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Tons of campy fun.
Anonymous_Maxine3 February 2005
Ah, finally a horror camp classic that deserves to be called a horror camp classic. Re-Animator is one of those fun horror movies that is so over the top that it is just a lot of fun to watch, kind of like the spectacular Evil Dead films, although not quite to that same level of skillful horror/comedy mix. Ironically enough, I think it should be a testament to the quality of the rest of the movie that it is able to work so well despite prominently featuring a soundtrack that is a naked rip-off of the Psycho soundtrack. It's amazing to me that Richard Bond, the music composer, didn't think anyone would notice him plagiarizing one of the most famous movie soundtracks in cinematic history, but luckily everyone else in the production was right on the mark.

Jeffrey Combs delivers a wonderfully crazy performance as Herbert West, the scientist in the movie who is determined that he has discovered a scientific method to beat death, and is desperate to try it out on a human being rather than small animals, on whom he has had remarkable success. He is playing a completely one-dimensional character, a genius scientist whose mental capacity is also tinged with madness, but which is counterbalanced by the fact that he may very well be desperate to try something potentially immoral but which could also potentially revolutionize medicine. Maybe his intentions are good after all, but for the purposes of the film, he just wants to get his hands on some fresh corpses, which is a great premise for a horror film.

The movie operates in its own world, like the Evil Dead films did. It takes place in the horror genre but wants to combine some elements of drama as well, as we have a real scientist who is truly brilliant. He is still in medical school, I believe, but is often smarter than his often-published professors, criticizing their work for being incorrect or even plagiarized. He's very quick to make enemies, I would think his line of work might be easier the less people he had watching him, so it's unfortunate that he was so good at making people not like him. Mere days after he rents out a room from a couple of other students, they find their cat dead in his refrigerator. I hate it when new roommates do that.

There is plenty of gratuitous nudity in the film, and while I appreciate nudity as much as the next guy, I don't like it when it drives a weak film, and that is certainly not the case here. There is a graphic and highly disturbing nude scene three quarters or so through the film that made me literally cringe and turn my head, not because of gore but by the sheer disturbing idea of it, it was awful. But the thing that I loved is that that scene fits in with the rest of this movie so well. It is all about too much gore and too much blood and too much nudity, but also lots of laughs. This is a perfect example of how much fun scary movies can be.
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tripperM26 October 2000
When i first saw re-animator in 85, i was aghast and appalled. i just didn't get it. i was a classic horror fan; so when i heard the obvious rip from psycho's theme, it irritated me even more.

well, now i'm an older, wiser horror fan. i just saw it again for the first time since 85 and i laughed my bum off! homage, homage, homage! honouring everything from hitchcock to raimi, from day of the dead to frankenstein. this in-your-face send off is a great double feature with dead alive. jeffery combs' over the top performance is reminiscent of colin clive and cronenberg found his very own ash in bruce abbott. so sit back, relax (as much as you can...) and enjoy re-animator.
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Not for all tastes.
Peach-225 January 1999
This movie is certainly not for everybody, but it sure is one of the better mad scientists films around. Stuart Gordon injects black comedy with over the top gore and he gets a modern horror classic. Jeffrey Combs is outstanding as Dr. Herbert West, and there are scenes that you will never forget in this one. One of my personal favorite horror films.
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Modern Horror Classic
bnl7714 March 2004
The astute viewer will immediately pick up on the tone of Re-Animator. The introduction (added to the film at the last minute before its release) is a glimpse of the over-the-top nature of the entire production. If one were to be frightened by this intro, he or she will be comforted by the playful cheer of the opening title music. The score was heavily inspired by the famous Psycho score, a classic by Bernard Herrmann.

The movie, inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's `Herbert West: Re-Animator', follows a simple plot. Herbert West (played to precise pitch perfection by Jeffrey Combs who, like Bruce Campbell, is a B-Movie legend) is new at Miskatonic Medical University. Immediately, Herbert clashes with Dr. Carl Hill (David Gale) on the subject of `brain death'.

At the same time, Dan Cain (Bruce Abbot) is looking for a roommate. He is also dating Dean Alan Halsey's (Robert Sampson) daughter, Megan (Barbara Crampton). When Herbert West shows up at Dan's door one night during a `study' session, Megan is immediately suspicious. Why is Herbert so anxious to move in? Why is he so interested in the basement?

It is not long before the cat is dead, re-animated and dead again. The early scenes of violence are disturbing and hilarious at the same time and are only a taste of what is to come. Dan tries to resist the temptation of power inherent in the re-animating fluid, but is sucked into Herbert's mad world of life giving.

There is a turn of events about halfway through the film (which I would be crazy to spoil) that almost screams to the viewer, `We aren't playing by the rules here.' The storyline twists its way to the famous conclusion that, if you haven't heard of it, will leave you breathless. Even if you know what is going to happen, when you finally see it, in all of it's gory, sexual glory you understand why this classic has achieved such a status. The finale of the film is twisted in so many ways it's impossible to count.

