Crime: Episode 1 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Almost Irvine
6 March 2024
Like 99% of Scotland I like Irvine Welsh not just for some of his books but also for some of the films attached to his name. There usually is a certain style of his in his books however the films are something different. That is because he is a book author as opposed to a screenwriter. Trainspotting the film is nothing like the book in terms of structure, so it needed someone else's hand to make it a coherent thing suitable for cinema.

Crime is Irvine's TV series set in Edinburgh which bears some resemblance to his previous Filth. Which gives you a sense of his attitude towards the police. Crime is a police procedural of course and this episode opens with the abduction of a child.

While this is obviously a Scottish production, it seems to be ramming its Scottish-ness down our throats. Not just Scottish but Edinburgh, ay? The main character is yet another on the edge policeman who is plagued not just with addiction issues but also the guilt over a one that got away criminal. While in the main it is an interesting watch, every 5 mins of so we are treated to some ultra clunky feminist rants, either by the sidekick female cop or by the main character, making apologies for being male. It simply doesn't fit with the story and frankly people are fed up listening to this garbage which is being shoved down peoples throats, insisting we all think like them, whether its beer companies, workplaces or other ill judged journalists. If that wasn't enough Irvine has also added an uber masculine knuckle dragger who blurts out sexist comments every second sentence which would have had him fired within a week. Just who is this for Irvine? And why do you think we care or have the authority to talk about this? I will see how far into the series I can get without hearing some misandry shall I?
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