I Know My First Name Is Steven (TV Mini Series 1989) Poster

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Disturbing to think this is a true story
cosmic_quest29 April 2004
This film revolves around the true story that begins in 1972 with the abduction of seven-year-old Steven Stayner, who was snatched on his way home from school by a known paedophile Kenneth Parnell. Steven was then kept as the man's son for seven years and forced for endure systematical sexual abuse at the hands of his kidnapper. He finally managed to escape when Parnell abducted a five-year-old boy whom Steven was determined would not suffer as he had. However, upon his return to his real family-- who never gave up that he would be reunited with them one day-- Steven found it hard to adjust as he had no understanding of what it was to be part of a loving family. I have since read that he was killed in a car accident when he was twenty-nine, tragically snatched away from his family for good this time.

I first watched this when I was about ten so the abuse went right over my head but even then, at that age, I was saddened by how this boy suffered when he was torn from his family only to be reunited after the damage has been done to his mind and soul. When I watched the film again as a teenage, my sadness was mixed with disgust and anger that the perverted monster that was Parnell was allowed to wander around unchecked despite having a criminal record for offences against children. It was also horrifying to see what little was actually done to either help Steven, as not only when he did try to tell a teacher of his abduction, he was accused of lying and being ungrateful but Parnell was able to freely go from town-to-town with a child who was not his own and with no-one challenging this. This film depicts both the trauma Steven faces as he grew up in such horrifying circumstances and the grief of the parents he left behind but it also shows the courage of the Stayners, who all remained strong through everything.

As true stories go, I think this has to be one of the best films out there and I recommend it to everyone. Do be prepared for your blood pressure to soar though when it is revealed that, infuriatingly, Parnell was let off with a light sentence for kidnapping and abusing Steven. It certainly shattered my illusions that the US has a great criminal justice system that the terribly lax system in the UK should take lessons from. This is one piece of filth who surely deserved a trip on 'Old Sparky' to fry for those vile acts to a little boy who almost loved him as a father to some degree.
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A Movie That Should Be Aired A LOT
overseer-329 June 2003
This powerful television movie on child sexual abuse, made in 1989, is still timely and incredibly important. Just this week alone the US Supreme Court ruled that hundreds of convicted and confessed child molestors could go free in California (the state where 7 year old Stephen Stayner was kidnapped and sodomized) by a legal decision throwing out legislation allowing prosecution of old sex-abuse cases. This would have affected Stephen's case since he was a teen by the time he escaped Kenneth Parnell, his abductor, and the statute of limitations would have passed for charges of sex abuse to be filed. So much for victims' rights!

Not only that but readers to this comments index may not be aware that now 71 year old Kenneth Parnell was arrested again in California in January 2003 for trying to buy a little boy!

Lifetime Cable TV should show this movie "I Know My First Name Is Stephen" at least once a month, to remind people everywhere that they have Kenneth Parnells living in their own neighborhood. No longer can parents leave their children alone for even a minute. The world is far too dangerous.