Obviously, I loved the movie. Having never been anything but a horror fan, I cannot say it will suit everyones' tastes. The film is so over-the-top that the outrageous gore becomes less and less shocking. The timid viewer may want to shy away from this masterpiece. Anyone with even the slightest curiosity should seek this movie out.
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It's alright
As_Cold_As_Ice11 January 2007
I was really hyped up about watching this, but it let me down somewhat.

The acting is really good, especially Jeffery Combs, who steals the movie as Dr Herbert West. He manages to pull off the difficult character quite well, and is ably supported by his backup cast. The gore is also very well done, especially towards the climax of movie, with blood shooting everywhere and realistic zombies.

One thing that is said about Re-Animator is that it is supposed to be funny. Asides from the guy with the severed head and his cunnilingus scene, nothing is particularly funny.

Overall, nothing about this movie really stands out, and while good acting is always a plus, it is probably the least important factor in a horror movie. I recommend a watch, but don't expect something too original or intense.
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The Academy Award for best use of a headless corpse goes to...
clydestuff8 April 2004
Most of the cheap or not so cheaply made horror films these days are nothing more than a tedious exercise in how to bump off as many teenagers in as many different ways as one can imagine in ninety minutes or less. One need only watch recent films such as Wrong Turn or the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre to realize how far the horror genre has fallen. Once John Carpenter made the first Halloween film, we have been subject to an endless series of copy cat films whose only purpose seems to be finding an imaginative way to slice and dice the local teenage population. All of the Freddies, Jasons, and Michael Myers films combined don't come close to having an ounce of the entertainment and imagination of Producer Brian Yuzna and Director and Writer Stuart Gordon's Re-animator.

Professor Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) is a scientist who has discovered a formula which brings the dead back to life by reanimating their tissue. After an experiment in Switzerland goes awry, he moves to Miskatonic University to continue his experiments. One thing Professor West isn't and that is modest. He even takes a few moments to ridicule a professor, Dr. Carl Hill (David Gale) when he disagrees with him about when death actually occurs. He eventually rents a room from fellow student Dan Cain (Bruce Abbot). Dan is dating Megan Halsey (Barbara Crampton) who is the daughter of the college dean, Alan Halsey (Robert Sampson). What Dan doesn't know is that the aforementioned Dr. Hill has a perverted eye on Megan also. We know this because of the sleazy stares Dr. Hill eyeballs her with when ever she's around. Think of Megan as being an overage Lolita and Dr. Hill as Humbert Humbert and you've got the idea. All of this is not window dressing as it would be in some other films. It all comes into play very nicely. It goes without saying that sooner or later, Dr. West will be making good use of his reanimation formula, in ways only those with the most grotesque sense of humor can imagine. To say any more than that would deny you of the true pleasures of this film.

How can a film that is so explicitly graphic and perverted in nature be fun? It's because every person involved in the making of Re-Animator was smart enough not to take it too seriously themselves. Everything in this film is so wildly over the top, that you can't help but chuckle right along with them as they wink their eye at you. There may be certain moments of the film that would normally sicken even the most hardcore horror film fanatic, but since Yuzna and Gordon never once let Re-animator sink into the tedious by the numbers game of other films of these nature, these same scenes become intentionally cartoonish and silly.

But more than anything, this film owes it's life to it's cast. Jeffrey Combs as Herbert West should serve as the model for anyone wanting to make a film involving a mad or semi-mad scientist. Given this kind of role, there is many an actor who would have been tempted to ham it up and alas in many horror films they do just that. However, when Combs seems to imply that he is the smartest man on the planet and the rest of us are Neanderthal, we don't hate him for this implication at all. He is so good at making us believe he is the smartest man since Einstein and we are all nothing but Cro-magnon man by comparison that we love him for it just the same. He may be crazy, but he's a fun kind of crazy.

David Gale as the smarmy Dr. Hill, is a joy to watch also. He has some of the most ridiculous scenes in the film yet somehow manages to keep a straight face through it all. He gives new life to the old saying about not losing your head over a piece of tail.

Bruce Abbot as Dan Cain is the perfect contrast for West. He is a straight arrow, is madly in love with Megan, yet somehow lets himself become involved in West's experiments. Abbot also is smart enough to know that the center of this film is West, and never once overplays his role to try and overshadow him. As for Barbara Crampton, she should have won some kind of award, just for the abuse the producers put her through as Megan. Is there an award for most abuse of a female by the walking dead?

Re-animator was made on a budget of less than a million dollars which is truly remarkable. There isn't a film budget in the world though that can replace the imagination and daring rampant through out Re-Animator. And when a horror film is that well done, and is something all the Freddies, and Jasons, And Michael Myers can only dream about, I have no choice but to give it my grade which for Re-Animator is an A.
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Starts of with a plot, but then derails into excuses for funny violence
peefyn7 April 2016
I feel I missed a lot of great movie experiences by not watching this when I was a kid. It has everything that I would have loved, and lots of it. Now, a bit older, I can still appreciate it for what it is, but the novelty of it all is gone.

