Changed my vote to a 10/10
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it should be the book I gave 9/10, I don't know, as I unfortunately haven't read it yet. We'll see.

The aliens are very well rendered. Their privileged colonists attitude are dead on, as are the collaborators, the suckers-up and the profiteers. Everyone has a very clear agenda for not opposing the invaders, obviously that it seems impossible to win, which to some is the only way forward, call it cowardly or realistic, as you will, but what is the worst about the script: We see no resistance.

Since this is an allegory in its very clear sense, and satire to boot, in spirit related to "don't look up", what we are seeing is the soul of the capitalist society, where everything is for sale. In some ways more an image of US reality than of the older cultures presently nearly conquered by profit maximisation, though still on a basic level resisting empty ideas and crass behaviour by reminding each other of a LONG history of unnecessary killings and conquest.

Art is your heart. And HEART is what the invaders are trying to buy, cajole, bribe, threaten etc. From humans, belying that they have no heart themselves, because they CAN appreciate it enough to know that some of their species would want to have it for themselves, experience it, enough to pay for it.

There is nothing involving human heart that does not have enough value (true) to the aliens that they are not willing to pay. But art in its blue-eyed ideal is never a matter of making to sell. Its a matter of "kicking against the pricks" (which is not a profane word in this context, censors!) - of resisting suppression and the hardship of life, of showing resilience to which ever controlling factor governing one's life in spirit as well as in factuality and symbolism and understanding of self vs. The other. A way to intend to stay alive.

The human heart as the actual resistance, which is why we see no one with guns and plans to overthrow the invaders. Because our heart - courage, empathy, sympathy, resilience, friendship, care... - is all we really have, when it comes down to it. Not weapons of war and dominance, but the ability to not break, and not as a species, where the living matter more than the dead, but as individuals, integral to themselves by their ability to care and feel and stay!

Yeah, actually, I think I will change it to a 10.

Here is a really good message. You will have wanted to see it, even now, having read this. I promise - if you felt anything from the above.
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