I would like to add that I think Corey Nemec's performance in this film was exceptional and effective. What a talented young man.
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Excellent movie
sweetkountryl19 November 2005
I watched the movie some time ago and the story sticks with me. It is scary to think that he was not only able to take Steven, but able to hold him for so long. It does a lot to draw attention to the plight of the missing children in the US. Since watching Steven's story, I have come across a similar story, with an equally tragic ending. The story can be found on the web by doing searches for Sharon Marshall, Tonya Tadlock or Suzanne Davis. Those are the names given to this child, her real name is unknown. Floyd Franklin was convicted of the kidnapping of her child, but her name or what happened to her son has never been determined. He sits on death row for killing another woman, and for kidnapping her son (Michael Hughes) but has never been charged with the crimes he committed against her (what he did was documented by pictures found after her death).
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I cried my eyes out!!!
melz2cool29 August 2002
I first saw this movie around 1994. At the time, my sons were ages 6,5, and 3. It was a holiday and my husband took all three boys out of town to visit his mother. So all alone I pulled up a chair in front of the television and became completely engrossed in this movie. I sat there in my chair and absolutely cried so much my face was swolen afterwards.It is now 2002 and I have seen that movie at least 9 times. Throughout the years, I have taught all three of my boys to never to go with strangers, they know their address, and phone number. A few years after this movie, I was reminding my oldest son about what to do if a stranger approached. He angrily said " I know ! I know !" Because I had told him repeatedly what to do after watching that movie. So I grabbed his shoulders and replied " GOOD, then you will know what to do if it happens to you!" I truly felt that if I ever would meet Kenneth Parnell that I would want to kill him. I want to assure you that I would never do anything like that, but the anger that I felt towards him was justified at the time. How can this kind of thing happen? It is now 2002 and Steven Stayner is still in my thoughts. I think every parent should see this movie and cry their hearts out and feel the pain that Dell and his wife went through. I know not to give away the ending of the movie, but I want to say that I was relieved when I heard what happened to Steven. I knew then that he would never have to suffer any longer. In closing, I want to say, peace to you Steven,your wife, children and family. I also want to say that the casting of the movie was perfect. LOVE MELZ
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I remember this movie!
hisangel09200210 June 2005
I remember so much of this movie even though I was only 9 at the time, it was that good. For 15 years now all I had to go by was I knew the title was something like "I know my name is Steven" but didn't really go into looking for it. I'm so glad that I just happened to look up Luke Edwards because of another movie he was in or else I wouldn't have come across one of the most unforgettable movies I've seen in my childhood. Hopefully now I'll be able to buy it and add it to my collection. I highly recommend this movie to anyone even if you don't have children and if you do have children, make sure that they see this movie so then they are aware of how dangerous is it to walk alone even if you think the street is safe. It never hurts to have someone with you just in case. The most memorable part of this movie is when Steven paints his name on the garage and when his father is washing the garage door after he gets kidnapped..... well it's a part of the movie that no one should forget. Excellent movie!
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Don't Pass This One Up!
BarefootBoy20 January 2002
This well-crafted, well-acted made-for-TV movie breaks the mold of your typical docu-drama.

No spoilers here, but I assure you that you WILL empathize with the much-abused protagonist, whose life after the film ends proved to be equally tragic.

A true gem. Don't miss it when it replays on LifeTime, or if you can find it at a rental store.
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Good tv drama
goya-424 April 2001
Based on a true story of a 7 year old boy abducted just before xmas who after many years is reunited with his real family and tries to adjust to his new life. Good acting and a intelligent script make this tv movie stand out 6 of 10
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A movie that gives parents nightmares
Mike-DD17 August 2000
I thought Corin Nemec's portrayal of Steven was very commendable, given that he was only about 17 then. It was a very courageous portrayal of a boy who lived in ignorance and fear at first, then passivity, and finally resignation at his fate. Only when another boy, Timmy, was kidnapped did he finally break out of this existence. This film not only shows the dangers that are out there among strangers, but also among family and friends. It is heartbreaking to see what family and friends can say and do when they find out something 'bad' has happened to you, even when it wasn't your fault, even when you did 'it' out of fear and nothing else.

All in all, it is probably not a movie that parents might want to watch with a young child, but they should as it gives them the opportunity and impetus to talk to their kids about the evil things some people do and what they should do about it if it happens to them, better yet, what they should do to prevent it happening in the first place.
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Deep, Important, Timely
amedusa50x1 March 2006
There's no reason to give this made-for-TV movie any less than 10 stars for its waaaaay above-average intensity, intelligence, and honesty on the subject of the sexual (and emotional) abuse of children. The acting is uniformly superb, with the film benefiting also from taut direction, a subtly remarkable script, and solid production values. "I Know My First Name is Steven" stays about 85% true to the actual events of Steven Stayner's life and, even more important, stays 100% true to its mission: To show how sexual predators can mentally and physically bludgeon their victims, especially when those victims are children, into a type of submissive paralysis that might defy logic but does not at all defy our understanding if we open our hearts and minds to the truth. The fact that this important film, timely enough when it was made in 1989, is even more timely today in 2006 is a sad fact we all need to face. I applaud the Lifetime Channel for continuing to air the film at fairly regular intervals, though I remain mystified as to why it has yet to be released on DVD.
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Corin Nemec is brillient!
willmeinhardt23 May 2000
Corin Nemec is truly magnificent as Steven. He makes the movie come alive and makes you want to watch the truly brilliant film. I think Corin is an unbelievable actor! I just wish he had better scripts to work with... excluding "I know my first name is Steven".
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Great movie, but misleading.
budbundy27 February 2002
This movie leads you to believe Parnell was sentenced for kidnapping and sexual assault, but he wasn't. He was sentenced only for kidnapping. That's why the sentence was so low. According to Steven Parnell molested the boy over 700 times, including almost 100 rapes. He molested other boys as well. The police had proof of this. Steven was ready to testify. Despite all this, Parnell NEVER EVEN GOT PROSECUTED for these crimes. He was released on parole after ONLY 4 YEARS and then after 2 years probation he was free. To do what he wants and see who he wants, including young boys. He even worked with kids until they found out who he was, thanks to this mini-series I believe.

