Expend4bles (2023)
Utterly terrible
24 September 2023
I really enjoyed the earlier installments in the Expendables franchise. They're never going to win awards, but for silly check-brain-at-door action movies they were good value. The cast and crew weren't taking themselves too sensibly. The plot was paper-thin, but they were *fun*.

This one just didn't gel for me at all. The action felt pedestrian, with far too much CGI. Very little of the previous banter, far too much seriousness and way too little fun.

And then my biggest problem with the movie: Megan Fox. Seriously, how does this woman ever get work as an actress? In the previous movies, the cast at least had some action movie chops. Fox just ... doesn't. Pumped up lips, caked-on makeup, unwatchable. Ugh.
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