My Tutor (1983) Poster


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An overworked and rather depressing theme, but redeemed by unusual sensitivity.
bbhlthph1 August 2004
Yes, this is one of the early entries into the unending series of sexploitation movies about male teenagers with raging hormones looking for relief. But also, yes, I quite enjoyed it and gave it a respectable viewers rating - so I have a little explaining to do, even though I do not fully understand why this somewhat simplistic film appealed to me in the way that it did.

Perhaps it is simply that after an unending series of "Porky's" like movies, any film which features believable characters that are marginally more than cardboard cut-outs automatically gets rated more highly than it deserves. I cannot dispute the fact that this is not really a good movie, but it is so much better than most of its contemporaries covering the same scene that I feel it deserves to be recognised. In the story we have a young man of intelligence, born to rich parents and destined for Yale, who meets a glitch when he fails his French examination. He has to resit this, and is lucky enough to have a father who engages a very attractive young lady as his private coach to see that the resit is successful. Whether flowing juices improve study or not, may be debatable; but in this case the tutor not only meets Bobby's academic needs, but also recognises the basic problem he faces, liking him enough to guide him towards achieving a more mature appreciation of the mutual responsibilities any loving relationship will impose. This part of the film is handled with unusual sensitivity and in my opinion elevates the film from a piece of soft porn to a serious and significant treatment of an important social issue. Caren Kaye's treatment of her role as Terry, the tutor, deserves the highest praise - with a different leading lady this film could have been a complete disaster. In addition Kevin McCarthy, as the father, also delivers a fine performance in the character of someone wealthy enough to believe that he can buy whatever he needs or wants, and the scene towards the end of the film when his son turns upon him for the first time is quite well handled.

In parallel with this we are presented with the classic Hollywood slapstick treatment of a story about Bobby's best friend who is experiencing similar urges and makes continual disastrous efforts to satisfy them. This occupies a significant part of the first third of the film and is just awful. The two threads of the story are so far apart in their mood and appeal that my reactions when watching this film varied from a loud cheer to a bored yawn, depending upon which thread the current sequence belonged to. Presumably someone in the studio felt that a generous measure of this type of slapstick would be required in order to increase the overall appeal of the film. If so the person concerned should have been drummed out of Hollywood at short notice. The two themes are totally incompatible and if this secondary story had not been kept mercifully subordinate the whole film would have been completely ruined. As it is, it is quite easy to understand how viewers ratings for this film can vary from very high to very low. The average viewers rating recorded on the IMDb database at the moment is 4.5 out of 10, but there was an unusual spread with significant numbers of viewers rating it both very highly (8-10) and very poorly (1-3).

There were two scenes that I particularly enjoyed. The first was the one featuring a girl in a telephone booth, This starts when Bobby encounters the situation we have all experienced when waiting to make an important call, where the person occupying the 'phone booth is behaving as if about to leave it, but never quite does so; and it develops to the point where he is watching what ensues with fascination. In these days of cellular phones it will not be long before this scene becomes almost meaningless for many young people, but in the meantime it is a minor gem of its kind. Jewel Shepard, who plays the girl, is an under appreciated actress and I wish we could have seen more of her. The second, and far the more important of these two scenes, was the one showing the parting of Bobby and Terry. Here Bobby's education has progressed to the point where he appreciates that his tutor has developed a genuine affection for him, and that he has a moral responsibility not to let her down too sharply. His relief when it becomes clear that she intends to make a complete and clean break, is palpable. Again this was not an easy scene to present with the necessary sensitivity, but the director deserves about 7 out of 10 for his treatment of it. It is only spoiled right at the end by a grotesque display of relief by Bobby which should have been trimmed, but instead was turned into a freeze frame used as the background throughout the painfully slow scrolling of cast members and credits.

Overall I feel inclined to rate this film at what is probably a generous 6 out of 10. Watch it with your significant other when you simply want to relax together one evening. No doubt I have missed other similar films released more recently which treat the same theme with equal sensitivity, but the only comparable one that I remember seeing was "Y Tu Mama Tambien", released in 2001. Almost twenty years has been a long time to wait!
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Good enough for what it is.
TOMASBBloodhound21 January 2007
One of the more prominent teen exploitation sex romps of the early 1980s. My Tutor is the same type of thing we saw in Private Lessons. It's all basically a teenage boy's fantasy about having an affair with a beautiful older woman. Every so often you hear about this kind of thing happening in real life, so there may even be a little more to the concept than pure fantasy.