Read the book if you can find it.

Steven Stayner unfortunately died in a motorcycle accident some years later.
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I changed how I parented after watching this story
diane_cotts17 April 2015
This story taught me so many important things. I've only seen this movie once, and it was a long time ago. It changed my life. This is what I learned: Don't tell your children that whatever adults tell a child is truth and that kids should do what adults tell them to do, without question. Tell your children often that you love them and that they are valuable. Teach your children how to THINK and not to blindly follow anyone's words without running it through their own brain first to be sure it makes sense. Teach your children how to use a phone and important phone numbers. Teach your children who they can always rely on.

I can not adequately say how profoundly this movie, watched one time, changed me.
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One of the most moving stories I've ever seen
arwel4 July 2008
I saw this when it was first broadcast in the UK by the BBC, and it may indicate how affected I was that this was the only time I have ever written to a broadcaster in praise of something they've shown. It's a truly horrifying story, and one can only feel sadness that Steven Staynor never really got a chance to rebuild his life.

One of the morals of the story is to make sure you teach your children never to accept lifts from strangers - I'm a bit older than Steven was, and when I was about his age when he was kidnapped, the Moors Murderers, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, were active not too far away from us. My parents were so successful in instilling the "don't take lifts" instinct into me that I wouldn't even take lifts from people I knew, or more distant relatives! This was a bit of a problem one day when my school was being closed early because of a snowstorm and the teachers had a bit of a struggle convincing me to allow myself to be given a lift the two miles home!
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Bad things can happen to good people.
dianastruck-117 September 2006
When I first watched the movie "I know my first name is Steven" I was really affected by it because he was such a young cute little boy and didn't deserve what he had to deal with. What really gets to me is that the police were so stupid that Steven had to save himself. I'm happy that he meet someone that loved him unconditionally and he was blessed with 2 children. He deserved good things to happen to him. He got a G.E.D., stopped drinking and always held a job. The saddest part of the movie is the end, when he was talking to his mom. Its a tear jerker. He may be gone but not forever. Much love 2 his family. If I ever get 2 California I would love to visit his grave and pay my respects to him. I hope his family is doing good.
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What a tragic story
crystalship114 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made me so angry but the story needed to be told. The parents of Steven Stayner were unstable in my opinion, as well as in the opinions of several notable psychiatrists & not emotionally fit nor financially able to parent 5 children. I do believe they did love the children though. What is so upsetting is that after Steven had made a lifefor himself, had a good wife & 2 young children he was then killed on his motorcycle by another driver's stupidity. I totally believe, as does Steven & Cary's father, that Steven's tortured life & untimely senseless death was a major factor in what pushed his older brother Cary over the brink to become a serial murderer who is now on death row in a CA prison. What an absolute shame this all had to happen to Steven, Timmy & all the others & the creep, Kenneth Parnell, who abducted & abused them got little prison time until 2002 when he was finally sentenced to 25 years to life for trying to buy another young boy. To this day not nearly enough is done to protect our children & that is just inexcusable.
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touching movie
jrenemccarthy17 April 2008
I remember seeing this TV movie when it came out and it touched me even back then being as young as I was. Over the years I recall seeing it on TV, like Lifetime, and every single time I heard the piano music (which they played in the movie going to commercial break or something like that) I would just start crying and sometimes I'd start sobbing, it effected me so much. There was just something poignant about that lonesome piano music (I can almost hear it now) which was so perfect--it went so well with the movie...and that music along with the tragic story of Steven Staynor, wow....it would touch me so much I couldn't almost bear to watch it I'd be crying so hard. I just love this movie and I'd love to own it again. And one more thing: I remember that it was on TV a few years ago and they omitted my beloved piano music! I was shocked and dismayed! It was a betrayal to the film completely.
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Tragic But Honest
rchaney10129 September 2000
Shows the Horrors of what happens to children when Kidnapped and abused. The Cast was excelent. I give it ten stars. I don't think anyone Who hasn't been through something like that can imagine what that poor kid went through. Steven is gone now, But I hope His tragic story is told again and again. And maybe someday America's children will be safe, and no longer be robbed of their innocence.
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Unbelievable Story
BoredNow331 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is based on the true story of Steven Stayner. Per interviews, the movie is pretty accurate. It is a heartbreaking story that makes you want to never let your children leave the house again. But Steven is a hero. He is an inspiration. He risked his life to save Timmy White, not knowing what would happen to him. His abductor lied to him, manipulated him, and abused him for years. Steven was forever affected by this as was his family. Even watching this as a child I could empathize with his parents, but as an adult, I could barely handle it.

