The Curse of the Werewolf (1961) Poster

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How (or is that "howl") did they always come up with something so neat?
lee_eisenberg3 April 2006
I think that more than anything, "The Curse of the Werewolf" does what too many werewolf movies fail to do: offer an explanation of how the first werewolf got created. Apparently, if someone is conceived under rather unpleasant circumstances, that person is a lycanthrope. After a beggar gets imprisoned in 18th century Spain, he rapes the jailer's daughter. She dies in childbirth, but her son Leon is raised by a nobleman. Sure enough, Leon is a werewolf. As an adult, Leon (Oliver Reed) tries to control himself, but unfortunately can't.

This is another addition to Hammer's cool filmography. It shows Leon's inner torment, knowing what will happen every full moon. As for associating Spain with werewolves, that country of course produced actor Paul Naschy, who has made a career out of playing werewolves; Portland's own Movie Madness even has a section devoted to him.
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Very enjoyable and different
planktonrules6 January 2008
This was a highly unusual werewolf film and I am actually surprised that Hammer films went on to make many Dracula sequels but not werewolf ones, since this film was well made and quite enjoyable.

The film begins with a very long prologue--telling a sad tale about an evil man who was responsible for the curse that eventually made poor Oliver Reed become a werewolf. The entire story was quite interesting and VERY different from the Universal Studios vision of how one becomes a werewolf. Instead of being bitten by another werewolf, it was a rather convoluted curse. The only problem with this story, though, is logical. You see, Oliver Reed's adoptive father narrates the prologue BUT how he knew most of the details is quite impossible--as Reed's mother was a mute and didn't have communication skills to explain most of the story. Plus, parts of it she couldn't have known! I guess the narrator just read the script, because there was no other way he could have been privy to the information! Despite this serious logical flaw, the rest of the film was very compelling--with Reed making a very sympathetic creature. Plus, like the old Universal films, Hammer did a good job of not showing too much--only letting you see the creature near the very end of the film.

Excellent acting and production values combined with a very interesting though flawed script make this an excellent movie for fans of Gothic horror.
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Specters7 October 2003
A very involving Hammer production that chronicles the history and life of Leon (Reed) who becomes cursed at birth causing him to turn into a werewolf when the moon is full. This is a story driven movie. The action and violence is sparse, but that's not what this movie is about. Playing out like a historical drama, Curse of the Werewolf details werewolf mythology like I have never seen. The performances are fine, and the film has an ambient feel to it that makes it even more appealing. Don't sit down to this movie expecting a bloodbath, Curse of the Werewolf is a well written, brilliantly conceived, and nicely plotted thriller.
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Wonderful Werewolf Film
BaronBl00d27 November 1999
It's Spain and a beggar walks through a deserted town forced into public festivities at the marriage of a miserly, degrading Marqis. He goes to the palace in search of food, and instead is given life imprisonment. This is the opening of one of Hammer's best monster films, and easily one of the best lycanthrope films ever made. The beggar through a raping of a servant girl spawns a baby werewolf. The film is about this boy and then man living with his affliction and finally succumbing to its eventual fate. Terrence Fisher has done a superb job with his direction, creating atmospheric sets, wonderful, rich costuming, an impressive musical score highlighting key dramatic moments, and most notably creating a story of a beast in man with compassion, understanding, and depth. The acting all around is excellent(once you get past the notion of Britishers playing Spainards), and Oliver Reed stands out as the young protagonist literally being torn apart inside. The make-up for the beast, while not as grand as Universals, is top-notch and harrowing to the eye. The film is a sight to see and it again affirms that many of the monsters of the movies are tragic heros not in control of what they do.
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The Curse Of The Werewolf (1961) **1/2
Bunuel197611 February 2006
This film, more by accident than design, has become one of my most-watched Hammer films. Actually, I liked it immediately and, therefore, I return to it willingly...though I wouldn't really rank it among their top films! Still, for being the studio's only stab at the werewolf legend, the plot is pretty stacked with fanciful lore which differs quite a bit from what Universal came up with in the 30s and 40s...or, for that matter, anything that we've seen since! Truth be told, it's highly improbable and even rather silly but, then, the film is so thick with atmosphere throughout (belying the typical low budget) that it doesn't matter at all! Oliver Reed essays his most significant starring role for Hammer with dignity and a brooding quality, in my opinion, and the supporting cast does pretty well by their roles but, again, the film's main asset is its beautiful look (including the wonderful werewolf make-up). I also don't mind the fact that we see the fully-fledged transformation only once as the build-up to it is terrific and the film, on the whole, emerges as one of Fisher's most assured efforts.
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Over-the-top horror film directed by the master of Hammer Production , Terence Fisher
ma-cortes5 February 2013
Extremely Gothic terror intent in the Universal vein and walks a fine line between romance , camp , Wolfman's classic and horror . It displays excellent set design , ambitious screenplay with too many eerie scenes and adequate interpretation for all casting . Terror picture that is renowned for ferocious departure from the stereotypical portrait of the beast . It is set in Europa , dealing with a 19 Century European werewolf , as it happens in Spain , Leon is born on Christmas day to a mute servant girl (Yvonne Romain) who was imprisoned by a nobleman (Anthony Dawson) and raped by a beggar (Richard Wordsworth stated that in the original screenplay his beggar character was a werewolf) . His mother dies giving birth and he is looked after by Don Alfredo (Clifford Evans) and his maid . As a child Leon turned into a werewolf after having been taken hunting . Leon (Oliver Reed in his first horror movie), transformed by the full moon, heads for the forest and a fateful meeting with the villagers . He is developing an extraordinary force and aware himself has a horrible curse who cannot to control . As a young man he works in a wine cellar and falls in love with the owner's daughter named Cristina (Catherine Feller). The curse will be passed on to him at the next full moon and he again turns into a werewolf and terrifies the town.