Matt Lattanzi plays the lucky young man in this film. For those of you who may have forgotten about this guy, he was kind of the Kevin Federline of the 1980s. He was a back-up dancer on the set of Xanadu who somehow won Olivia Newton-John over. The two were married for several years. Lattanzi plays a young man named Bobby. He seems nice enough, but is very shy with women. He also has just flunked his final exam in French class, and will have to re-take it and do very well or Yale will not let him attend in the fall. Bobby really doesn't want to go to Yale. He'd rather study astronomy at UCLA. Not a bad choice actually. I'm sure the women there are much better-looking! His father will hear nothing of astronomy, though! He hires a beautiful older woman to teach Bobby French, but Bobby is understandably more interested in winning her over! Caren Kaye plays Terry Green, the tutor. She is a stunningly beautiful woman who shows us plenty of what she has to offer! Yum! The bulk of the film details her attempts to teach Bobby French, and his attempts to become her man.

The film has a few dumb subplots that go nowhere. One deals with Terry's idiotic ex-boyfriend trying to hook back up with her. Another deals with Bobby's mother and their domestic help pulling the wool over her eyes. Crispin Glover is pretty funny as Bobby's best friend who is frantically trying to get laid. (weren't we all back then?) My Tutor is very, very light on plot. It mostly exists to titillate the audience, but there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing pretentious, and nary a serious moment in the entire romp, unless you count Bobby's wreck of his motor scooter later on.

The film is hurt by some really really awful music and songs. It is also badly under-lit. Lattanzi is a better actor than you might expect. His voice is a little high, but that fits this character pretty well. The film is filled with gobs of nudity and sexual situations. Take my word for it... you will get what you paid for in terms of t&a.

Considering what this film tries to be, and what it actually accomplishes, it is worth about 6 of 10 stars. A harmless romp from a much more innocent era of film-making.

The Hound.
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1983 High School Kids Looking for Sexual Adventure
oakley2907322 April 2006
This is the backdrop of the movie: The plot of this movie revolves around a guy, who has just graduated from high school, and his father's wish for him to get into Yale University. Upon learning that he has flunked high school French, his father arranges for him to spend his summer with a private tutor. He must pass French before the summer is over, or he will not get into Yale.

Now that the backdrop has been established, the movie entails the adventures of a fresh high school graduate, and his friends, quest to get laid before the summer is out. There are many funny squences, and twists, and even imaginary "fantasy" scenes dealing with sexuality throughout the movie, circa 1983.

The movie shows a lot of topless females, and even features real life porn star Kitten Natividad.

I would say that this movie lies somewhere in between a "B-Movie" & a light comedy/serious film making effort.

I remember this movie from my childhood, and it was refreshing for me to see it again recently.
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Teensploitation heaven for fans of the genre
pooch-83 January 1999
My Tutor, a shameless exploration of arrested male teen-age sexual fantasy, is a forgettable film for everybody except the kids who were going through puberty when the film was released. For those fortunate viewers, however, the film is a heady trip down memory (and mammary) lane. Matt Lattanzi (Mr. Olivia Newton John) will astonish you with his wooden acting and breathy voice. Crispin Glover will make you howl with his mannered delivery -- especially as he does a turn or two on the S/M wheel of a friendly neighborhood bordello. Caren Kaye delights as the world-wise French tutor who fuels young Lattanzi's vivid imagination with her nocturnal skinny dips in the family pool. Also notable: the jaw-dropping title pop tune warbled over the opening credits as limber vixens are put through the paces of an aerobic workout.
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Aah yes...the 80's!
rosscinema5 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It would be literally impossible to count how many sex comedies were actually made in the 1980's but a few do stand out and you can probably put this harmless little fiasco on that list. Story is of course about an 18 year old high school student who desperately and badly wants to get laid and lose his virginity. High School senior Bobby Chrystal (Matt Lattanzi) flunks his French class and his wealthy parents are forced to hire a tutor named Terry Green (Caren Kaye) so that he can get into Yale.