Corin Nemec was outstanding in this role portraying Steven. It was a far departure from his later role as Parker Lewis. John Ashton plays the hard, but loving father and you can't help but feel his pain. Cindy Pickett is wonderful as the mother who just wants her son home and safe.

If you think this story is enough to rip your heart out, look the family up and see what else they have been through. How one family could survive all of this is beyond me.
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Memories of Steven's story
roy156 September 2005
I was so touched by this story and cannot imagine the horror. I was telling my daughter, Alix the story as I remember it from the eighties. We decided to follow it up by looking it up on the Internet. We cannot believe that Parnell got such a lenient sentence and then was freed to commit further crimes. Our hearts go out to Kay and Del and to little Timmy White. How inconsiderate is his stupid, idiot brother for committing crimes and then trying to use Steven's experience as an excuse. Did he not think his parents had suffered enough? To all the people of Merced - shame on you for letting the negative side overtake the positive side. Get a memorial for Steven asap!! We'll remember this story for many years to come. I have recalled it many times to my children. Of course in previous years there was no internet to back up my recollection. God Bless you Steven RIP Esther Jackson and Alix Rigby Wigan UK
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One of the most sad and heart wrenching stories - A tragic story, with amazing heroism and a lasting legacy
simon-bygrave13 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I first watched this Film in July 1990, when it was screened as a two part film on the BBC in England. I was truly stopped in my tracks at the sheer horror of what poor Steven had to go through. It reduced me to floods of tears - and still does when I think about it.

The physical abuse was truly abhorrent and sickening. The way he was duped into going with this man, the way he was manipulated and lied to, the cruel mental torture - was something that really affected me and made me feel so,so,so sad and sorry for Steven and his family.

The whole story is heart wrenching but a few of the scene's really pull at the heart and make you sob. In particular, when Steven's mum picks up his tiny PJ's and smells them and finds and reads Steven's letter to Santa. Also when Steven's dad cries on his bed and when he can't bring himself to paint over Steven's name on the garage(Steven had draw this on the morning he was taken). There are lots of other really emotional scene's, but the one that really touches me, it makes me happy and then so sad at the same time, is the end scene - when Steven says "I'm sorry" to his mum (as they make their peace)- it is so emotional.

What a brave person Steven was. I am in tears thinking of him as I write this review and tribute to Steven.

During the years, as I have grown up, I have often though of Steven and this life story. It always made me well up inside and normally cry - but it also inspired me - if I was feeling sorry for myself - I would use Steven's example to summons extra courage.

Now I am a father, with young Children - "I came across" the story again and watched the film on you-tube - the story still captivated me -but more importantly,I have sought to research Steven's real life in more detail. The lasting legacy of the work Steven did for missing children after his escape and now the statue of him(and Timmy White)in Merced, CA are a fitting memorial to him and his parents, wife and children.

I don't believe what his brother did in 1999 (which was truly terrible)should in anyway alter the way people remember Steven.