I'm not sure if I have read the specific Lovecraft story this is based on, but as far as I can understand, it moves away from Lovecraft's storyline. Because I don't know how the original story goes, I can't say this for sure, but: It feels like they stuck to the story a while, but then got too caught up in having fun with ideas for scenes. It's like the filmmakers were let loose on a set with SFX-people, trying to think how they could do as much sick/fun things as possible. Which leads to some interesting situation, but it all feels very engineered. The plot built up in the first act(s) of the movie is still there in the background, but they miss the chance they had at making a compelling story. All the characters get caught up in the gore and he violence (and the slapstick), leading to a blood filled finale.

What would I have preferred? Well, the SFX is fun, so I'm not really complaining about it. But I wish they had followed more up on the conflicts between the young idealistic scientist and the older, cheating one. It's there throughout the movie, but at one point you realize that it's just there to justify hostility. It also appears that some parts of the plot were removed, because the ending kind of does not make sense. How is one character able to control some of the re-animated? (according to wikipedia, it's explained in some cut scenes) Anyway, if you're a younger kid, you're gonna love this.
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Scenes That Should Never Have Been Deleted
disinterested_spectator28 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There are two mad scientists at Miskatonic University, and that is one too many. First, there is Dr. Carl Hill, a member of the faculty, who is motivated by lust, fame, and power. Not unsurprisingly for a man driven by such strong passions, the principal goal of his research is the location of the will in the brain.

The other mad scientist is Herbert West, a medical student. West is dedicated to the truth, and cares nothing about women or fame. The principal goal of his research is reanimation, bringing dead people back to life, for which he has a reagent. West is so cold and devoid of sympathy that he is indifferent to the pain he causes when he reanimates the dead, supposing himself to be doing them a favor.

West is openly contemptuous of Hill, whose intellect he regards as inferior to his own. Hill finds out about West's reagent and tries to coerce West into letting Hill get credit for it. While Hill's back is turned, West chops his head off. Then he reanimates the separated head and body. The body knocks West out and then picks up the head and bowl it is in, which is filled with reagent. All this leads to a final struggle between these two mad scientists, with Hill in control of reanimated corpses from the morgue. The movie is replete with hilarious horror and gore, including Hill's body holding Hill's head so that it can violate the Dean's daughter.

It is unfortunate that the director's cut resulted in many deleted scenes that should have been left in. First of all, these include scenes that make it clear that Hill has mesmeric powers. It is fitting that the man whose research focuses on the location of the will in the brain should have the power to control the will of others. More importantly, it helps us understand why Hill has so much influence over Dean Halsey; we understand how he can control his own body with his severed head; and we understand how he can control the corpses he has reanimated. Without these scenes of mesmerism, we don't fully understand how he can do these things.

Second, several of the deleted scenes further develop West's character. Both in his physical appearance and his manner, he reminds me of Dean Stockwell's portrayal of Judd in "Compulsion." Judd, of course, was that movie's version of Leopold in the notorious Loeb and Leopold case, in which two psychopathic geniuses decide to commit the perfect crime in order to prove they are Nietzschean supermen. Without seeing the deleted scenes, I might not have made that connection.

Third, there is a great scene where West is discussing with Dan, his roommate, what they are going to do about Dr. Hill. West seems to be bothered in some way, and he lurches to the bathroom. When Dan goes to see what West is doing, he finds him with a syringe of reagent, about to mainline himself. West assures him it is just a weak solution, just enough to keep the brain sharp, so he won't have to sleep. Dan helps his shoot up, after which West is all pumped up and ready to go.

The director said he deleted these scenes because he felt that they slowed down the pacing, and that is a shame. The scenes are included in the second disk of the DVD, and it is worth making the effort to watch them. Not every deleted scene should have been kept in, of course. The dream sequence, in particular, does not belong in the movie, and its deletion was appropriate.