This exciting motion picture displays drama , suspense, terror with mysterious touches and is quite entertaining ; being the only werewolf movie made by Hammer Studios . It's a crossover with a little of the classic version ¨Lon Chaney's Werewolf¨, the novel ¨Wolfman in Paris¨ by Guy Endore and wrapped in a Hammer style . Atmospheric, slick terror film , creaky at times but it's still impressive . The notorious screenwriter John Elder or Anthony Hinds provides a well-knit plot with mystery and horror, giving full rein to Terence Fisher natural talent for the terror genre . However , being censorshipped , as over five minutes were cut by the censor for the British release and even more for the American version ; the censor had problems with the notion of a werewolf/rapist, so out it went . It's some different but with clear reference to previous vintage film . Good performances from Oliver Reed as a creepy wolfman and Clifford Evans as his mentor . The transformation of man into werewolf is complex and is made by expert make-up artist Roy Ashton who based his makeup for this film on Jack P. Pierce's makeup for The Wolfman by George Waggner (1941) that starred Lon Chaney Jr and Bela Lugosi . Frighteing and thrilling musical score by Benjamin Frankel . Colorful and shining cinematography by Arthur Gant , Hammer's ordinary , being filmed in Bray Studios. The motion picture was masterfully directed by Terence Fisher who filmed classic horror films as ¨Dracula¨, ¨Dracula , prince of darkness¨ , ¨The brides of Dracula¨ , ¨The mummy¨ , ¨Phantom of opera¨, ¨The Gorgon¨ , ¨The devil rides out¨ and many others . Rating : Top-drawer terror film , upscale horror spectacle with a suitable climax at a church . Essential and indispensable watching for Hammer lovers . It's an above average terror and sometimes graphically exciting and turns out to be a good attempt to cash in the werewolf sub-genre . Rating : 6,5 Good .
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Hammer's sole werewolf movie is a delight
Leofwine_draca31 May 2016
Hammer was quick to plunder the Universal vaults in their search for new horror successes. Dracula, The Mummy and Frankenstein had all been done, and it seemed only natural to film a lycanthropic story, following on from the success of Universal's THE WOLF-MAN. Happily enough, their (strangely) sole werewolf offering is a huge success, offering a tragic love story and horrific elements in equal amount.

While the Spanish setting eliminates any Gothic visuals, CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF more than makes up for this in the intriguing werewolf story, which spans a whole twenty years, and a sense of gloom and doom as you just know that Leon is going to come unstuck. Also, the introduction of a young, handsome, charismatic actor in the form of Oliver Reed, meant that audiences could really sympathise with the character of Leon, after all lycanthropy is merely an illness, and can anyone be to blame for illnesses which afflict them? This is one of the films that paved the way for Reed's later stardom, he would go on to star in a range of other varied horror flicks like THE BROOD and THE DEVILS. All the classic folklore concerning werewolves is in this film, along with a good score and lavish costumes. The acting is all above par and there are small roles for Peter Sallis, Warren Mitchell, and Michael Ripper, who plays his tiny role of the town drunk with relish.

CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF also has some excellent special effects. Stop motion animation is used to show hair growing on Leon's palms, while Roy Ashton's werewolf makeup is fantastic and groundbreaking, much as the transformation in AN American WEREWOLF IN London was twenty years later. To top this all off, the finale is something of a throwback to classic films like Chaney's PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and a satisfying conclusion to this epic romantic horror. CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF is yet another classic from Hammer's heyday, a tragic, inventive story which can be watched time and time again. This is a fairytale epic of a werewolf film.
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Blood thirsty and relentless.
michaelRokeefe30 October 2000
This is second only to the wonderful original starring Lon Chaney, Jr. twenty years earlier. Oliver Reed brings a more pronounced character to the ravenous tippy toed terror of the night. This is a top notch project from director Terence Fisher and one of the best from Hammer Studios.

Rounding out the play bill are Clifford Evans, Yvonne Romain, Hira Talfrey and Michael Ripper.
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A superb addition to the cinematic annals of lycanthrope
fertilecelluloid19 May 2006
A modest werewolf "epic" that never feels formulaic in the hands of director Terence Fisher and writer Anthony Hinds. The film is one of Hammer's most accomplished and deals with the subject of lycanthrope with some imagination. Young Leon (Justin Walters), the consequence of a rape, is born with what appears to be a dormant werewolf gene that is awakened when he tastes the warm, "sweet" blood of a bird. Unable to resist his true nature, he starts killing livestock in a small rural community. His juvenile rampage doesn't last long because the local priest (John Gabriel) identifies his condition and encourages his adopted parents to shower him with love and affection, convinced that it is love that will keep the boy's desires at bay. Clearly, the priest's faith in love is not misplaced, because, ten year's later, the adult Leon (nicely played by Oliver Reed), who has just left home, is only a wolf with the women. He falls hard for the daughter of his employer, but when he is deprived of her love, his lycanthrope surfaces and the killings begin again, only this time he leaves the livestock alone.

