, a toilet-paper roll cover as a ski cap, or the entire skin of a dead fox - head and all - as a winter hat.

I always have two opinions about a film.... my critical opinion and my personal opinion. 'Critically', this flick sucks. 'Personally' for me, this is my fave movie of all-time ;)
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The worst film perhaps ever
BandSAboutMovies4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like the Razzies much, but I have to agree with them for once. Ghosts Can't Do It won worst picture, worst director, worst actress and worst supporting actor for the artist who debuted here, Donald Trump. Trump and co-star Leo Damian were also nominated for worst new star, but that went to Sofia Coppola. In retrospect, that seems rather mean. Actually, it seems a lot mean because I've watched untold movies some would consider bad and this movie is without a doubt the very worst film I've ever seen.

Somehow, John Derek decided to make a movie worse than Bolero and Tarzan the Ape Man and I didn't think he had it in him. But oh wow - he did.

Katie (Derek) and Scott (Anthony Quinn) are thirty years apart in age but have a fulfilling, sex-filled relationship. Unfortunately, he has a heart attack and learns that they can never horizontally dance again, so instead of looking into alternate therapy or a second opinion, he kills himself.

Julie Newmar plays his guardian angel, who is so bad at her job that she allows him to return to Eartha and come up with a plan where Katie will kill Fausto (Damian) and he'll possess the body. This comes after she's traveled the world and tried to find the perfect sex partner, all while running her husband's business and wheeling and dealing against Trump, who plays himself.

The end of this? Fausto accidentally drowns and Scott is unable to possess Fausto's dead body, yet when Katie revives him with CPR, Scott can possess him. Huh? I just watched this movie only to watch it change the rules in the end after hours of Anthony Quinn violently pissing all over his acting legacy in a performance that defines and goes beyond bad.

I mean, let's look at the dialogue in this and imagine it in Trump's bombastic tone and Bo's stilted voice:

Donald Trump: Be assured, Mrs. Scott, that in this room there are knives sharp enough to cut you to the bone and hearts cold enough to eat yours as hors-d'oeuvres.

Katie O'Dare Scott: You're too pretty to be bad!

Donald Trump: You noticed.

Also, if Katie's last name is Scott, her dead husband's name is Scott Scott?

The credits for this have this line: And Yes, That Really Was Donald Trump.

Are we to doubt that that is the man himself? Is it an android?

Also, one more time, this movie's happy ending is an innocent man dying so that Bo Derek can keep on banging a man thirty years older than her who has spent most of the movie in a tube lit like a swimming pool bellowing dialogue while she refers to him as "Great man."
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This might have worked as a comedy....but it wasn't...and folks in theaters STILL laughed.
planktonrules1 February 2020
"Ghosts Can't Do It" has the distinction of winning the Razzie Award for the Worst Picture of 1990. This isn't surprising, as Bo Derek has won three Razzies for Worst Actress (including one for this film). For this reason, I decided to watch this movie.

When the story begins, Kate (Derek) and Scott (Anthony Quinn) are desperately in love despite the huge age difference between them. However, when Scott has a heart attack and is unable to make love to her, he takes his own life. Out of the blue, however, he's magically able to talk with Kate and carries on a detached relationship with her. As for the audience, they can also hear him and see his giant head floating on the odd effect to say the least.

Because Scott and Katie cannot touch each other, Scott devises a plan. Despite having no assurance whatsoever that it will work, he wants Katie to make love to other guys so he can inhabit their bodies and experience her. Later, he even suggests they arrange for a studly guy to die so Scott can take over his body...and the duo can live happily ever after.

The plot is silly and it seems like it's all just an excuse for Derek to take off her clothes again and again. While she is not much of an actress, she at least handled the nude bits well...and the film is sort of like a soft core porno film with too much story.