It is still a great movie, but with some of those deleted scenes left in, it would have been greater still.
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Cult horror movie about Doctor Herbert West/Jeffrey Combs attempting to crack the unfathomable secrets of death.
ma-cortes19 April 2023
Based on the frightening story by the undisputed expert of the terror H. P. Lovecraft titled "Herbert West, Re-Animator". The picture packs thrills, chills , terror , fantasy and lots of blood and gore . Furthermore , unrelenting twists and turns . Director Stuart Gordon joined with Brian Yuzna and Charles Band's Empire Pictures to create the company's first major hit, Re-Animator (1985), based on the story by H. P. Lovecraft, which won a Critics' Prize at the Cannes Film Festival . It's first outing in Reanimator trilogy formed by ¨Re-Animator¨ "Bride of Re-Animator" and "Beyond Re-animator" . It is set at a medical school in Zurich, Switzerland, where a dean is called in to investigate a disturbance in one of the labs. After an odd new medical student called Herbert Wise (Jeffrey Combs) arrives on campus, a dedicated local (Bruce Abott) and his fiancée (Barbara Crampton) become involved in bizarre experiments centering around the re-animation of dead tissue. Herbert (Jeffrey Combs) finds an unexpected ally in the person of the young medical doctor. There is also an instant animosity between West and faculty member Dr. Carl Hill (David Gale). West declares that Hill stole the theory of brain death from West's late mentor. Herbert Wise continues obsessed with the idea of overcoming the obstacle of death and determined to vindicate himself by backing up his ambitious theory , as he goes on his creepy activities , as become involved in bizarre experiments centering around the re-animation. H. P. Lovecraft's classic tale of horror ! . Death Is Just The Beginning...Herbert West Has A Very Good Head On His Shoulders... And Another One In A Dish On His Desk It will scare you to pieces !. But For Dr. West, Death Is Only The Beginning !. Inject life into the dead !. The creator of the original cult injects new life into body parts other films cannot reach... it's a scream!. The Doctor Will See You Now. Death Is Just The Beginning...Herbert West Has A Very Good Head On His Shoulders... And Another One In A Dish On His Desk. . It will scare you to pieces !.

Herbert Wise/Jeffrey Combs stars an entirely Empire Pictures production with chills , tongue-in-cheek and loads of gore in this H. P. Lovecraft's classic tale of horror . In this early entry to the immensely popular trilogy about Herbert Wise he carries out his first gruesome and sinister experiments . High camp and blood curling gore make this a standout horror movie . It is a frightening movie with plenty of thrills , chills , high body-count , hilarious scenes and lurid images with lots of blood and gore . Violent, bizarre, unpleasant and disappointing at times , but entertaining as well. Special effects are pretty well but there are several images without much sense and the interpretations are middling but acceptable . Available in a R-rated version too . Cast is pretty good , along with trio protagonists , Jeffrey Combs , Bruce Abbott and Barbara Crampton , appearing other nice secondaries , such as : David Gale, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon and Robert Sampson. Followed by ¨Bride of Re-Animator¨ (1990) by Brian Yuzna with Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott , Claude Earl Jones, Fabiana Udenio, David Gale , in which Doctors Herbert West and Dan Cain discover the secret to creating human life and proceed to create a perfect woman from dead tissue. And ¨Beyond Reanimator¨ (2003) by Brian Yuzna , in which Herbert Wise is back , and this time he not only reanimates but creates life at a noisy prison , it stars Jason Barry , Elsa Pataky , Santiago Segura and Jeffrey Combs.

This horror movie was efficiently directed by Stuart Gordon who along with Brian Yuzna are important American filmmakers expert on terror cinema , both of whom working for Castelao , Fantastic Factory or Filmax . It displays colorful and adequate cinematography by cameraman Mac Ahlberg , as well as impressive musical score by Richard Band . The picture is compellingly directed by Stuart Gordon who along with Brian Yuzna are important American filmmakers expert on terror cinema. Gordon then helmed another Lovecraft adaptation Re-Sonator (From Beyond) (1986) and tackled the murderous Dolls (1986) followed by Robot jox (1989). Gordon co-created the story for Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989) a major hit for Disney. The same year, he directed the remake and more graphic version of The pit and the pendulum (1991). Other works include Fortress (1992), and the screenplay for The Dentist (1996) and Body Snatchers (1993) . In 2001, Gordon returned to the H. P. Lovecraft territory with Dagon (2001), and in 2003, directed King of the Ants (2003) about a housepainter-turned-hit man, and brought the David Mamet play Edmond (2005) to the screen. While Brian Yuzna is also a gore and guts expert director , such as : Faust , Dentist 1 and ,2 , Society, Bride of Reanimator. Rating Re-Animator (1985) : 6.5/10 Decent and entertaining , acceptable and passable film , though contains some flaws and gaps .
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A true horror/gore classic
preppy-33 May 2003
Very loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft's story "Herbert West: Re-Animator"

Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) is new at Misketonic University in the (fictional) town of Arkham MA. He rooms with nice guy Dan (Bruce Abbott) but Dan's girlfriend Meg (Barbara Crampton) doesn't trust him. And evil Dr. Hill (the late David Gale) hates him. It seems West has a glowing green/yellow potion that brings the dead back to life...but they always come back in a foul mood. But he hasn't tried it on humans...yet...

Boy, do I miss the 80s! Back then they could make extremely gory, sick, violent, unrated films like this and get them to play at mainstream theatres. I saw this opening night in Boston back in 1985--it was unrated and no one under 18 was allowed in the theatre. The audience was quiet at first, but as the violence and gore escelated and the black humor kicked in, the audience came alive. People were screaming, yelling, laughing...just about everything! Especially during a sequence between Crampton and Gale which just went way over the boundaries of good taste. It was just great! The movie is fun on its own, but with the right type of audience it really comes alive.