The film is a character drama in werewolf clothing, and, though it references genre classics such as "The Wolfman", "The Werewolf of London", and even "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" in its climax, it is still very much its own animal. There is a welcome depth to the performances and Reed's acceptance of his condition and desire to be destroyed gives the piece a fine sense of tragedy.

Unlke the genre films of today, which make this feel like something made on another planet, "The Curse of the Werewolf" really takes its time to establish a solid foundation for its horror and is a refreshing product of far less cynical times in which human warmth was seen as essential, not "uncool".

The last shot, in my opinion, is flawed. When the dead werewolf is flipped onto his side by his adopted father, he is not shown, in death, as having returned to his former state as represented by Oliver Reed.

A fine achievement.
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Oliver Reed gets job in a Winery!
Prichards1234525 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Curse of The Werewolf marks the beginning of a slight decline in the quality of Hammer's "Golden Age" horror output. It's a good film in its own right, with some very effective scare sequences; but the script also meanders too much, has some fine British character actors looking a bit uncomfortable playing Spanish peasants and also lacks the plush visuals Jack Asher used to bestow on their prior movies.

Ollie Reed allegedly visited the pub in Bray village in his lunch hour in full werewolf make-up - and no one batted an eyelid! Reed himself is very good in his first Hammer starring vehicle; it's often forgotten amidst all his hilarious hell-raising that he was a fine actor, and the role of Leon is a useful vehicle for his talents.

This actually feels like an origin story for a character intended to appear in a series of movies, as the attention to detail in showing how Leon developed his condition is perhaps a bit too much for a single film; but the opening scenes with the beggar and Marques are powerful and compelling. Indeed thanks to the farrago over Peeping Tom Hammer got into trouble with the censor over these scenes - somewhat of an irony as they were always careful to work closely with the BBFC at every stage of production.

You have to admire some of the bravura horror scenes here - the five year old Leon frantically tugging at the bars on his window to escape his confinement - the murder of the prostitute - Leon changing in the prison cell to his werewolf form to the astonishment of Michael Ripper. All these are handled superbly, as is Leon's baptismal scene, the latter landing Hammer in hot water again with the censor.

Director Terence Fisher tries to work in a tragic love story - a theme of his he was very keen to develop in his horror movies at the time. It does add to the story here, but he was to work it less effectively in Phantom of The Opera and The Gorgon.

Curse of The Werewolf remains an enjoyable horror film, and, after he once drank 126 pints in 24 hours, the modern viewer can derive much amusement from watching Ollie having to be coerced into going to the pub!
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The reason for his curse beggars belief.
BA_Harrison24 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Curse of the Werewolf was the only werewolf movie produced by Hammer studios, and to be honest, I can understand why: even with the usually excellent Terence Fisher at the helm and a young Oliver Reed in the starring role, I found the film rather disappointing, suffering from a weak script that offers up one of the most ridiculous reasons for a case of lycanthropy that I've ever seen and terrible pacing that keeps the werewolf under wraps for most of the running time.

Much of the first half is given over to back story: a beggar (Richard Wordsworth) visits a castle looking for food; there he is mocked and ridiculed by the wicked Marques Siniestro (Anthony Dawson) before being thrown into the dungeon, where he is looked after by the jailer and his mute daughter. Years pass, the beggar becomes a savage, the jailer dies, and his daughter grows up to be a major hottie (the stunning Yvonne Romain). When the Marques tries his luck with the buxom beauty, she is thrown into the same cell as the beggar, who cannot believe his luck. After attacking the girl, he dies a very happy man.

The mute woman is then taken back to the Marques to make amends for her behaviour, but she stabs him to death instead and flees the castle for the forest. There she is found several months later by kindly Don Alfredo Corledo (Clifford Evans) who takes her to his home and discovers that the young woman is pregnant, much to the concern of his housemaid Teresa (Hira Talfrey), who is worried that the child will be born on the 25th December: according to superstition, an unwanted baby born on Christmas Day is an insult to heaven, and can lead to lycanthropy (I told you it was dumb!).

The child is born, but his mother dies shortly after. Don Alfredo and Teresa raise the boy, named Leon, but as he grows older, the lad develops a lust for blood, attacking local animals. As a young adult, Leon (Oliver Reed) leaves to work in a winery (probably not the wisest place to send Oliver Reed), where he falls for the owner's daughter Cristina (Catherine Feller). Leon's love for Cristina prevents him from becoming a fully-fledged werewolf, but on a drunken night out with his work colleague, his blood-lust is aroused by a wanton woman, and he transforms. The next day, Leon is arrested for the murder of the woman; separated from Cristina, there is nothing to stop him transforming again, and he goes on the rampage—about five minutes before the end of the film! After some clambering around the rooftops of the town, attacking absolutely no-one in the process, he is shot with a silver bullet by Don Alfredo. The End.

