Teachers' lounge as a metaphor for society
3 March 2024
Reading through the other reviews for this film, I could not help but notice that different people had different takes on this movie. This is a great quality of any form of art: it makes one ponder and it is open to different interpretations.

Before I go any further with my review, a warning for people who like straightforward cut-and-dry Hollywood flicks with "good guys" and "meanies". This film is not for them.

This film makes one think what is a good intention, what is the right thing to do, what battles we need to choose, what duties we have towards society and ALL its members. The main character is trying to answer all these questions in good faith - not always with the expected results; actually, more often than not, the results are frustratingly different.

The ending of the film is surprising and open to interpretation. For me it had a pretty clear meaning - others were of a different opinion.

Like other recent remarkable cinema ("Anatomy of a fall" comes to mind) this film will make you ponder and discuss with your friends long after it is finished.
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