So is it any good? Certainly not. It's an embarrassing role for Quinn...he is capable of doing better and you wonder WHY he accepted this role. The same can be said for veteran actor Don Murray. I assume both must have needed the money. The plot is stupid, the dialog is even stupider and Derek, though gorgeous, brings nothing more to the movie. A silly, misguided movie.
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Best Bad++ Movie Ever! LOL
josh-osullivan9918 March 2019
I think they just dug up the script for 'Plan 9 from Outer Space', buried Anthony Quinn RIP instead of Bela Lugosi RIP & dug up a future Zombie Donald Trump! Definitely the second worst HILARIOUS stoner movie EVER!
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Visually stunning
WDubonnet21 March 2005
This movie is visually stunning. Who cares if she can act or not. Each scene is a work of art composed and captured by John Derek. The locations, set designs, and costumes function perfectly to convey what is found in a love story comprised of beauty, youth and wealth. In some ways I would like to see this movie as a tribute to John and Bo Derek's story. And...this commentary would not be complete without mentioning Anthony Quinn's role as father, mentor, lover, and his portrayal of a man, of men, lost to a bygone era when men were men. There are some of us who find value in strength and direction wrapped in a confidence that contributes to a sense of confidence, containment, and security. Yes, they do not make men like that anymore! But, then how often do you find women who are made like Bo Derek.
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A Little Quirky
llsmith-8718215 November 2020
Cute and quirky. Not a total waste of time. Acting is great all around. Derek is charming. Pace is a bit sliw. Nice ending.
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Always sexy
scottmazur18 February 2023
It doesn't matter if anybody else thinks this movie is cheesy Bo Derek has, and will always be a sexy actress. She is not afraid of showing her body whether the storyline needs it or not. She will always be sexy. Anthony Quinn does a good job in his own way of making a movie enjoyable to watch. Julie Newmar, who plays the angel did a absolute good job when she played in the Batman movies or TV shows for the youngsters that did not know that. For all the ones out there that like the Bo Derek movies cheesy or not we are all in the same boat and enjoy seeing her on screen all the time and always.
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Every Bit As Bad As Its Reputation
Michael_Elliott20 February 2013
Ghosts Can't Do It (1989)

BOMB (out of 4)

Director-writer John Derek and wife Bo made a total of four films together starting with FANTASIES and then moving onto TARZAN THE APE MAN and BOLERO. All three movies were pretty bad but nothing in them was bad enough to prepare for you how downright awful their fourth and final film was. In the film, Bo plays a young woman married to a much older man (Anthony Quinn) who ends up killing himself. The old man's spirit sticks around to have conversations with his woman and soon the two of them decide it's best for his spirit to enter a younger man so that they can have sex again. GHOSTS CAN'T DO IT is without question one of the worst films I've ever seen and especially one of the worst romances I've seen. I really would have loved to have been a fly on the wall whenever the Derek's were discussing the films that they should make. There's no question that John loved his wife and was proud of her body and thankfully he wasn't a prude about showing it off. Bo has always been an amazingly beautiful woman and that's true here as she has several scenes where she's totally naked. Without this cheap nudity the film would be completely horrible so at least John was smart enough to add nude scenes but this could be said for all four of their films. As for acting, I've never quite found Bo to be as bad as many others but there's still no question she doesn't give that much of a performance here. Quinn basically stands around behind some filter meant to make him look like his in another world. His performance is pretty campy and over-the-top. Vets Don Murray and Julie Newmar also appear but add very little. Again, I'm really not sure what John Derek was trying to do here unless he was really preparing his wife for his own death since he was much older. Perhaps this was just some sort of perverted fantasy that he had about dying himself. I'm not sure what the goal was but the end result is just a complete disaster that's certainly not romantic, never funny and just a real painful experience to try and make it through.
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Silly and strange
HotToastyRag8 June 2018
Ghosts Can't Do It is an extremely strange movie. Unless you want a ninety-minute nude fest of Bo Derek-her then-husband John wrote and directed this shameless exploitation of her incredible body-you probably won't enjoy the film.

It starts out as a tender love story. Bo Derek and Anthony Quinn are happily married, and when he has a minor heart attack and is told it's only a matter of time before he has a fatal one, their relationship changes. In one sweet scene, Bo tries to make adjustments and protect him from any exertions, and Tony gets tears in his eyes when he says he just wants to take a walk with her. Needless to say-since the title gives it away-Tony does die. And he comes back as a ghost that only Bo can see and talk to.