5/10 for Yvonne Romain, who is easily one of Hammer's hottest babes, and for the cool werewolf design (shame we don't get to see more of it throughout the film).
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One of the best Werewolf films ever
spacemonkey_fg3 March 2005
Title: Curse of the Werewolf (1961)

Director: Terence Fisher

Cast:Oliver Reed, Clifford Evans, Catherine Feller

Review: Hammer films is known for making many vampire films, many Frankenstein films, and even a few Mummy films...but for some reason Curse of the Werewolf was their one and only werewolf film ever made. Even though they only made one Werewolf film, I'm happy because at least the only one they did make is really really good.

The story is about a beggar who gets thrown into a dungeon by a despotic marquis who takes pleasure in demeaning other human beings. The beggar spends years upon years in prison until he becomes almost animal like. A young and beautiful servant girl is thrown into the same cell as the insane beggar is because she rejected going to bed with the same marquis. The beggar decides to rape her and the offspring of that rape is Leon Corledo. A young boy who is cursed to become a werewolf because he was born on Christmas Day. And on this movie, being born on Christmas Day means you are forever cursed to become a werewolf when the full moon comes.

I enjoyed this movie immensely and I have to say that one of the things that enhanced my enjoyment of it was Oliver Reeds portrayal of Leon Corledo. He is magnificent in this movie. He has a great presence and a roughness to him that is perfect for playing a man cursed with lycanthropy. He has some very intense moments in which we can see that he is torn between letting his animal side loose or keeping it under control.

Terence Fisher, one of Hammers prime directors did a fine Job in bringing to life the tale of the werewolf. Hes done many fine Hammer films in the past and this one is just another jewel in his crown of great horror films. The movie is heavy on atmosphere and creepy visuals. A standout moment for me was when the young Leon has turned into a werewolf in his room and cant escape it because his stepfather has barred the windows in his room so he cant escape at night. The look on the kids face and the music is a real horror movie moment. Fisher made sure there's plenty of cool shots of the fool moon hovering over the dark sky as we hear the howling of a wolf in the distance. Or the scene in which the are going to baptize young Leon and the water in the altar starts to boil.... Its nice touches like those that make a Hammer/Terence Fisher film special.

I also liked how they treated the origin of the werewolf. The really go back and explain how it all started. Its not just a movie about a werewolf running amok killing people in a little town. Here we get the whole back story as to how the whole thing started. I liked that. It gave the film lots of depth. Its a story covering a few decades of history. Another thing that made the story special was the idea that love and compassion towards Leon could help him control the beast inside of him.

Then there's the werewolf transformation, which is after all one of the big things about watching a werewolf film. There's always a spotlight on the transformation sequence. Its always a showstopper in films like "American Werewolf in London" and "The Howling" and even in "The Wolfman". Here I must say that for the time it was made, the make up is really excellent. I'm guessing that it was for budgetary reasons that hey held the transformation all the way till the very ending, but when it does happen its very good. I was amazed that for the time it was made (1961) it turned out as good as it did. In fact I think this look was the one that Fredd Dekker was paying homage to when he directed his monster film The Monster Squad, in which The Werewolf teams up with Dracula, Frankensteins monster, The Creature from the Black Lagoon and The Mummy to bring the forces of darkness to earth. The look of the werewolf in that movie is exactly like the one seen on Curse of the Werewolf. I don't blame Fred Dekker for wanting to pay homage to such a cool creature.

The only downside to this movie? Watching English actors playing Spaniards. It was kind of funny to see that the only thing that they added to their acting to make it look Spaniard was saying "Señor" at the end of every sentence.

Finally, Id say that this is one of the best Hammer films ever made and that this movie deserves a whole lot more recognition then it gets. It should be out on DVD, because as it is, its one of the best werewolf films ever made.

Rating: 5 out of 5
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Pretty Good Old Werewolf Flick
Rainey-Dawn11 December 2014
This is a pretty good old werewolf film... it's not that bad. This one he looks more like a Wolf Man (similar to Lon Chaney, Jr.) than the more modern werewolf.

Curse of the Werewolf has a very interesting film beginning of how Leon's parents met, what happened to them, how he was born and taken in to be cared for. The story hits a little bit of a low for a few minutes but then picks back up around 50 minutes into it.

This is a great late night popcorn flick... it's a bit interesting and can be enjoyed by fans of older horror films.