*****SPOILER ALERT***** Bobby and his best friend Jack (Crispin Glover) have failed at brothels and with easy waitresses and they can't help but turn their attention to Bobby's beautiful tutor who skinny dips at night in the Chrystal's pool. Terry does her best teaching Bobby his French lessons and they become close but things change (for the better) when she is jilted by her boyfriend and accepts Bobby to be her new lover.

This was only the third film that George Bowers had directed at the time and he had worked mainly as an editor in low budget sex comedies (The Pom Pom Girls, Galaxina, The Beach Girls) before throwing his hat into the ring as a director. Does this film attempt to exploit the nudity that was required of Kaye (and the other actresses, as well) and use it as the main selling point? Of course! The reason all those films were made was to exploit the actresses and get as much sex and nudity as possible in the story and Kaye was always smart (a Masters and Doctorate in psychology) and knew exactly what she was doing. The story does possess actual moments of tenderness and we do believe that these two characters like each other and it's primarily the reason that this film stands out in the genre. All of these films do have the usual hijinks woven into the plot but I had a very hard time believing that a good looking young guy like Lattanzi never had a girlfriend through his entire span in high school. Lattanzi never amounted to much as an actor (how could he have been taken seriously with that soft voice?) and he would of course end up becoming MISTER Olivia Newton-John. This film does offer a look at a young Crispin Glover in an early role but the script has him relegated to being the horny friend who mutters lines such as "Boy, am I going to hit the ceiling tonight" and later heading to Mexico to get laid. Kaye was always beautiful to look at but she also possessed a natural charm that was very evident in her efforts and when she's not swimming nude in this film she actually delivers one of her best performances. If viewers can get over the fact that this is (undeniably) an exploitation sex comedy than they might also notice the genuine sweetness that does exist in the story that's brought to life by two attractive actors.
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gridoon3 August 2001
Well, this is basically your run-of-the-mill teen sex comedy of the early 80s, although a bit more tame than most. The storyline is wholly unbelievable, even stupid at times (the teacher decides to "take a break" by sitting in front of the obviously lusting young male, wearing only a revealing bikini!), the comic moments are not very funny and Matt Lattanzi is a very bland lead. On the other hand, the love scenes are surprisingly tender for this kind of film. (**)
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My Stupor
catfish-er14 July 2009
I saw a trailer for MY TUTOR while I was working my way through BCI Eclipse' Drive-in Cult Classics 1, 2, 3, and 4 (featuring Crown International Pictures releases) on DVD.

My Tutor is another early-'80s teen sex comedy. The story is about an 18-year-old high school student who desperately wants to lose his virginity before summer ends. Besides that, Bobby (played by Matt Lattanzi) flunks his French class and his wealthy parents hire a tutor named Terry Green (played by Caren Kaye) so that he can get into Yale.

The film has a couple of stupid subplots as well; and, unlike other Crown International releases, my Tutor is very, very light on plot… and, plausibility! And, while Caren Kaye holds the whole movie together, it just plods along going nowhere.

There is very little action for the first 45 minutes; and, then, the big payoff hits right about the 55-minute mark. Then, it just plunges back into inanity; and, more about nothing, including the father's infidelity, and bad pickup lines…