Here's where the movie stops making sense. Bo and Tony are still in love, and since they can still talk anytime they want to, why is she motivated to fall in love with anyone else? Because, as the title so eloquently states, they can no longer have a physical relationship. Tony gets the idea of inhabiting someone else's body so he can sleep with Bo again. Bo needs hardly any coaxing and quickly picks out Leo Damian as Tony's body's replacement. The rest of the movie is really silly. Anthony Quinn's talent is wasted, Bo Derek's talent is nonexistent, and the only retrospectively amusing scene is when Bo goes to a high-stakes business meeting with a pre-President Donald Trump! As the closing credits roll, he gets a special mention: "Yes that really was Donald Trump".

DLM Warning: If you suffer from vertigo or dizzy spells, like my mom does, this movie might not your friend. The scenes in which Anthony Quinn speaks to Bo Derek as a ghost, a filter is placed over the screen that flickers like a flame and it will make you sick. In other words, "Don't Look, Mom!"

Kiddy Warning: Obviously, you have control over your own children. However, due to graphic nudity, I wouldn't let my kids watch it.
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Not Great But I still Love Bo Derek
tkdlifemagazine22 May 2023
Listen, Anthony Quinn is always good-even in this "B" movie. Bo Derek is still among the world's most beautiful women to ever grace the screen, This one is cute and romantic but not great, to say the least. The script and dialogue are weak. The Direction by the late John Derek is uninteresting. The movie reminded me of how much I loved watching Bo Derek, but quite, frankly, she was never as good when she was teamed with her late husband. Her career never was what it could have been. She is likable in this. Derek longs for a continued sexual encounter with her dead husband, who tries to coordinate it from the ghostly world. Silly, yes...
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Could have been worse but I think they were all coked up
jamerican-1856729 July 2023
There are actually a lot worse movies than this. But I am biased since I am a Julie Neymar and Bo Derek fan. With that said, besides the obvious failings of the movie, poor plot, not funny, and bad acting.

But the biggest issue seems to be the way the film was edited. No character development, and entry and exit of characters that made no sense. The irony is you had to really pay attention to a simple movie in order to follow it. For me that is what made this movie bad. I think many of us can appreciate a mindless movie with hot people and famous actors but John and Bo Derek were definitely too high while making this movie. Not sure what the excuse was for the rest of the cast/staff. Too afraid to correct the director and leading lady's "vision". I just picture their studio had at least a Kilo of coke, no food while they filmed the movie. It was 1989, after all.
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Nobody does it in this film - that's the problem
augustian15 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Bo Derek has a fantastic body. Right then, that's the positive taken care of but what about the negatives? Ye Gods, where to begin? Anthony Quinn's talent is wasted as he spends most of the time as an ethereal talking head surrounded by some sort of shimmering light that looks like an early Star Trek special effect. Bo Derek just cannot express facially, any different emotions despite going through a range of experiences during the film. There are laughs to be had but unfortunately they are unintentional. The biggest laugh for me was when Bo dives out of the cockpit of a seaplane (she is flying solo) but leaves the still powered-up plane to float off to who knows where. Then there is the ethical question of actually inciting some-one to commit murder - and this is supposed to be a comedy of sorts. The biggest let-down is the end. In a sexy film the ending should have a great sex and nudity scene but there isn't one. This has got to be the anti-climax of all anti-climaxes.

This review is based on a US DVD and the UK VHS which was released in 1990. The US DVD runs for 94 minutes compared to the UK VHS at 83 minutes. Some of this difference can be put down to the NTSC and PAL frame speeds but the UK edition has had the following cuts. The NTSC DVD is used as the reference.