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A Werewolf in Spain
Uriah4310 January 2017
This movie begins about 200 years ago in the small Spanish village of Santa Vera when a beggar arrives and seeks food at a nearby castle belonging to an evil man by the name of "Marques Siniestro" (Anthony Dawson). Although he receives both food and wine he is humiliated in the process and, without much thought, imprisoned by the Marques because of an unintended slight. Time passes and eventually the beggar is totally forgotten about in his prison cell. Then one day when the beggar has gotten quite old an attractive young woman named "Cristina" (Catherine Feller) is also sent into the same prison cell because she failed to answer a question by the Marques due to her being mute. She is then raped by the beggar who dies not too long afterward. A day or two afterward she is sent back to the Marques but when he attempts to have his way with her she kills him and flees into the woods. She then proceeds to live in the woods like a wild animal before being rescued by a nice man named "Don Alfredo" (Clifford Evans). Although her wounds are treated it is soon discovered that she is pregnant and a few months later gives berth to a son named "Leon" (Oliver Reed) on Christmas Day. Unfortunately, being born on this specific day is considered unlucky by the people of the village and eventually the sum of all of these inauspicious events catches up to him and turn him into a werewolf when the moon is full. Naturally, it is during this time that terrible events happen which sets the course for the rest of the movie. Now, rather than reveal any more. I will just say that this film spent quite a bit of time attempting to provide its own interpretation on the origins of lycanthropy but doesn't really get involved in the horror or action sequences until the last third of the movie. This causes the film to seem rather slow and dull at times and not up to the usual standards of a Hammer film. At least, that is my opinion. In any case, I have rated this movie accordingly. Slightly below average.
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Ho ho-howwwoooooooooooooo!
TheFinalAlias24 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Curse of the Werewolf" is a film steeped in uncertainty. Sometimes referred to as a wasted opportunity, sometimes considered the greatest werewolf movie of all time, "Curse" isn't really either, and although a well-made film, it isn't very good. But what I am certain of is that it's my favorite Christmas movie of all time!!!

Don Alfredo Corledo(Clifford Evans)is apparently an omniscient immortal, as he begins the film(after the creepy opening credits showing the werewolf's crying eyes)by informing us(through past-tense voice-over)of events he could not possibly have witnessed or found out about and that he states happened "200 years ago", when by the time we meet him during those events, he is clearly a middle-aged man. Oh well, the film starts with the ringing of a church bell in a small Spanish village, where a handsome but scruffy beggar(Richard Wordsworth)inquires why the bell is ringing even though it's not a Sunday. After several curt dismissals, he finds that the local Marquis has just gotten married to a village girl(and left the village impoverished by raising taxes to fund the wedding), and from what we can tell, it apparently wasn't a marriage she was willing to enter into. A sarcastic barfly tricks our rag-clad hero into going to beg the Marquis for food. And as you may have gathered, the Marquis isn't exactly a charitable man....

The Marquis(Anthony Dawson, from "Dial "M" for Murder") is a sadistic creep who loves abusing his underlings, and he makes no exceptions with the beggar, making him act like a dog and dance. After the Beggar makes a suggestive comment, he ends up being locked in a dungeon where he gradually loses his grip on reality(and his good looks too). Meanwhile, the Marquis, now suffering from leprosy and more occupied with creating houses of cards than the outside world, tries to rape a busty mute servant girl(Yvonne Romaine, who effectively uses facial expressions to emote for a role that requires no talent)who bites him. He has her thrown in the same dungeon as the beggar, who rapes her anyway. The beggar dies, and the girl escapes after killing the Marquis. She tries to drown herself, but is rescued by Don Alfredo and brought to his home, where she is taken care of by his maid, Teresa. The girl dies giving birth on Christmas eve, but because widdle baby Jeebus has some serious birthday attention issues("For an unwanted child to be born on Christmas is an insult to heaven!" says Teresa), the child, Leon, is cursed.....

I'd like to point out that this has all happened in the first 26 minutes.

Following some boring, long-winded exposition involving an explanation for Leon's affliction, a comedic subplot involving the goat-herder's rivalry with the night watchman(two of the most British sounding 'Spaniards' I've ever heard!), and some truly awful overacting(Teresa's line "I just mean--he didn't come through here!!" gets my medal as the most meaningless line ever uttered with such over-the-top conviction) balanced with some very good acting(John Gabriel gives a wonderful, naturalistic performance as a kindly priest), scenes intended to be frightening that will give rise to all kinds of lewd jokes(check out the kid's hairy palms), we finally meet the adult Leon(Oliver Reed) who sets off to work at a local vineyard and falls in love with the owner's daughter Cristina(Catherine Feller) and the story last.

Its' pretty much just a retread of "Romeo & Juliet' with elements of the 1941 universal film thrown in. The difference being that there we got to know and like Lon Chaney Jr's character. Here, we find out NOTHING about Leon, and what we do find out pretty much makes him come off as a jerk, yelling at Cristina and shaking her, even before he finds out that he's a werewolf and needs a woman's love to cure him. Cristina pretty much sees that Leon is little different from her controlling dad and obnoxious fiancée, but decides to give him a shot anyway(what girl could resist a young Ollie Reed?) Leon refuses to show some simple patience and instead goes to a brothel with his Benny Hill-like coworker Jose. Apparently being in a 'sinful' atmosphere awakens the beast in Leon, and he becomes a werewolf, Don Alfredo finds out, and you can guess the rest....

Oliver Reed is one of my favorite actors, but he doesn't get to do much here. We see or hear so little of Leon, and what we do makes him come off as an impatient jerk who is hard to pity. He does however, pull off the transformation scenes incredibly well, and as the werewolf, he's simply one of the coolest-looking monsters of all time. Larry Talbot couldn't escape a bear trap, Leon can rip a rip an iron prison cell down and chuck doors and bales of hay at people! The rest of the cast is competent, Clifford Evans is obviously disinterested, Hira Talfrey overacts badly as Teresa, and although she does a good job as Leon's mute mother, Yvonne Romaine has little screen time(despite prominent billing and poster art depicting her as Leon's love-interest!). Martin Matthews provides good comedy relief as Jose. Catherine Feller isn't believable as an object of affection for two handsome men, but she succeeds at evoking sympathy, and is the film's most pitiable character. The real standouts however, are Wordsworth and Dawson as the Beggar & Marquis. Both actors deserved better careers.