The film has extreme gore...probably the goriest movie of its decade. It also has huge doses of black humor and the whole cast blessedly plays it they had winked at the camera once it would have destroyed the film.

The film also has a tight, well-written script (it runs 86 minutes), is well directed by Stuart Gordon and has a great cast--David Gale (sadly no longer with us) was fantastic as the evil Hill. Jeffrey Combs plays West just perfect--we see his obsession with the potion but Combs never overplays it. Abbott is somewhat bland but plays a very good hero. Crampton is just excellent as Meg--sexy, smart and very brave. Also Robert Sampson adds strong support as Meg's father.

Basically a must-see for any horror fan. Also a great score and I LOVE the ending! Don't miss this one!

Try to see the Special Edition DVD--it shows deleted scenes that flesh out the story more.
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"Does this building have a basement?"
richardchatten16 May 2022
Lovecraft wasn't exactly known for his sense of humour and probably served as the template for the charmless nerd at the centre of this visceral, totally bonkers, grotesquely funny quickie.
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The H.P. Lovecraft adaptation that defined horror/comedy.
kclipper17 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Writer/Director, Stuart Gordon along with Producer, Brian Yuzna and the perfect cast including Bruce Abbott, Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton collaborate on what is probably the most dementedly hilarious horror/comedy of the 1980's. Based on H.P. Lovecraft's ahead-of-its-time six-part novelette, "Herbert West - Re-animator", this is an example of the kind of movie that made the mid-1980's such landmark time for this type of genre. Its gory to the extreme, and provides more comic relief for fans of morbid humor than any other film of its peculiar stature.

Stuart Gordon keeps true to Lovecraft's unique style and locations, including the fictionally infamous, Miskatonic Medical School in Arkham, Massachusetts, where this crazy film takes place. Herbert West, perfectly portrayed by Jeffrey Combs invents a serum that can resurrect organisms after subsequent brain death, but the effects are catastrophic for med student Bruce Abbott and pretty girlfriend, Barbara Crampton as the bodies turn out to be mindless, violent zombies. Stuart Gordon adds plenty of excellent additives to Lovecraft's original story including a sub-plot with actor, David Gale as an acclaimed professor who steals West's ideas on reanimation.

This is Lovecraft's already twisted story adapted into a non-stop display of madness and gore with great performances from a cast that clearly appreciates the subject matter. Jeffrey Combs is to Herbert West such as Anthony Hopkins is to Hannibal Lecter in one of the best character performances in horror movie history. Its zany, horrific and downright entertaining especially for fans of Lovecraft's bizarre cosmic science fiction. Great dialog, gallons of blood, intestines attacking like a hungry python and a talking severed head going down on poor Crampton while she's immobilized are just of the few hilarious highlights of this uproarious film. Followed by "Bride of Re-animator" and the equally effective "Beyond Re-animator". This is an absolute classic.
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Not for the squeamish....and rather silly. But if you can just turn off your brain and enjoy, then you'll probably enjoy it.
planktonrules11 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If "Re-Animator" was very realistic, it would be unwatchable. After all, there are gallons and gallons and gallons of blood and enough internal organs to satisfy Andrew Zimern's cravings for the next 200 years! But the effects are mostly pretty cheesy and the story never takes itself seriously--two things that make the film worth seeing. However, even with cheesy gore, there is a lot of gore.... A LOT. So, it's obviously not a film for many viewers. I would not show this to young viewers, my mother or anyone I am trying to impress with my intellect!

The film is about a goofy med student who thinks he's smarter than all his professors (he's probably right, actually). So, on his own he works on his own project--to create a serum for the reanimation of the dead. At first he tries it out on animals, but like all true mad scientists, he cannot stop there. Unfortunately, the serum has a minor side effect--it seems to make many of the recipients crazed killing machines or blithering idiots. Plus, it reanimates TISSUE--meaning that even parts can become moving, living and killing machines.

So is it worth seeing? Well, if you are an H. P. Lovecraft fan and you want to see HIS version of the Re-animator short stories, you'll be disappointed. Some of the film is reasonably close to Lovecraft--most is not. Also, if you are looking for a film reminiscent of something from the Criterion Collection of a Merchant-Ivory film, you should avoid the movie at all costs. If, however, you have a high tolerance for gore, LOTS of explicit nudity and violence and have a sick, dark sense of humor, then by all means this film is for you! Well made despite being cheesy, sick and twisted. You KNOW this is a bloodbath of a film when it makes the Living Dead films seem like Disney pics!!
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Silly but entertaining
grantss9 May 2015
Silly but entertaining.

Re-animator started reasonably well, with a fair amount of intrigue and suspense. It was even plausible, to a degree. After a point, however, it becomes rather silly, with things thrown in clearly just for shock and gross-out value. Plot becomes more and more implausible and ridiculous the longer the movie goes on.

