They say that "Boys don't say "sorry""
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"The Boy's Word. Blood on the Asphalt" is a film that deserves the attention of every fan of dramatic cinema. He attracts the attention of the audience from the first minutes and does not let go until the end, expanding the boundaries of traditional cinema. This is an exciting crime drama that immerses the viewer into the world of street life and the complex relationships of the characters.

* The idea of the film is to show the period of street gangs in 1989 in Kazan. Andrey from an intelligent family, wanting to help his friend with English, gets into a street gang. He gets involved in the underworld, but finds friends and support there. The film raises difficult moral questions and makes the characters experience the inner struggle. Dramatic events and realistic life circumstances make it unique and exciting.

* The dialogues in the film are worked out to the smallest detail and convey the atmosphere of that time. They are filled with the truth of life and genuine emotional tension. For example, Andrei's conversation with his mother after he gets into a fight for the first time shows the complex relationship between mother and son, as well as how Andrei is trying to find his place in this world.

* Acting in the film is one of its main advantages. Leon Kemstach, Ruzil Minekaev, Ivan Yankovsky and other actors have created vivid and convincing images that the audience will remember for a long time. Each character is worked out to the smallest detail, which makes them even more real and alive. Their elaboration and persuasiveness make the viewer experience each scene together with the characters.

  • Leon Kemstach, aka Andrey, transforms from a quiet teenager to a brave lawbreaker throughout the story. The actor perfectly conveys the feelings and inner struggle of the hero, making his image realistic. The key moment reflecting this transformation is the scene of Andrei's first fight with another teenager. It illustrates his desire to prove his worth among new friends.

  • Ruzil Minekaev perfectly embodied the image of Marat, the bright and charismatic leader of the gang. Minekaev conveyed a complex psychological portrait of his hero, making him truly memorable. The scene in which Marat reveals his vulnerable side to Andrey looks especially convincing, demonstrating that even under a cruel mask there is a man hiding.

  • Ivan Yankovsky, in the role of Slava, showed his acting talents. He perfectly showed how the character is torn between friendship and betrayal. The scene where Andrey is abandoned by Slava reflects his inner conflict and fear of losing his position in the gang.

  • Anastasia Krasovskaya, who played Andrei's mother, demonstrated her talent. Her character is a strong and independent woman who protects her son from crime. Krasovskaya masterfully conveyed all the feelings and experiences of the heroine, making her image real. One of the scenes in which Andrei's mother begs him not to return to the gang reflects her fear and helplessness.

* Director Zhora Gooseberry was able to make a film that touches the hearts of the audience, making them think. He created a real work of art, where each scene has a deep meaning and emotional intensity. The camera skillfully conveys tension and dramatic moments, creating a unique atmosphere of the film. This film immerses the viewer into the world of the main characters, forcing them to go through all the trials with them. The director's work of Zhora Kryzhovnikov is a real masterpiece worthy of admiration.

* The film scripts written by Zhora Gooseberry, Andrey Zolotarev, Robert Garaev are full of drama, unpredictability, and truth about life. Each scene is filled with tension, dramaturgically constructed, making you think about important life values. The relationship between the characters, their internal conflicts, are skillfully revealed. The narrative is logical, captures the viewer from the first minutes to the finale.

* Yuri Korobeynikov's camerawork deserves special attention. Every frame in the film is thought out and executed at a high professional level, which makes the film even more vivid and memorable. He managed to convey the atmosphere of street life with incredible precision and depth. For example, the scene in which Andrey and Marat run through the night city shows the beauty and danger of the streets of Kazan.

* The musical accompaniment in the film creates a unique atmosphere that helps the viewer to fully immerse themselves in the world of the characters and experience all the emotions with them. Great music highlights the emotional moments of the film, adding extra depth and atmosphere. For example, the musical theme that sounds during the scene in which Andrei and Marat are sitting on the roof and talking about life emphasizes their friendship and mutual understanding.

* The editing, frame composition and special effects in the film are done very professionally, which gives the picture more dynamics and naturalness. Special effects emphasize the realism of the plot and capture the viewer's attention. For example, a car chase scene perfectly conveys the tension and danger of the situation. For this, the film deserves special praise.

* Comparison with other films.

The film resembles such films as "Brother" and "Brother 2", "Voroshilov Sharpshooter" and "Limita", which also shows the complex relationships between teenagers and adults, problems of violence and crime. However, this film stands out for its atmosphere and style, as well as its deep immersion into the world of street gangs. For example, unlike "Brother", where the main character is a professional killer, in "The Word of the Kid" the main character is a teenager who is trying to find his place in the world of crime.

* The film is notable for its originality, realism and logical narrative. It touches on important topics of life and causes serious thoughts from the audience. The film explores topics relevant to society and does so with respect and deep understanding. For example, the film shows how difficult social conditions and lack of prospects can push young people on a criminal path.

The film captures from the first minutes and does not let go until the very end. The viewing takes place in one go, as the plot is filled with unpredictable twists and drama. Watching this movie takes place in one go, without giving you the opportunity to get distracted, which makes it even more exciting, interesting and exciting.

* Advantages and disadvantages.

Bright acting, an exciting plot and a convincing atmosphere are the main advantages of the film. However, some scenes may seem too violent and naturalistic, which may cause a negative reaction from some viewers.

* Personal impressions.

Personally, this film left a deep impression on me. From the very beginning to the end, the plot fascinated and did not let go. I was amazed by the complexity of the plot, the characters of the characters and the skill of the actors. This film made me think about the importance of friendship and relationships. He shows that even in difficult situations it is necessary to be true to your principles and preserve humanity. I recommend this film to anyone who loves drama and crime films.

"The kid's word. Blood on the asphalt" is a film drama that combines intrigue, drama and everyday truth. I am sure that fans of drama and crime will appreciate this film. I will definitely review it in anticipation of the release of the next seasons, as this movie, saturated with meaning and emotions, will evoke a lively response and will remain in memory for a long time.
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