No, it's not that good and don't even compare it to the Netflix One Piece
27 February 2024
I'm too exhausted with these pointless live action remakes of animated classics to get angry anymore. This Netflix redo of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER is at best competent, with handsome production design and costuming. Storywise, it strips out the humor of the original, leaving us with grim imitations of the characters we so loved. The sadsack reimagining of the feisty Katara is particularly horrid.

The acting is spotty. Some of the performers are pretty good, but so many of the line readings come off like community theater. Where's the passion?

While not the fiasco the previous live action feature was, this new AVATAR is just pointless. Yeah it's not bad, but why settle for not bad when the original show was great? I'd rather just rewatch the old one for the hundredth time.
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