I just don't know if I can make it through the last half hour.
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If more tutors looked like Caren Kaye, there'd be more interest in learning French.
Hey_Sweden23 February 2013
Lovers of the 1980s sex comedy genre should have a pretty good time with "My Tutor". It's quite likable and amusing throughout. It's not exactly in the same mold as something like "Porky's", and doesn't really deliver any belly laughs, but that's not the point, as it treats its central relationship with a surprising amount of sensitivity. Handsome Matt Lattanzi stars as Bobby Chrystal, a teen who has flunked his French course. Since his dad (Kevin McCarthy) is stubbornly determined to make his son go to Yale and study international law, the course must be passed. So the dad hires a live-in tutor, Terry Green (the lovely Ms. Kaye) to instruct the boy for the summer. What the virginal Bobby doesn't expect is to fall in love with the young lady. While "My Tutor" isn't as raunchy as some viewers may hope, it does have its entertaining farcical moments here and there, many of them courtesy of co-star Crispin Glover, as Jack, one of Bobby's two buds who accompany him on the quest to experience sex. It's quite a hoot to see Glover strapped to a big wheel by a whip wielding dominatrix; also early on in the picture Bobby is paired with an extremely well endowed prostitute (Kitten Natividad, whose main assets can be seen in all their glory.) But providing a solid anchor for the movie is the portrayal of the evolving relationship between tutor and student, and it's beautifully played by Kaye and Lattanzi. Adding to the appeal of "My Tutor" is its obvious made-in-the-80s feel, complete with upbeat theme song. The actors are all good, with Arlene Golonka playing Bobby's mom, Jewel Shepard ("The Return of the Living Dead") as the sexy phone booth girl, and future director Katt Shea as one of the mud wrestlers. One subplot with Terry's stuck up former boyfriend (Bruce Bauer) trying to worm his way back into her life does have a mildly entertaining payoff, but one has to wonder why another story thread - that of finding out that the Chrystals' hired help have been putting on an act - was created, as it never really goes anywhere. By the end, we can't help but feel good for Bobby when he finally decides to stand up to his dad and vow to go ahead and study astronomy at UCLA, which is what he really wants to do. The characters are engaging, and with some of the female cast members showing off their bodies, one can't really ask for much more than that. Overall, "My Tutor" is pretty good for its genre. Seven out of 10.
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Jesus, this is terrible
smithern30 May 2005
This film is completely removed from any sort of reality. It's like watching horny guys be horny for an hour and a half, with or without women to enjoy their company.

Also, the music makes a bad movie worse. It's like playing a game of what song's being ripped off, be it "Let's Get Physical" or "My Sharona".

This movie has lots of nudity, lots of no-name actors (the most notable actors being Kevin McCarthy, who probably at this point is most remembered for his over-the-top role as the station affiliate owner in "UHF" rather than his lead role in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"; and Crispin Glover, who probably had nightmares about this movie while filming "Willard"), and no redeeming qualities for people other than insomniacs.

This film ages poorly and it's surprising that anyone from the era would actually remember it besides the people who actually worked on the film.
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This movie made me wish I was failing French.
MN4EVR12 June 2002
In reference to the previous user comment: I was one of those fortunate enough to go though puberty shortly after this film was released. Not a great movie, by any means, but for those of us to young to go into the "back room," this movie was a perfect answer. Unfortunately (or very fortunately, depending on how you look at it), they don't make films like this anymore. Teensploitation movies now are all very farcical and don't even try to take themselves seriously. Once you get past all the T&A, in this movie, you start to feel sorry for the actors in this movie who actually have some talent. They seem to be trying very hard to make a good film while carrying some of the blandest people ever to grace the silver screen. If you long for some fond memories, pick this up on a boring weekend while everyone else is out of town.
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Man, why did I take Spanish in high school instead?
happyendingrocks15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This prototypical '80s adolescent nookie farce combines both the "luckless dudes trying to score" and "older teacher instructs her student in the art of love" tropes, which should add up to twice the fun. Regrettably, My Tutor invests all its study time in a generous allotment of nudity and no time presenting characters or antics that are enjoyable enough to hold the viewer's interest in between the topless vignettes.

Lead Matt Lattanzi is the weakest thing in this movie, which is unfortunate because he appears in almost every scene of it. His ever-slouched bedroom eyes are ostensibly meant to convey sensitivity, but the guy just looks like he's about to fall asleep at any given moment (which he actually does in a brothel on top of a nude Kitten Natividad during the movie's first thwarted almost-got-some skit). His archetype is also the kind of chiseled-abbed mansion-dwelling high school socialite who ends up bedding half the cheerleading squad in real life, so the premise that he shares the same daunting struggle to shed his virginity as his two truly inept sidekicks is the most absurd element in a film that already has plenty of those.

Poor little rich boy Bobby's fortunes finally take a turn for the better upon the arrival of the live-in French tutor (?) his family hires to help him ace the test that will get him into Yale and make his father proud. It's not much of a leap to understand why a teen who lusts after nearly every other female character he encounters in the film would also quickly develop the hots for Caren Kaye's attractive and down to earth Terry, and the two eventually embark on an extended romantic staycation complete with Kama Sutra mishaps and shared bubble baths. This second half of the film is slightly more engaging than the opening salvo of lame coitus interruptus hijinks, unless your funny bone is tickled by the notion of seeing Crispin Glover strapped to a wheel of punishment by a dominatrix or watching Bobby get chased by a biker gang after unsuccessfully trying to complete a transaction with the leader's waitress girlfriend who turns tricks on her lunch break.