In a tragic way Steven dying, the way he did and so young only serves to cement his legacy. May God truly Bless Steven's wife, Mother and Children. I will always remember Steven and his story. I pray that lasting good will continue to be done through Steven Stayner's life and story.
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Very compelling movie and shows the tragic life of Steven
kenlynes2 December 2005
This movie has been on a few times on Lifetime but seems to be unavailable for purchase and I would like to be able to tell friends when it is on but that is hard to do as lifetime gives little warning as to when it is going to be shown. All in all the movie is not bad and I think pretty much tells a true story about Steven and his kidnapping. I would like to know if the boy who helped kidnap Timmy ever received any punishment for his part. The fact that the authorities handled this case in a very slipshod manner from the beginning is really much of the tragedy. Steven was in some schools where his picture had been circulated by his parents and actually in some cases his background was questioned by a school and nothing was done. When Steven brought in Timmy he was (according to the movie) left in the interrogation room all night and given no chance to sleep. He was never really given help to deal with all that happened to him and that is really sad. It didn't appear his family was really able to deal with all that happened to Steven, especially the sexual aspects of it. That boy needed a big hug from his father and some real sympathy for what had happened to him and it didn't seem he ever got it except for the one moment they portrayed in the movie where his mother brought him some things to him where he was living on his own in that trailer. The while family needed some counseling to deal with this whole thing and never got any. Society really failed for this family; never even really punishing his kidnapper in a proper way. I know that many people feel that the only way to prevent such things in the future is to keep tight control and watch their kids 24/7 and never let their kids be on their own. I grew up in the early 50's and we were left to ourselves to play outside all day long. We didn't have to be put in the state of mind that every stranger was a threat and we still knew how to take care of ourselves. I am not talking about when we were only 6 years old or younger, but when we were going to school in grade school we were relatively safe and also knew that certain things were wrong. We wouldn't get into a car with a complete stranger I am sure, but please realize that when we were later in the teenage years it was common to hitchhike. There was always the warning to watch out for someone who might want to harm you but the incidences of that happening were very rare. I think our society has evolved into a place where people who would once feel restrained to do something now go ahead and do it. I know there is a need to have a more watchful eye on kids and warn them more, but the way we are now protecting those kids is causing a lot of harm too. Not everyone is a predator and out to harm your kids as many would seem to believe. We are teaching kids that everyone they don't know is a boogie-man. Total miss-trust is just as bad as total trust. I would hope that the judicial system could meet out justice for once and not just the letter of the law in some of these cases as was done with the Strayner case. I hope that level headed people can sometime restore our system to being a justice system where justice is meted out. Anyway this is a very sad case and the movie does it some justice but leaves you wondering why more was not done to help Steven deal with it all. Why couldn't the proceedings been closed to the public when he had to testify for instance? Why did the sheriff come to the home with the pictures and not just confront Steven privately or at least insist it be on a private basis in the beginning? This whole thing was handled very badly. Some blame has to go to the family for not dealing with it all in a counseling atmosphere as it was shown that Stevens father had some real issues with it all. If you want to see another place where WE (society) failed tremendously in helping someone defenseless, then read "A Child Called It" by David Peltzer. We need to be ashamed how we failed these kids.
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Very Powerful & Unforgettable
darrel07623 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
21years later, I still remember this movie well.I saw it at age 13 and it stuck with me. This is a must see movie, with such a strong story that breaks your heart.
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dtucker8630 August 2003
I read a book on Stevens ordeal and the author said that the Stayner's of Merced were as cursed as the Kennedys of Massachusetts. I cannot believe that so much horror could happen in one family. Steven was abducted for seven years and came home maimed mentally for life and died at 24 in a terrible accident. I think in a way death was kind to him and then in the last few years his brother Cary was convicted of murdering four women in Yosemite National Park. What got me is that Cary tried to use Stevens disappearance as an excuse. He said he was so traumatized by it.
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Injustice in California
texasturkey17 July 2005
If you all remember, in the movie the jury was told to disregard any of the facts pertaining to the Steven Staynor case against Eugene Parnell. Parenell was being prosecuted for the abduction of Timmy White in this trial. Steven made his statement as a witness. Since Parnell didn't have Timmy as long as he had Steven, his sentence was a lot lighter. He was never prosecuted for the abduction of Steven Staynor, because the statue of limitations ran out. If I recall, I don't think Timmy White was sexually assaulted by Parnell. Steven got him out in time and he was returned to his parents. He received a reward from them and the city of Ukiah. Parents sometimes make the mistake of not telling their children they love them enough or not at all. When Steven was manipulated by Parnell, he believed what he said. In time, he forgot his own phone number. The adults in his life looked the other way when he tried to get help. This movie has an important message of resilience and responsibility to children. We have come along way with the Missing and Exploited Children's Foundation, Missing persons advertisements, Amber Alerts, Meagan's Law. etc., Steven was kidnapped more than 30 years ago. The attitudes toward this sensitive issue has shifted dramatically. It is too bad we had to lose so many along the way.
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Sad, sad, sad, sad.
tonyharvey-0448022 November 2019
I first saw this on when on holiday in Florida. How anyone can watch anything on TV in America is beyond me as there are adverts every five minutes which really ruins viewing. Anyway something about this film made me keep watching and I'm glad I did. I was so engrossed in it that I left the theme park early to tune in the following night and watch the conclusion. The acting and production was excellent and in no way looked like a TV movie. If it's ever on over here, I'll always watch it and even today it still looks fresh and is just as powerful. Proper English blokes don't cry but when the credits rolled giving an update on the story, I shed a tear as it was just so sad. When I got home I purchased the book by Mike Echols and again I cried when I'd finished reading it. I often think about these events and how a young mans life was effectively stolen from him by a wicked and sick and it always fills me with sadness and anger. I've never been a fan of remakes but this is one story that perhaps be given the Hollywood blockbuster treatment it deserves.

A great watch but so so sad.
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