"Curse' isn't great, despite nice sets and cinematography, but it's great to pop in at Christmas time! Where else can you see a movie about Christmas with cruelty to the homeless, food wasting, leprotic lechers, a mute woman being raped, werewolves, drunk guys named Jose who kiss paper-cutouts, and 'Spaniards' who talk like Monty Python extras?
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Hammer films first (and only) werewolf film
preppy-329 October 2005
Strange Hammer horror film takes place in Spain--although everyone speaks with a British accent. A LONG back story (almost 30 minutes long) starts us off. Most of the material is unneeded but it has a mute servant girl being raped by a almost beast-like man. She later gives birth to a baby boy--and dies. He is named Leon (Oliver Reed) and is born with the sign of the werewolf on him. It's kept down--until he is denied a girls love and he turns...

This film is colorful and well-acted (especially by Reed) but slow moving. The LONG back story was a bad idea--it takes too long for things to happen. Reed doesn't even show up until the film is half over and the werewolf attacks don't happen until over an hour has passed! Still it's not bad and beautiful to look at (especially in the Universal DVD). And Reed is frightening as the werewolf (GREAT makeup job) and sympathetic as Leon.

This was a major bomb in 1961 and Hammer never made another werewolf film. Too bad--this could have been so good. Seriously--why the long back story and WHY set it in Spain? I give it a 6.
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A first rate werewolf movie with a great performance from Oliver Reed.
Infofreak20 April 2004
'The Curse Of The Werewolf' is one of the very best of the early Hammer horrors, yet gets rarely mentioned, probably because it doesn't feature either Peter Cushing or Christopher Lee. It was Hammer's only attempt at a werewolf movie, which is a shame because to me it is almost as good as Universal's classic 'The Wolf Man' with Lon Chaney, Jr. The werewolf here is played by Oliver Reed, and much like Chaney's Larry Talbot, he is doomed to his fate which gives the character a strong tragic element. Even more so in this story, because Reed's Leon Corledo isn't bitten by a werewolf but damned from birth after his mother (Yvonne Romain, 'Circus Of Horrors'), a mute servant girl, is raped by a demented beggar (Richard Wordsworth, 'The Quatermass Xperiment') who has been falsely imprisoned by a sadistic Marques (Anthony Dawson, 'Dr.No'). The baby is born on Christmas day, and in this version of the tale that makes him cursed. The young child is adopted by the kindly Don Alfredo Corledo (Clifford Evans) who raises him as his own. After a few hiccups the boy grows into a young man who seems to have his condition under control, but when he makes his way in life he soon finds that that is not the case, with gruesome results. I enjoyed this movie a lot. It takes the material seriously, and the early parts of the movie are very dark. Reed gives a great performance and the aforementioned supporting cast are all very good, especially Wordsworth and Dawson who have some memorable scenes at the movie's beginning. There's also nice cameos from Hammer regular Michael Ripper as the town drunk and Warren Mitchell (Alf Garnett) as a watchman. Another great thing about the movie is much of the werewolf action isn't explicitly portrayed, making it very much in the Val Lewton tradition, and the viewer has to wait almost until the end to see a transformation scene. 'Curse Of The Werewolf' is a first rate werewolf movie and is recommended to all classic horror fans.
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Rather huge missed opportunity
kannibalcorpsegrinder12 November 2012
After deciding to venture out onto his own, a man finds himself suffering from a deadly curse that turns him into a ravenous werewolf and must seek the help of his father and his lover in order to keep his affliction dormant before he kills again.

This here turned out to be quite a flawed and wholly uninspiring werewolf effort. One of the major flaws here is the film's terrible pacing that leaves this one utterly, terribly disjointed, as the opening prologue that explains his condition taking over a half-hour to be revealed for what it really is before we get any sense of what's supposed to be going on with our following the royal and his treatment of the girl before the birth, which afterwards imparts another big flaw in the fact that this one doesn't really have much in the way of a true werewolf. There's none of the mysticism, folklore or anything imparted upon this one, and it's really hard to determine why a werewolf was needed in here as this could've easily been another creature inserted into the story without any difficulty or much change. As well, with the creature only on-screen for two sequences, it's really hard to get much fear out of it, although both of those scenes are pretty fun including the usual finale where it really lets the action fly with a superb sequence of it running amok through the town. Still, it's not enough to overcome the flaws here.

Today's Rating/PG: Violence and talk of a rape.
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hammer classic
trashgang20 February 2012
I was so afraid of plugging this in. Not of being scared but movies coming from the fifties and sixties aren't my thing. The effects used were laughable. I rather would go for those old Universal flicks or even Nosferatu (1922). But two reason made me buy this flick. Terence Fisher and Hammer Horror. I guess I don't have to introduce both names to the geeks of the genre. Terence really delivered the best Hammer flicks. Strangely, it took awhile before this flick got a proper release and finally in 2012 it got a DVD release.