As if Bobby required more reasons to be insufferable, his histrionic reactions anytime a subplot is introduced to imbue the movie with conflicts suggest that he might be as psychotic as he is obnoxious. When Terry's caddish ex-boyfriend shows up to lure her back, Bobby not only pulls a gun on the louse, he actually fires it at him. And when he learns that the tutor being paid to help him pass his test receives a monetary bonus once he passes said test, he gets enraged and literally accuses her of being a hooker, which suggests that in silver-spoon Bobby's estimation having to work a job to earn money is equivalent to prostitution.

Naturally, Terry also instructs Bobby about life beyond her guest room sheets, so he ultimately gains the confidence to tell his dad he doesn't want to go to Yale, make some independent decisions about his future, and ask out the high school crush who's been in his heart all along. Then again, Bobby sucks, so you won't really care about any of this.

Kevin McCarthy doesn't get much time to shine as Bobby's domineering patriarch, but his presence is always welcome so at least that's one thing My Tutor has going for it. However, the best thing in this movie by far is Amber Denyse Austin, whose sporadic pop-ins as Bobby's alternate love interest are way too brief and underutilized. Austin is jaw-droppingly gorgeous here, and she radiates enough charisma to light up the screen whenever she's on it; it's frankly astonishing she didn't have a more substantial career, but if nothing else she certainly deserved to be spotlighted in a flick much better than this one.

Outside of its relatively high quotient of attractive disrobing, My Tutor is a subpar and undistinguished offering that does little to separate itself from a crowded pack of similar '80s romps. It does feature not one, but two aerobics montages, so nostalgia buffs will surely get their fill. But comedy buffs, or anyone just looking to have fun for a solid 90 minutes, will not.
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graduating high school starts summer off being immature and through his tutor becomes a respectable person
jind5 August 2006
This movie first came out in the 1980's era of "stupid teen flicks" but really if it were to be released this year would seriously be a nice "date movie" that anyone could enjoy because it seriously is a movie that would be very relevant for anyone out there in the relationship world who needs to see how to be a nice person. The movie starts out with the young boy "Bobby" who is obviously very overly hormone driven finding out that his summer is going to be spent with a woman tutor who is going to teach him French. "Karen Kaye" winds up being his beautiful tutor who over the course of the summer winds up teaching him how to be nice and respectful of women. She basically holds the whole movie together and does an excellent job of it. She was the perfect choice for the part. Once the two of them do fall in love, even the love scene that everyone is waiting for is done tastefully. Terry does a wonderful job of teaching Bobby how to be a "real man". You actually enjoy watching them together. This movie is now available on DVD and is worth getting and watching with that "someone special".
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C'est sexy et amusant.
BA_Harrison26 January 2013
Cut from the same cloth as Private Lessons (1981) and Risky Business (1983), coming-of-age teen sex comedy My Tutor is pure male fantasy fulfilment, in which virginal teenager Bobby Chrystal (Matt Lattanzi), desperate to pop his cherry, is handed the answer to his problems by his parents when they hire sexy tutor Terry Green (Caren Kaye) to help him pass his French exam.

Having had several sleazy but unsuccessful sexcapades with his equally desperate best friend Jack (the always excellent Crispin Glover), Bobby is more than happy to start learning about 'les oiseaux et les abeilles' from his tasty teacher, who not only knows her way round a french verb, but being a decade older than him, is also pretty familiar with the workings of a man's body!.

Opening with a roomful of women suggestively wriggling, jiggling, gyrating and thrusting their way through an aerobics routine, My Tutor is all about the irresistible allure of the female physical form, and barely a minute passes without some gratuitous female nudity on screen. Naturally, this makes for perfect fodder for hormonal teenage boys, but in addition to all the bare bums and breasts, the film also manages to pack in some remarkably solid performances from its likable leads (whose acting careers really deserved to have been better) and quite a bit of heart as well, Bobby not only discovering how to have fun on his back but also learning to stand on his own two feet against his overbearing father (Kevin McCarthy).