The first cut is at 2:45 when Quinn says, "I'm having a heart attack". The UK film cuts directly to the hospital ward instead of showing Katie comforting Scott. The second cut is at 13:29 when Katie says, "You're scaring me Great One". The UK film cuts directly to Scott writing a final draft of a letter instead of Katie and Scott comforting each other. The final cut is at 46:27 and in the UK version the clips showing the Pill Man spying on Katie in the swimming pool before confronting her in the shower have been cut. The BBFC makes no mention of these cuts so they must have been made before the film was submitted for classification. Why were the cuts made? Who knows, but they help move the film along.
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Came Out A Year Before Ghost & Was Superior In Every Way
crowes-188659 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I know that Ghost was more popular but it was catered to the mainstream from the start! This one was a touching love story about a love which endured beyond this life and the impact it had on both the departed and the one left behind. Quinn's acting perfectly depicts how I would see a ghost behaving right after death. He is angry and impassioned, horny as all you know what and itching to sleep with his still living woman once again. Since the first time I saw Bo Derek in 10 I thought to myself "now this is a woman who is going places in the movies". She has the rare ability to play happy, sad, horny, frightened, desperate and evil all with the same shockingly flat affect. She can almost make it seem like she isn't acting at all and doesn't care in the least about anything which is happening around her. This movie will burn its way into your memory and haunt you forever. When Quinn's ghost appears each time you will jump and feel as if he is in the room with you. If you're a guy and not into the idea of watching a romance I have just three words to change your mind..... Bo knows nudity. Her Flashdance scene is meant to portray her anguish and her lustful need to sleep with her dead husband by murdering some innocent man whom he can then possess and immediately have sex with. Forget about Sam and Molly trying to have their last moment together and then move on. This one tells the story most of us would put forth in this situation.... how do we screw again? With a huge guest cameo I will not spoil for you (it will surely Make America Great Again) and a roster full of talent do yourself a favor and stream, rent or better yet buy this to own as part of your collection because Bo knows acting, Bo knows emotion, Bo knows naked lust and Bo knows me!!!
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Ghosts Can't Do The Supersonic Bangin' Pelvic Hustle!
newnoir21 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this obvious schlock fest on a video store shelf. And before i got my first VCR I figured I'd christen it with this little gem and it's bad film-making at it's finest!

The dialog is inadvertently hilarious. And it contains a cameo with Donald Trump. Anthony Quinn is in it inexplicably. And much like Christopher Walken seemed to want to star in every bad movie in his later years. This movie is Mr. Quinn's Country Bears.

It features lines like, "Shut up and let me FIGHT!!!"

And "You're saying a lot of sh_it!"

And the priceless comeback: "Unfortunately it is sh_it, tough angry sh_it!"

You'll be awed by a fight scene as Bo does a SOMMERSAULT across a billiard table! And does a nice kung fu kick when she comes up from the roll! Chop socky action and T and A thrills!!!

What schlock movie fan could ask for more? Oh, and when Mr. Quinn's character commits suicide and and comes back to haunt Bo as a ghost she asks him why he killed himself rather then deal with his debilitating illness? He says, "Real men don't eat quiche."

Uh, aaa, yeah. If Bo was a smart cookie she woulda called for an exorcist right then and there!
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Not very good...
lucas_dunaway30 September 2002
Well, I watched the whole movie over a 4 day period. This movie cant hold my attention. No matter how beautiful Bo Derek is, this movie DID NOT WORK... I dont even get it?? I was totally confused, the plot was terrible, as was the acting, and Quinn as Dereks husband??? I cant understand the age difference... At least in rel life, John was a decent looking guy... Quinn was not. This movie was terrible, I place it on the bottom with Myra Breckinridge... I did nothing for me (except seeing Bo dance around the beach naked talking to the clouds... that was interesting... Seeing Bo can usually capture my attention and keep me into as movie "Change of Seasons" and "10" were both good, but this once flopped...
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Not funny any more
freddy-169 February 1999
Bo has some animal attraction to her that makes up for poor cinematic performance.

After having endured the mental torture of watching " Ghosts can't do it " that cannot be said any more.

Bo should have ended her career after "TEN" which was a funny movie, although the credits must go to Dudley Moore.
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