The story reminded me a lot of The Wolf Man (1941) but this is really enjoyable to watch. I was never bored with the story. But it's the way it was directed by Terence and the use of lighting that gave it a creepy atmosphere, I would even say a Gothic feeling. The effects used are very low, it was all done in a way the camera was used. So you really doesn't see the werewolf changing and that's were this still works up to today. The only effects I was surprised by is the way they used the red stuff. it isn't gory of course but when the werewolf is being shot the blood do sputter out of his body.

I can't go in on the way the acting went because acting back then was more theatrically then nowadays but one name I looked at closely, Oliver Reed. Oliver played the werewolf and he did great. This was a flick at the beginning of his career (1958) and his first leading role, just look what he did here. He really looked believable and you could care for him. He went further to make classics like for example The Brood (1979). Sadly it went downwards with him due his drinking problems and he past away in 1999 while shooting for The Gladiator. One to surely watch not only for the directing but also for Reed's performance. Classic.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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It's a struggle from the womb to the tomb.
hitchcockthelegend23 October 2011
The Curse of the Werewolf is directed by Terence Fisher and written by John Elder (producer Anthony Hinds), loosely based on the novel The Werewolf of Paris written by Guy Endore. It stars Clifford Evans, Oliver Reed, Yvonne Romain, Catherine Feller and Anthony Dawson. Out of Hammer Film Productions it's a Technicolor production with photography by Arthur Grant and music by Benjamin Frankel.

Hammer's only venture into the lair of the Werewolf proves to be a tragic-romance-cum-nightmarish fairytale more than a film dealing with the savage roamings of a lycanthrope. Off the bat it has to be noted that the film is not overtly horror, something that may result in disappointment for any potential first time thrill seeker. That said, this is still a cracker-jack of a movie, boasting the best of a Hammer production (sets, music, colour, direction) with a narrative of cruel markings and links to puberty, sexual awakenings/urges and Jesus Christ! It's strongly cast, with Reed effective with his brooding good looks, Romain piercing the eyes with her Technicolor sexiness and Dawson knocking it out of the park as a vile bastard son of Ebenezer Scrooge! British fans also get the added bonus of catching familiar TV faces Warren Mitchell and Peter Sallis in secondary support slots.

Paced as it is, very much on the slow burn with a good portion of the picture dealing in the origins of Reed's cursed Leon character, much of the film lacks tension and suspense. This lures one into expecting a barn-storming finale by way off a pay off for the viewers patience. Sadly it's no crowning glory, yes it doffs its cap to the old Universal Creature Features of the 40s and 50s; and there's definitely some emotional heft for the bell tower closure, but it just lacks the dynamism needed to lift it into the upper echelons of Hammer's best output. There's also the small matter of Catharine Feller, who is weak as one of the films crucial female characters. These are problems, even if ultimately they don't detract from the expert story telling of the makers and the fact that visually it's a gorgeous and alluring movie.

With a different spin on the Werewolf legend to be applauded, The Curse of the Werewolf, one or two missteps aside, is still an essential Hammer movie. Even if it could and should have been a little more than that. 7.5/10
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Classic, underrated werewolf movie.
Teknofobe7023 May 2005
"Curse of the Werewolf" was Hammer Studios only feature-length werewolf film, although they did later make "Children of the Full Moon" in the 1980s, an hour-long episode of the 'Hammer House of Horror' TV series. It bears much comparison with the other classic werewolf movie of the pre-1980's, Universal's "The Wolf Man". It tends to be much less appreciated than it's younger cousin, although many regard as being a classic in it's own right.

One night in Spain, a poor beggar makes the mistake of offending a nobleman and is thrown into the dungeons for the rest of his life. While there he rapes a poor, mute servant girl who subsequently escapes into the woods. She is soon taken in by a kind couple, and when she dies giving birth to the beggar's child on Christmas day, they raise him as their own. As Leon grows older, he develops a nasty habit of changing into at wolf a night and slaughtering the local livestock. His loving parents are able to restore his humanity, but when he falls in love years later the terrible curse returns to haunt him ...

The story here is a bit slow-moving and dull in places, and it does take an awful long time to get started. Arguably the real story doesn't start until over half way through the film. It is undoubtedly creepier and more horrific than "The Wolf Man", and in that sense it shares more in common with other classics like "Dracula" and "Frankenstein". However, it's period setting does cause some problems. The sets and costumes are decent enough considering the time and budget, but the lighting and overall atmosphere aren't exactly convincing. Also, the makeup that is used to show various character's ageing isn't always all that great. The British cast of theatrical actors are for the most part very good, and although I'm not always a huge fan of Oliver Reed, he is very well-suited to this role.

Unlike Universal's "Dracula" and "Frankenstein", "The Wolf Man" was an original work that was never based on a historical novel. For this movie, however, Guy Endore's classic 1930's novel "The Werewolf of Paris" (with an obvious change of location) was adapted by Hammer producer Anthony Hinds. Hinds later wrote the script for "Legend of the Werewolf" after Hammer Studios movie production dissolved in the mid-70s, although he was always credited as John Elder. Terence Fisher was probably the most experienced and critically-acclaimed director that Hammer had to offer. An important figure in the horror revival of the late fifties and sixties, he had already helmed the production of two "Dracula" and two "Frankenstein" movies, as well as the Hammer remakes of "The Mummy" and "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" and around forty other movies, mostly crime dramas.