Visual effects are okay (but for the over-the-top attempts to make things as unnecessarily gory as possible) but, strangely, the sound quality is quite poor. You'd think this is the one thing everyone gets right, but here it leaves a lot to be desired. Most of the time it sounds like the actors are talking from a distance away. Plus the stereo is all over the place, sound coming from the wrong side speaker at times!

Performances, from a cast of unknowns, vary from okay to abysmal.

A hit-and-miss movie. Not a must-see, but not a total waste of time either.
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Hilarious and Dark, the best combination
thechudbaby1 June 2002
I bought this movie after reading a review, it must be one of the greatest horror comedies of all time! If you, like myself, thought that Evil Dead II was hilarious just go ahead and watch this one. Very sarcastic, probably the best Lovecraft movie.
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No schlock horror night is complete without this...
tenthousandtattoos23 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Re-Animator has the feel of a film-school project with a budget. It was after all, director Stuart Gordon's debut. And what a debut! Loosely based on the (insanely weird) short story by HP Lovecraft, Gordon injects some good campy horror and tongue-in-cheek dialogue to make it THE example of schlock horror from the 80's.

Story concerns Mr Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) a promising young med student kicked out of a European med school for reasons made abundantly clear from the first scene of the film. He travels to "Miskatonic Medical University" in the States, and this is where the fun begins. He rents a room in a house owned by Dan Cain (Bruce Abbott), and no sooner has he moved in, the cat goes missing and strange "bumps in the night" begin...hehehehe Also no sooner has he taken up studies at Miskatonic, he butts heads with Dr Carl Hill (David Gale - his head is in the dish on the DVD cover hehe), over Hill's "antiquated" methods of brain surgery and beliefs in the whole "life after death" thing.

West has a little trick up his sleeve, a fluro green liquid he's developed that can bring people back from the dead! Only where is death? Where have these people been? Coz they are not entirely normal, nor friendly, when they fact they all seem rather crazy and p*ssed off!

This film is a gore-hounds dream...we got bone saws, a demented zombie cat, and a talking decapitated head! C'mon, do I REALLY need to go on!? You wanna see it.

It was worth watching this again one afternoon with a couple of friends from the "Saw, Part 27" school of horror just to watch their jaws hit the floor and pretty much stay there for about 80 minutes.

One of the funniest scenes by far is early on, when West is inspecting the rental house.He is oddly fascinated by the basement, remarking, "yes, this will do nicely!" Seriously, if a potential tenant said that to me, even with a wad of cash in the equation...i'd be showing him the front door! Another scene that makes me bust a gut is the severed head splatting against the's just so bizarre you laugh because not laughing at this film is a definite sign it may be "shrink time!" Also the guard outside the morgue is a laugh..."Break time!"

Special mention should really go to Barbara Crampton as the Dean's daughter, Megan, in love with Dan but lusted after by Dr Hill, she's really good in this, she's gorgeous, and kudos to her for accepting a part that involved a love scene with a decapitated head. It's one of schlock horror's more memorable "romances" hehehe. Enjoy.
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The Greatest of All Lovecraft Interpretations
gavin69424 May 2007
After learning all he can learn in Switzerland, Herbert West comes to America to study life and death. Can death be overcome? West thinks so, and with his reagent serum he might just prove to the world how right he is.

"Re-Animator" ranks at the very top of my all-time favorite horror movies. For a guy who has seen probably one thousand horror films, that's quite the accomplishment. For me, the film is paced perfectly, has plenty of gore, a fair amount of nudity (and a scene of sexuality you won't find elsewhere), some black comedy and a simple plot premise (a variation on the Frankenstein story).

This is the film that gave Jeffrey Combs his place in cult film history. On the basis of this movie alone, he is sought after to appear in other horror films and appear at horror conventions. Sure, some of his other films are pretty good, and he had an impressive run on both "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" and "The 4400". But he will always be known as Herbert West. None of the other stars (David Gale, Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton) has gone on to such a level of recognition.

The film has some flaws. The score, which is supposed to be an "homage" to "Psycho" sounds more like a blatant ripoff. And my biggest pet peeve is trying to find a complete copy of the film. I owned the longer, R-rated version on VHS. Now I own the shorter, unrated version on DVD (the Millennium Edition). I have yet to find one that combines the gore of the uncut version with the plot of the R-rated one (which I think really drives home the story and fleshes out the motives and power of Dr. Hill).

But the sheer fun of the film makes up for the flaws. Jeffrey Combs is clearly having plenty of fun, and the way they approach such things as the reanimated cat and the use of the reagent as an intravenous drug tells me they knew that the key was just letting a good time fly.

The people involved with this film (Combs, director Stuart Gordon and producer Brian Yuzna) went on to make a variety of other Lovecraft-inspired films. So I guess I have to thank the success of "Re-Animator" for giving them the chance to pursue these other projects (even the less wonderful ones like "Necronomicon" or "Dagon" (which many people like but I wasn't impressed)).

