Migranty (1991)
Internal emigration
26 March 2024
He is a road builder who lives in a hostel. She is a person who arrived from the Amur region and wanted to marry the first foreigner she came across, including a long-haired Finn from a nearby construction site. Chance brings them together late in the evening in one of the Moscow restaurants, after which they continue to get into different stories together, because the night capital is a dangerous place, and the night capital of the "perestroika" times is a doubly dangerous place, or even more so than some provincial cities.

According to the common proverb, opposites attract, which is what the movie, or, more precisely, most of it, is devoted to, that is, the development of a romantic line in parallel with various troubles. Here and there you can see characteristic elements of the era - posters of all varieties, collecting packs of cigarettes, half-empty parks full of various strange personalities. Is the core story itself realistic? Only partly, like the mentioned saying, in practice it rather works exactly the opposite. Otherwise, the heroes had a potential chance to build a life in a provincial region, but they ignored it, and as a result, there would not be a happy ending.
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