While it's a little far fetched, perhaps, to believe that the young, athletic and clearly very handsome Bobby wouldn't be the centre of attention for girls his own age (maybe it has something to do with his somewhat effeminate voice), My Tutor is still extremely enjoyable nonsense for the duration.
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Those crazy kids....
Mister-68 October 1999
Millions upon millions of these kind of movies are released (usually on Video) every day and none of them have any distinguishing characteristics: a nubile older woman seduces a green young teen boy. some plot points are different than others, but not many.

"My Tutor" has no different markings than any others of its ilk. Okay, maybe Crispin Glover. Oh, and one thing more.

Kitten Natividad, guys. What else is there to say? You don;t know her? Look her up and see what there is about her that's...special. Better yet, see "My Tutor" if just for her. She's funny, sexy, bubbly (VERY bubbly) and just too darn cute.

Three stars. One for die-hard subject matter and two for Kitten.
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A Teenage boy's dream
triple819 December 2004
I saw this movie when I was a kid and since the plot has been gone over numerous times I won't even get into that. Suffice to say, what you see is what you get. This movie falls into the "male hormone" genre of movies but it really wasn't so bad, the movie was tasteful compared to some of the garbage that's out today and it actually had a somewhat interesting plot with decent chemistry among the leads so girls could actually find it watchable as well as males. The setting was quite pretty as well. Make no mistake though, this is geared directly toward the teenage boy. The movie doesn't even try to be original but I liked how both the leads characters' were actually-well-developed somewhat. The movie's main flaw is the totally awful title but for what it is it's all right and I'd actually rate it a 5 or 6, you could do worse with a movie of this type.
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Sinking to oblivion
pinkeye9996 August 2005
To the extent this movie is remembered at all, it's remembered as a better-than-average example of an 80's teen sex comedy. That's not much of a compliment, but the movie at least had a sympathetic female lead (instead of a snooty and scheming girl who deserved to have her clothes ripped off) and it made attempts to include romance and tenderness with the sex.

Like the rest of the genre, this movie will probably continue to sink into oblivion. Matt Lattanzi may be a wonderful human being for all I know, but he's not a strong screen presence. Someone should have told him that being stiff and expressionless is not the same thing as projecting quiet confidence. The soundtrack is dreadful. Many of the supporting actors, however, especially Arlene Golonka and Crispin Glover, are amusing in their minor roles.
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Boring, titillating teen perversion movie...
dwpollar15 November 2014
1st watched 11/8/2014 -- 2 out of 10(Dir-George Bowers): Boring, titillating teen perversion movie about a young highschool student , played by Matt Luttanzi, who can't pass French class and is hired a tutor to retake an exam so he can go to Yale. The tutor, played by Caren Kaye, is well known as one of the best in the field, and the father -- played by Kevin McCarthy -- will have nothing but success, so hired her for the task. The student watches the teacher during her nightly nude swims and, of course, starts getting different ideas about her. The teacher is having troubles in her love life and eventually pulls the younger student into a relationship(which happens very quickly after a few of the swims). It's hard calling this film, a teen sex comedy, because there are very few laughs and very few attempted laughs. The student friends including a very young Cristin Glover invoke a couple of these with their antics early on trying to get laid, but nothing much else humorwise occurs besides this. The movie then must rely on the relationship between the tutor and student, which is mostly about a teenage libido and a middle-aged forgotten woman getting plenty of attention(including sex). The student actually learns somehow gain some cohona's, and fights against his father's wishes as he wants to goto UCLA for Astronomy not Yale. At this point we really don't care much about the real lives of these people --- and this makes the movie a failure. The movie really didn't try to do much and it succeeded in that, I guess, and it probably made some money for the filmmakers --- so bravo to them, but the movie is pretty much a waste of the viewer's 1 and 1/2 hours.
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More Crown hijinks
BandSAboutMovies3 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bobby Chrystal (Matt Lattanzi, who was in Xanadu where he met his one-time wife Olivia Newton-John) might never graduate high school thanks to his poor French scores. But this being a 1983 movie, all he cares about is losing his virginity, just like his buddies Billy and Jack (a practically all hormone Crispin Hellion Glover).