If you're a horror fan and haven't seen this, shame on you. You simply cannot have an in-depth conversation on horror without this film coming up. I urge you to check it out and decide for yourself. Can thousands of horror fans be wrong on this one? When have they steered you wrong before?
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Gory black comedy without any tension or suspense.
Fella_shibby3 July 2017
Saw this in the early 90s on a VHS. Revisited it recently on a DVD. To b honest, i didn't njoy this then n found it to b boring n comedic now. It was a low-budget film n definitely a different flavor of zombie film. The plot- Combs is a medical student obsessed with body reanimation. He teams up with another student, so the two of them can continue their experiments. Director Stuart Gordon managed to show good decapitations, reanimated cats, fingers bitten off, drills bored through the chests of corpses and attacks by zombie but all in a very comedic tone. He was not able to create any tension or suspense. Barbara Crampton's topless scene was a small treat in this otherwise non horror black comedy.
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A crazily enjoyable treat.
miloc7 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This wonderful movie has, over the course of multiple viewings, evolved into one of my true favorites. I can't exactly say it's in the tradition of Welles, Bergman, Fellini, or so forth, but I will happily call it a minor classic.

Why? It's funny. Not campy, just plain funny. The dialogue is sharp, the cast is wonderful (all around; a rarity in low-budget horror), the pacing and structure work smoothly, and the effects are, well, cheap, but somehow it just doesn't matter. High praise to Jeffrey Combs, as West (That's "West. Herbert West."), who takes his place with Colin Clive as Dr. Frankenstein, Brian Donlevy as Professor Quatermass, Ernest Thesiger as Dr. Pretorius, and a few select others as one of the greatest mad scientists in history. (Two of the film's funniest moments spring from West's highly inappropriate sense of humor.) And also to Bruce Abbott, who engagingly holds his own as West's increasingly worried straight man.

As West's behavior grows more and more hilariously irresponsible, his experiments go more and more out of control, and the film gets wilder and wilder, you just sit back in joy and watch the sparks fly. The film travesties H. P. Lovecraft, who possibly never cracked a joke in his life, and in the process sideswipes every pulp/sci-fi/horror cliche in the book. (The climax of the film

**************SLIGHT SPOILER******************

takes the pulp cliche of the distressed heroine's "fate worse than death" to a level that has to be seen to be believed, and then smartly one-ups it.)

**************END OF SPOILER******************

Obviously, those who have a problem with gore may wish to avoid this film, though I may say that the bloodshed, for all its explicitness, becomes pretty hard to take seriously.

In any case, this film makes me happy. Cheers! And may it live, and re-live, forever!
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a good horror/comedy movie
atinder24 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A medical student returns from Austria after working in regenerative experiments with a well known scientist who died under mysterious circumstances.

He enrols at Miskatonic University where he begs to differ with his professor on issues of the time of death, and eventually enlists his roommate to help him continue experiments on re-animating the dead.

This is a really good movie to watch, it's not too scary and this more of a comedy, then horror really.

The whole movie was really funny,I loved the part, with thevdead cat coming back to life, was really funny, if you are scared of black cats, this scene could scare you.

When Herbert West injected the bodies with a green liquid, they come back to life and they become really aggressive.

As Hertbert and Dan try too stop one of dead, as become super strong for some reason, the make up effect for the injected were really good made then look a bit scary.

The special effect were fantastic, This also had some nice gore scenes, it is not too gory, it's enough to make the gore hounds happy. The acting was really great frombthr whole cast.

The only thing I did not like, about this was the ending, it felt a little too rushed.

I would have gave it 9/10, I wasn't happy about the ending, so going to give it a 7/ 10
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Death Is Just the Beginning
claudio_carvalho12 October 2010
In Austria, the medical student Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) develops a serum to resuscitate the dead while working with a famous scientist that mysteriously dies. Herbert travels to Massachusetts and his application is accepted by the Miskatonic Medical University Dean Alan Halsey (Robert Sampson); then he moves to the basement of the house of Daniel 'Dan' Cain (Bruce Abbott), a medical student that is seeking a roommate to share his expenses and that is in love with Alan's daughter Megan Halsey (Barbara Crampton). When Megan's cat disappears, she finds it dead in Herbert's refrigerator. Later, Daniel hears a cat and Herbert screaming and he sees the cat alive violently attacking Herbert and they kill the animal again. Herbert invites Daniel to work with him, but Megan sees the bizarre experiment and tells her father that expels the students from the University. But Herbert and Daniel go to the morgue to find a corpse to revive and they are surprised by the dean that is murdered by a resurrected man. Herbert injects the re-animating fluid in Alan that revives but the envious and greedy Dr. Carl Hill (David Gale) wants his formula to become famous.