This is a classic and often under-rated entry into the werewolf movie genre, and absolutely essential viewing for any true fan.
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Hammer wolf!
BandSAboutMovies28 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hammer had already made films for Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula, and The Mummy. Surely it was time for the werewolf, with this being the first furry horror film shot in color, as well as Oliver Reed's first starring role.

This wolf - Leon - has a wild origin story. His mother (Yvonne Romain, Devil Doll) was a mute jailer's daughter who was assaulted by a beggar who had the gall to complain at a nobelman's wedding and ends up imprisoned for 18 years. She had turned down the rich man herself and was sent to the dungeons, which caused her to be impregnated. Once released to "entertain" the nobleman, she kills him instead and runs into the forest.

She gives birth and dies. Because the beggar had died right after attacking her, that makes young Leon an orphan. He's raised by Don Alfredo Corledo and his housekeeper Teresa. As he was born on Christmas Day, that means that he's cursed to become a werewolf, already hunting for the blood of goats before he's even out of puberty.

Leon finds work in a winery, but become despondent when he realizes that his station in life will never allow him to marry the owner's daughter. When a co-worker takes him to a house of ill repute, his wolf nature comes out and he ends up killing one of the girls and his friend.

Too late, our hero learns that the love of a good woman can keep the wolf in check. Seriously, British werewolves are crazy, because you can become one without being bitten. You just need to not be born on December 25th. And man, if you're unlucky in love, people are going to get, well, wolfed down.

Eventually, Leon's adoptive father must make a silver bullet and take care of matters. All of this period drama longing seems to take forever to get to that transformation though. I remember this airing on UHF TV in my single digit years and just fiending for the moment that the man became wolf. It takes nearly sixty minutes of the movie's 93-minute run time before we get to see Reed go fully hirsute.

Before being released, the British Board of Film Classification gave Hammer Films this edict: This movie could either have scenes of sex or violence, but not both. So they went with violence.

The publicity shots for this and the images of Reed in full werewolf mode were pretty popular. The actual film doesn't live up to what was in my mind as a kid, but it's still pretty fun.
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One of my favorite horror films.
jamesaxbrice4 April 2004
On certain days I consider The Curse of the Werewolf to be my all-time favorite horror film. In my opinion it was Hammer's best effort except, possibly, for the highly underrated Phantom of the Opera with Herbert Lom. The story is most unique and carries a strong, yet very Catholic, spiritual element. The cinematography is excellent as well as Terence Fisher's direction. One of the most outstanding qualities of the movie is the immaculately intricate and powerful music score by Benjamin Frankel. I've never heard of this composer before or since, but I would love to find this score on CD.

There are already plenty of write-ups detailing thoughts on the story, so I won't go there. The acting is adequate to superb, and Oliver Reed does an outstanding job portraying a tormented soul protractedly possessed by the raging spirit of unbridled destruction. I've notice one goof in the movie that is actually rather glaring when you notice it... The movie starts off with narration, "Some two-hundred years ago in a village in Spain, blah blah blah...", and as the story develops to the end of the narration, the servant girl is in the swamp as Clifford Evans approaches and the narration ends with, "and that is how I found her."

The movie is filled with powerful scenes and the story keeps the viewer involved at all times. It slips a bit when the wolf hunter, Pepe, finds a dead sheep and says, " Hello, what's this then?" A bona-fide Spanish Limey! Despite the movie's low-budget production and the era it was created, it ranks as an excellent horror film even by today's standards. If you are a person who has to have graphic violence and lots of running and screaming to keep you entertained, then this movie is not for you. If you enjoy a good, original story and interesting characters then this movie will suffice.
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Not your standard Werewolf movie
sfwriter99912 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this because it wasn't your standard Universal Studios werewolf movie.

First, it's set in Spain, not in Romania. The movie starts a bit slow as it's the origin story of how the werewolf is born and not via a gypsy curse. Then the boy's family and the priest are very sympathetic and even the werewolf begs them to kill him. This movie is so different. Even the ending where the werewolf, shot by his father, dies at the top of the church tower and does NOT transform back.

The only issue I had was the rape origin story and potential rape by the nobleman. The rape was tastefully done and over dramatic, but I felt it wasn't necessary.
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A slow burn
p-rohal24 June 2010
This is Hammer's only werewolf film. It is not a terrible movie but it suffers from a number of structural, narrative, and pacing problems.

First off the first 30 minutes of the film are spent giving us the back story of the main character, almost all of which is totally unnecessary. Virtually all of the events and characters introduced here have no impact on the rest of the film.

After that we are subjected to roughly another 30 minutes of sheer boredom, during which nothing significant occurs. After the first hour of so the film does pick up and becomes a true werewolf film. The ending is decent and the acting is solid, so it does pay off.

The plot can be a bit silly at times such as how he became a werewolf and how to "cure" him. Both of which break with traditional werewolf lore.

Overall if you can get past the slowness and the fact that the first 30 minutes have nothing to do with the last 60 you will probably enjoy this film.
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