To help him improve his French, Mr. Chrystal (Invasion of the Body Snatchers star Kevin McCarthy) hires Terry Green (Caren Kaye, who played Jason Bateman's mom on the one season NBC sitcom It's Your Move) to teach his son. Well, she sure does, starting with him perving her while she skinny dips in their pool and ending with the predictable motion of the oryctérope.

Of course, dad wanted Terry all for himself and tells his son that she only was there to teach him, with a $10,000 bonus if he passes. He calls her a prostitute, because that's what being a young incel is all about, before realizing that she taught him so much. Now, he has the ability to ask out his crush Bonnie.

Katt Shea, who would go on to direct both Stripped to Kill movies, as well as Poison Ivy and The Rage: Carrie 2, is in this as a mud wrestler. So are Shelley Taylor Morgan (Malibu Express), Jewel Shepherd (Zapped!, Hollywood Hot Tubs 2: Educating Crystal), Jacqueline Jacobs (who is in pretty much every Crown International winner like Malibu Beach, The Van, The Beach Girls, Weekend Pass, The Patriot and Hunk) and Kitten Natividad (Night Patrol, Beneath the Valley of the Ultravixens). If I have to explain to you why any of these women appeared in this movie, you haven't watched enough 1980's teen sex comedies.
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see this for cheap laughs and crispin glover
mordax5 March 1999
My Tutor would have been another useless teen sex movie if not for the superb performance of Crispin Glover. There are some funny moments throughout the film, and it's definitely worth 90 minutes of your time. Be sure to check out the freeze frame at the end of the movie, it's ludicrously tragic, and tragically ludicrous. Success!
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Parlez Vous Francais?
bkoganbing5 October 2017
It really gets me how these teenage comedies concerning young men losing their virginity is always cast with kids who look they should have no problem in that direction. Certainly that would be the case with both Matt Lattanzi and Clark Brandon. As for Crispin Glover who is best known for being George McFly in Back To The Future he's just comic relief in any event.

These three just graduated and both Glover and Lattanzi just can't quite get it done. Lattanzi has another problem he's failed French and so his father Kevin McCarthy gets him a French tutor with Caren Kaye. That proves to be quite the education.

My Tutor has a few comic moments. Maybe the best performances are Lattanzi's clueless mother Arlene Golonka and Bruce Bauer as Kaye's typical Reagan era venture capitalist. The idea for him is speculation is the way to make millions. He's almost a prototype for the 80s.

A bit better than some of these films, but no great shakes.
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French student studies by love
movieman_kev13 August 2004
Bobby, a student, needs to pass French class to get into an ivy league school. So his father gets him a tutor in the form of Terry (Caren Kaye, whom sometimes spells her first name with a K as well, make up your mind, dammit). There age difference doesn't stop them from doing stiff extraciriculer activities, if you know what I mean. And I think you do. His two bozo friends are also here to add to the "comedy" factor. And it's always nice to see Kevin McCarthy acting. I'm not saying the film is great, far from it. But at the same time it deserves a higher IMDB score.

Eye Candy: Careen Kaye as the tutor who shows boobs and buns, Graem McGavin as the topless floozy in the back of a car, Kitten Natividad as the HUGE breasted hooker, Katt Shea gets her shirt ripped off, and Jewel Shepard shows blink-and-you-miss-it boob.

Where i saw it: TMC

My Grade: C+
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There Is Nothing Special About This Terrible 80's Sex Comedy
FilmMan4713 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
i am gonna be honest here when i say there is nothing special about this terrible 80's sex comedy because in 80's the sex comedy genre was not developed properly the growth,quality & popularity came in 90s.

keep in mind this is not a soft core film that is a whole different genre this film is a joke compared to those explicit ones.

the whole cast of this film got wasted no wonder their careers were doomed but Amber Denyse Austin was one hot girl sad thing is we don't get to see any sex scene with her.

story of this film goes as a student named bobby falls for a hot female french tutor bobby is a pervert & a bad boy instead of focusing on study he goes to brothels,lusts after girls with his other friends.

this film is boring from start to finish there is no sex here just some nudity & some kissing scenes the film tries too hard to be funny & sexy but it falls flat becomes dumb & fails to entertain at many levels i mean who cares about story or characters in a sex comedy at least some sex scenes or good good story should have been added here but sadly none of that is here.