"Re-Animator" is one of my favorite cult-movie and I have just watched it again at least for the sixth time (last time I saw it was on 21 March 2000). This funny and gore B-movie has excellent special effects and made Jeffrey Combs worshiped for the rest of his career. Barbara Crampton is very beautiful and the scene in the laboratory with she naked and Dr. Carl Hill beheaded is one of the funniest I have ever seen. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Re-Animator"

Note: On 26 August 2012, I saw this film again, now on DVD.

Note: On 25 June 2015, I saw this movie again.
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I didn't believe a gore classic would entertain me, but...
wolfcub726 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers totally did. Even to the extent of my having to come here and say something. I really, really don't enjoy gore but only to some extent, and this was pretty far across my line. Wes Craven's Scream is one of my all time favorite movies and it, too, mostly because of the psychological aspects, not the gore.

I thought this is more likely to entertain only big gore fans, but I was positively surprised that the critics were right. The film makers certainly did take it so way over the top, and none of the actors took the roles too seriously, that it seemed more comical than disturbing, and left me feeling very positively entertained.

Someone once said that horror is close to humor. When something is too horrible, you laugh in order to protect yourself. Unfortunately that has happened to me only once before this film. It wasn't even a horror film, that one. Anyway, when that happens, there's a great gore movie, even if the psychological aspects are missing or thrown aside. And I think this movie is a good example of such. I doubt any of the things I saw in this film, can come haunting me.

So, even I found myself laughing out loud - partly in defense, partly in a heartfelt way, for one when there is the chaos in the mortuary and one of them throw the decapitated head out of the door and the black guy just happens to walk by just then, looks at the head, then at the chaos and hurries away. It's one of those have-to-see-it-to-get-it moments. And when Dr. Hill was walking to the mortuary, holding his own head on a tray. There was just something too comical about those moments.

Besides, Herbert Wsst is a wonderful character and the actor is just perfect. He alone makes the film very much worth watching.

I even found myself feeling a bit disappointed, when the end credits rolled in. I would've gladly watched a bit more of this fine horror comedy. But I understand that any longer, it might have lost it's power. I don't think I want to watch this again though, as I really don't care for gore much. But I genuinely did enjoy this, this once.

I warmly recommend this to any fan of horror and/or horror comedies - of course excluding those who are very passionately against gore, or very sensitive to it/easily disturbed.

One last thing; Don't watch this as your first taste of horror. First off; there is some pretty twisted scenes in this film. Secondly; I think you should first get used to gore and then watch this film. Otherwise this might be a shocker and take a lot away of the enjoyability.
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review of the R-rated version
Jonny_Numb17 January 2003
Hmmm, why would an UNRATED version of a movie be SHORTER than the RATED version? (My excuse is that this is the only version my local Blockbuster stocks, so there.)

Incredible makeup effects, a clever storyline, and an unbridled, off-the-radar sense of macabre humor make "Re-Animator" a slapstick treasure of the genre (it's far better than Sam Raimi's hopelessly overrated "Evil Dead"). Jeffrey Combs is brilliant as the Norman Bates-ish Herbert West, a medical student who's invented a serum that brings the dead back to life...sort of.

This version of the film is somewhat choppy, and the gore scenes are fairly obviously trimmed (the 'head-on-a-stick' scene isn't included), but I still found it absurdly entertaining. Off I go to find the special edition DVD... 3.5 stars out of 5
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Wait, Hans Gruber?
view_and_review16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dr. Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) is a Swedish scientist who has arrived in America to continue his quest to re-animate the dead. He was a pupil of Dr. Hans Gruber--no, not the bad guy from Die Hard played by Alan Rickman--until Hans Gruber "died." I put "died" in quotes because there's really no way to know if perhaps Dr. West killed him to test his re-animation serum.

"Re-animator" is a light horror and moderately bloody movie about the fancies of a mad scientist named Herbert West. He is obsessed with trying to bring living organisms back to life and he's right on the precipice of being able to do so. I mean, he can do it, it's just that the organisms tend to be extremely violent once re-animated.

This movie isn't taking home any awards, though it is entertaining. But if there could be an award for smartest character in a scary movie then the security guard would get that award. In the penultimate scene when all of these naked, violent, re-animated bodies are wreaking havoc in the morgue the security guard does the single most intelligent thing: he runs away. He had a gun too. So, all you security guards out there take note; don't investigate, don't play hero, don't stick around out of fealty when you're earning minimum wage--get the heck out of there. That act alone made me appreciate the movie.
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revenge_of_shinobi19 March 2011
I don't get the high score and praise for this film. I can only assume it was good for its time. if so, it hasn't aged well at all. in fact I think I might have liked it more if it was made in the 50's and was black and white. the acting is bad, the script is basic, the direction is mediocre. it might be considered as a parody but its not funny or clever enough to pull it off. a waste of time. a relic, thats how i'd describe it, I switched off after an hour because it was that bad.

I think it might have gotten its high score by just being gore laden. if so, it was a gimmick because there's nothing else about the film thats recommendable.
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