Absolutely magical
19 January 2024
'The Boy, The Mole', The Fox and the Horse' (2022)

Opening thoughts: 'The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse' was one of my most anticipated viewings last Christmas, and was watched with very high expectations. Actually to be honest, it was one of the few new things airing on television last Christmas that was really looked forward to. Animation and Christmas have gelled together many times over the years, with a large number of classics. The book is also beautiful, very charming, thought provoking and emotional.

Fortunately, those high expectations were not only met, they were actually exceeded in the best possible way. It couldn't have been a more perfect adaptation of the book, with it being its equal in quality and containing everything that made the book so good. It is also absolutely magical on its own merits and to me it was one of the clear highlights of the festive season. Which is saying quite a lot, seeing as for me 2022 was not one of the best years when it came to festive television.

Good things: Everything. What immediately stood out was the animation, which is absolutely exquisite and really made me wish that traditional picture book like animation was seen and utilised more these days. Loved the colours and the fluidity of the character designs, and that the backgrounds were kept simple was a wise move and matched the simplicity of the storytelling perfectly. The music is very soothing and did appreciate that it wasn't used or featured constantly and that it didn't go for large orchestral scoring or busy rhythms and instead went for the gentle, intimate approach.

Moreover, the dialogue is adapted beautifully. Admittedly, there are a lot of quotes and phrases, like the book. To me though it didn't feel too talky or rambling, remarkable as both happens a lot when anything is heavy in dialogue or phrases. Luckily, the quality of the dialogue is extremely thoughtful and profound. Loved the storytelling, it is slight and it does not go at a fast pace, but the tone of the book is gentle and fast and furious pacing would not have worked or gelled with the dialogue.

A fantastic job is done with staying true to both the detail and spirit of the book, it is a very faithful adaptation, like the book coming to life, but it did not feel overly so. Never to me did it feel sluggish or draggy, which can happen with adaptations that follow their source material very closely. Every ounce of the charm is still intact, and my heart was still warmed and touched. Especially at the end, where tissues are necessary. All four lead characters are easy to root for, Mole being my favourite, and beautifully voiced. Very nice to see a more understated side to Idris Elba.

Closing thoughts: In summary, magical. One of the easiest 10/10s given out in a long time.

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