My Tutor 1983 is a epic failure film a waste of time & money there is a similar film called Private Lessons 1981 out there starting Sylvia Kristel go watch that film & Skipp this nonsense my rating is 2/10.
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A hugely enjoyable 80's teen comedy treat
Woodyanders14 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Nice, but awkward and still virginal high school senior Bobby Crystal (a charming performance by the hunky Matt Lattanzi) flunks his French class, so his overbearing sleazy jerk wealthy dad (a perfectly smarmy Kevin McCarthy) hires the sweet, yet alluring tutor Terry Green (a winningly sexy and vibrant portrayal by the gorgeous Caren Kaye) to teach him French over the summer so he can pass a crucial exam and still get into college. Naturally, Bobby and Terry wind up having a steamy affair. Director George Bowers, working from a fairly thoughtful and sincere script by Joe Roberts, maintains a steady pace and a pleasant lighthearted tone throughout. Yeah, there's the expected tasty distaff nudity and raucous raunchy humor, but amid all that racy stuff we also get a considerable and refreshing amount of real heart and warmth. Lattanzi and Kaye make for attractive and appealing leads; their love scenes are surprisingly tender and erotic. The ever-wacky Crispin Glover contributes a hysterically goony turn as Bobby's horny nerd friend Jack. Moreover, there's sound acting by Arlene Golonka as Bobby's ditsy mom, Bruce Bauer as slimy yuppie Don Sylvestor, Clark Brandon as Bobby's smoothie buddy Billy, and the insanely cute Amber Denyse Austin as Bobby's fetching gal pal Bonnie. Popping up in nifty bit roles are Kitten Natividad as a buxom prostitute, Jewel Shepard as a fantasy girl, and future director Katt Shea as a mud wrestler. The infectiously bouncy soundtrack, some red hot aerobics, and those choice garish 80's fashions (gotta love those leg warmers and leotards!) give this flick a certain funky Greed Decade period charm. Mac Ahlberg's glossy cinematography gives the picture a sparkling bright look. Best of all, we even get a solid and positive central message about doing what you want to do with your life. A total delight.
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FOR WHAT IT IS--pretty good
preppy-315 April 2005
A rich man (Kevin McCarthy) hires a tutor for his teenage son (Matt Lattanzi). Naturally she's a beautiful woman. He's a virgin and wants to sleep with her. She won't and most of the movies involves his "humorous" attempts to have sex with other women.

This was a mild hit up the theatres but exploded on cable TV. During the summer of 1984 this played constantly--that's how I caught it. Now this is basically a silly teen sex comedy but surprisingly well made. There's top-notch production values and the film looks just great. It's also pretty mild (this played uncut on commercial TV in my town) and pleasant to watch on a lazy summer night.

Still that doesn't make this a good movie. Believing Lattanzi is a teenager is ridiculous (he's pretty obviously in his 20s) and most of the humor is just silly. But, for a teen sex comedy, this is pretty enjoyable. Also Lattanzi is very handsome and has a nice body. Also look for a pretty funny parody of the "plastics" sequence from "The Graduate". I was REALLY surprised to see that in a movie like this! Turn off your brain and you'll like it. I give it a 6.
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Summer Lovin
queenb8019 September 2005
Don't get me wrong. I love 80s movies but this one really didn't do much for me. It stars Matt Latanzi (the poor man's Tom Cruise) as a handsome recent high school graduate who learns that he has failed French and must take an exam to make it up. His dad (the always nefarious Kevin Mccarthy) hires a tutor (Caren Kaye)to live with them and teach his son French. What she teaches him are a lot of bedroom moves and lessons in love. Meanwhile we are treated to several scenes of him and his pals going out and trying to get laid (complete with the goofy "we're teenage boys trying to lose our virginity" music)and several nights of nude swimming. Finally the tutor and her willing pupal make love. You know those scenes where someone is touching a body part and you really have no idea which body part they are touching?(is it a thigh or a breast?)Well this love scene has plenty of those. In the end it doesn't matter if you've learned anything or not; just as long as it looks like you did (thank you Assault of the Party Nerds). I recommend this film if you've got a Saturday night free and you've misplaced the remote control.
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